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Summary All aspartame does given to humans cause greater elevations in plasma (and, presumably, brain) phenylalanine than in plasma tyrosine. In contrast, doses of aspartame usually used in experiments on rodents preferentially elevate tyrosine. Since phenylalanine can inhibit brain catecholamine synthesis while tyrosine is the antidote for this effect, we determined the aspartame dose that would be needed to elevate phenylalanine more than tyrosine in rodents, using published data. In general rodents need 60 times as much aspartame, on a mg/kg basis, as humans to obtain comparable elevations in phenylalanine with respect to tyrosine.  相似文献   

Summary Exogenous tyrosine lowers blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). The artificial sweetener aspartame also elevates blood and brain tyrosine levels in rats by being hydrolyzed to phenylalanine, which is then rapidly hydroxylated to tyrosine in the liver. Hence we tested the ability of aspartame; its hydrolytic products phenylalanine, aspartic acid and methanol; and of tyrosine itself to lower blood pressure in SHR. For one week prior to experimentation rats were acclimated to the indirect blood pressure measurement technique; on the day of an experiment they received I.P. injections (mg/kg) of aspartame (12.5–200), tyrosine (25–200) or phenylalanine (100–200), or of aspartic acid or methanol in the doses theoretically contained within 200 mg/kg aspartame. Animals receiving 50, 100 or 200 mg/kg of aspartame exhibited maximum falls in blood pressure of 17.3, 24.2 and 19.3 mmHg, respectively. All changes were significant, as determined by ANOVA and the Newman-Keuls test (p<0.05). Tyrosine or phenylalanine also lowered blood pressure, but aspartic acid or methanol produced no significant effects. Co-administration of aspartame with valine, a large neutral amino acid that competes with phenylalanine or tyrosine for brain uptake, attenuated aspartame's hypotensive effect. These observations suggest that the neurochemical changes produced by aspartame lead to predicted tyrosine-induced changes in blood pressure.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Morning (0800) plasma and. serum and mean diurnal (24-h) serum calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) concentrations were investigated in 56 depressed patients, 32 with acute major depression, 26 of these restudied in remission, 24 patients with longstanding depression, mainly treated with lithium, and in 27 healthy controls. All subjects were rated with the Comprehensive Psychopathological Rating Scale (CPRS). Significant differences between the groups were found for 0800 and 24-h serum Ca and Mg, 0800 plasma Mg, but not for 0800 plasma Ca. Elevations of serum Ca and Mg, plasma Mg but not plasma Ca were noted in the lithium-treated patients. Sex differences for plasma but not serum levels were seen in remission and in the controls. Depressive symptoms were negatively correlated to 0800 plasma Ca in the acute state and positively to 0800 and 24-h serum Ca and Mg in remission and longstanding depression. This difference between plasma and serum in relation to symptoms could reflect a change in a calcium binding factor present in plasma but not in serum, connected with biological factors of affective disease.  相似文献   

Phenylketonuria is the most frequent disturbance of amino acid metabolism. Treatment for phenylketonuric patients consists of phenylalanine intake restriction. However, there are patients who do not adhere to treatment and/or are not submitted to neonatal screening. These individuals are more prone to develop brain damage due to long-lasting toxic effects of high levels of phenylalanine and/or its metabolites. Oxidative stress occurs in late-diagnosed phenylketonuric patients, probably contributing to the neurological damage in this disorder. In this work, we aimed to compare the influence of time exposition to high phenylalanine levels on oxidative stress parameters in phenylketonuric patients who did not adhere to protein restricted diet. We evaluated a large spectrum of oxidative stress parameters in plasma and erythrocytes from phenylketonuric patients with early and late diagnosis and of age-matched healthy controls. Erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activity and glutathione levels, as well as plasma total antioxidant reactivity were significantly reduced in both groups of patients when compared to the control group. Furthermore, protein oxidative damage, measured by carbonyl formation and sulfhydryl oxidation, and lipid peroxidation, determined by malondialdehyde levels, were significantly increased only in patients exposed for a long time to high phenylalanine concentrations, compared to early diagnosed patients and controls. In conclusion, exposition to high phenylalanine concentrations for a short or long time results in a reduction of non-enzymatic and enzymatic antioxidant defenses, whereas protein and lipid oxidative damage only occurs in patients with late diagnosis.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that aspartame facilitates seizures in man and animals because phenylalanine, one of its major metabolites, interferes with brain transport of neurotransmitter precursors and alters the synthesis of monoamine neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, dopamine and/or serotonin. This facilitation is purportedly more likely in subjects predisposed to seizures. One test of this hypothesis would be to administer a wide range of aspartame doses to subjects whose seizure predisposition is dependent on abnormalities in monoaminergic function. Genetically epilepsy-prone rats (GEPRs) have a broadly based seizure predisposition that is based, in part, on widespread central nervous system noradrenergic and serotonergic deficits. Further reductions in the functional state of these neurotransmitters increases seizure severity in GEPRs. Thus, GEPRs appear ideally suited for testing the hypothesis that aspartame facilitates seizures by interfering with central nervous system monoamines. Oral administration of acute (50-2000 mg/kg) or sub-chronic (up to 863 mg/kg/day for 28 days) doses of aspartame did not alter seizure severity in either of two types of GEPRs. Not surprisingly, acute aspartame doses produced dramatic changes in plasma and brain amino acid concentrations. Hypothesized alterations in monoamine neurotransmitter systems were largely absent. Indeed, increases in norepinephrine concentration, rather than the hypothesized decreases, were the most evident alterations in these neurotransmitter systems. We conclude that aspartame does not facilitate seizures in GEPRs and that convincing evidence of seizure facilitation in any species is lacking.  相似文献   

Formation in the brain of serotonin from L-tryptophan (L-TRP) and noradrenaline from tyrosine are pathways related to the pathophysiology of major depression and to the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. In the past, decrements in L-TRP availability and disorders in the HPA axis have repeatedly been observed in major depressed patients; both factors were shown to be inversely correlated. In order to investigate the relationships between glucocorticosteroid activity and the availability of L-TRP and tyrosine, the authors measured L-TRP, tyrosine, valine, leucine, isoleucine and phenylalanine in baseline conditions and after treatment with 1 mg dexamethasone in 16 healthy controls and in 50 depressed patients. The ratios between L-TRP and tyrosine and the sums of the amino acids known to compete with them during transport across the blood-brain barrier were computed as an index of (respectively) the serotonin and noradrenaline synthesis in the brain. We found significantly decreased plasma L-TRP and tyrosine levels after treatment with dexamethasone compared with basal levels. Accordingly, the plasma ratios between L-TRP and tyrosine and the sum of the competing amino acids were significantly reduced by dexamethasone administration. It was hypothesized that through these actions of dexamethasone on peripheral amino acids, the central noradrenaline and serotonin control over the HPA-axis could be altered.  相似文献   

Single, 50- and 100-mg oral doses of phenobarbital and a matching placebo were administered double-blind to 8 young, healthy male subjects. Multilead electroencephalographic (EEG) samples were recorded prior to, and at regular intervals within the 2 h following administration. The EEG signal was processed by power spectral analysis; the drug plasma concentration was assessed concomitantly. Plasma peaks after the 50- and 100-mg dose were, respectively, 3.38 +/- 1.29 and 4.09 +/- 1.24 micrograms/ml. Despite the low drug plasma concentration, a systematic power increment of the EEG fast frequency spectral segments occurred at either dose on the anterior scalp areas from the 30- or 60-min postdrug control onward, and was preponderant on central electrodes; a significant correlation (Kendal's coefficient for ranked data) with the drug plasma concentration was observed limitedly to the anterior scalp areas. No correlation with plasma levels was observed for unsystematic EEG variations.  相似文献   

Single cell recordings were made from movement-related neurones from the precentral cortex of two monkeys, trained to perform a simple lever-pulling task. They were also trained to remain relaxed while the arm was explored with passive movements at different joints, cutaneous stimuli and during the application of two types of phasic muscle stretch: percutaneous vibration and percussion of muscle tendons. Recordings were made of the responses of cortical neurones both to the 'natural' stimuli and to vibration of specific muscle tendons or percussion of the triceps tendon. Both tendon percussion and vibration excited neurones within area 4 with an average latency for tendon percussion of 21.0 msec. There was a high degree of consistency in the effects on single neurones of tendon percussion and vibration at the same site. Although long-term facilitation was not seen. vibration-induced discharge in the motor cortex should be considered as a potential mechanism of its effects in intact man. In contrast to the similarity of the effect of the two forms of phasic stretch, the relationship between a single neurone's response to either tendon percussion or vibration and to passive movement was complex. The dissociation seen between the effects of phasic muscle stretch and that of passive movement may underlie the failure, in man, to find uniformly increased long-latency stretch reflexes in clinical states of extrapyramidal rigidity.  相似文献   

In vivo and in vitro effects of pilocarpine: relevance to ictogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVES: A common experimental model of status epilepticus (SE) utilizes intraperitoneal administration of the cholinergic agonist pilocarpine preceded by methyl-scopolamine treatment. Currently, activation of cholinergic neurons is recognized as the only factor triggering pilocarpine SE. However, cholinergic receptors are also widely distributed systemically and pretreatment with methyl-scopolamine may not be sufficient to counteract the effects of systemically injected pilocarpine. The extent of such peripheral events and the contribution to SE are unknown and the possibility that pilocarpine also induces SE by peripheral actions is yet untested. METHODS: We measured in vivo at onset of SE: brain and blood pilocarpine levels, blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability, T-lymphocyte activation and serum levels of IL-1beta and TNF-alpha. The effects of pilocarpine on neuronal excitability was assessed in vitro on hippocampal slices or whole guinea pig brain preparations in presence of physiologic or elevated [K+](out). RESULTS: Pilocarpine blood and brain levels at SE were 1400 +/- 200 microM and 200 +/- 80 microM, respectively. In vivo, after pilocarpine injection, increased serum IL-1beta, decreased CD4:CD8 T-lymphocyte ratios and focal BBB leakage were observed. In vitro, pilocarpine failed to exert significant synchronized epileptiform activity when applied at concentrations identical or higher to levels measured in vivo. Intense electrographic seizure-like events occurred only in the copresence of levels of K+ (6 mM) mimicking BBB leakage. CONCLUSIONS: Early systemic events increasing BBB permeability may promote entry of cofactors (e. g. K+) into the brain leading to pilocarpine-induced SE. Disturbance of brain homeostasis represents an etiological factor contributing to pilocarpine seizures.  相似文献   

At birth, the opossum, Monodelphis domestica, corresponds roughly to a 14-day-old mouse embryo. The aim of these experiments was to compare the distribution of monoaminergic neurons in the two preparations during development and to follow their regeneration after injury. Procedures that allowed antibody staining to be visible in transparent whole mounts of the entire central nervous system (CNS) were devised. Neurons throughout the brain and spinal cord were stained for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and for serotonin (5-HT). At birth, patterns of monoaminergic cells in opossum CNS resembled those found in 14-day mouse embryos and other eutherian mammals. By postnatal day 5, immunoreactive cell bodies were clustered in appropriate regions of the midbrain and hindbrain, and numerous axons were already present throughout the spinal cord. Differences found in the opossum were the earlier presence of TH neurons in the olfactory bulb and of 5-HT neuronal perikarya in the spinal cord. Most, if not all, monoaminergic neurons in opossum were already postmitotic at birth. To study regeneration, crushes were made in cervical cords in culture. By 5 days, 8% of all TH-labeled axons and 14% of serotonergic axons had grown beyond lesions. Distal segments of monoaminergic axons degenerated. In CNS preparations from opossums older than 11 days, no regeneration of monoaminergic fibers occurred. Isolated embryonic mouse CNS also showed regeneration across spinal cord lesions, providing the possibility of using knockout and transgenic animals. Our procedures for whole-mount observation of identified cell bodies and their axons obviates the need for serial reconstructions and allows direct comparison of events occurring during development and regeneration. J. Comp. Neurol. 390:427–438, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The often quoted investigation by Behnsen [4] provides some evidence for an increased permeability of the neonatal mouse blood-brain barrier (BBB) to trypan blue compared to the adult. Trypan blue, which circulates in plasma mainly bound to albumin, is commonly used as a macromolecular tracer, although Behnsen probably injected dyes in amounts exceeding the dye-binding capacity of plasma proteins. The Cerebrovascular permeability in neonatal and adult mice and rats was investigated using the visual tracers trypan blue and Evans blue and immunocytochemical staining for endogenous plasma proteins. By administering different concentrations of the dyes, the permeability of the BBB was assessed. The presence of the dyes in plasma as either dye-protein complexes or as free dye was measured by a plasma protein binding assay. When dyes occurred in plasma as macromolecular dye-protein complexes, dyes and plasma proteins were restricted to CNS regions normally devoid of a BBB in both neonates and adults. When unbound (free) dyes occurred in plasma, dyes were observed intraneuronally in regions without projections beyond the BBB in both neonates and adults corresponding to that observed by Behnsen; intraneuronal accumulation of plasma proteins also occurred in regions with projections confined to the BBB but only in neonates. It is concluded that the BBB to macromolecular tracers is fully developed at birth in mouse and rats. However, when free dye is present in plasma, there is a differential permeability to plasma proteins between neonates and adults.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine at which developmental stage and how dopamine regulates the expression of striatal dopamine receptor and neuropeptide mRNAs. For this, we studied the expression of these mRNAs, in relation to dopamine innervation, in normal mice from gestational day 13 (G13) to adult. Particularly, we investigated the adaptive changes in the expression of these markers in mice lacking the dopamine transporter during development. We detected tyrosine hydroxylase, by immunohistochemistry, in the ventral mesencephalon and the striatal anlage in both genotypes at G13, whereas the dopamine transporter appeared in the striatum of normal mice at G14. By in situ hybridization, we detected striatal dopamine D1, D2, D3 receptor, and substance P mRNAs at G13, preproenkephalin A mRNA at G14 and dynorphin mRNA at G17 in normal mice. Although the time of initial detection and the distribution were not affected in mutant mice, quantitative changes were observed. Indeed, D1 and D2 receptor as well as preproenkephalin A mRNA levels were decreased from G14 on, and dynorphin mRNA level was increased from G17 on. In contrast, substance P mRNA level was unaffected. Our data demonstrate that the influence of dopamine on striatal neurons occurs early during the development of the mesostriatal system as quantitative changes appeared in mutant mice as soon as G14. These findings bring new insights to the critical influence of dopamine on the expression of striatal dopamine receptor and neuropeptide mRNAs during development, and suggest that mesostriatal dopamine transmission functions from G14 on.  相似文献   

Clinical studies report associations between cannabis use during adolescence and later onset of schizophrenia. We examined the causal relationship between developmental cannabinoid administration and long-term behavioral and molecular alterations in mice. Mice were administered either WIN 55,212-2 (WIN), a cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) agonist or vehicle (Veh) during adolescence (postnatal day 30–35) or early adulthood (postnatal day 63–70). Behavioral testing was conducted after postnatal day 120 followed by biochemical assays. Adolescent cannabinoid treatment (ACU) leads to deficits in prepulse inhibition and fear conditioning in adulthood. Metabotropic glutamate receptors type 5 (mGluR5), a receptor critically involved in fear conditioning and endocannabinoid (eCB) signaling, is significantly reduced in the ACU mouse hippocampus. Next, we examined expression profiles of genes involved in eCB synthesis (diacylglycerol lipase (DGL)) and uptake (monoacylglycerol lipase (MGL) and fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH)) in the experimental mice. We find evidence of increased MGL and FAAH in ACU mice, reflecting increases in eCB uptake and degradation. These data suggest that administration of cannabinoids during adolescence leads to a behavioral phenotype associated with a rodent model of schizophrenia, as indexed by alterations in sensorimotor gating and hippocampal-dependent learning and memory deficits. Further, these deficits are associated with a reduction in hippocampal mGluR5 and a sustained change in eCB turnover, suggesting reduced eCB signaling in the ACU hippocampus. These data suggest that significant cannabis use during adolescence may be a contributory causal factor in the development of certain features of schizophrenia and may offer mGluR5 as a potential therapeutic target.  相似文献   

The master circadian clock in mammals, located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of the hypothalamus, is entrained by light and behavioural stimulation. In addition, the SCN can be reset by dark pulses in nocturnal rodents under constant light conditions. Here, the shifting effects of a dark pulse on the SCN clock were detailed at both a behavioural and molecular level in a nocturnal rodent (Syrian hamster), and were compared to those of a diurnal rodent (Arvicanthis ansorgei). Four-hour dark pulses led to phase advances in the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity from subjective midday to dusk in hamsters, but from subjective dusk to midnight in Arvicanthis. Moreover, dark pulses had no resetting effect during the middle of the subjective night in hamsters, while such a dead shifting zone occurred during most of the subjective day in Arvicanthis. The behavioural phase advances in both hamsters and Arvicanthis were most often accompanied by marked downregulation of the clock genes Per1 and/or Per2 in the SCN, and also by changes in the transforming growth factor-alpha expression, a neuropeptide that suppresses daytime activity in nocturnal mammals. Despite that both hamsters and Arvicanthis showed dark-induced phase advances at circadian time-12, Per1 gene and its protein PER1 were downregulated in Arvicanthis but not in hamsters. Altogether these results show that dark resetting of the SCN is always associated with downregulation of Per1 and/or Per2 expression, and mostly occurs during resting. Thus, the circadian window of sensitivity to dark differs between nocturnal and diurnal rodents.  相似文献   

We have examined the physiological weight changes seen in rat dams and their offspring as sequelae of either an overt or a hidden form of chronic protein malnutrition. In the overt model, which was produced by feeding dams a very low protein diet (6% casein) starting 5 weeks prior to conception and continued through lactation, the females showed significant weight losses at all ages compared to dams maintained on a normal diet (25% casein). This caused the malnourished 6% dams to have offspring that were categorized as small-for-date at birth in terms of their weight indices and peripheral metabolic profiles. Also, the inadequate milk production of these dams resulted in their pups displaying the almost total failure of growth (greater than 60% decreases in body weights) and peripheral imbalances characteristic of infantile marasmus by day 8 of lactation. Consequently, at all times examined the 6% dams and pups showed most of the typical responses seen in the more severe forms of in utero and lactational malnutrition of mankind. In contrast, the hidden form of malnutrition produced by feeding dams a somewhat higher protein diet (8% casein) throughout the same time periods caused no marked weight losses by these females during their pregnancy compared to the normal dams. Although the 8% pups had the same birth weight indices as the normal offspring, previous data from our group have indicated that the 8% progeny show many metabolic imbalances at birth which are indicators of severe gestational malnutrition in humans. Moreover, while the 8% dams displayed lactational insufficiencies as noted by their pups retarded postnatal growth, nursing of these offspring by 25% dams allowed them to maintain a normal lactational growth curve. However, not only was this cross-fostering unable to rehabilitate most of the prenatally determined biochemical alterations affecting the 8% pups but, additionally, this form of malnutrition will remain undetected if weight indices alone are used as assessors of normalcy. Thus, it appears that the 8% rats may serve as a useful model for the hidden forms of malnutrition in man.  相似文献   

Two double-blind, placebo-controlled studies were carried out at two different centers using the same protocol. Eight young healthy male volunteers were recruited for each of the studies, which were both undertaken to investigate the effect of single doses of 0.6, 1.25 and 2.5 mg bromocriptine (Parlodel) in comparison with 25 and 50 mg imipramine (Tofranil) on the electroencephalogram (EEG), subjective mental and emotional states, blood pressure, heart rate, and plasma prolactin levels. Side effects were also noted. The changes in the resting EEG power spectrum after imipramine were an increase in slow wave and fast beta activity and a decrease in alpha activity. At the same time imipramine depressed subjective mental and emotional states. Bromocriptine slowed the alpha activity of the resting EEG power spectrum, depressed subjective mental and emotional states, lowered blood pressure, and reduced prolactin secretion.  相似文献   

Summary. Severe falciparum malaria, with its associated hyperpyrexia, distorts plasma levels of large neutral amino acids (NAA) and consequently, brain uptake of individual NAA. Since brain levels of NAA determine cerebral synthesis of monoamines (serotonin, histamine, catecholamines), we measured plasma concentrations of NAA, and also plasma histamine (Hm) in children with falciparum malaria and in uninfected controls. Malaria elicited a marked (P < 0.025) increase in plasma histidine (His) with a 5-fold significant (P < 0.001) elevation in histamine, as well as a 2.5-fold increase (P < 0.005) in plasma phenylalanine (Phe), with no changes in the other NAA. Using kinetic parameters of NAA transport at human blood-brain barrier (BBB), we showed that malaria significantly altered calculated brain uptake of His (+30%), Phe (+96%), Trp (−30%) and Ile (−27%), with no change in the other NAA, compared with controls. Our data suggested enhanced cerebral synthesis of Hm with impaired production of serotonin and the catecholamines in the patients, and therefore, the need to evaluate the encephalopathy in severe malaria within the context of abnormalities in metabolism of Hm and other monoamines resulting from imbalance in plasma levels of the large neutral amino acids. Of clinical relevance also is the impaired inactivation of increased brain Hm by antimalarials such as the widely used aminoisoquinolines leading to elevated brain levels of imidazole-4-acetic acid (IAA), a potent inducer of a sleep-like state often accompanied by seizures, analgesia, decreased blood pressure and other effects. Received September 2, 1999; accepted April 11, 2000  相似文献   

Organotypic mesencephalic cultures provide an attractive in vitro alternative to study development of the nigrostriatal system and pathophysiological mechanisms related to Parkinson's disease. However, dopamine (DA) release mechanisms have been poorly characterized in such cultures. We report here endogenous DA release (assessed by high-performance liquid chromatography) in organotypic cultures of foetal mouse (E12) midbrain following single or multiple challenges (1-h incubations) with high K+ or veratridine in the presence or absence of pargyline, nomifensine, calcium and/or tetrodotoxin (TTX). Basal (i.e. spontaneous) DA release was only detected in the presence of pargyline and nomifensine (PN), and was highly dependent on calcium and sensitive to TTX. Basal DA release increased 2.4-fold between week 3 (1st DA release experiment) and week 4 in vitro (3rd DA release experiment), DA tissue levels increased 1.6-fold and DA release expressed as a percentage of total DA (medium + tissue contents) increased from 20% to 34% during this growth period in vitro . Co-treatments with high K+ or veratridine did not cause major changes in percentages of DA release. Tyrosine hydroxylase activity was increased by high K+, but not by the other drug treatments. The acute (single or multiple) treatments with depolarizing agents did not affect the survival of dopaminergic neurons, but chronic low-level veratridine treatments were toxic.  相似文献   

The transneuronal tracer, pseudorabies virus (PRV), was used to identify pathways from the uterine cervix which may be involved in induction of analgesia and abbreviation of estrus by vaginocervical stimulation. In Experiment I, PRV immunoreactivity (PRV-IR) in brain and spinal cord was examined 3-5 days after injection into the cervix of ovariectomized (OVX) female rats given estrogen (E) or control treatments. No differences in viral labeling were observed between OVX and OVX+E females at any time. PRV-infected cells were observed to increase as a function of time and at progressively higher CNS levels. PRV-IR neurons were first observed on day 3 post-infection at L6 in the SPN. Increased labeling was observed at day 4 in the SPN and the DGC at L6 and S1 spinal segments. Dorsal horn neurons showed PRV-IR by 4.5 days. Five days post-infection, labeling was seen in the IML and lamina X in T12-L1 segments, and in medullary raphe, A5, nPGi, nGi, DMV, lateral reticular, Barrington's nuclei, and in the midbrain PAG. In Experiment II, the effects of bilateral L6 dorsal root rhizotomy (RH) combined with unilateral (UPx) or bilateral (BPx) pelvic nerve transection on PRV infectivity were examined 5 days after infection. Despite reductions in substance P labeling in the dorsal horn following RH, PRV-IR neurons persisted in this area. In RH+UPx females, labeling persisted bilaterally in the SPN and DGC at L6. RH+BPx almost completely eliminated the PRV labeling in L6 and S1. Horizontal sections showed distinct patterns of infectivity within the IML of thoracolumbar and SPN of lumbosacral segments consistent with infection in the hypogastric and pelvic nerves, respectively. Our data indicate that retrograde transport of PRV occurs via the hypogastric and pelvic nerves after injection of the virus into the uterine cervix. Furthermore, significant intraspinal processing is likely to occur between thoracolumbar and lumbosacral levels in the modulation of reproductive tract function.  相似文献   

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