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两种Actinobacteria鉴定方法的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Actinobacteria classis nov.一般包括具有超过50%G C的DNA碱基组成的微生物。其中的一些菌种在生物技术和医药方面具有重要的意义。为了分离能产生有用物质的新型微生物,我们扩大了分离对象,从以前的Streptomyes和Streptomyces以外的放线菌扩大到所有的Actinobacteria。本论文试验中的Acti-nobacteria将特指那些具有普通细菌形态的高G C含量革兰氏阳性细菌。为了能够将Actinobacteria和勘察革兰氏阳性低G C含量细菌加以区分,我们建立了两种鉴定方法。一种是荧光原位杂交(FISH)方法,它具有准确和直观的优点。另外一种是PCR方法,因在Actinobacteria 23S rRNA基因的domainⅡ(螺旋区54a)有1个大约100个碱基的稳定插入片段,通过体外PCR扩增23SrDNA片段,并用琼脂糖电泳分析,可以简便地鉴定Actinobacteria。  相似文献   

戚洪  李焕秋  苏德森  顾学裘 《药学学报》1986,21(11):847-852
以多相脂质体为载体能增强MTX的化学稳定性。在避光条件下,MTX多相脂质体注射液,25℃时贮存期为4.2年。pH 7的磷酸盐缓冲溶液中的MTX,25℃避光条件下,是以一种新的途径降解。磷酸盐对该反应有特殊的催化作用;而在高温或多相脂质体的存在能防止该反应的发生。  相似文献   

以多相脂质体为载体能增强MTX的化学稳定性。在避光条件下,MTX多相脂质体注射液,25℃时贮存期为4.2年。pH 7的磷酸盐缓冲溶液中的MTX,25℃避光条件下,是以一种新的途径降解。磷酸盐对该反应有特殊的催化作用;而在高温或多相脂质体的存在能防止该反应的发生。  相似文献   

Actinobacteria是形态上变化各异的 ,具有超过 5 0 % G C的 DNA碱基组成的 ,革兰氏染色呈阳性的微生物 ,放线菌是 Actinobacteria的一个组成部分 ,它们可产生丰富的次级代谢产物。目前 ,临床上使用的抗生素中有三分之二来自于放线菌。具有普通细菌形态的 Actinobacteria由于和放线菌具有相近的共同祖先 ,可能会具有一些其它的共性 ,是目前药物筛选中一个新的研究对象 ,但很难用形态观察的方法将之和其它细菌加以区分。本论文利用此类微生物 16 Sr RNA基因同源性 ,设计了两个探针 PA- 1、PA- 2并运用荧光原位杂交方法进行 Actinobacteria的鉴定 ,G C含量测定结果表明 ,这两个探针联合使用可直观、正确地鉴定 Acti-nobacteria。  相似文献   

本文根据多相脂质体139注射液的处方组成及其主要有效成份的结构和性质,设计了利用碘量法测定139注射液中不饱和度(双键氧化)和电导滴定法测定酸度的变化规律,得出包封于脂质体中药物的氧化反应符合零级反应速度方程,载体主要成分的脂键水解反应也符合零级反应速度方程;并求得了多相脂质体139注射液中双键氧化反应与载体成分的水解反应的活化能和反应速度常数;预测了药物贮存期 t_(0.9)~(25℃)=2.63年。同时,本文提出了利用电导滴定曲线确定在缓冲溶液及多种化学成份的复杂体系中弱酸盐滴定终点的新方法。  相似文献   

吴学文  熊艳  杜方麓 《中南药学》2003,1(4):232-234
目的在中药材化学识别模式中介绍一种简单易行的结合统计软件的统计分析方法——聚类分析方法。方法采用聚类分析法对文献[6]中的数据进行分析。结果和讨论结果发现能很好地将样品分开,其结果客观、可靠。由此,给中药材化学分类学提供了一种快速、有效的客观评价方法。  相似文献   

药物植物化学分类学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

从安徽、江苏等地采集的土样中,选择性分离到稀有放线菌93株,其中胞壁Ⅱ型7株,胞壁Ⅲ型41株,胞壁Ⅳ型42株,其它3株。在胞壁Ⅳ型菌中,属于Amycolata属的菌株有4株,属于Amycolatopsis属的有 3株。 本文报道了属于Amycolata与Amycolatopsis属的7株菌的形态特征和胞壁氨基酸、胞壁糖、枝菌酸、磷脂、甲基萘醌等化学分类指征的分析结果。  相似文献   

喜树碱多相脂质体渗漏动力学的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

用经典法研究了喜树碱多相脂质体的渗漏动力学,实验测得的渗漏活化能为16.4kcal·mol~(-1)。同时考察了脂质体处方组成及血液成分对渗漏的影响。  相似文献   

Out of the 30 actinobacterial cultures screened for antimicrobial activity, 28 cultures were found to produce active products against various pathogenic microorganisms such as Gram-negative, Gram-positive bacteria and yeast, using a modified cross streak method. The modified method helped in easy quantification of results and also in ruling out probable mutual antibiosis. The actinobacterial strains that showed the ability to produce antimicrobial compounds belonged to Streptomyces (53%), Micromonospora (13%) and Actinomadura (10%) genera. Streptomyces sp. strain MMA-5 showed the highest multispecific antibiosis efficiency score value. Broad antibiotic spectrum activity was exhibited by Streptomyces sp. strain MMA-2 and Micromonospora sp. strain MMA-8. The multidrug resistant human pathogenic yeast strain Candida albicans was inhibited by 18 actinobacterial strains.  相似文献   

分枝杆菌属除麻风分枝杆菌外,主要包括结核分枝杆菌复合群和非结核分枝杆菌.近年来,随着结核病(结核分枝杆菌复合群为其致病菌)的回潮,非结核分枝杆菌感染率由4%急速上升到10%,快速和准确地鉴定它们显得非常重要.在我国非结核分枝杆菌的表型鉴定一直沿用以生化实验为核心的传统鉴定方法,且欠缺数值分类的补充分析.全细胞脂肪酸气相色谱分析这种表型鉴定方法仅在有条件的省份开展.随着分子生物学的发展以及系统发育理论的提出,与之相应的基因分型方法也被用于分枝杆菌属的鉴定.本文详细阐述了系统发育的理论以及应用于非结核分枝杆菌的遗传学分类鉴定方法,即DNA-DNA杂交和16S rDNA基因序列分析.为进一步提高表型鉴定的准确性,又详细介绍了一些用于数值分类的应用软件.总之,多相分类鉴定已被广泛应用于非结核分枝杆菌的分类鉴定中.本文也介绍了一些结核分枝杆菌复合群基因分型鉴定方法及其在结核分子流行病学中的广泛应用.  相似文献   

An understanding of the organizational context and taxonomy of health care databases is essential to appropriately use these data sources for research purposes. Characteristics of the organizational structure of the specific health care setting, including the model type, financial arrangement, and provider access, have implications for accessing and using this data effectively. Additionally, the benefit coverage environment may affect the utility of health care databases to address specific research questions. Coverage considerations that affect pharmacoepidemiologic research include eligibility, the nature of the pharmacy benefit, and regulatory aspects of the treatment under consideration. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Interest in patient adherence has increased in recent years, with a growing literature that shows the pervasiveness of poor adherence to appropriately prescribed medications. However, four decades of adherence research has not resulted in uniformity in the terminology used to describe deviations from prescribed therapies. The aim of this review was to propose a new taxonomy, in which adherence to medications is conceptualized, based on behavioural and pharmacological science, and which will support quantifiable parameters. A systematic literature review was performed using MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, the Cochrane Library and PsycINFO from database inception to 1 April 2009. The objective was to identify the different conceptual approaches to adherence research. Definitions were analyzed according to time and methodological perspectives. A taxonomic approach was subsequently derived, evaluated and discussed with international experts. More than 10 different terms describing medication-taking behaviour were identified through the literature review, often with differing meanings. The conceptual foundation for a new, transparent taxonomy relies on three elements, which make a clear distinction between processes that describe actions through established routines ('Adherence to medications', 'Management of adherence') and the discipline that studies those processes ('Adherence-related sciences'). 'Adherence to medications' is the process by which patients take their medication as prescribed, further divided into three quantifiable phases: 'Initiation', 'Implementation' and 'Discontinuation'. In response to the proliferation of ambiguous or unquantifiable terms in the literature on medication adherence, this research has resulted in a new conceptual foundation for a transparent taxonomy. The terms and definitions are focused on promoting consistency and quantification in terminology and methods to aid in the conduct, analysis and interpretation of scientific studies of medication adherence.  相似文献   

目的:构建药物重整过程中药物差异分类工具(Medication Discrepancy Taxonomy,MedTax),推动药物重整实施标准化。方法:翻译MedTax,运用德尔菲专家咨询法从分类的代表性、唯一性、分类名称的明确性和分类定义的清晰性四个方面对MedTax的每个二、三级分类指标进行评分。在分析专家协调系数、权威系数、内容效度和专家意见集中度的基础上,构建中文版药物差异分类工具,使用虚拟案例应用多自由边际Kappa检验可靠性。结果:经过11名专家两轮修改,构建了包含药物不匹配和药物部分匹配2个一级指标,遗漏药物、添加药物、药物重复等11个二级指标和23个三级指标的中文版药物差异分类工具。两轮专家咨询的专家权威系数均为0.85,专家协调系数分别为0.51和0.61,经χ2检验,P<0.01。第二轮专家咨询各指标均数为4.0~4.45分,变异系数为0.12~0.27,内容有效性指数为0.82~1.0,经可靠性测试,总体一致性评分为0.76。结论:该研究专家权威性可靠,专家意见集中度高,协调性好,结果可信。构建的中文版药物差异分类工具内部一致性高,可用于药物重整过程中药物差异的分类和测量。  相似文献   

Background: Substance use disorders (SUDs) are a public health problem affecting millions of Americans. Despite their prevalence, there are few health care resources allocated for SUDs treatment. Relatively few health care professionals are exposed to SUDs education in their respective programs, which may be one reason for this resource insufficiency. In hopes of rectifying this gap, the authors developed a SUDs course for health professions students combining classroom learning with practical application to patient care. Methods: The authors used Bloom's taxonomy of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor learning domains as an educational framework to create numerous opportunities for students to deepen their knowledge, assess their attitudes, and develop their motivational interviewing skills. The primary outcome of the study was a comparison of students' scores on the Substance Abuse Attitude Scale (SAAS) pre- and post-course completion. Secondary outcome was to compare students' self-assessment scores of their patient counseling with residents' assessments of them on the Liverpool Communication Skills Assessment Scale (LCSAS). Results: One hundred twelve students participated in the authors' SUDs course over a 9-month period. Ninety-five students completed both the pre- and post-course SAAS surveys. The total SAAS survey score and individual domain scores for nonmoralizing, treatment optimism, and treatment intervention demonstrated significant improvement post-course. Eighty-nine students completed a motivational interview with a patient. Eighty students had a LCSAS self-assessment paired with a residents' assessment. Mean scores for individual items on the LCSAS for both groups' assessment were approximately 3.5, indicating that students' communication was assessed as “acceptable” to “good.” Conclusions: This study demonstrates that Bloom's taxonomy was a useful educational framework to ensure a systematic development of the authors' SUDs course. Through participation in our course, students touched each of the 3 domains in Bloom's taxonomy. The authors believe their course design may serve as a framework for future SUDs courses.  相似文献   

目的对HITACHI7600-020生化分析仪的两个模块(P1和P2)的结果进行比对。方法以P1模块为对比方法,P2模块为试验方法,按照EP9-A2流程要求对葡萄糖、谷丙转氨酶、尿素氮、总蛋白进行检测。结果直线回归计算4个项目的相关系数r、r2、标准误Sy.X、斜率b、截距a和直线回归方程Y=bX+a。结果表明4个项目的相关系数r>0.975,偏差较小,无离群点,说明X的分布范围合适,可以回归分析两个模块间的系统误差。结论 4个项目的系统误差均可接受。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe Ascertaining Barriers to Compliance (ABC) taxonomy for describing medication adherence was created in 2012, aiming to standardize terms and definitions in research and practice. The taxonomy comprises seven terms and definitions. Originally developed in English, subsequently translated into French and German, is currently being translated to Portuguese, Spanish, Czech, Romanian and Italian, aiming to promote its global use and overcome cultural barriers.ObjectivesTo cross-culturally translate the ABC taxonomy into Portuguese for Portugal and Brazil.MethodsA systematic literature search was conducted to identify published taxonomy terms and definitions in Portuguese, and to identify panelists in medication adherence. Initial mapping of terms and definitions retrieved was scrutinized by the research team to build an e-survey. The e-survey was piloted and then sent to panelists in both countries seeking consensus using a three-round Delphi method. Consensus was defined as ≥ 85% for round 1 and ≥ 75% for round 2. Terms with agreement <10% were dropped between rounds. In round 3, terms and definitions reaching agreement between 50 and 75% were classified as moderate consensus,>75–95% as consensus and >95% as strong consensus.ResultsA total of 778 studies were identified and 84 included, enabling the extraction of 154 terms and 32 definitions. In round 1, 164 panelists participated, 115 in round 2 and 99 in the round 3. Consensus was achieved in both countries for all seven terms and definitions, although with varying intensity of agreement. The term “Management of adherence” and the definition of “Discontinuation” obtained moderate consensus in both countries.ConclusionsA unified and unique ABC taxonomy in Portuguese was possible to develop for use in Portugal and in Brazil. Its use will harmonize and standardize the terms and definitions used in clinical practice and research.  相似文献   

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