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暗娼与性伴之间安全套协商使用情况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 了解暗娼与嫖客或固定性伴之间安全套协商和使用情况,为暗娼的艾滋病综合干预措施的制定提供参考依据。方法 采用横断面调查,于2018年4-6月在云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州蒙自市、建水县,依托娱乐服务场所招募≥16岁暗娼,估算样本量需476人,问卷调查收集其人口学特征、安全套协商及使用情况信息。采用logistic回归模型分析暗娼与不愿使用安全套的嫖客协商后安全套使用的影响因素。结果 共调查暗娼852人,年龄(24.29±8.44)岁。最近1个月性行为,有58.6%(499/852)的暗娼每次都要求嫖客使用安全套但嫖客不愿使用,协商后有88.4%(441/499)的暗娼每次与嫖客都使用安全套。有14.4%(99/687)的暗娼每次都要求固定性伴使用安全套,但固定性伴不愿使用,经协商后,54.5%(54/99)暗娼与固定性伴每次都使用安全套。最近1个月,暗娼说服不愿使用安全套的嫖客时,53.3%(266/499)的采用“强制要求”策略,19.4%(97/499)的采用“风险说服”策略,23.1%(115/499)的采用“强制要求及风险说服”策略,4.2%(21/499)的采用其他策略协商。4.4%(22/499)的暗娼感觉说服嫖客使用安全套困难。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,和感觉说服嫖客使用安全套困难的暗娼相比,难度适中(OR=4.00,95% CI:1.55~10.32)、容易(OR=30.17,95% CI:3.22~282.44)的暗娼更容易成功协商嫖客每次都使用安全套。和采用其他策略与嫖客协商使用安全套的暗娼相比,采用“强制要求”策略者(OR=4.44,95% CI:1.41~14.01)、采用“强制要求及风险说服”策略者(OR=5.52,95% CI:1.55~19.73)更容易成功协商嫖客每次都使用安全套。结论 通过安全套协商策略,可促使不愿使用安全套的嫖客使用安全套。采用“强制要求”策略更容易成功协商嫖客每次都使用安全套,结合“风险说服”策略更有利于成功协商。  相似文献   

This study examines social and behavioral factors associated with condom use among female commercial sex workers (CSWs) in Tarlac, the Philippines. One hundred and twenty-one CSWs who visited a social hygiene clinic for regular check-ups were asked to fill out a self-administered questionnaire with thirty-one items. More than 80% of the respondents had experience of using condoms with clients. However, only 48% of them used consistently. Six factors, level of education, knowledge of condom application, knowledge of condom effectiveness for preventing AIDS, knowledge of AIDS, use of other contraceptives, and sex premise managers’ advice about using condoms, were significantly associated with their condom use by bivariate analyses. Following a logistic regression analysis, three variables, education, knowledge of condom effectiveness, and sex premise managers’ advice, were revealed to be independently associated with consistent condom use. We recommend that managers of sex premises take an active role in advocating condom use, and that the effectiveness of condoms as an AIDS preventative be emphasized in future educational and interventional programs.  相似文献   

目的分析广东省中山市女性性工作者(FSW)HIV感染状况及安全套使用影响因素,为艾滋病科学防治提供依据。方法2009年采用方便抽样法通过外展的方式招募FSW,对其进行面对面的问卷调查,问卷包括社会人口学资料、艾滋病相关知识态度、艾滋病相关求医行为、性行为情况和吸毒相关行为等,并抽取静脉血进行HIV抗体检测,初筛用ELISA检验,阳性者用WB法复检;采用非条件logistic回归模型对FSW最近1周与商业性伴阴道性交非持续使用安全套影响因素进行单、多因素分析。结果共招募543名FSW进行血清学检测,其中520人完成问卷调查。HIV抗体阳性率0.18%(1/543)。最近1周FSW与商业性伴、临时性伴及固定性伴性交时每次使用安全套的比例分别为45.6%(144/316)、31.2%(44/141)、19.0%(46/242);FSW最近1次与商业性伴发生性行为时未使用安全套的占8.6%(35/406),不使用的原因主要为客人不愿意用(14/35)、固定熟客(9/35)和客人付钱多(8/35)。当客人不愿意使用安全套并提出给与更多报酬时,51.5%(167/324)表示会考虑不使用安全套;最近1个月出现不正确使用安全套行为的比例为25.1%(111/442)。多因素logistic回归模型提示,客人加钱会考虑不使用安全套(OR=7.23)、认为自己有感染HIV的风险(OR=3.87)及曾经进入妇教所(OR=4.27)是非持续使用安全套的独立危险因素。结论中山市社区FSW艾滋病尚处于低流行阶段,但FSW安全套使用率低,存在多种导致艾滋病流行的危险因素,应针对该人群采取综合性干预措施。  相似文献   

目的 分析浙江省艾滋病综合防治示范区低档暗娼与嫖客发生肛交行为的相关情况及影响因素。方法 2013年在浙江省21个艾滋病综合防治示范区开展低档暗娼调查。以最近1个月是否与嫖客发生过肛交为因变量,其他行为感知、行为特征等为自变量,采用logistic回归模型分析低档暗娼肛交行为发生的相关因素。结果 共调查低档暗娼2 645人,≥26岁占67.9%(1 796/2 645)、初中及以下文化程度占89.9%(2 378/2 645)、已婚占58.4%(1 546/2 645)、外省籍占78.2%(2 068/2 645)、月均收入≤4 000元的占68.6%(1 814/2 645);最近1个月与嫖客肛交发生率为5.03%(133/2 645)。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,低档暗娼最近1个月与嫖客发生肛交的影响因素包括:性服务类型为发廊/按摩店、路边店和其他场所服务,分别是站街服务的7.31倍(95% CI:2.27~23.59)、7.89倍(95% CI:2.27~27.40)和4.65倍(95% CI: 1.23~17.53);性服务地区数量≥4个县(区)是性服务仅固定在1个县(区)的1.68倍(95% CI:1.01~2.81);最近1个月嫖客年龄段仅为中年及以上是青年和中年及以上嫖客的0.45倍(95% CI:0.30~0.66);有STD感染风险意识者是无STD感染风险意识者的2.00倍(95% CI:1.20~3.32);最近1个月与嫖客发生口交者是与未发生口交者的7.29倍(95% CI:4.78~11.12)。结论 浙江省艾滋病综合防治示范区的低档暗娼与嫖客的商业性行为存在肛交现象,发生口交的低档暗娼更容易发生肛交。应重点关注低档暗娼的肛交及危险行为干预。  相似文献   

四川省某市商业性服务男性顾客艾滋病相关行为研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
目的 了解商业性服务男性顾客的社会人口学特征、艾滋病相关行为及其影响因素。方法 通过女性性服务者中的志愿者以及性病门诊、长途汽车站、长途货运站和采用提名法 5种途径接近调查对象 ,对其进行匿名问卷调查 ,所得资料用非条件及多分类logistic逐步回归模型进行分析。结果  (1)商业性服务男性顾客大多为 2 0~ 4 5岁 ,初中文化以上的已婚成年男性 ,职业多样 ;(2 )最近1年性交易次数为 1~ 2 4 0次不等 ,平均 2 4次 ,且与职业 (司机、无业和个体经营者 )及朋友或同事性交易比例呈显著正相关 ;(3)最近 1年商业性行为中每次使用安全套比例为 2 7.98% ,与艾滋病预防传播知识得分、性交易场所 (中档场所 )和调查对象居住地 (本省其他地区和外省 )呈显著正相关 ;(4)2 8.36 %的调查对象曾患性病 ,性病史与最近 1年性交易次数和感染艾滋病的风险意识呈显著正相关 ,与商业性行为中安全套使用频率呈显著负相关。结论 商业性服务男性顾客人群安全套坚持使用率低 ,有相当部分曾患性病 ,应主动对该类人群采取针对性干预措施。  相似文献   

目的分析曲靖市女性性服务工作者安全套使用的影响因素,为在该人群100.00%推广安全套提供参考。方法 2009-2013年对曲靖市各哨点主城区的女性性服务工作者开展行为学问卷调查,并分析数据。结果共监测女性性服务工作者5050人,最近1次与客人发生性行为时安全套使用率为97.42%~99.33%;最近1个月与客人发生性行为安全套每次都使用率为88.57%~97.33%,有时使用率11.24%下降至2.58%,从未使用率0.26%下降至0.00%;多因素非条件Logistic回归分析显示,已婚(OR=2.491,95%CI:1.178~5.267)、接受干预服务(OR=6.636,95%CI:2.622~16.792)、同伴教育(OR=2.710,1.525~4.816)、艾滋病知晓(OR=1.183,95%CI:1.0005~1.654)这4个因素是女性性服务工作者使用安全套的促进因素,而低档场所(OR=0.138,95%CI:0.055~0.342)是女性性服务工作者不使用安全套的危险因素。结论曲靖市女性性服务工作者安全套使用率比较高,但要加强低档场所女性性服务工作者的健康教育与干预。  相似文献   

目的了解合肥市蜀山区低层暗娼安全套使用情况,探讨影响低层暗娼最近一个月每次使用安全套的可能因素。方法对合肥市蜀山区低层暗娼共335人,采用自填式或一对一现场问卷调查,问卷内容包括一般人口统计学变量、性病/艾滋病知识的知晓情况、性行为特征和安全套使用情况等。结果76.4%的调查对象在最近一个月内坚持每次性行为都使用安全套,79.3%的本省低层暗娼最近一个月每次都使用安全套,明显高于外省户籍的低层暗娼的使用率69.8%(χ2=4.468,P〈0.05)。多因素非条件Logistic回归分析结果显示,认为固定性伴不能降低艾滋病危险性、老板不管、客人不用安全套、老板允许或不管暗娼进行性交易等因素导致暗娼最近一个月每次都使用安全套的可能性显著降低,一次性交易价钱〉100元的暗娼最近一个月每次都使用安全套的比例明显高于一次性交易价钱≤100元的暗娼,OR=2.266(95%CI:1.208~4.251)。结论合肥市蜀山区低层暗娼最近一个月每次安全套使用率仍较低,距100%使用安全套还有差距。每次性交易的价格和娱乐场所老板的态度等变量影响着暗娼最近一个月每次都使用安全套的比例。  相似文献   

A survey of 87 Thai female commercial sex workers (TCSW) was conducted in Tokyo and surrounding areas to investigate their: 1) living conditions, 2) knowledge about HIV/AIDS and sources of information, and 3) working conditions and dealings with clients. Data were mainly collected by “snowballing” with semi-structured interviews. The results showed a majority of participants knew HIV could be contracted through sexual intercourse and that condom use could protect against HIV infection. However, some TCSW reported failing to use condoms despite having requested clients to do so. Reasons for client compliance with condom use were discussed. Although a majority of the participants underwent HIV testing at least once every 3 months, they did not learn much about HIV prevention through public information and education. The results suggest that workers and clients need more detailed information concerning HIV prevention as well as a greater accessibility.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The primary objective was to estimate the lifetime prevalence of abortion and the secondary objective was to describe the use of contraceptive methods among female sex workers (FSW) in Bogota, Colombia. STUDY DESIGN: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among FSW. Information on sociodemographic characteristics, contraceptive methods, number of abortions, reasons for abortions and sexual practices was collected. RESULTS: A total of 514 FSW were enrolled. Of these, 264 (53%) had a lifetime abortion. Age, years in sex work and a previous sexually transmitted infection were associated with abortion. A total of 89 FSW(17%) reported no contraception method. Oral contraceptives, use of condoms, female sterilization and intrauterine device insertion were the most common methods of contraception. Women who were poorer, who initiated sex work at a younger age and who reported use of illegal drugs were associated with inconsistent contraception. CONCLUSION: A high lifetime prevalence of abortion and inconsistent contraception was found among FSW in Bogota. There is a need for effective and practical contraceptive methods of family health planning among FSW in Colombia.  相似文献   

暗娼商业性行为中安全套使用的影响因素研究进展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
异性性传播已成为我国HIV的最主要传播途径,暗娼作为商业异性性传播的主体,不坚持使用安全套是其感染和传播HIV的主要高危行为。本文对暗娼人口学特征、安全套使用的协商、性伴类型、性交方式、暴力、HIV检测等影响商业性行为中安全套使用因素的研究进行综述,为暗娼人群的HIV预防干预、确定未来研究工作的方向提供参考。  相似文献   

To assess self-protective behaviors of commercial sex workers (CSWs) against HIV transmission, a consecutive study was conducted at an obstetric-gynecology clinic in the largest “soapland” area in Tokyo. Among 208 CSWs interviewed, only half (107) regularly requested (RR) the clients to use condoms. Sixty-two percent of RR had learned from others (“learners”) oral application of condoms while only 39% of NRR (non-regular requesters) did (“non-learners”) (p = 0.001). Seventy-six percent of the learners were only “rarely” or “never” detected by the clients regarding condom application compared with only 23% of the non-learners (p< 0.001). While 90% of additionally recruited 40 NRR reported that they would request condom use by a “suspicious” client, none had experienced violence even when the clients found the secretive application. The oral application of condoms appears to be a transferable and potentially effective preventive behavior. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

四川省某市卖淫妇女的高危行为及HIV知识调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 :了解卖淫妇女感染 HIV的高危行为及 HIV知识水平 ,为作好艾滋病的预防工作提供依据。方法 :对四川省某市妇教所内 4 6名卖淫妇女进行问卷调查。结果 :被调查对象的平均年龄为 2 8.5 7± 9.4 5岁 ,有婚姻史者 6 5 .2 % ,来自农村者占 6 4 .4 % ;文化程度以小学及以下者居多 ,共计 6 7.4 % ;从事性工作的原因以“为经济所逼”为主 ,占 6 3.0 %。首次性行为的平均年龄为 18.6 7± 2 .77岁 ,而首次商业性性行为平均年龄为 2 7.89± 9.12岁 ;有固定性伴者 37人 ,月接客数为10~ 2 9个、 30~ 5 0个的比例分别为 4 4 .4 %和 2 8.9% ;避孕套的使用情况显示 ,与固定性伴发生性行为时从不使用的比例为6 7.5 % ,而与商业性性伴的性行为 ,从不使用的比例为 8.7% ,二者差异有统计学意义。知晓艾滋病病名者达 93.2 % ,但仅17人知道艾滋病可预防而不可治愈。结论 :卖淫妇女的不安全性行为发生率高 ,其 HIV知识相对匮乏 ,仍需加强对她们进行 HIV / AIDS的知识宣传及提高避孕套使用率的行为教育。  相似文献   

This paper analyses barriers to consistent condom use in the context of transactional sex among female sex workers in mainland China. It reveals how differences in socioeconomic profile and organisational hierarchies amongst different groups of sex workers create different barriers to condom use. Data was collected by means of field observation of entertainment venues and in‐depth interviews. Findings suggest that, compared with other sex workers, street‐walkers are less likely to use condoms with their clients, hold highly disadvantaged socioeconomic profiles and work in isolation. Major barriers to condom use link to economic deprivation and threats of violence from clients. For the women working in entertainment venues, drunkenness of clients, pricing mechanisms and familiarity with clients pose barriers to condom use. Yet within all these constraints women are not powerless and instead find ways to exercise agency and gain personal protection and economic advantage. In the newly emerging China, both structural hierarchies of work and individual agency inform condom use by female sex workers. Future HIV intervention programmes need to take these factors into account in order to meet the needs of different groups of women sex workers.  相似文献   

目的了解女性性服务工作者的艾滋病(AIDS)相关知识信念行为情况,探索在该人群中开展AIDS宣传教育和行为干预的适合模式。方法对经确认的114名女性性服务工作者进行问卷调查。结果114名女性性服务工作者年龄最小的14岁,最大的39岁;51.8%的未婚;83.3%的文化程度为初高中生。调查对象具有一定艾滋病知识,性生活频率高而安全套使用率低,存在吸毒现象。109名女性性服务工作者接受性病艾滋病检测,查出梅毒阳性6人,HIV抗体均阴性。结论女性性服务工作者是艾滋病高危人群而自我防范意识差,应深入其中开展宣传教育和行为干预工作。  相似文献   

Current efforts to advance the capacity of sex workers to recognize and successfully negotiate the risks in their work rarely privilege their own constructions of these risks. Yet current research shows that lay perspectives and notions are critical to the success and sustainability of health programmes. Drawing upon qualitative research with 127 sex workers in Aba, Nigeria, the present paper explores sex work risks as they are constructed, expressed, and acted upon by sex workers themselves. The sex workers were generally eloquent in expressing the idea that their work was particularly risky. They mentioned client violence and abuses, sexually transmitted infections, stigma and rejection, reduced prospects of marriage, police intimidation, and accelerated aging or physical degeneration as some of the risks in sex work. Sex workers pursued several different strategies in managing these risks, including setting boundaries for themselves, being choosy and selective about clients, using traditional medicine and charms, alcohol and drug use, and participation in religious activities. Results challenge mainstream medico-epidemiological notions that sex workers are unaware of the risks they are exposed to, and/or do nothing to address them. Many of the key elements for an effective risk prevention and management strategy are visible but will need to be coordinated into responsive programmes of intervention and action.  相似文献   

目的  研究湖北省不同档次场所暗娼(female sex workers,FSWs)安全套使用的影响因素。 方法  基于计划行为理论(theory of planned behavior,TPB)抽查湖北省六市的816名FSWs进行问卷调查,应用结构方程模型分析不同档次场所FSWs在商业性行为中安全套使用的影响因素。 结果  低档场所FSWs最近1次和最近1月商业性行为中安全套使用率均低于中高档场所FSWs(t=5.80,P < 0.001)。不同场所FSWs的TPB评分差异有统计学意义,低档场所FSWs知觉行为控制评分(11.43±2.86)低于中高档场所FSWs(12.06±2.87)(t=3.07,P=0.002);但行为意图评分(5.47±1.11)高于中高档场所(5.20±1.15)(t=3.35,P=0.001)。知觉行为控制是低档场所FSWs使用安全套的最强影响因素(路径系数为0.55,P < 0.001),而安全套使用意图是中高档场所FSWs使用安全套的最强影响因素(路径系数为0.33,P < 0.001)。对于所有研究对象,安全套使用态度是安全套使用意图的最强影响因素(路径系数为0.49和0.42,P < 0.001)。 结论  提高FSWs对安全套的使用态度是提高FSWs安全套使用意图的重要举措。对于低档场所FSWs,应提高知觉行为控制相关因素;对于高档场所FSWs,应提高其安全套使用意愿。  相似文献   

目的 运用三水平logistic回归模型分析青岛市大龄暗娼的安全套使用影响因素。方法 采用同伴推动抽样方法于2014年3-6月在青岛市招募和调查35岁及以上暗娼(OFSWs)收集每名OFSWs及最近1个月5名性伴(不包括丈夫)的相关信息。拟合三水平logistic回归模型结合大龄暗娼工作场所、OFSWs和性伴水平分析安全套使用的影响因素。结果 共对420名OFSWs完成问卷调查,获得2 100名性伴的信息。结果显示,OFSWs的安全套使用情况在招揽客人的场所水平和自身水平上存在有聚集性。三水平logistic回归结果显示,初中文化程度(OR=1.450,95%CI:1.054~1.994)、高中及以上(OR=2.264,95%CI:1.215~4.222)的OFSWs安全套使用率高于小学及以下文化程度者;认为安全套能预防艾滋病(OR=2.004,95%CI:1.273~3.154)的安全套使用率高;认为性伴之间信任不需要使用安全套(OR=0.796,95%CI:0.745~0.849)、既往感染梅毒(OR=0.657,95%CI:0.478~0.902)的安全套使用率较低。OFSWs与熟客及一般客人的安全套使用率高于和男朋友的安全套使用率(OR=15.291,95%CI:8.441~27.700;OR=29.032,95%CI:15.413~54.682)。结论 青岛市OFSWs安全套使用情况受自身及其性伴的共同影响,要对OFSWs及其性伴同时开展干预,重点关注文化程度低、与信任性伴之间、既往感染梅毒的OFSWs。  相似文献   

目的 了解2014-2015年云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州河口瑶族自治县(河口县)嫖客HIV感染、相关危险行为及相关因素。方法 2014年6月至2015年11月在云南省河口县开展4次连续横断面调查,采用方便抽样方式招募嫖客作为研究对象。调查问卷收集嫖客人口学特征、性行为及吸毒行为等信息;采集血液和尿液样本检测HIV/STD及毒品使用。多因素logistic回归与Exhaustive CHAID分类树模型分析嫖客HIV感染相关因素。采用SPSS 22.0和Clementine 12.0软件进行统计学分析。结果 4次调查共有776名嫖客,HIV感染率为2.06%(16/776),与商业性性伴发生性行为时坚持使用安全套的嫖客占68.81%(534/776)。相比中国籍嫖客,越南籍嫖客吗啡阳性率较高且最近1个商业性性伴均为越南籍暗娼。多因素logistic回归分析结果表明,年龄≥ 50岁(与<30岁者相比,OR=8.11,95% CI:1.26~52.16)和吗啡尿检阳性(与吗啡尿检阴性者相比,OR=7.35,95% CI:1.42~38.06)是嫖客HIV感染风险的危险因素。分类树模型判断年龄≥ 50岁是男性嫖客HIV感染的首要相关因素。结论 云南省河口县嫖客的HIV感染风险受到毒品与商业性性行为的双重影响;≥ 50岁嫖客HIV感染率较高,干预工作需关注嫖客年龄较大者。  相似文献   



Brazilian women who have undergone abortion use contraceptive methods; however, their use of contraceptive methods is inconsistent and/or inappropriate.

Study Design

This randomized trial evaluated the effectiveness of a personalized counseling on contraceptive acceptability and its use for postabortion women in the northeast of Brazil. It was conducted in July 2008 to September 2009, enrolling 246 women randomly distributed in intervention (n=123) and control (n=123) groups. An intention-to-treat analysis was performed.


In the follow-up, 98.4% women in the intervention group were using contraceptive methods compared with 70.6% women in the control group (p<.001). The probability of adherence and of the use of any kind of contraceptive method 6 months after the abortion was 41% greater in the intervention group.


The strategy on individualized contraceptive counseling increased the acceptance and the use of contraceptive methods and increased the adequate use of the methods.  相似文献   

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