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我国昆虫学英文国际期刊Insect Science(昆虫科学)(ISSN:1672-9609)近日被Science CitationIndex(SCI)收录,成为我国目前唯一进入SCI的昆虫学期刊。Insect Science能被SCI收录是我国期刊改革、走向国际化和与国际著名出版集团Blackwell合作的产物。2004年,我国有5份生物学期刊与Blackwell出版公司合作,尝试走国际化出版发行道路,以提高期刊学术水平、国际发行量和影响力,使中国的优秀期刊真正走向国际化发展的道路,为世界各国有关领域的学术发展提供交流平台。Insect Science就是其中之一,它是当时唯一一份没有被SCI收录的期刊。…  相似文献   

肖廷超  翁淳光  钟萍 《医学信息》2007,20(4):612-614
本文首先介绍美国科学引文索引(以下简称SCI)2006年收录期刊情况,以及网上查找SCI核心库和扩展库收录儿科学期刊的方法。重点向读者推荐了美国科学引文索引收录的20种影响因子较高的儿科学期刊,包括期刊基本情况、期刊收录论文范围、出版发行机构信息、期刊2005年影响因子、该刊链接网页可阅读的内容以及投稿途径等;为儿科学科研人员在该领域检索最新文献,跟踪国际学术前沿,及时了解国际动态以及投稿时遴选核心期刊提供有力帮助。  相似文献   

<正>1拟投SCI收录期刊的选择A.目前SCI收录共收录期刊8273种。研究者平时有兴趣的话可将SCI中自己感兴趣的期刊相关信息找出来备用,如期刊出版周期、页数、杂志网站、投稿平台、刊登栏目、是否约稿等。B.2010年6月公布的SCI收录期刊有影响因子的有7347种。作者如对自己的文章有一定期许,也可利用SCI收录期刊的影响引子  相似文献   

《解剖学杂志》2004~2007年载文被引分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:分析<解剖学杂志>2004至2007年载文被引情况,以评价期刊的学术水平和载文质量.方法:利用中国知识资源总库(CNKI)检索<解剖学杂志>2004至2007年所载的论文,采用文献计量学和引文分析法对载文量、被引频次、作者群分布和关联期刊等进行分析.结果:2004至2007年共载文1181篇,其中529篇论文被引用1318次,单篇平均被引次数为2.5次,单篇被引最高频次为24次,单篇被引用5次以上者70篇;载文被引≥10次的作者共14位,其31篇论文共被引用204次;载文引证期刊349种,平均每种期刊引用2.7次.结论:<解剖学杂志>是我国解剖学领域中质量较好的学术期刊.  相似文献   

目的:应用知识图谱技术探究中美精神病学研究异同及我国自身特点。方法:以Web of Science数据库中"精神病学"研究方向内2009至2013年收录的2013篇中国和30971篇美国SCI/SSCI文献为原始数据,应用知识图谱工具Cite SpaceⅢ分别获取文献关键词、引用期刊和被引作者情况。结果:中美该研究方向中发表的SCI/SSCI论文TOP 10热点关键词中有5个一致,TOP 10引用期刊和TOP 10被引作者中分别有6个完全一致。美国SCI/SSCI发文更关注青少年精神健康,而中国SCI/SSCI发文更注重对老年群体精神疾病的研究。与中国SCI/SSCI论文相比,美国咨询与临床心理学和精神病学关系更紧密。结论:两国精神病学SCI/SSCI论文总体侧重点和研究基础一致,中国应加强对临床与咨询心理学的重视以降低患病个体获取心理治疗的难度。  相似文献   

背景:对干细胞移植研究的文献计量分析报告目前较少。 目的:通过干细胞移植研究文献的计量分析总结概括目前研究的状况和前沿。 方法:以美国科学情报研究所(ISI)开发的Web of Science网络数据库为数据源基础,对2001-01/2010-12 SCI收录的干细胞移植研究论文的情况,从论文的发表时间分布、国家地区分布、机构分布、期刊分布和被引频次分布等方面进行统计与分析。 结果与结论:2001-01/2010-12共有干细胞移植研究文献22 437篇,文献呈年度递增。中国2010年在SCI收录期刊上发表的论文数(406篇)少于美国2001年发表的论文数(486篇)。以美国发表论文最多,有11家核心研究机构和13种核心期刊和12篇经典文献。得出了干细胞移植研究这一领域的研究动态和发展趋势,为中国深入研究干细胞移植提供可供借鉴的参考建议。  相似文献   

<正>截至2009年8月,SCI收录移植学科期刊25种(其中SCI核心版16种),出版地分别为美国的移植期刊有18种,英国2种,荷兰、意大利、日本、波兰、土耳其各1种。自2005至2009年8月,SCI共收录至少有一位中国作者(不包括台湾)的移植学科论文1212篇,其中:  相似文献   

PubMed和BA收录中华医学系列杂志分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文通过分析中华医学系列杂志论文被PubMed和BA收录数量,了解国外著名检索工具收录该系列杂志论文特点并探讨我国高水平医学杂志质量。中华医学系列22种中文期刊被PubMed收录,有2种期刊收录其全部论文数超过90%,有2种刊为70%~80%,有4种期刊为60%~70%,收录有60%以下的有14种期刊。BA收录的中华医学系列期刊有2种收录论文数达到55%~65%,其余期刊收录论文数都在25%~35%之间。结果表明中华医学系列杂志论文水平参差不齐,编辑部应重视提高论文质量和有英文摘要的论文在期刊中所占的比例。  相似文献   

河北省卫生系统七五至十五的20年间医疗诊治技术水平有了突飞猛进的发展,有力的证明是医学科研项目的获奖数量以及公开发表医学科研论文数量的井喷般增长,同时核心期刊、SCI收录文章逐年增多.  相似文献   

杨琰  杜品  寸丽华 《解剖学研究》2007,29(2):125-128
目的了解科学引文索引(SCI)收录阿尔茨海默病相关文献的情况,为科研选题、科技合作与交流以及科研成果发表提供有益的参考。方法检索了1996年~2005年被SCI收录的AD相关文献,并利用Web of Science的分析功能进行了文献学分析。结果共检出被SCI收录的AD相关文献27836篇。并根据出版年、国家或地区、发表机构等8个方面进行文献计量学分析。结论AD的研究正受到越来越多的研究者的关注,被SCI收录的相关文献数正呈波浪式地上升。被收录文献的创作机构多位于美国、英国等发达国家,发表的语言主要为英语,文献作者也主要来自美国、瑞典等发达国家;文献类型主要为研究论文,其次是会议论文摘要;AD研究的相关领域非常广泛,学科的交叉渗透极多。  相似文献   

PurposeElectronic health records contain a substantial quantity of clinical narrative, which is increasingly reused for research purposes. To share data on a large scale and respect privacy, it is critical to remove patient identifiers. De-identification tools based on machine learning have been proposed; however, model training is usually based on either a random group of documents or a pre-existing document type designation (e.g., discharge summary). This work investigates if inherent features, such as the writing complexity, can identify document subsets to enhance de-identification performance.MethodsWe applied an unsupervised clustering method to group two corpora based on writing complexity measures: a collection of over 4500 documents of varying document types (e.g., discharge summaries, history and physical reports, and radiology reports) from Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) and the publicly available i2b2 corpus of 889 discharge summaries. We compare the performance (via recall, precision, and F-measure) of de-identification models trained on such clusters with models trained on documents grouped randomly or VUMC document type.ResultsFor the Vanderbilt dataset, it was observed that training and testing de-identification models on the same stylometric cluster (with the average F-measure of 0.917) tended to outperform models based on clusters of random documents (with an average F-measure of 0.881). It was further observed that increasing the size of a training subset sampled from a specific cluster could yield improved results (e.g., for subsets from a certain stylometric cluster, the F-measure raised from 0.743 to 0.841 when training size increased from 10 to 50 documents, and the F-measure reached 0.901 when the size of the training subset reached 200 documents). For the i2b2 dataset, training and testing on the same clusters based on complexity measures (average F-score 0.966) did not significantly surpass randomly selected clusters (average F-score 0.965).ConclusionsOur findings illustrate that, in environments consisting of a variety of clinical documentation, de-identification models trained on writing complexity measures are better than models trained on random groups and, in many instances, document types.  相似文献   

Perceptual speed tests exhibit consistent sex differences, and an X-linked dominant gene has been hypothesized to explain female superiority in the aptitude. To evaluate that hypothesis, two tests from the ETS battery were administered to like-sex twins of college age, adult monozygotic twins, and their spouses and children. Offspring of MZ twins are genetic half-siblings reared as cousins in separate households; comparisons of the half-fraternities and half-sororities of male and female twin parents provide a direct test of X linkage. Test scores were transformed within age bands, and the age-sex standardized scores were evaluated for genetic variance and X-linked transmission. The analysis documents substantial heritability in perceptual speed that is inconsistent with X linkage. Gender differences in the ability may reflect polygenic transmission, with differing thresholds arising from cultural stereotypy in sex-role training.This is publication No. 78-42 from the Department of Medical Genetics and was supported by a USPHS Training Grant (GM 1056) and by the Indiana University Human Genetics Center (GM 21054).  相似文献   

This study documents the changes in the percentages of advanced maternal age (AMA) pregnancies in the United States and in Washington State, underlying demographic factors, the impact on the predicted incidence of Down syndrome, and its impact on Down syndrome screening. Data on births in the United States from 1933 to 2002 were obtained from publications and the website of the National Center for Health Statistics. Data for Washington State were obtained from the website of the Washington State Department of Health. Information on births at Swedish Medical Center was obtained from hospital records. The percentage of AMA pregnancies in the US was about 14% before World War II, dropped steadily to about 5% in the 1970s and rose since the 1980s to about 14% in 2002. AMA Fractions are greatest among non-Hispanic Caucasians and Asian/Pacific Islanders, women who have college education and beyond, and are married. However, since 1980, the AMA Fractions have increased across all racial/ethnic groups, educational levels, and married and unmarried women. In Washington State in 2001, the overall AMA Fraction was about 14%, but there was considerable variation in the AMA Fraction across counties. In 1980, AMA pregnancies accounted for about 25% of pregnancies with Down syndrome in the United States. In 2002, AMA pregnancies accounted for more than 50% of Down syndrome pregnancies. Given the current AMA Fraction, offering amniocentesis to women of age 35 and above would result in one in seven pregnant women undergoing amniocentesis. Based on likelihood ratios, AMA as a screening strategy for Down syndrome is significantly inferior to combined serum and sonographic screening.  相似文献   

Despite the generally salutary experience in recent years of managing suppurative pleuropulmonary disease, empyemas and lung abscesses have persisted and increased in incidence in hospitals such as Queens Hospital Center that serve large numbers of the socioeconomically disadvantaged. This study documents the etiology, clinical presentation, treatment, and treatment results of suppurative pleuropulmonary disease at Queens Hospital Center, which serves a large segment of the urban poor, many of whom are black. Results indicate that contributory or antecedent etiologic factors include a history of prior disease (specifically pneumonia, lung abscess, obstructive lung disease, pulmonary neoplasia, and tuberculosis); a predisposition to constitutional or immunologic deficiencies (specifically, alcoholism, anemia/malnutrition, drug abuse, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome [AIDS]); conditions contributing to tracheobronchial aspiration (specifically, alcoholism and seizure disorders); and a miscellaneous group such as prior surgery, cardiovascular disease, and sepsis syndrome. The patients in this study were young with maximal incidence occurring in the third to fifth decades of life. Patients were predominantly male (75%) and black (66%). There were 18 deaths (23%), with sepsis being the cause in 10 (56%). Most surgical interventions were conservative, ie, bronchoscopies (48), thoracenteses (43), and tube thoracotomies (39). Thirty-one open thoracotomies were performed for drainage, decortication, or pulmonary resection. The surgical mortality was three cases or 5% of the patients who underwent surgery. The designated incidence of proven AIDS in this series (29%) was low, undoubtedly because many patients refused testing, and the multiple gram-positive and gram-negative infections that were seen did not conform to the Centers for Disease Control criteria for diagnosis and case reporting for AIDS.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Lack of space and organization have become significant problems in the contemporary business world. Modern industries must eliminate mountains of paper and better organize themselves. With the incorporation of a fully automated equipment management system and image storage system, the Jacobi Medical Center has succeeded in correcting these problems. This technical note shows how the use of computer software and hardware components can be integrated to manage electronic patient care equipment. The adoption of this new technology was applied to equipment maintenance, tracking and record-keeping, thereby accomplishing the aims of space conservation and organization. As the components became more advanced, the technology included computer software products that could store more information and electronically effect a more rapid document retrieval. This will eventually allow for a paperless operation. The latest available equipment management software is supported by an image storage system that may contain important signature documents and outside vendor information. The applicability of these systems to the biomedical engineering field is obvious: (a) space efficiency eliminates folders and files; (b) simultaneous technician access to equipment history; and (c) rapid archive retrieval of data as well as vendor information and safety alerts.  相似文献   

从医硕学位论文引文看馆藏期刊建设与利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对本校73位医硕学位论文的引文量、文献类型、引文语种、引文的出版年代等情况的统计分析,揭示了医硕学位论文引用文献的分布现状,本馆外文期刊对引文情报来源的保障率,馆藏中外文期刊的被引高峰期、引文的年度时限跨度等。获知硕士生对文献的需求、引用文献特点及需改进的问题。为提高研究生的教育和管理;为优化生物医学馆藏期刊建设结构,满足硕士研究生对期刊信息的需求,改进服务质量提出设想和建议。  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine institution-wide graduate medical education (GME) requirements in pathology (exclusive of pathology residency and fellowships) at an academic center. All documents related to residency review committee (RRC) program requirements were searched for the key words "pathology," "laboratory," "autopsy," and "morbidity." For each occurrence, it was determined whether a pathology education requirement had been identified. Requirements were categorized and tabulated. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) lists 135 nonpathology programs; 66 programs exist at Duke University Medical Center, of which 54 (82%) had pathology education requirement(s). Twelve education categories were identified. Teaching/conferences were the most common (52%). Thirty-nine percent required consultation/support. Sixteen programs were required to perform gross/microscopic examination. Trainees in medical genetics are required to have a pathology rotation. Elective rotations should be available for trainees in 6 programs. Pathology departments at academic centers face significant institution-wide pathology education requirements for clinical ACGME programs. Didactic teaching/conferences and consultation/support are common requirements. Opportunities exist for innovative teaching strategies.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To describe language used in consent documents at one academic medical center to inform women participating in studies of potential reproductive and fetal risks. METHOD: The authors reviewed consent document language describing reproductive and fetal risks in 114 approved protocols. Protocols were identified as being of high, low, or unknown risk based upon FDA drug-risk and radiation-risk categories. RESULTS: Although most consent documents advised women against participating for one or more pregnancy-related reasons, specific information about reproductive or fetal risks was included in fewer consent documents: 8 (73%) of the high-risk studies, 12 (40%) of the low-to-moderate-risk studies, and 29 (40%) of the unknown-risk studies. CONCLUSIONS: Investigators often omit fetal risk information from consent documents. Full disclosure of reproductive and fetal risks in consent documents and discussions can be taught and modeled during the research training period. The authors present a template with language that can be used in consent documents and recommend ongoing discussion of reproductive and fetal risks with women subjects throughout the study period.  相似文献   

This paper aims at identifying the specific legal requirements concerning data security and data protection of patient health data that apply to a cross-institutional electronic patient record (EPR) and describes possible solutions for meeting these requirements. In Germany, the legal framework for such records provide that disclosure of patient health information to physicians of third-party institutions is only allowed in case that it is necessary for the joint treatment of the patient, i.e. in case of a “treatment connection”. As a first step, the functionality of a remote-access architecture was proven allowing a one-way connection between the EPR systems of two health institutions in Germany, which jointly treat tumor patients. Besides, a signature system model for ensuring the integrity and authenticity of medical documents was developed and implemented in the existing information system architecture of the University Medical Center of Heidelberg. Especially in Germany, the legal framework for cross-institutional EPRs is very complex and has a considerable influence on the development and implementation of cross-institutional EPRs. However, its introduction is thought to be valuable, since a cross-institutional EPR will improve communication within shared care processes, and thus improve the quality of patient care.  相似文献   

The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis (TSUS) intersects racial and research ethics discourse in medicine and public health. Miss Evers’ Boys is a fictionalized play of the 40-year TSUS. In 2016, the Cultural Programs of the National Academy of Sciences and the Shakespeare Theatre Company in Washington, DC co-sponsored a reading of the play at the National Academy of Sciences Auditorium. Ethics instructors and students, who may use the play for research training and professional development, may lack awareness of a pattern of deviations from the TSUS historical record. This may compromise what instructors and students teach and learn, respectively.Historical analysis revealed that the playbill—handed to play patrons—had challenges in the core arguments about the TSUS, particularly the notion of “bad blood.” A broad collection of documents from a variety of sources—documents concurrent with the TSUS—illustrated how the term, “bad blood” was used. Bad blood was syphilis and syphilis was bad blood. “Bad blood as syphilis,” in post-hoc reviews, was suppressed and nullified. In another area, the focus on the denial of penicillin at the Birmingham Rapid Treatment Center (RTC)—an important scene in the play and the history of the TSUS—exposed conflicts with the historical record. The origin and the devices that developed this image also were disclosed. The article specifically exposed, unraveled, analyzed, and challenged other misinformation and paradigm-defining misconduct.The TSUS narrative requires correction by the responsible historical and ethical communities, changing what is taught about the TSUS and Miss Evers' Boys. This is critically important in academic research training and professional development. If left unchallenged, the faulty TSUS scholarship—coupled with Miss Evers’ Boys—fuels and reinforces the incorrect standard narratives of the TSUS and their impact on the history of the TSUS. This is especially true regarding what the TSUS men were told about their diagnosis—bad blood and not syphilis—and the denial of “a hip shot of that penicillin” at the RTC.  相似文献   

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