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Background.  This article presents information on all potential outbreaks of infectious intestinal disease (IID) identified by Health Protection Scotland (HPS) involving residents of Scotland. Unlike other systems, this alert system covers potential outbreaks of IID rather than apparently sporadic cases and covers all gastrointestinal pathogens, all visited countries, and all groups of travelers.
Methods.  HPS collects information on all potential outbreaks of IID in residents of Scotland where infection is believed to have been acquired abroad and disseminates this to all public health teams in Scotland so other linked cases can be identified. Where possible HPS also disseminates the details to the national surveillance center in the country where infection is believed to have been acquired, enabling them to facilitate any investigations or control measures they believe necessary. The rate of outbreaks associated with travel to particular countries was determined using the number of visits reported for residents of Scotland from Travel Trends data from the Office of National Statistics.
Results.  Between 2003 and 2007, 319 such potential outbreaks were identified. Spain was the most frequently identified country reflecting the fact that it was also the most frequently visited country; the rate per 100,000 visits to Spain was 1.4, very similar to the overall rate for all countries of 1.3, while the highest rate of 46.7 per 100,000 visitors was associated with travel to Egypt. Salmonella sp was the most frequently identified pathogen within which Salmonella enteritidis was the most frequently identified serotype.
Conclusions.  The system provides a rapid alert mechanism for potential outbreaks of IID outside Scotland, allowing their investigation and control as appropriate and demonstrates the risks of outbreaks associated with different countries and pathogens.  相似文献   

2001~2003年婚前医学检查结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的为了不断总结经验,了解婚前医学检查中各相关疾病的患病率,提高服务质量,更好地指导今后的婚检工作.方法对2324例婚前医学检查资料进行统计学分析.结果三年按规定检查项目检出的相关疾病例数无呈上升趋势.2324例中患病365例,患病率为15.70%.男性检出疾病212例(9.12%),女性检出疾病15 3例(6.58%),有显著性差异(P<0.05).婚检人群中检出不同的疾病,以传染病患病率最高,为1 3.55%,男女之间无显著性差异(P>0.05).结论在婚前保健工作中应对传染性疾病作重点的婚育指导.通过遗传咨询鉴别遗传性疾病和非遗传性先天疾病,避免这种疾病在高危家庭中再发生.防止严重遗传性疾病患儿出生和提高出生人口先天素质的有效措施.  相似文献   

我院抗组胺药应用动态分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尹艳莲 《中国药师》2005,8(3):237-238
目的:分析我院抗组胺药的应用现状及趋势预测,引导临床合理用药.方法:采用用药金额和用药频度排序法,对我院2001~2003年抗组胺药应用情况进行统计分析.结果:第一代抗组胺药的用药频度呈下降趋势,第二代稳步上升.结论:毒副作用小,服用方便,经济高效的抗组胺药是医生患者的首选.  相似文献   

《中国药理学通报》2001~2003年引文分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
目的了解《中国药理学通报》(下称该刊)引文引用规律及该刊情报吸收能力,找出我国药理学研究领域科研人员的文献需求特征,从而为该学科研究人员查阅文献提出建议。方法采用引文计量分析法按文章发表的时序逐篇统计该刊2001~2003年间刊载的847篇文章所引用的参考文献。结果引文率为85.24%,篇均引文11.02条,主要的引文类型分别为期刊(94.88%)和图书(4.90%),普赖斯指数42.72%,自引率3.81%,被引用频次前30位的中外文期刊的文献引用量占总引用期刊文献量的30.14%。结论该刊涉猎文献范围广,引文类型以英文期刊为主,引文的外文语种结构较为单一,研究引用文献比较滞后,文献老化速度较慢,期刊引文率还有待于进一步提高。  相似文献   

2001年~2003年我院口服降糖药利用分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 :评估我院口服降糖药的应用状况 ,为临床合理用药提供参考。方法 :采用限定日剂量分析方法 ,统计我院2001年~2003年口服降糖药的用药频度 (DDDs)、购药金额、每日药费等数据。结果 :口服降糖药的品种、数量及购药金额等逐年增长 ;DDDs排序前3位药品为二甲双胍、格列齐特、格列吡嗪 ;购药金额排序前3位药品为格列吡嗪、阿卡波糖、二甲双胍 ;购药金额序号与DDDs序号比值在0. 2~4之间。结论 :格列齐特和二甲双胍应用广泛 ,居主导地位 ,且价格较为合理 ;阿卡波糖价格昂贵 ,购药金额与DDDs的同步性较差。  相似文献   

Previous research has found that female injecting drug users (IDU) are younger and more likely to be involved in risky behaviours such as needle sharing and sex work than male IDU. Aboriginal female drug users, in particular, are over-represented in IDU and prison populations. These factors place female IDU at increased risk of health problems and complicate issues such as homelessness, unemployment and poverty. Although a substantial body of research exists, little trend analysis has been done in Australia and much of the previous literature has focused on treatment populations. Cross-sectional data from 1996 to 2003 from regular IDU in Sydney interviewed as part of Australia's drug monitoring system, the Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) were examined for trends over time. The demographic characteristics, drug use patterns and self-reported risk behaviours of the most recent sample (2003) were analysed for gender differences. Female IDU were younger in all sample years. Female IDU were more likely to identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) and engage in sex work. There has been a steady increase in these proportions over time. Female IDU were less likely to have a prison history, although there has been an increase among both male and female IDU over time. There were no gender differences in drug use patterns or frequency of drug use. Larger proportions of females report lending needles. Reports of lending and borrowing needles have decreased over time among both male and female IDU. Female IDU may place themselves at greater risk than male IDU by being more likely to share injecting equipment and engage in sex work. Treatment and other measures to reduce harm may need to be targeted specifically at women and, in particular, indigenous women. [Breen C, Roxburgh A, Degenhardt L. Gender differences among regular injecting drug users in Sydney, Australia, 1996 - 2003. Drug Alcohol Rev 2005; 24:353 - 358]  相似文献   

目的了解广州市2003—2007年居民意外死亡情况。方法从广州市卫生局死亡监测中心获取广州市居民2003—2007年4873例死亡个案资料,观察不同人群意外死亡的发生率和原因,采用Poisson回归分析意外死亡随时间的变化趋势。结果 2003—2007年广州市居民意外死亡率每年平均下降7.6%。男性意外死亡率明显高于女性。意外死亡的发生率随年龄呈J型分布,但随年龄增长呈现不对称的抛物线形。交通事故、自杀、中毒、坠落、溺水、他杀是最为常见的意外死因,但不同人群死因分布有所差异。结论意外死亡率逐年下降说明意外死亡是可防可控的,不同人群意外死亡的发生率和死因存在差异,应针对不同人群采取相应的干预措施,以最大限度地降低意外死亡率。  相似文献   

2001~2003年我院抗感染药不良反应报告分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
曾莹  韩召敏  张江兰 《中国药师》2004,7(11):888-889
目的: 对抗感染药的药物不良反应(ADRs)进行统计分析.方法: 对2001~2003年我院发生的由抗感染药引起的ADRs 511例进行分析.结果: 抗感染药引起的ADRs涉及范围较广品种多,其中以头孢菌素类抗感染药引起的ADRs最多(249例),ADRs以变态反应最常见(340例),静脉用药最多(491例),女性患者多于男性患者.结论: 抗感染药较高的ADRs发生率与抗感染药的滥用密切相关,应引起对抗感染药滥用的关注.  相似文献   

陈华庭  杨嵘  杨颖达 《医药导报》2004,23(11):0818-0820
目的:了解武汉地区医院降糖药物使用情况和发展趋势。方法:采用回顾性调查方法,对2001~2003年武汉地区医院降糖药物销售金额、用药频度(DDDs)等进行统计分析。结果:3 a来降糖药物销售金额和用药频度呈上升趋势。胰岛素用量逐年增长。口服降糖药物中磺酰脲类药物销售金额最大,而双胍类药物使用频度最高。结论:注射胰岛素和口服降糖药物是控制血糖的有效方法。  相似文献   

2001~2003年上海地区镇痛及解热镇痛抗炎药用药分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨上海地区镇痛及解热镇痛抗炎药用药趋势。方法:按购药金额,对上海地区48家医院2001-2003年镇痛药及解热镇痛抗炎药的用药数据作统计,并进行分析。结果:(1)上海地区整个镇痛药用药呈上升趋势,每年增长率在23%以上。用药金额最高的是曲马朵、吗啡;增长率最高的是芬太尼,特别是其贴剂。(2)解热镇痛抗炎药用药水平总体较平稳。较新的品种特别是环氧化酶-2(COX-2)选择性抑制剂和特异性抑制剂有较大增长。传统的非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDs)用量呈现下降趋势,但仍排名前列。结论:整个镇痛及解热镇痛抗炎药用药构成将会在现有的基础上有较小的改变,镇痛药用量还将继续上升,在NSAIDs类药物中COX-2选择性抑制剂会有进一步增长,而特异性抑制剂用量将减少。  相似文献   

我院2001~2003年解热镇痛药使用动态分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
王亚华  夏永华 《中国药师》2005,8(3):239-240
目的:探讨解热镇痛药的使用状况和发展趋势.方法:应用DDDs排序及金额排序对我院2001~2003年解热镇痛药的用量和销售金额进行统计分析.结果:用药频度最高的是阿司匹林肠溶片,含有对乙酰氨基酚的复方制剂泰诺感冒片和复方氯唑沙宗片三年来DDDs排序分列第2和3位,高选择性的COX-2抑制剂如美洛昔康和罗非昔布DDDs排序逐年上升,随着新品种的不断上市,解热镇痛药市场的竞争日趋激烈.结论:解热镇痛药正向着高效、低毒的方向发展.  相似文献   

目的 :了解我院 2 0 0 1年~ 2 0 0 3年用药情况 ,分析“医改”后用药趋势和存在问题 ,为加强管理提供依据。方法 :对我院 2 0 0 1年~ 2 0 0 3年用药数据进行统计 ,分析各类药品的逐年使用金额 ,计算用量最高药物主要品种的用药频度 (DDDS)和排序。结果 :“医改”后注射用药逐年增长 ,口服用药逐年下降。外用药 2 0 0 2年下降 ,2 0 0 3年回升。应用最多的药物是抗微生物药 ,金额增长最快的是专科用药 ,金额下降最快的是心血管口服用药。结论 :“医改”改变临床用药结构。应规范合理用药管理 ,加强特色专科建设。  相似文献   

2001~2003年支原体培养鉴定和药敏趋势分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 :了解近年来支原体感染和药敏情况。方法 :应用珠海浪峰生物技术有限公司试剂盒进行检测。结果 :2001~2003年支原体总阳性率依次为33.8 %、43.0 %、48.2 % ;2001~2003年男性支原体阳性率依次为 :16.5 %、27.2 %、3.0 % ;女性支原体阳性率依次为 :39.3 %、51.6 %、55.7 %。支原体感染率呈上升趋势 ,与前1年比较呈显著性递增 ,后2年无显著性区别 ,且女性支原体感染率比男性高。支原体感染类型主要为解脲支原体 ,其药敏试验显示抗菌活性较好的抗生素是交沙霉素、阿奇霉素、强力霉素、可乐必安 ,联合用药比单一用药稍好 ,由于用药不当 ,2001~2003年出现10种抗生素全耐药情况的菌株依次为4例、4例、2例。结论 :药敏试验是指导临床应用抗生素治疗支原体感染的重要依据  相似文献   

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