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目的了解四川省农村市场预包装食品营养标签标示现状。方法对营养标签进行拍照,采集农村市场预包装食品的营养标签内容,并评价其是否符合《预包装食品营养标签通则》(简称《通则》)的规定。结果共调查275种预包装食品,其中标有营养成分表、营养声称和营养成分功能声称的食品百分比分别为100.00%(275/275)、10.91%(30/275)和1.82%(5/275)。营养声称和营养成分功能声称主要涵盖维生素、钙、碳水化合物(糖),但是标示的食品种数较少,且部分声称不符合《通则》规定。结论四川省农村预包装食品营养标签的强制性标示内容标示情况较好,可选择标示内容标示情况极差。  相似文献   

目的了解预包装食品营养标签标示的营养成分含量值与实际检测值的差异是否符合《通则》规定的允许误差范围以及符合率。方法在郑州超市内随机采集60种预包装食品,对标示的营养成分进行含量检测,建立数据库进行数据录入,用SPSS 17.0软件进行统计分析,依据《通则》判定符合性。结果共调查并检验了60种预包装食品,全部标示营养标签,73.33%的预包装食品的营养成分标示值与检测值的差异不符合《通则》规定的允许误差范围。检测了384个指标,307个指标符合,符合率为79.95%。能量和核心营养素中蛋白质符合率最高,为96.67%;钠的符合率最低,为66.67%。结论预包装食品营养标签的标示还不能完全符合《通则》要求,首先标示规范性还不够,另外营养成分含量标示值和实际检测值的符合率还不够,有关部门应继续加强营养标签的监管工作。  相似文献   

目的了解北京市售食用植物油标签对《预包装食品标签通则》和《预包装食品营养标签通则》的符合情况。方法通过超市、市场和网上购买的方式采集食用植物油样品,对标签通则规定的条款逐项调查,并对全部样品检测油脂抗氧化剂TBHQ(特丁基对苯二酚),根据国家标准对标示情况进行符合性判断。结果共调查了91个食用植物油,其中10个产品检出TBHQ,其标签均标示添加了该抗氧化剂。91个标签应标示内容的标示情况基本符合规定,90个标签标示了营养成分表,标示符合率为97.8%。17个标签(涉及6个品牌)有营养声称,标示率18.9%,但植物甾醇等有营养声称却在营养成分表中无相应数值标示。1个标签有营养成分功能声称,但功能声称用语不是标准规定的用语。结论建议监督部门对生产企业要加大监督力度,技术部门要提供一定技术咨询和指导。  相似文献   

目的了解我国预包装食品标签中营养声称的标示情况,为修订《预包装食品营养标签通则》提供科学依据。方法在全国各地大中型超市采样或拍照,收集预包装食品营养标签信息并录入Excel,对各类食品及各营养成分的营养声称使用情况进行统计。结果共纳入5348个样本,营养声称总体标示率为15.22%,标示合格率为100%。各类食品中乳与乳制品中营养声称标示率最高,为26.57%;蛋制品、茶叶及其相关制品标示率为0%。各营养成分中,钙、膳食纤维和铁的实际含量声称标示率最高,高达30%,部分营养成分如生物素、铜和氟的实际标示率为0%。比较声称使用频次较少,主要集中在"减少脂肪"、"增加蛋白质"和"减少钠(盐)"方面。结论我国预包装食品营养声称使用较为规范,但企业实际使用率相对较低,且关注的营养成分比较集中。建议在标准修订时考虑营养声称的实用性并进一步加大标准宣贯力度和消费者教育工作。  相似文献   

目的了解青少年高消费预包装食品营养标签标示现状,并对预包装食品标签标示的钠含量与实际检测值进行对比分析。方法对超市与网店销售的薯片、曲奇、饼干预调查,包括进口与国产,选取销量较高的81种预包装食品,记录营养标签标示值信息,并对采集的样品进行钠含量检测。结果 81种预包装食品的营养标签都符合《预包装食品营养标签通则》要求。66种预包装食品钠含量标示符合《预包装食品营养标签通则》规定的允许误差范围。结论在高消费预包装食品调查中,三类国产食品钠含量标示值的中位数均高于同类进口食品;实验室检测发现,18.5%的样品检测值大于标示值的120%,不符合《预包装食品营养标签通则》关于钠含量标示值的规定,其营养标签钠标示值的准确性有待进一步提高。  相似文献   

目的了解普陀区便利店预包装食品营养标签的标示率与合格率。方法调查区内两家便利店内现场在售的全部预包装食品。结果共调查预包装食品15类合计1,043种,标示营养标签、营养成分表、营养声称和功能声称分别为1,039(99.6%)、1,039(99.6%)、103(9.9%)和11(1.1%)。营养成分表中,能量、蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物和钠的标示率均达到了100%,其中,营养成分表、营养声称和功能声称的标示合格率分别为96.3%、72.8%和63.6%。结论两家便利店预包装食品的营养标签标示率较高,但标示的规范性,特别是营养声称和功能声称的规范性还有待改善。执法部门需要加强食品包装的管理,制止部分企业以广告语诱导消费者混淆为营养声称或功能声称的行为。  相似文献   

2013年1月1日正式施行的《预包装食品营养标签通则》(简称《通则》)已成为媒体及消费者关注的热点。根据《通则》的规定,预包装食品营养标签应向消费者提供食品营养信息和特性的说明。什么叫预包装食品?哪些食品需要标示营养标签?营养标签该怎么看?其中的英文缩写如NRV%到底有什么作用?着实让人摸不着头脑!以下为大家就这些问题进行释疑。  相似文献   

目的了解7大类623种预包装食品营养标签的标示情况,并对结果进行分析。方法在济南市的各型超市和商品零售点,现场调查或购买符合调查条件的预包装食品,将营养标签等相关信息输入调查表中,用SPSS 18.0软件进行统计分析。结果在调查的7大类623种预包装食品中,营养标签的标示率为94.1%,标示规范率为95.7%;进行营养声称的有58份,占9.31%;进行营养成分功能声称的有71份,占11.40%;营养声称和功能声称频次较高的营养素均为钙。豆制品的强制性标示规范率为100.0%;谷类制品的营养标签强制性标示之间的差异具有统计学意义。结论济南市预包装食品营养标签标示率和规范性较高,但仍存在一定的标示不规范、可选择标示率较低的问题。相关部门应加强对企业的教育监管,扩大营养标签在防治慢性非传染性疾病中的影响。  相似文献   

正根据我国《食品安全国家标准预包装食品营养标签通则》(GB 28050-2011)中的定义,营养标签是指"预包装食品标签上向消费者提供食品营养信息和特性的说明,包括营养成分表、营养声称和营养成分功能声称。营养标签是预包装食品标签的一部分。营养声称是对食品营养特性的描述和声明,如能量水平、蛋白质含量水平。它是基于营养成分表中的含量  相似文献   

目的了解《预包装食品营养标签通则》实施后预包装食品营养标签标示现况及广州市消费者对食品营养标签的认知度。方法通过现场调查方法,对广州大型超市907种食品的营养标签标示状况进行调查,以问卷的方式对570名消费者进行营养标签认知调查。结果食品营养标签标示率为93.82%。消费者中知晓食品营养标签的为66.1%,关注率为61.5%。女性对于营养标签知晓度和关注度都高于男性(χ2=8.012,P=0.005;χ2=5.767 P=0.016);文化程度越高,对食品营养标签信息理解度越高(χ2=34.475,P=0.000)。结论与《通则》发布前相比,预包装食品营养标签标示率显著增加,但营养标签标示尚存在不规范,政府应进一步加强食品营养标签的监督检查;同时尚需加强宣教,提高消费者对食品营养标签的认知。  相似文献   

The food label is an important tool for improving the public's understanding of the health benefits of following a nutritious diet. The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has continued to study food labels with its Food Label and Package Survey (FLAPS). Data from the 2000-2001 FLAPS characterize various aspects of the labeling of processed, packaged foods, including nutrition labeling and various types of label claims. The FDA used a multistage, representative sample of food products from the Information Resources Inc (IRI) 1999 supermarket database as the basis for the FLAPS sample. The final FLAPS database consists of 1281 foods. An estimated 98.3% of FDA-regulated processed, packaged foods sold annually have nutrition labels, with an additional 1.7% of products exempt from nutrition labeling requirements. Health claims (4.4%), structure/function claims (6.2%), and nutrient content claims (49.7%) were identified on food labels. In addition to the resource this survey provides to CFSAN in assessing health and nutrition information on the food label, registered dietitians and other health professionals can use FLAPS data to assist consumers in choosing a more nutritious diet to improve their health and well-being.  相似文献   

The Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990--an amendment to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act--paved the way for significant changes in the labeling of foods, nutrient content, and health claims. This article gives an overview of the regulatory process used by the US Food and Drug Administration to revise the food label relative to the Dietary Reference Intakes and in ways that reflect new scientific knowledge and public health issues.  相似文献   

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) conducts studies of food labels as part of its ongoing monitoring of the nutritional status of the US population. In 1994 FDA nutrition labeling rules were implemented and in 1997 the Food Label and Package Survey characterized various aspects of the labeling of processed, packaged foods, including nutrition labeling, health claims, and nutrient content claims. For the survey, FDA selected a multistage, representative sample of food products from the SCAN-TRACK food sales database (AC Nielsen Co, Schaumburg, Ill). FDA identified 58 product groups and selected those product classes from the database that accounted for 80% of sales in each group. From each product class, FDA selected the 3 top-selling product brands and randomly selected follower brands. Based on label information from a final sample of 1,267 food products, FDA determined the percentage of products sold that bear Nutrition Facts labels, health claims, and nutrient content claims. The purpose of this article was to present FDA findings regarding the status of food labels 3 years after implementation of the nutrition labeling rules. Nutrition-labeled products accounted for an estimated 96.5% of the annual sales of processed, packaged foods. An additional 3.4% of products sold were exempt from labeling regulations. Nutrient content claims and health claims appeared on an estimated 39% and 4%, respectively, of the products sold. Dietitians and other health care professionals can use this survey information to identify food types with specific label information and to assist the US consumer in making more varied and healthful food choices in the marketplace.  相似文献   

摘要:目的 了解广州市消费者食品营养标签的认知与应用能力并与2008年调查结果进行比较。方法 于2013年11-12月在广州市各超市,采用匿名问卷方式调查1003名知情同意的消费者,用SPSS20.0进行数据分析。结果 在调查对象中了解什么是食品营养标签的人仅占9.1%,对食品营养标签信息完全能理解的占4.0%。购买食品时经常认真阅读食品营养标签的只有10.7%。认为食品营养标签对食品选购有一些影响的占71.8%,有很大影响的占 5.7%。与2008年调查结果比较,消费者对食品营养标签的了解程度、理解程度、阅读情况以及信任度差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。经Logistic回归分析,食品营养标签与食品选购相关因素有:消费者目前的身体状况、阅读情况、理解程度、信任程度、了解愿望(P≤0.05)。结论 从2008年至2013年《预包装食品营养标签通则》的实施,广州市消费者对食品营养标签的认知度及应用能力并无显著提高,必需加强宣教和引导,提高消费者对食品营养标签的认知与应用,充分发挥其作用。  相似文献   

哈尔滨市包装食品营养标签标识状况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解黑龙江省哈尔滨市大型超市销售的预包装食品营养标签标识情况,为识别营养标签的宣传教育提供依据.方法 自行设计调查表对常见的国产饼干、乳制品、饮料类包装食品和进口原装饼干、饮料类包装食品进行基本状况调查和营养标识状况调查.结果 240种国内生产的包装食品上食品标签强制标示内容均予以标识,营养标签总体标识率为61.25%;58种国外进口原装食品的食品标签对我国规定的强制标示内容均予以标识,营养标签标识率为63.8%.国内外饼干类食品营养标签在营养素种类标识方面存在差异,营养标识率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 目前国内食品标签的标识尚不规范,需加强对营养标签的监督和管理.  相似文献   

In both Canada and the United States, nutrition labeling is now mandatory for most packaged foods. The labeling is intended to help consumers select foods that can contribute to a healthful diet, but current label values are based on outdated notions of nutrient requirements. The Committee on Use of Dietary Reference Intakes in Nutrition Labeling has recommended that the reference values used for nutrition labeling be based on a population-weighted Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) for any nutrient for which requirements have been estimated. This value approximates the median of the distribution of nutrient requirements for individuals who are members of the target population for food labels. It provides the most scientifically valid, single point of comparison for an appraisal of the probable contribution of a specific food to the overall nutrient needs of individuals in the target population. In contrast, a reference value based on a population coverage approach would understate the nutrient contribution of the food item relative to the requirements of the vast majority of individuals in the target population and thus offer misinformation rather than positive guidance to the consumer.  相似文献   


Although the Nutrition Facts label has been required on food packages since 1994, little research has been conducted to determine the ability of consumers of any age to locate and manipulate information on the Nutrition Facts label. Even less research has been conducted to determine their understanding of nutrient content claims. The potential usefulness of nutrition labeling in helping older adults identify foods that can promote more successful aging and safeguard their health compels this study which was designed to investigate the ability of older women to locate and manipulate nutrient information on Nutrition Facts labels and accurately interpret nutrition claims.  相似文献   

Increased visibility of food labels is a potential method to reduce the rate of obesity. However, few empirical studies have investigated the impact of nutrition labeling on food selection or energy intake. This study tested the hypothesis that nutrition labeling in combination with nutrition label education would promote reductions in energy intake using a laboratory-based paradigm. Forty-seven male (n=24) and female (n=23) participants visited the Nutrition and Health Research Laboratory for a single lunch session during the months of May through August 2009. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two video groups (Nutrition Labeling Education or Organic Food Movement) and one of two labeling conditions (Nutrition Labels or No Labels). Participants watched a short educational video and then consumed a buffet lunch. Data were analyzed using a three-way analysis of covariance with sex, video condition, and labeling group as the between-subject factors and age and race as covariates. There were main effects of sex and nutrition label condition on lunch energy intake with females consuming less than males and people with nutrition labels consuming less energy than those without, regardless of sex or video condition. Examination of energy intake from low-energy-density and high-energy-density foods showed that the nutrition labeling group consumed less energy from both low-energy-density and high-energy-density food sources. These data support the use of nutrition labels as a way to reduce energy intake.  相似文献   

Health and nutrition claims are used by consumers to guide purchasing decisions. In consequence, monitoring and evaluation of such claims to ensure they are accurate and transparent is required. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of nutrition and health claims on dairy-yoghurt products within select Australian supermarkets and assess their compliance with the revised Food Standards Code (FSC). Nutrition, health, and related claims on yoghurt products were assessed in a cross-sectional audit of five supermarkets in the Illawarra region of New South Wales. Claim prevalence, type, and compliance were assessed and products were compared against current rating measures. A total of n = 340 dairy yoghurt products were identified. Most products (97.9%) carried at least one nutrition and/or health claim, with nutrition-content claims (93.9%) the most prevalent. Most products (n = 277) met the nutrient profiling scoring criterion; while 87.9% of products did not carry the health star rating. Almost all claims surveyed (97.4%) were compliant with the FSC. Health and nutrition claims are highly prevalent across yoghurt categories, with the majority of these compliant with regulations. The ambiguity surrounding the wording and context of claims challenges researchers to investigate consumers’ interpretations of health messaging within the food environment.  相似文献   

目的 调查西南地区市售儿童预包装食品的钠含量水平现状,为减盐政策及高钠食品标准的制定提供数据支持。方法 选取西南地区大型超市、连锁便利店和零售店,采用拍照的方式收集儿童预包装食品的营养标签等信息。本次调查共收集4 588种儿童预包装食品,分为8种食物类别,27个亚类,采用中位数和四分位数描述食品的钠含量。本研究分别参照《中国居民膳食指南(2022)》和英国食品标准局(Food Standards Agency,FSA)高钠食品的标准,以及《食品安全国家标准预包装食品营养标签通则》(GB 28050—2011)中低钠食品的定义,对各类预包装食品进行钠含量分级。结果 27个亚类食品中有7个亚类食品为低钠食品(冲调类食品、糖果类、水果制品、乳类及其制品、饮料、冷饮、食糖),其余类别均为中钠或高钠食品。两种钠含量分级标准的差异主要体现在调味品类的食醋中。儿童消费的方便食品、膨化食品、鱼禽肉蛋及其制品、各类调味品的钠含量均较高。结论 西南地区市售儿童预包装食品的钠含量仍处于较高水平,应继续加强减钠(盐)工作的实施,建立适合我国的高钠食品标准,促进儿童健康饮食。  相似文献   

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