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The pancreas of female mink has been investigated by transmission electron microscopic means. The following results can be summarized: The pancreas of the mink is built up by the well known gland lobules as found in many other species; each lobule contains branched ducts with acini. The acinar cells are characteristically packed with granular endoplasmic reticulum, large Golgi apparatuses, and zymogen granules. Particularly interesting are large vacuoles, which seem to emerge directly from the endoplasmic reticular cysternae. The centroacinar cells form relatively extended protrusions or pseudopodia, which frequently penetrate into the intercellular spaces between neighbouring acinar cells. The peripheral isthmic parts of the ducts are covered by an isoprismatic epithelium. The adventitial tissue of the intralobular ducts contain mucous glands. Within the loose connective tissue between the exocrine cells, blood vessels as well as numerous nerves can be found. These results are compared to earlier reports on the same subject, and are also discussed together with available data from the literature.  相似文献   

Authors report a case of operative elimination of a liver tumor of a 26 year old female patient. The histologic diagnosis was benign focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver. The aetiopathogenetic, diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties connected with this rarely occurring disease are discussed.  相似文献   

A series of vaginal specimens from 327 autopsied female fetuses and girls up to the age of 13 years was studied. In one case the upper portion of the vagina was lined by an one-row mucus-free colomnar epithelium similar in appearance to that of the corpus endometrium.--In 21 girls, there were residual thelium.--An incomplete differentiation of the surface squamous epithelium was encountered in 7 girls.--Eight girls revealed dysontogenetic cysts in the deeper levels of the vaginal wall. When compared with similar lesions in adults, the typical columnar epithelium of the endocervical type, cysts with squamous lining, as well as adenocarcinoma were not encountered in the young age group examined. With the exception of cysts, the frequency of individual lesions in the vaginas of our series diminished with the increasing age towards puberty.  相似文献   

This investigation contains the knowledge of the pancreas from the 17th to the 19th century. A boundray-stone are the investigations of BRUNNER (1689). He has in pancreatectomized dogs the symptoms of diabetes mellitus described but not the diagnosis. An other culminating point is the system of tissues, described by Bichat (1800). In the other hand the knowledge of histology of pancreas is in this period very small.  相似文献   

The histochemical localization of some oxidoreductases was investigated in the epididymides of adult tomcats. Succinate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, beta-hydroxybutyrate-dehydrogenase revealed their highest activity in corpus and cauda epididymidis whereas glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase was strongest in the caput. The activity of the diaphorases and of cytochrome oxidase in the epididymal epithelium increased from caput towards the cauda epididymidis. The reaction for isocitrate dehydrogenase was distinct throughout the whole length of the ductus epididymidis. Our findings were compared with the biochemical results of other authors and the functions of the oxidoreductases in the epididymal epithelium were briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Uninfected and Tyuleniy virus-infected chick fibroblast cells were examined. Intracytoplasmic type A particles and immature type C particles of oncornavirus were found in uninfected cells. At 48 and 72 hours after inoculation of the cells with Tyuleniy virus a large number of mature C particles and virions of Tyuleniy virus were found in the cell cytoplasm. Possible relationships between A and C particles are discussed and a stimulating effect of Tyuleniy virus on mass maturation of C particles and their release from the cell is suggested.  相似文献   

J Holman 《Acta histochemica》1977,59(2):215-222
In the wall of chicken large intestine, acid phosphatase was found only in the mucous membrane. It is present in lysosomes of the Golgi zone of enterocytes, in lysosomes of goblet cells, and in the specific granules of globule leucocytes. In the epithelium of the neck of caecum and of the colon the amount of acid phosphatase decreases towards the tip of the villi. Localization differences of enzyme are present in the villiless caecum bodies, where the surface epithelium and the epithelium of the intestinal glands neck lack the acid phosphatase activity. In the Lamina propria mucosae the enzyme is localized in fibrocytes occurring in abundance in the stroma of the caecum neck and colon and between the intestinal glands of the caecum body.  相似文献   

Electron microscopical studies of sinusoids and Kupffer cells of the orthotopic porcine liver homograft were systematically performed. The obtained findings show the presence of phagocytosis of host lymphocytes circulating in the sinusoids by Kupffer cells of the homograft in the late stage after transplantation at the time of a compensated function during the late rejection. The findings are described, demonstrated and shortly discussed.  相似文献   

At different times of the day activities of hydrolytic (alkaline and acid phosphatase, esterase) and oxydative (succinodehydrogenase, cytochromoxidase, monoaminoxidase) enzymes were studied in the epithelium of the upper part of the jejunum in the adult female mouse and the adult laying chicken. In both species the activities of the intestinal enzymes showed marked circadian variations with respect to their activity and distribution pattern. The variations did not principally differ in both species. The species' differences were mainly expressed by phase shifts of about 12 h in the occurrence of maximal and minimal activities according to the different phases of the locomotor activity of the mainly night-active mice and day-active chickens.  相似文献   

A malignant mixed tumor of the liver was observed in a 55 years old woman. The tumor was composed of an adenocarcinoma, a haemangioendothe liosarcoma, and a chondrosarcoma.  相似文献   

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