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诚信缺失是多年来美容行业的一大硬伤,大量从业者无序流动见利忘义、商业机密无法保障安全、炒作概念隐瞒真相……导致市场极度混乱。虽然所有业者早就意识到失信是一种自杀行为,但是长久以来心存侥幸已经成为一种群体无意识行为,总以为当务之急是利润,为了生存可以不择手段。但市场的游戏规则是无情的,谁抛弃诚信,则必将被市场抛弃。  相似文献   

2007年,医学美学美容杂志社携手IPM环球纹艺公司,在全国范围内开展“医美15周年庆全国省级代理商巡访活动”。《医学美学美容·财智》特别开设“代理商论坛”。每期按照不同地域区分,派资深记者亲历当地,对市场进行实地调查采访,同时邀约当地有代表性的代理商齐聚一堂,共同探讨渠道运营和发展策略方针,和同行业者分享彼此经营过程中的经验和教训。  相似文献   

先天性胫骨缺失(Congenital deficiency of the tibia)包括胫侧半肢畸形(tibial paraxial hemimelia)、发育不全(aplasia)和发育不良(dysplasia)常伴有其它部位的骨与关节畸形和内脏缺陷。美国新生儿患病率大约为百万分之一。无地区、种族及性别差异。1841年Otto 首次描述,之后很多学者撰文报道个案,研究病因,探讨分类和治疗,但缺乏系统性阐述。作者查阅了1965年以来的部分文献,作较为详细的系统性描述。1 病因 部分文献报告了患者呈家族性分布。Clark MW等分别对家谱研究,认为先天性胫骨缺失合并五指畸形或裂手、叉状股骨、尺骨缺陷,均呈常染色体显性遗传。而Wolfsang Garg L认为常染色体隐性遗传也不能除外。酞胺哌啶酮(反应停)、辐射与病毒感染是致畸因素。在胚胎发育阶段,肢体胚芽与中枢神经系统及内脏胚基邻近,所以通常同时受损而伴发相应缺陷。  相似文献   

王景辉疲惫地躺在偌大办公室的沙发上.感觉到头隐隐作痛,他现在才记起自己已经三天没合眼了,整个人好像都要垮下来。公司的员工依然在忙着处理代理商的退货,此起彼伏的电话铃声不停地回荡在耳边,员工们小心翼翼地关好王总办公室的大门,尽量都不去打扰他。  相似文献   

古城西安历史的厚重就好像是这几个月的心情,先看行业信任危机,四面楚歌;再听西安宣言,八方诚信。消费者的心在矛盾中,安静地期待着有个权威的声音能够告诉他们美容化妆品行业还能否重拾人们过去的信任。  相似文献   

已经报道,睾丸生精障碍是以界膜为靶区(target area),以间质细胞和支持细胞为靶细胞(target cell),以线粒体为靶点(target point)的生理与病理的发病过程[1],而线粒体又是中心环节和关键部位,为此,再就线粒体缺失与不育症予以综述.  相似文献   

目的 研究Y染色体AZFc部分缺失(gr/gr缺失、b2/b3缺失)和AZFc全缺失(b2/b4缺失)对精子发生的影响.方法 实验组选择非梗阻性无精子症者458例,对照组选择符合卫生部标准的汉族合格捐精者301例.所有受试者均抽取外周血,抽提DNA,选择Y染色体序列标签位点(STS),经多重PCR技术检测Y染色体AZFc部分缺失与全缺失,对结果进行统计学分析.结果 实验组AZFc部分缺失为:gr/gr缺失41例(8.9%),b2/b3缺失11例(2.4%):AZFc全缺失5例(1.1%).对照组AZFc部分缺失:gr/gr缺失23(8.6%)例, b2/b3缺失7例(2.3%):未发现AZFc全缺失.两组比较,AZFc全缺失差异显著(P<0.05);AZFc部分缺失(gr/gr缺失、b2/b3缺失)发生率无显著性差异(P>0.05).结论 汉族男性Y染色体AZFc部分缺失(gr/gr、b2/b3缺失)在非梗阻性无精子症患者和IE常捐精者中都存在,但无统计学意义,不能作为精子发生障碍的危险因子.AZFc全缺失(b2/b4缺失)则引起严重的生精功能障碍,可作为精子发生障碍的危险因子之一.  相似文献   

闫寅华,澳大利亚艾弗丝(国际)化妆品有限公司董事长。作为成长在五十年代的人,学习雷锋是他的主题课,实事求是是他做人的基本准则,也是他永远改变不了的性格。即使吃亏的是自己,他也绝不投机取巧,对于这一点,他的朋友和客户都深有感触。有时他的客户们开玩笑说,他的性格用来经商太吃亏,但命运却偏偏让闫寅华走上了经商的道路,而且做得还很出色。  相似文献   

《Seminars in Arthroplasty》2021,31(4):836-841
BackgroundThe purpose of this study was to compare the 5 year radiographic and clinical outcomes of anatomic total shoulder arthroplasties (TSA) performed with either a standard length (SL) or short stem. The hypothesis was there would be no difference in radiographic or clinical outcomes based on stem length.MethodsA multicenter retrospective review was performed of primary TSAs performed with a press-fit humeral component. Fifty SL and 72 short stems were available for review, of which 43 SL and 60 short stems had minimum 5 year follow-up. Functional outcome was assessed according to range of motion (ROM), visual analog scale (VAS) American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES), and Single Assessment Numeric Evaluation (SANE) scores. Radiographs were reviewed for signs of humeral component loosening and stress shielding.ResultsAt final follow-up there were no differences in ROM, or ASES or SANE scores between groups (P>.05). Postoperative VAS scores were lower in the SL compared to the short stems (0.8 vs. 1.6; P = .053). All-cause revision was similar between the SL and short stems (16% vs. 22.2%; P = .395). Among SL stems there were no revisions for humeral loosening and none were considered radiographically at risk. Six short stems were revised for loosening (8.3%; P =.036 vs. SL). An additional 5 short stems were considered to be radiographically at risk for loosening for a total revision or at risk rate of 15.3% (P = .003 vs. SL).ConclusionThere is no difference in functional outcome at mid-term follow-up of TSA based on stem length with a grit-blasted humeral component. Revision for loosening and radiographic risk for loosening may be higher with a short stem compared a standard length humeral stem placed with press-fit fixation using grit blasting.Level of evidenceLevel III; Retrospective Comparative Study.  相似文献   

We devised a sincerity of effort assessment based on "tricking" a person into exerting maximal effort by providing incorrect visual feedback. The assessment involves deriving a target line from nonvisual peak gripping force, instructing participants to reach it with each grip repetition, and then secretly changing its position, which requires doubling the force necessary to reach it. Accordingly, participants are tricked into exerting more force than intended to reach the deceptive target line. We examined the validity of this test by comparing force values between "trick" and "non-trick" trials in 30 healthy participants. The study design used was a prospective cohort. Providing incorrect visual feedback caused significantly greater increases in force during submaximal effort (69%) than during maximal effort (28%). This test effectively detected submaximal effort (sensitivity=0.83 and specificity=0.93). Although this test is not safe for patients during initial therapy, it may be appropriate for patients who can safely exert maximal grip force. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Not applicable.  相似文献   

An inverse linear relationship exists between torque and velocity in the mid-ranges of an isotonic maximal contraction in a single joint movement (such as the elbow and knee). We hypothesized that submaximal effort does not produce a linear torque-velocity relationship because replicating a submaximal isotonic contraction requires an enormous amount of proprioceptive feedback and the nervous system may not be able to accurately replicate both force and speed of contraction. If this hypothesis is true, the torque-velocity test of the BTE-Primus would be an effective method for assessing sincerity of effort. The purpose of this study was to examine if differences exist in the linear torque-velocity relationship between maximal and submaximal grip strength effort. Due to the fact that a test is not valid unless it is reliable, an additional purpose was to calculate the test-retest reliability of velocity during isotonic contraction using the torque-velocity test of the BTE-Primus' grip tool. Participants included 32 healthy, right-hand dominant (16 male, 16 female) persons, aged 20-50 years (mean age 25+/-8.0), with no history of upper-extremity injury. The subjects participated in two days of grip-strength testing (approximately two weeks apart) and were instructed to exert maximal effort with both hands on one day, and to feign injury with one hand on the other day. Each day included two sessions of testing, which consisted of performing the "torque-velocity test" on the BTE-Primus grip attachment (#162). We randomly assigned the feigning hand (dominant vs. nondominant) and the effort (maximal vs. submaximal). The test administrator was blinded to the level of effort. On each day, four isotonic grip-strength tests were performed at loads of 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% of isometric test scores. Three repeated isotonic grip strength trials were performed at each load and the average was plotted. One plot was generated for the maximal effort and another for the submaximal efforts. Average torque was plotted against the average velocity at each of the four loads and for each level of effort (maximal vs. submaximal). The linear relationship of the torque-velocity curve was examined by performing regression analysis, calculating the intercept, slope, correlation coefficient (r), and the coefficient of determination (r(2)) for each curve. Paired t-tests were used to compare the intercept, slope, and r(2) between maximal and submaximal efforts. Bonferroni correction set the alpha level at 0.0167. Sensitivity and specificity values were calculated for linearity (r(2)) and a Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curve was constructed to obtain the optimal sensitivity and specificity combination. In addition, test-retest reliability was determined for velocity of maximal isotonic effort using Intraclass Correlation Coefficient. Significant differences between maximal and submaximal efforts were found for the intercept (t=5.069; p<0.001) and for linearity as expressed by r(2) (t=5.414; p<0.001). Mean r(2) was 0.89 for maximal effort and 0.53 for submaximal effort. The slopes of maximal and submaximal efforts were not significantly different (t=0.14; p=0.888). The ROC curve revealed the optimal combination of sensitivity (0.69) and specificity (0.72) values. Test-retest reliability of maximal isotonic grip effort for velocity was r=0.843. The differences in intercepts suggested that velocity was greater during maximal effort. Greater r(2) values indicated greater linearity for maximal efforts than submaximal efforts. These findings suggest that the torque-velocity test of the BTE-Primus can distinguish between maximal and submaximal efforts during grip-strength testing. However, the test misclassified 31% of submaximal effort and 28% of maximal error, for a total error of 59%. Therefore, this test does not possess adequate sensitivity and specificity values to justify its use in the clinic.  相似文献   

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