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人工关节置换术后自体引流血回输的观察研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的探讨人工关节置换术后自体引流血回输的可行性。方法选择1996年2月~1998年3月36例56个关节置换患者,除术前预存自体血外,术后使用CBCⅡConstaVacTM型回输血器予自体引流血回输。其中髋关节8个,膝关节48个;类风湿关节炎12例,骨性关节炎16例,强直性脊柱炎5例,其它特殊关节炎3例。结果自体引流血回输24260ml,预存自体输血9700ml,异体输血14600ml,分别占总输血量的50%、20%和30%。15例有一过性发热反应,无其它并发症。结论自体引流血回输是一种安全有效、简便易行、节约血源及财力的输血方式,可减少异体输血量,避免其并发症。  相似文献   

[目的]评估人工关节置换术后伤口引流血自体回输的有效性及安全性。[方法]选取2009年2~5月间于本科行人工髋、膝关节置换术的30例患者作为研究对象,应用ContavacTMCBCⅡ自体血液回输器回输术后6h内伤口引流血,根据患者异体输血量、血红蛋白水平变化以及伤口引流血中红细胞形态评价引流血自体回输的有效性;根据患者有无发热、溶血反应、凝血功能障碍、肺栓塞、脂肪栓塞、全身感染等以评估引流血自体回输的安全性。[结果]平均每例患者伤口总出血量为(946±433)ml,自体血回输(622±313)ml,异体输血(233±348)ml;伤口引流血中红细胞形态完整,血红蛋白含量为99.67g/L,术后第1d较术后即刻血红蛋白显著降低。1例患者出现异常发热,无患者发生其他并发症。[结论]人工关节置换术后6h内的伤口引流血为有效血液成分,回输后能够减缓血色素下降速度,节省术后异体血用量,是一种安全、有效补充血液成分的方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨自体引流血回输在全髋人工关节置换术后翻修的意义。方法术后采用封闭式血液回收装置,对术区渗血进行回收,把术后6 h内进行引流血回收;并分为两组,实验Ⅰ组为全髋人工关节置换术28例,实验Ⅱ组为全髋人工关节置换术后再翻修术12例。回顾性资料分析,分别与对照组30例进行比较,对照组为全髋人工关节置换术后常规不进行血液回收,但6 h内引流量均>400 ml。结果实验Ⅰ组共回输自体血10 600 ml,实验Ⅱ组共回输自体血8200 ml;两实验组手术后均不需输异体血。对照组,引流血共12 820 ml,需补充异体血28例,共输8400 ml。结论自体引流血回输在全髋人工关节置换术后应用,安全有效,临床效果好;在全髋人工关节置换翻修术的作用更为突出,有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨人工髋、膝关节置换术后回收自体引流血回输的护理.方法:回顾分析我院自2007年1月至2009年12月46例关节置换术后自体引流血回输的护理方法及临床效果.结果46例自体血回输患者无一例发生输血反应及其他相关并发症.结论:自体引流血回输方便、经济、安全,并有效避免了异体输血引起的不良反应.  相似文献   

术后引流血回输在全膝关节置换术后的应用   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
王青  张中南 《中华骨科杂志》1998,18(11):702-703
全膝关节置换术后出血较多,常需大量输血。尽管目前输血技术和检测水平不断提高,大量异体血的输入仍会引起许多不良反应和并发症。自体输血可以避免上述弊端的发生。术前自体预存血回输国内已有少量报道[1]。术后自体引流血回输在全膝关节置换术后的应用国内仍未见报...  相似文献   

人工膝关节表面置换术后自体引流血回输的效用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的人工膝关节表面置换术后常常需要输血治疗,输异体血的弊端在于可能导致传染性疾病的传播,配型不合导致输血反应或免疫调节反应。另外异体血血源紧张,费用昂贵,因此临床上应尽量减少异体输血。关于自体血回输器的应用文献报道效果不一,本文旨在探讨人工膝关节表面置换术后自体引流血回输的效用。方法使用回顾性质量评估设计,我们比较了136例择期行人工膝关节表面置换的病人和历史上同样行膝关节表面置换的116例病人。研究组使用了Consta VacTMCBC自体血回输器,伤口血液经回输器过滤后回输。对照组的引流血液被弃置。根据病人的临床表现和血红蛋白水平决定异体血的回输量,使术后血红蛋白水平维持在10 g/dL以上。比较两组术前及出院时的血红蛋白水平和输异体血的量和比例。结果两组间术前和出院时的血红蛋白水平没有统计学差异。输异体血的比例在单膝置换时,未回输组为27.3%,回输组为14.3%。在双膝置换时,未回输组为85.2%,回输组为45.1%。结论使用自体血回输器可以减少人工膝关节表面置换术后输异体血的比例和输血量。  相似文献   

背景 术中自体血回输(intraoperative salvage autotransfusion,ISA)是通过回输术中失血以满足患者自身的血容量,减少异体输血并发症的一种血液保护措施.目的 分析总结近年来ISA研究的相关文献资料.内容 就其发展历程,对红细胞、血常规、凝血功能、免疫、肝肾功能、机体内环境的影响以及临床应用新进展作一综述.趋向 ISA对机体的影响及其防治方法,有待进一步研究.  相似文献   

术中自体血回输器的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

目的:介绍采用自体血液稀释法和术中出血回输法在人工关节置换术进行输血的初步经验。方法:对56例人工髋、膝关节置换术患者采用了自体输血技术,稀释法18例,术中出血回输法38例。观察患者术前、术中、术后的血流动力学、血液有形成分和凝血功能变化。结果:稀释组中12例(67%)单纯采用自体血液稀释法完成手术,另6例加输库存血,其用血量较以往同类手术明显减少。术中出血回输组的回收总血量39050ml,平均每例回收1028ml,与对照组比较人平均输库存血量减少69.9%。56例患者术中血流动力学稳定,均顺利完成手术,无不良反应。结论:采用血液稀释法和术中出血回输法进行自体输血与库存血比较,差异无显著意义(P>0.05),血液稀释法及术中出血回输法可根据情况单独或联合使用,在人工关节置换手术中是节约用血、安全、可靠的方法。  相似文献   

自体输血在人工关节转换术的应用   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
目的 人工髋、膝关节转换术后出血量较大,尤其最膝关节转换术后平均引流量达600 ̄800ml,常需输血治疗。而异体输血可引起许多不良反应和并发症,因此自体输血技术日益受到重视。本文介绍自体输血的初步经验。方法 自1991年走,我院骨关节科共对433例施行人工髋、膝关节转换主的患者采用了自体输血技术,主要方法包括术前预存自体血和术后引流血回输技术。结果 单纯依靠术前预存自体血输血组,术后约有69%(2  相似文献   

We studied the effect of reinfusing mediastinal and chest tube drainage (autotransfusion) after coronary artery bypass grafting on circulating levels of creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, and serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase in 20 patients. Reinfusion of 469 +/- 171 mL (mean +/- standard deviation) of drainage caused enzyme levels to rise to 372% (creatine kinase), 159% (serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase), and 143% (lactate dehydrogenase) of their levels before autotransfusion. The MB fraction of the circulating creatine kinase was not elevated. Enzyme changes caused by autotransfusion can potentially mimic or mask the presence of perioperative myocardial infarction. Enzyme determinations after coronary artery bypass grafting must be carefully interpreted when reinfusion of shed blood is used as a blood salvage technique. Routine measurement of these enzymes after operation may not be warranted.  相似文献   

In patients undergoing total knee replacement we carried out a longitudinal cohort study to determine the efficacy and safety of a postoperative autologous blood reinfusion system, as an alternative to homologous, banked blood transfusions. Fifty patients received reinfusion of unwashed, filtered, shed blood, supplemented with banked blood transfusions as required. A control group of 50 patients in whom standard suction drains were used received homologous blood transfusions as required. In the study group, the homologous blood requirement was reduced by 80%. There was no significant difference in the postoperative haemoglobin values between the two groups. None of the patients developed any adverse reactions after reinfusion.  相似文献   

A prospective study was done to determine the changes in blood quality parameters of collected drainage blood in retransfusion systems at 6 and 12 h after surgery to verify whether the blood was still suitable for retransfusion purposes for an additional 6 postoperative hours beyond the so far accepted first 6-h time window after surgery. Eighty-one patients received retransfusion within the first 6 h immediately following total knee arthroplasty. Additionally, drainage blood was collected for another 6 h using the same retransfusion system. Samples for laboratory analysis were taken from both the first and second 6-h blood collection interval. Hemoglobin values increased from 9.6 to 10.4 g dl(-1) (p = 0.021). Platelet counts increased from 65,500 to 80,900 microl(-1) (p < 0.001). Leukocyte counts increased from 5,550 to 8,190 1(-1) (p < 0.001). Lactate dehydrogenase (672 U l(-1) during the first vs 651 U l(-1) during the second collection period) and free hemoglobin (71.7 mg dl(-1) vs 67.0 mg dl(-1)) did not change significantly. The potassium concentration decreased slightly from 4.33 to 4.20 mg dl(-1) (p = 0.002). The lactate concentration increased from 4.44 to 7.21 mg dl(-1) (p < 0.001). The pH decreased from 7.07 to 6.94 (p < 0.001). Interleukin-6 concentration increased from 6,500 to 46,500 ng l(-1) (p < 0.001). In this study, we found no relevant difference in most of the drainage blood quality parameters between the first 6-h collection period and the second 6-h collection with regard to its suitability for autologous retransfusion except higher interleukin-6 levels. Due to the higher interleukin concentration, a possible increase in febrile reactions should be taken into account during retransfusion.  相似文献   

Reinfusion of mediastinal blood after heart surgery   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BACKGROUND: Several authors studying autotransfusion of shed mediastinal blood in patients undergoing heart operations have published conflicting results regarding reduction of the need for homologous blood transfusion. The effect on coagulation parameters is also unclear. METHODS: In a prospective randomized study, 198 patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting or a valvular operation were divided into 2 groups: a group with autotransfusion of shed mediastinal blood after an operation and a control group. Continuous reinfusion of mediastinal blood was done until no drainage was present or for a period of 12 hours after the operation. The amount of blood lost and autotransfused, the number of homologous blood products transfused, and the coagulation parameters were monitored. RESULTS: The number of patients requiring homologous blood transfusion was significantly different between the 2 groups (54/98 [55%] in autotransfused patients vs 73/100 [73%] in the control group, P =.01). The number of re-explorations for excessive bleeding was similar in the 2 groups (7/98 [7.1%] vs 8/100 [8%]), but the amount of blood collected postoperatively was higher in the autotransfused patients compared with control patients (1200 +/- 201 mL vs 758 +/- 152 mL, P =.0007). Coagulation parameters analyzed and complication rates were similar in the 2 groups after the operations. CONCLUSION: Autotransfusion of shed mediastinal blood reduces the need for homologous blood transfusion in patients undergoing various cardiac operations. The cause of increased shed blood in patients undergoing autotransfusion remains unclear.  相似文献   

Although it is reported that postoperative bleeding is reduced by reinfusing autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), the effect of PRP on hemostasis is not reported in detail. We prepared PRP and fresh whole blood (WB) from the blood of seven patients each prior to their undergoing CPB, and reinfused them autologously to the patients intravenously after the CPB was terminated. In this article, the effect on hemostasis of autologous PRP and WB was described. Platelet aggregation rates and blood coagulation factors were examined before, during and after bypass. Platelet counts, ADP-induced platelet aggregation and the activities of coagulation factors II, V and VII-X were significantly greater in prepared PRP than in WB (p less than 0.01 or p less than 0.05). A mean volume of 724 +/- 109 ml of PRP or 401 +/- 63 ml of WB was reinfused within about 30 minutes after heparin was neutralized by protamine sulfate. The platelet counts increased from 4.3 +/- 1.4 x 10(4)/mm3 to 14.1 +/- 1.6 x 10(4)/mm3 after PRP reinfusion and the platelet aggregation rates increased significantly (p less than 0.01) after PRP reinfusion compared to WB transfusion. The activities of coagulation factors VII-X also increased significantly (p less than 0.05) after reinfusion of PRP when compared to transfusion of WB. The activated partial thromboplastin time decreased to 1.2 times the baseline in the PRP group but remained 1.5 times the baseline in the WB group (p less than 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

AIM: The purpose of this study was to examine if it is possible to reduce transfusion of blood units by collecting shed blood with the Cell Saver for autologous retransfusion in total knee arthroplasty (TKA). METHOD: In 186 patients drainage blood was collected over a 6-h period after total knee arthroplasty with a Cell Saver system in order to make retransfusions if necessary. A tourniquet was used routinely throughout the operation. No preoperative blood donation was performed. In 19 patients preoperative haemoglobin levels were below 12 g/dL (group A, anaemic patients). In the other 167 patients (group B) the preoperative haemoglobin levels were higher. RESULTS: 4 patients (21 %) in group A received a homologous blood transfusion. Only 1 patient (0.6 %) in group B received one unit of erythrocyte concentrate (difference statistically significant, P < 0.001). In group A 8 patients (42 %) received 284 ml (145-621 ml) Cell-Saver concentrate on average, 38 patients (23 %) in group B received 358 mL (147-776 ml) Cell-Saver concentrate on average. CONCLUSION: With a risk lower than 1 % for patients without anaemia to get a homologous blood transfusion one can do without the more expensive preoperative blood donation in total knee arthroplasty if a tourniquet is used for the operation and a Cell Saver is used for facultative retransfusion of drainage blood.  相似文献   

We evaluated the results of twelve hematological and plasma protein determinations in 450 to 500-milliliter volumes of shed blood that had been collected with or without acid-citrate-dextrose anticoagulant (National Institutes of Health Formula A) from knees and hips during the first twelve hours after arthroplasty. We also evaluated the effects on the recipients when the blood was used for reinfusion. The findings in the units that had been obtained in less than four hours, in between four and six hours, and in more than six hours after the arthroplasty were similar whether or not the acid-citrate-dextrose anticoagulant had been used. The mean values for the collected units were: in the blood, a concentration of hemoglobin of 115 grams per liter, a hematocrit of 0.34, a white blood-cell count of 4.8 x 10(9) per liter, and a red blood-cell count of 3.7 x 10(12) per liter, and, in the plasma, a level of hemoglobin of 160 grams per liter, a level of fibrinogen of less than 0.2 gram per liter, a level of factor-V clotting protein of less than 10 per cent of normal, a level of factor-VIII clotting protein that was 45 per cent of normal, a level of antithrombin III that was 45 per cent of normal, a level of plasminogen that was 55 per cent of normal, a level of protein C that was 100 per cent of normal, and a level of fibrin-degradation products of 1000 micrograms per milliliter of plasma. The clinical response of the patient was assessed after the reinfusion of a total of 205 units of unwashed shed blood into 153 patients. In addition, in 126 of the 153 patients, hematological and plasma-protein measurements were analyzed before the autotransfusion and one and twenty-four hours afterward. Each of these patients had received one to four units of shed blood that had been filtered but not washed. Only two (2 per cent) of the ninety-nine patients who received shed blood that had been collected six hours or less after the operation had a febrile reaction, whereas twelve (22 per cent) of the fifty-four patients who received blood that had been collected six to twelve hours after the operation had such a reaction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

术中及术后血液回收在骨科的临床应用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
目的探讨术中及术后血液回收在骨科无菌手术中的应用。方法 1996年 6月~ 2000年 4月,在 117例骨科手术中使用术中血液回收,其中 29例全髋关节置换术联合使用术后血液回收。记录回收的血液量及并发症。结果术中血液回收共计 70 965 ml,占总输血量的 41.61%,平均每人 606.54 ml,其中 29例全髋关节置换术患者术后血液回收共计 12 330 ml,平均每人 425.17 ml。 2例有一过性血红蛋白尿, 8例出现一过性发热反应,无其他并发症。结论术中及术后血液回收是安全且有效的自体输血方式,可以节省异体血的用量,并且避免血液传播性疾病的发生。  相似文献   

Introduction Joint replacement is associated with massive blood loss. Various techniques have been used to avoid the use of allogeneic blood. One of the techniques used is postoperative salvage and reinfusion of shed blood that was found to reduce the use of banked blood with its potential risk.Materials and methods We prospectively studied 365 patients who underwent knee joint replacement (TKR) and were divided in two groups. Group As shed blood (SureTrans System) was collected (n=194) and reinfused and group Bs was not (n=171, controls). Hemoglobin levels before and after the operation were recorded.Results Allogeneic blood requirement for TKR decreased by 65% in group A compared to group B. The packed cell/patient index dropped from 0.91 to 0.29 in group 2A. Statistical analysis yielded the odds ratio for blood replacement, a predicting formula for blood replacement depending on hemoglobin levels, and a cutoff point for a patients receiving blood replacement.Conclusion We recommend using this system in TKR for decreasing allogeneic blood replacement and potential associated risks. The predicting formula for blood replacement may be a helpful tool when making a decision of whether or not to use the collector system and for whom.No benefits in any form have been received or will be received from commercial sources related directly or indirectly to the subject of this study.  相似文献   

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