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We measured the impact of socioeconomic status (SES) on cognitive processes. We examined cognitive control, specifically working memory (WM), in a sample of = 141 7- to 17-year-olds using rule-guided behavior tasks. Our hypothesis is based on computational modeling data that suggest that the development of flexible cognitive control requires variable experiences in which to implement rule-guided action. We found that not all experiences that correlated with SES in our sample impacted task performance, and not all experiential variables that impacted performance were associated with SES. Of the experiential variables associated with task performance, only cognitive enrichment opportunities worked indirectly through SES to affect WM as tested with rule-guided behavior tasks. We discuss the data in the context of necessary precision in SES research.  相似文献   

Targeted memory reactivation (TMR) during sleep enhances memory consolidation in young adults by modulating electrophysiological markers of neuroplasticity. Interestingly, older adults exhibit deficits in motor memory consolidation, an impairment that has been linked to age-related degradations in the same sleep features sensitive to TMR. We hypothesised that TMR would enhance consolidation in older adults via the modulation of these markers. A total of 17 older participants were trained on a motor task involving two auditory-cued sequences. During a post-learning nap, two auditory cues were played: one associated to a learned (i.e., reactivated) sequence and one control. Performance during two delayed re-tests did not differ between reactivated and non-reactivated sequences. Moreover, both associated and control sounds modulated brain responses, yet there were no consistent differences between the auditory cue types. Our results collectively demonstrate that older adults do not benefit from specific reactivation of a motor memory trace by an associated auditory cue during post-learning sleep. Based on previous research, it is possible that auditory stimulation during post-learning sleep could have boosted motor memory consolidation in a non-specific manner.  相似文献   

There is increased interest in the development of cognitive training targeting working memory (WM) to alleviate anxiety symptoms, but the effectiveness of such an approach is unclear. Improved understanding of the effect of cognitive training on anxiety may facilitate the development of more effective cognitive training treatment for anxiety disorders. This study uses an experimental approach to examine the interplay of WM and anxiety following WM training. Previous studies show that increased demand on WM reduces concurrent anxiety evoked by threat of shock (induced anxiety). However, improving WM pharmacologically or via exercise prevents this anxiolytic effect. Conceivably, improving WM frees up cognitive resources to process threat information, thereby increasing anxiety. The present study tested the hypothesis that practicing a high load WM (i.e., increased demand) task would improve WM, and thus, free cognitive resources to process threat of shock, resulting in more anxiety (i.e., greater startle) during a subsequent WM task. Participants were randomly assigned to two training groups. The active-training group (N = 20) was trained on a 1- (low load) & 3-back (high load) WM task, whereas the control-training group (N = 20) performed a 0-back WM task. The experimental phase, similar in both groups, consisted of a 1- & 3-back WM task performed during both threat of shock and safety. As predicted, active training improved WM accuracy and increased anxiety during the experimental 3-back WM task. Therefore, improving WM efficiency can increase anxiety, possibly by freeing WM resources to process threat information.  相似文献   

Working memory (WM) deficits are a core feature of schizophrenia. However, it has not been examined whether these deficits are related to altered temporal dynamics of information acquisition and changes in executive cognitive control. Therefore, the present study intended to quantify and model the dynamic process of information acquisition during continuous overlearning of WM information. It also aimed at investigating the relation between overlearning-associated change in behavioral performance and brain activity. Thirteen schizophrenic patients and 13 healthy volunteers were studied with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while performing a recently developed overlearning paradigm [Koch K, Wagner G, von Consbruch K, Nenadic I, Schultz C, Ehle C, Reichenbach J, Sauer H, Schlösser R (2006) Temporal changes in neural activation during practice of information retrieval from short-term memory: An fMRI study. Brain Res 1107:140–150]. Consistent with the earlier study, short-term learning of stimulus material was associated with significant performance improvements and exponential signal decreases in a fronto-parieto-cerebellar network both in schizophrenic patients and in healthy volunteers. Against expectation patients exhibited stronger signal decreases relative to controls in anterior cingulate (Brodmann area (BA) 32), middle and superior temporal (BA 37, BA 22), superior frontal (BA 8/9, BA 6) and posterior parietal regions (BA 40). Furthermore, the individually modeled exponential decay rate of the blood oxygenation level-dependent signal in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was significantly correlated with exponential decrease in mean behavioral response times in healthy controls while a statistical trend emerged in patients. A relative hyperactivation in the patient group was observable only at the start of the learning process and diminished with continued overlearning. This effect might indicate a gradual reduction of recruited neuronal resources and a practice-associated activation normalization in patients with schizophrenia. Our data suggest that in subacute patients learning and associated decreases in cerebral activation brought about by short-term practice are left unimpaired.  相似文献   


Introduction: Impairment in Theory of mind (TOM) has frequently been associated with schizophrenia and with schizotypy. Studies have found that a tendency to over-attribute intentions and special meaning to events and to people is related to positive psychotic symptoms. Further, it has been suggested that this intentionality bias may be due to a broader deficit in context processing (CP). The aim of the present study was thus to investigate the relationship between positive schizotypy and both over-attribution of intentions and contextual processing.

Methods: One-hundred and nineteen healthy individuals completed the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire and were assessed with tasks measuring contextual treatment and ToM.

Results: Results revealed that positive schizotypy was significantly related to an over-attribution of intentions on the ToM task and with a faster processing of implicit context. Partial correlational analyses indicated that the association between the attribution of intentions and positive schizotypy was not explained by a deficit of CP. In contrast, stepwise multiple regression analyses showed that both an over-attribution of intentions and a faster processing of implicit context significantly predicted positive schizotypy.

Conclusions: These results show that an over-attribution of intention is independent from a broader deficit in context information processing and that they both possibly contribute to the development and maintenance of positive psychotic symptoms.  相似文献   

Recent work investigating physiological mechanisms of working memory (WM) has revealed that modulation of alpha and beta frequency bands within the EEG plays a key role in WM storage. However, the nature of that role is unclear. In the present study, we examined event‐related desynchronization of alpha and beta (α/β‐ERD) elicited by visual tasks with and without a memory component to measure the impact of a WM demand on this electrophysiological marker. We recorded EEG from 60 healthy participants while they completed three variants on a typical change detection task: one in which participants passively viewed the sample array, passive (WM?); one in which participants viewed and attended the sample array in search of a target color but did not memorize the colors, active (WM?); and one in which participants encoded, attended to, and memorized the sample array, active (WM+). Replicating previous findings, we found that active (WM+) elicited robust α/β‐ERD in frontal and posterior electrode clusters and that α‐ERD was significantly associated with WM capacity. By contrast, α/β‐ERD was significantly smaller in the passive (WM?) and active (WM?) tasks, which did not consistently differ from one another. Furthermore, no such relationship was observed between WM capacity and desynchronization in the passive (WM?) or active (WM?) tasks. Taken together, these results suggest that α‐ERD during memory formation reflects a memory‐specific process such as consolidation or maintenance, rather than serving a generalized role in perceptual gating or engagement of attention.  相似文献   

Older individuals suffering insomnia typically report declines in their cognitive performance beyond what they consider to be normal changes due to the aging process. Recent neuro‐imaging studies have demonstrated frontal lobe hypo‐activation among insomniac populations when compared with healthy, good sleepers. However, research is yet to confirm whether frontal lobe hypo‐activation translates into objective declines when performing tasks hypothesized to draw upon this brain region. This study aimed to investigate whether older insomnia sufferers demonstrate significantly impaired performance on a challenging working memory task when compared with age‐matched good sleepers. Forty‐nine older individuals (mean age = 69.43 years, SD = 4.83) suffering from sleep maintenance insomnia were compared with 49 age‐matched good sleepers. Cognitive performance was assessed using the Double Span Memory Task, a computer‐based working memory task that requires participants to indicate the names and/or spatial locations of increasingly longer sequences of visually presented objects. After controlling for general intelligence, the individuals suffering from insomnia did not perform differently when compared with the good sleepers on either the simpler or more cognitively demanding components of the task. Older individuals with insomnia did not display an observable impairment of working memory in this study relative to good sleepers. Despite the mixed results from previous research, this study adds weight to the absence of objective impairment in insomniacs, at least while performing short‐term demanding cognitive tasks.  相似文献   

We examined performance and functional magnetic resonance imaging activity in participants (n = 235) aged 17–81 years on a nonverbal recognition memory task, figural memory. Reaction time, error rate, and response bias measures indicated that the youngest and oldest participants were faster, made fewer errors, and showed a more conservative response bias than participants in the median age ranges. Encoding and Recognition phases activated a distributed bilateral network encompassing prefrontal, subcortical, lateral, and medial temporal and occipital regions. Activation during Encoding phase did not correlate with age. During Recognition, task-related activation for correctly identified targets (Hit-Targets) correlated linearly positively with age; nontask related activity correlated negative quadratically with age. During correctly identified distractors (Hit-Distractors) activity in task-related regions correlated positive linearly with age, nontask activity showed positive and negative quadratic relationships with age. Missed-Targets activity did not correlate with age. We concluded that figural memory performance and functional magnetic resonance imaging activity during Recognition but not Encoding was affected both by continued maturation of the brain in the early 20s and compensatory recruitment of additional brain regions during recognition memory in old age.  相似文献   

The pathophysiological processes of Alzheimer's dementia predate its clinical manifestation. Sleep disturbances can accelerate the aging process and are common features of dementia. This study examined whether quantitative sleep electroencephalogram changes predate the clinical development of mild cognitive impairment and/or incident dementia. We collected data from a nested case‐control sample of women (mean age 83 years) from the Sleep and Cognition Study, an ancillary study to the longitudinal Study of Osteoporotic Fractures, who were characterized as cognitively normal at the time of a baseline polysomnography study (Study of Osteoporotic Fractures visit 8) based on a Mini‐Mental Status Exam (MMSE) score >24. Cases (n = 85) were women who developed new mild cognitive impairment or dementia by objective cognitive testing 5 years after polysomnography. Controls were women with no mild cognitive impairment/dementia (n = 85) at baseline or at follow‐up. Differences in electroencephalogram absolute and relative power density were observed between the two groups. Specifically, higher electroencephalogram power values were found in the dementia/mild cognitive impairment group, for the alpha (p = .01) and theta bands (p = .04) in non‐rapid eye movement sleep, as well as alpha (p = .04) and sigma (p = .04) bands in rapid eye movement sleep. In contrast, there were no group differences in traditional polysomnography measures of sleep architecture and sleep stage distribution, as well as sleep apnea and periodic limb movement indices. Our results provide evidence for quantitative electroencephalogram changes, which precede the clinical onset of cognitive decline and the diagnosis of dementia in elderly women, and support the application of quantitative sleep electroencephalogram analysis as a promising biomarker for imminent cognitive decline.  相似文献   

The active maintenance of information in visual working memory (WM) is known to rely on the sustained activity over functional networks including frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal cortices. Previous studies have described interference‐based disturbances in the functional coupling between prefrontal and posterior cortices, and that such disturbances can be restored for a successful WM performance after the presentation of the interfering stimulus. However, very few studies have applied functional connectivity measures to the analysis of the brain dynamics involved in overriding emotional distraction, and all of them have limited their analysis to the particular connections between the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. In this study, we used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to characterize the mutual information–based functional connectivity dynamics among regions of interest located over the prefrontal, the parietal, the temporal, and the occipital cortex. Our results show that the detection of emotional distraction at early latencies (50–150 ms) induces a reduction of functional connectivity involving parietal and temporal cortices that are part of the frontoposterior WM network, while functional coupling among prefrontal areas and between them and posterior cortices is strengthened during the detection of emotional distractors. Later in the processing of the distractor (250–350 and 360–460 ms), the frontoposterior coupling is reestablished for a successful performance, while the orbitofrontal and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex become strongly connected to posterior cortices as a mechanism to cope with emotional distractors.  相似文献   

The mechanisms generating task-locked changes in cortical potentials remain poorly understood, despite a wealth of research. It has recently been proposed that ongoing brain oscillations are not symmetric, so that task-related amplitude modulations generate a baseline shift that does not average out, leading to slow event-related potentials. We test this hypothesis using multivariate methods to formally assess the co-variation between task-related evoked potentials and spectral changes in scalp EEG during a visual working memory task, which is known to elicit both evoked and sustained cortical activities across broadly distributed cortical regions. 64-channel EEG data were acquired from eight healthy human subjects who completed a visuo-spatial associative working memory task as memory load was parametrically increased from easy to hard. As anticipated, evoked activity showed a complex but robust spatio-temporal waveform maximally expressed bilaterally in the parieto-occipital and anterior midline regions, showing robust effects of memory load that were specific to the stage of the working memory trial. Similarly, memory load was associated with robust spectral changes in the theta and alpha range, throughout encoding in posterior regions and through maintenance and retrieval in anterior regions, consistent with the additional resources required for decision making in prefrontal cortex. Analysis of the relationship between event-related changes in slow potentials and cortical rhythms, using partial least squares, is indeed consistent with the notion that the former make a causal contribution to the latter.  相似文献   

According to the load theory of attention, increased working memory load impairs selective attention, resulting in greater distractor interference during inhibitory control processing. However, the EEG signatures correlated with this modulation effect of working memory on inhibitory control remain unclear. In present study, 25 healthy human participants performed a flanker task in a low and high working memory load conditions, while behavioral and electroencephalography (EEG) data were recorded. The results showed a larger reaction time interference effect while increasing working memory load, and this was accompanied by a larger N2 amplitude and a smaller P3 amplitude for incongruent trials. Time–frequency analysis revealed that, increased working memory load had no significant modulation effect on flanker related theta-ERS magnitude. Incongruent trials evoked smaller alpha-ERD magnitude than congruent trials in both low and high working memory load conditions. Increased working memory load was associated with larger flanker related alpha-ERD magnitude. Taken together, these results suggested that increased working memory load can impair top-down cognitive control processes, impairing inhibitory control processes during performance of the flanker task.  相似文献   

年龄相关的认知损害   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
老年人群中认知损害是非常普遍的现象 ,其中与增龄老化有关的称为年龄相关的认知损害 /下降(impairment/decline)。这种认知损害中常常以记忆受损最早或最突出 ,所以又将早期病例称为年龄相关的记忆损害 /下降 ,损害发展到严重时就是痴呆。一般来说 ,所谓年龄相关的认知损害是指介于正常认知和痴呆之间的轻度认知损害而无痴呆者。其中 ,绝大多数患者的特点是认知损害轻微 ,对日常生活影响不大 ,有自知力 ,且进展缓慢 ,呈现相对稳定状态而不会迅速加重发展为痴呆 ,被认为是正常老化[1] 。少数患者除了有记忆受损外 ,还有认…  相似文献   

目的:探讨认知闭合需要对个体的事件性和时间性前瞻记忆的影响.方法:对30名高认知闭合需要个体和30名低认知闭合需要个体进行事件性和时间性前瞻记忆差异的实验研究.事件性前瞻记忆实验任务是看到目标线索,执行目标任务;时间性前瞻记忆任务是采用双任务实验研究范式,即执行背景任务(图形任务)的同时记住某个时间点执行目标任务.结果:高、低认知闭合需要组被试在时间性前瞻记忆任务的反应时和正确率上不存在显著差异(P>0.05),但在事件性前瞻记忆任务的反应时上存在显著差异(P<0.05),高认知闭合需要组的事件性前瞻记忆反应时显著短于低认知闭合需要组.结论:认知闭合需要对个体的前瞻记忆有一定影响,高认知闭合需要被试的事件性前瞻性记忆反应时短于低认知闭合需要组.  相似文献   

With increasing age, a subset of otherwise healthy individuals undergoes impairments in learning and memory that have been termed mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The enhanced neuronal activity associated with learning and memory requires increased cerebral blood flow (CBF) to specific brain regions. However, the interactions between cerebral blood flow and MCI remain unclear. In this study, we address whether baseline or hypercapnia-induced (increased blood CO2 levels) changes in CBF are modified with age, and whether these measures are predictive of cognitive status in rodents. Adult and aged rats were evaluated using a hippocampally-dependent task in a water maze. Aged rats were classified as memory-impaired or memory-intact based on performance comparisons with adult rats. Cerebral blood flow was assessed using flow-alternating inversion recovery (FAIR) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), before and after breathing 10% CO2. The transition period between CO2 concentrations was examined with blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) MRI. Separation of aged animals into memory-intact and impaired categories revealed increased basal perfusion in the dorsal hippocampus of memory-impaired versus memory-intact aged animals. Linear regression revealed that higher hippocampal perfusion was correlated with impaired memory in aged animals, and a logistic regression indicated that hippocampal perfusion predicted spatial memory ability. Several brain regions of aged rats demonstrated an attenuation of the perfusion increase normally observed in adult rats under hypercapnia. Memory-impaired animals were the primary contributor to this effect, as their perfusion response to hypercapnia was significantly reduced compared to adult animals. Aged, memory-intact animals were not significantly different from adults. BOLD MRI demonstrated a reduced response in aged animals to hypercapnia, with impaired animals being the primary contributor to the effect. A logistic regression model based on basal and hypercapnia perfusion correctly predicted cognitive status in 83.3% of animals tested. Our results indicate that age-related changes in vascular reactivity and perfusion are important contributing factors in memory impairment.  相似文献   

Study ObjectivesExisting literature suggests that sleep-dependent memory consolidation is impaired in older adults but may be preserved for personally relevant information. Prospective memory (PM) involves remembering to execute future intentions in a timely manner and has behavioral importance. As previous work suggests that N3 sleep is important for PM in young adults, we investigated if the role of N3 sleep in PM consolidation would be maintained in older adults.MethodsForty-nine young adults (mean age ± SD: 21.8 ± 1.61 years) and 49 healthy older adults (mean age ± SD: 65.7 ± 6.30 years) were randomized into sleep and wake groups. After a semantic categorization task, participants encoded intentions comprising four related and four unrelated cue-action pairs. They were instructed to remember to perform these actions in response to cue words presented during a second semantic categorization task 12 h later that encompassed either daytime wake (09:00 am–21:00 pm) or overnight sleep with polysomnography (21:00 pm–09:00 am).ResultsThe significant condition × age group × relatedness interaction suggested that the sleep benefit on PM intentions varied according to age group and relatedness (p = 0.01). For related intentions, sleep relative to wake benefitted young adults’ performance (p < 0.001) but not older adults (p = 0.30). For unrelated intentions, sleep did not improve PM for either age group. While post-encoding N3 was significantly associated with related intentions’ execution in young adults (r = 0.43, p = 0.02), this relationship was not found for older adults (r = −0.07, p = 0.763).ConclusionsThe age-related impairment of sleep-dependent memory consolidation extends to PM. Our findings add to an existing body of work suggesting that the link between sleep and memory is functionally weakened in older adulthood.  相似文献   

Visual working memory representations can be shielded from interference by selective attentional focusing using retroactive cues (retro‐cues). However, it is not clear how many representations can be effectively cued and which neural mechanisms provide the protection from distractors. To address these questions, we manipulated the number of attended items by means of a retro‐cue (one, two, or three items) and presented a distractor display during the retention of information in working memory. Analyses of the raw error and a mixture model revealed that a general performance benefit was only present when one item was retro‐cued. Nevertheless, a protection of the item representations against subsequent interference occurred also after a two‐item cue. ERPs revealed a modulation of the posterior negative slow wave following the retro‐cues, reflecting the applied working memory resources dependent on the number of attended representations. Further, the distractor information was encoded into working memory only when the number of attended items was not changed by the retro‐cues (neutral and three‐item conditions), reflected by a P3b following the distractor display. These results suggest that more than one item can be effectively protected from perceptual interference. We propose that the protective effect of selective attention within working memory is based on both a reduction of the number of focused representations and the attentional refreshing of item context and features.  相似文献   

Research on the relationship between habitual sleep patterns and memory performance in older adults is limited. No previous study has used objective and subjective memory measures in a large, older‐aged sample to examine the association between sleep and various domains of memory. The aim of this study was to examine the association between objective and subjective measures of sleep with memory performance in older adults, controlling for the effects of potential confounds. One‐hundred and seventy‐three community‐dwelling older adults aged 65–89 years in Victoria, Australia completed the study. Objective sleep quality and length were ascertained using the Actiwatch 2 Mini‐Mitter, while subjective sleep was measured using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Memory was indexed by tests of retrospective memory (Hopkins Verbal Learning Test – Revised), working memory (n‐back, 2‐back accuracy) and prospective memory (a habitual button pressing task). Compared with normative data, overall performance on retrospective memory function was within the average range. Hierarchical regression was used to determine whether objective or subjective measures of sleep predicted memory performances after controlling for demographics, health and mood. After controlling for confounds, actigraphic sleep indices (greater wake after sleep onset, longer sleep‐onset latency and longer total sleep time) predicted poorer retrospective (?R2 = 0.05, = 0.016) and working memory (?R2 = 0.05, = 0.047). In contrast, subjective sleep indices did not significantly predict memory performances. In community‐based older adults, objectively‐measured, habitual sleep indices predict poorer memory performances. It will be important to follow the sample longitudinally to determine trajectories of change over time.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia patients exhibit less gamma‐frequency EEG/MEG activity (>30 Hz), a finding interpreted as evidence of poor temporal neural organization and functional network communication. Research has shown that neuroplasticity‐oriented training can improve task‐related oscillatory dynamics, indicating some reorganization capacity in schizophrenia. Demonstrating a generalization of such task training effects to spontaneous oscillations at rest would not only enrich understanding of this neuroplastic potential but inform the interpretation of spontaneous gamma oscillations in the service of normal cognitive function. In the present study, neuromagnetic resting‐state oscillatory brain activity and cognitive performance were assessed before and after training in 61 schizophrenia patients, who were randomly assigned to 4 weeks of neuroplasticity‐oriented targeted cognitive training or treatment as usual (TAU). Gamma power of 40–90 Hz increased after training, but not after TAU, in a frontoparietal network. Across two types of training, this increase was related to improved cognitive test performance. These results indicate that abnormal oscillatory dynamics in schizophrenia patients manifested in spontaneous gamma activity can be changed with neuroplasticity‐oriented training parallel to cognitive performance.  相似文献   


The current study examined cognitive inhibition, a mechanism of working memory, in dissociative identity disorder (DID). A negative priming procedure was used to assess inhibitory functioning in DID patients, as well as in a general population sample and a psychiatric comparison sample. Results from the first study show a significant interaction between group and experimental condition; the general population sample showed an independently non-significant trend towards negative priming while the two psychiatric groups showed no evidence of negative priming. Using different stimuli and a new priming procedure, Study 2 essentially replicated the findings of Study 1 with the control sample displaying significant negative priming and the two psychiatric samples producing no negative priming. High dissociativity was significantly related to reduced negative priming in Study 2. Findings suggest a relationship between DID and weakened inhibitory functioning and are discussed with reference to the negative priming and dissociation literatures.  相似文献   

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