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目的研制一种负压救护车排风净化装置,使安装该装置的普通救护车通过电路连接、车厢加强密封等简单改造后,快速升级为具备负压隔离功能的负压救护车。方法采用一体化设计,集成动力排风、空气高效过滤、紫外线杀菌、负压监测与报警等功能与一体。分别使用物理气溶胶和病毒气溶胶检测该装置的过滤效率;装置正常运行后,通过微压差传感器测量救护车病员室的负压值;通过测量装置的排风量计算救护车病员室的换气次数。结果该装置的过滤效率、救护车病员室的负压值、换气次数均达到国家卫生行业标准要求。结论该装置过滤效率高,体积小,功能集成化,安装方便,在全国范围内为呼吸道传染病疫情的防控提供了装备支撑,取得了显著的社会效益。  相似文献   

随着近年来家居装修业的发展,各种建筑材料被广泛应用,室内环境污染也日益严重.现场监测结果表明:室内某些污染物的水平远远大于室外,特别是新居室内的挥发性有机化合物(VOC),如芳香烃(苯、甲苯、二甲苯等)、酮类、醛类、氨和胺类等等,其浓度足以对人类健康构成危害[1].美国肺癌协会列出了五个首要污染物为香烟烟雾、VOC、甲醛、霉菌灰尘和一氧化碳.WHO认为,室内空气的主要污染物有:可吸入颗粒物,气溶胶,SO2,NOx,CO,CO2,氨,甲醛,VOC,PAHs,尼古丁,丙烯醛,氡,砷,汞和微生物等[2].下面对重点污染物的测定技术进行综述.  相似文献   

目的 探讨室内主要空气污染物暴露水平及其影响因素.方法 分别在2008年冬春和夏秋2个季节对100名儿童居室和教室内常见的空气污染物CO、CO2,NO2、可吸入颗粒(PM10)、甲醛、苯、甲苯进行检测.结果 儿童居室内NO2的平均水平为冬春季(70.15 μg/m3)高于夏秋季(61.16μg/m3),而甲醛平均水平则是夏秋季(61.18μg/m3)高于冬春季(43.91μg/m3);教室主要空气污染物CO、CO2、NO2的平均水平为冬春季高于夏秋季,而甲醛水平也是夏秋季水平高于冬春季(P=0.008);居室内CO、CO2、NO2水平主要与室内吸烟、使用燃气炉和住宅附近有机动车辆较多公路有关;而甲醛、苯、二甲苯水平则与1年内室内装修、1年内使用新家俱、室内吸烟有关.结论 应针对儿童室内空气污染物相关影响因素,采用科学方法控制室内污染物暴露水平.  相似文献   

目的了解星级宾馆室内颗粒物污染水平,室内其他污染物及微小气候状况,分析室内颗粒物浓度的影响因素。方法选择星级宾馆6家,春、夏、秋、冬4个季节分别进行1次采样,监测室内污染物浓度(CO、CO2、PM10、PM2.5)、室内微小气候(温度、湿度、风速)及室外污染物浓度(CO、CO2、PM10、PM2.5)。结果室外颗粒物PM10、PM2.5浓度高于室内,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。室内颗粒物PM2.5占PM10的比例高于室外,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。室内PM10与PM2.5之间、室内PM10与室外PM10之间、室内PM2.5与室外PM2.5之间,存在相关性。室内PM10、PM2.5浓度与室内CO浓度存在相关性。室内PM10、PM2.5浓度与室内CO2浓度不存在相关性。室内PM10、PM2.5浓度与室内湿度存在相关性。结论星级宾馆室内颗粒物浓度较低,室内空气质量较好。室内PM10、PM2.5浓度随室内湿度增大而增大。  相似文献   

室内空气污染物监测方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着近年来家居装修业的发展,各种建筑材料被广泛应用,室内环境污染也日益严重。现场监测结果表明:室内某些污染物的水平远远大于室外,特别是新居室内的挥发性有机化合物(VOC),如芳香烃(苯、甲苯、二甲苯等)、酮类、醛类、氨和胺类等等,其浓度足以对人类健康构成危害。美国肺癌协会列出了五个首要污染物为香烟烟雾、VOC、甲醛、霉菌灰尘和一氧化碳。WHO认为,室内空气的主要污染物有:可吸入颗粒物,气溶胶,SO_2,NO_x,CO,CO_2,氨,甲醛,VOC,PAHs,尼古丁,丙烯醛,氡,砷,汞和微生物等。下面对重点污染物的测定技术进行综述。  相似文献   

目的 分析北京一次空气重污染黄色预警期间室内外微生物气溶胶的浓度和粒径变化特征及相关影响因素。方法 采用Andersen空气微生物采样器在北京市空气重污染黄色预警期间对室内外环境进行采样、培养,同时记录采样时的环境因素、颗粒物以及气态污染物的浓度。结果 在本次北京市空气重污染期间室外细菌和真菌气溶胶浓度显著高于室内细菌和真菌气溶胶浓度(P<0.01),室内外细菌和真菌浓度变化趋势具有显著正相关(P<0.01),发现63.62%~96.70%的细菌或真菌气溶胶粒子直径小于5μm,Spearman相关分析表明室外细菌气溶胶浓度与温度具有显著正相关(P<0.01),与相对湿度具有显著负相关(P<0.01),室内细菌气溶胶浓度与温度和相对湿度具有显著正相关(P<0.01),室外真菌气溶胶浓度与SO2、PM10、PM2.5和AQI指数具有显著正相关(P<0.01),与相对湿度具有显著负相关,室内真菌气溶胶浓度与温度、SO2、PM10、PM2.5和AQI指数具有显著正相关(P<0.01),与O3浓度具有显著负相关(P<0.01)。结论 本次空气重污染预警期间,室外微生物气溶胶浓度显著高于室内,超过60%的室外或室内微生物气溶胶粒子直径小于5μm,室内外微生物气溶胶浓度受多个环境因素参数影响。  相似文献   

目的描述西安市城乡室内空气污染现状,分析室内污染物与居住习惯的关系,以及污染物对健康影响,为改善室内环境提供参考意见。方法采用随机整群抽样,从西安市选取29户周边农村家庭和53户城区家庭,通过问卷调查和现场环境采样收集相关数据,用非参数检验和卡方检验进行统计分析。结果总体上,西安市室内CO、NO_2、甲苯、二甲苯值远低于国家标准,CO_2、PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)、甲醛浓度的中位数分别为:0.1%、44.5μg/m~3、51.5μg/m~3、34.5μg/m~3。CO、NO_2、甲醛、甲苯、二甲苯在城乡差异均有统计学意义(P0.05),且均为城市高于农村。使用加湿器和种盆栽的家庭室内甲醛、CO、NO_2的检测值更高(P0.05),养宠物家庭室内CO、NO_2的检测值更高(P0.05)。室内污染物与健康关系研究结果显示,PM_(10)、CO、NO_2浓度与儿童睡眠时间和感冒的关系差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论西安市城市室内空气污染高于农村,建议居民慎重使用加湿器、种盆栽和养宠物,减少室内空气污染,改善健康。  相似文献   

目的探讨学生宿舍室内空气中污染情况,指导学生健康生活。方法在对学生宿舍室内温度、湿度、氨气、甲醛、CO2、可吸入性颗粒物(PMIO)等不同时段检测的基础上分析室内污染物的分布规律。结果宿舍内最主要的污染物是可吸入性颗粒,最大超标率达到5.1倍。结论大学生宿舍内要注意清洁卫生,防止空气中氨和可吸入性颗粒污染。  相似文献   

目的 :研发折叠式负压隔离转运舱,满足新发突发传染病现场应急防控病员转运与处置需求。方法 :基于负压隔离原理,模拟仿真不同工况下舱体受力情况,设计可快速安装的相对密闭舱体;综合集成风机、高效空气过滤器、压差传感器、数据采集与控制元件,设计高效排风过滤模块;采用压差补偿技术,避免在机载颠簸工况下对舱内压差波动,维持稳定的定向气流;通过环境生理学测量方法,分析负压隔离转运舱工作时对受试者生理指标影响。结果:折叠式传染病员负压隔离转运舱对0.3μm生物气溶胶的过滤效率大于99.99%,在2 min内建立不小于15 Pa的负压差,实现舱内压差、电量实时监控,人体工效学试验表明对受试者生理指标无影响。结论:折叠式负压隔离转运舱过滤效率高,负压差建立稳定可靠,舱体作业展收快捷方便,满足传染病员转运需求。  相似文献   

在现场能够直接、方便、准确测量环境空气中污染物的仪器仅有少数几种,如CO、CO2、NO、SO2、O3等,绝大多数污染物是在现场进行直接采集或浓缩采样,样品经处理后用现有的分析技术分析。污染物在空气中存在的状态有气态和气溶胶两种,它们的采集和浓缩方法是不同的,本文仅就气态物质的采样问题进行讨论。[第一段]  相似文献   

室内空气净化器测定方法探讨   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
选择一处目前较为流行的、以高压静电及纤维滤料除尘、碳纤维板吸附为净化原理的室内空气净化器为测试对象,测定其对IP、尼古丁空气耗氧量、甲醛、SO2、NOX、NH3、CO、CO2和细菌总数十项指标的去除效率。同时测定了不开净化器时各项指标的自然衰减率,还测定了不同本度污染浓度对去除率的影响,对该净化器的净化效果作了客观的评价。并对室内空气净化器测试方法中有关影响因素进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

近年来.随着新技术的大量涌入人类赖以生存的环境变得越来越恶化.尤其是“室内空气的污染”已成为危害人们健康的最重要的因素。综合调查研究结果显示,主要污染物分为3类;①可吸入颗粒;②微生物;③有害挥发气体。2年前我们研制出纳米光催化空气消毒器,已在各大医院推广应用,收到良好的效果.但仍有一定的缺陷。目前我们利用纳米级二氧化钛的强氧化作用.制作出具有光催化降解和吸附一体化功能的微型空气净化器.能在极短的时间内清除空气的污染,是办公室、病房、车内等小环境最有效、携带方便的空气净化器。该产品特点:①材料技术创新:采用新载体装载和单分子层稀土元素装饰纳米级二氧化钛;②结构技术创新:采用紫外LED作为紫外光源,将光波长由360纳米提升到400纳米,使机器体积缩小,寿命延长;③机器外观创新:微型带来创作的人性化。  相似文献   

室内空气净化器净化效率的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
室内空气净化器种类繁多,净化效果尚难定论。本文对数种室内空气净化器在不同的模拟环境条件下的净化效率进行探讨,认为采用高压静电纤维滤料除尘,活性碳纤维吸附技术的室内空气净化器除尘,除臭及除去二氧化硫等具有明显效果。同一型号室内空气净化器在相同开机时间内,现场使用效果比模拟环境下的效果差  相似文献   

The effect of displacement flow on the distribution of aerosol concentration was investigated in an industrial hall. According to the displacement ventilation principle, vertical upflow is accomplished by introducing fresh air, cooler than room air, into the occupied zone near floor level. The fresh air is introduced from low-velocity devices and heated by warm processes. This technique allows warm air contaminants to rise to the ceiling, and the rising plume is then exhausted close to the ceiling. This study presents the results of a field study conducted in an industrial environment. The aerosol properties and behavior, especially the vertical gradients, are characterized in a displacement flow field. The results indicate that the fine particles, less than 1 microm in diameter, are transported away from the breathing zone by the ventilation process. However, the air quality is significantly influenced by the emission source, and therefore the number concentration of fine and ultrafine (smaller than 0.1 microm in diameter) aerosol particles in the breathing zone was clearly elevated compared to that of the incoming clean air. The vertical gradients displayed clear size dependence; the strongest gradients were found for particles between 0.003 and 0.015 microm in diameter.  相似文献   

The paper gives the results of exploring a test pre-heating system for the air (APHS) delivered to the shaft. The system has been first used in the Urals. The supply air is heated by burning natural gas in the air current. The APHS system with a RG air heater (000 "Gas-Engineering") is equipped in addition to the existing heaters to enhance heat supply reliability in northern conditions. The data of the studies show that in all periods of the heating season (interseason, moderate frosts, the coldest month), the concentrations of hazardous substances, such as nitric oxides, nitric dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, benz(a)pyrene, solid aerosol in the shaft-delivered air, do not exceed those given in the existing regulation provided that the design operating conditions are met. With the maximum gas consumption, the coldest month only was marked by the nitric dioxide content being greater than the standard values, causing the maximum projected natural gas consumption to be lower in the APHS system. The air level of nitric dioxide proved to be a major hygiene indicator while using this air heater.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Though many contaminants are released into the atmosphere, in the US only six air pollutants-ozone, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and lead-are closely monitored and carefully assessed for health significance. Other pollutants, even if highly toxic, are neither widely monitored nor routinely assessed at the national level. The goal of this study was to analyze the availability of information needed to characterize the health significance of hazardous air pollutants, focusing on urban areas in California. METHODS: The authors compared different approaches to identifying which contaminants should be considered hazardous air pollutants of potential health concern; reviewed the availability of toxicity values for these pollutants; and analyzed the usefulness of air monitoring data from California agencies for determining populations risks, by comparing method detection limits with health benchmarks. RESULTS: Approaches to identifying air contaminants of possible health concern differ. Toxicity values are not available for many hazardous air pollutants, including those identified in the Clean Air Act. In California, monitoring data are available for many, though not all, pollutants of concern. Monitoring methods for several pollutants do not have adequate sensitivity to detect all relevant concentrations. CONCLUSION: The information necessary to fully assess the health significance of hazardous air pollutants is not currently available.  相似文献   

In cabin filtration systems, blower motors pressurize a vehicle cabin with clean filtered air and recirculate air through an air-conditioning evaporator coil and a heater core. The exposure reduction offered by these cabins is evaluated by optical particle counters that measure size-dependent aerosol concentration inside and outside the cabin. The ratio of the inside-to-outside concentration is termed penetration. Blower motors use stationary carbon brushes to transmit an electrical current through a rotating armature that abrades the carbon brushes. This creates airborne dust that may affect experimental evaluations of aerosol penetration. To evaluate the magnitude of these dust emissions, blower motors were placed in a test chamber and operated at 12 and 13.5 volts DC. A vacuum cleaner drew 76 m3/hour (45 cfm) of air through HEPA filters, the test chamber, and through a 5 cm diameter pipe. An optical particle counter drew air through an isokinetic sampling probe and measured the size-dependent particle concentrations from 0.3 to 15 microm. The concentration of blower motor aerosol was between 2 x 10(5) and 1.8 x 10(6) particles/m3. Aerosol penetration into three stationary vehicles, two pesticide application vehicles and one tractor were measured at two conditions: low concentration (outside in the winter) and high concentration (inside repair shops and burning incense sticks used as a supplemental aerosol source). For particles smaller than 1 microm, the in-cabin concentrations can be explained by the blower motor emissions. For particles larger than 1 microm, other aerosol sources, such as resuspended dirt, are present. Aerosol generated by the operation of the blower motor and by other sources can bias the exposure reduction measured by optical particle counters.  相似文献   

医用空气净化消毒器杀菌效果的试验观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解医用空气净化消毒器以静电吸附和过滤器过滤对空气净化消毒的效果。方法:采用气雾染菌法和现场试验法进行试验观察。结果:该医用空气净化消毒器颗粒物净化效率为75%;对体积为90 m^3的空间开机作用30 min,颗粒物去除率为93.3%;对体积为20 m^3气雾室空气中人工污染白色葡萄球菌开机作用30 min,杀灭率为99.98%;现场试验证明,该医用空气净化消毒器开机作用60 min,对体积为90 m^3室内空气中自然菌的各次消除率均达到90%以上。结论:该医用空气净化消毒器,对实验室和现场室内空气的颗粒物净化效率、消毒效果均达到规定标准,具有较好颗粒物去除和杀菌效果。  相似文献   

The use of an inhalation simulation apparatus to determine the effects of conditions of 98% relative humidity and 37°C temperature on the size distribution of aerosol particulates is demonstrated. Ten common household and cosmetic aerosol products and NaCl aerosol were sampled from the apparatus by the Single Particle Aerodynamic Relaxation Time (SPART) analyzer. Some products, such as the spray powder antiperspirant, spray lubricant, and furniture polish, showed little increase in count and mass median aerodynamic diameter under humid conditions. The size distribution of other products, such as oven cleaner, air freshener, insecticide, and pump spray antiperspirant, shifted such that the mass median aerodynamic diameters increased two- to fourfold.  相似文献   

目的:研制一台主要开展病原体快速筛查检测工作的微生物检验车。方法:采用陕汽2190汽车底盘进行设计,将车厢划分为BSL-2+实验间、缓冲间、送风空气处理设备间和排风净化设备间4个区域,进行紧凑合理科学的设备空间布局设置,满足移动实验室作业条件需求。采用全新风组合式空调处理系统以及上送下排、边侧送风、对侧排风的气流组织形式,形成由洁净区向污染区的定向气流,对实验室空气进行净化处理。结果:该检验车经试验测试.各项指标均达到设计要求。结论:微生物检验车可实现车厢内部的负压隔离,能够对周围环境形成有效防护和保证实验因子不受外界污染,为新发突发传染病防控提供快速、机动、安全、高效的检验平台。  相似文献   

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