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20 0 0年 11月 2 5日 ,合肥某武功学校报告有 34名学生因食用方便面发生“食物中毒” ,通过对现场的流行病学调查及实验室诊断 ,经 5名食品卫生学专业副主任医师及两名精神病学专家共同论证 ,评定为“癔症样疑病症状群体发作”。现报道如下。1 调查方法与内容1.1 现场流行病学调查 了解学校环境状况、学生饮用水及就餐情况 ;中毒学生发病经过及 48h食谱。1.2 临床调查 了解发病潜伏期、主要症状及治疗情况。1.3 实验室检测 采集代购店及其供货点同批及相近批次方便面 ,按国家标准检测大肠菌群、细菌总数、致病菌、酸价、过氧化值、…  相似文献   

摘要:目的 通过一起饮用污染水引起亚急性砷中毒事件的调查处置,总结经验,为今后类似事件处置提供参考。方法 对饮用污染水的村民有342人进行入户调查、体检并对其尿样进行检测,开展现场流行病学调查,对饮用水进行检测。结果 废弃矿洞水砷含量为2.40 mg/L,末梢水砷含量0.63 mg/L,水源水砷含量0.01 mg/L,水源水、末梢水、废弃矿洞水检测汞含量未超过国家饮用水标准限值;对342名饮用污染水村民尿砷检测,均值为(1.089±1.64)mg/L,临村45名没有饮用污染水村民尿样进行砷对比检测,均值为(0.134±0.163)mg/L。结论 结合病人临床表现、流行病学调查和实验室检验结果,共诊断亚急性砷中毒病例8例,判断本次事件为一起饮用水污染引起的砷中毒事件。  相似文献   

An outbreak of subacute poisoning occurred among nine members of a family; eight were ill with gastrointestinal symptoms, four developed encephalopathy, and two died. Abnormal liver function tests and leukopenia were common laboratory findings. Epidemiologic and environmental investigations traced the source of arsenic exposure to a farm well with water containing 108 ppm arsenic. The soil adjacent to the well was also contaminated with arsenic, possibly from waste pesticide. Presumably, arsenic gained access to the well through obvious leaks in the well's casing. To our knowledge, this is only the second reported outbreak of fatal arsenic poisoning from contaminated drinking water and one of few instances where illness followed exposure to a toxic substance which was disposed of, or possibly disposed of, in an indiscriminate manner.  相似文献   

目的:建立用毛细管气相色谱对饮用水中苯系物进行测定的方法。方法:用气相色谱法,以正己烷为萃取溶剂萃取苯系物,用PEG-20M毛细管柱分离,以保留时间定性,外标法定量。结果:对7种苯系物进行测定,其平均回收率为91.4%~114%,相对标准偏差(RSD)为3.3%~11.4%,最低检测限为40μg/L。结论:结果表明,该方法操作简便、重现性好、灵敏度高,适用于饮用水中苯系物的测定。  相似文献   

目的通过能力验证计划,对全国实验室的生活饮用水中苯含量检测能力进行分析和评价。方法能力验证计划中使用的被测样品参考二级标准物质制备方法制备,采用单因子方差分析法和线性拟合趋势分析法分别对其进行均匀性检验和稳定性检验。将各参加实验室提交的结果进行迭代稳健统计分析,采用Z比分数评定各参加实验室的测试结果。结果全国共242家实验室参加该项能力验证,获得满意结果的实验室220家,结果满意率为90.9%,可疑结果的有9家,结果可疑率为3.7%,离群结果的有13家,结果离群率为5.4%。结论能力验证统计结果表明,国内实验室的生活饮用水中苯检测能力总体较好,少部分实验室的检测能力有待改进提高。  相似文献   

This report provides an example of how a single source of contamination could potentially contribute to all routes of exposure. A modeling approach was used to estimate multiple exposure routes in an attempt to assess the health significance of gasoline-contaminated drinking water supplies. This model consisted of a two-compartment, indoor air quality equation that calculates the contribution made by ambient and indoor air contaminated by a pollutant volatilized from drinking water to that pollutant's inhalation burden. In addition, the model uses the traditional equations for assessing a pollutant's oral and dermal burdens. Benzene, toluene and xylene were used as surrogates for gasoline contamination to determine the contribution of contaminated water to adult and child body burdens from indoor air, oral (drinking water and food) and dermal exposure routes. The contribution thus calculated for each chemical was compared to the EPA's Office of Drinking Water Health Advisories. In terms of acute exposure, the use of chemically contaminated water for showering purposes may generate vapor in the confined area of the bathroom at levels sufficient to cause or contribute to mucous tissue irritation, as commonly reported in affected homes. High temperatures and humidity may also contribute to these effects, especially in the bathroom. In terms of chronic exposure, the use of chemically contaminated water at EPA-recommended guideline amounts in an affected home may result in inhalation, oral and dermal exposures leading to cumulative doses exceeding adult and child total daily body burdens based on EPA's Health Advisories. Thus, this model indicates that the traditional standard/guidelines derivation processes should be reevaluated to consider the pollutant contribution from multiple routes of exposure. The New Jersey Departments of Health and Environmental Protection conducted a study in which concentrations of several pollutants including benzene in the breathing zone were measured during a 15-minute shower in homes with contaminated water. The findings suggest that the air quality model used in the present study may satisfactorily predict the airborne concentrations of pollutants in, at least, the bathroom after showering with contaminated water (Pearson rank correlation coefficient of 0.773 with p = 0.0012 for n = 14). The findings of the present study support the use of an adjustment factor for all exposure durations to account for exposures to other sources of the contaminant, i.e., urban, occupational, and food. A value of 20% seems appropriate based on the study's findings.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   



Information on life expectancy change is of great concern for policy makers, as evidenced by the discussions of the so-called "harvesting" issue (i.e. the question being, how large a loss each death corresponds to in the mortality results of time series studies).  相似文献   

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