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肠神经系统遗传缺陷与先天性巨结肠   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肠神经系统(enteric nervous system,ENS)是一个复杂的胃肠道动力和感觉系统,其异常所引起的胃肠道动力疾病主要有先天性巨结肠(Hirschsprung’s disease.HD)及其类缘病(主要为IND,intestinal neuronal dysplasia)、胃食管返流、消化不良综合征、便秘、慢性复发性腹痛和肠易激综合征等。这些疾病的发生是遗传因素和环境因素共同作用的  相似文献   

先天性巨结肠(HD)是小儿常见的先天性胃肠道畸形,多数需要手术治疗,但治疗效果不甚理想。神经干细胞移植治疗HD是一种理想的根治方法,具有潜在的临床应用前景。现在复习近年国内外神经干细胞研究的基础上,简述不同种类神经干细胞在消化道移植的情况,及不同神经干细胞的特性对移植效果的影响,并对今后的研究前景进行展望。  相似文献   

先天性巨结肠症状与病变肠段关系分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
先天性巨结肠(HD)症状的严重程度与病变肠段之间关系知道甚少。对202例HD患儿的症状与14项临床和病理因素进行逐步回归和Logistic分析,发现HD的症状严重程度与狭窄段移行段总长、肠道炎症等8项因素有关,而与狭窄段长度、狭窄段中神经纤维增生程度等6项因素无关。这在理论上解释了某些手术成败的原因,对临床治疗HD有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

肠吻合器Ikeda治疗先天性巨结肠   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张氏环钳在我院已经应用 30余年[1 ] ,始终未能克服环钳器械给患儿术后带来的不便。吻合器是现代胃肠外科技术的一个进步 ,我院尚不能用于代替张氏环钳法 ,只能用于Ikeda手术。Ike da手术在腹腔内切开直肠做吻合增加了腹腔污染的机会 ,是其不足之处。本组 1 4 6例Ikeda手术是根据患儿的经济条件决定是否应用吻合器或Ikeda环钳 ,自然分成两组对比。张氏环钳、Ike da环钳和Ikeda吻合器都应用于Duhamel术式 ,设计原理相同 ,对巨结肠的疗效基本相同。比较Ikeda环钳和Ikeda吻合器的优缺点 ,目的在于对Ike da吻合器方法做一临床评价。资料与方…  相似文献   

目的 检测先天性巨结肠(HD)患儿结肠手术标本组织Cajal间质细胞(ICC)的分布及形态,分析并统计其在不同肠段的分布数量,为研究HD的发病机制和功能障碍提供必要的实验依据.方法 收集42例经病理诊断为HD的标本.男33例,女9例;年龄2个月~10岁.实验标本均为散发病例,全部取材经组织病理学检测符合HD诊断.应用免疫组织化学技术检测42例HD患儿手术标本狭窄段(狭窄段组)、移行段(移行段组)和扩张段(扩张段组)组织ICC的分布及数量,及5例肠套叠患儿(对照组,男4例,女1例;年龄30 d~8岁)结肠手术标本组织ICC的分布及数量.结果 1.对照组结肠组织ICC主要分布于黏膜下丛(IC-SM)和肌间从(IC-MY),在环肌层和纵肌层(IC-IM)也有分布.IC-SM、IC-MY在切面上呈连续性分布,相互连接形成网络状结构.2.结肠狭窄段组结肠组织ICC的分布显著减少或消失,较对照组和扩张段组均有显著性差异(Pa<0.001),IC-MY的嘲络状结构完全破坏,残存ICC形态异常;另狭窄段组2例ICC形态、分布及数量与对照组或扩张段组比较均无显著性差异;移行段组结肠组织内ICC的分布较对照组和扩张段组均显著减少(Pa<0.05),较狭窄段组显著增加(P<0.001),其形态部分接近正常,但IC-MY缺乏连续性分布,未能形成止常的网络状结构;扩张段组与对照组结肠组织内ICC分布相当,无显著性差异(P>0.05).结论 HD患儿结肠的不同肠段ICC的数量、形态、分布不同.在狭窄段IC-MY偶见残存的ICC,其形态变钝、突起减少或消失.ICC分布减少、形态异常可能是HD胃肠动力障碍的原因之一.  相似文献   

1987年证实一氧化氮(NO)内源性机制的存在与意义以来,NO研究很快得到生物界和医学界的重视。NO机制与消化系统的生理功能和临床病理之间存在着广泛而密切的联系。 用还原性辅酶Ⅰ依赖性黄递酶(NADPHd)组织化学、一氧化氮合成酶(NOS)免疫组织化学方法发现人胃肠道组织中均有NOS分布。NOS在胃肠壁全层均有分布,以环形平滑肌最多。NO参与的功能有:胃肠粘膜血流调节、分泌功能调节、免疫防护屏障、炎症、胃肠动力调节。 先天性巨结肠(HD)病理学上证实为肌层和粘  相似文献   

先天性巨结肠—氧化氮的组织化学观察   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
采用NADPH二磷酸酶组织化学方法,研究先天性巨结肠症NANC抑制性神经系统。结果提示狭窄段肠管缺乏NOS阳性神经丛,肌层内有散在神经纤维,有时可见到粗纤维或小神经干;正常结肠和巨结肠正常段富含阳性神经节细胞和神经纤维。提示NO与先天性巨结肠发病机理有关。  相似文献   

关于先天性巨结肠的分型,国内和国际的标准并不一致.相对而言,国内分型细致而复杂,国际分型简单且清晰.本文通过回顾国内外先天性巨结肠分型的历史,结合近年来先天性巨结肠的基础研究情况、临床表现、手术方式及术后管理等方面工作进展,对先天性巨结肠的分型进行述评.  相似文献   

先天性巨结肠根治术疗效分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对先天性巨结肠根治术后379例进行随访,结果显示:90%的患者术后大便性状、排便次数正常,控制排便的能力优良。术后主要并发症为污粪、便秘、失禁。主要死亡原因为小肠结肠炎。认为术中彻底切除病变肠管、保留部分肛门内括约肌、术后长期扩肛、积极治疗小肠结肠炎是提高疗效的关键。  相似文献   

腹腔镜先天性巨结肠根治术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本院从 2 0 0 0年 5月起在腹腔镜辅助下先天性巨结肠根治术 15例 ,效果满意 ,现报道如下。1.一股资料 本组 15例 ,男 5例 ,女 10例 ,年龄最小 2 3d ,最大 4岁 ,平均1.5岁。全部病例均行钡剂灌肠检查和直肠粘膜检查 ,部分行直肠内测压明确诊断先为天性巨结肠症 ,其中 1例短段型 ,其余均为普通型。2 .手术方法 本组病例术前准备同开腹手术。全部患儿采用气管插管静脉复合全身麻醉 ,取头低脚高位 ,于脐上Varess针穿刺 ,慢速注入CO2 ,形成气腹 ,压力在 10~ 14mmHg ,拔除Varess针后于同一点置入内径 10mm 0°腹腔镜 ;分…  相似文献   

Location of stem cells for the enteric nervous system   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Hirschsprung disease is the result of aganglionosis of a variable length of the terminal bowel, which arises from the incomplete colonisation of the embryonic gut by vagal neural crest-derived cells (NCC) that migrate caudally from the pharyngeal gut to the rectum. We have previously shown that a very small group of NCC, at the leading edge of this wave of migration, can proliferate and differentiate to innervate the entire distal gut. It remains unknown if this capability is unique to those cells at the leading edge of NCC migration. The hypothesis tested was that NCC capable of acting as stem cells are found throughout the developing enteric nervous system (ENS). Gut was taken from mice at embryonic day 11.5 as the leading edge of NCC migration enters the colon. Terminal colon was separated as aganglionic recipient gut and its rostral end juxtaposed to the caudal end of the small intestine or caecum. The explants were cultured on nitrocellulose filters for up to 120 h, after which time the apposed segments had fused. The gut was then fixed and examined by immunohistochemistry to detect the neuronal markers PGP9.5 and nitric-oxide synthase (NOS) to assess development of enteric ganglia. NCC migrated from the proximal gut into the terminal colon, colonising it along its entire length. The pattern of NCC colonisation and differentiation of NOS-positive neurons was the same, regardless of whether the NCC were derived from the leading edge of migration in the caecum or from more proximal regions of the small intestine. Vagal NCC have the capacity to migrate into separated aganglionic terminal colon and differentiate into neurons. NCC at the leading edge of migration and those located more proximally within the gut demonstrate equivalent ability to migrate to and differentiate in the terminal rectum. Further studies are required to confirm which of these migrating NCC have the properties of ENS stem cells.  相似文献   

目的 探讨SOX10、潘氏细胞发育及分泌防御素-5与先天性巨结肠相关性小肠结肠炎的关系.方法 收集50例先天性巨结肠病变肠管,根据术前是否发生小肠结肠炎分为HAFC组(n=14)和HD组(n=36),并以20例正常结肠标本作对照组.采用免疫组织化学方法观察结肠中防御素-5蛋白质表达、潘氏细胞发育情况以及SOX10蛋白质表达情况.采用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测防御素-5 mRNA及Sox 10 mRNA表达情况.结果 防御素-5在正常肠管中不表达,HAEC组和HD组在肠腺隐窝基底处呈不同程度阳性表达.但前者阳性区域平均光密度值明显增高(0.33±0.039比0.10±0.031,P<0.05),HAEC组防御素-5mRNA亦呈显著增高趋势(2.72±0.80比0.78±0.21,P<0.05).对结肠组织同层切片进行潘氏细胞特异性产物溶菌酶免疫组化染色发现,对照组肠管中除1例存在弱阳性外其他均无阳性表达.HD组和HAEC组结肠中同样在隐窝基底处存在溶菌酶阳性细胞,可鉴别为化生的潘氏细胞,但HAEC组在发生率(78.6%)和细胞个数(2.97±0.80)明显高于HD组(27.8%,0.43±0.85)(P<0.05).SOX10免疫产物主要在结肠神经节细胞膜及胞浆中表达,对照组、HAEC组、HD组阳性区域的平均光密度值递减(0.75±0.041,0.61±0.048,0.35±0.025),差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),同时RT-PCR检测显示Sox10 mRNA在各组中的表达与蛋白质水平呈平行结果.结论 SOX10可能通过影响潘氏细胞发育及分泌防御素-5在先天性巨结肠相关性小肠结肠炎的发生发展中起一定作用.
Objective To study the expression of SOX10 and Human α-defensins-5(HD-5 )in Hirschsprung's disease associated enterocolitis(HAEC) and expore the possible relationship between SOX10 and HAEC.Methods Fifty pathological colons of Hirschsprung's disease (HD) were divided into HAEC group (n = 14) and HD group(n = 36) according to the presence of preoperative enterocolitis,Twenty normal colons as control group.The protein and mRNA expression of HD-5 and SOX 10 were measured by immunohistochemical staining and real-time quantitative PCR Results Normal colons did not express HD-5 but positive expression of HD-5 was detected at the base of the crypts of Lieberkuhn in HAEC and HD groups in different degree.The mean optical density of HD-5 immunohistochemical staining (0.33 ± 0.039 vs 0.10 ± 0.031 )and HD-5 mRNA expression (2.72 ± 0.80 vs 0.78 ± 0.21 ) in HAEC group was apparently higher than those in HD group(P<0.05).The expression of lysozyme,a specific product by Paneth Cell,on sequential sections was negative in control group except one sample.In HAEC group and HD group,positive expression of lysozyme can be seen in the crypts of Lieberkuhn,where the cells can be identified as Metaplastic Paneth cell,but the incidence (78.6% vs 27.8%) and the number of cells 2.97 ± 0.80 vs 0.43 ± 0.85) in HAEC group were obviously higher than those in HD group(2.97 ± 0.80 vs 0.43 ± 0.85) (P<0.05).SOX10 was mainly located in the plasmalemma and cytoplasm of ganglion cell and its mean optical density in control group (0.75 ±0.041 ),HAEC group (0.61 ± 0.048)and HD group(0.35 ± 0.025) were decrement,the difference between three groups were statistically significant (P<0.05).Meanwhile,Sox10mRNA detected by real-time quantitative PCR indicated the parallel result.Conclusions SOX10 may be an important factor in the pathogenesis and development of HAEC.  相似文献   

Intestinal motility disorders are a major cause of morbidity after surgical repair of intestinal atresia of unknown mechanism. We hypothesized that interruption of antenatal peristalsis may disturb the normal development of the enteric nervous system. Using a series of neuronal (synaptophysin, neuronal nitric oxide synthase, neurofilaments) and nonneuronal markers (glial acidic fibrillary protein and c-Kit) and immunohistochemistry, we have defined developmental steps of the enteric nervous system in normal intestine (12 fetuses, 15 children, and 4 adults) and their alterations above and below the obstacle in 22 human intestinal atresia compared with age-matched controls. Antisynaptophysin antibody revealed the progressive conversion of the myenteric plexus from a continuous belt into regularly spaced ganglions during normal fetal gut development and, by contrast, the significantly delayed appearance of individual neuronal ganglions in the distal segments of atresia (p < 0.05). Staging using three other markers for neuronal (neurofilaments and neuronal nitric oxide synthase) and nonneuronal cells (glial acidic fibrillary protein) confirmed that maturation of the myenteric plexus was significantly delayed below atresia (p < 0.01). These results indicate that intestinal atresia impairs the development of the enteric nervous system and provide an anatomical substrate for the motility disorders observed after surgical repair. They point to the role of peristalsis in normal gut development and suggest that stimulation of peristalsis might be used to accelerate recovery.  相似文献   

目的 从中枢神经系统原发性神经外胚层肿瘤(Central nervous system primitive neu-roectodermal tumor,CNS-PNET)中分离并鉴定肿瘤干细胞(cancer stem cells,CSCs).方法 应用无血清的干细胞培养基,分离CNS-PENT的细胞球细胞,应用二代细胞球形成分析、免疫细胞化学染色以及不同亚群肿瘤细胞裸鼠颅内接种等方法 ,进行CSCs鉴定.结果 2种CNS-PNET细胞在于细胞培养条件下均形成了细胞克隆球,部分细胞球细胞均表达了神经干细胞标记抗体Sox2和Nes-tin.原代细胞球在连续传代培养中均可形成2代细胞球,且也能表达Sox2和Nestin.在血清的刺激下细胞球细胞可分化为多种形态的细胞,分化细胞亚群免疫染色均为阳性.10个CNS-PNET细胞球细胞在颅内接种后几乎全部裸鼠形成肿瘤,相反,同等数量的原代肿瘤细胞接种后未见肿瘤生长.结论 使用无血清的干细胞培养条件可以简便快捷的培养并分离出CNS-PNET的悬浮细胞克隆球体,具备自我更新、多向分化、体内成瘤的基本特征,并能表达干细胞的标记抗体,可以作为理想的CSCs进行一系列的后续研究.  相似文献   

先天性巨结肠内皮素B受体基因突变的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:研究先天性巨结肠(HD)的发生与内皮素B受体基因(EDNRB)突变间的关系。方法:40例HD患儿(37例散发性和3例家族性)和40例无便秘正常健康对照者,分别抽取外周静脉血3ml并经盐析法提取DNA,然后运用聚合酶链反应-单链构象多态性分析(PCR-SSCP)银染色法检测EDNRBG中的第4、5、6外显子(E4、E5、E6)的突变情况,并对阳性片段进行DNA测序。结果:37例散发型中的1例短段型HD患儿E4扩增片段在SSCP分析时发现有泳动变位,而且该样品DNA测序核苷酸位点831密码子277位点上出现G→A的置换,证实为同义突变。结论:EDNRB基因突变与中国人HD的发生有密切关系,且主要为短段性HD。  相似文献   

Hirschsprung's disease affects 1 in 5000 newborns and is caused by an absence of ganglion cells in a variable length of the distal gut. It commonly presents in the newborn period with life-threatening bowel obstruction requiring surgery. Despite apparently successful surgery the long-term outcomes are often unsatisfactory with some children facing a lifetime of continence issues or debilitating constipation. This article exams the reasons for this and describes advances that have occurred in the surgical management of the disease. In the last two decades rapid progress has been made in understanding the genetics and molecular pathology of Hirschsprung's disease. The potential for harnessing this knowledge to develop a stem cell based therapy for Hirschsprung's disease is discussed.  相似文献   

Differentiation of neurospheres from the enteric nervous system   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The enteric nervous system (ENS) derives from neural crest cells, which migrate from the neural tube into the developing gut. The neuronal and glial precursor cells migrate mainly from the oral towards the anal end of the gastrointestinal tract. So far, knowledge about the multipotent influences upon the ENS development, especially its neurotrophic support, derives mainly from knock-out models. The in vitro technique of isolating enteric neuronal precursor cells allows to study the effects of various factors upon their appropriate development in more detail. We therefore adapted the method of growing neurospheres, which are agglomerates of neuronal precursor cells and differentiated neurones and glial cells, from the central nervous system (CNS) for the ENS. The gut of NMRI mice at E12 were dissected, mildly dissociated and plated in 25-cm2 culture flasks. The cultures were maintained in N1 supplemented DMEM/F12 medium with the appropriate neurotrophin cocktails (bFGF, GDNF, Neurturin, CNTF). After several days in culture most of the cells die, while the surviving cells form clusters from which domes, and later spheres arise. The spheres could be harvested and processed for further experiments. First investigations revealed, that the amount of precursor cells was much less in enteric neurospheres as seen in corresponding cultures from the CNS. We found about 43% HNK-1-NCAM+ in enteric and approximately 90% Nestin-+ cells in midbrain neurospheres. Differentiation studies of the enteric neurospheres showed that especially ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) increased the number of enteric neurones (PGP positive), while the amount of HNK-1 precursor cells decreased under the influence of all tested neurotrophins but GDNF. The culture of the freshly dissociated enteric neurospheres in a three-dimensional matrix yielded a secondary network which allows to investigate the pattern formation of the ENS. The generation of enteric neurospheres and the following differentiation and 3D culture in vitro can increase our knowledge of the amount and time point of neurotrophic as well as the ECM-protein influence upon the appropriate development of the ENS.  相似文献   

We counted the number of granulated mast cells with high iron diamine staining, and the number of eosinophils with hematoxyline-eosin staining, in the lamina propria of the jejunum in 12 untreated patients with intestinal cow's milk allergy (CMA), 47 with celiac disease (CD), and 14 controls. A decreased number of mast cells and an increased number of eosinophils were found in 58% of patients with CMA, and in 60% of those with CD. The number of mast cells showed a significant positive correlation with the villous height, and the number of eosinophils a negative correlation with both the villous height, and the number of mast cells. Appropriate dietary treatment resulted in a rise in the number of granulated mast cells and a decrease in the number of eosinophils in both patient groups.  相似文献   

Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) is the most important peptidergic transmitter in intestinal relaxation. VIPergic nerves are reduced in aganglionosis (AG). Corresponding findings in intestinal neuronal dysplasia (IND) are sparse. It is unknown whether superficial mucosal VIP receptors are reduced in AG, IND, or hypoganglionosis (HYP) compared to concentrations in morphologically normal innervated colon (MNIC). Cryostat sections from 38 colonic biopsies (23 patients with AG, IND, or HYP, 15 with MNIC) were incubated with radioactive iodinated 125I-VIP. Receptors were analyzed by autoradiography. Radioactive-marked receptors trigger the precipitation of metallic silver as silver grains within a photographic emulsion. Grains were quantified by image analysis, calculating the percent covered cell surface. Statistical analysis was done by Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests (significance #E5 /E5#<0.05). VIP receptors covered 4.31% of the cell surface in MNIC. The values were significantly reduced in AG (2.72%; #E5 /E5#=0.012) and IND (2.93%; #E5 /E5#=0.008). The two HYP biopsies showed the lowest values (1.83%). Aganglionic colon could be distinguished from healthy proximal segments and IND from habitual constipation. In AG and IND, even the superficial mucosal VIPergic innervation seems to be impaired. The reduction of mucosal VIP receptors in developmental faults of the enteric nervous system may thus be an indicator of a sensomotor disturbance. Accepted: 18 April 2001  相似文献   

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