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The aim of the present study was to shed light on the executive functioning deficits that might differentiate children with frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE) from children with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Participants included 19 youth with intractable FLE and 47 youth with intractable TLE. Participants completed the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), verbal fluency, Trail Making Test (Trails A and B), Digit Span Forward (DSF), and Digit Span Backward (DSB). When compared to the normative sample, the FLE group performed significantly worse on DSF, DSB, Trails B, and the WCST. Similarly, the TLE group performed significantly worse on DSF and DSB compared to the normative sample. Youth with FLE had significantly greater difficulty on the WCST compared to the TLE group. Overall, the results indicated that youth with FLE had significantly greater difficulty with concept formation compared to children with TLE. No differences between groups emerged on tasks assessing attention, working memory, mental flexibility, or rapid word retrieval. Both groups performed significantly below the normative sample levels on attention and working memory tasks. As a whole, it appears that some, although not all, executive dysfunction is specific to FLE.  相似文献   

Purpose: To quantitatively evaluate the difference of ictal head turning movements between patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE). Methods: We investigated 38 seizures of 31 patients with unilateral TLE and 22 seizures of 14 patients with unilateral FLE where head turning occurred in the seizure evolution. The head movements were defined as ipsilateral or contralateral in reference to the lateralization of the patient’s focal epilepsy syndrome. Head movements were quantified by either referencing the head position with manually placed markers or by automatic detection of infrared marked reference points. The time of onset, duration, and angular speed of the head movements were computed, and interindividual and intraindividual analyses were performed. Key Findings: All of the TLE seizures had both contralateral and ipsilateral head turning, whereas all FLE had contralateral head turning; only 6 of 22 seizures were associated with ipsilateral head turning. Ipsilateral head turning always preceded contralateral head turning in both TLE and FLE. The head turning occurred significantly sooner after clinical seizure onset in FLE than in TLE patients (ipsilateral 0.5 vs. 16.0 s, contralateral: 4.5 vs. 21.3 s; p < 0.001). Furthermore, the duration of head turning was shorter in FLE for contralateral head turning (4.1 s) than in TLE (contralateral 6.0 s, p < 0.01); the ipsilateral head turning in the two groups did not differ (3.0 vs. 2.9 s) in duration. The angular speed of head turning did not differ for ipsilateral and for contralateral head turning in FLE and TLE. Significance: Quantitative analysis of head turning demonstrates significant differences between patients with FLE and TLE. These differences likely represent differences in spread of epileptic activity. This information may be useful in the seizure evaluation of patients considered for resective epilepsy surgery.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the reliability of clinical history and seizure semiology for distinguishing between frontal lobe seizures (FLS) and temporal lobe seizures (TLS). FLS patients (n=23) were consecutively identified through an epilepsy surgery database. TLS patients (n=27) were selected randomly from 238 patients who had undergone temporal lobe surgery for epilepsy. The criterion standard for seizure localization was the location of resective epilepsy surgery that controlled seizures for a minimum of 2 years. Blinded comparisons of 13 historical information items (HII) and 19 video-recorded semiologic features (VSF) were made. We identified 3 HII (sex, history of febrile convulsions, and history of generalized tonic-clonic seizures) and 2 VSF (fencing posturing and postictal confusion) that significantly distinguished between FLS and TLS. The multivariate analysis model correctly identified 87% of FLS patients and 74% of TLS patients. No single HII or VSF is sufficient for distinguishing between FLS and TLS. A model integrating multiple HII and VSF may assist in this differentiation, but some patients still may be misclassified.  相似文献   

On August 5-7, 2011, S?o Paulo was home to the first regional meeting of the Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS). Over 400 people from many countries attended the activities and contributed with around 200 submissions for oral and poster presentations. This article summarizes the data presented during the meeting, with an emphasis on the plenary talks and sessions for short oral presentations. For information on the poster presentations, readers are referred to the special issue of Revista de Psiquiatria Clínica (Brazil) dedicated to the conference (available at: http://www.hcnet.usp.br/ipq/revista/vol38/s1/).  相似文献   

Purpose: Based on discussions on the so called “epileptic personality” in patients with epilepsy, interictal behavioral impairments in frontal and temporal lobe epilepsies were examined in a multivariate approach that took demographic, clinical, and neuropsychological determinants into consideration. Methods: A total of 428 patients with epilepsies originating from the temporal (TLE; 84%) or frontal (FLE; 16%) lobes were examined in regard to personality (Fragebogen zur Persönlichkeit bei zerebralen Erkrankungen [FPZ], a clinical personality questionnaire) and mood (Beck Depression Inventory [BDI I]). Prevalence of impaired behavioral domains was determined. Etiologically relevant determinants of behavioral problems were identified via multiple regression analyses. Key Findings: Elevated depression scores (BDI) were evident in 42% of the patients, and not different in TLE and FLE. In regard to personality, introversion together with low mood, sociability, and self‐determination, as well as problems with interpersonal communication were frequent. The TLE group tended to show greater neuroticism and introversion, while FLE appeared more associated with behavioral aspects of an organic psychosyndrome. Multivariate analyses revealed demographic characteristics (age, gender, education), clinical aspects (psychiatric history, affected hemisphere, mesial pathology, seizure frequency, cognitive functions), and treatment (antiepileptic drug treatment) as relevant determinants, explaining up to 30% of the behavior. Significance: Behavioral abnormalities in patients with frontal or temporal lobe epilepsy are common but on the average mostly mild. Within a multivariate etiological model, localization (mesial yes/no) and lateralization (left > right) dependent behavioral problems in TLE and FLE seem to be overshadowed by other variables, of which patients’ and their families’ psychiatric history, patient characteristics and pharmacological treatment appear of major importance. Better education and cognitive capabilities may be discussed as protective features.  相似文献   

Executive functions in children with frontal and temporal lobe epilepsy.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Even though frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE) is a relatively common seizure type, no formal psychometric studies of children with FLE have been reported. We compared 12 children with FLE and 15 children with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) on neuropsychological tests of attention, memory, executive functioning, and adaptive functioning. The results of these tests indicated that the children with FLE had deficits in planning and executive functions, whereas their verbal and nonverbal memory was intact. The opposite pattern was observed in children with TLE. Measures of executive functioning and impulse control were the best predictors of adaptive functioning. The findings suggest that children with FLE have a pattern of cognitive deficits that differs markedly from the pattern seen in children with TLE. Children with FLE have prominent deficits in executive functioning that appear to be related to poor behavioral adaptation.  相似文献   

Patients with frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE), patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), and matched controls were administered a test of response inhibition and set shifting (switching) (Color Word Interference Test, CWIT). Patients with FLE were impaired relative to the controls across all conditions of the CWIT, with the FLE patients showing disproportionate impairment in the Inhibition and Inhibition/Switching conditions. In contrast, the TLE patients did not differ from controls. Further analysis of the patient groups revealed that patients with left FLE were impaired relative to those with right FLE, left TLE, and right TLE in the Inhibition condition. In the Inhibition/Switching condition, patients with left FLE and left TLE were impaired relative to their right-sided counterparts. Finally, performance by the TLE group in the Inhibition/Switching condition was correlated with seizure frequency. These data suggest that patients with FLE, but not TLE, show impaired inhibition and set shifting relative to controls. In addition, side of the seizure focus and seizure frequency may contribute to executive dysfunction in patients with epilepsy.  相似文献   

Aims. Hyperkinetic seizures are usually associated with frontal lobe epilepsy. However, some patients have hyperkinetic seizures of temporal lobe origin. The semiological differences in hyperkinetic seizures between frontal and temporal lobe epilepsy have not been well studied. Here, we retrospectively assessed ictal semiology in order to distinguish between hyperkinetic seizures of frontal lobe origin and those of temporal lobe origin. Methods. We retrospectively reviewed data on patients who had undergone surgery for hyperkinetic seizures of temporal or frontal lobe origin and achieved favourable seizure outcomes (Engel Class I) with a minimum postoperative follow‐up of 24 months. We reviewed seizure histories, imaging reports, video‐EEG monitoring data, operative records, and pathological findings. We analysed and compared the hyperkinetic semiology of video‐recorded seizures of temporal lobe origin and those of frontal lobe origin. Results. Forty hyperkinetic seizures in eight patients (seven adult patients and one 12‐year‐old patient) with temporal lobe epilepsy and 45 hyperkinetic seizures in nine patients (eight adult patients and one 16‐year‐old patient) with frontal lobe epilepsy were analysed. Emotional facial expressions (such as fear, laughing, or anger), bilateral forceful elbow flexion, bilateral forceful grasping, facial flushing, and bilateral facial contraction were observed significantly more frequently in seizures of frontal lobe origin. Oroalimentary automatisms, seizures during wakefulness, salivation, and bilateral drop of the corners of the mouth were observed significantly more frequently in seizures of temporal lobe origin. Conclusions. Observation of a number of signs during hyperkinetic manifestations may help to predict whether a seizure originates from the frontal lobe or the temporal lobe.  相似文献   

Beleza P  Bilgin O  Noachtar S 《Epilepsia》2009,50(3):550-555
Purpose:   We evaluated the role of interictal rhythmical midline theta (RMT) in the identification of frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE) and its differentiation from temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and nonepileptic controls.
Methods:   We included 162 individuals in the study: 54 FLE patients, 54 TLE patients, and 54 nonepileptic controls. Continuous electroencephalographic (EEG)-video monitoring was performed in all individuals. Interictal RMT was included only if it occurred during definite awake states. RMT associated with drowsiness or mental activation and ictal RMT was excluded.
Results:   We identified RMT significantly more frequently in FLE patients (48.1%, 26 of 54) than in TLE patients (3.7%, 2 of 54) (p < 0.01), and not in the control group. The average frequency was 6 Hz (range 5–7 Hz), and the average RMT bursts lasted 8 s (3–12 s). Interestingly, all mesial FLE patients (n = 4) (as established by invasive EEG recordings) showed RMT, whereas this was less frequently the case in the other FLE patients (44%, 22 of 50) (p = 0.03). Thirteen of our 54 patients with FLE (24%) did not have any interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs), but RMT was observed in the majority of these patients (62%, 8 of 13).
Conclusion:   Interictal RMT is common and has a localizing value in patients with FLE, provided that conditions such as drowsiness and mental activation as confounding factors for RMT are excluded. RMT should be included in the evaluation of patients considered for resective epilepsy surgery.  相似文献   

PurposeThe objective of this study was to provide a better understanding of the verbal learning and memory (VLM) patterns that might differentiate children with frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE) from children with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and to examine the impact of variables thought to influence outcomes (seizure laterality, age at seizure onset, age at assessment, epilepsy duration, number of antiepileptic drugs).MethodsRetrospective analyses were carried out for children with intractable unilateral TLE (n = 100) and FLE (n = 27) who completed standardized measures of VLM entailing lists of single words or lists of word pairs.ResultsMean intelligent quotients and VLM scores on single words fell within the average range for both groups, whereas scores fell within the low average to borderline range on word pairs. No significant overall differences in VLM were found between the group with TLE and the group with FLE.Older age at assessment and older age at seizure onset were generally associated with better VLM in both groups but were related to better performance in a number of indices in the group with TLE and only fewer intrusions in the group with FLE.ConclusionsThe VLM profiles of children with TLE and FLE are generally similar. Older age at assessment and older age at seizure onset have a favorable impact on both groups but are related to better encoding, retrieval, and monitoring processes for the group with TLE and improved memory monitoring (i.e., as indicated by fewer intrusions) in the group with FLE.  相似文献   

J P Lieb  R M Dasheiff  J Engel 《Epilepsia》1991,32(6):822-837
The depth ictal electroencephalographic (EEG) propagation sequence accompanying 78 complex partial seizures of mesial temporal origin was reviewed in 24 patients (15 from the University of Pittsburgh Epilepsy Center and 9 from UCLA). All patients were monitored with bilateral mesial frontal and mesial temporal depth electrodes and later received anterior temporal lobectomy. Ictal EEG records were categorized according to sequence of spread from the temporal focus to the other regions. Although propagation patterns varied both within and between patients, certain features were notable: (a) It was very common for seizure activity to spread initially to the ipsilateral frontal lobe (observed in 22 of 24 patients). (b) The most common mode of spread (15 of 24 patients) was initiating temporal lobe----ipsilateral frontal lobe----contralateral frontal lobe----contralateral temporal lobe. (c) Occasionally, seizure discharges invaded the frontal lobes but failed to invade the contralateral temporal lobe (2 of 24 patients). (d) Seizure activity occasionally invaded the contralateral temporal lobe prior to invading the frontal lobes (2 of 24 patients). Other notable features included (i) a clear tendency for mesial temporal seizure discharges initially to invade orbitofrontal (as opposed to anterior cingulate) cortex and (ii) the emergence of a period of clear asymmetry in the frontal lobes during which high-amplitude, rapid discharges were present on the side ipsilateral to the initiating temporal lobe. These results suggest that the prefrontal region, especially the orbitofrontal cortex, is strongly influenced by mesial temporal ictal activity. This region appears to be frequently involved in the propagation of seizures initiated in the mesial temporal lobe and may play a role in the interhemispheric propagation of mesial temporal seizures.  相似文献   

额颞部对冲性脑损伤的手术治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
额颞部对冲性脑损伤是临床上比较常见的一种严重的颅脑损伤,往往表现为一侧额颞叶脑挫裂伤或双侧额叶脑挫裂伤,常伴脑内或硬膜下血肿,有时合并以外侧裂池为主的蛛网膜下腔出血,如处理不当,可导致脑疝发生,危及患者生命。我院2000年1月至2004年12月对96例此类患者采取手术治疗。取得良好效果,现报告如下:  相似文献   

The autopsy findings of a 78-year-old man mimicking primary lateral sclerosis (PLS) are reported. He showed slowly progressive spasticity, pseudobulbar palsy and character change, and died 32 months after the onset of symptoms. Autopsy revealed severe atrophy of the frontal and temporal lobes, remarkable neuronal loss and gliosis in the precentral gyrus, left temporal lobe pole and amygdala, mild degeneration of the Ammon’s horn, degeneration of the corticospinal tract, and very mild involvement of the lower motor neurons. The anterior horn cells only occasionally demonstrated Bunina body by cystatin-C staining, and skein-like inclusions by ubiquitin staining. This is a peculiar case with concomitant involvement in the motor cortex and temporal lobe in motor neuron disease predominantly affecting the upper motor neuron. Received: 18 November 1997 / Revised, accepted: 2 April 1998  相似文献   

Patients with frontal lobe brain damage are reportedly impaired on tasks that require plan development and execution. In this study, we examined the performance of 15 patients diagnosed with frontal lobe dementia and 14 patients with focal frontal lobe lesions on the Tower of London planning task. Patients with frontal lobe dementia committed a significantly higher number of rule violations, made more moves, and demonstrated longer solution time latencies compared to their matched controls. Patients with frontal lobe lesions demonstrated significantly delayed solution times and also made more moves compared to their matched controls. Frontal lobe lesion patient performance suggests an impairment in execution-related processes, while frontal lobe dementia patients appear to be impaired in both plan development and execution. Despite these findings, the identification of a specific cognitive impairment that induces these planning problems remains elusive.  相似文献   

Among individuals with episodic memory impairments, trial-and-error learning is less successful than when errors are avoided. This "errorless learning advantage" has been replicated numerous times, but its neurocognitive mechanism is uncertain, with existing evidence pointing to both medial temporal lobe (MTL) and frontal lobe (FL) involvement. To test the relative contribution of MTL and FL functioning to the errorless learning advantage, 51 healthy older adults were pre-experimentally assigned to one of four groups based on their neuropsychological test performance: Low MTL-Low FL, Low MTL-High FL, High MTL-Low FL, High MTL-High FL. Participants learned two word lists under errorless learning conditions, and two word lists under errorful learning conditions, and memory was tested via free recall, cued recall, and source recognition. Performance on all three tests was better for those with High relative to Low MTL functioning. An errorless learning advantage was found in free and cued recall, in cued recall marginally more so for those with Low than High MTL functioning. Participants with Low MTL functioning were also more likely to misclassify learning errors as target words. Overall, these results are consistent with a MTL locus of the errorless learning advantage. The results are discussed in terms of the multi-componential nature of neuropsychological tests and the impact of demographic and mood variables on cognitive functioning.  相似文献   

Previous research has raised questions regarding the necessity of the frontal cortex in autobiographical memory and the role that it plays in actively retrieving contextual information associated with personally relevant events. Autobiographical memory was studied in patients with unilateral excisions restricted to the frontal cortex or temporal lobe involving the amygdalo-hippocampal region and in normal controls using an event-sampling method. We examined accuracy of free recall, use of strategies during retrieval and memory for specific aspects of the autobiographical events, including temporal order. Patients with temporal lobe excisions were impaired in autobiographical recall. By contrast, patients with frontal cortical excisions exhibited normal autobiographical recall but were less likely to use temporal order spontaneously to organize event retrieval. Instruction to organize retrieval by temporal order failed to improve recall in temporal lobe patients and increased the incidence of plausible intrusion errors in left temporal patients. In contrast, patients with frontal cortical excisions now surpassed control subjects in recall of autobiographical events. Furthermore, the retrieval accuracy for the temporal order of diary events was not impaired in these patients. In a subsequent cued recall test, temporal lobe patients were impaired in their memory for the details of the diary events and their context. In conclusion, a basic impairment in autobiographical memory (including memory for temporal context) results from damage to the temporal lobe and not the frontal cortex. Patients with frontal excisions fail to use organizational strategies spontaneously to aid retrieval but can use these effectively if instructed to do so.  相似文献   

Several studies of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients have investigated the relationship between the seizure focus and 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS). There have also been a few reports in other types of partial epilepsy. We examined the relationship between the seizure focus and the reduction in N-acetylaspartate: creatine (NAA : Cr) ratio using 1H-MRS in both TLE and frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE) patients. We studied 21 patients with unilateral TLE and seven patients with unilateral FLE. We used a 1.5 Tesla magnetic resonance unit (Signa Horizon; General Electric). Approximately 15 x 15 x 20 mm3 voxel of interest (VOI) was placed over the anterior portion of the bilateral hippocampus in the TLE patients, and the anterodorsal position of bilateral frontal lobe in the FLE patients. The seizure focus was identified by interictal scalp electro-encephalogram (EEG). In the TLE patients the NAA : Cr ratios were reduced in the seizure focus, while in the FLE patients they were not always reduced in the seizure focus. In the TLE patients the coincidence rate between the seizure focus and the reduction in the NAA:Cr ratio was 90% (19 of 21 patients), while in the FLE patients the coincidence rate was only 57% (four of seven patients).  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) studies of the frontal and temporal lobes in schizophrenia patients and healthy controls have proliferated over the past 2 decades, but there have been relatively few attempts to quantify the evidence. In this meta-analytic review, 155 studies on frontal and temporal lobe neurobiology were synthesized, reflecting results from 4043 schizophrenia patients and 3977 normal controls. Cohen's d was used to quantify case-control differences, and moderator variable analysis indexed the relation of sample and imaging characteristics to the magnitude of these differences. Frontal metabolic and blood flow deficiencies in conjunction with cognitive activation tasks ("hypofrontality") emerged as the strongest body of evidence, demonstrating abnormalities that distinguish approximately half of schizophrenia patients from healthy people. Most case-control comparisons with structural and functional imaging yield small and in many cases unstable findings. Technical scanning parameters like slice thickness and magnet strength did not vary with case-control differences consistently across the meta-analyses. However, patient sample characteristics including sample size, handedness and gender composition emerged frequently as moderators of brain-imaging effect sizes.  相似文献   

We analyzed volume and diffusivity measures of the corpus callosum (CC) in patients with temporal (TLE) and frontal (FLE) lobe epilepsy in comparison with healthy subjects. On high-resolution T1-weighted scans of 18 controls and 44 patients the volumes (cm(3)) of Witelson regions (WRs) and the entire CC were measured. The apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs, 10(-5)mm(2)s(-1)) for the entire CC and three areas of interest were measured from co-registered ADC maps. The CC of patients with TLE and FLE, corrected for total brain volume, was smaller than that of controls. Patients' ADC values were higher than those of controls. Findings were significant for WR1, WR2, and WR6, the CC regions connecting the frontal and temporal lobes. Patients with FLE had smaller WR1 and higher ADC values; in patients with TLE, the findings were similar for WR6. Atrophy and increased diffusivity in subregions of the CC connecting homotopic contralateral cortical regions indicate anatomical abnormalities extending beyond the epileptogenic zone in FLE and TLE.  相似文献   

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