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低水平铅接触对男工性机能及生殖结局的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了接触低水平铅男工的性机能和生殖结局状况。接铅组性机能障碍发生率为11.80%,对照组为4.48%,两组比较差异非常显著(P<0.01),早泄(11.80%)、性欲减退或无性兴奋性(14.6%)的发生率也显著高于对照组(4.93%、4.04%)。性机能障碍和早泄发生率有随工龄增加而增高的趋势(P<0.05、P<0.01)。接铅男工妻子的自然流产率(9.50%)、死胎死产率(2.23%)和不育率(8.43%)也分别高于对照组(5.52%、0.48%、2.69%)。自然流产率的增高主要表现为早期自然流产率的增高,发生率与对照组比较有极显著差异(P<0.01)。Logistic回归分析显示,铅接触是自然流产率、死胎死产率和不育率增高的唯一危险因素(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

无机铅对已婚男性生殖功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究选择接触无机铅工龄满1年以上的123名已婚男工为观察对象,以同一地区年龄、文化程度、生活习惯相当的不接触铅的107名氧气厂已婚男工作为对照,进行生殖机能影响的调查。结果表明,接触铅的工人性机能明显下降,主要表现为阳萎;此外,性激素测定,血清血栓素浓度降低。  相似文献   

CO是一种化学窒息性气体,其理化特性为无色无味无臭气体,比重0.967,难溶于水,易溶于氨水等。在工业生产中尤其在钢铁企业生产过程中分布较为广泛。为了了解较长时间接触CO毒物是否对生殖结局有影响,我们对酒钢选矿厂的接触CO的男工做了详细的调查,具体内容报告如下。  相似文献   

对铅暴露女工368人及对照组女工453人的一般情况、生殖结局进行回顾性队列研究,并测定暴露组女工30人、对照组48人的血铅及性激素水平。暴露组女工月经紊乱明显高于对照组(P<0.01),且早产率、自然流产率亦高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);暴露组血清性激素水平孕酮(P)、雌二醇(E2)降低,睾酮(T)升高(P<0.01)。说明长期低浓度铅暴露可引起女工月经失调、激素紊乱,导致不良的生殖结局。  相似文献   

铅接触对男工生殖功能影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对村镇企业接铅男工生殖功能的影响进行了研究。接触和对照工人的精液检查各20例。结果显示:接触工人的血铅、精液铅为52.49μg/dl和39.20μg/dl,显著地高于对照工人(25.52μg/dl和7.14μg/dl)(P<0.01);接触工人一次射精的精液量、精子数为1.79ml和87.31×10~6,对照工人为3.19ml和115.25×10~6,两组间有显著性差异(P<0.05);接触组的精子活力分级百分比呈现反常,精子活力属于a级的百分比铅接触组为(24.9%)与对照组(39.9%)比较呈现高度显著性差异(P<0.01),值得注意。  相似文献   

接触二甲基甲酰胺对男工生殖内分泌机能影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)对男工生殖内分泌机能影响.方法按照国家标准测定作业场所空气中DMF浓度,并用尿中甲基甲酰胺(NMF)浓度来衡量作业工人实际接触水平,用化学发光免疫测定法(CLIA)测定了100名男工血清中卵泡刺激素(FSH)、黄体生成素(LH)、泌乳素(PRL)、睾酮(T)浓度.结果高水平DMF接触作业工人血清中T浓度[(30.15±8.37)g/L]高于低水平接触组[(25.36±10.69)g/L]和对照组[(18.56±8.07)g /L],而FSH浓度[(6.53±4.06)×10-3单位/L]则低于低水平接触组[(10.03±3.47)×10-3单位/L]和对照组[(12.63±6.55)×10-3单位/L];血清T浓度、异常率与DMF接触水平有明显剂量反应关系;高、低水平接触组 T/LH比值(3.72±2.06、3.41±2.55)明显低于对照组(7.75±10.16).结论 DMF能使男工FSH变化外,尚存在间质细胞功能及LH-T轴异常,对男工具有一定的生殖毒性.  相似文献   

接铅男工精液质量研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文对86名铅接触男工和68名非接触男工精液质量进行了分析,两组男工平均血铅分别为43.20±28.84和22.07±11.64μg/dl。接触组精液液化时间明显长于对照组,与非接触工人相比,接触工人平均一次射精精液总量、精子密度、精子总数、存活精子数、精子存活率及精子活力均降低,其中快速直线运动精子比例下降尤为明显;接触组精子畸形率则明显高于对照组,差别均有显著性(P<0.05)。进一步分析显示,精液质量改变主要见于血铅>40μg/dl 的工人,表明铅引起精液质量降低的血铅的阈值可能为40ug/dl。  相似文献   

职业接触有机磷农药对男工生殖机能影响的初探   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
有机磷农药对人体的毒性主要是由于抑制乙酰胆碱酯酶 (Ach E)而引起毒蕈碱样和烟碱样症状、中枢神经系统症状及迟发神经病 [1 ,2 ,3] 。对雄 (男 )性生殖系统的影响目前均来自动物实验和急性中毒的研究 [4,5 ] 。但长期慢性接触 ,对男性生殖机能的影响少见报道 ,为了解长期慢性接触能否对男性的生殖机能产生不良影响 ,我们对某化工厂有机磷作业工人进行健康监护并对部分男工进行精液检查 ,结果如下。1 对象与方法1 .1 对象选择农药厂有机磷生产工人为暴露组 ,以毛毯厂生产工人为对照组。在一般健康检查及生殖器官检查无异常后选择暴露组…  相似文献   

为评价铅接触对下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴的影响,选取健康男性工人189人,其中接触男工97名(血铅2.12±1.39μmol/L),非接触男工92名(血铅1.10±0.56μmol/L),以放射免疫法测定其血浆睾酮及血清LH、FSH。接触组工人平均血浆睾酮浓度为561.12ng/dl,明显低于对照组的725.29ng/dl(P<0.01)而血清LH水平则明显高于对照组工人,前者为19.17mIU/ml,后者为15.19mIU/ml(P<0.05);两组工人血清FSH含量无显著性差异,分别为12.21和11.03mIU/ml(P>0.05)。多元逐步回归分析表明,血清LH及血浆睾酮水平的改变与接触者的工龄明显相关,其次与吸烟也有一定关系。提示男工接触铅后可影响下丘脑-垂体-睾丸轴内分泌功能,引起血浆睾酮及血清LH浓度的改变。  相似文献   

为研究职业性接触CO对男工生殖功能的影响,对长期接触CO男工的生殖功能、妻子妊娠结局及子代健康进行了调查。结果表明,男工长期接触CO对妻子妊娠结局及子代健康影响不甚明显,但其生殖功能障碍症状积分显著高出对照组,且与接触工龄和神经障碍症状积分呈正相关。提示长期接触CO可能影响男工的生殖功能。  相似文献   

目的 观察乙烷硒啉对大鼠配子成熟、交配行为、生育力和早期胚胎发育方面的毒性影响。方法 乙烷硒啉设0,250,500和1000 mg/kg组。雄性大鼠连续灌胃给药8周,雌性大鼠连续灌胃给药2周,进行组内同笼交配,共交配2个性周期。交配期间继续给药至妊娠第14 d处死,解剖检查卵巢、子宫和胚胎等生殖器官。在确定雌鼠受精后处死同笼的雄鼠,解剖检查雄性睾丸和附睾等生殖器官。结果 给药期间各剂量组大鼠体重增长缓慢(平均最大差值达到-70 g);雄性大鼠生殖器官发育良好,性功能正常,精子数量多、成熟,畸形率低。妊娠大鼠各剂量组的活胎数明显减少(窝平均最大差值达到-6.8个)、吸收胎数增多(窝平均最大差值达到+5.9个)和受精卵着床后丢失率增加(>54%);但交配率、妊娠率、黄体数、着床数、死胎数、胎仔体重和胎仔体表畸形数等与对照组基本一致。结论 乙烷硒啉可影响雄性成年大鼠体重增长,引起妊娠大鼠早期胚胎发育障碍和受精卵着床后丢失;但对大鼠其他生殖功能无明显损害作用。  相似文献   

食物中铅及营养素摄入对儿童血铅的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨食物中铅摄入及营养素摄入对儿童血铅的影响.方法:随机选择263名儿童进行血铅测定和膳食调查,并用原子吸收分光光度法测定食物中的铅含量,了解儿童铅及营养素的摄入量.根据血铅值分为高血铅组(≥100μg/L)及低血铅组(<100μg/L),对比两组食物中铅及营养素摄入量,采用Logistic回归分析各营养素摄入与血铅的相关性.结果:263名儿童血铅平均值为(80.84±42.79)μg/L,其中血铅值≥100μg/L的儿童有55名(20.91%).食物中铅摄入量范围为3.99~43.9μg/(kg·d),均高于暂定每周摄入量(PTWI),高血铅组儿童铅摄入量较高,但总能量、糖类、纤维素、视黄醇、维生素B1、维生素B2、镁、磷等摄入量相应较低.Logistic回归分析显示,糖类、视黄醇是降低儿童血铅的因素.结论:机体血铅增高可能与铅摄入量较多,总能量、纤维素、维生素B1、B2、镁、磷,尤其是糖类、视黄醇摄入量相应较低有关.  相似文献   

Biological assimilation and transport of cadmium were determined for an arthropod food chain in an east Tennessee grassland community. Laboratory experiments demonstrated that there were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in assimilation rates (17% assimilation per day) or biological half-lives (7 days) of 109Cd either as soluble nitrate or insoluble oxide in crickets under identical conditions. Field experiments demonstrated that primary consumers (crickets) accumulated 109Cd much more rapidly (uptake rate = 0.55 day?1) than did the spider predators (uptake rate = 0.08 day?1). Equilibrium concentrations in crickets were obtained in 9 days (0.04 ppm cadmium), while equilibrium was not reached in spiders during the 30-day study. Food-chain concentration of cadmium did not occur as crickets accumulated levels of cadmium 60% of that in their vegetation food sources and spiders accumulated only 70% of the cadmium present in the cricket tissues.  相似文献   

Exposure to inorganic lead has been associated with impaired uptake of iodine by the thyroid as well as depressed estimated free thyroxine levels in occupationally exposed adults. Consideration of the serious consequences of impaired thyroid function in young children prompted investigation of the effects of lead on thyroid function in children. Blood lead determinations and thyroid function tests were performed on 68 children examined at a hospital outpatient pediatric clinic. Serum thyroxine (T4) and free thyroxine (FT4) levels were within the normal range for all patients. No statistically significant relationship was found between lead levels and T4 or FT4 levels. We conclude that lead is unlikely to have a clinically significant effect on thyroid function in children exposed in inner cities at prevailing levels.  相似文献   

目的:探讨锌的排铅作用及对血液和股骨中铜、铁元素的影响。方法:小鼠连续30 d饮用0.55%醋酸铅水溶液制作铅中毒模型,同时硫酸锌水溶液灌胃为加锌组,依地酸二钠钙注射为阳性药物对照。结果:加锌组小鼠血铅和股骨铅明显降低,血铁和股骨锌含量明显高于铅中毒模型组;其股骨中的锌、铁和锌/铜均明显高于依地酸二钠钙组。结论:硫酸锌对于铅中毒小鼠具有促进排铅作用,它在维持小鼠股骨中微量元素方面优于依地酸二钠钙。  相似文献   

The effect of milk diet on lead metabolism in rats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effect of milk on lead absorption and retention was studied in four groups of 6-wk-old female rats after a single oral or intraperitoneal application of lead-203. The animals were fed different diets for 2 wk (1 wk prior and 1 wk after the radiolead application). All animals receiving milk diet or milk additives showed a higher intake of fats and proteins and a lower intake of carbohydrates, vitamin D, and iron than control rats fed on normal diet. The calcium, phosphate, and calorie intake was about the same in all groups.The body retention of the orally applied lead-203 was much higher in animals on milk diet (4 times higher in rats on normal diet and cow's milk; 57 in animals on cow's milk; 33 times in rats on powdered milk) than in controls. The milk diet had only a slight effect on the whole body retention of lead-203 after intraperitoneal application (1.3 and 1.2 times higher in rats on cow's and powdered milk, respectively).This indicates that milk causes considerable enhancement of lead retention in the body mainly by greatly increasing its absorption from the intestinal tract.  相似文献   

Baboons were exposed to dust clouds of Ph3O4 of different size distribution but of the same total gravimetric concentration. Blood samples were taken immediately after each exposure of 4 hours and the total blood lead was determined. The exposure to the lead-bearing dust was stopped after four weeks, but the blood sampling continued for another six weeks. Graphs are presented comparing the patterns of lead absorption obtained with different sized lead particles. The coarser lead particles resulted in a higher blood lead concentration than the finer.  相似文献   

The effect of parathyroid hormone (PTH) on renal accumulation of lead has been assessed in two experiments on mature rats. In the first experiment, lead was given per os, followed by subcutaneous injections of PTH (100 units of parathyroid extract, Lilly) or vehicle alone over the next 2 days. In the second experiment, anesthetized rats were given lead ± PTH (bovine 1–34, Beckman; primed with 1.33 μg and a constant infusion of 4.2 ng/minute) intravenously over a 2-hour period. In both experiments, PTH caused significant increments in renal lead concentration (52 and 29%, respectively) compared to groups treated with lead but not PTH. Since total body lead is also increased with PTH treatment in the first experiment, a gastrointestinal (GI) mechanism is suggested; however, stimulation of GI absorption cannot account for the effect in the second experiment in which lead was administered iv. In both experiments, the increment in renal lead in the absence of changes in lead in other soft tissues (liver, red cell, or plasma) suggests a selective effect of PTH on renal lead. The possible mechanisms for this effect are discussed.  相似文献   

康达饮在铅作业工人中排铅效果的观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
康达饮是一种中药饮料,83名铅作业工人按其血铅和尿铅水平随机分成两组,41人作为康达饮试验组,每天饮用康达饮,连续三个月,42人作为对照组,相同时间饮用沙示汽水。结果表明康达饮可增加尿铅排出(P<0.05)及提高血铅水平(P<0.01)。这与我们以前做的动物实验结果一致,这可能是康达饮使骨铅向血液转移增加或血铅向骨内沉积减少所致。结果表明康达饮可降低机体铅负荷,对人体微量元素及其它指标无不良影响。  相似文献   

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