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外伤性脑内血肿多为脑挫裂伤引起局部动脉破裂所致,由静脉损伤引起的脑内血肿临床较少见.山东省龙口市人民医院神经外科自1996年4月至2007年3月共收治静脉损伤性腩内血肿患者56例,大约占同期收治的颅脑外伤患者的0.53%,现将其临床资料和治疗体会报告如下.  相似文献   

Panic Disorder in Seizure Patients: A Diagnostic Pitfall   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Mark C. Spitz 《Epilepsia》1991,32(1):33-38
Panic disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis whose main feature is paroxysmal attacks of anxiety that strike suddenly without apparent provocation. Physicians explain the attacks as an ictal phenomenon in patients with known seizures because of their similarities to complex partial seizures. We report eight patients with seizures and panic disorder. Recognition of a second diagnostic entity resulted in a beneficial change in treatment in six of the eight. We did not find an increased incidence of panic disorder in our seizure clinic population as compared with the general population.  相似文献   

Acute subdural hematoma (SDH) of arterial origin is rare, especially SDH associated with an arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is extremely rare. The authors report a case of acute spontaneous SDH due to rupture of a tiny cortical AVM. A 51-year-old male presented with sudden onset headache and mentality deterioration without a history of trauma. Brain CT revealed a large volume acute SDH compressing the right cerebral hemisphere with subfalcine and tentorial herniation. Emergency decompressive craniectomy was performed to remove the hematoma and during surgery a small (5 mm sized) conglomerated aciniform mass with two surrounding enlarged vessels was identified on the parietal cortex. After warm saline irrigation of the mass, active bleeding developed from a one of the vessel. The bleeding was stopped by coagulation and the vessels were removed. Histopathological examination confirmed the lesion as an AVM. We concluded that a small cortical AVM existed at this area, and that the cortical AVM had caused the acute SDH. Follow up conventional angiography confirmed the absence of remnant AVM or any other vascular abnormality. This report demonstrates rupture of a cortical AVM is worth considering when a patient presents with non-traumatic SDH without intracerebral hemorrhage or subarachnoid hemorrhage.  相似文献   

Spontaneous hematomas of the iliacus muscle are rare lesions and these are seen in individuals receiving anticoagulation therapy or patients with blood dyscrasias such as hemophilia. It can cause femoral neuropathy and resultant pain and paralysis. Although there is no clear consensus for the treatment of femoral neuropathy from iliacus muscle hematomas, delays in the surgical evacuation of hematoma for decompression of the femoral nerve can lead to a prolonged or permanent disability. We report here on a rare case of a spontaneous iliacus muscle hematoma that caused femoral neuropathy in a patient who was taking warfarin for occlusive vascular disease and we discuss the treatment.  相似文献   

Coexistence of cranial and spinal subdural hematomas is rare and only a few cases have been reported in the literature. Herein, we report a case of cranial and spinal subdural hematomas after previous head trauma. As the pathogenesis of simultaneous intracranial and spinal subdural hematoma yet remains unclear, we developed an alternative theory to those proposed in the literature for their coexistence, the migration of blood through the subdural space.  相似文献   



Although the incidence of subdural hematoma (SDH) has increased in the US in the last decade, limited prospective data exist examining risk factors for poor outcome.


A prospective, observational study of consecutive SDH patients was conducted from 7/2008 to 11/2011. Baseline clinical data, hospital and surgical course, complications, and imaging data were compared between those with good versus poor 3-month outcomes (modified Rankin Scores [mRS] 0–3 vs. 4–6). A multivariable logistic regression model was constructed to identify independent predictors of poor outcome.


116 SDH patients (18 acute, 56 mixed acute/subacute/chronic, 42 subacute/chronic) were included. At 3 months, 61 (53 %) patients had good outcomes (mRS 0–3) while 55 (47 %) were severely disabled or dead (mRS 4–6). Of those who underwent surgical evacuation, 54/94 (57 %) had good outcomes compared to 7/22 (32 %) who did not (p = 0.030). Patients with mixed acuity or subacute/chronic SDH had significantly better 3-month mRS with surgery (median mRS 1 versus 5 without surgery, p = 0.002) compared to those with only acute SDH (p = 0.494). In multivariable analysis, premorbid mRS, age, admission Glasgow Coma Score, history of smoking, and fever were independent predictors of poor 3-month outcome (all p < 0.05; area under the curve 0.90), while SDH evacuation tended to improve outcomes (adjusted OR 3.90, 95 % CI 0.96–18.9, p = 0.057).


Nearly 50 % of SDH patients were dead or moderate-severely disabled at 3 months. Older age, poor baseline, poor admission neurological status, history of smoking, and fever during hospitalization predicted poor outcomes, while surgical evacuation was associated with improved outcomes among those with mixed acuity or chronic/subacute SDH.

A man developed spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma secondary to ruptured hemangioma with a clinical picture resembling acute partial Brown-Sequard syndrome. Diagnosis by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allowed prompt surgical decompression and complete reversal of the neurological deficits. The diagnosis, etiology, and MRI findings of spinal epidural hematomas are discussed.  相似文献   

Mutations in the lamin A/C gene (LMNA) have been associated with neuromuscular diseases and more complex syndromes, involving bone and adipose tissue. We report on a case of early onset myopathy due to a heterozygous LMNA mutation in exon 9, characterized by the presence of a marked number of cytoplasmic bodies with extensive myofibrillar abnormalities and Z-disk disruption in skeletal muscle. This case suggests there is a need to increase the list of genes to be screened in patients with myofibrillar myopathy.  相似文献   



Little is known about the natural history of non-surgically managed subdural hematoma (SDH). The purpose of this study is to determine rates of adverse events after non-surgical management of SDH and whether these outcomes differ depending on traumatic versus nontraumatic etiology. A retrospective cohort study was conducted using administrative claims data on all emergency department visits and acute care hospitalizations at nonfederal facilities in California from 2005 to 2011, Florida from 2005 to 2012, and New York from 2006 to 2011. We included patients who were discharged home after hospitalization with a first-recorded diagnosis of SDH and no record of surgical hematoma evacuation.


Patients were followed for readmission with SDH, readmission for surgical SDH evacuation, and fatal readmission with SDH. Survival statistics and the log-rank test were used to compare rates of these adverse events after traumatic versus nontraumatic SDH. Multivariable Cox regression analysis was used to compare hazards for traumatic versus nontraumatic etiology while adjusting for age, sex, race, insurance status, presence of dementia, alcohol use, acquired abnormalities in coagulation, acquired abnormalities in platelet function, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, venous thromboembolism, ischemic stroke, coronary heart disease, and valvular disease.


We identified 27,502 conservatively treated patients with SDH, of which 70.9 % were traumatic and 29.1 % nontraumatic. Compared to patients with traumatic SDH, patients with nontraumatic SDH had significantly higher rates of subsequent hospitalization with SDH (cumulative 90-day rates: 15.3 % [95 % CI 14.5–16.1 %] vs. 10.3 % [95 % CI 9.9–10.8 %]), surgical SDH evacuation (7.8 % [95 % CI 7.3–8.5 %] vs. 5.5 % [95 % CI 5.2–5.8 %]), and SDH-related in-hospital death (1.0 % [95 % CI 0.8–1.2 %] vs. 0.4 % [95 % CI 0.3–0.5 %]). In multivariable Cox regression analysis, nontraumatic etiology was associated with a higher hazard of readmission with SDH (HR 1.4; 95 % CI 1.3–1.5), surgery (HR 1.3; 95 % CI 1.2–1.4), and in-hospital mortality (HR 1.9; 95 % CI 1.4–2.5). Our findings were unchanged in sensitivity analyses that also adjusted for Elixhauser comorbidities.


Approximately one in eight patients with a conservatively managed SDH was readmitted with SDH within 90 days. A substantial proportion of these readmissions involved surgical hematoma evacuation. These outcomes occurred significantly more often after nontraumatic as compared to traumatic SDH.

Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease, uncommon in Europe and the USA. We present an unusual case of intracerebral schistosomiasis, presenting with a bilateral foot drop. We describe unique magnetic resonance spectroscopy characteristics that can contribute to diagnosis and follow up of a neuroschistosomiasis infection.  相似文献   

Susceptibility‐weighted imaging (SWI) is a relatively new MRI sequence relying on susceptibility differences between adjacent tissues to produce an image. It is extremely sensitive for detection of blood products (hemosiderin, ferritin), deoxygenated blood, calcium, iron, and small vein depiction. Little information is available in the literature to describe common findings seen using this imaging sequence. The potential of this new sequence can be reviewed in comprehensive article “Susceptibility‐Weighted Imaging of the Brain: Current Utility and Potential Applications” available online. SWI is an extremely useful adjunct to current MRI sequences of the brain and is advocated for inclusion into routine Neuroimaging protocols.  相似文献   

KCNQ2 encephalopathy is characterized by severely abnormal EEG, neonatal-onset epilepsy and developmental delay. It is caused by mutations (typically missense) in the KCNQ2 gene, encoding the voltage gated potassium channel Kv7.2 and leading to a negative-dominant effect. We present one case experiencing recurrent neonatal seizures with changing hemispheres of origin, reminiscent of epilepsy of infancy with migrating focal seizures. At 9 months of age the patient is still seizure-free on carbamazepine, although he is developing a spastic-dystonic tetraplegia with severe dysphagia. He harbors a de novo deletion (c.913_915del [p.Phe305del)]), only described once in a couple of severely affected twins, and leading to the deletion of a phenylalanine residue in the pore domain of the channel. In conclusion, our case is the second described with encephalopathy due to this specific deletion (the one and only deletion so far reported in KCNQ2 encephalopathy). Thus, deletion is a newly described mechanism highlighting how not only missense mutations but also deletions in the channel hot spots can lead to a severe phenotype. Furthermore he presented ictal EEG features similar to epilepsy of infancy with migrating focal seizures not previously described.  相似文献   

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