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??Unintentional injuries and acute poisoning are leading causes of disability and morality in children.The main type of unintentional injuries in children include falls??traffic accident??foreign body injury??drowning and acute poisoning. Severe patients often suffer from acute hypoxic-ischemic brain damage??which causes a series of neurological deficits??such as disorders of consciousness??physical and cognitive deficits??and dysphagia. Early rehabilitation is benefical for minimizing sequelae of the primary injury??preventing secondary injury and complications??promoting rapid rehabilitation and maximizing positive outcomes. The manegement of consciousness disturbance and various neurological dysfunction is the most important in early rehabilitation.  相似文献   

目的探讨儿童糖尿病酮症酸中毒并发脑水肿的临床特征及危险因素。方法对重庆医科大学附属儿童医院1993—2005年住院治疗的糖尿病酮症酸中毒并发脑水肿患儿的临床特征及病因进行分析,并与未并发者进行对照比较。结果在71例酮症酸中毒患儿中,有6例临床表现符合脑水肿的诊断标准,临床确定为并发脑水肿,并发率为8·4%。6例均为重型酮症酸中毒。与未发生脑水肿同等程度的重型酮症酸中毒患儿相比较,并发脑水肿患儿酸中毒更为严重,在治疗期间血钠上升缓慢及持续低钠血症,尿素氮水平升高。6例患儿中有5例应用碳酸氢盐治疗,用量大于未并发者。结论糖尿病儿童并发重型酮症酸中毒易发生脑水肿。严重酸中毒、血钠上升缓慢或持续低钠血症、血尿素氮升高及碳酸氢盐的使用有可能增加脑水肿发生的危险性。  相似文献   

??Objective??To explore the clinical features of acute poisoning in children to search for effective preventive measures. Methods??A total of 521 cases of acute poisoning in Xi’an Children’s Hospital from January 2012 to January 2017 were collected and all clinical data were retrospectively analyzed. Results??Among the 521 cases of acute poisoning??291 cases??55.9%?? were boys??and 230 were girls??44.1%??. Acute poisoning occured in all ages of children and children in infancy period and pre-school period were more susceptible??257 cases and 147 cases???? poisoning occured mostly at home??508 cases?? accounting for 97.5%???? and in the countryside??431cases?? 82.7%???? the most common season was summer??187cases??35.9%??. The intoxication from digestive tract was the most common in all intoxicated pathways ??492 cases??94.4%??. After timely and reasonable treatment??most children had a good prognosis. Conclusion??Acute poisoning is most common in infants and preschool children. The majority of the patients are from rural areas. The most common season is summer. The most common intoxication is digestive tract.  相似文献   

??Abstract?? Objective To investigate the occurrance of DKA in established T1DM children. Methods According to the registration system in the following-hospitals??Beijing Children’s Hospital of Capital Medical University?? Children’s Hospital of Shanghai?? Nanjing Children’s Hospital??Children’s Hospital of Zhengzhou?? Children’s Hospital of Jiangxi?? the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University??First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University?? Children’s Hospital of Wuhan?? SooChow University Affiliated Children’s Hospital?? Children’s Hospital of Liaocheng?? Children’s Hospital of Fuzhou?? Chengdu Women & Children’s Central Hospital???? we investigated the frequency and cause of DKA in children with established T1DM from December 1995 to June 2014. After the diagnosis of T1DM?? the first time DKA was for group 1A?? the second DKA for group 1B. We conducted a cross-sectional survey of blood glucose control status for patients with T1DM from December 2011 to May 2012 in Beijing Children’s Hospital. Patients who did not have DKA episode in the course of T1DM were selected as control group ??group 2??. Results Totally 1676 children were newly diagnosed with T1DM by 12 hospitals?? and 89 patients occurred 100 DKA after T1DM diagnosed. The incidence and frequency of DKA was 5.3% ??89/1676?? and 5.9% ??100/1676??. The frequency was different in 12 hospitals?? fluctuating between 1.1% and 24.1%. Compared with group 2?? group 1A had high level of HbA1c ???11.31±3.03??% vs. ??8.26±1.53??%?? P??0.01?? and insulin dosage ???0.85±0.42?? IU vs. ??0.71±0.31?? IU?? P??0.01??. There were more patients with insulin bump in group 1A than group2 ??25.0% vs. 11.2%?? P??0.01???? and few patients reached the standard of blood glucose monitoring ??12.1% vs.40.1%?? P??0.01?? and follow-up ??21.2% vs. 46.6%?? P??0.01??. The main reasons of DKA in group 1A were infection ??33.7%???? interrupting insulin therapy ??21.3%?? and eating disorder ??20.2%???? one patient had DKA after islet stem cell transplantation. Infection was also the major cause of DKA in group 1B ??4/10???? and 1 patient had DKA because of insulin bump failure. For DKA which occurred within different course?? the distribution of causes was different ??P??0.01??. Within 1 year of T1DM duration?? the major reason was interrupting insulin injection ??39.3%??. For patients more than 1 year?? it only accounted for 13.1%??8/61???? the major causes were infection ??22/61?? and eating disorder ??16/61??. The major cause in mutiple hospitals with high DKA frequency was infection ??50.0%???? while in other hospitals 28.1% of patients had DKA because of infection ??P??0.01??. Conclusion The frequency of DKA is 5.3%?? which is different in 12 hospitals?? with the highest up to 24.1%. Patients with DKA have poor glycemic control?? and they can not regularly monitor blood glucose and follow-up. We should emphasize the education of diabetes. Patients with insulin pump and islet stem cell transplantation must also become a new focus of education. Hospitals with high DKA frequency should give patients information how to deal with other diseases.  相似文献   

目的探讨围生期窒息新生儿PaCO2及pH快速变化及其与神经系统损害之间的关系。方法2002年1月至2003年12月南华大学第一附属医院将55例足月窒息新生儿分为3组组Ⅰ,pH>7.00,无神经系统异常,无需呼吸支持;组Ⅱ,pH≤7.00,余同组Ⅰ;组Ⅲ,pH≤7.00,神经系统异常,需辅助呼吸支持。采集脐动脉血、产后1h和2h桡动脉血进行血气分析并观察Apgar评分和临床经过。结果脐动脉血pH值和PaCO2各组间差异有显著性;产后1h动脉血pH组Ⅰ、Ⅲ间和组Ⅱ、Ⅲ间差异有显著性;产后1h动脉血pH、PaCO2分别和脐动脉血pH、PaCO2比较,差异有显著性;三组间有不同的神经系统表现;Apgar评分组Ⅲ较低。结论在严重酸中毒时,胎儿出生后pH、PaCO2会发生显著改变,需持续辅助机械通气的患儿有不良的神经系统预后。  相似文献   

目的研究异常代谢产物沉积性肝病的肝组织超微病理及组织病理改变特征,结合临床资料探讨其诊断意义。方法2005-08—2006-03,对华中科技大学附属同济医院儿科8例临床拟诊为代谢性肝病患儿进行肝组织活检,分析肝组织病理及超微病理特征。结果普通病理报告提示糖原累积病2例,尼曼-匹克病1例,代谢性肝病1例,慢性轻型普通型肝炎1例,其余3例无特别提示。超微病理报告提示糖原累积病3例,脂质沉积性肝病5例。3例以肝细胞内糖原沉积为主要特征者诊断为糖原累积病,其中,1例肝细胞内大量PAS阳性物质,脂肪变性明显,无纤维组织增生,考虑为Ⅰ型;1例脂肪变性较轻而纤维化明显,考虑为Ⅲ型;另1例电镜发现肝细胞浆内单颗粒糖原明显增加,粗面和滑面内质网扩张,Disce间隔和部分肝细胞间纤维成分增多,部分细胞脂滴增加,考虑可能为Ⅱ型或其他轻型糖原累积病。5例以肝细胞浆内多个膜包裹的电子透亮空泡和泡内或疏松或致密高电子密度物质沉积为主要特征者诊断为脂质沉积性肝病,其中1例光镜见大量典型泡沫细胞而诊断为尼曼-匹克病,其余4例分类不明。结论电镜检查肝组织超微结构对于代谢性肝沉积病的诊断较光镜检查更有帮助,可明显提高诊断率。  相似文献   

������ͯ�ж��Լ����Ľⶾҩ������   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者单位:南方医科大学附属珠江医院儿科中心,广东广州中毒性疾病的毒物及解毒药物种类颇多,本文仅对常见的儿童中毒性疾病的解毒药物治疗作一简介。1常见食物中毒的解毒药物治疗1.1细菌及真菌性食物中毒进食被细菌或真菌污染及变质的食物是最常见的儿童中毒性疾病。口服复方新诺明、肠道不吸收的氨基糖苷类抗生素以及制霉菌素(真菌污染)等敏感抗生素可视为其特效治疗。1.2植物性食物中毒是农村儿童中毒最常见原因,城市儿童也不少见,主要有以下4种。1.2.1毒蕈中毒针对毒蕈碱中毒症状可给阿托品0.03~0.05mg/kg皮下或静脉注射,15min后可重复,…  相似文献   

补钙对中度铅中毒儿童的治疗效果:随机双盲临床对照研究   总被引:63,自引:0,他引:63  
目的探讨补充钙质对中度铅中毒患儿的治疗效果和安全性。方法将符合入选标准、血铅水平在200~449μg/L(1μg/L=0.00483μmol/L)的中度铅中毒患儿随机双盲方法分为实验组和对照组各30例。结果无论是服钙剂组(实验组)的患儿还是服安慰剂组(对照组)的患儿,经过3个月的治疗,血铅水平均有明显下降。钙剂治疗组在治疗的3个月中血铅下降的幅度达75μg/L,幅度远大于安慰剂组(35μg/L),差异有极显著意义(P<0.01)。在治疗过程中,两组患儿均未出现肝肾功能异常,未出现高尿钙症及其他不良反应。结论补充钙剂对中度铅中毒患儿是有效和安全的方法。  相似文献   

上海市儿童血铅水平及其影响因素的流行病学研究   总被引:176,自引:1,他引:176  
目的了解上海地区1~6岁儿童血铅水平现状及其影响因素。方法采用严格质量控制的流行病学研究方法,于1997年8~9月对上海地区1967例3个月~6岁儿童进行血铅水平测定,并对其个人情况及家庭生活环境等相关因素进行问卷调查。结果儿童血铅水平均数为96μg/L(1μg/L=0.00483μmol/L),其中高于目前国际公认的儿童铅中毒诊断标准100μg/L的比例是37.8%。儿童血铅水平存在显著的地域差异,工厂密集的杨浦区最高,地处海岛、以农业为主的崇明县最低,两地区均数分别为112μg/L和84μg/L;儿童每日在马路上时间长、家庭社会经济状况(SES)差、父亲吸烟数量多、儿童饮用罐头饮料的频度高等是儿童血铅水平升高的主要危险因素。结论目前上海地区儿童血铅水平及儿童铅中毒的流行率已经较高,应该引起高度关注。  相似文献   

Objective To study the clinical characteristics of acute pancreatitis (AP) in children. Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on the children with AP who were hospitalized in the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from January 2020 to June 2022, and their clinical characteristics were summarized and analyzed. Results A total of 92 children with AP were included, with a male/female ratio of 1:1 and a mean age of (9±4) years. Adolescents (34%, 31/92) and pre-school children (33%, 30/92) were more commonly affected, while infants and toddlers (7%, 6/92) were less commonly affected. The etiology of the disease from most to least was as follows: drug-induced (40%, 37/92), biliary (18%, 17/92), dietary (14%, 13/92), idiopathic (13%, 12/92), trauma-related (9%, 8/92), and infectious (5%, 5/92). Mild, moderate, and severe AP accounted for 68% (63/92), 21% (19/92), and 11% (10/92), respectively. Among all 92 children, 62 (67%) received abdominal ultrasound, with a positive rate of 66% (41/62); 67 (73%) underwent abdominal CT, with a positive rate of 90% (60/67); 20 (22%) underwent magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP), with a positive rate of 95% (19/20). There were significant differences in the levels of D-dimer, procalcitonin, and amylase among children with different degrees of severity of the condition (P<0.05), and there were significant differences in the levels of leukocyte count, hematocrit, blood urea nitrogen, albumin, and blood calcium among children with different etiologies (P<0.05). Of all 92 children, 89 (97%) had a good prognosis. Conclusions The primary cause of pediatric AP is medication-induced, with a predominantce of mild cases. Abdominal CT has a high rate of utilization and positivity in the diagnosis of pediatric AP, while MRCP has the highest specificity among imaging techniques. Laboratory tests aid in determining the severity and etiology of AP. The prognosis of AP is favorable in children. © 2023 Xiangya Hospital of CSU. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

目的 探讨婴儿恶性横纹肌样瘤(MRT)临床病理特征、诊断及治疗预后.方法 收集我院2009年1月至2014年12月间病理诊断为MRT 5例患儿的临床资料、常规组织切片及免疫组化切片,显微镜下观察及追踪随访.结果 5例患儿就诊年龄1~330 d,平均70 d;男∶女为3∶2;肿瘤发生于肾1例、皮肤软组织4例;临床肿瘤分期Ⅰ期1例,Ⅳ期4例.5例患儿均接受了局部扩大切除及周围淋巴结清扫术,其中发生于颈部和大腿的3例手术时肿瘤细胞已侵及周围组织,脉管内查见转移瘤栓,临床肿瘤分期均处于Ⅳ期,放弃治疗术后5~7 d复发,存活14~28 d,平均21 d;发生于肾的1例手术时肾皮质静脉内见瘤栓,CT提示双肺多发转移结节,临床肿瘤分期为Ⅳ期,化疗5个疗程后CT提示肺转移灶扩大,术后存活180 d;发生于会阴皮肤的患儿1例手术时肿瘤细胞未侵及周围扩大切除的组织,淋巴结内未见转移,脉管内未见瘤栓,临床肿瘤分期为Ⅰ期,术后未化疗,随访3年无复发和转移,生存良好.4例Ⅳ期MRT患儿术后半年内病死率为75%(3/4),1年内病死率为100%.免疫组化肿瘤细胞胞浆强表达Vimentin,灶状表达CK、EMA,不表达INI1.结论 MRT具有进展快、侵袭性强、易复发和转移、预后差的临床特点,具有独特的病理组织学特征,患儿病死率与肿瘤分期直接相关,肿瘤分期越高,术后1年内病死率越高.肿瘤处于Ⅰ期的患儿完整切除有较长的生存期,处于Ⅳ期的患儿即使完整切除后辅以强力的化疗生存期仍很短.  相似文献   

目的:探讨中国南方儿童急性运动轴索性多发性神经病(acute motor axonal neuropathy, AMAN)的临床特征、电生理特点及其预后。方法:对6例AMAN患儿的临床和神经电生理资料进行分析和随访。结果:(1)患儿平均发病年龄为4.4岁,均来自农村,多有前驱感染史(5例),发病时间无明显季节性差异。肌无力为主要首发症状,病情达高峰的平均时间为4.2 d。(2)神经电生理检查:所有患儿神经传导检测均表现为运动神经反应电位波幅显著减低,降低至(22.3%~73.4%)正常值低限,四肢远端神经受损程度较近端重(P0.05),运动神经电位传导速度和感觉神经传导正常。全部患儿给予静脉丙种球蛋白(IVIG)治疗。(3)随访3个月至1年,4例患儿已能独立行走。结论:儿童AMAN好发于农村,全年均可发病;最常见的首发症状为肌无力,多在病程早期达到疾病高峰;神经电生理对AMAN的诊断、鉴别诊断提供了客观依据;部分患儿起病后1年能恢复独立行走能力;尽早IVIG治疗有利于促进临床神经功能恢复。  相似文献   

The differences in average blood lead levels (PbB) between iron-deficient children of both gypsy and Caucasian origin were determined. PbB were assayed in 89 irondeficient children (Group ID): 25 gypsies and 64 Caucasians. Two sub-groups were established: sub-group ID1, 57 iron-deficent children without anaemia (11 gypsies, 46 Caucasians), and sub-group ID2, 32 children with iron deficiency anaemia (14 gypsies; 18 Caucasians). Group IS composed of 41 iron-sufficient children (11 gypsies and 30 Caucasians) served as controls. Blood counts, red-cell indices, serum iron concentrations, serum ferritin, and PbB were determined for the intire study population. The average PbB for gypsy and Caucasian iron-deficient children, were 14.25 and 7.25 g/dl (P<0.001) respectively. The prevalerence of iron-deficient children with toxic PbB (>20g/dl) was higher in gypsies (24%) than in Caucasians (1.5%) (P<0.001). A difference in average PbB between the two ethnic groups was also seen in children with normal iron metabolism (average PbB, 10.23 vs 5.65 g/dl for gypsies and Caucasians, respectively,P<0.001).Conclusion Gypsy children should be considered as a population group at risk of lead poisoning in our environment.  相似文献   

目的:探讨染色体数目为近二倍体神经母细胞瘤(NB)患儿的临床特征、治疗效果及预后。方法:回顾分析2015年1月至2018年12月首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院收治的通过常规G显带技术检测骨髓染色体为近二倍体NB患儿的一般临床特征(包括年龄、性别、危险度分组、原发瘤灶部位等)、实验室检查结果、治疗和近期预后情况,采用 ...  相似文献   

足月新生儿急性呼吸窘迫综合征临床特征及预后   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
为探讨足月新生儿急性呼吸窘迫综合征( ARDS)的临床特征,提高对该病的认识,以便及早采取有效的治疗,参照 1994年美国和欧洲 ARDS评审会议制订的 ARDS诊断标准,对 1999年 1月~ 2002年 3月 NICU住院的有青紫、呼吸困难、需机械通气治疗的 87例足月新生儿进行回顾性调查分析.结果显示符合足月新生儿 ARDS诊断者共 10例,发病率 11.5%,死亡率 20.0%.其临床特征为①急性起病,原发病后( 11.4± 13.8) h出现症状;②进行性呼吸困难,严重低氧血症;③ PaO2/FiO2<200 mmHg;④急性期胸部 X线表现双肺弥漫性浸润影或"白肺";⑤需用呼吸机进行机械通气治疗 >48 h;⑥不能用其他呼吸系统疾病或心脏疾病解释.表明足月新生儿 ARDS临床上并不少见,严密临床观察及动态胸部 X线检查、血气分析可明确诊断,及早机械通气治疗,从而改善预后.  相似文献   

目的了解高危晚期早产儿(LPI)脑病的危险因素、临床特点及磁共振(MRI)影像学变化。方法对2009年1月至2014年12月住院且存在脑损伤高危因素的LPI,进行头颅MRI检查,分析LPI脑病危险因素、临床特点及头颅MRI特征。结果完成MRI检查的LPI共1 007例,影像学符合早产儿脑病患儿313例(31.1%)。LPI脑病中白质损伤占76.7%。LPI脑病的发生与胎龄无相关性,但随着出生体重增加,脑病检出率逐渐增高(P0.05)。Logistic回归分析结果显示:复苏史是早产儿脑病发生的独立危险因素(P0.01)。结论早产儿脑病在高危LPI中亦较常见,特别是脑白质损伤。复苏病史是LPI脑病的独立危险因素,需引起重视。  相似文献   

目的 探讨不同程度支气管肺发育不良(BPD)早产儿的临床特点及预后。方法 收集2014年3月至2016年3月入住NICU诊断为BPD且胎龄 < 32周的144例早产儿的临床资料,其中轻度组81例,中重度组63例,对轻度组与中重度组围生期高危因素及治疗情况、合并症及并发症、呼吸系统预后等情况进行比较和分析。结果 中重度组胎龄大于轻度组(P < 0.05),但小于胎龄儿比例高于轻度组(P < 0.05)。中重度组重度子癎前期比例高于轻度组(P < 0.05),先兆早产比例低于轻度组(P < 0.05)。中重度组生后2周仍需机械通气比例、机械通气时间、总氧疗时间、住院时间、肺炎及胆汁淤积综合症发生率高于轻度组(均P < 0.05),枸橼酸咖啡因应用率低于轻度组(P < 0.05)。多因素logistic回归分析显示,小于胎龄儿(OR=5.974)、肺炎(OR=2.590)、出生2周仍需机械通气(OR=4.632)是BPD程度较重的危险因素(P < 0.05)。纠正胎龄40周肺功能检测中,中重度组达峰时间比(TPTEF/TE%)、达峰容积比(VPEF/VE%)及25%潮气量时呼吸流速(TEF25%)均低于轻度组(P < 0.05)。随访至纠正胎龄1岁,中重度组因肺炎反复入院率及喘息发作率均高于轻度组(P < 0.05)。结论 小于胎龄儿、肺炎、机械通气时间较长与BPD的严重程度相关,可加重BPD程度。中重度BPD患儿肺功能较差,易出现反复感染、喘息等并发症,应关注其远期预后。  相似文献   

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