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目的:总结胰肾联合移植的手术经验。方法:回顾性分析1998年9月至2001年1月本院对3例晚期糖尿病患者实施的胰肾联合移植手术。结果:1例65岁患者为胰液膀胱引流,术后继发膀胱炎和低俯肠梗阻,2个月后死于肝功能衰竭,2例行胰液空肠引流,1例存活10个月,其间出现腹腔脓肿、肠梗阻等并发症;另1例存活至今,曾出现消化道出血,经治疗后痊愈。3例术后移植器官功能均良好,符种指标均在正常范围。结论:胰液空肠引流和胰液膀胱引流各有优缺点;胰液空肠引流符合消化生理,且可通过观察十二指肠造瘘管引流物的量和性质,监测供胰功能和排斥反应。  相似文献   

胰肾联合移植长期存活的临床研究(附5例报告)   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
目的 提高糖尿病、糖尿病肾病患者的生活质量,方法 于1998-12/2000-01对5例糖尿病、糖尿病肾病患者施行了胰肾联合移植术,结果 5例患者肾功能恢复正常;其中2例患者分别于8wk,23wk发生急性排斥反应一次,经抗排斥治疗后逆转,2例术后2wk发生纯红再障(pure red cell aplasia,PRCA),1例手术后第15日供胰动脉血栓形成,切除胰腺,经1a以上观察,4例患者健康存活,胰肾功能良好。结论 胰肾联合移植是目前治疗糖尿病、糖尿病肾病最有效的手段。  相似文献   

猪胰肾联合移植动物模型的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究胰肾联合移植的手术方法。方法 经猪腹主动脉原位灌注 ,大块联合切取供体胰、节段十二指肠、双肾、脾脏。以供肾动、静脉分别与受体左髂总动、静脉吻合 ;供肾输尿管内置“J”形管后与膀胱左顶侧壁吻合。供胰门静脉与受体右髂总静脉吻合 ,包含腹腔动脉和肠系膜上动脉的腹主动脉袖片与右髂总动脉吻合 ;十二指肠节段与膀胱吻合。结果 手术成功 ,术后移植肾、胰均迅速恢复功能 ,术后 3d因排斥反应及体内代谢紊乱受体死亡。结论 良好的外科技术是胰肾联合移植成功的基础 ,是减少术后早期并发症的关键  相似文献   

胰肾Ⅰ期联合移植术后胰腺排斥反应监测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨胰肾Ⅰ期联合移植术后胰腺排斥反应的监测方法。方法 对称植胰外分泌液采用膀胱引流术式,使其直接注入膀胱尿液中,术后通过测定尿淀粉酶、血淀粉酶、血糖、尿糖、血C肽等指标,判断移植胰功能状态。结果 5例病人中,3例术中后胰腺内外分泌及肾脏功能满意,尿淀粉酶在4314-9873苏氏单位之间,血糖为6.3-7.9mmol/L,C肽7.8-15.6μg/L之间,尿糖--++,未使用胰岛素,至今已分别生存20月、14月、11月。其余2例中,1例因排斥反应,术后第47天死于急性心功能衰竭,另1例因脾动脉血栓形成,术后第33天切除移植的胰腺、但肾功能良好。结论 胰肾联合移植是治疗Ⅰ型糖尿病伴慢性肾功能衰竭的有效方法之一,尿淀粉酶、血淀粉酶、血糖、尿糖、C肽测定以及细针穿刺活检等检查,是判断移植后胰腺排斥反应的常用方法与指标。  相似文献   

胰肾一期联合移植手术方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨胰肾一期联合移植手术方法中有关问题。方法:采用原位低温灌注,整块切除的方法切取供胰。将供胰移植于病人的右侧髂窝,供肾移植于左侧髂窝,供体十二指肠与受者的膀胱侧侧吻合。结果:5例病人中,3例术后胰腺及肾脏功能满意,未使用胰岛素,进正常饮食, 血糖一直在正常范围,肾功能良好,至今已分别生存20月、14月、11月。其中2例中,1例因排排斥反应,于术后第47天死于急性心功能衰竭。另1例因栓形成,于术后第33天切除移植胰腺,但肾功能良好。结论:胰肾联合移植是治疗I型糖尿病伴肾功能衰竭的有效方法之一。  相似文献   

目的 拟探讨胰肾联合移植术后糖尿病并发肾功能衰竭患者生命质量的状况.方法 回顾分析我院糖尿病并发肾功能衰竭患者的基本资料,同时用健康测量量表SF-36针对糖尿病伴发肾功能衰竭患者术前、术后2年、术后4年进行评估.结果 8例糖尿病并发肾功能衰竭患者除1例出现脑血管意外家人放弃治疗外,其他所有患者均恢复顺利,接受了平均时间为23.3月(1~56月)的随访.术后血糖、C肽、肌酐稳定.术后2年评分与术前相比较,SF-36八个维度的评分均有显著性改善(P<0.05),且基本与中国正常人群评分相似(P>0.05).结论 胰肾联合移植术能明显改善糖尿病并发肾功能衰竭患者的生命质量.  相似文献   

目的:建立符合生理的猪胰肾联合移植的动物模型,研究胰肾联合移植的手术方法。方法:16只猪随机配对行胰肾联合移植8次,供胰、肾原位灌注后大块联合切取,将供肾动、静脉分别与受体左髂总动、静脉吻合,供胰门静脉与肠系膜上静脉(或脾静脉)吻合,含有腹腔动脉和肠系膜上动脉的腹主动脉袖片与右髂总动脉吻合,所带小段十二指肠与空肠吻合。结果:8例受体猪中除1例因术后内环境紊乱于术后当天死亡外,其余7例移植效果满意,术后移植胰、肾均即可发挥功能,受体存活超过7 d后予以处死。结论:建立门静脉回流胰液内引流式猪胰肾联合移植模型是可行的,且该术式符合生理特点,可用于临床。良好的外科技术是胰肾联合移植成功的基础。  相似文献   

Zhu W  Xia L  Qi J  Wang C  Hu D  Hu J  Feng D 《中华医学杂志(英文版)》2002,115(12):1868-1872
目的 评价磁共振成像 (MRI)和三维 (3D)增强磁共振血管成像 (MRA)对胰肾联合移植并发症的诊断价值 ,并与穿刺活检和DSA进行对比。方法  5位患者于术后 2 8天至 2年进行 5次MR检查 (采用GE 1 5TMR机型 ) ,成像技术包括轴位和矢状位脂肪抑制SE序列T1WI及FSE序列T2WI,3D增强MRA扫描后行轴位或矢状位脂肪抑制T1WI扫描 ,计算胰肾移植物的实质增强平均百分率 (MPPE)。 3D增强MRA采用“Smartprep”技术 ,其资料均采用最大信号强度投影 (MIP)及多平面重建 (MPR)进行处理。结果 在 5例移植胰腺中 ,MRI示 2例正常 ,1例急性排斥反应 ,1例慢性排斥反应伴 70 %纤维化和 1例迟发性胰腺炎。在 5例移植肾中 ,MRI示 4例正常 ,1例急性排斥反应伴肾梗死。MPPE能鉴别梗死和其他并发症。 3D增强MRA能显示血管并发症 ,如移植血管狭窄、闭塞、动脉瘤形成或血管连接处狭窄等 ,其结果与DSA相当。结论 MRI和 3D增强MRA的联合应用便于胰肾联合移植并发症的诊断。  相似文献   

目的: 探讨糖尿病并发终末期肾功能衰竭患者行胰肾联合移植手术的麻醉及围术期管理.方法: 充分术前准备,减轻尿毒症,控制血糖水平,纠正贫血,降低血压,改善心脏功能,积极抗感染;选择硬膜外麻醉,连续监测动脉血压、中心静脉压、心电图和脉搏氧饱和度,定时检测血糖和动脉血气,酌情调控胰岛素用量和扩容速度.结果: 手术开始至吻合肾动脉开放前,循环稳定,动脉血气正常;继后血压和中心静脉压呈较高水平,血糖、尿量和淀粉酶维持在较理想状态.结论: 该手术硬膜外麻醉安全可行,术前充分准备,维持血液动力学稳定和调控血糖水平是围术期管理的关键.  相似文献   

Background  Simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation (SPKT) frees the diabetic patient with end-stage nephropathy from dialysis and daily insulin injections. Herein, we review consecutive cases of SPKT with bladder drainage performed at our institution over an 8-year period.
Methods  The study population included 21 patients (16 males and 5 females) who underwent SPKT between September 2001 and September 2009. Seven patients had type-1 diabetes and 14 had type-2 diabetes. Nineteen patients were on dialysis at the time of transplantation. Donation after cardiac death donors were selected for SPKT. The mean human leukocyte antigen match was 2 (range 0–4). SPKT was always performed using bladder drainage and vascular anastomoses to the systemic circulation. Immunosuppressive treatment consisted of anti-lymphocyte globulin induction followed by tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, and prednisone.
Results  The mean hospital stay was 45.43 days. After a mean follow-up of 39.4 months, survival rates for patient, kidney, and pancreas were 76.2%, 76.2%, and 66.7% at 1 year; 76.2%, 59.3%, and 55.6% at 5 years; and 57.1%, 39.5%, and 41.7% at 8 years, respectively. Major complications included anastomotic leaks, reflux pancreatitis, and rejection. Six patients died from septic shock (n=3), duodenal stump leak (1), cardiac arrest (1), or renal failure (1). Eight kidney grafts were lost due to acute rejection (n=2), chronic rejection (3), and death with a functioning graft (3). Pancreatic graft failure (9) was caused by thrombosis (n=1), rejection (2), duodenal stump leak (1), and death with a functioning graft (5).
Conclusions  SPKT is a valid therapeutic option for uremic diabetics although few hospitals in China can undertake SPKT.

Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is associated with renal failure, diabetic retinopathy, neuropathy and vasculopathy. We report the first successful simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplant in India in a young diabetic with renal failure. The dual transplant has cured his diabetes and renal failure and has had a beneficial effect on his neuropathy, retinopathy and quality of life. Obstacles to dual transplant in India include a lack of suitable recipients and a cadaver donor programme that is still in its infancy.  相似文献   

肠内引流式胰肾联合移植   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的: 探讨肠内引流式胰肾联合移植术的术前准备与并发症的防治.方法: 对1例Ⅱ型糖尿病胰岛素依赖期合并尿毒症的患者施行肠内引流式胰肾联合移植术,术后应用他克莫司(FK506)、霉酚酸酯(MMF)、皮质激素三联免疫治疗. 结果: 患者术后第3日肌酐降至正常,术后7 d撤除外源性胰岛素,血糖6~11 mmol/L. 结论: 肠内引流式胰肾联合移植术是治疗Ⅱ型糖尿病合并尿毒症患者的有效方法. 充分的术前准备与严密的术后监测有利于手术的成功.  相似文献   

Objectives To simplify the enteric drainage (ED) procedure and to decrease surgical and metabolic complications in simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation (SPK) patients.Methods Between June 2000 and June 2002, nine patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus(IDDM) and uremia underwent simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation. The arterial inflow of the pancreas was based upon the right external iliac artery, while venous drainage was systemic via the external iliac vein. The allografts‘ exocrine secretions were drained into the proximal jejunum via a two-layer hand sewn, side-to-side donor duodenum to proximal small bowel anastomosis afterreperfusion. No Roux-en-γ an astomosis of the jejunum was performed. The kidney graft was placed in the left iliac fossa. Quadruple immunosuppressive therapy with antilymphocyte globulin or anti-CD25 monoclonal antibody (Zenapax*), tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and steroids was standard treatment in all patients.Results This procedure was successfully applied in all 9 patients without complication referable to the technique. All patients had achieved euglycemia and excellent renal function, and stopped being dependent on an external insulin source. Fasting serum glucose fell from 9.5 preoperatively to 4. 8mmol/L and remained stable thereafter. At the time this paper was written, the grafts from eight patients were functioning well.Conclusions Our primary experience suggests that SPK with ED without Roux-en-γ anastomosis represents a more physiologic milieu, and a viable alternation to replace the bladder (BD) as the primary route of drainage for exocrine secretions of the pancreas. It is a feasible and safer procedure.  相似文献   

目的探讨彩色多普勒在胰肾联合移植术后移植体血流监测中的应用价值。方法以18例胰肾联合移植术(SPK)患者为研究对象,于术后第1、3、7天行彩色多普勒检查,记录移植肾脏、胰腺的体积及动静脉血流速度,计算阻力指数(RI),并与30例单纯肾移植术(KT)患者及30名健康对照者的彩色多普勒检查结果进行比较。结果彩色多普勒可清晰显示胰腺、肾脏的形态、大小及血流。SPK患者移植肾脏的形态、体积和动静脉血流速度与KT患者的移植肾相比差异无显著性(P>0.05)。SPK患者术后早期胰腺体积明显大于健康对照者,移植胰腺的动脉血流速度与健康对照者相比差异无显著性(P>0.05),移植胰腺的门静脉频谱呈双向波和三项波等体静脉频谱特征。结论彩色多普勒对SPK后移植体血流监测具有高度敏感性,可用于诊断移植后血管性并发症及评价组织灌注情况。  相似文献   


Background  Simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation (SPKT) is the best treatment option for diabetic patients with advanced chronic renal failure. The current study aimed to analyze the surgical indications, treatments and prognosis of SPKT.

Methods  We retrospectively analyzed 40 cases of SPKT performed between December 1999 and January 2010 in our center, including the survival rate, complications and the reasons of reoperation.

Results  Of all the 40 SPKT cases, the one-year survival rates of the recipients, kidney and pancreas transplant graft were 97.6%, 97.6% and 92.7%, while 97.6%, 91.1%, 92.7% at 3 years and 83.6%, 78.0%, 79.4% at 5 years, respectively. After SPKT, 10 patients need reoperation because of surgical complications (14 operations). The reoperation rate was 25%, including 2 patients (4 operations) with hematuria, 4 patients with abdominal hemorrhage, 2 patients (3 operations) with abdominal infection, 1 patient with pancreatic venous thrombosis, 1 patient with anastomotic leakage, and 1 patient with fistula.

Conclusion  Although SPKT provides a successful and effective treatment for diabetics with end-stage renal disease, how to reduce the complications of this treatment still need further effort.


It is currently estimated that 50 million Chinese have diabetic mellitus (DM) with more than 90% of these being afflicted with type 2 DM. Concomitantly, the socio-economic improvements in China are supporting the adoption of pancreas-kidney transplantations as a treatment option for these patients. Recipient candidate pool has yet to be expanded and the final effect to be improved in clinical practice. To date, more than 250 pancreas-kidney transplants have been performed on patients with type 1 and type 2 DM. To improve the outcome, a new surgical technique that involves anastomosis of the graft duodenum to recipient jejunum side-to-side but not Roux-en-Y, has been devised for enteric drainage. Furthermore, the systemic venous drainage (SVD) has been used as the method of choice for endocrine secretions. Graft and recipient long-term survival in China was similar to that in America and Europe. Three-year survival rate of pancreas and kidney grafts was 92.2% and 90.2%, respectively, in our center. No difference in survival and graft function between type 1 and type 2 DM recipients was noted. It is concluded that pancreas-kidney transplantation is an effective way for the treatment of type 1 DM and some type 2 DM complicated with uremia.  相似文献   

目的建立一种简易可靠的大鼠肝肾联合移植模型。方法SD大鼠作同品系异体移植的供受体。整块切取供鼠肝脏及肾脏,肝下下腔静脉在右肾静脉以下切断,肾动脉在根部切断;切除受体肝及右肾;供肝肝上下腔静脉用显微外科技术缝合,双袖套法吻合肾下下腔静脉及门静脉,右肾动脉采用显微外科技术与受体肾动脉吻合;用支架管重建胆道和输尿管。结果移植血管吻合时间短,受体手术时间短,手术成功率为73.3%,移植肝及肾功能良好。结论此模型是一种较为简易、可靠的大鼠肝肾联合移植模型。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To establish a simple and reliable rat model of simultaneous liver and kidney transplantation. METHODS: The simultaneous transplantation was performed in healthy male SD rats as the recipients and other SD rats of either gender as the donors. The donor liver and kidney were resected simultaneously and grafted into the recipients whose corresponding organs were previously removed. Anastomosis of the portal vein and the inferior vein cava (IVC) inferior to the kidney between the graft and the recipient was performed by a double cuff method, followed by end-to-side anastomosis of the IVC superior to the liver between the donor and the recipient. The urethra and bile duct were anastomised using a simple inside bracket. RESULTS: The time for blood vessel anastomosis and for recipient operation were reduced, with a success rate of 73.3% in the operations. The function of the grafted liver and kidney remained normal. CONCLUSION: This rat model of simultaneous liver-kidney transplantation is simple and reliable.  相似文献   

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