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目的:了解我国城乡及地区间医疗保健支出现状及差异性,分析我国城乡居民医疗保健支出的公平性,为我国医药卫生体制改革提供科学参考。方法:收集2000—2018年城乡医疗保健支出、人均可支配收入及人均纯收入等相关数据,采用集中指数和集中曲线对我国城乡医疗保健支出进行公平性分析。结果:2010—2018年城镇居民人均医疗保健支出(实际值)年平均增长速度为3.55%,农村居民人均医疗保健支出(实际值)年平均增长速度为10.00%。2000—2017年我国城镇居民人均医疗保健支出集中指数呈下降趋势,其中2006年出现最大值为0.1332,除2015—2017年外,其余年份差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05);2000—2017年我国农村居民人均医疗保健支出集中指数呈下降趋势,2004年出现最大值为0.2522,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:我国城乡人均医疗保健支出逐年增加,全国和各地区城乡人均医疗保健支出差距较大。我国城乡人均医疗保健支出存在不公平性,城镇人均医疗保健支出优于农村人均医疗保健支出,公平性逐渐趋好。  相似文献   

The American health care system has the world's highest per capita costs and over 30 million citizens uninsured. The neighbouring Canadian system provides coverage for all basic medical and hospital services, at costs per capita that are about US$700 lower. Single-agency public funding allows tighter control of Canadian expenditures, and reduces administrative overheads. Hospitals are run as non-profit private corporations, funded primarily by a fixed annual allocation for operating costs. Most physicians are in private fee-for-service practice, but cannot charge more than the insured tariff negotiated between their provincial government and medical association. This approach, while attractive in its decentralization, tends to separate the funding and management of clinical services. Thus, hospital information systems lag a decade behind the USA, managed care initiatives are few, health maintenance organisations do not exist, and experimentation with alternative funding or delivery systems has been sporadic. Strengths of the system compared to the USA include: higher patient satisfaction, universal coverage, slightly better cost containment, higher hospital occupancy rates, and reduction in income-related rationing with more equitable distribution of services. Weaknesses in common with the United States are: cost escalation consistently outstripping the consumer price index with costs per capita second highest in the world, ever rising consumption of services per capita, inadequate manpower planning and physician maldistribution, poor regional co-ordination of services, inadequate quality assurance and provider frustration. Additional weaknesses include: an emerging funding crisis caused by the massive federal deficit, less innovation in management and delivery of care as compared to the USA, implicit rationing with long waiting lists for some services, and recurrent provider-government conflicts that have reduced goodwill among stakeholders. Thus, while the Canadian model has important advantages, it does not offer a panacea for American health care woes.  相似文献   

This paper is an empirical examination of the determinants of aggregate health care expenditure. The paper presents a systematic analysis of relationships across 19 OECD countries, showing the effects of aggregate income, institutional and socio-demographic factors on health care expenditure. The results indicate that institutional factors of the health systems, in addition to per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP), contribute significantly to the explanation of the health care expenditure variation between countries; for example the way physicians in outpatient care are paid, and the mixture of public/private funding and inpatient/outpatient care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES. This paper examines health expenditure growth under two alternative policy approaches: competition-based managed care and state government rate regulation. METHODS. Data are presented on cumulative growth in real per capita health expenditures between 1980 and 1991 so as to compare California, a state with a pro-competitive policy, with the US average and with four states with established regulation programs. RESULTS. Real per capita expenditures for hospital services in the United States grew 54% between 1980 and 1991, while in California the growth was half the national rate, or 27%. Real per capita expenditures for physician services and drug expenditures in the United States grew by 82% and 65%, respectively, while in California these expenditures increased only 58% and 41%, respectively. California's growth rate was below that of all four regulatory states for all measures of health care cost inflation. CONCLUSIONS. On the basis of these findings, a properly structured competitive approach could play a significant role in controlling health expenditures in the United States.  相似文献   

农村地区三级医疗服务费用分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据贵州省卫生厅世界银行贷款卫Ⅳ项目,对贵州清镇市、福泉县的农村三级医疗部门的医疗费用进行连续一年的调查。结果表明:县一级门诊次均费用为17.90元,住院次均费用为819.23元;乡一级门诊次均费用为15.85元,住院次均费用为321.02元;村一级次均门诊费用为4.75元;门诊收入中药品比例乡一级为80.86%,高于县一级(66.54%),住院收入中药品比例也是乡级(64.56%)高于县级(41  相似文献   

安徽省肥西县农民医疗服务需求分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解安徽省肥西县农民卫生服务需求状况 ,在肥西县卫生行政部门配合下分层整群抽取 4个乡镇 ,8个行政村 ,2 12户 ,调查人数为 10 82人。结果表明农民在村卫生室和乡卫生院就诊较高 ,分别为 38.1%和 34.6 % ;医疗费用的年人均支出占年人均纯收入的 8.5 5 % ;慢性非传染性疾病医疗费用支出占医疗费用总支出的比重很大。总之 ,肥西县农村的卫生服务需求不足 ,亟需提高农民的有效需求和医疗保健意识。同时应开展合作医疗 ,促进乡村一体化管理  相似文献   

Internationally, 20th century medical education concentrated on equipping new graduates with technical skills and pushing the frontiers of technological sciences to extend and enhance life in ways unimaginable in previous decades. In the 21st century, health services are expected to be characterized not by the "fix-up-when-things-go-wrong" type of care that 20th century physicians have become so good at, but by preventive care that can obviate much of the need for these fix-up services. Enabling doctors to deal with the different health care needs of future patients will require a values shift in medical education. The United States leads the world in per capita health care expenditure yet trails in many important measures of health status. It epitomizes many elements of both the good and the bad in current medical education that may be less obvious in other countries that are less wealthy, less technologically oriented, and less committed to individual freedoms. In this paper we use the US as a case study to argue the need for a fundamental shift in values away from the 20th century emphasis on disease, specialization and treatment, and towards health, generalization and prevention. We draw on data from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey to compare roles of primary care physicians and other office-based medical specialties in delivering preventive health care. We also estimate the cost of providing preventive care in terms of physician time. Finally, we contemplate how medical education values must change in the US and other countries if 21st century physicians are to be prepared to meet the health care needs of their communities.  相似文献   

目的测算基层医疗卫生机构预防接种服务成本,为基层医疗卫生机构预防接种服务的经费投入提供依据。方法采用分层随机抽样与典型抽样相结合的方法,从四川省3个市州抽取27家基层医疗卫生机构,调查其2016年开展预防接种服务项目所花费的时间和物质消耗情况。运用时间分配系数法,测算基层医疗机构开展预防接种服务所花费的实际成本。结果成都、眉山和凉山预防接种的单位成本分别为18.84元/人次、19.61元/人次和18.73元/人次,人均成本分别为4.11元/人年、4.02元/人年和3.16元/人年。结论本研究测算得到预防接种服务成本远高于2005年国家补助标准5元/人次,研究结果为基层医疗卫生机构预防接种经费投入提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

This study examines the long-run relationship among the per capita private, public, and total health care expenditure and per capita gross domestic product and population growth of Turkey. We find some evidence of multivariate cointegrating relationships among the health care expenditure and gross domestic product, and population growth. We further find a bivariate cointegrating relationship between private health care expenditure and per capita gross domestic product. Accordingly, a 10% increase in gross domestic product would translate into a 21.9% increase in total health care expenditure while controlling population growth. The income elasticity of health expenditure is found to be greater than 1, implying that health care is a luxury good in Turkey. Finally we note that there exists one-way causality running from per capita gross domestic product to various definitions of health care expenses.  相似文献   

The cost-effectiveness of forty health interventions in Guinea   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Addressing diseases of a high burden with the most cost-effective interventions could do much to reduce disease in the population. We conducted a cost-effectiveness analysis of 40 health interventions in Guinea, a low-income country in sub-Saharan Africa, using local data. Interventions were selected from treatment protocols at health centres, first referral hospitals and national programmes in Guinea, based upon consultation with health care providers and government plans. For each intervention, we calculated the costs (comprising labour, drugs, supplies, equipment, and overhead) in relation to years of life saved, discounted at 3%. The results show that the per capita costs and effectiveness of any intervention vary considerably. Average costs show no clear pattern by level of care, but effectiveness is generally highest for curative hospital interventions. Several interventions have a cost-effectiveness of US$100 per year of life saved (LYS) or less, and address more than 5% of total years of life lost. These include health centre interventions such as: treatment of childhood pneumonia ($3/LYS); rehydration therapy for diarrhoea ($7/LYS); integrated management of childhood pneumonia, malaria and diarrhoea ($8/LYS); short-course treatment of tuberculosis ($12/LYS); treatment of childhood malaria ($13/LYS), and childhood vaccination ($25/LYS). Outreach programmes for impregnated bed nets against malaria cost $43/LYS. Maternal and perinatal diseases, have slightly less cost-effective interventions: integrated family planning, prenatal and delivery care at health centres ($109/LYS) or outreach programmes to provide prenatal and delivery care ($283/LYS). A minimum package of health services would cost approximately $13 per capita, and would address a large proportion (69%) of major causes of premature mortality. This minimum package would cost about three times the current public spending on health, suggesting that health spending needs to rise to achieve good health outcomes.  相似文献   

Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) affects persons from the lowest socioeconomic strata of the community, but its economic impact is not precisely known. An exploratory survey to document the economic costs of VL to households was conducted in an endemic focus in eastern Nepal. Data were collected from the 20 households in this cluster. Cases of VL over the last 3 years were elicited and information on direct and indirect costs incurred due to the disease as well as income of the households over the last year was estimated. It was reported that 15.0% (16/107) of the residents had suffered from VL and that almost all of the patients had preferred, in the first instance, to visit the private services or local faith healers instead of visiting the local public health facility. Average total costs incurred per episode of VL were above the median annual per capita income, and six of the seven affected households either had to sell part of their livestock or to take a loan to cover the costs. Direct costs consisted of 53% of the total cost, with 75% of this cost incurred before the patients actually received any treatment for VL. This study demonstrates how VL can lead to catastrophic expenditure for affected households.  相似文献   

Switzerland (7.2 million inhabitants) is a federal state composed of 26 cantons. The autonomy of cantons and a particular health insurance system create strong heterogeneity in terms of regulation and organisation of health care services. In this study we use a single-equation approach to model the per capita cantonal expenditures on health care services and postulate that per capita health expenditures depend on some economic, demographic and structural factors. The empirical analysis demonstrates that a larger share of old people tends to increase health costs and that physicians paid on a fee-for-service basis swell expenditures, thus highlighting a possible phenomenon of supply-induced demand.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Private health care services were officially recognized in Vietnam in 1989, and for the last 15 years have competed with the public health system in providing primary curative care and pharmaceutical sales to rural populations. However, the quality of these private and public health care services has not been evaluated and compared. METHODS: A community-based survey was conducted in 30 of the 160 communes in Hung Yen, which were selected by probability proportional to population size (PPS) sampling. All commune health centres (CHCs) and private health care providers in the selected communes were surveyed on human resources, services provided, availability of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals, knowledge and clinical performance for acute and chronic problems. Patient satisfaction and cost of care associated with recent illness were measured using a random household survey covering 30 households from each of the selected communes. RESULTS: There were 11.5 private providers per 10,000 population, compared with 6.7 public providers per 10,000. A quarter of private providers were employees of the public health sector. Less than 20% of the private providers had registered their practice with the government system. Eleven per cent (26/234) had no professional qualifications. Fifty-eight per cent (135/234) provided treatment as well as selling medications. Public sector infrastructure was superior to that of the private providers. The quality of services provided by public providers was poor but significantly better than that of private providers. Patient satisfaction and costs of care were similar between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Private providers are successfully competing with the public health centre system in rural areas but not because they provide cheaper or better services. The quality of private health care services is not controlled and is significantly poorer than public services. Current practice in both systems falls below the national standard, especially for the management of chronic health problems. The low quality of health care services at a community level may help explain the previously observed phenomena of high levels of self-medicating, low utilization of commune health centres and over-utilization of tertiary health care facilities.  相似文献   

Health care expenditures and ageing: an international comparison   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines national health expenditure trends for Japan, Canada, Australia, and England and Wales (combined) to assess the impact of changing demographics and changing age-specific per capita expenditure on national health expenditure. Age-specific expenditure data were obtained from each country's department of health. We calculated changes in age-specific per capita expenditure, population demographics and the share of expenditures used by the different age groups over time. We then determined the extent to which isolated changes in population growth, demographic shifts and changes in age-specific per capita expenditure could predict observed increases in health expenditure. For Japan, Canada and Australia per capita health expenditure increased fastest among those aged 65 and over, at up to twice the increase of those aged 45-64. In England and Wales, on the other hand, those aged 65 and over experienced one-third of the cost increase of those aged 45-64. Hence, the proportion of national health expenditures used by the population aged 65 and over decreased from 40% to 35% in England and Wales, while increasing in the other countries by up to 10 percentage points. Demographic shifts and population growth predicted only 18% of the observed increases in health care expenditures in England and Wales, compared to 68%, 44% and 34% for Japan, Canada and Australia respectively. These differential changes in costs for older age groups over time invite future research into the driving forces behind these costs.  相似文献   

Switzerland is the world’s second largest spender on health care, both per capita and as a share of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The Swiss health care system is a federation of 26 cantonal systems with highly fragmented provision and financing of care, leading to important geographical disparities in expenditures. We propose a simple conceptual framework to guide the decomposition of health care expenditures into five core components (i.e. demography, propensity to use health services, substitution between domains of care, quantity of services delivered, and unit price of these services), with the objective of better understanding the drivers of geographic variation. We illustrate this framework using aggregated insurance data from 85 % of the 2006 insured population and measure cross-cantonal variation disaggregated into these five components. Results obtained indicated a West-East gradient of controllable costs after adjusting for demography and propensity to use health services. Moreover, we found specific explanations for cost overruns: visits to physicians in private practice in some cantons, and, e.g., outpatient hospital care or variations in drug related expenses in others. This shows that the simple proposed approach provides interesting insights into the drivers of cost differences between regions, specifically in terms of substitution among health services, quantity of delivered services, and their prices.  相似文献   

A national survey of mental health telemedicine programmes was conducted and data collected on their catchment areas, organizational structure, equipment, clinical and non-clinical activity, and use by populations who traditionally have been poorly served by mental health services in Australia. Of 25 programmes surveyed, information was obtained for 23. Sixteen programmes had dealt with a total of 526 clients during the preceding three months. Of these, 397 (75%) were resident in rural or remote locations at the time of consultation. Thirty-seven (7%) were Aboriginals or Torres Strait Islanders. Only 19 (4%) were migrants from non-English-speaking backgrounds. The programmes provided both direct clinical and secondary support services. Overall, the number of videoconferencing sessions devoted to clinical activity was low, the average being 123 sessions of direct clinical care per programme per year. Videoconferencing was also used for professional education, peer support, professional supervision, administration and linking families. The results of the study suggest that telehealth can increase access to mental health services for people in rural and remote areas, particularly those who have hitherto been poorly served by mental health services in Australia.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a pioneering effort by the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) to measure interstate border crossing for services used by Medicare and non-Medicare beneficiaries. A major focus is to provide estimates of per capita expenditures by State for individual services. Such estimates are not possible without adjustment for interstate border-crossing flows. This is HCFA's first attempt to furnish a unified per capita personal health care expenditures data base comprising all services and covering total population. The study also analyzes interstate differences in expenditure flows by computing rates of inflow and outflow of expenditures, and highlights Medicare/non-Medicare flow differences.  相似文献   

This study examines adverse selection in a subsidized voluntary health insurance scheme, the Rural Mutual Health Care (RMHC) scheme, in a poor rural area of China. The study was made possible by a unique longitudinal data set: the total sample includes 3492 rural residents from 1020 households. Logistic regression was employed for the data analysis. The results show that although this subsidized scheme achieved a considerable high enrollment rate of 71% of rural residents, adverse selection still exists. In general, individuals with worse health status are more likely to enroll in RMHC than individuals with better health status. Although the household is set as the enrollment unit for the RMHC for the purpose of reducing adverse selection, nearly 1/3 of enrolled households are actually only partially enrolled. Furthermore, we found that adverse selection mainly occurs in partially enrolled households. The non-enrolled individuals in partially enrolled households have the best health status, while the enrolled individuals in partially enrolled households have the worst health status. Pre-RMHC, medical expenditure for enrolled individuals in partially enrolled households was 206.6 yuan per capita per year, which is 1.7 times as much as the pre-RMHC medical expenditure for non-enrolled individuals in partially enrolled households. The study also reveals that the pre-enrolled medical expenditure per capita per year of enrolled individuals was 9.6% higher than the pre-enrolled medical expenditure of all residents, including both enrolled and non-enrolled individuals. In conclusion, although the subsidized RMHC scheme reached a very high enrollment rate and the household is set as the enrollment unit for the purpose of reducing adverse selection, adverse selection still exists, especially within partially enrolled households. Voluntary RMHC will not be financially sustainable if the adverse selection is not fully taken into account.  相似文献   

The Germany multipayer universal health insurance plan in 1992 consumed 8.7% of its nation's total expenditures. Nevertheless, its macromanaged approach has allowed until recently for pluralism, decentralization, and self-regulation among providers and sickness funds (not-for-profit, third party payers). With 34.8% more physicians per 1,000 persons, German doctors provided twice as many patient contacts per capita than in the United States. Due to economic constraints and increases in payroll taxes, the Federal Republic of Germany's parliament, with its 1993 health reform plan, virtually froze all payments to providers for a 3-year period. Among other contentious provisions were the following: (1) limiting the entry of new physicians into municipalities that are considered by government health manpower planning experts to be oversupplied in that specialty; (2) requiring community-based physicians to participate in controlling pharmaceutical costs; and (3) eliminating some of the German traditional barriers between their in- and out-of-hospital physicians. This article focuses on how the Germans now micromanage their physician and other ambulatory care services within a macromanaged system that, in terms of patient access, benefits, quality, and cost, should be the envy of the Americans.  相似文献   

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