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Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) was used to characterise the localisation of an intravenously administered trimethylated carotenoporphyrin [CP(Me)3] and a trimethoxylated carotenoporphyrin [CP(OMe)3] in an intramuscularly transplanted malignant tumour (MS-2 fibrosarcoma) and healthy muscle in female Balb/c mice, 3, 24, 48 and 96 h post injection. The fluorescence was induced with a dye laser pumped by a nitrogen laser, emitting light at 425 nm. The fluorescence spectra were recorded in the region 455-760 nm using a polychromator equipped with an image-intensified CCD camera. The tumour/peritumoral muscle ratio was about 5:1 for CP(Me)3 and about 6:1 for CP(OMe)3 in terms of the background-free fluorescence intensity, which peaked at about 655 nm. By including the endogenous tissue fluorescence, the contrast was further enhanced by a factor of approximately 2.  相似文献   

meso-Tetra(hydroxyphenyl)chlorin (mTHPC) is an attractive second-generation dihydroporphyrin photosensitiser for use in photodynamic therapy. In this study, 1.3 mg kg-1 body weight mTHPC was administered intravenously, and laser-induced fluorescence was used to characterise and compare its localisation and retention in different rat tissues, including an induced experimental adenocarcinoma, 24 h and 48 h post injection. These studies were performed in an attempt to predict the anatomical locations where mTHPC PDT might be most effective and suggest suitable injection--irradiation intervals in each case. Of particular interest were the intra-abdominal and intrathoracic tissues. The fluorescence was induced at 405 nm and the fluorescence spectrum in the region 450-750 nm was analysed. All collected spectra were dominated by the fluorescence signature of mTHPC with its peak at 652 nm, and all values in this study are in terms of background-free drug-specific fluorescence intensity at that wavelength. The photosensitiser accumulated in high concentrations in the tumour and the reticuloendothelial system. Muscular organs, such as the heart and the abdominal wall, were characterised by a low drug fluorescence signature.  相似文献   

目的 研究体内大肠癌、腺瘤性息肉、慢性炎症与正常组织的激光诱发荧光(LIF)光谱,重点探讨癌前病变的特征性光谱规律。方法 将与氮分子激光器(激发波长337nm)耦合的光纤经纤维结肠镜活检孔插入,激光由光纤导入,分别检测83例患体内病变组织(包括大肠癌39例,腺瘤性息肉33例,慢性炎症23例)与正常组织的LIF光谱,所得光谱由同根光纤导出,由OMA Ⅲ进行记录、分析处理。结果 癌与正常组织的光谱强  相似文献   

Somatostatin (SST) is a short-lived peptide hormone that regulates the endocrine system. The main use of the derivatives of SST is to diagnose diseases related to growth hormone and to use against some forms of cancer that involve growth hormone. Also, SST suppresses gastric acid secretion, gallbladder contractions, and pancreatic enzyme secretion. In this study, two different bifunctional chelating agents were used to examine the changes in the biologic half-life of SST. For this purpose, first D-penicillamine (D-PA) and diethylene triaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) were used to label SST with (99m)Tc and then radiopharmaceutical potential of three (99m)Tc-labeled complexes, (99m)Tc-D-PA, (99m)Tc-D-PA-SST, and (99m)Tc-DTPA-SST, were compared with each other. Quality control for each labeled complex was established by using radiochromatographic methods. The radiolabeled complexes maintained their stabilities for 5 hours. Then, biodistribution studies were performed on Albino Wistar rats independently for three complexes. The results demonstrated that (99m)Tc-D-PA-SST exhibited long-term uptake in organs, and its clearance took longer than the (99m)Tc-DTPA-SST complex.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we showed that targeted delivery of bovine liver catalase to hepatocytes by direct galactosylation augmented the inhibitory effect of the enzyme on experimental hepatic metastasis of colon carcinoma cells (unpublished data). Here, we examined the ability of catalase to inhibit tumor metastasis to the lung by controlling its biodistribution. Four types of catalase derivative, Gal-CAT, Man-CAT, Suc-CAT and PEG-CAT, were synthesized. Experimental pulmonary metastasis was induced in mice by i.v. injection of 1 x 10(5) colon 26 tumor cells. An i.v. injection of catalase (35,000 units/kg) partially, but significantly, decreased the number of colonies in the lung 2 weeks after tumor injection, from 93 +/- 29 (saline injection) to 63 +/- 23 (p < 0.01). Suc-CAT, Man-CAT and Gal-CAT showed effects similar to those of catalase on the number of colonies. However, PEG-CAT greatly inhibited pulmonary metastasis to 22 +/- 11 (p < 0.001). Furthermore, s.c. injection of catalase also greatly inhibited metastasis (11 +/- 6, p < 0.001). Neither inactivated catalase nor BSA showed any effects on the number of metastatic colonies, indicating that the enzymatic activity of catalase to detoxify H(2)O(2) is the critical factor inhibiting metastasis. (111)In-PEG-CAT showed a sustained concentration in plasma, whereas s.c.-injected (111)In-catalase was slowly absorbed from the injection site. These results suggest that retention of catalase activity in the circulation is a promising approach to inhibit pulmonary metastasis.  相似文献   

The impact of mouse multidrug resistance genes mdrla/b and mrpl on age-related differences in the toxicity and biodistribution of vincristine (VCR) was evaluated in wild-type, mrpl(-/-), mdrla/b(-/-), and combined mdrla/b(-/-), mrpl(-/-) weanling and adult mice given a single IP dose of VCR ranging from 0.0625 to 6 mg/kg. Weanling mice of all four genotypes were more sensitive than adult animals as determined by survival rate, average time of death, and pathologic findings. Wild-type animals were the least sensitive and combined mdrla/b(-/-), mrpl(-/-) mice the most sensitive to VCR toxicity. Mdrla/b(-/-) and mrpl(-/-) genotypes exhibited intermediate sensitivities, with mdrla/b(-/-) mice being more sensitive than mrpl(-/-) animals to the vinca alkaloid. Administration of [3H]VCR to wild-type and mdrla/b(-/-), mrpl(-/-) animals revealed relatively greater accumulation of radioactive VCR equivalents in weanlings over adults in several tissues, with weanling mdrla/b(-/-), mrpl(-/-) lung and heart exhibiting the greatest enhanced accumulation of 26- and 15-fold over adults, respectively. A similar cardiopulmonary differential accumulation of VCR was not observed in wild-type weanlings to adults. Semiquantitative RT-PCR expression analyses of ABC transporter genes in weanling and adult tissues of wild-type and combined mdrla/b(-/-), mrpl(-/-) mice did not reveal major age-related differences in these ABC transporters that would explain the relatively greater toxicity observed in weanling mice. However, the greater cardiopulmonary accumulation of VCR equivalents seen in the combined mdrla/b(-/-), mrpl(-/-) weanlings over that of adults underscores the potential for unique organ and age-related toxicities of this agent in the setting of transporter deficiency.  相似文献   

We developed an animal model to evaluate the 125-I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (125-I-mIBG) biodistribution in tumor bearing mice. Six weeks old nude-atimic mice were subcutaneously injected with 30 × 106 cells of the human neuroblastoma (NB) cell line SH-SY5Y. TE-671, a rhabdomyosarcoma cell line, was used as a control tumor without a specific mIBG uptake mechanism. In order to prevent possible tumor rejection mediated by NK activity the anti asialo GM1 antiserum was administered intraperitoneally once a week for 4 weeks. The maximum anti asialo mediated effect was obtained by administering the first dose the same day as the cell implant. In this group of animals by 9 weeks 98% of mice had a measurable tumor. We have utilized this model to evaluate the biodistribution of 125-I-mIBG given as two different formulations: standard preparation with a specific activity of 84 mCi/mg and the no carrier added (n.c.a.) formulation with a specific activity of approximatelly 8,000 mCi/mg. Our preliminary results indicate that the biodistribution of the two different formulations in the various organs are similar.Therefore it appears that n.c.a. mIBG should not cause an increased toxicity in possible normal target organs such as heart or adrenals. Additional experiments will be performed in this model to ascertain if there is a potential advantage of the clinical use of n.c.a. mIBG over the standard preparation.  相似文献   

Biodistribution of chimeric mouse/human monoclonal antibody against non-specific cross-reacting antigen (chNCA Ab) was studied in athymic mice and patients with metastatic bone disease. 99mTc-chNCA Ab showed a high labelling efficiency, stability and also a high binding ratio to human granulocytes. Since NCA showed cross-reactivity with carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), animal experiments showed that 99mTc-chNCA Ab was accumulated in the xenografted tumour which expressed CEA, suggesting the preserved immunoreactivity of labelled materials. In the clinical study, injected 99mTc-chNCA Ab formed a high molecular weight complex immediately after intravenous administration and was trapped mainly in liver. The first-phase plasma half-life was 6.4 +/- 1.1 min. None of the patients showed adverse reaction or human antimurine or anti-chimeric antibody in their serum. 99mTc-chNCA Ab demonstrated remarkably different biodistribution between patients and the animal model and showed different pharmacokinetics from other murine and chimeric Abs reported previously. For safety HPLC analysis should be performed before clinical radioimmunodetection or radioimmunotherapy by incubating radiolabelled MAb with human serum under strict conditions.  相似文献   

Bleomycin-glucuronide (BLMG) is the glucuronide conjugate of BLM. In the present study, BLMG was primarily enzymatically synthesized by using a microsome preparate separated from rat liver, labeled with (131)I by iodogen method with the aim of generating a radionuclide-labeled prodrug, and investigated its bioaffinities with tumor-bearing Balb/C mice. Quality control procedures were carried out using thin-layer radiochromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography. Tumor growing was carried out by following Caco-2 cell inoculation into mice. Radiolabeling yield was found to be about 65%. Results indicated that (131)I-labeled BLMG ((131)I-BLMG) was highly stable for 24 hours in human serum. Biodistribution studies were carried out with male Albino Wistar rats and colorectal adenocarcinoma tumor-bearing female Balb/C mice. The biodistribution results in rats showed high uptake in the prostate, the large intestine, and the spinal cord. In addition to this, scintigraphic results agreed with those of biodistributional studies. Xenography studies with tumor-bearing mice demonstrated that tumor uptakes of (131)I-BLM and (131)I-BLMG were high in the first 30 minutes postinjection. Tumor-bearing animal studies demonstrated that (131)I-BLMG was specially retained in colorectal adenocarcinoma with high tumor uptake. Therefore, (131)I-BLMG can be proven to be a promising imaging and therapeutic agent, especially for colon cancer in nuclear medical applications.  相似文献   

The organ level biodistribution and tumor radioprotective properties of three drugs have been compared: WR-2721 (NSC 296961), WR-3689 (NSC 327729), and WR-77913 (NSC 318809). The three drugs have similar distribution patterns in normal mouse tissues. At 30 minutes after intraperitoneal injection, highest levels of 35S from radiolabeled protector are found in kidney and submandibular salivary gland, with lowest levels in brain and moderately low values in tumor and skin. Three of four tumors examined take up less WR-3689 than the other two protectors. For the three protectors, the dose modifying factors for the RIF-1 tumor irradiated in vivo and assayed in vitro are 1.5-1.7, but do not vary as predicted by differential uptake of drug into this neoplasm. In RIF-1, WR-3689 is taken up most avidly, but the three drugs tend to be equally protective.  相似文献   

The effect of tumor mass and antigenic nature on the biodistribution of 111In- and 125I-labeled monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) was studied using F(ab')2 fragments of three representative anti-tumor MoAbs and SW1116 human colorectal carcinoma grown in nude mice. The 19-9, F33-104 anti-CEA, and 17-1A MoAbs showed specific binding to SW1116 cells. The former two MoAbs recognize circulating CA 19-9 with molecular weights of more than 5,000,000 and CEA of Mr 170,000-180,000, respectively, whereas 17-1A reacts with a nonshedding antigen. Both percentage injected dose per gram tumor and tumor-to-blood ratios were inversely proportional to the tumor mass in nude mice administered 111In- and 125I-labeled 19-9, but liver uptake increased as tumor size increased. Analysis of serum samples and tumor homogenates demonstrated the presence of a high-molecular-weight species, probably due to the antibody binding to CA 19-9. In the case of 111In-labeled anti-CEA MoAb, tumor uptake also decreased and liver uptake increased with tumor size, but this effect was less obvious than that of 19-9. In contrast, tumor and liver uptake of 125I-labeled anti-CEA MoAb, 111In- and 125I-labeled 17-1A and control antibodies were independent of tumor mass. The absolute tumor uptake and tumor-to-blood ratios of all 125I-labeled antibodies were lower than those of the 111In-labeled ones. And the effect of tumor mass was also weaker with 125I-labeled antibodies, probably due to in vivo dehalogenation. These results indicate that the effect of tumor size on the incorporation of labeled MoAb into tumors is dependent on the antigenic nature to be targeted and/or radionuclides used for labeling and that high concentrations of circulating high molecular weight antigens may limit in vivo use of MoAb conjugates.  相似文献   

 Water-soluble derivatives of camptothecin, an active topoisomerase I inhibitor, have shown a broad spectrum of activity against human tumors. Early clinical trials with the water-soluble sodium salt of camptothecin were hindered by significant cystitis, gastroenteritis, and leukopenia. Furthermore, the sodium salt of camptothecin has been shown to have significantly less activity than the water-insoluble lactone form of the compound. We describe a formulation of lipid-complexed CPT (LC-CPT; particle size range 20.8–208.1 nm) that is very easy to prepare and allows for intravenous administration in vivo in clinically relevant lipid-drug ratios (12.5:1 w/w). The lipid formulation had in vitro antitumor activity similar to that of CPT formulated without lipids and displayed similar cytotoxicity against MDR-1-negative and -positive tumor cells. The biodistribution of CPT was profoundly affected by lipid complexation; free CPT achieved the greatest concentration in the pulmonary parenchyma while LC-CPT achieved the highest concentration in the gastrointestinal tract. LC-CPT had significant antitumor activity in vivo against intraperitoneal L1210 and P388 leukemia and appeared to be more potent than free CPT. Received: 8 November 1994/Accepted: 14 May 1995  相似文献   

The antidepressant drug fluoxetine HCl was tested for carcinogenicity in three well designed and controlled studies in Fischer rats and C57BL/6 x C3H F1 mice. The compound was administered to the animals for 24 months at dietary doses of approximately 0, 0.5, 2.0, or 10.0 mg/kg body weight in rats and 1.0, 5.0, or 10.0 mg/kg in mice. The highest dose tested was a maximum tolerated dose for both species as evidenced by clinical signs (rats and mice) and some mortality (mice) referable to central nervous system pharmacological effects, decreased weight gain (rats), and histopathological changes of phospholipidosis (rats) and hepatic fatty change (mice). There was no evidence of an increased incidence of any type of unusual or commonly occurring spontaneous neoplasm in either rats or mice. There were statistically significant decreases in a few commonly occurring neoplasms. The data reported herein provide convincing evidence that fluoxetine is neither a complete carcinogen nor a tumor promoter.  相似文献   

Photodynamic therapy is a potential treatment for superficial bladder cancer that utilizes photosensitizer drugs, which are activated by light to cause tissue destruction. However, first-generation photosensitizers cause prolonged phototoxicity, have poor tumour specificity and can accumulate within detrusor muscle, resulting in permanent loss of bladder capacity following treatment. A newer drug, called 5-aminolaevulinic acid (ALA), generates a sensitizer called protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) in situ and has been shown, qualitatively, to be more tumour specific. The fluorescence kinetics of ALA-induced PpIX was investigated in patient biopsies of bladder tumour, normal urothelium and detrusor muscle, both in vitro after incubation of specimens in ALA-rich culture medium for various times and in vivo after instillation of intravesical ALA before endoscopic resection. The fluorescence in tumour tissue was twice that of normal urothelium in vitro and up to tenfold in vivo. There was little ALA-induced fluorescence in detrusor muscle, both in vitro and in vivo. Most importantly, no patients experienced phototoxicity or other adverse events following intravesical instillation of ALA.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Our laboratory demonstrated previously that treatment with a tumor-specific, radiolabeled anti-Thy 1 murine monoclonal antibody (MAb) in mice can eradicate a T-cell lymphoma mass, but the doses required were toxic to normal organs. Approaches to increase MAb concentration in tumor tissue versus normal tissue may overcome this problem. Interleukin-2 (IL-2) has been shown to increase capillary permeability, as indicated by extravasation of albumin. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine whether increased extravasation of MAb at the tumor site might result in selective binding to tumor antigen, increasing localization of radiolabeled MAb at the tumor site. METHODS: We studied the effect of IL-2 on biodistribution of 1A14 MAb (anti-Thy 1.1) in normal AKR/Cum (Thy 1.2+) mice and in AKR/Cum mice bearing SL-2, a spontaneous T-cell lymphoma (Thy 1.1+), compared with biodistribution of albumin in normal mice and biodistribution of the nonreactive G3G6 MAb in tumor-bearing mice. IL-2 was given intravenously in the tail vein in doses of 0, 25,000, 50,000, 100,000, or 200,000 U twice a day for a total of seven doses over 3.5 days. Mice received injections of a mixture of 1A14 MAb (250 muCi/100 micrograms) and albumin or G3G6 MAb (145 muCi/100 micrograms) in a total volume of 200 microL at 12 hours after the last IL-2 dose. RESULTS: In normal mice, IL-2 caused a dose-dependent increase of both radiolabeled MAb and albumin in the spleen, liver, lung, and lymph node, but it spared the brain. In tumor-bearing mice, IL-2 resulted in higher levels of MAb in the tumors 72 hours after receiving injections, with 17.5% and 24.3% of the injected dose per gram of tumor present in the mice pretreated with 100,000 or 200,000 U of IL-2 twice a day for 3.5 days, compared with 13.4% in the controls. In IL-2-treated mice, levels of MAb were greater in the tumors than in critical normal organs; the differences were statistically significant for tumors versus lungs at 24 hours after injection and for tumors versus livers at 48 hours and 72 hours after injection. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that pretreatment with IL-2 may lead to enhanced distribution of tumor-specific MAb to the tumor site, compared with normal tissues, thus increasing therapeutic efficacy of radiolabeled MAb.  相似文献   

We have examined the distribution of radiolabeled liposomes in tumor-bearing mice after i.v. injection. Two mouse tumors (B16 melanoma, J6456 lymphoma) and a human tumor (LS174T colon carcinoma) inoculated i.m., s.c., or in the hind footpad were used in these studies. When various liposome compositions with a mean vesicle diameter of approximately 100 nm were compared using a radiolabel of gallium-67-deferoxamine, optimal tumor localization was obtained with liposomes containing a phosphatidylcholine of high phase-transition temperature and a small molar fraction of monosialoganglioside or hydrogenated phosphatidylinositol (HPI). At 24 h after injection, average values of tumor uptake higher than 10% of the injected dose per g and liver-to-tumor ratios close to 1 were reproducibly obtained. Increasing the molar fraction of HPI from 9% to 41% of the total phospholipid resulted in enhancement of liver uptake and decrease of tumor uptake. Methodological aspects that influence vesicle size appear to affect significantly liposome localization in the tumor. However, varying the phospholipid dose within a 10-fold range caused only minor changes in the percent of injected dose recovered in the tumor. A high uptake by tumors was also observed using other radiolabels [[3H]inulin and indium-111-labeled bleomycin (111In-Bleo)] in monosialoganglioside- and HPI-containing liposomes. In the case of 111In-Bleo, encapsulation in liposomes resulted in approximately 20- to 40-fold increase in tumor accumulation of the radiolabel at 24 h after injection. The marked localization of liposomes in the mouse footpad inoculated with tumor as opposed to the contralateral mock-injected footpad was also documented by imaging experiments with gallium-67-deferoxamine and 111In-Bleo-labeled liposomes. These results support the contention that some glycolipid-containing liposomes previously shown to have long circulating half-lives accumulate significantly in a variety of tumors and are promising tools for the delivery of anti-tumor agents.  相似文献   

Tissue sections from human placentas taken at term were studied after time-sequential incubations with benzo[a]pyrene and appropriate cofactors for mixed-function oxidation. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that the enzymic reaction appeared to be most active in the syncytial trophoblast, though the fluorescence of hydroxylated metabolites also could be observed in other placental cell types. A comparison of sections from placentas with very low versus very high aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activities provided evidence that induction of the human placental enzyme system with pol7cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons also appeared to occur primarily in the syncytium. When considered in conjunction with previous studies on human placental aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase, the results tended to indicate that fetal elements of the human placenta contain the necessary electron-transport components for catalysis of mixed-function oxidations of chemical carcinogens and other foreign compounds and that this hydroxtlase system is readily inducible in the same fetal cells by components present in cigarette smoke.  相似文献   

Studies were done of the effect of pepstatin on ascites accumulation in mice bearing MM46, Ehrlich, CCM, SN36, L1210, and NTF ascites tumors. When pepstatin was injected subcutaneously at 80 mg/kg body wt before ascites accumulation, it inhibited the accumulation in all strains of the tumors tested. In MM46, CCM and NTF tumor strains there was also a decrease in the tumor cell numbers following pepstatin treatment. Kinetic studies on ascites accumulation with tumor strain MM46 demonstrated that even when pepstatin was injected after ascites accumulation it reduced the ascites volume. A dose-dependent effect was observed in this tumor strain when pepstatin was injected both before and after ascites accumulation. The results confirm previous studies of pepstatin's ability to retard ascites in L1210 and P-815Y ascites tumors and also broaden the concept of the mechanisms by which petstatin may be acting.  相似文献   

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