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The public image of nursing is important because it can facilitate or create barriers to achieving an adequate supply of nursing human resources. This study sought to gain a better understanding of nursing’s professional image within the Republic of Georgia. The Nursing Human Resources Systems model was used to guide the study’s exploratory, qualitative approach. Data collection occurred over a 2‐week period in the Republic of Georgia, and thirty‐three participants formed the final study sample. Participants included healthcare professionals, key informants from nonprofit and research institutions, and patients. Data analysis occurred using directed content analysis techniques, and three themes emerged: (a) gender dimension; (b) the nursing service recipient experience; and (c) historical legacies. Themes revealed the complexities of nursing’s image in the country. Findings from this study serve as baseline data for understanding nursing’s image in the Republic of Georgia which could assist with improving pre‐entry nursing production issues.  相似文献   

As the percentage of elderly in the U.S. rises, the need for primary health care for the aging population increases. Knowledge of special characteristics of older persons, as well as demographics of the aging population, resources and principles of care are important in the provision of effective, professional primary health care by advanced practice nurses. In response to this increasing need for geriatric health care expertise, a tool was developed to evaluate basic geriatric knowledge of students entering advanced practice nursing study, Self Assessment of Geriatric Knowledge. The Self Assessment, derived from AACN's recommended geriatric competencies for BSN graduates, may be accessed on-line. Immediate test results are received on-line. Tests completed by 158 advanced practice students over a three year period showed geriatric knowledge deficits: myths of aging, prevention strategies and risk factors of elders; roles and responsibilities for care of elderly persons in the community; health policies that affect elder care; and, demographics of the geriatric population. These data may contribute to faculty awareness of curricular needs for preparing students for competent geriatric nursing care of the growing older population.  相似文献   

This study, a focused community analysis, was conducted to determine the health needs and status of the aggregate of school-aged adolescents (13–18 years) using a method combining an epidemiologic approach with an ethnographic field method. Health was defined broadly, assumed to be interrelated with environmental, economic, social, educational, and cultural variables influencing adolescent life. The research involved five steps: collection of available secondary epidemiologic and census data; interviews with key informants, such as teachers, parents, school nurses, and other adults working with teenagers; participant observation and ethnographic interviews with primary informants, that is, teenagers from a variety of backgrounds; and finally, analysis and reporting of secondary and ethnographic data. Of the many themes generated in the data collection, four are reported here: lifestyle, health, pregnancy, and substance abuse. Findings included a typology of subgroups of the adolescent population that influenced lifestyles and led to different attitudes toward health, pregnancy, and substance abuse. The ethnographic approach facilitated an understanding of the health needs and attitudes of teenagers, implying a need for altered interventions and approaches by adults teaching and caring for them.  相似文献   

Ethical issues in ethnographic nursing research with children and elderly people The purpose of this article is to stimulate discussion on ethical issues in qualitative nursing research with children and elderly people. Both groups as informants of a qualitative study may need extra protection owing to their vulnerability. There are some references to these issues in articles dealing with nursing research ethics, but this subject is worthy of more debate. This article is based on the authors' experiences of working with informants in two ethnographic nursing studies. Especially difficult and important were those issues related to informed consent and the role of the researcher. The researcher has to respect the informants' humanity and ensure their autonomy, and be sensitive to their expressions and gestures in a reciprocal interaction throughout the research process.  相似文献   

There is growing demand for research using a community-based participatory (CBPR) approach. CBPR requires that the academic research team actively partner with community members and stakeholders in the entire research process. The community members are full partners with the researchers in relation to the development and implementation of the study, analysis of the data, and dissemination of the findings. The purpose of this article is to review four basic principles of CBPR and provide an example of how these CBPR principles were used in an ethnographic study related to the culture of African American infant health. In the pilot study, CBPR provided the framework for recruitment and retention of participants, ongoing data analysis, and dissemination of findings. Using CBPR provided the researchers an introduction into the selected community. Community members served as key informants about the culture of the community and provided access to potential participants. The community partners contributed to analysis of emerging themes and in the dissemination of findings to the community, stakeholders, and the scientific community. CBPR provides opportunities for community health nurse researchers to conduct research with vulnerable populations and sets the stage for implementing evidenced-based nursing interventions in the community.  相似文献   

目的探讨上海市居家老年人家庭护理服务需求及支付意愿。方法采用质性研究中的现象学研究法,对10名居家老年人进行半结构式访谈,并运用Claizzi分析程序进行资料分析。结果居家老年人主要希望得到基础护理、康复护理、健康教育、家庭病床等专业化家庭护理服务和家政转介服务、精神慰藉等非专业化家庭护理服务,并存在一定支付意愿,但总体意愿支付值偏低,其中希望以项目形式进行收费者居多。结论老年人对家庭护理服务存在一定的需求及支付意愿,应大力拓展家庭护理服务,适当收费,促进卫生资源的合理分配及家庭护理的可持续发展。  相似文献   

There are many demands placed on staff working in emergency departments such as the currently witnessed overcrowding, bed shortages and long waiting times for patients. Despite these demands nursing care needs to be carefully assessed, planned and documented. This study aimed to examine attitudes of staff towards the use of a nursing care plan in the emergency department. The sample comprised the total population (n = 38) of all nursing staff working in an emergency department at one regional general hospital in the Republic of Ireland. The method adopted was a survey approach which employed the use of standardised questionnaires comprising both open and closed questioning styles. Raw statistical data were analysed using SPSS for Windows while the qualitative data arising from the open-ended questions were manually analysed for themes. The data obtained in this study identified that care plans were valued by respondents, stating that they contribute to holism, increased nurse/patient contact time and better communication. The findings also identified that there is a need for continuing education, further research and a need to address issues in relation to specific patient groups, including paediatrics, minor injuries, mental health and the elderly attending the emergency department.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was part of a systematic assessment to gain an understanding of aging in a rural community along the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona. DESIGN: It used a participatory action research design. Interviews were conducted among key informants (n = 29), including health and social services providers and community leaders. Content analysis focused on identifying common themes and concerns related to elders. RESULTS: Major themes identified were (1) social infrastructure issues, (2) community awareness of health problems, (3) socioeconomic problems, (4) cultural influences on health beliefs, practice, and use of services, (5) image of aging, (6) border issues, and (7) educational needs for service providers. CONCLUSION: Elders living at the border are a particularly vulnerable population with strong cultural affiliations and health disparities. Although the population of elders has been growing at the border, the traditional focus on the health care needs of youth and children has contributed to the neglect of issues facing elders. This study provided community key informants' perspective of aging to community members, policy makers, service agencies, and health care providers for community development. A conceptual framework was developed for educational programs and research projects for health professionals who care for elders at the border.  相似文献   

ObjectiveApproximately 30% of the population of Australia live over 180 km from tertiary healthcare facilities. In rural areas there are fewer health resources and greater travelling distances for treatment. Family support for health care or illness prevention can either be strengthened or disrupted in times of need, yet family is a key aspect of the person’s supportive network. This research sought to understand the experiences and challenges for persons with cancer and their families from rural Queensland.DesignA qualitative study used 14 telephone interviews involving eight persons with cancer and six family members to understand their experience when travel for treatment was required.SettingRural Queensland, Australia.ParticipantsPersons with cancer and family who stayed in Cancer Council Queensland Accommodation.ResultsThree themes developed; confronting diagnosis, challenges, and negotiating support.ConclusionsChallenges included travel concerns and lack of services at home; however, family support and appreciating positive aspects were highlighted as part of the experience. This research identified a need for tailored support, which recognises their rurality. Open communication with health professionals helps identify specific needs and service barriers.  相似文献   

目的了解湖南农村老年人的健康状况、保健意识及对社区护理的需求状况,探讨社区护理在湖南农村的开展形式,分析社区护理和农村合作医疗相结合的可行性。方法采用自行设计的问卷,对湖南省993户家庭进行调查,从中抽取205份65岁以上老年人填写的问卷进行统计学分析,内容包括人口学资料、健康状况、保健意识、社区护理需求。结果60.5%的老年人患有各种慢性病,退行性骨关节病居首位(23.9%),患1种慢性病以上的比例为26.6%;老年人的生活环境和医疗条件有所改善,49.2%的家庭中备有常备药,当老年人身体不适时找医生和自己找药吃的高达84.9%,53.7%的老年人觉得有必要做体检,但仍存在明显的不良卫生习惯;老年人对社区护理各项需求相差不大,在60%左右;农村老年人选择最多的就医场所是私人诊所(45.8%)和乡卫生院(36.5%)。结论湖南农村老年人患病率高,有一定的保健意识,对社区护理的需求迫切;可以利用农村合作医疗现有的资源,使社区护理模式向农村延伸,以进一步满足农村老年人的卫生服务需求。  相似文献   

The proportion of older adults is increasing in Australia, and the proportion of older adults requiring medical care is expected to increase in the future. At the same time, budget restrictions are a reality for Australia's health system. Increasing need and decreasing resources suggest the need to focus on the quality aspect of treatment and care for older adults. Little research has been conducted in the area of perceived nursing needs of elderly patients during hospitalization. This is an important area of research because it is increasingly recognized that elderly patients have specialized needs and are the major consumers of health care. Even less research has compared patient and carer perceptions with those of nursing staff. This article is a literature review and an investigation of the quality of care elderly patients receive, and of patient and nurse perceptions of the importance of various nursing activities. Quality of care is reviewed in terms of perceptions of nursing care priorities and elderly patients' satisfaction with the quality of nursing care they receive. Research examining nurses' perceptions related to why they are unable to consistently provide quality nursing care to all elderly patients is also reviewed. By identifying the nursing needs of elderly patients and educating nursing staff about these needs, professional practice can be guided and improvements in quality of care, patient satisfaction, and patient outcomes may occur.  相似文献   

王飞  张玲芝 《护理与康复》2014,13(6):515-518
目的了解浙江省养老护理员的工作现状,为完善养老护理员人才培养和有关部门制定相关政策提供依据。方法采用质性研究中现象学研究方法,对7家养老机构的18名养老护理员进行深度访谈,以Giorgi的现象学分析方法进行资料分析与处理。结果养老护理员工作现状呈现工作强度大、护理员数量短缺且年龄偏大、专业素质偏低、培训机会少、职业待遇低及社会功能减弱等主题。结论浙江省养老护理员工作现状不容乐观,应大力加强养老护理队伍建设,提升养老护理服务质量。  相似文献   

The continually growing numbers of elderly persons in our society and the corresponding increase in health care needs for those over age 65 are providing significant challenges to the health care delivery system. Diminishing health care resources and a desire to avoid institutionalization of the elderly client are creating nursing roles for helping the elderly maintain healthful living within the community. Accurate assessment provides the nurse with access to client perceptions of health status as well as a picture of the health management practices of the older adult. A nursing diagnosis of health maintenance alteration is the basis for an individualized plan of care of nursing intervention which is directed toward reducing risk factors and assisting the elderly client to achieve optimum levels of function and independence within the limits of defined health maintenance alterations.  相似文献   

[目的]评估脑卒中病人出院后对延续性护理的意愿和需求,为此类病人家庭护理支持提供依据及建议,从而提高病人的运动功能及生活质量。[方法]对10例脑卒中病人进行半结构式访谈,通过质性研究现象学分析法对资料进行整理和分析,并提炼主题。[结果]对脑卒中病人出院后延续护理意愿和需求的真实体验提炼出5个主题,包括健康知识相关方面的需求、对经济方面的需求、居家康复的需求、社会方面的支持及负性情绪增加。[结论]延续性护理在脑卒中病人人群中需求度高,今后应加强社区康复的建设,使社区康复和医院康复相结合,制定出针对脑卒中病人的延续性护理方案。  相似文献   

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: This paper is based on a Norwegian study that addressed the importance of nurses understanding adoptive families' particular needs. The study aimed to provide a diverse picture of adoptive families' challenges and resources. It addressed adoptive families' experiences with welfare professions, particularly public health nurse services, and explored their need for support before and after adoption. This paper focuses particularly on challenges confronting 'transracial' families. PARTICIPANTS AND METHOD: The qualitative research interview was used as the methodological approach. Nine couples of adoptive parents, four adoptive mothers, three public health nurses and four adult adoptees were interviewed. The analysis process was an ad hoc generation of meaning, and the data were systematically reviewed and categorized through an intuitive analysis style. RESULTS: The study indicates that adoptive families manage their 'most common' challenges on their own, but the informants also spoke about a need for professional support and assistance in many cases. Recurring themes in the study were challenges linked to 'attachment difficulties', 'external categorization', 'grief' and 'the meaning of biological heritage and roots'. Findings indicate that there is a substantial demand for increased knowledge of adoptive families' special needs, not least in the public health nurse services; there is also limited knowledge within other welfare professions. Nurses particularly need to strengthen their understanding on how external categorization affects transracial adoptive families. CONCLUSIONS: The study recommendations call for improved follow-up after adoptions. This can be met by establishing a special programme for adoptive families at maternity and child health centres. In addition, public health nurses can support adoptees in their teenage years through individual consultations.  相似文献   

社区护理服务需求研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:拓展社区护理服务的内容,寻找社区护理服务潜在需求,为研究社区护理未来的发展方向,制定相关政策和计划提供参考依据。方法:采用问卷调查方法对护理人员和社区居民进行社区卫生服务需求等相关内容的调查。结果:①社区居民对健康教育、疾病康复、慢性病随访、家庭卫生服务(居家护理)、连续治疗等存在比较大的需求;②护理人员对未来社区护理服务的潜在需求,倾向于慢性病护理、老年护理和居家护理。结论:社区健康教育的内容应以健康咨询、健康指导、用药指导为重点内容,社区护理服务应该加大对慢性病病人的随访和连续治疗的护理服务和家庭康复的护理服务。同时,应加强我国社区老年护理的模式的研究,适应我国人口老龄化的需要。  相似文献   

This study reported on health professionals' experiences of visual art as a conversation tool with elderly persons. Series of reproductions of paintings with varying themes such as playing children were used to bring forth a variety of topics to be discussed. The results, measured with health professionals' personal diaries, indicated positive experiences. Conversation related to paintings were regarded by health professionals as an instrument that could be used in a professional manner in nursing care for a meaningful community with the elderly person. The study presents recommendations on how health professionals could practice conversations to stimulate elderly persons to take an active part in the conversations.  相似文献   

It is essential that nurse educators identify and attempt to understand students' preconceptions related to upcoming clinical experiences to develop strategies that are effective in preparing the students for entry into new and unique settings. This qualitative study described nursing students' preconceptions as they entered the community health clinical rotation. Six major themes emerged: feeling insecure and unprepared for the community health clinical experience; contemplating risks to personal and client safety in the community; anticipating a change of pace; sensing a loss of control; envisioning isolation; and interpreting the value of community health nursing. Findings from this study provide nurse educators and preceptors with insight into understanding students' needs as they enter the community setting. Facilitating a positive transition for students supports efforts to improve the image of and create favorable attitudes toward community health nursing practice.  相似文献   

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