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Cryptococcus neoformans capsule structure modifications after prolonged in vitro growth or in vivo passaging have been reported previously. However, nothing is known about the dynamics of these modifications or about their environmental specificities. In this study, capsule structure modifications after mouse passaging and prolonged in vitro culturing were analyzed by flow cytometry using the glucuronoxylomannan-specific monoclonal antibody E1. The capsule structures of strains recovered after 0, 1, 8, and 35 days were compared by using the level of E1-specific epitope expression and its cell-to-cell heterogeneity within a given cell population. In vitro, according to these parameters, the diversity of the strains was higher on day 35 than it was initially, suggesting the absence of selection during in vitro culturing. In contrast, the diversity of the strains recovered from the brain tended to decrease over time, suggesting that selection of more adapted strains had occurred. The strains recovered on day 35 from the spleen and the lungs had different phenotypes than the strains isolated from the brain of the same mouse on the same day, thus strongly suggesting that there is organ specificity for C. neoformans strain selection. Fingerprinting of the strains recovered in vitro and in vivo over time confirmed that genotypes evolved very differently in vitro and in vivo, depending on the environment. Overall, our results suggest that organ-specific selection can occur during cryptococcosis.  相似文献   

Polysaccharide antigens of the capsule of Cryptococcus neoformans.   总被引:10,自引:11,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The major significance of the capsular polysaccharide of C. neoformans is its role in potentiating opportunistic infections by the yeast. It has the ability to exert a broad spectrum of influences on the immune response, from activation of phagocytic cells and complement components of the alternative pathway, to the induction of specific antibody, T-suppressor cells, DTH responses, and cytokines (51). These biological properties along with the serotype specificities are all determined by the physical properties and chemical structures of the polysaccharide antigens that compose the capsule. There is evidence not only for an association of lethal infections with serotype A in patients with advanced AIDS (34, 56), but also for a role for the capsule in directly influencing the infection of CD4+ cells by HIV (57). Together, these phenomena raise intriguing questions about the possible connection between the chemistry of these capsular antigens and cryptococcal infections in AIDS patients. One speculation is that AIDS creates the optimal physiological conditions for the establishment and spread of cryptococcosis. It has been observed that during the progression of AIDS there is a shift towards a T-2 response (14). This could lead to conditions that would inhibit the cellular immune responses that block dissemination of cryptococcal infections. Thus, an important consideration in the application of vaccine or immune modulation therapies in the treatment of cryptococcosis in AIDS victims would be the design of vaccines that could boost the T-1 immune response. It has been shown that the form and dose of an antigenic challenge can influence the induction of a T-1 or T-2 immune response (61). Recently, Murphy has reported that gamma interferon and interleukin 2 are up-regulated in the spleens of mice that produce anticryptococcal TDH and TAMP cells in response to immunogenic doses of cryptococcal culture filtrate antigen given with Freund's complete adjuvant (49). Perhaps purified cryptococcal antigens (e.g., MP) conjugated to an appropriate carrier or adjuvant could be used in therapeutic strategies to limit cryptococcosis in immunocompromised individuals. Future investigations of virulence and pathogenicity in the context of defined polysaccharide antigens from encapsulated strains of C. neoformans will contribute to a better understanding of the regulation of cryptococcal infection and immunity at the cellular and molecular levels.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In vitro binding of natural killer cells to Cryptococcus neoformans targets.   总被引:2,自引:13,他引:2  
Nylon wool-nonadherent splenic cells from 7- to 8-week-old CBA mice were further fractionated on discontinuous Percoll gradients. Enrichment of natural killer (NK) cells in Percoll fractions 1 and 2 was confirmed by morphological examination, by immunofluorescent staining, and by assessing the cytolytic activity of each Percoll cell fraction against YAC-1 targets in the 4-h51Cr release assay. Cells isolated from each Percoll fraction were tested for growth-inhibitory activity against Cryptococcus neoformans, a pathogenic yeastlike organism, by using an in vitro 18-h growth inhibition assay. The results showed that NK cell enrichment was concomitant with enrichment of anti-Cryptococcus activity in Percoll fractions 1 and 2. Cells from NK cell-rich fractions formed conjugates with the mycotic targets similar to the conjugates reported in NK cell-tumor systems. In addition, the percentage of effector cell-Cryptococcus conjugates was directly proportional to the level of the C. neoformans growth-inhibitory activity of the effector cells used. Scanning electron microscopy of the effector cell-Cryptococcus conjugates showed direct contact between the effector cells and the cryptococcal targets. An immunolabeling method combined with scanning electron microscopy was used to demonstrate that the effector cells attached to C. neoformans were asialo GM1 positive and, therefore, had NK cell characteristics.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to the encapsulated fungus Cryptococcus neoformans produce different immunofluorescence (IF) patterns after binding to the polysaccharide capsule. To explore the relationship between the IF pattern and the location of antibody binding, two immunoglobulin M (IgM) monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) (12A1 and 13F1) that differ in protective efficacy and IF pattern and one protective IgG1 MAb (2H1) were studied by IF and electron microscopy (EM). Fixing C. neoformans cells in lung tissue for EM resulted in significantly better preservation of the capsule than fixing yeast cells in suspension. The localization of MAbs 12A1 and 13F1 by immunogold EM differed depending on whether the MAb was bound to cells in cut tissue sections embedded in plastic or to cells in solution. In cut tissue sections, MAbs 12A1 and 13F1 bound throughout the capsule, whereas in solution both MAbs bound near the capsule surface. To investigate whether antibody binding to the C. neoformans capsule affected the binding of other primary or secondary reagents, various combinations of MAbs 12A1, 13F1, and 2H1 were studied by direct and indirect IF. The IF pattern and location of binding for MAbs 12A1, 13F1, and 2H1 varied depending on the presence of other capsule-binding MAbs and the method of detection. The results show that (i) binding of MAbs to the C. neoformans polysaccharide capsule can modify the binding of subsequent primary or secondary antibodies; (ii) the IgM MAbs bind primarily to the outer capsule regions despite the occurrence of their epitopes throughout the capsule; and (iii) MAb 2H1 staining of newly formed buds is reduced, suggesting quantitative or qualitative differences in bud capsule.  相似文献   

Hu G  Kronstad JW 《Current genetics》2006,49(5):341-350
Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii are basidiomycetous fungi that infect immunocompromised and immunocompetent people. We developed an insertional mutagenesis strategy for these species based on in vitro transposition and we tested the method by disrupting the URA5 gene in a strain of C. neoformans and the CAP10 gene in three strains of C. gattii. We targeted plasmid DNA containing the URA5 gene or plasmid DNA containing the CAP10 gene from genomic libraries from the shotgun sequencing project for the C. gatti strain WM276. In the latter case, the availability of the end sequences of the clones from the assembled genomic sequence allows rapid selection of target genes for disruption. Modified transposons containing the nourseothricin (NAT) or neomycin (Neo) resistance cassettes were randomly inserted into the target DNA by in vitro transposition. The disrupted genes were used for biolistic transformation and homologous integration was subsequently confirmed by PCR and Southern blot analysis. These results demonstrate that the emerging genomic resources, combined with in vitro transposition into plasmid DNAs from shotgun sequencing libraries or cloned PCR products, will facilitate high-throughput genetic analysis in Cryptococcus species.  相似文献   

We have identified a number of ecto-glycanases (glycosylhydrolases) associated with the capsule and/or the cell wall of Cryptococcus neoformans. The enzyme activities detected included alpha-mannosidase, alpha-, and beta -glucosidase, alpha-, and beta-galactosidase, beta-xylosidase, beta-glucuronidase, and endo-beta-1,3-glucanase. Small portions of the enzymes were also secreted into the growth medium. Cell-wall associated endo-beta-1,3-glucanases exhibited highest activity in the acidic range between pH 2.5 and 5.0. The products of laminarin hydrolysis by the enzymes located on the cell surface were glucose and beta-1,3-linked glucooligosaccharides. The same products were released from isolated cell walls incubated in the buffer. Endo-beta-1,3-glucanase activity extracted from the cell surfaces by mild sonication consisted of six isoforms separable by isoelectric focusing. In spite of the presence of the whole array of glycanase activities on the cell surfaces, capsular polysaccharides released from C. neoformans cells into the growth medium were practically metabolically stable. From the defined polysaccharides tested, only laminarin (beta-1,3-glucan) and to some extent also mixed-linkage beta-1,3/beta-1,4-glucan and/or 4-O-methyl-D-glucurono-D-xylan were able to support the yeast growth. The activities of majority of identified ecto-glycanases were low when the yeast was grown on glucose but were considerably elevated when the cells were grown on glycerol indicating that their synthesis is regulated by catabolite repression.  相似文献   

Decades of studies on antibody structure led to the tenet that the V region binds antigens while the C region interacts with immune effectors. In some antibodies, however, the C region affects affinity and/or specificity for the antigen. One example is the 3E5 monoclonal murine IgG family, in which the mIgG3 isotype has different fine specificity to the Cryptococcus neoformans capsule polysaccharide than the other mIgG isotypes despite their identical variable sequences. Our group serendipitously found another pair of mIgG1/mIgG3 antibodies based on the 2H1 hybridoma to the Cneoformans capsule that recapitulated the differences observed with 3E5. In this work, we report the molecular basis of the constant domain effects on antigen binding using recombinant antibodies. As with 3E5, immunofluorescence experiments show a punctate pattern for 2H1-mIgG3 and an annular pattern for 2H1-mIgG1; these binding patterns have been associated with protective efficacy in murine cryptococcosis. Also as observed with 3E5, 2H1-mIgG3 bound on ELISA to both acetylated and non-acetylated capsular polysaccharide, whereas 2H1-mIgG1 only bound well to the acetylated form, consistent with differences in fine specificity. In engineering hybrid mIgG1/mIgG3 antibodies, we found that switching the 2H1-mIgG3 hinge for its mIgG1 counterpart changed the immunofluorescence pattern to annular, but a 2H1-mIgG1 antibody with an mIgG3 hinge still had an annular pattern. The hinge is thus necessary but not sufficient for these changes in binding to the antigen. This important role for the constant region in antigen binding could affect antibody biology and engineering.  相似文献   

The capsule of Cryptococcus neoformans is a powerful activator of the alternative complement pathway. This study examined the manner in which the cryptococcal capsule influences initiation of and early events in complement activation by C. neoformans. These studies examined the effects of the classical and alternative pathways on the kinetics and early sites for deposition of C3 fragments on encapsulated cryptococci, nonencapsulated cryptococci, and zymosan. The results showed that nonencapsulated cryptococci and zymosan are qualitatively and quantitatively similar in the manner in which they initiate complement activation. Both utilize the classical and alternative pathways. Initiation via the classical pathway occurs suddenly and simultaneously at sites distributed over the entire cell surface. Initiation of the alternative pathway by zymosan and nonencapsulated cryptococci is characterized by a lag of 6 to 8 min before appreciable amounts of C3 accumulate on the cells. Alternative pathway initiation by zymosan and nonencapsulated cryptococci occurs at a limited number of focal initiation sites that expand with alternative pathway amplification to cover the cell surface. Presence of the cryptococcal capsule blocks classical pathway initiation, which would normally occur at the cryptococcal cell wall, and produces an initiation that is dependent solely on the alternative pathway. Initiation of the alternative pathway by the cryptococcal capsule is characterized by a lag in C3 accumulation and the appearance of a limited number of focal initiation sites which resemble those observed when the alternative pathway is activated by zymosan and nonencapsulated cryptococci.  相似文献   

新型隐球菌与肺泡上皮细胞的体外相互作用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
目的研究新型隐球菌与肺泡上皮细胞的体外相互作用,探讨隐球菌肺部感染的发病机制。方法体外培养Ⅱ型肺泡上皮细胞A549(ATCC CCL-185),检测新型隐球菌2种变种对细胞的时间/浓度黏附率、通过率;检测新型隐球菌对细胞的损伤作用;透射电镜观察相互作用的超微结构。结果2种变种的新型隐球菌可以对A549细胞产生黏附与侵袭,黏附率与侵袭率呈现时间依赖性;同时还可以使A549细胞凋亡率升高,对其造成损伤,这与菌体的活力相关。超微结构可见隐球菌与肺泡上皮细胞的黏附与侵袭过程。2种变种之间在黏附率、通过率及对细胞的损伤作用方面差异无统计学意义。结论活的隐球菌黏附与侵袭肺泡上皮细胞是隐球菌感染肺部的重要条件,不同变种对肺部的易感性可能不存在差异。进一步明确二者的作用机制对隐球菌的发病机制研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Despite a presumed critical role of macrophages in the host response to cryptococcal infections, previous studies have failed to show growth inhibition of encapsulated Cryptococcus neoformans by human peripheral blood cultured monocyte-derived macrophages (MO-M phi). Here, we examined whether MO-M phi could be induced to inhibit growth of an encapsulated strain and an isogenic acapsular mutant strain of C. neoformans. MO-M phi were cultured in microwells, and inhibition was measured by comparing CFU at 0 and 24 h after fungal challenge. MO-M phi cultured on plastic surfaces failed to inhibit growth of the encapsulated strain, even in the presence of pooled human serum and/or anticapsular antibody. Moreover, the presence of anticapsular antibody significantly enhanced fungal growth. However, if MO-M phi were cultured on surfaces coated with fibronectin or poly-L-lysine (but not laminin or collagen) and yeast cells were opsonized with pooled human serum, then complete growth inhibition occurred. Preincubation with various concentrations of tumor necrosis factor, granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor, 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol, or supernatants from C. neoformans-stimulated lymphocytes failed to activate macrophages for enhanced antifungal activity. The addition of gamma interferon resulted in a significant loss of growth inhibition. For the acapsular strain, complete growth inhibition was observed regardless of the choice of culture surface, opsonins, or cytokines. Fungicidal activity, as measured by a significant decrement in CFU compared with the initial inoculum, was not observed under any conditions tested. These data demonstrate that macrophages are capable of inhibiting cryptococcal growth but that this capacity is markedly influenced by the culture surface, opsonins, cytokines, and the fungal capsule.  相似文献   

Murine natural killer (NK) cells have been shown to bind to and inhibit the growth of Cryptococcus neoformans in vitro and to contribute to clearance of the organism in vivo. However, it is unclear whether NK cells actually kill cryptococci or simply inhibit proliferation of the fungal target. Therefore, the studies presented here were designed to determine whether NK cells are fungicidal to C. neoformans targets. C. neoformans viability was determined on the basis of the metabolic function of two different enzyme systems, as measured by the two vital stains MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide] and fluorescein diacetate. Cryptococcal viability, as determined by vital stains, was compared with cryptococcal proliferation, as measured by microcolony formation in agarose at the individual cell level and by CFU counts or extinction dilution analysis in the total cell suspension. Initial comparisons of the vital stains and proliferation assays indicated that these methods effectively distinguished between live and heat-killed cryptococci at the individual cell level and in the total cell suspensions. After cryptococci were incubated with murine NK cells for 18 h, vital stains demonstrated that at the single conjugate level and in the total cell suspension, NK cells kill bound C. neoformans target cells. In addition, the numbers of dead cryptococci in the NK cell-C. neoformans suspensions as determined by the vital stains were comparable to the numbers of cryptococci that were unable to proliferate. Kinetics of NK cell-mediated C. neoformans binding and killing at the single conjugate level and in the total cell suspension were assessed by MTT staining at 2-h intervals after mixing effector and target cells, and the data support the concept that NK cell-C. neoformans binding precedes cryptococcal death. Furthermore, unbound, dead fungal cells were observed in the NK cell-C. neoformans suspensions after 18 h, suggesting that NK cell-C. neoformans interactions may involve both effector cell recycling and killing of unbound cryptococci by soluble cytotoxic factors. In conclusion, the results of these studies firmly establish that NK cells kill C. neoformans.  相似文献   

CBA/J mice immunized subcutaneously with emulsions of heat-killed Cryptococcus neoformans in complete Freund adjuvant displayed delayed-type hypersensitivity to cryptococcal culture filtrate antigen and developed sensitized splenic lymphoid cells which inhibited the growth of C. neoformans in vitro. The in vitro assay of growth inhibition served to investigate further the kinetics of the effect of sensitized lymphoid cells on the pathogen. There was a close correlation between the delayed-type hypersensitivity response in mice and inhibition of growth of C. neoformans by lymphoid cells. Sensitized splenic lymphocytes capable of inhibiting the growth of the cryptococci were detected at day 6 after immunization and reached maximum levels by days 8 through 16. Inhibition of growth was highest with effector-to-target cell ratios of 300:1 or greater. Inhibition of growth of C. neoformans by sensitized lymphoid cells was detectable as early as 4 h after effector and target cells were mixed and increased gradually, reaching a maximum at 24 h, but dropped significantly by 48 h. By supplementing the reaction mixtures with fresh medium or additional sensitized effector cells during incubation, the inhibition of growth of C. neoformans could be maintained through 48 h. C. neoformans-sensitized effector lymphoid populations not only inhibited the growth of the pathogen in vitro but also restricted C. neoformans proliferation in various vital organs upon transfer to naive recipient animals, indicating that the in vitro growth inhibition assay may be a means of assessing the resistance of animals to C. neoformans. The effector cells from sensitized animals were nylon wool-nonadherent Thy-1+ and Ia+ lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans invades the central nerve system through endocytosis by the vascular endothelia. S100A10 interacts with Ca2+ channel proteins in the vascular endothelia and regulates the filamentous actin network. We hypothesized that S100A10 was involved in the pathogenesis of cryptococcosis and sought to investigate here the effect on the phagocytosis and growth of C. neoformans of S100A10 downregulation by small interfering RNA in murine brain microvascular endothelial cell (MBMECs). We found that S100A10 downregulation significantly reduced the intracellular Ca2+ concentration (P < 0.05). Additionally, suppression of S100A10 expression was associated with significantly reduced rate of phagocytosis and budding of C. neoformans. The capsule of intracellular C. neoformans also became thicker after S100A10 was knocked down. The findings demonstrated that knockdown of S100A10 in MBMEC could attenuate the growth of intracellular C. neoformans. We inferred that the S100A10 may play an important role in transpenetration of C. neoformans across the vascular endothelia.  相似文献   

The pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans has a polysaccharide capsule that is essential for virulence in vivo. Capsule size is known to increase during animal infection, and this phenomenon was recently associated with virulence. Although various conditions have been implicated in promoting capsule growth, including CO(2) concentration, osmolarity, and phenotypic switching, it is difficult to reproduce the capsule enlargement effect in the laboratory. In this study, we report that serum can induce capsule growth, and we describe the conditions that induce this effect, not only by serum but also by CO(2). Capsule enlargement was dependent on the medium used, and this determined whether the strain responded to serum or CO(2) efficiently. Serum was most effective in inducing capsule growth under nutrient-limited conditions. There was considerable variability between strains in their response to either serum or CO(2), with some strains requiring both stimuli. Sera from several animal sources were each highly efficient in inducing capsule growth. The cyclic AMP (cAMP) pathway and Ras1 were both necessary for serum-induced capsule growth. The lack of induction in the ras1 mutant was not complemented by exogenous cAMP, indicating that these pathways act in parallel. However, both cAMP and Ras1 were dispensable for inducing a partial capsule growth by CO(2), suggesting that multiple pathways participate in this process. The ability of serum to induce capsule growth suggests a mechanism for the capsular enlargement observed during animal infection.  相似文献   

We studied the ability of Cryptococcus neoformans to produce the hexitol D-mannitol in vitro and in rabbits with experimental meningitis. Twelve of twelve human isolates of C. neoformans produced D-mannitol in yeast nitrogen base plus 1% glucose and released D-mannitol into the medium. In a pilot study, pooled cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from cortisone-treated rabbits given 3 x 10(7) C. neoformans H99 intracisternally contained more D-mannitol (identified by gas chromatography and enzymatically) than CSF from normal controls or cortisone-untreated rabbits with self-limited meningitis. In a second experiment, cortisone-treated rabbits given C. neoformans intracisternally had significantly higher CSF D-mannitol concentrations than controls given cortisone alone at 4, 6, and 8 days after infection. Moreover, log10 CSF D-mannitol correlated well with log10 CSF CFU (r = 0.81) and log10 CSF cryptococcal antigen titers (r = 0.78). Lastly, the initial volume of distribution and elimination half-life of D-mannitol given intracisternally to normal rabbits suggested that D-mannitol was distributed in total CSF and was removed by CSF bulk flow. Thus, C. neoformans produces D-mannitol in vitro and in vivo, and D-mannitol is a quantitative marker for experimental cryptococcal meningitis. D-Mannitol produced by C. neoformans may also contribute to brain edema and interfere with phagocyte killing by scavenging hydroxyl radicals.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans is a pathogenic encapsulated yeast that infects patients that have defective cell-mediated immunity, including AIDS patients. Whole cryptococcal organisms that are killed by heating stimulate normal human lymphocytes to proliferate. However, strains of C. neoformans vary widely in virulence and therefore in their ability to cause disease in humans. To determine the effect of virulence factors such as the cryptococcal capsule, serotype, and the state of the organisms on the lymphocyte response to C. neoformans, human peripheral blood mononuclear cells were stimulated with C. neoformans in vitro and lymphocyte proliferation was determined. The major determinant of the lymphocyte response to C. neoformans was the amount of polysaccharide present. The response was greater after stimulation by minimally encapsulated strains (strains C3D, 68, and 613) than by heavily encapsulated strains (strains 6 and 145). A heavily encapsulated strain (strain 6) did not suppress the response to an acapsular mutant (strain 67). However, the response to an acapsular strain was suppressed by the addition of purified polysaccharide. Human lymphocytes responded to both serotypes of C. neoformans var. neoformans. The antigen responsible for lymphocyte stimulation was preserved despite various techniques of inactivation, including heat, paraformaldehyde fixation, irradiation, and mechanical disruption. Finally, lymphocytes responded equally to live and killed organisms. These results suggest that capsular polysaccharide, a known virulence factor, may suppress the human lymphocyte response to C. neoformans during an infection. Lymphocytes could respond to C. neoformans regardless of the viability of the organism, and they could also respond to disrupted organisms. We speculate that lymphocyte proliferation in vitro could be related to the protective immune response in host defense to C. neoformans and that it is suppressed by virulence factors of C. neoformans.  相似文献   

The role of immunoglobulin G (IgG) as an opsonin in phagocytosis of Cryptococcus neoformans by macrophages was investigated. Labeling with 125I showed that IgG isolated from normal human serum bound to non-encapsulated C. neoformans. Furthermore, IgG-opsonized cryptococci were agglutinated by anti-serum to IgG heavy chains, indicating that normal human serum contains antibody that will bind to the yeast surface. The IgG isolated from normal serum accounted for all opsonizing activity found in normal human serum, since differences were not noted between the opsonizing activities of whole serum, heat-inactivated serum and purified IgG when these opsonins were compared at equivalent concentrations of IgG. Phagocytosis of IgG-opsonized cryptococci was inhibited by anti-macrophage IgG, a reagent known to block Fc-mediated attachment and ingestion, and by pepsin digestion of opsonizing IgG. Thus, IgG opsonization is an Fc-dependent process. Opsonizing IgG appears to play its major role during the attachment phase of phagocytosis, since antimacrophage IgG blocked attachment of cryptococci to macrophages but could not block ingestion of IgG-opsonized cryptococci that had been allowed to attach to macrophages. Ingestion of opsonized cryptococci was not blocked by 2-deoxy-D-glucose, a reagent known to block Fc-mediated ingestion, thus confirming that IgG has a primary role in attachment and suggesting that ingestion is mediated by a process that is not Fc dependent.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis of Cryptococcus neoformans by alveolar macrophages.   总被引:13,自引:10,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Guinea pig pulmonary macrophages phagocytized but did not kill nonencapsulated cells of Cryptococcus neoformans. The phagocytic process was inhibited by cryptococcal capsular polysaccharide. Pulmonary macrophages, activated by preinjecting heat-killed bacteria into intact animals, did not kill the engulfed yeast cells. Labeled cells of C. neoformans were neither killed nor cleared from guinea pig lungs 6 h postexposure. The results of our experiments indicate that during the first few hours after the lung is exposed to the infectious particle of C. neoformans the pulmonary macrophage does not function primarily to kill engulfed yeast cells. We believe that a rapid yet transient acute inflammatory response probably plays a major role in this process during the first few hours after C. neoformans enters the lung.  相似文献   

Immunoregulation by capsular components of Cryptococcus neoformans.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Cryptococcus neoformans is an encapsulated yeast that is pathogenic for humans. The capsule is a major virulence factor composed mainly of glucuronoxylomannan (GXM) and two minor constituents, galactoxylomannan, and mannoprotein (MP). A hallmark of disseminated cryptococcosis is the presence of high concentrations of GXM in body fluids of infected hosts. GXM provides a critical negative signal for T cell activation and neutrophil migration at the site of the inflammatory process. There is also strong evidence that MP promotes critical events associated with protective responses such as delayed type hypersensitivity and presumably a T helper type 1 response. The contrasting roles of GXM and MP in regulation of the immune response to C. neoformans offer a promising template for a successful approach to intervention, by scavenging GXM to attenuate its negative signals, while preserving the positive effects of MP.  相似文献   

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