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In this article we review the role of MHC conformation, including peptide-induced MHC conformation, in forming antibody (Ab), T-cell receptor (TCR), and natural killer (NK) cell receptor epitopes. Abs recognize conformational major histocompatibility (MHC) epitopes that often are influenced by the identity of MHC-bound peptide. Diverse TCRs recognize a common docking site on peptide/MHC complexes and directly contact peptide. Human NK cell inhibitory receptors (KIR) appear to recognize limited regions of the HLA α1 helix. DX9+ KIR specifically focus on HLA-B residues 82 and 83. However, NK cells recognize much broader regions of HLA class I molecules and are sensitive to bound peptides. Thus, several classes of lymphocyte receptors are peptidespecific. Peptide specificity could be the result of direct contact with the receptor, or to conformational shifts in MHC residues that interact with both receptor and bound peptide.  相似文献   

A critical molecular interaction during assembly of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules takes place between the heavy chain and the transporter-associated with antigen-processing (TAP) complex. The recent mapping of regions of the heavy chain involved in the binding to TAP suggests a complex molecular interaction essential for the cell surface expression of the MHC class I. The advances made in understanding the TAP-MHC class I interaction are reviewed and discussed here.  相似文献   

Assembly of MHC class I molecules within the endoplasmic reticulum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MHC class I molecules bind cytosolically derived peptides within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and present them at the cell surface to cytotoxic T cells. A major focus of our laboratory has been to understand the functions of the diverse proteins involved in the intracellular assembly of MHC class I molecules. These include the molecular chaperones calnexin and calreticulin, which enhance the proper folding and subunit assembly of class I molecules and also retain assembly intermediates within the ER; ERp57, a thiol oxidoreductase that promotes heavy chain disulfide formation and proper assembly of the peptide loading complex; tapasin, which recruits class I molecules to the TAP peptide transporter and enhances the loading of high affinity peptide ligands; and Bap31, which is involved in clustering assembled class I molecules at ER exit sites for export along the secretory pathway. This review describes our contributions to elucidating the functions of these proteins; the combined effort of many dedicated students and postdoctoral fellows.  相似文献   

《Immunology today》1996,17(5):212-214
Two families of natural killer (NK)-cell receptors exist that internet with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules, thereby preventing cytotoxic cells from killing target cells. The expanding knowledge of these receptors provided the focus for a recent meeting1.  相似文献   

Functions of nonclassical MHC and non-MHC-encoded class I molecules   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Fascinating recent discoveries have focused attention on the nonclassical class I molecules. They can exert their function at most levels of the immune response, being part of both innate and adaptive immune systems. They not only have specialized antigen-presentation functions but also play important immunoregulatory roles: HLA-E regulates natural killer cells by interacting with CD94/NKG2 receptors; the MIC (MHC class I chain related) glycoproteins appear crucial to the activation of gammadelta T cells in the gastrointestinal epithelium; HLA-G may play a role in controlling the immune response to the fetus; and CD1 molecules are important in defense against bacterial infections, as well as in the development and regulation of a subset of NKT cells expressing a highly restricted TCR repertoire; however not all nonclassical class I molecules have an immunological function, as demonstrated by HFE which is implicated in iron metabolism.  相似文献   

Exogenously added synthetic peptides can mimic endogenously produced antigenic peptides recognized on target cells by MHC class I-restricted cytolytic T lymphocytes. While it is assumed that exogenous peptides associate with class I molecules on the target cell surface, direct binding of peptides to cell-associated class I molecules has been difficult to demonstrate. Using a newly developed binding assay based on photoaffinity labeling, we have investigated the interaction of two antigenic peptides, known to be recognized in the context of H-2Kd or H-2Db, respectively, with 20 distinct class I alleles on living cells. None of the class I alleles tested, with the exception of H-2Kd or H-2Db, bound either of the peptides, thus demonstrating the exquisite specificity of peptide binding to class I molecules. Moreover, peptide binding to cell-associated H-2Kd was drastically reduced when metabolic energy, de novo protein synthesis or protein egress from the endoplasmic reticulum was inhibited. It is thus likely that exogenously added peptides do not associate with the bulk of class I molecules expressed at the cell surface, but rather bind to short-lived molecules devoid of endogenous peptides.  相似文献   

Both HLA class I molecules and their receptors on Natural Killer cells, the KIR molecules, are highly polymorphic. It is generally believed that this variation is driven in response to the role of these receptors and counter-receptors in resistance to disease. Uterine NK cells are the major maternal leukocyte population present within the decidua, and they express KIR2D receptors for HLA-C, the only polymorphic class I molecule on trophoblast. Genetic and functional data suggest that the maternal KIR/fetal HLA-C interaction in pregnancy may affect the delivery of an optimal blood supply to mother and fetus. The drive for novelty in HLA-C and KIR2D allelic diversity may relate not only to survival from infections but also to reproductive success.  相似文献   

Copolymer 1 [Cop 1, poly(Y,E,A,K)] is a random synthetic amino acid copolymer of L-tyrosine, L-glutamic acid, L-alanine and L-lysine, effective both in suppression of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis and in the treatment of relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis. Cop 1 binds promiscuously and very efficiently to purified human HLA-DR molecules within the peptide-binding groove. In the present study the binding of copolymers composed of three of the four amino acids found in poly(Y,E,A,K) to purified class II MHC molecules was examined. Poly(Y,A,K) and poly(Y,E,A,K) bound to purified human HLA-DR1 or -DR4 molecules with affinity higher than poly(Y,E,A), poly(E,A,K) or poly(Y,E,K), whereas poly(Y,E,A,K) and poly(E,A,K) were the better binders of HLA-DR2 molecules. On the other hand, poly(Y,E,A) and poly(Y,A,K) inhibited the binding of biotinylated poly(Y,E,A,K) to these molecules 10-fold more efficiently than poly(Y,E,K). Finally, poly(Y,E,A), poly(Y,A,K) and poly(E,A,K) were cross-reactive with poly(Y,E,A,K) using YEAK-specific T cell lines and clones of mouse or human origin.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) progression to disease is significantly slower than that of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Genetic determinants for susceptibility to disease progression were hypothesized to play a more significant role in this infection compared with HIV-1. We sought to identify common human lymphocyte antigen (HLA) alleles in the Senegalese population and to compare HLA profiles between HIV-2-infected individuals with low and high risk for disease progression. STUDY DESIGN/METHODS: We conducted a case-control study investigating possible associations between MHC class I genes and the risk of disease progression in HIV-2-infected individuals. The MHC class I genotype was molecularly defined using polymerase chain reaction with sequence specific primers (PCR-SSP) in 62 female sex workers from the Dakar, Senegal cohort. Lack of antibodies to the HIV-2 antigen p26 has been previously shown to predict disease progression and was used in this study as a surrogate marker. Twenty-one cases were identified lacking antibodies to p26, therefore at a higher risk of disease progression, and were compared with 41 p26 antibody-positive, randomly selected controls. RESULTS: Statistical analysis showed that HLA B35 was significantly associated with lack of p26 antibodies, and higher risk of disease progression ( < 0.05). The same association was found for the self-defined class I haplotypes B35-Cw4 and A23-Cw 7 ( < 0.05). The HLA B 53 allele was associated with slower disease progression; however, this association was not statistically significant. We observed a trend whereby heterozygotes were at lower risk for HIV-2 disease progression, as previously reported in HIV-1 disease. CONCLUSIONS: In this West African population, a distinct profile of HLA class I alleles was observed, and many of these appear to influence disease progression in HIV-2 infection.  相似文献   

Partial N-terminal amino acid sequence analyses were performed on rabbit MHC class II molecules eluted from 2-D electrophoretic gels. Rabbit spleen cells were biosynthetically labelled with 3H-phenylalanine, 3H-tyrosine and 35S-methionine and class II molecules were immunoprecipitated with a monoclonal antibody, 2C4. The immunoprecipitates were electrophoresed on 2-D gels and as many as 15 spots were observed. Individual spots corresponding to alpha and beta chains were eluted from unfixed gels following visualization of the spots by autoradiography of 35S-Met labelled polypeptides. Ten eluted polypeptides were subjected to amino acid sequence analysis to locate Phe and Tyr residues. Comparison of these partial sequences with sequences of human class II molecules indicated that each of six beta chains and three of four alpha chains were homologous to human DQ molecules; one of the alpha chains appeared homologous to DR alpha or DP alpha. The assignment of alpha or beta chain to the polypeptides was confirmed by radiosequence of molecules labelled with 35S-Cys residues. Thus, by a relatively simple procedure, individual MHC class II polypeptides in spleen cell lysates have been separated from each other and partial amino acid sequences have been obtained.  相似文献   

We have utilized a group of MHC class I genes produced by in vitro recombination between Dp and Dd to study recognition of MHC class I molecules by cytolytic T cells (CTLs). Both polyclonal allo-specific and H-2-restricted CTLs require that alpha 1 and alpha 2 of the target class I molecule be derived from the same haplotype for efficient killing. By using T-cell lines we showed that within the bulk population there must exist a fraction of T cells which can recognize epitopes in alpha 1 or alpha 2. Critical residues for T-cell recognition have been identified using these chimeric genes.  相似文献   

Carefully orchestrated intercellular communication is an essential prerequisite for an effective immune response. In recent years tunneling nanotubes (TNT) have emerged as a novel mechanism of cell–cell communication. These long membrane protrusions can establish cytoplasmic continuity between distant cells and enable the exchange of cellular components. In the present study we addressed the question whether these structures can facilitate the intercellular transfer of MHC class I molecules. We found a transmembrane HLA-A2-EGFP but not a soluble HLA-G1s-EGFP fusion protein to be effectively transferred between HeLa cells. Inhibition of actin polymerization significantly reduced the HLA-A2 transfer rate, indicating that transfer is dependent on tunneling nanotubes, whose de novo formation requires actin polymerization. Furthermore, overexpression of the nanotube-inducing protein LST1 promoted transfer of HLA-A2. Moreover, LST1 protein expression is enhanced in antigen presenting cells. Our results indicate that tunneling nanotubes can mediate transfer of MHC class I molecules between distant cells.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of antigen recognition employed by both class I and class II MHC-restricted T cells are very similar, yet many of the T cell determinants described to date are recognized in the context of a single class of MHC molecules, and generally with only one or a very few different MHC alleles. To determine whether this might be due to a structural difference between class I and class II restricted T cell determinants, peptides previously shown to be recognized in the context of MHC class I proteins by mouse or human CD8+ T lymphocytes were tested for their capacity to bind to HLA-DR molecules on the surface of B lymphoblastoid cell lines (B-LCL). Four out of five class I restricted T cell determinants tested bound to a panel of B-LCL, and the binding was inhibited by anti-HLA-DR mAb. The peptides did not bind to the class II-negative B-LCL RJ2.2.5 nor to mouse L cells, but did bind to L cells transfected with HLA-DR1.  相似文献   

NK cells, MHC class I molecules and the missing self   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This article is based on a lecture presented at the Novartis Prize ceremony at the International Congress of Immunology in July 2001. It gives a personal and historical perspective on the research performed by the author and his colleagues during the development and pursuit of the model of 'missing-self recognition' for natural killer (NK) cells. This model is based on the idea that one important function of NK cells is to detect and eliminate cells because they fail to express normal self markers. Further mechanistic models predicted the existence of inhibitory major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I specific receptors, later identified by the fellow Novartis laureates contributing in this issue. The article covers the first decade (1980-1990) of research on this concept. It discusses factors contributing to the formulation of a hypothesis, the use of predictions and experimental test models, the importance of international collaborations and reagent exchange, and several other aspects that allowed the progression of this research project. Finally, the perspective of today's knowledge is used to discuss some surprising findings where the missing-self hypothesis made the wrong predictions, or at least failed to make the correct ones.  相似文献   

Summary: Professional antigen-presenting cells (pAPC) can process and present exogenous antigens on major histocompatibility complex class 1 (MHC-I) molecules. This unusual pathway for antigen presentation may represent a physiologically important step in the course of priming and tolerance induction of CD8+ T cells. In addition, it may play an important role in immunological surveillance for pathogens that survive in vacuolar compartments in APC. The goal of the present review is to discuss recent studies on the processing of bacterial-derived antigens for presentation on MHC-1 molecules. The antigen presentation emphasized will include bacteria that remain confined in vacuolar compartments. This is in contrast to antigens derived from bacteria that have intrinsic properties allowing translocation across membranes and access into the classical MHC-I presentation pathway In particular, presentation of bacterial antigens by dendritic cells (DC) will be emphasized, and MHC-I presentation of antigens derived from apoptotic cells, particularly cells induced to undergo apoptosis by microbial infection, will be presented. Finally, some special aspects of the interaction between bacteria and DC will be discussed as ii relates to DC maturation, antigen presentation and T-cell stimulation.  相似文献   

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