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Sodium-independent [3H]GABA and [3H]muscimol binding was determined in adult rat cerebral cortical and spinal cord membranes and in membranes from fetal mouse cortical and spinal cord neurons in primary dissociated cell culture. In adult rat cerebral cortical membranes, [3H]GABA bound to two sites (Kd=8nM,Bmax=0.62pmol/mg protein; Kd=390nM,Bmax=3.9pmol/mg protein) whereas the GABA agonist, [3H]muscimol, bound only to a high affinity site (Kd=5.6nM,Bmax=1.9pmol/mg protein). In adult rat spinal cord, only a low affinity site was seen with [3H]GABA (Kd=340nM,Bmax=9.8pmol/mg protein) and only a high affinity site was seen with [3H]muscimol (Kd=5.6nM,Bmax=0.25pmol/mg protein). The inability to measure a high affinity [3H]GABA binding site in spinal cord probably reflects the high ratio of low to high affinity sites in spinal cord (39:1). In membranes from mouse neurons in cel; culture, [3H]GABA bound to two sites on cortical neurons (Kd=9nM,Bmax=0.24pmol/mg protein; Kd=510nM,Bmax=1.3pmol/mg protein) and spinal cord neurons (Kd=13nM,Bmax=0.12pmol/mg protein; Kd=640nM,Bmax=3.2pmol/mg protein). Again, the ratio of low to high affinity sites in cultured mouse spinal cord neurons was high (27:1).The effects of the potent GABA antagonist, (+)bicuculline, on both low and high affinity [3H]GABA binding was determined. Bicuculline appeared to inhibit binding to both sites competitively but theKi for inhibiting the high affinity site was 5 μM and for inhibiting the low affinity site was 115 μM. Bicuculline inhibited [3H]muscimol binding in both brain and spinal cord competitively withKis of 4μM and 10 μM respectively. Bicuculline inhibition of [3H]muscimol binding in cultured neuronal membranes was similar to that in adult rat membranes.The binding of the potent GABA agonist, muscimol, only to the high affinity site in both adult rat and cultured mouse neuronal membranes suggests that the high affinity site is the physiologically relevant postsynaptic GABA receptor. The fact that bicuculline inhibits the high affinity site (but not the low affinity site) in concentrations similar to those needed to block GABA-responses in physiological experiments28 supports this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Following blockade of membrane potassium conductance with tetraethylammonium ions or 3-aminopyridine, long-duration action potentials were recorded from mouse spinal cord neurons in primary dissociated cell culture. The action potentials were calcium-dependent since they: (1) were not blocked by the sodium-channel blocker tetrodotoxin, (2) could be recorded in sodium-free, calcium-containing medium (3) could not be evoked in sodium-containing, calcium-free medium, (4) were blocked by calcium channel blockers manganese and cobalt and (5) had overshot amplitudes that varied linearly with the log of the extracellular calcium concentration (slope of 27.5 mV/decade change in calcium concentration).  相似文献   

Previously, embryonic tissues have been used to produce monolayer cultures containing mammalian spinal cord neurons (SCN) and motoneurons (MN) for studies of the pathophysiology of motoneuron diseases. We demonstrate here that viable SCN and MN were observed in dissociated cultures from neonatal rat and mouse. These SCN and MN produced neurites and expressed acetylcholinesterase, neuron-specific enolase and neurofilament protein. These results indicate that cultured postnatal SCN and MN are capable of survival, neurite extension, and phenotypic expression in culture.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings of cultured mouse spinal neurons were used to examine the effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and the GABA analog muscimol on neuronal excitability. Muscimol was about twice as effective as GABA in increasing membrane conductance to C1-ions. Fluctuation analysis of membrane current responses showed that muscimol activated ion channels with the same conductance as GABA but with about the average duration. The results provide an economical explanation for the greater potency of muscimol in depressing excitability.  相似文献   

The effects of piretanide, a drug which blocks active chloride transport in other systems, was examined on amino acid responses and synaptic potentials in the frog spinal cord. It was found that piretanide had no effect on GABA ventral root hyperpolarizing responses, but abolished dorsal root depolarizing responses. Dorsal root glutamate responses were little affected by piretanide. The depression of GABA responses on dorsal root ganglion cells was accompanied by a large decrease in the conductance change elicited by GABA. In addition, there was a small shift of the GABA equilibrium potential toward the resting membrane potential, which is consistent with a reduced inward pumping of chloride ions. Piretanide abolished the dorsal root potential elicited by ventral root stimulation. In addition it reduced the early part of the dorsal root potential evoked by stimulating an adjacent dorsal root but had remarkably little effect on the late phase.  相似文献   

Although the anatomical localization and distribution of the neurotransmitter, dopamine, has been extensively studied in the vertebrate central nervous system, the cell bodies of neurons which synthesize and store this transmitter were not thought to be present in the spinal cord. Using the formaldehyde-glutaraldehyde (Faglu) method for the fluorescent visualization of catecholamines, and immunohistochemistry with antisera to the catecholamine synthetic enzymes, we have found in primary cultures of mouse and rat spinal cord three morphologically distinct types of intrinsic spinal cord neurons that contain a catecholamine and the rate-limiting enzyme for catecholamine synthesis, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH).  相似文献   

Rearing cats with surgically induced strabismus resulted in an abnormally high percentage (80%) of monocularly driven neurons in visual cortex. Microiontophoretic application of the GABA antagonist bicuculline restored binocular responses to over 50% of these monocular cells. Elevation of spontaneous rate by glutamate failed to produce binocularity. These results indicate that intracortical inhibition plays a role in the abnormal ocular dominance distribution of strabismic cats.  相似文献   

Fetal cell microchimerism refers to the persistence of fetal cells in the maternal tissues following pregnancy. It has been detected in peripheral organs and the brain, but its existence in the spinal cord has not been reported. Our aim was to detect fetal cell microchimerism in the spinal cord of maternal mice. C57BL/6 female mice were crossed with GFP transgenic male mice and sacrificed after their first or third delivery. GFP-positive cells, which were presumably from fetuses whose fathers were GFP transgenic, were detected in the spinal cord by fluorescence microscopy and immunohistochemistry. PCR was also performed to detect GFP DNA, which must come from GFP hemizygous fetuses. We found GFP-positive cells and detectable GFP DNA in most of the maternal spinal cords. Twenty percent (1/5) of the mice that were only pregnant once had detectable fetal cells, while 80% (4/5) of those that were pregnant three times had detectable fetal cells. Some fetal cells, which not only emitted green fluorescence but also expressed NeuN, were detected in the spinal cords from maternal mice. These results indicate that fetal cells migrate into the spinal cord of a maternal mouse during and/or after the gestational period, and the fetal cells may differentiate into neurons in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

The effects of angiotensin II (AII) on the membrane properties of cultured spinal neurons were investigated using electrophysiological methods. In 26% of neurons tested AII induced changes in membrane potential and input resistance which varied according to the concentration of applied peptide. At low concentrations (10(-6) M), AII increased input resistance by an ionic mechanism which appears to involve a reduction in Cl- conductance. At higher concentration (10(-4) M), AII evoked depolarization associated with a decrease in input resistance. This response appears to depend on an increase in Na+ conductance. Our observations indicate that AII can have multiple effects on neuronal membrane properties dependent on the concentration of applied peptide.  相似文献   

To examine whether morphine elicits a supraspinal mediated spinal inhibition of nociceptive transmission, several investigators have compared the effects of morphine on nociceptive transmission in animals with the spinal cord intact vs transected or cold-blocked. The results have been conflicting, possibly due to different methods of analysis. For example, some investigators have found i.v. administered morphine produces a greater percentage decrease in nociceptive transmission when the spinal cord is intact compared to the transected state. Therefore, they concluded that morphine elicits a supraspinal-mediated inhibition. Conversely, others have reported that the increase in noxious stimulus-evoked responses of dorsal horn neurons upon cold blocking the spinal cord was reduced by i.v. morphine. They therefore concluded that morphine decreases descending inhibition. We tested the effects of i.v. morphine on spinal cord multireceptive neurons in the presence and absence of descending inhibition. Using the above methods of analysis, our results were found to be consistent with their findings which indicate that the method of analysis used is critical to the interpretation reached. To determine how these calculations would be affected by a depressant effect on the spinal cord neurons only, we performed similar experiments iontophoresing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) onto these dorsal horn neurons. The similarity between the morphine and GABA data suggests that the effects of systemically administered morphine on multireceptive dorsal horn neurons can be adequately explained by a spinal cord site of action.  相似文献   

Serial biochemical studies of a rat cortical tissue culture system in which synapses regularly form showed that γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is present in the cultures and increases with their maturation. The tissue GABA concentration in mature cultures is similar to that of adult rat cortex in vivo. The synthetic enzyme, glutamate decar☐ylase, also increases with age as does high affinity GABA uptake. GABA uptake was blocked by l-2,4-diaminobutyrate (DABA) and had the properties of neuronal GABA uptake. Specific release by depolarizing media of both exogenous [3H]GABA and GABA synthesized from d-[U-14C]glucose was demonstrated. The GABA released by high potassium media had higher specific activity and a greater contribution from glucose (as compared to acetate) than GABA found in the medium in the absence of depolarization. Calcium dependency of evoked GABA release could be shown only after pretreatment of cultures with ethyleneglycol-bis-(β-aminoethyl ether)-N,N′-tetraacetic acid or EGTA. Synaptosomes may exhibit greater calcium dependence of evoked transmitter release than intact cells in culture because their intracellular calcium stores are depleted during preparation. Glycine uptake by the cultures was much less in amount than was GABA uptake, and specific release of glycine could not be demonstrated.Specific binding of both a GABA agonist ([3H]muscimol) and an antagonist ([3H]bicuculline) was shown by membranes prepared from the cultures. By contrast, when [3H]muscimol binding to intact cells was studied, essentially all binding was sodium dependent and had the properties of GABA uptake binding. We conclude that the use of [3H]muscimol for receptor studies is valid only after the elimination of GABA uptake systems.Biochemical data from these studies support the concept that GABA is the transmitter for many cortical synapses. Glycine and taurine are not likely to be transmitters in these cortical cultures. When considered together with physiological data from the preceding paper, we have satisfied Werman's criteria (see ref. 36) for accepting GABA as the major inhibitory transmitter in the cortical culture system.  相似文献   

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic neurons have been postulated to compose an important component of local circuits in the adult spinal cord, yet their identity and axonal projections have not been well defined. We have found that, during early embryonic ages (E12-E16), both glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 (GAD65) and GABA were expressed in cell bodies and growing axons, whereas at older ages (E17-P28), they were localized primarily in terminal-like structures. To determine whether these developmental changes in GAD65 and GABA were due to an intracellular shift in the distribution pattern of GAD proteins, we used a spinal cord slice model. Initial experiments demonstrated that the pattern of GABAergic neurons within organotypic cultures mimicked the expression pattern seen in embryos. Sixteen-day-old embryonic slices grown 1 day in vitro contained many GAD65- and GAD67-labeled somata, whereas those grown 4 days in vitro contained primarily terminal-like varicosities. When isolated E14-E16 slices were grown for 4 days in vitro, the width of the GAD65-labeled ventral marginal zone decreased by 40-50%, a finding that suggests these GABAergic axons originated from sources both intrinsic and extrinsic to the slices. Finally, when axonal transport was blocked in vitro, the developmental subcellular localization of GAD65 and GAD67 was reversed, so that GABAergic cell bodies were detected at all ages examined. These data indicate that an intracellular redistribution of both forms of GAD underlie the developmental changes observed in GABAergic spinal cord neurons. Taken together, our findings suggest a rapid translocation of GAD proteins from cell bodies to synaptic terminals following axonal outgrowth and synaptogenesis.  相似文献   

Possible influences upon patterns of neurogenesis expressed in vitro were examined quantitatively by the use of microfragment cultures of embryonic day 10 mouse neural tube. Crude extracts were prepared either from whole embryos (day 13 or 15 of gestation) or from embryonic brains (day 18 of gestation) and added to the culture medium for the first 10 days of culturing. Neuronal outgrowth zones surrounding individual microfragments were reduced in area (indicating restricted neuronal migration) and in number of neurons present (indicating restricted production of neurons) following treatment with either of the extracts. The severity of reductions observed were related to the developmental age of embryonic tissue used for preparing the extract, as greatest reduction resulted from addition of embryonic day 18 brain extracts and to concentration employed, higher doses further restricting neuronal outgrowth. By increasing the concentrations of extract the proportional number of large-sized neurons forming the outgrowth zones became greater relative to the small neuron contribution, indicating an enhanced survival for this neuronal population. The formation and migration of astroglial precursor cells was not affected by the addition of any of the extracts. The number of neurons remaining within the original portions of neural tube microfragments was not significantly altered following culturing in the presence of embryonic extract. This suggested that the reduction in neuron number in the outgrowth zone actually reflected a decreased neuron production and was not simply the result of a retention of neurons within the remaining portion of the microfragment. The results suggest the presence of substances within mouse embryos that have regulatory effects on aspects of development of the central nervous system. Indications are that survival and maturation of postmitotic neuroblasts are promoted in vitro while the formation of additional neuronal progenitor cells may be partially inhibited by the addition of embryonic mouse extracts to the medium. We propose that an endogenous negative feedback mechanism may be involved in the coordination of patterns of neurogenesis.  相似文献   

In the spinal cord, GABA and glycine mediate inhibition at separate or mixed synapses containing glycine and/or GABA(A) receptors (GlyR and GABA(A)R, respectively). We have analysed here the sequence of events leading to inhibitory synapse formation during synaptogenesis of embryonic spinal cord neurons between 1 and 11 days in vitro (DIV). We used immunocytochemical methods to detect simultaneously an antigen specific to inhibitory terminals, the vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter (VIAAT), and one of the following postsynaptic elements: GlyR, GABA(A)R or gephyrin, the anchoring protein of GlyR, which is also associated with GABA(A)R. Quantitative analysis revealed that until 5 DIV most gephyrin clusters were not adjacent to VIAAT-positive profiles, but became associated with them at later stages. In contrast, GlyR and GABAAR clustered predominantly in front of VIAAT-containing terminals at all stages. However, about 10% of receptor aggregates were detected at nonsynaptic loci. The two receptors colocalized in 66.2+/-2.5% of the inhibitory postsynaptic domains after 11 DIV, while 30.3+/-2.6% and 3.4+/-0.8% of them contained only GlyR and GABA(A)R, respectively. Interestingly, at 3 DIV GABA(A)R clustered at a postsynaptic location prior to gephyrin and GlyR; GABA(A)R could thus be the initiating element in the construction of mixed glycine and GABAergic synapses. The late colocalization of gephyrin with GABA(A)R, and the demonstration by other groups that, in the absence of gephyrin, postsynaptic GABA(A)R is not detected, suggest that gephyrin is involved in the stabilization of GABA(A)R rather than in its initial accumulation at synaptic sites.  相似文献   

Bioelectrical responses evoked in the ventrolateral funiculus (VLF) of the spinal cord by electrical stimulation of the contralateral hind limb were studied following topical application of 1% morphine solution to the somatosensory SI area of the rat cerebral cortex. After morphine, a typical pattern was observed in the electrocorticogram, characterized by the appearance of rhythmic spiking activity. Time-related with each cortical spike, a significant reduction in the amplitude of VLF responses was observed. It is concluded that cortical excitation induced by morphine generates descending influences having the ability to inhibit spinal sensory transmission.  相似文献   

Monocularly deprived (MD) cats show a loss of responsiveness to visual stimulation of the deprived eye among visual cortical neurons. Several lines of evidence suggest that this effect involves, at least in part, a suppression of deprived eye input, possibly mediated by GABA inhibition. In order to better understand the nature of this suppression we have evaluated the effectiveness of different types of disinhibitory and excitatory agents to reverse the effects of MD. We investigated bicuculline (a GABA antagonist); picrotoxin (a GABA antagonist with a different mechanism of action from bicuculline); strychnine (a glycine antagonist); ammonium ion (a blocker of membrane chloride channels); physostigmine (a cholinesterase inhibitor); and naloxone (an opiate antagonist and also a GABA antagonist). All drugs were given intravenously. Bicuculline restored binocularity to 50% of the visual cortical neurons tested and naloxone to 36%. With both drugs, receptive fields of the normal eye tended to lose specificity. The emergent deprived eye receptive fields were usually similar to those of the normal eye after drug administration. Ammonium ion produced binocular responses in 27% of neurons tested, but receptive fields were grossly abnormal; moreover, ammonium infusion tended to depress neuronal responsiveness. All other drugs tested failed to restore binocularity. These experiments lend further credence to the hypothesis that GABA inhibition contributes to the cortical effects of MD, since only drugs with GABA antagonistic action were effective in restoring neuronal responsiveness to the deprived eye.  相似文献   

A. Nistri  C. Berti   《Brain research》1983,258(2):263-270
A parasagittal slice of the frog spinal cord was kept in vitro for electrophysiological recordings from dorsal and ventral roots. Low concentrations of caffeine (50 microM) which had relatively small effects on baseline electrical activity, increased the depolarizing action of GABA on dorsal root fibres by 50%. A similar result was also obtained when GABA motoneuronal responses were tested. On dorsal roots the potentiation of GABA responses by caffeine was reflected by a significant decrease in GABA ED50 value without change in the maximal response amplitude; this enhancing action of caffeine was not blocked by bicuculline (5 microM) but was abolished by flurazepam (5 microM) or by Ca2+ antagonists (Mn2+ and Cd2+). Blockade of interneuronal activity by procaine left the potentiating action of caffeine unchanged. High doses of caffeine (up to 1 mM) produced a seemingly non-competitive antagonism of GABA responses. We suggest that caffeine can modulate GABA responses through two different mechanisms: a potentiation of GABA effects (seen with low doses of caffeine) probably due to Ca2+ mobilization and an antagonism of GABA responses (typically seen with large doses of caffeine) perhaps caused by block of GABA receptor-activated channels. This novel caffeine-GABA interaction may be useful to interpret some of the effects of caffeine on mammalian behaviour.  相似文献   

Summary Two actions of clinically used antiepileptic drugs have been studied using mouse neurons in primary dissociated cell culture. The antiepileptic drugs phenytoin, carbamazepine and valproic acid were demonstrated to limit sustained high frequency repetitive firing of action potentials at free serum concentratons that are achieved in patients being treated for epilepsy. Furthermore, an active metabolite of carbamazepine also limited sustained high frequency repetitive firing while inactive metabolites of phenytoin and carbamazepine did not limit sustained high frequency repetitive firing. Phenobarbital and clinically used benzodiazepines limited sustained high frequency repetitive firing of action potentials, but only at concentrations achieved during the treatment of generalized tonic-clonic status epilepticus. Ethosuximide did not limit sustained high frequency repetitive firing even at concentrations four times those achieved in the serum of patients treated for generalized absence seizures. Phenobarbital and clinically used benzodiazepines enhanced postsynaptic GABA responses at concentrations achieved free in the serum during treatment of generalized tonic-clonic or generalized absence seizures. However, phenytoin, carbamazepine, valproic acid and ethosuximide did not modify postsynaptic GABA responses at therapeutic free serum concentrations. These results suggest that the ability of antiepileptic drugs to block generalized tonicclonic seizures and generalized tonic-clonic status epilepticus may be related to their ability to block high frequency repetitive firing of neurons. The mechanism underlying blockade of myoclonic seizures may be related to the ability of antiepileptic drugs to enhance GABAergic synaptic transmission. The mechanism underlying management of generalized absence seizures remains unclear.  相似文献   

(1) Rat cortical neurons grown in dissociated cell culture exhibit IPSPs which appear to be generated by an increase in membrane conductance to chloride.
(2) The neurons are all sensitive to GABA in micromolar concentrations and GABA mimics the inhibitory transmitter.
(3) The neurons are much less sensitive to glycine and insensitive to taurine.
(4) Bicuculline and strychnine both block essentially all IPSPs and at the same concentrations block GABA effects.
(5) It is concluded that GABA is the main, or only, inhibitory transmitter utilized by the cortical neurons in vitro. The relevance of this conclusion to in situ transmitter identification is discussed.
Keywords: Gaba; inhibitory transmitter; neuron cell culture; cortical neurons  相似文献   

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