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医学是一门自然科学与人文社会科学高度结合的综合性学科,其本质特点是人文关怀。本文分析了当前医学教育中人文关怀精神的缺失问题,并阐述了通过转变医学教育观念、强化医学生的人文关怀意识及营造良好的校园文化氛围等方式,来加强对医学生人文关怀精神的教育。  相似文献   

医学生的人文素质教育体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李系仁 《医学信息》2006,19(7):1153-1154
加强大学生素质教育已成为高等学校工作的重要内容,对于高等医学院校来说,如何对医学生开展人文素质教育,提高人文素质修养,最终使医学生成长为一名业务精湛,知识渊博,谈吐儒雅,有良好的人文素质的新一代医生,是医学院校正在深入探讨的重要课题。  相似文献   

医学是一门最富人文关怀和人性温暖的科学,然而现代医学丢失的正是这种至为宝贵的人性温暖。解剖学因其自身的特殊性,应该成为医学人文教育的基地。我们在解剖教学中通过加强教师人文素养、课堂融入人文内容、常规性举办人文活动等方式开展医学人文素质教育,使解剖学成为一门专业与人文相互渗透的课程。  相似文献   

<正>医学是人学,其既不是一门纯粹的自然科学,也不是社会科学;医学是一门自然科学与人文、社会科学交叉的学科,是研究人的生命活动、心理、精神、健康、疾病、预防、治疗、康复、保健、人口、计划生育、生态、环境等等的科学,即生老病死及与其相关的科学。人体解剖学研究的是人体的形态结构,阐述的是器官的位置毗邻,将一个完整的人体由里到外展现在学生而前,使学生体会到人是真真切切生存在这个世界的高级动物。学习解剖  相似文献   

医务工作人员不仅与社会中的传染病接触,同时在工作区域也随时有被病原体感染的机会。随着医学的迅速发展和对医院感染认识的提高,医护工作者的自我防护问题越来越受到关注,自我防护不仅避免自身遭受疾病侵袭,同时也避免交叉感染。医学生是未来的临床医务工作者,在将来的临床工作中随时都有被病原体感染的可能,特别是手术室感染机率更高。近年来,我们在手术学教学中充分发挥手术示教和手术实习的特点,在交给他们应用解剖知识和外科手术基本功的同时,把预防手术接触感染的健康知识也传授给他们,有效地提高了医学生的健康意识和手术自我防护能力。 一、手术室接触感染防护意识的培养 调查表明:医学生中仅有16.8%的人接受过防护教育,说明手术接触感染的健康教育存在严重不足。虽然他们中大部分在对患者进行侵袭操作及手术时关心患者是否携带病原体,但由于未受到系统、规范的教育与培训,导致他们在临床实  相似文献   

医学教育实践中强化人文教育的作用初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在医学教育过程中,长期以来,过分强调医学知识的传授,忽视人文素质的培养。没有自觉地培养学生的人文关怀,导致从业者的道德修养水平、自身成就感下降。因此,在医学教育中加强人文教育是非常必要的。1能力培养需要人文教育面对世界教育的发展趋势和我国经济建设、社会发展对人才的需求,改善学生的知识结构,加强能力培养,应当作为转变教育思想和观念、深化教学改革的重要方面。过去只注重专业知识的学习,忽视人文素质的修养,毕业生最突出的弱项是缺乏人文的知识和素养。医科毕业生应该是基础强、品德高、有文化的人才。针对上述问题,在当前修…  相似文献   

临床医学专业强化人文教育的可行性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为适应医学科学和医学教育的发展,在中国协和医科大学的八年制临床医学专业的预科阶段适当增加和强化了人文科学的教育。本文对1997年至2001年共五届学生所选修的人文学科课程门类,选修学分对预科总成绩的影响等作了分析。分析结果表明,医学生对选修此类课程有兴趣,而且并未因此增加整个预科阶段的学习负担。  相似文献   

目的:评估将心理咨询与治疗伦理学教育融入医学心理学课程对医学生伦理意识的影响,探索有效提高医学生伦理意识水平的伦理教育方案.方法:选取广州某医科院校学习《医学心理学》课程的临床医学专业大二两个班级的学生,共183人,按其自然班级对一组班的学生增加心理咨询和治疗伦理学教育(伦理教育组),另一组班的学生仅接受传统的课程内容(对照组).采用自编心理咨询相关问题调查问卷为评估工具,对伦理教育组学生的心理咨询与治疗伦理意识进行授课前后比较.结果:伦理教育组学生除了条目“如果来访者无能力付费就终止咨询”、“向来访者介绍自己的学历、资历和专业地位”外,在其他30个条目的前后测差异均有统计学意义(P <0.05或0.01),对照组前后测仅在专业能力与情感能力、费用和设置等方面的13个条目上差异有统计学意义,伦理教育后学生选择“完全不符合”和“不大符合”的比例升高,选择“比较符合”、“完全符合”的比例降低,除条目“应邀到来访者的家里做心理咨询或治疗”外,选择“不确定”的比例均下降(如条目“提供超出自己能力范围的服务”,伦理教育组认为完全不符合、不大符合、不确定、比较符合和完全符合者所占比率分别为20.7%、58.6%、16.1%、4.6%和0.0%,而后测为64.7%、30.6%、2.4%、2.4%和0.0%).授课后对照组学生对5个前后测有显著差异的条目表现出更“不确定”.结论:本研究提示,将心理咨询与治疗伦理教育融入医学心理学课程能够提高医学生的伦理意识.  相似文献   

医学人文素质教育是现代高等医学教育不可缺少的组成部分,在医学教育中具有重要的基础性地位.它的实现要靠教育者在教育的各个环节中主动施行。积极探讨加强医学生人文素质教育的有效实施途径具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

前我国医患关系的日益恶化显现出医学生人文素质教育的不足,传统的医学人文教学方式已不再适用,迫切需要找到相应的解决方法,遗体捐献体现的精神对医学生学习医学人文知识有很强的促进作用,而医学生人文素质的提高又能够有效的带动遗体捐献率,两者的相辅相成为医学教育发展开辟了一条新的路径。  相似文献   

Ethics education for Canadian medical students   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was designed to determine the nature, extent, and quality of medical ethics education for students in Canadian medical schools. In 1989, a questionnaire that used primarily open-ended questions was sent to all 16 Canadian medical schools; they all responded. Significant findings include the following: 15 of the 16 schools provided some ethics education (with wide-ranging objectives); the amounts of time alloted for such instruction ranged from ten and a half hours to 45 hours (per degree, not per year), with no discernible pattern in the distribution of hours across the years; most teaching was case-based and issue-oriented; most instructors were physicians; and almost all the schools conducted assessments of students using a pass-fail standard.  相似文献   

加强病例讨论,努力搞好素质教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
程佳 《中国病理生理杂志》2000,16(6):494-494,534
病理生理学是一门与临床医学关系密切的桥梁性学科 ,其主要任务是研究疾病发生的原因和条件 ,疾病过程的机能、代谢的动态变化以及这些变化的发生机制 ,揭示疾病发生、发展和转归的规律。因此 ,病理生理学不仅要求学生学习前人已总结出的理论知识 ,而且更应培养学生用所学的理论知识对疾病 (包括复制的动物疾病模型和临床实际病例 )进行综合分析的能力。医学教育的目的是培养促进全体人民健康的医生 ,因此 ,它要求受教育者必须掌握作为医生所应具备的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能 ,即解决问题的能力 ,为社会培养具有创新精神的人才。本文旨…  相似文献   

随着时代的进步,教育思想发生着深刻的变革。加强医学生的素质教育,努力提高医学生的综合素质,为社会培养高素质的应用型医学人才,成为医学教育界的共识。医学文化素质是医学生的综合素质之一,由医学科学素质与医学人文素质综合构成[1],努力提高医学生的医学文化素质在医学教育中尤显必然。1医学科学素质随着科学技术的飞速发展,医学已发展为多学科、多专业互相综合与交叉的学科,这就要求医学生不仅要具备扎实的医学理论,而且应具备精湛的临床技能。只有牢固掌握了全面扎实的专业理论知识和娴熟的专业操作技能,才能沉着冷静地面对复杂多变的…  相似文献   

An increasingly diverse population and ongoing health disparities have brought national attention to cultural competence training in medical schools. However, few data exist on medical students' knowledge in cultural competence. The purpose of this study is to assess medical students' knowledge in cultural competence to identify training areas for curriculum development. All third-year medical students at a single institution during the period of November 2001 to February 2004 completed a questionnaire to assess their knowledge of cultural competence during their medicine clerkship. The 40-item questionnaire measured several domains of cultural competence: health disparities, stereotyping, exploring culture, perceptions of health and illness, and communication/language. The mean knowledge score was 55%, and no student scored >80%. Race and prior cultural training were not predictors of overall performance.  相似文献   

The process of AIDS education poses exceptional challenges for teachers and students. Medical students are in a unique position in the health care system. They are young enough to be ideal role models for high school and college students. They are mature enough to be responsible educators. We describe a special program designed and implemented by a medical student to train other medical students to become AIDS educators. This student-run program provides education for student volunteers who are able to educate other students and members of the community. The program is designed to educate a generation of physicians who will be well-equipped to combat the HIV epidemic and who can serve the community as AIDS educators while still in medical school.  相似文献   

AimThe best method to teach anatomy is widely debated. A shift away from cadaveric dissection in UK medical schools towards newer approaches has taken place without adequate evaluation of their suitability. The impact of this on future anatomical and surgical competencies is unclear. We assessed student perceptions to different methods of anatomy teaching.MethodsAll 2nd year students at Leeds School of Medicine were invited to complete a matrix-grid questionnaire. Participants were asked to score six methods of anatomy teaching (dissection; prosection; lectures; models; PC software packages; living & radiological anatomy) using a 5-point Likert-type scale on the ability to achieve nine learning objectives. Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney analyses suitable for non-parametric data were used to evaluate differences in scores between teaching methods.Results170 students (71%) responded to the survey. Overall, dissection was the single highest scored method, followed by prosection. Newer approaches such as models, computer software packages and living & radiological anatomy scored comparatively worse. The most suitable method for achieving individual learning objectives was variable with dissection perceived as most suitable for four out of nine objectives.ConclusionsCadaveric dissection is a favourable approach for achieving important learning objectives in the field of anatomy. Further evaluation of teaching methods is required prior to changes being made in the curricula of UK medical schools.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To examine changes in health habits (sleep, alcohol, and exercise) and the effects of an educational intervention promoting self-care on the emotional and academic adjustment of first-year medical students. METHOD: Fifty-four medical students completed questionnaires that assessed various health habits, alcohol use, depression severity, and areas of life satisfaction at the beginning of the semester, at mid-term, and at finals. Approximately half of the students received written feedback or participated in an educational discussion group at mid-term. RESULTS: The students demonstrated significant changes in health habits, with increases in alcohol consumption and decreases in exercise and socialization. The changes in health habits were predictive of both emotional and academic adjustment, with students who decreased in positive health habits, particularly socialization, being more depressed at finals. The feedback and educational interventions influenced some sleep and exercise behaviors, but the groups did not differ in overall emotional or academic adjustment. CONCLUSIONS: First-year medical students show significant changes in health habits as they adjust to medical school. An educational intervention demonstrated promising effects in changing these patterns, but self-care needs to be further elaborated to address the specific challenges associated with acute adjustment as well as with long-term stressors.  相似文献   



To analyze students’ perceptions towards learning communication skills pre-and-post training in a Communication and Clinical Skills Course (CCSC) at a Portuguese Medical School.


Content analysis was used to describe and systematically analyze the content written by students (n = 215 from a total of 229) in an open-ended survey. In addition, content analysis association rules were used to identify meaning units.


Students’ pre-training definitions of communication skills were not specific; their post-training definitions were more precise and elaborated. Students perceived communications skills in Medicine as important (61%), but recommended that teaching methodologies (52%) be restructured. There appeared to be no connection between criticism of teaching skills performance and perceptions of the other aspects of the course.


Students’ experiences at CCSC are associated with their perceptions of communications skills learning. Content analysis associations indicated that these perceptions are influenced by context.

Practice implications

Improvement of curricula, teaching and assessment methods, and investment in faculty development are likely to foster positive perceptions towards learning communication skills in these students.  相似文献   

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