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Percutaneous intervention of saphenous vein graft (SVG), especially those with heavy atherothrombotic load, presents high risk for distal embolization and no-reflow. Using the distal filters alone may occasionally be disadvantageous because of the large debris burden and the inability to assess the underlying culprit lesions and vessel size accurately. We present a case of intervention of an occluded SVG using a combination of rheolytic thrombectomy and distal filter embolic protection as a pretreatment before stenting. This strategy has the potential to reduce further the risk of no-reflow and to provide visualization for proper assessment of the underlying anatomy especially in clot-laden vessels.  相似文献   

Percutaneous treatment of old, degenerated saphenous vein grafts (SVG) is associated with a high likelihood of major adverse cardiac events. When an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) develops in a patient with old SVG, fresh thrombus may superimpose on an old, degenerative atheroma: a sudden increase in the athero‐thrombotic burden ensues with consequent, frequent total occlusion of the lumen. In this scenario, transluminal recanalization of the graft is usually associated with the highest chance of distal embolization and no‐reflow and positioning of an embolic protection device (EPD) is almost mandatory. However, distal EPD are difficult to place when the vessel is totally occluded and do not completely avoid distal embolization. We report two cases of totally occluded SVG in patients admitted for ACS that were recanalized with the aid of a proximal EPD system with angiographic and clinical success. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Distal embolization protection devices are fast becoming an integral part of percutaneous vein graft interventions. The distal elastomeric balloon of the PercuSurge GuardWire system is supposed to be atraumatic to the vessel wall. We report the inadvertent dilation of a moderate distal stenosis at the site of GuardWire balloon inflation while intervening on a critical proximal saphenous vein graft stenosis. This case illustrates that plaque compression and potential vessel wall trauma might occur during the inflation of the PercuSurge GuardWire distal protection balloon.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Saphenous vein graft (SVG) intervention is associated with a significant incidence of major adverse cardiac events (MACE) related to distal vessel embolization. The FilterWire distal embolic protection device has recently been approved as an adjunct to SVG intervention. We report here our initial experience in a single center in 30 consecutive patients using this device in SVG stenting. HYPOTHESIS: This study examined the outcomes and complications associated with these devices, as well as whether proficiency with the devices increased with greater experience and whether there were measurable outcome differences between devices. METHODS: We retrospectively identified all patients in whom a FilterWire device was placed at our hospital between June 2001 and June 2004. RESULTS: The device was successfully deployed in 29 of 30 patients, and all patients were stented successfully. Overall MACE rate was 6.6%, consistent with reports in larger multicenter clinical trials. Transient decreases in flow were noted while the device was in place in six patients, but improved in five patients with device removal. CONCLUSIONS: This early experience in a single center using FilterWire embolic protection indicates that excellent clinical results can be obtained by the adoption of filter protection for SVG intervention, without evidence for a detrimental learning curve.  相似文献   

Distal embolization is the most important complication of balloon dilatation of degenerated saphenous vein grafts. We describe a case of massive embolization associated with transient occlusion in which larger distal embolization and myocardial infarction were avoided despite transient but complete occlusion of a filter protection system (Angioguard).  相似文献   

Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of saphenous vein grafts (SVG) and native coronary arteries may be associated with embolization of particulate debris into the distal microcirculation. The FilterWire uses a polyurethane filter bag contained on a radiopaque loop to trap embolic debris during native vessel and SVG intervention. The objectives of this study were to assess the feasibility and safety of the FilterWire during PCI and to examine the size and content of the particulate debris captured during SVG and native vessel intervention. Early angiographic, in-hospital, and 30-day clinical outcomes were reviewed in 35 patients with 36 lesions treated with the FilterWire during PCI. Lesions were located in 22 (61%) native coronary arteries and in 14 (39%) SVGs. Multivessel coronary artery disease was present in 75% of patients. Lesions were complex (ACC/AHA complexity B2 or C) in 81% of cases. The FilterWire was successfully delivered and deployed distal to the site of coronary intervention in 92% of lesions, including 95% of native vessels and 82% of SVG lesions. Embolic debris was entrapped in 82% of these cases. The average particulate debris had a mean major axis of 490 microm (range, 45-3,302 microm) and minor axis of 226 microm (range, 33-1,677 microm). Although reduced flow was common (36.1%) when the FilterWire was in place, there were no sustained episodes of abrupt closure and only one (2.8%) patient developed sustained no-reflow after FilterWire removal. Distal branch vessel embolization was found in four (11.1%) cases. Major adverse cardiac events occurred in 5 (14%) of 35 patients treated with the device, although 2 of these patients were evolving an acute myocardial infarction at the time of the procedure; in patients meeting the prospectively defined inclusion criteria, the major adverse cardiac event was 6%. These results suggest that the FilterWire is a feasible and safe method of collecting particulate debris released during SVG and native vessel coronary intervention. Its benefit over conventional therapy and other distal protection devices is currently under study.  相似文献   

A case of emergency stent deployment to a critical vein graft lesion in a patient with an acute myocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock is described. An Angioguard vascular protection device was used, retrieving a large amount of atheromatous debris. Use of filter-type protection devices to prevent distal atheroembolism may be lifesaving in such patients.  相似文献   

Devices to prevent distal atheroembolization are an important addition to the armamentarium of an interventional cardiologist. We report the use of PercuSurge, a distal balloon occlusion device, in two patients with recent myocardial infarction of differing etiologies. The first case is a patient with an old degenerated vein graft with thrombotic occlusion of greater than 48-hr duration and the second case is a patient with an embolic myocardial infarction in a native coronary artery. In both cases, significant thromboembolic debris was aspirated with technical success and no complications. These cases illustrate use of the PercuSurge device in patients after a recent myocardial infarction for preserving distal myocardial perfusion and microvascular integrity.  相似文献   

Objectives : To report on outcomes with selective use of embolic protection devices (EPD) during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) to saphenous vein grafts (SVG). Background : PCI to SVG is associated with increased risk and the use of EPD is recommended in this setting. Methods : Angiographic and clinical outcomes were prospectively obtained from 534 consecutive patients who underwent PCI to SVG with or without EPD at a tertiary cardiac centre. Long‐term outcomes were obtained by linkage to a provincial registry. Results : EPD, deployed in 198 of 373 SVGs (53%) suitable for deployment of a distal EPD, were used more often in ectatic (33% vs. 19%, P = 0.003), ulcerated (17% vs. 9%, P = 0.03), thrombotic (26% vs. 10%, P < 0.0001) vein grafts, with longer degenerated segments (P = 0.002), and in lesions involving the body of the graft (85% vs. 66%, P < 0.0001), and less with lesions involving the graft ostium (29% vs. 44%, P = 0.003). Patients suitable for but not receiving EPD tended to be more likely to have a periprocedural myocardial infarction. During 3 years of follow‐up, 49% of the patients had a cardiovascular event. Cumulative mortality was 8.4%, 18.8% and 14.7% in patients unsuitable for distal EPD, suitable but without EPD, and with EPD (p = 0.11). Nonuse of EPD was an independent predictor of MACE at 3 years. (P = 0.02). Conclusions : Selective use of EPD is associated with low in‐hospital cardiovascular event rates. Long‐term outcomes are manifested by a high rate of events, especially in patients with SVG's suitable for but not receiving EPD. This suggests that routine use of distal EPD may be warranted in unselected patients with suitable SVG anatomy. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Percutaneous intervention carries a higher risk of distal embolization and poorer outcome in saphenous vein grafts (SVG) than in native coronary vessels. Embolic protection devices (EPD) have demonstrated value in decreasing the risk of embolization and post‐procedural enzymes elevation after SVG intervention. Although there is ample evidence to support the routine use of EPD for SVG interventions, frequently those devices are not utilized or cannot be used because of technical reasons. As we previously reported, the “undersized stenting” approach seems to be an attractive strategy when EPD cannot be used. We present a case with severe SVG degeneration that illustrates the feasibility of this strategy. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Angioplasty of degenerated saphenous vein grafts is not infrequently complicated by distal embolization of atheromatous debris. We describe an uncommon case in which balloon angioplasty of an old vein graft to a second diagonal branch of the left anterior descending coronary artery was followed by distal embolization. However, the embolization occurred in a retrograde fashion distal to the anastomotic site, resulting in occlusion of the upstream first diagonal branch. The reasons for its occurrence are discussed, together with suggestions for its recognition. Cathet. Cardiovasc. Intervent. 46:205–209, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Percutaneous intervention in the setting of aortocoronary saphenous vein graft disease is associated with a significant risk of distal embolization. Devices intended to minimize the clinical impact of embolization have primarily utilized distally placed occlusive balloons or filters. Although such systems are often effective, distal protection does have limitations. We report a novel proximal embolic protection and rinsing system intended to overcome some of these limitations.  相似文献   

Current techniques for the percutaneous revascularization of totally occluded vein grafts are limited by a low initial success rate, a significant incidence of distal embolization, and a high rate of early graft reclosure. This case report describes two patients in whom graft recanalization was attempted with the combined use of balloon angioplasty/intra-graft stent placement and local urokinase delivery using a new angiotherapy catheter. Successful recanalization was achieved in both patients without major complications, in spite of a large thrombus burden as demonstrated by angiography. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study compared the outcomes of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of saphenous vein grafts (SVGs) with drug-eluting stents (DES) with bare metal stents (BMS). PCI of degenerated SVG is associated with worse outcomes and high incidence of in-stent restenosis compared with PCI of native coronary arteries. There is a paucity of data on the outcomes of PCI of SVG with DES. Data from 223 consecutive patients who underwent PCI of SVG were imputed into a dedicated clinical database. We assessed the clinical outcomes at a mean follow-up of 9.1+/-2.1 months. A total of 139 patients underwent PCI of SVG with DES and 84 patients with BMS. The mean age of the SVG was 7.6+/-3.8 years in the DES group and 7.7+/-2.8 years in the BMS group (P=0.38). Procedural success was achieved in all patients except for one patient in the BMS group who underwent emergent coronary artery bypass graft surgery for SVG dissection. There were no other in-hospital cardiac events in both groups. There was one cardiac death in the DES group and three deaths in the BMS group (P=0.03). When compared to the BMS, PCI of SVG with DES was associated with a lower incidence of myocardial infarction (4.3% vs. 20.2%; P=0.04) and target vessel revascularization (10.1% vs. 36.9%; P=0.035). When compared with BMS, PCI of SVG with DES was associated with a lower incidence of death, myocardial infarction, and target vessel revascularization.  相似文献   

A 74-year-old male had cardiac catheterization complicated by embolization of a thrombotic proximal saphenous vein graft lesion. Cardiogenic shock ensued. Successful aspiration thrombectomy was performed using a 7F multipurpose guiding catheter advanced to the site of obstruction. There was complete angiographic resolution and reversal of cardiogenic shock. © Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This report describes the successful treatment of totally occluded aortocoronary saphenous vein grafts with percutaneous transluminal extraction atherectomy (TEC) in three patients with severe angina and high reoperative surgical risk. The method presented here may provide an alternative to overnight urokinase infusion or repeat surgery in high risk patients. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



Only few data is available for long-term outcomes of patients being treated for in-stent restenosis (ISR) in saphenous vein grafts (SVG).


Thus, the aim of this observational, retrospective study was to close this lack of evidence.


Between January 2007 and February 2021 a total of 163 patients with 186 ISR lesions located in SVG were treated at two large-volume centers in Munich, Germany. Endpoints of interest were all-cause mortality, target lesion revascularization (TLR) and target vessel myocardial infarction (TVMI). Furthermore, recurrent ISR were assessed. Outcomes are presented as Kaplan–Meier event rates.


Mean age was 72.6 ± 8.6 years, 90.8% were male, 36.8% were diabetics and 42.3% presented an acute coronary syndrome. ISR were treated with DES in 64.0% and with balloon angioplasty (BA) in 36.0%. After 10 years, the rates for all-cause mortality, TVMI and TLR were 58.2%, 15.4%, and 22.6%, respectively. No statistically relevant differences were found between the types of treatment (DES or BA) regarding all-cause mortality (55.7% vs. 63.2%, p = 0.181), TVMI (13.8% vs. 18.6%, p = 0.215) and TLR (21.8% vs. 25.0%, p = 0.764). Median time between first and recurrent ISR was 270.8 days. Recurrent ISR were treated with DES in a comparable proportion as during first ISR (p = 0.075). Independent predictor of TLR is patient age (p = 0.034). The median follow-up duration was 5.1 years (75% CI 2.8; 8.5).


Clinical event rates after intervention of ISR located in SVG are high without statistically relevant differences regarding the type of treatment. However, further studies are needed.  相似文献   

Intervention in thrombotic lesions and diseased saphenous vein grafts frequently results in thromboembolic complications, including no-reflow, distal branch occlusion, periprocedural MI, and death. The utility of a novel thromboatherectomy device, the X-Sizer, was tested in 50 consecutive patients at nine U.S. centers. A total of 61 lesions were treated in 31 vein grafts and 19 native coronary arteries; thrombus was present in 78% of lesions, and TIMI 0-1 flow in 21%. TIMI 3 flow improved from 57% at baseline to 94% postprocedure. No patient developed visible distal thromboemboli, side-branch occlusion, or reduced antegrade flow. Thirty-day events included one death (2.0%), Q- or non-Q-wave MI in 4.0%, TVR in 6.0%, and any MACE in 6.0%. We conclude that the use of the X-Sizer prior to percutaneous intervention is safe in high-risk vein grafts and thrombotic lesions and results in a low rate of adverse events compared to historical controls.  相似文献   

A recent advance in technology permits the creation of sutureless proximal aortic anastomosis during coronary artery bypass graft surgery. This new tool has significant potential benefit by minimizing aortic manipulation with subsequent reduction in neuroembolization. Implantation of a nitinol-based proximal aortic connector (Symmetry) has a potential to elicit intimal hyperplastic reaction analogous to restenosis after coronary stent placement. We report cases of early vein graft stenosis in association with the use of the Symmetry device. Three patients suffered from severe ostial stenosis within 6 months of bypass surgery with symptomatic presentation. Of these three patients, two underwent successful percutaneous revascularization. Fluoroscopic star-shaped appearance of the metallic Symmetry allows device recognition during angiography. We review current data regarding graft patency with the use of Symmetry device and discuss technical issues to address specific problems during percutaneous revascularization.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To test the effectiveness of Rheolytic Thrombectomy (RT) and distal protection balloon wires when used synergistically in an in vitro model. BACKGROUND: Although effective, currently available technologies may not be individually ideal for fresh clots removal. METHODS: Fourteen, fresh blood samples were placed in 14 plastic tubes and left to clot for 6?h. A Percusurge Guardwire balloon was inflated distal to the clot and aspiration was performed using RT in seven tubes and manual aspiration (MA) with the Export catheter in seven tubes. The residual clot in each tube was dried and weighed. Both aspiration systems were advanced over the Guardwire. RESULTS: During RT, none of the protection balloons ruptured and no retrograde clot embolization were observed. MA was most effective when the Export catheter tip was not in direct contact with the clot. The residual clot mass post RT was significantly less than post MA (9.7±2.2 versus 59.2±45.9, P = 0.01). CONCLUSION: RT is compatible with Distal Protection Balloon Wires and results in more complete clot removal than manual aspiration with the export catheter. Although manual aspiration results in a large variation in extraction efficacy, it is most effective when direct catheter‐clot contact is kept to a minimum.  相似文献   

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