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20世纪前半期西方文艺理论的理性现代性思潮,催生了各种以艺术语言学取向和作品本体论为根本特点的形式主义流派。沃尔夫林的形式分析和艺术风格学也是构成这一思潮并反映其特点的一部分,不但奠定了现当代西方艺术研究的一些基本面,也符合了西方汉学领域的中国艺术研究的一些特定需求,从而在这一领域同样构成了基础性的影响。高居翰以作品和画面分析为中心的视觉研究方法,即是沃尔夫林的理性化的艺术语言学取向与西方汉学中艺术研究需求相结合的一个典型例证。  相似文献   

德国第一代汉学教授是从外交翻译官中养化生成的.政治和学术无法一直保持同心同德,但也并非不能相克相生.体制约束着学院派汉学家的成长,体制也为汉学家的成长提供保障.德国三位外交翻译官向汉学教授转化的成功和失败,体现出时代变迁与个人职业选择的互动关系.  相似文献   

本文试图从如何处理好'中国近现代史纲要'教材与中学、大学历史教材间的关系,教师的主导与学生主体地位间的关系,以及地方史和本地红色教育资源与教学的关系这三方面着手,对提高'纲要'课的教学效果,达到'纲要'教学目标进行探讨。  相似文献   

朴学又称考据学或汉学,是清代经学的一个流派,其研究内容,“以经学为中心,而衍及小学、音韵、史学、天算、水地、典章制度、金石、校勘、辑佚等”(梁启超:《清代学术概论》),其研究方法则强调“实事求是”,“无征不信”,自清初发轫以来,发展到乾嘉时期,已达到全盛阶段,故  相似文献   

一、以《诗》为教大纲的确立疑古思辨学风从北宋始已成为时代的主流,宋儒为了挣脱汉学藩篱,纷纷从方法论入手,倡导即文求义,涵咏本文的读书方法。朱熹的《诗经》研究就是在这种情况下开展起来的。作为理学家和文学家,他既认为《诗经》是文学作品,要用文学方法去读它,更认为它是理学教材,是读者修身明性、格物穷理的工具,而如何将两者统一起  相似文献   

西德慕尼黑(国际性)中医学会主席、著名汉学和中医理论专家满晰驳·波尔克特教授,原订1982年再访成都中医学院,后因故朱成行。前不久特委派该会司库弗瑞多先生  相似文献   

焦循是清代经史小学总纂 ,将其《孟子正义》与赵岐《孟子注》相比较 ,可以知见赵氏注疏的方法与成就。仅就《孟子题辞》而言 ,焦疏有而赵注无者之20余例 ,为研究古代传注家书序体裁和古代逻辑思想及其晚明后新见提供了理据 ,对俗字、通假字、词组、名物词的训释平实而不妄牵 ,体现了宗汉之说的汉学特征  相似文献   

清代朴学的发展使得考据之学蔚然成风,此风传到日本之后,受到日本学者的极大关注,形成了汉学考据学派。考据学者们主要是以产生于秦汉时期的经学为研究对象,对同时期的子学以及史学也有所涉猎。《黄帝内经素问》作为子书中最为古老的典籍,正好产生于秦汉之际,受到两国考据学者的重视。他们从音韵、训诂、校勘等方面对此书进行了研究,从而产生了一批优秀的著作,极大地推动了《黄帝内经素问》研究的发展。由于两国当时所处环境不尽相同,所以他们对《黄帝内经素问》的研究结果也有着巨大的差异。  相似文献   

徽派朴学是古徽州地区兴起的纯汉学研究的地域性学派,新安医学固本培元派则是起源于古徽州地区特征鲜明、历史悠久、影响巨大的医学流派。徽派朴学从兴起到鼎盛与新安医学固本培元派"五大学说"的形成发展在时间上、空间上保持着高度的一致,二者也服务于一个共同的目标,即经世致用、济世救民。固本培元派在形成及发展中受到了徽派朴学潜移默化的影响,固本培元派医家正是秉承着徽派朴学家求是求真的态度,才阐发了一系列的真知灼见,丰富了中医学的理论,给后世医家以深刻的思想启迪。  相似文献   

南通红卍字会是"世界红卍字会"的分会。通过地方史和社会救助网络的双重视阈,对南通红卍字会及其社会救助事业做一番探究,可见地方红卍字会运行兼具本土和网络双重属性。会员本土绅商的属性及立足地方的社会救助机构使其能够积极谋求地方政权机构的支持。网络属性使地方红卍字会区别于传统地方绅商救助团体,其社会救助具备了社会救助资源募集地与救助地分离的特点。  相似文献   

中医药学始于农耕文明,直至当今仍具有重要的临床价值,为国民健康提供着有力的保障。作为国学重要分支的中医药学能绵延至今,在于它囊括国学的精髓,符合国人的思维。因此,弘扬原创思维是中医药学发展的前提。结合国学理论对中医原创思维之"意象思维"溯源和梳理,重新认识意象思维启发下司外揣内的思维方法,目的不在比较中医学与他学之间的优劣,重在阐释"以象为素、以素为候、以候为证"中医证候理论的本源。同时以中医学形神共俱、君相互感心身医学模式为切入,阐释意象思维在中医临床中的实践体现。  相似文献   

章太炎在近代中医史上的地位及成就   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章太炎是我国近代中医史上的学问家、革新家和教育家。他融考据学、西医学、中医学为一体,以仲景学术为本,兼容唐宋,提出“融会中西,更造新医”,对我国近代中医学的发展起到了积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

乾嘉汉字的治学宗旨是由文字、音韵、训诂、考据入手以寻求经书义理和圣人之道。作为清代中叶最著名的学者和思想家 ,戴震不仅以文字、音韵、训诂、考证的辉煌成就为世所重 ,而且以系统而又深邃的义理学说 ,在清中叶的学术思想界独树一帜 ,成为为数不多的既讲考据 ,又有思想的汉学家之一。但是 ,探寻戴震的学术主张和学术实践 ,可以看到 ,其起点是“我注六经” ,终点却是“六经注我”。这种独特的学术风格 ,一方面反映出戴震学术的特点 ,另一方面也观照出汉学宗旨的科学性与局限性。  相似文献   

本文主要关注临床业余专升本学生的学习状况,通过问卷对100名学生进行调查,发现其学习状况存在如下特点:学习动机多元化、学习自主性较强、学习需求多样化、互动性不强、学习前后脱节进入状态难。  相似文献   

Various forms of complementary and alternative medicine are used in psoriasis.Among these,herbal medicines are frequently used as systemic and/or topical interventions either as a replacement for or in conjunction with conventional methods.The benefit of such use is unclear.This review is to provide an up-to-date review and discussion of the clinical evidence for the main kinds of herbal therapies for psoriasis.Searches of the biomedical databases PubMed(including MEDLINE), EMBASE and CINAHL were conducted in December 2011 which identified 32 clinical studies,all published in English.Twenty of these primarily tested topical herbal medicines and were thus excluded.The 12 studies that evaluated systemic use of herbal medicines were included in the review.Four were case series studies and the other 8 were controlled trials.In terms of interventions,4 studies tested the systemic use of plant oils combined with marine oils and 8 studies tested multi-ingredient herbal formulations.The clinical evidence for plant and animal derived fatty acids is inconclusive and any benefit appears to be small.For the multi-herb formulations,benefits of oral herbal medicines were shown in several studies,however,a number of these studies are not controlled trials,a diversity of interventions are tested and there are methodological issues in the controlled studies.In conclusion,there is promising evidence in a number of the studies of multi-herb formulations.However,well-designed,adequately powered studies with proper control interventions are needed to further determine the benefits of these formulations.In addition,syndrome differentiation should be incorporated into trial design to ensure effective translation of findings from these studies into Chinese medicine clinical practice.  相似文献   

目的评价国内外关于应用血浆醛固酮/肾素活性比值(ARR)诊断原发性醛固酮症(PA)的文献质量。方法计算机检索Cochrane图书馆(1962—2007.12)、PubMed(1970—2007.12)、VIP(1989—2007.12)、万方(1982~2007.12)、CBMdisc(1978—2007.12),纳入应用ARR诊断PA的所有诊断性研究文献,按QUADAS(Quality Asse—ssment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies)质量评价标准由两名研究者独立进行文献质量评价,如遇分歧,讨论解决。结果共纳入14篇相关文献,质量评价结果表明,大多数文献与QUADAS质量评价标准符合率不高。其中9篇病例谱未包含各种病例及易混淆病例,8篇未清楚描述研究对象的纳入排除标准,3篇金标准不能准确区分有病无病状态,13篇均没有采用盲法比较诊断性试验与金标准的结果。结论国内外关于应用ARR诊断PA的诊断性研究文献质量在病例选择、金标准选择、盲法比较、偏倚控制等方面需进一步完善。  相似文献   

李荔  李莎  卫芸  张园园  闫丽娥 《中国全科医学》2021,24(25):3161-3170
背景 随着人群的老化和寿命的延长,需要药物治疗的老年人多病共存率明显增加,多重用药已经成为全球重要的公共卫生问题。目的 评价社区老年人多重用药率及其相关因素,为减少多重用药及危害、制定公共卫生政策提供依据。方法 检索Medline、Embase、Cochrane Library、中国知网和万方数据知识服务平台2000-01-01至2021-01-01发表的社区老年人多重用药现患率的相关中英文文献,并对纳入的研究进行质量评价与数据提取,使用RevMan 5.4软件进行Meta分析。结果 共纳入合格文献49篇。Meta分析结果显示,社区老年人多重用药率为37%〔95%CI(34%,39%)〕,过度多重用药率为14%〔95%CI(12%,16%)〕。有13篇文献进行了多重用药相关因素多变量分析,结果显示较多慢性病数量/多病共存(7篇),较年老者(6篇),超重/肥胖(5篇),自述健康不佳(4篇),日常生活能力受限(4篇),较低教育水平(4篇),自述患糖尿病(3篇),自述患高血压(2篇),自述患心脏病(2篇)等与多重用药呈正相关。结论 社区老年人多重用药高度流行,过度多重用药较为普遍。明确多重用药的相关因素对发现和监测老年人多重用药至关重要。在制定社区多重用药干预措施时,必须要考虑各种各样的多重用药相关因素,尤其是慢性病的预防和管理。医生和药师应基于循证处方,合理使用药物,从公共卫生角度而言,健康生活方式可能有助于减少慢性病和多重用药的发生。  相似文献   

For over 100 years, controlled human infection (CHI) studies have been performed to advance the understanding of the pathogenesis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. This methodology has seen a resurgence, as it offers an efficient model for selecting the most promising agents for further development from available candidates. CHI studies are utilised to bridge safety and immunogenicity testing and phase II/III efficacy studies. However, as this platform is not currently utilised in Asia, opportunities to study therapeutics and vaccines for infections that are important in Asia are missed. This review examines the regulatory differences for CHI studies between countries and summarises other regulatory differences in clinical trials as a whole. We found that the regulations that would apply to CHI studies in Singapore closely mirror those in the United Kingdom, and conclude that the regulatory and ethical guidelines in Singapore are compatible with the conduct of CHI studies.  相似文献   

Pairing of the viscera and bowels is an important theory,which provides guidance to traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) clinical practice.Investigating this theory has been the focus of research on the basic theory of TCM.Recently,researchers have performed many studies on the theory that the lung and large intestine are exterior-interiorly related,which is a different point of view to that of previous literature,recent clinical studies and experimental studies,and these recent studies have enforced the theoretical connotation of the statement.However,there are problems in some of these studies including recent clinical studies and experimental studies.In the current article,literature on the viscera-related theory of the lung and large intestine are exterior-interiorly related is reviewed from physiological,pathological,and clinical views,and some opinions on the current research status are discussed.  相似文献   

In conventional clinical studies, the costs of data management for quality control tend to be high and collecting paper-based case report forms (CRFs) tends to be burdensome, because paper-based CRFs must be developed and filled out for each clinical study protocol. Use of electronic health records for this purpose could result in reductions in cost and improvements in data quality in clinical studies. The purpose of this study was to develop a data capture system for observational cancer clinical studies (i.e. outcomes studies) that would integrate with an electronic health records system, to enable evaluation of patient prognosis, prognostic factors, outcomes and drug safety. At the Outpatient Oncology Unit of Kyoto University Hospital, we developed a data capture system that includes a cancer clinical database system and a data warehouse for outcomes studies. We expect that our new system will reduce the costs of data management and analysis and improve the quality of data in clinical studies. Keiichi Yamamoto and Shigemi Matsumoto contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

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