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T cell activation appears to be regulated by an interplay betweenprotein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) and protein tyrosine phosphatases(PTPases). p56lck and p59fyn have been found to associate withCD4 and TCR-CD3 respectively. The CD45 family of transmembranePTPases has been shown to be able to regulate the activitiesof these receptor-associated PTKs in vitro. In man, CD45 containsfive different isoforms whose distribution defines subsets ofT cells having distinct activation requirements and in vitrofunctions.Several groups have reported a physical interaction betweendistinct isoforms of CD45 and CD2, CD4, and the TCR-CD3 complex.Given the potential regulatory interaction between CD45 andPTKs in CD4+ subsets expressing different CD45 isoforms, wehave examined CD4 associated and TCR-CD3 associated PTKactivities, associated phosphatidyl inositoi (PI) kinases andsubstrates of tyrosine phosphoryiation in CD45RA+and CD45RACD4+ T cell lines derived from peripheral blood. Both subsetsexpress CD4-assoclated p56lck and TCR-CD3-associated p59fynkinases which exhibit identical in vitro phosphoryiation atthe Y-394 and Y-420 autophosphorylation sites respectively.Further, both subsets exhibited PI kinases activity associatedwith CD4-p56lck. Consistent with these observations, anti-CD3crosslinklng induced the phosphoryiation of a similar spectrumof intracellular substrates in these CD45RA+and CD45RACD4+ T cell lines. These observations indicate that despitethe possible interaction between CD45 isoforms and CD4 or TCR-CD3,the mere expression of the CD45RA isoform does not in and ofitself alter the presence of receptorassociated kinases or theirintracellular targets.  相似文献   

Anti-CD48 (murine CD2 ligand) mAbs suppress cell mediated immunity in vivo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
With the identification of murine CD48 as a homolog of the humanCD2 ligand LFA-3 (CD58) and as a ligand itself for murine CD2,the antl-murine CD48 mAb HM48-1 was administered intravenouslyto investigate the role of CD48 In cell mediated immunity invivo. Antl-CD48 mAb diminished the contact sensitivity responseto the hapten trlnltrophenol (TNP). mAb also inhibited in vivopriming for the subsequent generation of secondary, TNP-speclflc,cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in vitro. The inhibitory effectwas most effective in the afferent or inductive phase of immunityfor CTL, while antl-CD48 mAb was most inhibitory for the efferentor ellcltatlve phase of contact sensitivity. Addition of antl-CD48mAb directly to secondary CTL cultures also completely inhibitedCTL generation, while addition to the lytic assay showed onlyminimal inhibition of CTL activity. Combining cells from mAbtreated and untreated animals showed no evidence for suppressorcells. Further experiments revealed that mAb administered invivo, as well as to culture, Inhibited development of primary,alloantlgen-speclflc CTL in vitro. Mixed lymphocyte reactionand phytohemagglutlnln proliferation were partially suppressedby mAb administered in vivo or in vitro, whereas other mltogenlcresponses remained unaffected. Flow cytometrlc analysis revealeda moderate down modulation of CD48, CD3 and CD8 after treatmentwith anti-CD48. However, this did not represent T cell depletionsince CD2, Thy-1.2 and ig expression did not change. These resultssupport a major unrecognized role for CD48 In diverse aspectsof cell mediated immunity, affecting both CD4+ and CD8+ effectorT cell function. The anti-CD48 mAb functions not by depletingrelevant T cell populations, but rather by altering the arrayof cell surface receptors, and subsequent responses to primaryand secondary antlgenlc challenge.  相似文献   

The leukocyte common antigen isoforms CD45RA and CD45RO havelong been used to discriminate human naive and memory T cellsrespectively. This model was largely based on the observationthat CD45RO+ T cells respond preferentially to and show a higherfrequency of precursors specific for recall antigens. However,CD45RA+ T cells have more stringent requirements for stimulationand standard in vitro assays may favour CD45RO+ cells in thisrespect. We tested the hypothesis that CD45RAf T cells respondpoorly to in vitro stimulation with recall antigens becauseof inadequate stimulation rather than a lack of precursors.Limiting dilution analyses (LDA) for tetanus toxoid (lT)-specificT cells were performed in the presence or absence of exogenousantLCD28 antibody. Addition of antLCD28 yielded no proliferationin the absence of specific antigen. The precursor frequencyfor lT in the CD4+ CD45RO+ population was –1:4000, whilethe frequency of CD4+ CD45RA+ T cells specific for lT was 4-to >>20-fold lower. Addition of anti-CD28 antibody didnot significantly alter the apparent precursor frequency forCD45RA+ cells but yielded an enhancement of the value for CD45RA+cells by 3- to >>5-fold. No enhancement of antigen-specificproliferation by antLCD28 was observed with CD45RA+ T cellsderived from cord blood, although phytohemagglutinin responsesof these cells were amplified by CD28 antibody. These resultsindicate that conventional LDA underestimate the true precursorfrequency of antigen-specific cells within the adult CD45RA+population and support the possibility that a small number ofcells revert from a primed (CD45RO+) to an unprimed (CD45RA+)state. The majority of memory T cells, however, appear to residein the CD45RO+ population  相似文献   

Adoptive transfer of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells may representan effective strategy for immunotherapy of tumors such as melanoma,but is limited by the number and functionality of in vitro expandedT cells. Here, we document that although ELAGIGILTV-specificCD8+ T cells from different donors initially possessed a naivephenotype, after antigen-induced in vitro expansion two distinctphenotypes correlating with cell proliferation rate emergedin the different donors. Those cultures achieving fewer cumulativepopulation doublings (CPDs) were cytotoxic and displayed a CD45RA+CCR7phenotype. In contrast, cultures reaching higher CPDs were non-cytotoxicT cells with a CD45RACCR7 phenotype. Thus, thegeneration of larger numbers of ELAGIGILTV-specific CD8+ T cellscorrelates negatively with the acquisition of a CD45RA+CCR7phenotype and cytotoxic capacity. A better understanding ofthe differentiation pathways of cytotoxic T cells to obtainoptimally efficient cells for adoptive transfer will allow thedevelopment of new immunotherapy protocols.  相似文献   

Mice infected with the L3 of the filarial nematode Brugia pahangimake a strong Th2 response characterized by elevated levelsof antigen-specific IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10. Here we show thatB cells from these animals are the major proliferating populationin vitro with depletion of B cells or infection of µMTmice, resulting in reduced levels of antigen-specific proliferation.B cells also act as antigen-presenting cells (APC) to CD4+ cellsas demonstrated by the switch in cytokine profiles upon B celldepletion. The efficiency of B cells in antigen presentationis attenuated by IL-10 which down-regulates the expression ofB7-1 and B7-2 on the surface of B cells both in vitro and invivo. Thus, IL-10 may modulate CD4 responses in L3-infectedmice by suppressing the expression of B7 ligands on B cells.In support of this hypothesis, blockade of the IL-10R in vivoresults in increased proliferation of CD4+ cells. We proposethat B cells participate in a negative feedback loop: IL-10elicited by infection with L3 and produced by B cells (and CD4+cells) down-regulates the expression of B7 molecules on theB cell surface, attenuating their efficiency as APC to CD4+T cells and restricting their expansion.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is a feature of the synovium of rheumatoid arthritis(RA). We have recently shown that RA synoviocytes were susceptibleto anti-Fas mAb and undergo apoptosis in vitro. To investigatewhether infiltrating mononuclear cells also undergo Fas-dependentapoptosis, double-labeling techniques combined with immunohistochemicalexamination with anti-CD3 mAb and the TdT-mediated dUTP-biotinnick end labeling (TUNEL) method to detect apoptotic cells,or in situ RT assay to detect Fas mRNA, were performed usingfrozen tissue sections. We also examined the in vitro inductionof Fas-dependent apoptosis in freshly isolated synovium infiltratingmononuclear cells (SIM), synovial stromal cells (SSC) and peripheralblood lymphocytes (PBL) using tissues from nine patients withRA and three with osteoarthritis (OA). The results showed expressionof Fas antigen and apoptotic cells in a number of CD3-bearingcells in RA synovial tissues. In vitro treatment with anti-FasmAb produced a significant apoptosis of RA SIM and SSC, whilenone of PBL, and neither SIM nor SSC from OA exhibited apoptosis.Moreover, 50% of CD4+, CD3+ and CD45RO+ cells, and >90% ofFas-expressing cells of RA SIM underwent apoptosis in responseto anti-Fas mAb, as detected by flow cytometry. Our resultssuggest that RA synovial infiltrating lymphocytes acquire highsusceptibility to anti-Fas mAb and undergo apoptosis. Such aphenomenon of infiltrating T cells in RA synovium may play animportant pathophysiological role and suggest a possible therapeuticeffect for anti-Fas mAb in RA.  相似文献   

In this study we have investigated the capacity of human fetalthymocytes to differentiate in vitro into subsets of T cellswith polarized Th1 or Th2 cytokine profiles. Stimulation offreshly isolated human fetal thymocytes with anti-CD3 mAb, cross-linkedonto CD32,CD58,CD80-expressing mouse fibroblasts and subsequentculture in the presence of exogenous rIL-2 for 6 days, inducedthe production of both IL-4 and IFN-, which was mainly producedby CD4+ single-positive (SP) and CD8+ SP cells respectively.Addition of rIL-4 during priming augmented IL-4 production incultures of human fetal thymocytes, which was mainly due toan increased production of IL-4 by CD8SP cells. In contrast,addition of IL-4 to the cultures only slightly enhanced IL-4production and had little effect on frequencies of IL-4-producingCD4SP cells. Both CD4SP and CD8SP cells produced IL-5, IL-10and IL-13 at comparable levels, following priming in the presenceof rIL-4. Priming in the presence of rIL-12 strongly enhancedthe production of IFN- in both CD4SP and CD8SP cells. No correlationbetween expression of CD27, CD30 and CD60, and a particularcytokine profile of differentiated thymocytes could be demonstrated.Together, these results demonstrate the full capacity of fetalhuman thymocytes to differentiate into cytokine-producing Tcells in a priming milieu with appropriate stimulatory moleculesand exogenous cytokines. In addition, CD4SP thymocytes rapidlydifferentiate into polarized Th2 cells following stimulationin vitro in the absence of exogenous rIL-4.  相似文献   

MRL/Mp-lpr/lpr (MRL/lpr) mice develop a syndrome similar tosystemic lupus erythematosus in humans. This strain of miceis characterized by the progressive accumulation of CD4CD8(double-negative; DN) T cells which express increased levelsof cell adhesion molecules such as CD44 and heat stable antigen(HSA). The DN T cells exhibited a higher level of spontaneouscytolytic activity and contained a higher level of serine esteraseas compared with T cells of MRL/Mp-+/+ (MRL/+) mice. We alsofound that mAbs against CD44, Mei-14, CD45R, and HSA could augmentthe cytolytic activity of DN T cells of MRL/lpr mice. Antibody-mediatedaugmentation of cytolytic activity of DN T cells was due toconjugate formation in which the Fc portion of mAb bound tothe Fc receptor on target cells and the Fab portion of mAb boundto corresponding cell surface antigens on DN T cells. The antibody-mediatedaugmentation of cytolytic activity was not detected in T cellsof MRL/+ mice and lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cells ofC57BL/6 mice. In contrast, anti-CD3 mAbs could augment the cytolyticactivity of DN T cells, T cells as well as LAK cells. mAbs againstLFA-1 and VLA-4 failed to augment the cytolytic activity ofthree different effector cells. It should be noted that antl-CD3mAb-mediated cytolytic activity of DN T cells was substantiallyreduced by anti-LFA-1 mAb. However, CD44, Mel-14, CD45R as wellas HSA-mediated cytolytic activity of DN T cells was not inhibitedby anti-LFA-1 mAb. The cell-cell and cell-matrix interactionsthrough cell adhesion molecules might augment the antigen non-specificcytolytic activity of DN T cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Early in HIV infection, CD4+ lymphocytes exhibit the propertiesof an anergic state characterized by unresponslveness to mltogensor to TCR stimulation and by defective IL-2 production. As tyrosinephosphorylation is the earliest of the biochemical events initiatedby stimulation of CD3-TCR, we studied protein tyrosine phosphorylationin purified CD4+ lymphocytes from 25 asymptomatic seropositlvepatients (CD4 T cells >350/mm3) previously stimulated invitro by immobilized antl-CD3 mAb or by co-lmmoblllzed antl-CD3and antl-CD28 mAbs. Purified CD4+ lymphocytes from HIV-lnfectedpatients exhibited defective early protein tyrosine phosphorylationin response to CD3 activation when compared with normal subjects.This defect was observed mainly in patients in whom prollferatlveresponses to immobilized antl-CD3 ranged from 2 to 50% of controlvalues obtained in healthy donors, and was frequently associatedwith increased cellular levels of p59fyn and decreased cellularlevels of p56ick. Interestingly, these defects appeared to correlatewith the degree of impairment in thymidine incorporation. SinceCD28 mAbs have been reported to enhance prollferatlve responsesto the CD3–TCR pathway in cloned murine or human anergicmodels and to induce tyrosine phosphorylation in human T cells,we studied the role of CD28 mAb as a co-signal. Although antl-CD28co-stlmulatlon augmented the prollferatlve responses in bothcontrols and HIV-lnfected patients, It failed to correct thetyrosine phosphorylation pattern in the latter. Our resultssuggest a relationship between defective early protein tyrosinephosphorylation and impairment of proliferatlve responses inCD4 T cells from HIV-lnfected patients, and evidence is providedthat associated altered cellular levels of the fyn and Ick tyrosinekinases might play an important role in the anergic responseobserved early during HIV infection.  相似文献   

We have produced a hamster mAb, PRST1, which reacts with thymicshared Ag-1 (TSA-1), a product of the Ly6 gene family. By cross-blockingexperiments, we found that TSA-1 is identical to stem cell Ag-2(Sca-2). Using PRST1, the changes of TSA-1/Sca-2 expressionon mature T cells during the activation process were analyzed.Although freshly isolated T cells did not express detectableTSA-1 on their cell surface, in vitro stimulation of T cellswith concanavalln A induced a marked increase of surface TSA-1expression. The increased expression of TSA-1 on T cells wasdetected from 12 h after stimulation and was associated withthe increase of TSA-1 mRNA. In vivo injection of mice with staphylococcalenterotoxin B (SEB) resulted in the enhanced TSA-1 expressionin splenic Vß8+ T cells. This antigen-specific inductionof TSA-1 expression in vivo preceded a detectable increase innumbers of Vß8+ T cells after SEB injection. Functionally,whereas anti-TSA-1 mAb was not mitogenic to T cells, it inhibitedanti-CD3-induced IL-2 production by T cell hybridomas. Theseresults indicate that TSA-1/Sca-2 is a unique marker for T cellactivation and a signal through this molecule may have a negativefeedback role to limit IL-2 production from activated T cellsstimulated through the TCR.  相似文献   

Peripheral lymphoid tissues of Ipr mice contain a large proportionof TCRß/CD3+CD4CD8 T cells that lacksurface CD2 and express the B cell isoform of CD45, B220. Thissubset of T cells does not proliferate or produce IL-2 in responseto mitogenic signals or TCR–CD3 ligation. At the sametime, these abnormal T cells display several characteristicsof an activated phenotype. Collectively, these properties ofIpr CD4CD8 T cells have functional parallels withanergic T cells. A critical co-stimulatory molecule implicatedin the prevention of or recovery from anergy is CD28, whichbinds the ligand BB1/B7 on certain accessory cells. Ipr CD4CD8T cells express normal levels of CD28 which is capable of transducinga strong proliferative signal to these cells in co-stimulationwith mitogens. However, proliferation of Ipr CD4CD8T cells in response to CD28 co-stimulation does not reach thelevels observed in normal T cells stimulated under similar conditions.Stimulation with anti-CD28 mAb in conjunction with phorbol myristateacetate and lonomycin promotes cell cycling in the CD2subset of CD4CD8 T cells, and results in a slightinduction of CD2 levels during the course of the culture period.However, the majority of cells obtained at the end of the cultureperiod remain TCRß+ CD4CD8, CD2low/–and B220high, similar to freshly isolated CD4CD8Ipr T cells. In contrast, if IL-2 is included in the cultures,a strong shift toward a CD2+ phenotype is observed by a majorityof the Ipr T cells. Upon repeat stimulation, these Ipr CD4CD8T cells can now proliferate in an IL-2-dependent manner whenstimulated with only anti-CD3 mAb or mitogens, in the absenceof exogenous IL-2 or anti-CD28 mAb. These data show that thehyporesponsiveness of Ipr CD4CD8 T cells doesnot result from a lack of CD28 expression, that it is not afixed state, and that it can be reversed by the induction ofcell cycling in the presence of IL-2. These observations extendthe parallels between Ipr CD4CD8 T cells and anergicT cells.  相似文献   

The CAMPATH-1 (CD52) antigen is a 21–28 kDa glycopeptidewhich is highly expressed on lymphocytes and macrophages andis coupled to the membrane by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol(GPI) anchoring structure. The function of this molecule isunknown. However, it is an extremely good target for complement-mediatedattack and antibody-mediated cellular cytotoxicity. The humanizedCAMPATH-1H antibody, which is directed against CD52, is veryefficient at mediating lymphocyte depletion in vivo, and iscurrently being used in clinical trials for lymphoid malignancyand rheumatoid arthritis. It is therefore important to examinethe functional effects of this antibody on different lymphocytesub-populations. Because several other GPI-linked moleculesexpressed on the surface of T lymphocytes are capable of signaltransductlon resulting in cell proliferation, we have investigatedwhether the CAMPATH-1 antigen can also mediate these effects.In the presence of phorbol esters and cross-linking anti-lgantibodies, mAbs specific for CD52 induced proliferation andlymphokine production in highly purified resting CD4+ and CD8+T lymphocytes. The ret lgG2c YTH 361.10 anti-CD52 antibody,however, was able to activate resting CD4+ and CD8+ T cellsdirectly without cross-linking or phorbol myristate acetatein the absence of Fc-bearlng cells. Anti-CD52 antibodies alsoaugmented the anti-CD3 mediated proliferatlve response of CD4+and CD8+ T cells when the two antibodies were co-immobilizedonto the same surface or cross-linked in solution by the samesecond antibody. Both CD4+CD45RA and CD4+CD45RO T cells werestimulated to proliferate by anti-CD52 antibodies in the presenceof appropriate co-stimulatory factors. Antl-CD52 mAbs did not,however, synerglze with anti-CD2 or CD28 mAb to induce CD4+T cell proliferation. The activation of CD4+ T cells by antl-CD52antibodies was inhibited by cyclosporin A, suggesting a rolefor the calcineurin-dependent signal transduction pathways.Although CD52 could transduce a signal In T cells, anti-CD52antibodies did not inhibit antigen-specific or polyclonal Tcell responses, suggesting this molecule does not play an essentialco-stimulatory role in normal T cell activation.  相似文献   

We have developed a mAb anti-3H11 by immunizing mice with aT cell line derived from the Callithrix Jacchus (common marmoset).anti-3H11 is reactive with 48% of unfractlonated T cells, 62%of CD4+ cells and 39% of CD8+ cells. Among CD4 cells, anti-3H11preferentially reacts with the CD45RA+ T cell subset. The majorityof helper activity for pokeweed mitogen (PWM)-driven B cellIgG synthesis and T cell response to recall antigen such astetanus toxold was found within the 3H11-CD4 cell population,whereas anti-3H11+CD4+ cells provided poor helper function forPWM-driven B cell IgG synthesis and were more responsive toconcanavalln A and autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction. Biochemicalcharacterization showed that anti-3H11 precipitated a singleprotein band with a relative molecular weight of 32,000 from125l-surface labeled cell lysate. Biochemical, phenotyplc andfunctional studies revealed that the 3H11 molecule appearedto be different from previously established molecules on theT cell surface. Interestingly, addition of anti-3H11 to thecombination of CD4 and B cells in the presence of CDS cellsbut not to the combination of CD4 and B cells resulted in enhancementof the suppression of PWM-driven B cell IgG synthesis. Moreover,anti-3H11 had a co-mitogenic effect on T cells via the CD2 andCD3 pathways, and this co-mitogenic activity is restricted tothe CD45RA+ T cells. Taken together, our results show that the3H11 molecule is a novel antigen which may play an importantrole in the activation and function of the CD45RA+ subset ofT cells.  相似文献   

O-Acetyl GD3 ganglioside in human peripheral blood T lymphocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
O-acetyl GD3 ganglioside is a cell surface molecule of someneural, neural crest and renal cells. Here we show, by usingmAbs specific for O-acetyl GD3 (clone 27A) and flow-cytomotric,biochemical or immunological techniques, that it is also expressedat high intensity level on the surface of 49.6% (median) ofthe CD3+ cells (T lymphocytes), at medium level in 16.2% ofthe CD16+ (natural killer) cells, at very low level in 51.9%of CD14+ cells (monocytes) and in 6.9% of CD20+ cells (B lymphocytes),but not in other human blood cells. Of the CD4+or CD8* cells,52.6 or 36.5% respectively were 27A+. Furthermore, 81.6% ofthe CD45RO+ lymphocytes carried the O-acetyl GD3 ganglloslde.It was not detected in the thymus, although its immediate precursor,the GD3 ganglioside, was present in the meduilary thymocytes,suggesting that O-acetyltransferases are regulated by maturationevents taking place in the periphery. The anti-O-acetyl GD3antibodies induced a strong mitogenic response in cultured peripheralblood mononuclear cells, but not in purified T cells. However,in combination with phorbol myristate acetate the antibodiesinduced proliferation also in purified T cells, suggesting thatprotein kinase C priming is needed for this effect. This andthe restricted expression of O-acetyl GD3 suggest a functionalrole for this ganglioside in T cell subpopulations.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes spends most of its intracellular lifecycle in the cytosol of the infected eucaryotic cells. Withinthis cellular compartment originates the endogenous pathwayof antigen processing and presentation. We thus assumed thatrecombinant L. monocytogenes expressing an heterologous protein,the nucleoprotein of the lymphocytic choriomeningltis virus(LCMV), should be able to induce antigen-specific CD8+ T cellsin vivo. The LCMV nucleoprotein gene was inserted in phase withthe sequence coding for the putative signal sequence of thehemolysin of L. monocytogenes in order to target its secretioninto the cytosol of the infected cell. The ability of this recombinantbacterium to induce LCMV-reactive CD8+ T cells was then monitoredin BALB/c mice. The immune status of the immunized BALB/c micewas studied on the seventh day after a single i.v.injectionof a sublethal dose of the recombinant bacteria: (i) cytotoxicCD8+ T cells were detected in liver; (ii) using in vitro re-stimulationwith PMA and ionomycin, secondary cytotoxic CD8+ T cells weredetected in spleen; (iii) an early inflammatory reaction dependenton the presence of CD8+ T cells occurred in the footpad afterintraplantar inoculation of live LCMV; and (iv) mice were protectedagainst an otherwise lethal intracerebral LCMV challenge; theprotection was accompanied by elimination of the virus. Whenthe immune status of the immunized hosts was monitored for alonger period post-immunization, the balance between immuneprotectiosn and immunopathology described for the anti-LCMVimmune responses was observed; two phases of protection weredetected, flanking a transitory phase of exacerbation of thelymphocytic choriomeningitis disease (weeks 2–5). Takentogether, these results indicate the feasibility of using attenuatedL. monocytogenes as a model of a live vector to induce in vivoCD8-ependent immune responses against intracellular pathogens.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-ß1 (TGF-ß1) canhave stimulatory or inhibitory effects on cell growth. For severalcell types, the effect of TGF-ß1 was found to correlatewith the differentiation stage of the cells and the presenceof other cytoklnes. We have studied here the influence of TGF-ß1on CD4+ T cell activation in relation to the differentiationstage of the cells by evaluating the effect of TGF-ß1on the prollferatlve responses of purified CD4+CD45RA+ (unprfmed)and CD4+CD45RO+ (primed) lymphocytes. Under certain conditions,TGF-ß1 exerted a co-stlmulatory effect on peripheralblood CD4+CD45RA+ T cells whereas the outgrowth of CD4+CD45RO+T cells was suppressed in any activation system tested. Theenhancement of prollferatlve responses by TGF-ß1 inTCR/CD3 or CD2 stimulated cultures of CD45RA+ cells involvedup-regulatlon of CD25 expression and was dependent on the presenceof exogenous IL-2 or CD28 mAbs; IL-7 driven proliferatlve responseswere suppressed by TGF-ß1. These observations wereconfirmed in experiments with purified cord blood (CB) CD4+T cells inasmuch as addition of TGF-ß1 caused a 2-to 7-fold increase in IL-2 driven proliferatlve responses ofthese cells. Finally we show that, in contrast to the effectof TGF-ß1 during primary stimulation of CB CD4+ Tcells, TGF-ß1 suppressed T cell proliferation for40% in secondary cultures of these cell. Our findings indicatethat TGF-ß1 Is a blfunctlonal regulator of CD4+ Tcell growth in vitro, with co-stimulatory capacities duringCD45RA+ T cell mediated primary responses and growth suppresslveeffects during secondary responses of CD45RO+ T cells.  相似文献   

The non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse spontaneously develops aT cell-mediated autoimmune disease, sharing many features withhuman insulin-dependent diabetes mellltus (IDDM), leading toinsulin-secreting ß cell destruction. The role ofCD4+ T cells has been evidenced at two levels. First, CD4+ Tcells from diabetic animals are required to transfer diabetesto non-diabetic recipients in conjunction with CD8+ effectorT cells. Second, suppressive CD4+ T cells have been characterizedin non-diabetic NOD mice. T cells with different functions canthus share the CD4+ phenotype. Since CD4+ T cells can be dividedinto at least two subgroups on the basis of CD45 isoform expression,we evaluated the distribution of CD4+ T cells expressing theCD45RA isoform on NOD mouse thymocytes and peripheral T cells.The percentage of CD45RA+ cells was dramatically increased amongthe most mature CD3bright thymocytes and among CD4+ T cellsin lymph nodes of the NOD mouse as compared with control strains.This increase was related to the development of insulitls. Interestingly,the CD45RA isoform was expressed on most CD4+ T cells invadingthe islets. In vivo treatment with an antl-CD45RA mAb preventedthe development of insulitls and spontaneous diabetes in femaleanimals but not the transfer of diabetes by T cells collectedfrom diabetic NOD donors. These results indicate that anti-CD45RAmAb is only effective if given before the full commitment ofeffector T cells to the destruction of islet ß cells.ThusCD4+CD45RA+ T cells play a key role in early activation stepsof anti-islet immunity.  相似文献   

Retroviral vectors have been used in most human gene therapytrials that have been undertaken. Many of these therapies havefocused on the introduction of genes into hematopoietic stemcells with the goal of obtaining expression in the mature Tlymphocytic progeny. It has proven difficult to achieve expressionin the lymphoid lineage, although several groups have demonstratedlow expression of transduced genes in the myelold lineage. Inthis study we used an in vitro thymic organ culture in whichstem/progenitor cells can develop into T cells and all intermediatestages can be studied and manipulated to investigate the fateof a retrovirally introduced Escherlchla coll LacZ gene in thissystem. Here we show that certain conditions can transduce JurkatT cells, three different antigen-specific T cell clones andCD34+CD3CD4CD8 thymocytes (progenitor Tcells) with high (>80%) efficiency. Moreover, retroviraltransduction with the LacZ gene does not inhibit T and NK celldifferentiation of progenitor cells in fetal thymic organ cultures(FTOC). The LacZ gene also is functionally expressed at allstages of development, although the expression decreases somewhatduring differentiation. This experimental system, combiningFTOC and retroviral transduction, provides a genetic tool forthe study of human T cell development.  相似文献   

Freshly isolated memory T cells primarily produced IL-2 and small amounts of IL-4 and IFN-γ after stimulation in vitro. Priming for 5 days in vitro with anti-CD28 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) alone markedly increased production of IL-4. In comparison to fresh cells, the increase in the amount of IL-4 secreted reflected a marked increase in the number of IL-4-producing cells. Stimulation with immobilized anti-CD3 mAb during priming limited subsequent IL-4 production. By contrast, IFN-γ production from in vitro primed memory T cells was directly correlated to the concentration of priming anti-CD3 mAb. IL-2 production by all restimulated cells was decreased. The differentiation of IL-4-producing cells could be blocked by antibody to IL-4 and enhanced by the addition of recombinant IL-4 as well as antibody to IFN-γ. Of note, the IL-4-producing effector cells induced from in vitro priming derived from the early CD27pos memory T cell subset, whereas the small CD27neg differentiated memory subset produced IL-4 without in vitro priming. The results indicate that memory T cells can be directed to differentiate into IL-4-producing effector cells by stimulation via CD28 and IL-4, whereas increasing engagement of the TCR limits Th2 memory cell differentiation.  相似文献   

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