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目的了解采用低剂量螺旋CT进行健康体检人群肺癌筛查的特点。方法对解放军总医院国际医学中心2009年10月~2013年6月、已排除既往有恶性肿瘤病史的35 686例健康体检人员采用低剂量螺旋CT进行肺癌筛查,根据筛查结果,分别按性别、年龄段等进行分组,比较肺癌检出率、病理分型及临床分期。结果筛检并经病理确诊肺癌51例(1.429‰),其中男性27例、女性24例,腺癌、鳞癌、小细胞癌分别为36、11、4例,1、2、3、4期肺癌分别为31、0、4、16例。肺癌总检出率、腺癌构成比、腺癌检出率及1期肺癌检出率女性均高于男性,肺癌平均分期及鳞癌、小细胞癌构成比女性均低于男性。腺癌、鳞癌、各期肺癌及男女肺癌检出率随年龄增长均呈上升的趋势。结论采用低剂量螺旋CT进行肺癌筛查有助于肺癌的早期发现并提高肺癌检出率,在健康体检人群中应积极开展。  相似文献   

目的:探讨16层螺旋CT小毫安低剂量肺部体检的临床应用价值。方法:运用16层螺旋CT扫描速度快.覆盖面积广,可设小毫安低剂量肺部普查的有利条件,对114例受检者行肺部扫描,扫描条件为120kV,20-50mA,并进行标准(std)与肺模式(1ung)2种方式重建。结果:114例受检者中,发现病变41例。结论:16层螺旋CT小毫安低剂量肺部普查值得推广。  相似文献   

Three cases of intralobar pulmonary sequestration, whose aberrant arteries could be demonstrated by contrast CT were reported. We confirmed these aberrant arteries both by selective angiography and/or surgical resection. We conclude that contrast CT may be of great use and benefit in the radiological workup of suspected cases of pulmonary sequestration proceeding to angiography.  相似文献   

Early detection of cancer by screening advances the date of diagnosis, but may or may not affect survival. To assess the survival benefit associated with early detection, one must estimate the distribution of time survived post lead-time, that is, after the unknown date when clinical diagnosis would have occurred in the absence of screening. One can then compare the adjusted survival of screen-detected cancer cases to other groups of cases not diagnosed by screening. This paper describes a model for the survival of screen-detected cases, with a hazard function that depends on an individual's lead time, the duration of preclinical disease, and the time since diagnosis. The model is fitted to the ten year survival data from the 132 screen-detected cases of breast cancer in the well-known HIP (Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York) study. Comparison with the survival of several groups of cancer cases not detected by screening (interval cases arising clinically in persons previously screened, cases among persons who refuse screening, and cases among randomized controls not offered screening) yields various estimates of benefit. Use of the interval cases for comparison gives an estimate of about 21 breast cancer deaths prevented among 20,166 women screened in the HIP study; use of the data from the randomized controls gives an estimate of about 25 prevented deaths. The former estimate derives from the screened group of women only, and so the same method of evaluation may also be applied to community screening programmes and other situations that do not entail randomization.  相似文献   

The role of nutrients in lung cancer aetiology remains controversial and has never been evaluated in the context of screening. Our aim was to investigate the role of single nutrients and nutrient patterns in the aetiology of lung cancer in heavy smokers. Asymptomatic heavy smokers (≥20 pack-years) were invited to undergo annual low-dose computed tomography. We assessed diet using a self-administered food frequency questionnaire and collected information on multivitamin supplement use. We performed principal component analysis identifying four nutrient patterns and used Cox proportional Hazards regression to assess the association between nutrients and nutrients patterns and lung cancer risk. During a mean follow-up of 5.7 years, 178 of 4,336 participants were diagnosed with lung cancer by screening. We found a significant risk reduction of lung cancer with increasing vegetable fat consumption (HR for highest vs. lowest quartile = 0.50, 95 % CI = 0.31–0.80; P-trend = 0.02). Participants classified in the high “vitamins and fiber” pattern score had a significant risk reduction of lung cancer (HR = 0.57; 95 % CI = 0.36–0.90, P-trend = 0.01). Among heavy smokers enrolled in a screening trial, high vegetable fat intake and adherence to the “vitamin and fiber” nutrient pattern were associated with reduced lung cancer incidence.  相似文献   

Screening for lung cancer in the Netherlands: the role of spiral CT scan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The very poor prognosis of lung cancer has barely changed in the last two decades despite all efforts. However, prognosis is better when the disease is detected earlier, so that curative surgery or radiotherapy can be applied. Lung cancer screening in the past by chest X-ray did not lead to a decrease in lung cancer mortality, because the chest X-ray has low sensitivity for early invasive stages. With the advent of the low-dose spiral CT scan it has become feasible to detect early invasive stage I lung cancer in 80-90%. Modern screening for lung cancer by spiral CT scan could possibly decrease lung cancer mortality. Despite the first favourable results of screening the question remains whether lung cancer screening will be cost-effective. These questions can only be resolved in a randomised controlled trial with lung cancer mortality as unbiased end-point. Such a study should be initiated in the Netherlands, a country with large experience in screening trials and a good health care system. Only after lung cancer screening has proven to be cost-effective can appropriate implementation be recommended to prevent uncontrolled and opportunistic diffusion of this new screening technique into clinical practice in the near future.  相似文献   

目的:探讨多层螺旋CT低剂量扫描在腰椎中的应用及其适宜的低剂量扫描条件。方法:选择60例30-65岁腰椎椎间盘退行性病变患者,随机分成A、B、C、D、E、F 6组,每组10例,采用不同的多层螺旋CT扫描参数进行扫描,并记录随机的容积CT剂量指数(volume CT dose index,CTDIvol)及剂量长度乘积(dose-length product,DLP)。采用自定标准盲式评估方法,对6组获得容积再现(volume rendering,VR)重组及Batch重组图像进行图像质量评分,由2位高年资主治医师依据空间分辨率、噪声、伪影及辐射剂量将图像分为好、中、差3级。结果:通过改变管电流(m A)、螺距及机架旋转速度,各组CTDIvol值、DLP值均存在明显统计学差异(P〈0.05)。相对于A组,B组CTDIvol值下降了14.29%,DLP值下降了12.64%;C组CTDIvol值下降了67.87%,DLP值下降了65%;D组CTDIvol值下降了62.49%,DLP值下降了58.45%;E组CTDIvol值下降了50%,DLP值下降了48%;F组CTDIvol值增加了24.86%,DLP值增加了29.7%。结论:正确调节管电流、螺距,可以在确保图像质量的同时,降低受检者所受辐射剂量。采用管电流350 m A、管电压120 k V、螺距1.375∶1,可降低58.45%的辐射剂量。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肺部霉菌球的多排螺旋CT(multi-slice CT,MSCT)表现,以期进一步提高对该病的认识.方法 回顾性分析经临床证实的肺部霉菌球病例的多排螺旋CT表现,观察霉菌球在肺部的分布部位、大小、形态、强化表现以及霉菌球周围肺组织的CT表现.结果 共发现霉菌球23例,发生在右肺上叶7例,左肺上叶10例,右肺下叶4例,左肺下叶2例.15例呈典型的空气新月征,1例呈晕征改变.结论 多排螺旋CT能够显示肺部霉菌球的大小、形态、分布位置以及病变周围肺组织的改变,对霉菌球的诊断与鉴别诊断有很大价值.  相似文献   

通过分析Brilliance 64排螺旋CT的工作原理、正常工作干扰因素及常见故障案例,为排除CT设备在工作中遇到的故障提供解决方案.明确CT设备工作原理与各种干扰因素和故障排除方法后,使CT机得到有效保养与维护,及时排除运行中发生的故障,为设备正常工作提供有效保障.  相似文献   

目的:探论64排螺旋CT薄层扫描加动态增强扫描在周围型小肺癌的诊断价值。方法:对CT室近2年来诊断的31例周围型小肺癌(SPLC)患者进行回顾,并统计分析。结果:对数据进行分析统计,薄层扫描加动态增强扫描在分叶征(x2=6.331,P=0.012)、细支气管气相(x2=4.048,P=0.044)、血管集束征(x2=4.865,P=0.027)、短毛刺征(x2=16.452,P=0.000)显示率明显高于平扫,有统计学意义(P<0.05),而胸膜凹陷征(x2=0.706,P=0.401)、棘突征(x2=1.038,P=0.308)、空泡征(x2=0.540,P=0.463)显示率较高,但无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:64排螺旋CT薄层扫描加动态增强扫描在周围型小肺癌的诊断中具有极高的应用价值。  相似文献   

于书奎  于皓 《现代保健》2011,(25):112-114
目的探讨CT对创伤性湿肺的诊断价值。方法回顾性分析经临床及影像学检查确诊的创伤性湿肺78例CT表现特点及动态变化。结果病变累及一侧肺27例,累及两侧肺51例,累及多个肺叶者64例。CT表现呈支气管束征阳性、小片状磨玻璃影、大片实变影、肺气囊及肺不张等多种影像改变,同时常伴有肋骨、四肢骨骨折及脑、内脏复合损伤。肺内渗出性病变吸收迅速,肺内血肿吸收缓慢。结论CT检查在确定创伤性湿肺的诊断及评价损伤范围方面具有重要价值,是首选的影像柃查方法。  相似文献   

梁鹏  赵冬青  王雄 《医疗装备》2010,23(4):36-38
目的:探讨多层螺旋CT对肺动脉栓塞的诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析35例肺动脉栓塞患者CT成像资料,所有患者均行16层螺旋CT扫描,并结合Vitrea 3.7工作站进行后处理技术成像。结果:35例平扫显示片状实变影,磨玻璃样影,楔形变等。增强扫描能清晰直观显示中央型肺动脉栓塞,周围型肺动脉栓塞等。结论:多层螺旋CT作为一种无创伤性检查技术对肺动脉栓塞具有较高的诊断价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨染色体异常在肺癌发生和发展中的可能作用。方法采用比较基因组杂交(CGH)技术分析了17例原发性肺癌新鲜组织的染色体异常。结果17例肺癌组织均检出染色体畸变(扩增和/或缺失),而且每个病例涉及多条染色体畸变。非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的染色体扩增和缺失平均发生率(7处/例和4.8处/例)与小细胞肺癌(SCLC)(8.4处/例和9.6处/例)差异无统计学意义,但NSCLC与SCLC的染色体扩增和缺失的发生部位及其频率有所不同,NSCLC染色体3q24—28和11q13的扩增的频率(58.3%和58.3%)显著高于SCLC(0%和0%)(P〈0.05)。结论NSCLC和SCLC在发生和发展过程中都涉及多部位染色体(多基因)异常,NSCLC与SCLC染色体扩增和缺失的发生部位及其频率有所不同可能是导致两者不同生物学特性的基础。  相似文献   

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