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目的 探讨CORTISOMOL根管糊剂根充的临床效果。方法 将CORTISOMOL根管糊剂加牙胶尖侧压充填根管,治疗急、慢性根尖周炎,3个月后评价治疗后效果。结果 治疗51例中成功46例,有效5例,术后反应轻,明显优于对照组。结论 CORTISOMOL根管糊剂操作简便,对根尖周炎有较好的治疗作用。  相似文献   

牙胶尖粘附碘仿充填根管的临床应用汪达江根管充填是根管治疗中的重要步骤。临床上大多采用糊剂加牙胶尖的充填方法,无论何种糊剂都呈流体状态,充填上颌后牙根管及其他细小根管较为困难,费时费力,在没有先进完备充填器械的基层口腔科不易达到预期效果。口腔临床工作者...  相似文献   

张琛 《北京口腔医学》2002,10(2):93-93,105
根管充填是根管治疗的最后一个步骤,历来被认为是根管治疗术成功的关键之一.本科引进THERMAPREP热塑牙胶尖采用专门的定时加热炉加热软化表面牙胶后根管充填.本文就半年来采用热塑根充法根管充填的疗效进行报告.  相似文献   

年轻恒牙行根管治疗术往往由于牙根较短、管腔较粗大及根尖孔宽大给常规的根管充填带来困难 ,现有的成品医用牙胶尖按其粗细程度分为 16号 6种规格 ,充填牙胶时 ,常常需要填数根甚至十数根之多 ,不仅操作比较烦琐 ,而且容易出现空隙和牙胶尖超填等现象。近年来 ,我们采用个别制作的特号牙胶尖用于年轻恒牙根管充填 ,取得了满意的效果 ,现将体会报告如下。1 临床资料和方法1.1 分组临床选择 45例儿童恒切牙根管充填病例 ,随机分为 3组。第 1组 :使用成品 # 6牙胶尖 15例。第 2组 :使用制作的与根管粗细相近的牙胶尖 15例。第 3组 :使用制作…  相似文献   

我科沿用氯仿加牙胶尖作根管充填已久,此法疗效满意,报告如下:  相似文献   

热塑载体牙胶尖在根管治疗术中的临床应用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
为了改善根管充填效果 ,有许多改良的牙胶尖充填方法问世 ,包括垂直热压充填法[1] 、热塑牙胶充填法[2 ] 、加热侧压法[3] 、载体牙胶尖充填法[4 ] 等等。然而加压充填牙胶尖均因压力难于控制易造成超填 ,且其根尖封闭能力不理想[5] 。早期的载体牙胶尖充填是将带有牙胶涂层的载体放入根管后 ,通过与管壁磨擦产热达到牙胶软化的目的。这种方法产热量太小 ,牙胶软化不足以严密封闭根管。现有丹麦Soft -Core牙科产品公司生产的NaturalGPTM-Soft-Core热塑载体牙胶尖 ,它采用专门的加热炉加热软化载体表面的牙胶后 ,…  相似文献   

目的:观察氢氧化钙牙胶尖根管内封药消毒的临床效果.方法:选取门诊患有慢性根尖周炎或慢性尖周炎急性发作的病人220例,随机分为4组;在根管内分别封入甲醛甲酚(FC)棉球、樟脑酚棉捻、氢氧化钙糊剂、氢氧化钙牙胶尖1周,观察临床疗效及去除封药所需时间.结果:封樟脑酚组显效率最低(P<0.05),而其它3组之间显效率无显著性差异(P>0.05).在去除封药所需操作时间方面,4组之间均有显著性差异(P<0.01),其中去除氢氧化钙糊剂耗时最多,去除甲醛甲酚棉球用时最短.结论:氢氧化钙牙胶尖用于根管消毒效果较好且操作更简便,可以推广使用.  相似文献   

作者采用碘仿氧化锌丁香油糊剂牙胶尖治疗牙髓根管感染病人 ,共 111例 ,116颗病牙 ,经随访 6月~ 3a ,效果优良 ,现报告如下。1 材料与方法  临床资料 本组共 111例 ,其中男 33例 ,女 78例 ,共 116颗患牙。年龄 :2 0岁 2例 ,2 0~ 2 9岁 9例 ,30~ 39岁 18例 ,40~ 49岁 33例 ,5 0~ 5 9岁 34例 ,6 0~ 6 9岁 11例 ,70~ 79岁 4例。病牙部位 :上前牙 6 1颗 ,下前牙 10颗 ,上双尖牙 2 3颗 ,下双尖牙 16颗 ,上磨牙 2颗 ,下磨牙 4颗 ,共 116颗牙。病牙分类 :慢性根尖炎 31颗 ,根尖炎 5 2颗 ,残冠 6颗 ,残根 8颗 ,牙髓炎 12颗 ,死髓牙 4颗 …  相似文献   

根管充填材料   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
根管系统的充填 ,一方面 ,消除术后的死腔和炎症原发地 ,预防微生物的进入 ,阻断再感梁的途径 ;另一方面 ,材料本身对根尖周组织的病变有恢复作用 ,并且促进根尖孔的钙化闭合。根管治疗过程中 ,根管预备、消毒固然重要 ,但根管充填是根管治疗能否成功的关键。根管充填材料又直接影响根管充填的完善。根管充填材料应具备以下条件 :①不刺激根尖周组织 ;②体积稳定 ,长期不变性 ;③具有封闭根管壁和根尖孔的能力 ,与每个根管不同的形态和外形相适应 ;④无气孔且不可渗透 ;⑤不被组织液破坏和溶解 ;⑥抑菌 ;⑦X线阻射 ,以便检查根管充填情况及…  相似文献   

不同锥度牙胶尖热垂直加压法根管充填的临床疗效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究采用不同锥度牙胶尖热垂直加压法行根管充填的临床X线片评价及术后1年的临床疗效。方法选择上颌前牙单、直根管患牙40颗为研究对象,采用Hero 642机用镍钛锉预备至0.06锥度30号锉,随机分为2组,每组20颗患牙。分别使用0.02锥度和0.06锥度牙胶尖采用热垂直加压法充填根管。对术后即刻X线片进行2组患牙根管充填质量、侧支根管充填及超填情况的比较;并比较2组患牙术后1年的临床疗效。结果0.02锥度组与0.06锥度组根管充填质量、侧支根管充填及超填情况没有明显差异。术后1年复查,0.02锥度组与0.06锥度组的治疗成功率一致,但0.06锥度组病变愈合趋势快于0.02锥度组。结论对于镍钛旋转器械预备的较大锥度单、直根管,采用热牙胶垂直加压法行根管充填,使用与根管预备锥度相一致的大锥度牙胶尖能够提高根管治疗的临床疗效。  相似文献   

Abstract— Ninety human teeth with a total of 181 prepared root canals were filled with the use of ultrasonically energized spreaders as an aid for lateral condensation of gutta-percha cones. The results were evaluated on the basis of clinical and radiographic criteria. Adequate fillings were found in 93% of the canals and the overall success rate was 93%. All of the recalled patients were clinically comfortable.  相似文献   

采用电加热法切割牙胶新技术,并对其切割效果、性能等方面进行了临床测试,结果证明该方法克服了传统牙胶切割方法的种种不利因素,临床操作简便,性能可靠。  相似文献   

目的: 评价热牙胶充填技术联合不同封闭剂在根管充填治疗中的临床疗效。方法: 选取2015年6月—2017年6月在我院接受根管充填的牙髓炎患者95例,按随机数表法分为A组(n=30)、B组(n=33)和C组(n=32)。A组采用热牙胶充填技术+iRoot SP,B组采用热牙胶充填技术+AH plus,C组采用热牙胶充填技术+Vitapex。比较3组术后7 d的根管充填质量,评估患者疼痛程度。采用SPSS19.0软件包对数据进行统计学分析。结果: 3组适充率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。A、B组1级疼痛率分别为6.7%、6.1%,显著低于C组的28.1%(P<0.05)。结论: 热牙胶充填技术联合iRoot SP、AH plus或Vitapex,均具有较好的根管封闭效果;但iRoot SP、AH plus相较于Vitapex,可以更有效减轻根管治疗术后疼痛症状,推荐作为根管充填治疗中的首选封闭剂。  相似文献   

目的:研究ObturaII热牙胶充填根管的密封性能。方法:将40颗新鲜拔出人的单根管牙,随机分为2组,每组20颗。分别用根管糊剂加牙胶尖和ObturaII热牙胶充填根管,用印度墨水染色法对比研究不同根管充填材料的密封性能。结果:根管糊剂加牙胶尖组的染色线均值为1.85±0.51mm;ObturaII热牙胶组的染色线均值为0.45±0.12mm,两组之间差异显著(P<0.05)。结论:ObturaII热牙胶具有较好的密封性能,用ObturaII热牙胶充填根管对提高根管治疗的质量具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Abstract The thermoplasticized gutta-percha obturation technique is a relatively recent development in endodontics. In this study we evaluated the possible effects of heat transmitted to the periodontal tissues when the Obtura root canal filling device was used in dog teeth. Two 8-month-old beagle dogs were used; 56 root canals of 36 teeth (maxillary incisors and first, second and third premolars of both jaws) were divided into two groups. In Group A 26 root canals were obturated with the lateral condensation technique, while in Group B 30 root canals were obturated using the Obtura device, without sealer. Observation periods were 1, 3, 7, 28 and 56 days. After routine laboratory procedures, hematoxylin-eosin stained sections were examined under a light microscope. In this experimental model the thermoplasticized gutta-percha obturation technique caused a periapical inflammatory reaction at all observation periods. Inflammatory reaction and destruction of collagen fibers were localized in the area around the apical delta, while the alveolar founding bone, the roots of the teeth and the periodontal ligament at the side of the root surfaces remained normal.  相似文献   

Abstract – The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the apical sealing ability of an epoxy resin root canal sealer (AH-26) when used with different gutta-percha obturation techniques (i.e. cold lateral condensation, warm vertical condensation, hybrid condensation) and with Thermafil and Soft-Core obturators. Straight single-rooted teeth with mature apices were prepared according to the crown-down/step-back technique and divided in five groups of 45 teeth and one group of 12 control teeth. After root canal filling 15 teeth of each group were kept for 1 day, another 15 teeth for 1 week, and another 15 teeth for 4 months at 37 °C in vacutainers in 80% relative humidity. The 237 teeth were immersed in india ink for 90 hours, each root was split and sectioned longitudinally, and the maximum extent of leakage was measured using a stereomicroscope at ×6 magnification. It became clear that leakage occurred whatever technique was combined with AH26 and that leakage increased with time. The amount of apical leakage and the number of leaking teeth in the Soft-Core obturator groups was significantly higher than all other 4 gutta-percha obturation techniques combined with AH26. In this respect, the hybrid gutta-percha condensation technique turned out to be superior to the four other condensation techniques.  相似文献   

目的:观察纳米羟磷灰石/聚酰胺66(nHA/PA66)作为根管充填材料的近期临床疗效.方法:慢性根尖周炎患牙183个,随机分3组,分别行nHA/PA66糊剂、Vitapex糊剂、氧化锌糊剂+牙胶尖根管充填.术后3 m、6 m复查,评价其临床疗效.结果:3 m、6 m有效率分别为:nHA/PA66组95.83%、97.78%,Vitapex组93.75%、98.28%,氧化锌组81.69%、83.87%.nHA/PA66组和Vitapex组与氧化锌组之间有显著性差异(p<0.05).nHA/PA66组和Vitapex组之间无显著性差异.各观察组3 m、6 m之间疗效差异无显著性.结论:nHA/PA66组和Vitapex组近期临床疗效优于氧化锌组.nHA/PA66糊剂根管充填的近期临床疗效较好.  相似文献   

Abstract It is recommended that when injection-thermoplasticized gutta-percha is used as the obturation technique, the root canal space should be prepared in such a way that the 23-gauge injection needle tip can be placed at a distance 3 to 5 mm short of the working length. In this study the apical seal and extent of gutta-percha were evaluated when the 23-gauge tip was placed at a distance 4 mm, 6 mm, and 8 mm short of the working length. Ninty-nine human single-rooted mandibular incisors and premolars divided into 3 equal groups were used. Their crowns were separated at the cementoenamel junction and their roots were stored in sodium hypochlorite for 1 week. The roots were then instrumented from size 20 at the working length to size 70:4 mm short of the working length in group A, 6 mm in group B, and 8 mm in group C. Following instrumentation, 3 randomly selected roots of each group were used as control. The remaining 30 roots of each group were covered with aluminium foil and embedded in acrylic blocks. The root canals were then dried, coated with sealer (Roth 811) and obturated by injection of thermoplasticized gutta-percha using the single-phase technique. Vertical condensation followed. The roots were immersed in dye for 3 days and then demineralized, dehydrated and cleared in xylene. Measurements of linear dye penetration for the apical seal and for underextension were done by 2 independent examiners under a stereomicroscope. The results of this study showed no statistically significant difference in leakage between the groups. However, statistically significant differences were found in linear underextension between groups A and C as well as between groups B and C, while no significant difference was found between groups A and B.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to compare In vitro the sealing ability of root canal treatments performed In situ with injected thermoplasticized gutta- percha compared with the lateral condensation technique. Thirty single-rooted teeth with straight canals, due for extraction For orthodontic or periodontal reasons were prepared using a step-back technique. Teeth were then divided randomly into groups A and B and obturated, respectively, with the sectional injection thermoplasticized gutta-percha and the lateral condensation techniques. Teeth were extracted after 15 days, immersed in India ink for 3 days and the leakage was determined using area-metric analysis. The roots were ground transversally and the root portion was incrementaly removed with successive steps of 250 μm each, up to the coronal level of the dye penetration. Every section was photographed with a stereoscopic microscope under the same magnification (×20); 310 photographs were taken. Measurements of the area covered by ink as well as the whole cross-sectional area of the canal were made from each photograph with the aid of a digitizing computer. The measurements were subjected to non-parametric statistical analysis. No significant difference was found (P>0.05). The technique of lateral condensation proved to be better in the first five sections (1.2 mm from the foramen) while thermoplasticized gutta-percha technique was superior in the rest of the root canal.  相似文献   

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