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The murine local lymph node assay (LLNA) is a method for the predictive identification of chemicals that have a potential to cause skin sensitization. Activity is measured as a function of lymph node cell (LNC) proliferative responses stimulated by topical application of test chemicals. Those chemicals that induce a threefold or greater increase in LNC proliferation compared with concurrent vehicle controls are classified as skin sensitizers. In the present investigations we have evaluated further the reliability and accuracy of the LLNA. In the context of an international interlaboratory trial the sensitization potentials of six materials with a history of use in topical medicaments have been evaluated: benzoyl peroxide, hydroquinone, penicillin G, streptomycin sulfate, ethylenediamine dihydrochloride, and methyl salicylate. Each chemical was analyzed in the LLNA by all five laboratories. Either the standard LLNA protocol or minor modifications of it were used. Benzoyl peroxide and hydroquinone, both human contact allergens, elicited strong LLNA responses in each laboratory. Penicillin G, another material shown previously to cause allergic contact dermatitis in humans, was also positive in all laboratories. Streptomycin sulfate induced equivocal responses, in that this material provoked a positive LLNA response in only one of the five laboratories, and then only at the highest concentration tested. Ethylenediamine dihydrochloride dissolved in a 3:1 mixture of acetone with water, or in 4:1 acetone:olive oil (one laboratory), was uniformly negative. However, limited further testing with the free base of ethylene diamine yielded a positive LLNA response when applied in acetone:olive oil (AOO). Finally, methyl salicylate, a nonsensitizing skin irritant, was negative at all test concentrations in each laboratory. Collectively these data serve to confirm that the local lymph node assay is sufficiently robust to yield equivalent results when performed independently in separate laboratories and indicate also that the LLNA is of value in assessing the skin sensitization potential of topical medicaments.  相似文献   

The murine local lymph node assay (LLNA) is a method for the prospective identification of skin sensitizing chemicals. Proliferative responses induced in lymph nodes draining the site of topical application of the test chemical are measured and those chemicals that induce a stimulation index of three or more compared with concurrent vehicle-treated controls are considered to have the potential to cause skin sensitization. Dose-response data from the LLNA may be used to derive an estimate of relative skin sensitizing potency, based upon derivation of the concentration of chemical required to cause a stimulation index of 3 (EC3 value) as calculated by linear interpolation. The purpose of the present investigations was to examine the stability of LLNA responses and the consistency of derived EC3 values induced by the contact allergen paraphenylenediamine (PPD). Analyses were conducted once a month over a 4-month period in each of two independent laboratories. In all assays, and in both laboratories, PPD elicited a positive response. Although some minor differences in responses between and within laboratories were observed, the derived EC3 values were generally very consistent. In Laboratory 1, EC3 values varied between 0.06 and 0.09% PPD, whereas in Laboratory 2 the range was 0.09-0.20%. These EC3 values are consistent with clinical experience of this material insofar as it is a common and relatively potent cause of allergic contact dermatitis in humans. Taken together, these data confirm the stability of LLNA responses both with time and between laboratories and provide additional support for the use of derived EC3 values in the assessment of relative skin sensitizing potency.  相似文献   

Discordant results were observed when testing five prototype polyfunctional silicone materials for skin sensitization potential in the murine local lymph node assay (LLNA) and in the guinea pig maximization test (GPMT). While all five silicone materials were consistently negative in the GPMT, the testing in the LLNA revealed weak to moderate skin sensitisation potential for four of the five test materials. Neither study quality nor other known chemical factors could explain these findings. Further analysis did not provide sufficient evidence for a link between the LLNA responses and the irritancy of the test substances. Only in the case of one of the test materials, the occurrence of an excessive level of irritation could be linked to the positive LLNA result. Considering all existing information including physico–chemical and structure activity and animal data as well as existing human experience from silicone exposures at the workplace or their use in cosmetic products, the weight of evidence suggests that none of the examined silicone materials represents a significant skin sensitization hazard to humans. The suitability of the LLNA appears questionable for this class of materials. In case of any additional data needs for other or new silicone materials, the skin sensitization testing strategy will require careful evaluation and will need to be set up on a case by case basis.  相似文献   

The guinea-pig maximization test (GMPT) has been in use as a method for the prediction of skin sensitization potential for over 20 years, and is widely accepted by regulatory authorities because of its reliable detection of a wide variety of potential human contact allergens. Nevertheless, the method has some limitations and drawbacks, including the use of an adjuvant, the injection of the test substance at induction thus bypassing the normal skin barrier and metabolic function, a subjective endpoint, interference by irritant and/or coloured chemicals, and a relatively long and complex protocol. To address these points, an alternative technique, the local lymph node assay (LLNA), has been proposed and has become the focus of much attention. Recent data from interlaboratory trials have shown a good level of agreement between test facilities and with existing guinea-pig data. The present work investigated the correlation between LLNA results and those derived from the GPMT for 40 chemicals covering a range of chemical types and levels of skin sensitization potential. The LLNA assay was capable of detecting chemicals that exhibit a strong sensitization potential in the GPMT. For chemicals classified as moderate sensitizers in the GPMT, the LLNA was usually positive or provided an indication of sensitizing activity (that was not sufficient to satisfy the current criteria for regarding the result as positive). Weaker sensitizers in the GPMT were usually not detected by the LLNA. With the single exception of copper chloride, non-sensitizers were not positive in the LLNA. The results support the view that the LLNA can provide a rapid and objective screening test for strong sensitizers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review, and make recommendations for, the use of relevant skin sensitization test methods, for the purposes of determination of relative potency and the threshold dose necessary for the induction of skin sensitization, and for risk assessment. In addressing the first area, the utility of three guinea pig tests (the guinea pig maximization test, the occluded patch test, and the open epicutaneous test) of the local lymph node assay (LLNA) and of human volunteer testing for the assessment of relative potency and identification of thresholds for sensitization were considered. The following conclusions were drawn. (1) Although attempts have been made to modify the guinea pig maximization test for the purposes of deriving dose-response relationships, this method is usually unsuitable for determination of relative sensitizing potency. (2) Guinea pig methods that do not require the use of adjuvant and which employ a relevant route of exposure (the occluded patch test and the open epicutaneous test) are more appropriate for the assessment of relative skin-sensitizing potency. (3) The LLNA is suitable for the determination of relative skin sensitizing potency, and the adaptation of this method for derivation of comparative criteria such as EC3 values (the estimated concentration of test chemical required to induce a stimulation index of 3 in the LLNA) provides an effective and quantitative basis for such measurements. (4) For all the methods identified above, potency is assessed relative to other chemical allergens of known skin sensitizing potential. The estimation of likely threshold concentrations is dependent upon the availability of suitable benchmark chemicals of known potency for human sensitization. (5) Human testing (and specifically, the Human Repeat Insult Patch Test) can provide information of value in confirming the absence of skin sensitizing activity of formulations and products under specific conditions of use and exposure. Based on the above, the following recommendations are made. (1) If results are already available from suitable guinea pig tests, then judicious interpretation of the data may provide information of value in assessing relative skin sensitizing potency. This option should be explored before other analyses are conducted. (2) The LLNA is the recommended method for new assessments of relative potency, and/or for the investigation of the influence of vehicle or formulation on skin sensitizing potency. (3) Whenever available, human skin sensitization data should be incorporated into an assessment of relative potency. With respect to risk assessment, the conclusion drawn is that all the available data on skin-sensitizing activity in animals and man should be integrated into the risk-assessment process. Appropriate interpretation of existing data from suitable guinea pig studies can provide valuable information with respect to potency, as the first step in the development of a risk assessment. However, for de novo investigations, the LLNA is the method favored for providing quantitative estimations of skin-sensitizing potency that are best suited to the risk assessment process. Finally, human testing is of value in the risk assessment process, but is performed only for the purposes of confirming product safety.  相似文献   

The skin sensitization potential of eight unsaturated and one saturated lipid (bio)chemicals was tested in both the LLNA and the GPMT to address the hypothesis that chemicals with unsaturated carbon–carbon double bonds may result in a higher number of unspecific (false positive) results in the LLNA compared to the GPMT. Seven substances (oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, undecylenic acid, maleic acid, squalene and octinol) gave clear positive results in the LLNA (stimulation index (SI)  3) and thus would require labelling as skin sensitizer. Fumaric acid and succinic acid gave clearly negative results. In the GPMT, besides some sporadic skin reactions, reproducible skin reactions indicating an allergic response were found in a few animals for four test substances. Based on the GPMT results, only undecylenic acid would have to be classified and labelled as a skin sensitizer according to the European Dangerous Substance Directive (67/548/EEC) (results for linoleic acid were inconclusive), while the other seven test substances would not require labelling. Possible mechanisms for unspecific skin cell stimulation and lymph node responses are discussed. In conclusion, the suitability of the LLNA for unsaturated compounds bearing structural similarity to the tested substances should be carefully considered and the GPMT should remain available as an accepted test method for skin sensitization hazard identification.  相似文献   

Sensitization to chemicals resulting in an allergy is an important health issue. The current gold‐standard method for identification and characterization of skin‐sensitizing chemicals was the mouse local lymph node assay (LLNA). However, for a number of reasons there has been an increasing imperative to develop alternative approaches to hazard identification that do not require the use of animals. Here we describe a human in‐vitro skin explant test for identification of sensitization hazards and the assessment of relative skin sensitizing potency. This method measures histological damage in human skin as a readout of the immune response induced by the test material. Using this approach we have measured responses to 44 chemicals including skin sensitizers, pre/pro‐haptens, respiratory sensitizers, non‐sensitizing chemicals (including skin‐irritants) and previously misclassified compounds. Based on comparisons with the LLNA, the skin explant test gave 95% specificity, 95% sensitivity, 95% concordance with a correlation coefficient of 0.9. The same specificity and sensitivity were achieved for comparison of results with published human sensitization data with a correlation coefficient of 0.91. The test also successfully identified nickel sulphate as a human skin sensitizer, which was misclassified as negative in the LLNA. In addition, sensitizers and non‐sensitizers identified as positive or negative by the skin explant test have induced high/low T cell proliferation and IFNγ production, respectively. Collectively, the data suggests the human in‐vitro skin explant test could provide the basis for a novel approach for characterization of the sensitizing activity as a first step in the risk assessment process. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The local lymph node assay (LLNA) is a regulatory accepted test for the identification of skin sensitizing substances by measuring radioactive thymidine incorporation into the lymph node. However, there is evidence that LLNA is overestimating the sensitization potential of certain substance classes in particular those exerting skin irritation. Some reports describe the additional use of flow cytometry‐based immunophenotyping to better discriminate irritants from sensitizing irritants in LLNA. In the present study, the 22 performance standards plus 8 surfactants were assessed using the radioactive LLNA method. In addition, lymph node cells were immunophenotyped to evaluate the specificity of the lymph node response using cell surface markers such as B220 or CD19, CD3, CD4, CD8, I‐Aκ and CD69 with the aim to allow a better discrimination above all between irritants and sensitizers, but also non‐irritating sensitizers and non‐sensitizers. However, the markers assessed in this study do not sufficiently differentiate between irritants and irritant sensitizers and therefore did not improve the predictive capacity of the LLNA. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The local lymph node assay (LLNA) assesses the sensitizing activity of chemicals by measurement of primary lymphocyte proliferation in lymph nodes draining the site of application. In this final inter-laboratory study the consistency of LLNA results between laboratories and with guinea pig maximization test (GPMT) data was examined under 'field' conditions. Nine chemicals were evaluated independently by each laboratory according to guidelines for test concentration and vehicle selection developed during previous validation studies to ensure assay optimization. Equivalent predictions of sensitization potential were obtained by all laboratories for eight chemicals. Five of seven chemicals identified as sensitizers in the GPMT were correctly identified in the LLNA--four by all laboratories and 1 (4-chloroaniline) by one laboratory only--although in this latter case, two other laboratories obtained clear dose responses, suggestive of sensitization. The LLNA identified correctly those chemicals predicted to be extreme or strong sensitizers in the GPMT. The remaining two chemicals were non-sensitizers in the guinea pig and failed to elicit positive proliferative responses in the LLNA. These data demonstrate that sensitivity and reliability of the LLNA is retained when chemicals are evaluated independently, and that it provides a reliable pre-screen for the identification of chemicals with significant sensitization potential.  相似文献   

Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) is a common skin disease with a significant social and economic impact. In contrast to irritation, skin sensitization is a response of the adaptive immune system, in which there is a delayed T-cell-mediated allergic response to chemically modified skin proteins. The chemicals that can covalently modify the skin proteins and trigger an allergic reaction are referred to as haptens or sensitizers. Attempts have been made in many countries to reduce the problems of ACD by the implementation of legislations related to skin-sensitizing chemicals, as well as by the early detection and risk assessment of substances with sensitizing properties. For many years, the simple identification of sensitizing chemicals was performed in guinea pig tests. A murine test, the local lymph node assay (LLNA), has been validated as a replacement for the guinea pig tests. Despite the recent introduction of in vitro methods for the identification of sensitizing chemicals, the LLNA results (when coupled with good exposure data) can be used as the starting point for a quantitative risk assessment. The quantitative risk assessment is aimed to identify the safe use thresholds for any potential skin sensitizer.  相似文献   

目的 通过局部淋巴结试验法和局部封闭斑贴试验应用于化妆品皮肤变态反应的比较,探讨局部淋巴结试验应用于化妆品成品的可行性。方法 采用局部淋巴结试验与体内局部封闭斑贴试验对标准的阳性物以及市面上的2种染发剂进行评价。结果 局部淋巴结试验表明,2种染发剂的SI值<1.8,均为阴性,判断结果与局部封闭斑贴试验结果一致。结论 局部淋巴结试验相对局部封闭斑贴试验具有检验周期短、测试简便、评价客观等优点,是一种较好的用于评价染发类态产品过敏反应的替代方法。  相似文献   

《Toxicology in vitro》2014,28(4):626-639
The sensitizing potential of chemicals is usually identified and characterized using in vivo methods such as the murine local lymph node assay (LLNA). Due to regulatory constraints and ethical concerns, alternatives to animal testing are needed to predict skin sensitization potential of chemicals. For this purpose, combined evaluation using multiple in vitro and in silico parameters that reflect different aspects of the sensitization process seems promising.We previously reported that LLNA thresholds could be well predicted by using an artificial neural network (ANN) model, designated iSENS ver.1 (integrating in vitro sensitization tests version 1), to analyze data obtained from two in vitro tests: the human Cell Line Activation Test (h-CLAT) and the SH test. Here, we present a more advanced ANN model, iSENS ver.2, which additionally utilizes the results of antioxidant response element (ARE) assay and the octanol–water partition coefficient (Log P, reflecting lipid solubility and skin absorption). We found a good correlation between predicted LLNA thresholds calculated by iSENS ver.2 and reported values. The predictive performance of iSENS ver.2 was superior to that of iSENS ver.1. We conclude that ANN analysis of data from multiple in vitro assays is a useful approach for risk assessment of chemicals for skin sensitization.  相似文献   

Allergic contact dermatitis is a serious health problem. There is a need to identify and characterize skin sensitization hazards, particularly with respect to relative potency, so that accurate risk assessments can be developed. For these purposes the murine local lymph node assay (LLNA) was developed. Here, we have investigated further a modi fi cation of this assay, non-radioisotopic LLNA, which in place of tritiated thymidine to measure lymph node cell proliferation employs incorporation of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine. Using this method we have examined the skin sensitizing activity of eugenol, a known human contact allergen, and its dimers 2,2'-dihydroxyl-3,3'-dimethoxy-5,5'-diallyl-biphenyl (DHEA) and 4,5'-diallyl-2'-hydroxy-2,3'-dimethoxy phenyl ether (DHEB). Activity in the guinea pig maximization test (GPMT) also measured. On the basis of GPMT assays, eugenol was classified as a mild skin sensitizer, DHEA as a weak skin sensitizer and DHEB as an extreme skin sensitizer. In the non-radioisotopic LLNA all chemicals were found to give positive responses insofar as each was able to provoke a stimulation index (SI) of >or=3 at one or more test concentrations. The relative skin sensitizing potency of these chemicals was evaluated in the non-radioisotopic LLNA by derivation of an ec(3) value (the concentration of chemical required to provoke an SI of 3). The ec(3) values calculated were 25.1% for eugenol, >30% for DHEA and 2.3% for DHEB. Collectively these data suggest that assessments of relative potency deriving from non-radioisotopic LLNA responses correlate well with evaluations based on GPMT results. These investigations provide support for the proposal that the non-radioisotopic LLNA may serve as an effective alternative to the GPMT where there is a need to avoid the use of radioisotopes.  相似文献   

Takeyoshi M  Sawaki M  Yamasaki K  Kimber I 《Toxicology》2003,191(2-3):259-263
The murine local lymph node assay (LLNA) is used for the identification of chemicals that have the potential to cause skin sensitization. However, it requires specific facility and handling procedures to accommodate a radioisotopic (RI) endpoint. We have developed non-radioisotopic (non-RI) endpoint of LLNA based on BrdU incorporation to avoid a use of RI. Although this alternative method appears viable in principle, it is somewhat less sensitive than the standard assay. In this study, we report investigations to determine the use of statistical analysis to improve the sensitivity of a non-RI LLNA procedure with alpha-hexylcinnamic aldehyde (HCA) in two separate experiments. Consequently, the alternative non-RI method required HCA concentrations of greater than 25% to elicit a positive response based on the criterion for classification as a skin sensitizer in the standard LLNA. Nevertheless, dose responses to HCA in the alternative method were consistent in both experiments and we examined whether the use of an endpoint based upon the statistical significance of induced changes in LNC turnover, rather than an SI of 3 or greater, might provide for additional sensitivity. The results reported here demonstrate that with HCA at least significant responses were, in each of two experiments, recorded following exposure of mice to 25% of HCA. These data suggest that this approach may be more satisfactory-at least when BrdU incorporation is measured. However, this modification of the LLNA is rather less sensitive than the standard method if employing statistical endpoint. Taken together the data reported here suggest that a modified LLNA in which BrdU is used in place of radioisotope incorporation shows some promise, but that in its present form, even with the use of a statistical endpoint, lacks some of the sensitivity of the standard method. The challenge is to develop strategies for further refinement of this approach.  相似文献   

Previously, a selection of low molecular weight contact and respiratory allergens had tested positive in both a skin and a respiratory local lymph node assay (LLNA), but formaldehyde was negative for sensitization by inhalation. To investigate whether this was due to intrinsic properties of aldehyde sensitizers, the structurally related allergen glutaraldehyde (GA) was tested. BALB/c mice were exposed by inhalation to 6 or 18ppm GA (respiratory LLNA), both generated as a vapor and as an aerosol. Other groups received 0.25% or 2.5% GA on the skin of the ears (skin LLNA). Lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine production were measured in the draining lymph nodes. GA was positive in the skin LLNA and its cytokine profile (IL-4/IFN-γ) skewed towards a Th2-type immune response with increasing dose. Inhalation exposure did not result in increased lymphocyte proliferation or increased cytokine levels, despite comparable tissue damage (irritation) in the skin and respiratory tract. We hypothesize that the highly reactive and hydrophilic GA oligomerizes in the protein-rich mucous layer of the respiratory tract, which impedes sensitization but still facilitates local irritation. Within the context of risk assessment in respiratory allergy, our results stress the importance of prevention of skin--besides inhalation-- exposure to aldehydes like GA.  相似文献   

Photoallergic dermatitis, caused by pharmaceuticals and other consumer products, is a very important issue in human health. However, S10 guidelines of the International Conference on Harmonization do not recommend the existing prediction methods for photoallergy because of their low predictability in human cases. We applied local lymph node assay (LLNA), a reliable, quantitative skin sensitization prediction test, to develop a new photoallergy prediction method. This method involves a three‐step approach: (1) ultraviolet (UV) absorption analysis; (2) determination of no observed adverse effect level for skin phototoxicity based on LLNA; and (3) photoallergy evaluation based on LLNA. Photoallergic potential of chemicals was evaluated by comparing lymph node cell proliferation among groups treated with chemicals with minimal effect levels of skin sensitization and skin phototoxicity under UV irradiation (UV+) or non‐UV irradiation (UV?). A case showing significant difference (P < .05) in lymph node cell proliferation rates between UV? and UV+ groups was considered positive for photoallergic reaction. After testing 13 chemicals, seven human photoallergens tested positive and the other six, with no evidence of causing photoallergic dermatitis or UV absorption, tested negative. Among these chemicals, both doxycycline hydrochloride and minocycline hydrochloride were tetracycline antibiotics with different photoallergic properties, and the new method clearly distinguished between the photoallergic properties of these chemicals. These findings suggested high predictability of our method; therefore, it is promising and effective in predicting human photoallergens.  相似文献   

Development of a peptide reactivity assay for screening contact allergens.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Allergic contact dermatitis resulting from skin sensitization is a common occupational and environmental health problem. In recent years, the local lymph node assay (LLNA) has emerged as a practical option for assessing the skin sensitization potential of chemicals. In addition to accurate identification of skin sensitizers, the LLNA can also provide a reliable measure of relative sensitization potency; information that is pivotal in successful management of human health risks. However, even with the significant animal welfare benefits provided by the LLNA, there is still interest in the development of nonanimal test methods for skin sensitization testing. One characteristic of a chemical allergen is its ability to react with proteins prior to the induction of skin sensitization. The majority of chemical allergens is electrophilic and as such reacts with nucleophilic amino acids like cysteine or lysine. In order to determine if reactivity correlates with sensitization potential, 38 chemicals representing allergens of different potencies (weak to extreme) and nonsensitizers were evaluated for their ability to react with glutathione or three synthetic peptides containing either cysteine, lysine, or histidine. Following a 15-min reaction time for glutathione or a 24 h reaction period for the three synthetic peptides, the samples were analyzed by HPLC. UV detection was used to monitor the depletion of glutathione or the peptide following reaction. The results demonstrate that a significant correlation (Spearman correlation) exists between allergen potency and the depletion of glutathione (p = 0.001), lysine (p = 0.025), and cysteine (p = 0.020), but not histidine. The peptide with the highest sensitivity was cysteine (80.8%) whereas histidine was the least sensitive (11.5%). The data presented show that measuring peptide reactivity has utility for screening chemicals for their skin sensitization potency and thus potential for reducing our reliance on animal test methods.  相似文献   

It is important that predictive toxicological test methods are selective for their intended endpoint and that their limitations are understood and acknowledged. The local lymph node assay (LLNA) is a relatively new predictive test for skin sensitization potential that can replace traditional guinea pig tests and offers significant scientific and animal welfare advantages. However, there has been some concern that certain irritant materials may yield false positive results, although it must be emphasized that false positives also occur in guinea pig methods. Consequently, we have examined the performance in the LLNA of a range of skin irritants, from varying chemical classes and covering a range of irritation potency. The results presented here demonstrate clearly that the majority of skin irritants are negative in the LLNA. These results are reviewed in the context of the occurrence of false positive reactions in the guinea pig maximization test and the strategies for dealing with such results are discussed. The need for careful scientific evaluation of the results in all predictive tests for sensitization is thus emphasized. In terms of specificity, the LLNA has been more fully evaluated than other predictive test methods and is at least as accurate. In terms of animal welfare, objectivity, reproducibility and reliability it is superior to other methods. In summary, all predictive skin sensitization test results should be evaluated in a scientifically rigorous manner and the additional data provided herein further support the adoption of the LLNA as a complete replacement for the traditional guinea pig methods.  相似文献   

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