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Barrier surfaces of multicellular organisms are in constant contact with the environment and infractions to the integrity of epithelial surfaces is likely a frequent event. Interestingly, components of the immune system, that can be activated by environmental compounds such as the microbiota or nutrients, are interspersed among epithelial cells or directly underlie the epithelium. It is now appreciated that immune cells continuously receive and integrate signals from the environment. Curiously, such continuous reception of stimulation does not normally trigger an inflammatory response but mediators produced by immune cells in response to such signals seem to rather promote barrier integrity and repair. The molecular mediators involved in this process are poorly understood. In recent years, the cytokine interleukin‐22, produced mainly by group 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILCs), has been studied as a paradigm for how immune cells can control various aspects of epithelial cell function because expression of its receptor is restricted to non‐hematopoietic cells. We will summarize here the diverse roles of IL‐22 for the malignant transformation of epithelial cells, for tumor growth, wound healing and tissue repair. Furthermore, we will discuss IL‐22 as a potential therapeutic target.  相似文献   

Members of the innate lymphoid cell (ILC) family have been implicated in the development of thymic microenvironments and the recovery of this architecture after damage. However, a detailed characterization of this family in the thymus is lacking. To better understand the thymic ILC compartment, we have utilized multiple in vivo models including the fate mapping of inhibitor of DNA binding‐2 (Id2) expression and the use of Id2 reporter mice. Our data demonstrate that ILCs are more prominent immediately after birth, but were rapidly diluted as the T‐cell development program increased. As observed in the embryonic thymus, CCR6+NKp46? lymphoid tissue inducer (LTi) cells were the main ILC3 population present, but numbers of these cells swiftly declined in the neonate and ILC3 were barely detectable in adult thymus. This loss of ILC3 means ILC2 are the dominant ILC population in the thymus. Thymic ILC2 were able to produce IL‐5 and IL‐13, were located within the medulla, and did not result from ILC3 plasticity. Furthermore, in WT mice, thymic ILC2 express little RANKL (receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa‐B ligand) arguing that functionally, these cells provide different signals to LTi cells in the thymus. Collectively, these data reveal a dynamic switch in the ILC populations of the thymus during neonatal development.  相似文献   

Allergic asthma is characterized by chronic airway inflammation and hyperreactivity and is thought to be mediated by an adaptive T helper-2 (Th2) cell-type immune response. Here, we demonstrate that type 2 pulmonary innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) significantly contribute to production of the key cytokines IL-5 and IL-13 in experimental asthma. In naive mice, lineage-marker negative ILC2s expressing IL-7Rα, CD25, Sca-1, and T1/ST2(IL-33R) were present in lungs and mediastinal lymph nodes (MedLNs), but not in broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL) fluid. Upon intranasal administration of IL-25 or IL-33, an asthma phenotype was induced, whereby ILC2s accumulated in lungs, MedLNs, and BAL fluid. After IL-25 and IL-33 administration, ILC2s constituted ~50 and ~80% of IL-5(+) /IL-13(+) cells in lung and BAL, respectively. Also in house dust mite-induced or ovalbumin-induced allergic asthma, the ILC2 population in lung and BAL fluid increased significantly in size and ILC2s were a major source of IL-5 or IL-13. Particularly in OVA-induced asthma, the contribution of ILC2s to the total population of intracellular IL-5(+) and IL-13(+) cells in the lung was in the same range as found for Th2 cells. We conclude that both ILC2s and Th2 cells produce large amounts of IL-5 and IL-13 that contribute to allergic airway inflammation.  相似文献   

Group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) produce a significant amount of interleukin‐5 (IL‐5), which supports eosinophil responses in various tissues; they also produce IL‐13, which induces mucus production and contributes to tissue repair or fibrosis. The ILC2s are activated by alarmins, such as IL‐33 released from epithelia, macrophages and natural killer T (NKT) cells in response to infection and allergen exposure, leading to epithelial injury. We examined gene expression in lung ILC2s and found that ILC2s expressed Ifngr1, the receptor for interferon‐γ (IFN‐γ). Interferon‐γ severely inhibited IL‐5 and IL‐13 production by lung and kidney ILC2s. To evaluate the effects in vivo, we used α‐galactosylceramide (α‐GalCer) to induce NKT cells to produce IL‐33 and IFN‐γ. Intraperitoneal injection of α‐GalCer in mice induced NKT cell activation resulting in IL‐5 and IL‐13 production by ILC2s. Administration of anti‐IFN‐γ together with α‐GalCer significantly enhanced the production of IL‐5 and IL‐13 by ILC2s in lung and kidney. Conversely, cytokine production from ILC2s was markedly suppressed after injection of exogenous IL‐33 in Il33?/? mice pre‐treated with α‐GalCer. Hence, IFN‐γ induced or already present in tissues can impact downstream pleiotropic functions mediated by ILC2s, such as inflammation and tissue repair.  相似文献   

Recent studies of immune populations in nonlymphoid organs have highlighted the great diversity of the innate lymphoid system. It has also become apparent that mouse and human innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) have distinct phenotypes and properties. In this issue of the European Journal of Immunology, Harmon et al. [Eur. J. Immunol. 2016. 46: 2111–2120] characterized human hepatic NK‐cell subsets. The authors report that hepatic CD56bright NK cells resemble mouse liver ILC1s in that they express CXCR6 and have an immature phenotype. However, unlike mouse ILC1s, they express high levels of Eomes and low levels of T‐bet, and upon stimulation with tumor cells, secrete low amounts of cytokines. These unexpected findings further support the differences between human and mouse immune populations and prompt the study of the role of hepatic ILC subsets in immune responses.  相似文献   

Eosinophils are multifunctional leukocytes involved in allergic reactions as well as adipose tissue regulation. IL‐5 is required for eosinophil survival; however, the in vivo mechanisms of eosinophil regulation are not fully understood. A tg mouse model with il5 promoter‐driven EGFP expression was established for detecting the IL‐5‐producing cells in vivo. Il5‐egfp tg mice expressed high levels of EGFP in gonadal adipose tissue (GAT) cells. EGFP+ cells in GAT were mainly group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILCs). IL‐33 preferentially expanded EGFP+ cells and eosinophils in GAT in vivo. EGFP+ ILCs were found to upregulate prg2 mRNA expression in GAT eosinophils. These results demonstrate that ILCs activate eosinophils in GAT. The blockage of IL‐33Rα, on the other hand, did not impair EGFP+ ILC numbers but did impair eosinophil numbers in vivo. GAT eosinophils expressed IL‐33Rα and IL‐33 expanded eosinophil numbers in CD90+ cell‐depleted mice. IL‐33 was further observed to induce the expression of retnla and epx mRNA in eosinophils. These findings demonstrate that IL‐33 directly activates eosinophils in GAT, and together with our other findings described above, our findings show that IL‐33 has dual pathways via which it activates eosinophils in vivo: a direct activation pathway and a group 2 ILC‐mediated pathway.  相似文献   

Innate lymphoid cells (ILC) are a recently identified group of innate lymphocytes that are preferentially located at barrier surfaces. Barrier surfaces are in direct contact with complex microbial ecosystems, collectively referred to as the microbiota. It is now believed that the interplay of the microbiota with host components (i.e. epithelial cells and immune cells) promotes host fitness by regulating organ homeostasis, metabolism, and host defense against pathogens. In this review, we will give an overview of this multifaceted interplay between ILC and components of the microbiota.  相似文献   

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are key risk factors for the development of colorectal cancer, but the mechanisms that link intestinal inflammation with carcinogenesis are insufficiently understood. Card9 is a myeloid cell‐specific signaling protein that regulates inflammatory responses downstream of various pattern recognition receptors and which cooperates with the inflammasomes for IL‐1β production. Because polymorphisms in Card9 were recurrently associated with human IBD, we investigated the function of Card9 in a colitis‐associated cancer (CAC) model. Card9?/? mice develop smaller, less proliferative and less dysplastic tumors compared to their littermates and in the regenerating mucosa we detected dramatically impaired IL‐1β generation and defective IL‐1β controlled IL‐22 production from group 3 innate lymphoid cells. Consistent with the key role of immune‐derived IL‐22 in activating STAT3 signaling during normal and pathological intestinal epithelial cell (IEC) proliferation, Card9?/? mice also exhibit impaired tumor cell intrinsic STAT3 activation. Our results imply a Card9‐controlled, ILC3‐mediated mechanism regulating healthy and malignant IEC proliferation and demonstrates a role of Card9‐mediated innate immunity in inflammation‐associated carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) are innate effectors playing an important role in the defense against helminthic infections and in the pathogenesis of allergic inflammation. Cytokines have been identified as the major stimuli driving ILC2 activation and expansion. Conversely, it is unclear whether costimulatory molecules contribute to regulation of ILC2 functions. ILC2s display high expression of inducible T‐cell costimulator (ICOS), which belongs to the CD28 superfamily, and which has been shown to control late effector T‐cell functions, and is of utmost importance for the humoral immune response. However, the biological function of ICOS expression on ILC2s is unknown. Here, we show that ICOS signaling in mice regulates ILC2 homeostasis independently of T cells and B cells, by promoting proliferation and accumulation of mature ILC2s in lung and intestine. In a model of IL‐33‐induced airway inflammation, ICOS controls ILC2 activation and eosinophil infiltration in the lung. Our data identify a role of ICOS in innate immunity and indicate that not only cytokines, but also costimulatory pathways such as those involving ICOS, can contribute to regulate the ILC2 pool. Thus, ICOS costimulation blockade, which is currently under clinical evaluation for inhibiting the humoral immune response, could also target innate inflammatory circuits.  相似文献   

Human innate lymphoid cells have been described to exist in different organs, with functional deregulation of these cells contributing to several disease states. Here, we performed the first detailed characterization of the phenotype, tissue‐residency properties, and functionality of ILC1s, ILC2s, and ILC3s in the human adult and fetal liver. In addition, we investigated changes in the ILC compartment in liver fibrosis. A unique composition of tissue‐resident ILCs was observed in nonfibrotic livers as compared with that in mucosal tissues, with NKp44? ILC3s accounting for the majority of total intrahepatic ILCs. The frequency of ILC2s, representing a small fraction of ILCs in nonfibrotic livers, increased in liver fibrosis and correlated directly with the severity of the disease. Notably, intrahepatic ILC2s secreted the profibrotic cytokine IL‐13 when exposed to IL‐33 and thymic stromal lymphopoetin (TSLP); these cytokines were produced by hepatocytes, hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), and Kupffer cells in response to TLR‐3 stimulation. In summary, the present results provide the first detailed characterization of intrahepatic ILCs in human adult and fetal liver. The results indicate a role for ILC2s in human liver fibrosis, implying that targeting ILC2s might be a novel therapeutic strategy for its treatment.  相似文献   

Human Th17 clones and circulating Th17 cells showed lower susceptibility to the anti‐proliferative effect of TGF‐β than Th1 and Th2 clones or circulating Th1‐oriented T cells, respectively. Accordingly, human Th17 cells exhibited lower expression of clusterin, and higher Bcl‐2 expression and reduced apoptosis in the presence of TGF‐β, in comparison with Th1 cells. Umbilical cord blood naïve CD161+CD4+ T cells, which contain the precursors of human Th17 cells, differentiated into IL‐17A‐producing cells only in response to IL‐1β plus IL‐23, even in serum‐free cultures. TGF‐β had no effect on constitutive RORγt expression by umbilical cord blood CD161+ T cells but it increased the relative proportions of CD161+ T cells differentiating into Th17 cells in response to IL‐1β plus IL‐23, whereas under the same conditions it inhibited both T‐bet expression and Th1 development. These data suggest that TGF‐β is not critical for the differentiation of human Th17 cells, but indirectly favors their expansion because Th17 cells are poorly susceptible to its suppressive effects.  相似文献   

An effective adaptive immune response relies on the ability of lymphocytes to rapidly act upon a variety of insults. In T lymphocytes, this response includes cell growth, clonal expansion, differentiation, and cytokine production, all of which place a significant energy burden on the cell. Recent evidence shows that T‐cell metabolic reprogramming is an essential component of the adaptive immune response and specific metabolic pathways dictate T‐cell fate decisions, including the development of TH17 versus T regulatory (Treg) cells. TH17 cells have garnered significant attention due to their roles in the pathology of immune‐mediated inflammatory diseases. Attempts to characterize TH17 cells have demonstrated that they are highly dynamic, adjusting their function to environmental cues, which dictate their metabolic program. In this review, we highlight recent data demonstrating the impact of cellular metabolism on the TH17/Treg balance and present factors that mediate TH17‐cell metabolism. Some examples of these include the differential impact of the mTOR signaling complexes on T‐helper‐cell differentiation, hypoxia inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF1α) promotion of glycolysis to favor TH17‐cell development, and ACC1‐dependent de novo fatty acid synthesis favoring TH17‐cell development over Treg cells. Finally, we discuss the potential therapeutic options and the implications of modulating TH17‐cell metabolism for the treatment of TH17‐mediated diseases.  相似文献   

Recent studies identified an emerging role of group 2 and 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) as key players in the generation of T‐dependent and T‐independent antibody production. In this retrospective case‐control study, CD117+ ILCs (including the majority of ILC2 and ILC3) were reduced in patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID). The reduction in CD117+ ILCs was distinctive to CVID and could not be observed in patients with X‐linked agammaglobulinemia. Patients with a more pronounced reduction in CD117+ ILC numbers showed significantly lower numbers of peripheral MZ‐like B cells and an increased prevalence of chronic, non‐infectious enteropathy. Subsequent phenotyping of ILC subsets in CVID revealed that the reduction in CD117+ ILC numbers is due to a reduction in ILC2 numbers. In vitro expansion of CVID ILC2 in response to IL‐2, IL‐7, IL‐25 and IL‐33 was impaired. Furthermore, upregulation of MHCII and IL‐2RA in response to IL‐2, IL‐7, IL‐25 and IL‐33 was impaired in CVID ILC2. Thus, our results indicate a dysregulation of ILC subsets with a reduction in ILC2 numbers in CVID, however, further studies are needed to explore whether ILC abnormalities are a primary finding or secondary to disease complications encountered in CVID.  相似文献   

Accelerate lung repair in SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia is essential for pandemic handling. Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are likely players, given their role in mucosal protection and tissue homeostasis. We studied ILC subpopulations at two time points in a cohort of patients admitted in the hospital due to SARS-CoV-2 infection. COVID-19 patients with moderate/severe respiratory failure featured profound depletion of circulating ILCs at hospital admission, in agreement with overall lymphocyte depletion. However, ILCs recovered in direct correlation with lung function improvement as measured by oxygenation index and in negative association with inflammatory and lung/endothelial damage markers like RAGE. While both ILC1 and ILC2 expanded, ILC2 showed the most striking phenotype changes, with CCR10 upregulation in strong correlation with these parameters. Overall, CCR10+ ILC2 emerge as relevant contributors to SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia recovery.  相似文献   

Rapid production of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) in response to malaria by the innate immune system may determine resistance to infection, or inflammatory disease. However, conflicting reports exist regarding the identity of IFN-gamma-producing cells that rapidly respond to Plasmodium falciparum. To clarify this area, we undertook detailed phenotyping of IFN-gamma-producing cells across a panel of naive human donors following 24-h exposure to live schizont-infected red blood cells (iRBC). Here, we show that NK cells comprise only a small proportion of IFN-gamma-responding cells and that IFN-gamma production is unaffected by NK cell depletion. Instead, gammadelta-T cells represent the predominant source of innate IFN-gamma, with the majority of responding gammadelta-T cells expressing NK receptors. Malaria-responsive gammadelta-T cells more frequently expressed NKG2A compared to non-responding gammadelta-T cells, while non-responding gammadelta-T cells more frequently expressed CD158a/KIR2DL1. Unlike long-term gammadelta-T cell responses to iRBC, alphabeta-T cell help was not required for innate gammadelta-T cell responses. Diversity was observed among donors in total IFN-gamma output. This was positively associated with CD94 expression on IFN-gamma(+) NK-like gammadelta-T cells. Applied to longitudinal cohort studies in endemic regions, similar comparative phenotyping should allow assessment of the contribution of diverse cell populations and regulatory receptors to risk of infection and disease.  相似文献   

目的建立小鼠肠道(包括小肠和结肠)黏膜固有层3型固有淋巴样细胞(ILC3)检测与分析的方法。方法小鼠麻醉后分离小肠和结肠组织,利用不同的消化液分别获得小肠和结肠固有层淋巴细胞悬液,通过CD45+CD3-CD90.2+RORγt+流式分析策略检测ILC3比例,通过IL-23刺激后用流式细胞术分析显示ILC3的IL-22表达水平。结果小肠和结肠固有层淋巴细胞成功分离,流式细胞术检测显示ILC3细胞分群显著并明显表达IL-22。在小肠和结肠中,ILC3在淋巴细胞中的占比分别为(8.30±2.42)%和(1.43±0.34)%,IL-22+ILC3在RORγt+ILC3中的占比分别为(38.98±8.76)%和(85.86±1.72)%。结论本研究成功建立了小鼠小肠和结肠黏膜固有层ILC3的检测和分析方法,为相关研究奠定了技术基础。  相似文献   

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