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The Occupational Physicians' Reporting Activity (OPRA) surveillance scheme for occupational physicians has now been in place for 4 years. During this period, an estimated 43,764 new cases of work-related disease have been reported. Musculoskeletal conditions make up nearly half (49%) of all cases; mental ill-health and skin disease account for 20% each, with respiratory conditions (8%) and hearing loss (5%) seen in lower proportions. Overall, eight of 42 diagnoses made up four-fifths of the new cases reported by occupational physicians. These were hand and arm disorders (8052 estimated cases), contact dermatitis (7104), disorders of the lumbar spine (6000), anxiety and depression (4788), work-related stress (3336), hearing loss (2100), elbow disorders (2040), and asthma (1680). Dermatitis and hearing loss were most frequent in manufacturing industries, lower back complaints in health care, and upper limb disorders in automotive manufacture. Psychiatric illnesses presented a different pattern, mainly affecting those in health, education and social service.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Work-related skin disease is common but few cases are documented in statutory reports or disability systems. Voluntary reporting by specialist physicians provides more complete information. AIMS: To summarize incidence rates of work-related skin diseases reported by consultant dermatologists and occupational physicians, with emphasis on contact and allergic dermatitis by occupation and industry. METHODS: Cases reported in 1996-2001 to the EPIDERM and OPRA national surveillance schemes were analysed by causal agent, occupation and industry, with incidence rates calculated against appropriate denominators. RESULTS: Average annual incidence rates based on data from dermatologists were 97 per million overall, 74 for contact dermatitis and 14 for neoplasia. The corresponding rates for occupational physicians were 623 overall, 510 and 2, respectively. For infective disease, the rates for occupational physicians were 28 compared to 2 for dermatologists. Contact dermatitis was most frequently attributed to rubber chemicals, soaps and cleaners, wet work, nickel and acrylics; most cases of contact urticaria were attributed to rubber chemicals or foods and flour. The pattern of incidence rates by occupation and industry was complex, but correlated with the probable type of exposure. Rates of contact dermatitis were highest among skilled workers in the petrochemical and rubber and plastic manufacturing industries, with machine operators and technical workers in metal and automotive industries also at increased risk. High proportions of cases attributed to rubber chemicals were in nurses and technicians in the health and social services. CONCLUSIONS: These findings identify jobs and types of work where contact with causal agents is common and potentially preventable.  相似文献   

目的通过对某汽车公司职工进行职业健康体检,了解职工身体健康状况,确定危害职工健康潜在危险因素,为制定职业性有害因素预防控制提供依据。方法收集从事接触苯、粉尘、溶剂汽油的生产工人的职业健康体检资料,对体检结果进行对比分析。结果某汽车公司体检人数908人,目标疾病检查异常人数为28人,异常率为3.1%。非目标疾病检查异常人数299人,其中以血压增高、脂肪肝、心电图异常为主。结论职工健康状况令人担忧,应加强健康教育,提高自我保健意识,并定期体检。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although incidence data for work-related ill-health in the UK are available, more detailed information for smaller geographical areas has hitherto been unpublished. AIMS: To estimate the incidence of work-related ill-health reported by clinical specialists in Scotland, 2002-2003. METHODS: THOR (The Health and Occupation Reporting network) is a UK wide reporting scheme for work-related ill-health. In 2002-2003, 241 out of 2162 physicians in THOR were based in Scotland. We have summarized the reported cases and calculated incidence rates for categories of ill-health by age, gender and industry. The UK Labour Force Survey (2002) was used to provide denominator data, with comparisons made between rates for Scotland and the rest of the UK. RESULTS: In 2002-2003, 4043 estimated cases were reported from Scotland. Mental ill-health was most frequently reported (41%); followed by musculoskeletal disorders (31%), skin disorders (16%), respiratory disease (10%), hearing disorders (2%) and infection (1%). The reported average annual incidence rate per 100,000 employees for all work-related ill-health in Scotland was 86.0. The highest reported rate for mental ill-health was found for employees in public administration and defence (76.7 per 100,000), and health and social work (72.3 per 100,000). The construction industry had the highest reported rate of musculoskeletal disorders (41.6 per 100,000), while hairdressers appeared at most risk of developing occupational contact dermatitis (rate=86.4 per 100,000). CONCLUSIONS: Despite its limitations, THOR has indicated types of work-related ill-health and related industries for targeted disease prevention in Scotland.  相似文献   

Work-related asthma (WRA) and WRA-like conditions refer to all situations in which asthma or asthma-like syndromes occur or worsen in the workplace. This occurs in approximately 10% of all adult-onset asthma subjects. Occupational asthma (OA) is a specific type of WRA that is 'caused' by the workplace, being mediated either by an allergic process with a latency period or by a non-allergic irritant-induced mechanism. Personal asthma can also 'worsen' at work (work-aggravated or exacerbated asthma), the reasons, mechanisms, extent and consequences of this situation being unknown. The author reviews various aspects of WRA with an emphasis on OA (about which more is known) and proposes key issues that need to be further studied, proposed and applied in at-risk workplaces in order to improve recognition, diagnosis and management of this condition. OA represents a unique situation that, unfortunately, is only very rarely provided to health-care providers: affected workers can be cured with minimal impact on quality of life. All efforts should be made to achieve this goal at an affordable socio-economic cost.  相似文献   

The SWORD surveillance scheme, now 10 years old, uses systematic reporting from physicians to provide a picture of the incidence of occupational respiratory disease in the United Kingdom. An estimated total of 2966 incident cases was derived from reports by chest and occupational physicians during the 1998 calendar year. Occupational asthma continues to be the most-reported respiratory condition, with an estimated 822 cases (27% of total cases). The proportion of cases of mesothelioma (23%), benign pleural disease (21%) pneumoconiosis (7%) and inhalation injuries (6%) remain similar to those estimated in past years, although fewer cases overall were reported. The most commonly identified agents causing asthma in 1998 were enzymes, isocyanates, laboratory animals and insects, colophony and fluxes, flour, latex, and glutaraldehyde. An increased incidence of respiratory diseases of short latency was seen in mining, whilst cases in chemical, mineral products and motor vehicle manufacture remained high; lower rates were noted in wood products and textile manufacture when compared with 1997 figures. Inhalation accidents over the past 3 years were reviewed; gaseous agents and combustion products accounted for nearly half of cases. High rates for inhalation injuries were seen in coal miners, fuel production, motor vehicle manufacturing, water purification, and chemical manufacturing.  相似文献   

Chest and occupational physicians who report to the SWORD surveillancescheme are estimated to have seen some 3,300 new cases of work-relatedrespiratory disease in 1996. This total has regained the levelrecorded prior to a low in 1995, probably because of improvedchest physician participation and the introduction of a samplingsystem for occupational physicians. Trends in disease incidencehave remained fairly constant with some changes only in pneumoconiosisand inhalation accidents. It is of concern that there has beenno evidence of a decrease in frequency of occupational asthmaor in any of the incriminated agents since the scheme beganin 1989. Comparison with other sources of data shows that, forasthma, SWORD records a relatively high frequency in women,a substantial proportion of whom do not appear to receive compensation.For mesothelioma, rates based on death certificates continuefor understandable reasons to run at about twice the level reportedto SWORD or as reflected by successful claims to the DSS forindustrial injuries benefit. The SWORD programme is now oneof six clinically-based reporting schemes which, by the endof 1997, are planned to cover all types of occupational diseasein the UK.  相似文献   

Systematic reports from chest and occupational physicians under the SWORD and OPRA (Occupational Physicians Reporting Activity) surveillance schemes continue to provide a picture of the incidence of occupational respiratory disease in the UK. An estimated total of 4393 incident cases (comprising 4530 diagnoses) were reported during the 1999 calendar year, an increase of 1427 cases over the previous year. Benign pleural disease was the single most frequently reported condition (28% of all diagnoses reported). Occupational asthma cases (1168; 26%) remained high, as did mesothelioma (1032; 23%). Analysis of trends over the past 8 years shows an increase in mesothelioma cases, but little change in asthma. The annual incidence per 100,000 employed people, 1996-1999, for mesothelioma, lung cancer and pneumoconiosis was high amongst construction workers (28.7), miners and quarrymen (26.5), woodworkers (18.9) and gas, coal and chemical workers (15.2). Trends in mesothelioma incidence by birth cohort continue to show an increase in construction workers and a continuing decline in shipyard and insulation workers. The relative proportion of pneumoconiosis cases attributed to coal mining has fallen steadily in workers born since approximately 1920 and most cases are now in men who have been employed in quarrying and rock drilling.  相似文献   

目的 明确广东省重点职业病危害因素、重点职业病的分布和风险等级,提出重点防控的行业、企业和人群。 方法 2017年对广东省21个地市121个县区接触重点职业病危害因素的劳动者和企业进行监测。收集广东省重点职业病危害相关信息、重点职业病危害因素职业健康检查情况和重点职业病报告情况。 结果 共收集存在5种重点职业病危害因素的企业职业病危害项目申报表61 758份,接触5种重点职业病危害因素的劳动者为1 521 464人次。检测岗位超标率为22.1 %。接触重点职业病危害因素的劳动者接受在岗职业健康检查为597 602人次,疑似职业病检出率为0.51 %,职业禁忌证检出率为2.62 %。矽尘作业工人胸片呈尘肺样改变率为0.43 %,苯作业工人白细胞 < 4 × 109/L者占1.81 %,中性粒细胞 < 2 × 109/L占1.93 %,血小板 < 80 × 109/L占0.14 %。噪声作业工人双耳高频平均听阈 ≥ 40 dB检出率为10.59 %,高温作业工人血糖偏高占5.99 %。局部振动作业工人神经传导速度减慢者占3.00 %。全省共报告职业性矽肺95例,职业苯中毒126例,苯所致白血病29例,职业性噪声聋409例,中暑29例,手臂振动病70例。 结论 职业性噪声聋、苯中毒、矽肺、手臂振动病等4种职业病为重点关注的职业病,接触重点职业病危害因素的劳动者应为重点防护对象。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Musculoskeletal conditions are the most common self-reported work-related disease, with high costs incurred from long-term disability. In the United Kingdom, occupational physicians and rheumatologists have been reporting new cases of work-related musculoskeletal disorders to voluntary surveillance schemes since 1996. AIMS: To estimate population incidence rates for work-related musculoskeletal disorders reported by rheumatologists and occupational physicians by occupation and industry, in relation to tasks and movements suspected as causal. METHODS: Estimated average annual incidence rates were calculated for nine main job categories and eight industrial groups; Labour Force Survey figures were used as the denominator for rheumatologists, and a special survey for the occupational physicians. These were then related to tasks and movements reported as causal. RESULTS: Between October 1997 and the end of 2001, an estimated 2,599 new cases/year were reported by rheumatologists, and from January 1996, 5,278 cases/year by occupational physicians. Average annual rates overall were 94 per million for rheumatologists and 1,643 per million for occupational physicians (a 17-fold difference). Jobs at highest risk for the upper limb were primarily clerical, craft-related and machine work. Tasks associated with upper limb disorders and with neck and back problems were predominantly keyboard work and heavy lifting, and in craft-related occupations with gripping or holding tools. CONCLUSIONS: Jobs at risk and the associate tasks were identified which should assist prevention, but the extent to which these factors were causal or aggravating previous injury requires further study. The much higher rates reported by occupational physicians reflect, in part, the type of industries they served.  相似文献   

The management of the European division of a multinational company was aware of possible differences in the occupational health services (OHS) at their different locations. The objective of this study was to carry out a baseline assessment of these OHS. Structured interviews with representatives of the OHS were conducted at 20 locations in 11 countries. The OHS Recommendation from the International Labour Organization (ILO) was used as a standard for the organization and functions of the OHS. Considerable differences in the activity profiles of the OHS were detected. The inter-enterprise, multidisciplinary OHS spent most of their time on surveillance of workers' health in relation to work and on preventive activities in the working environment. Little time was spent on curative services for individual workers. OHS made up of individual physicians and nurses generally spent much of their time on treatment of occupational and non-occupational diseases. This study has clarified the status of the OHS providers and the potential for improvements in order to meet the needs of the company's locations and to comply more closely with the ILO recommendation.  相似文献   

Four hundred and seventy-two consecutive referral episodes relatingto 386 patients attending the Occupational Health Departmentof a general teaching hospital were analyzed to evaluate thefrequency, content and effect on management of communicationsbetween the occupational physician and other doctors. In all,250 episodes (53%) were associated with such a communication.The likelihood of a communication was strongly influenced byreason for referral, particularly in respect of long or shortterm sickness absence; univariate odds ratios (OR)=10.58, 95%Cl=8.13–27.08) and 2.65, 95% Cl=1.55–4.60) respectively;a medical diagnosis of psychiatric illness (OR=3.17, 95% Cl=1.69–5.97));and by number of consultations. Communication was also morelikely when the occupational outcome was ill health retirement,rehabilitation in work or modified work. Ninety-eight per centof specific requests for information or an opinion eliciteda reply. Information received from other doctors influencedthe occupational health physician's management in 52 referralepisodes (20%). Specific action by GPs as a result of communicationwas documented in 54 and by specialists in 37 episodes. Theimportance of communication between occupational health physicianand other doctors in the occupational health process is confirmed.  相似文献   

Surveillance data on occupational audiological disorders have been collected by the Occupational Surveillance Scheme for Audiological Physicians (OSSA) since October 1997 and by the Occupational Physicians Reporting Activity (OPRA) from January 1996. During the 3 years ending in September 2000, a total of 1620 new cases were received from consultant audiological physicians; 988 new cases were estimated from reports by occupational physicians in the period from October 1997 to September 2000. The annual incidence of occupational noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) was 1.94 and 1.23 per 100 000 workers for the OSSA and OPRA schemes, respectively. The median age at diagnosis with NIHL was 59 years in OSSA reports and 50 years in OPRA; nearly all cases were seen in men (95.6 and 92.5% male cases for OSSA and OPRA, respectively). High incidence rates based on OSSA reports were seen in foundry labourers (64.0 per 100 000 employed), coal gas and coke oven furnace workers (54.6), workers in transport and communication (43.1), metal workers (31.3), and members of the armed forces (28.3). Data from occupational physicians point to high rates in sawyers and woodworking machinists, metal furnace workers, coach and carriage builders, maintenance fitters, and engineering labourers. Among workers aged < or =45 years, those in manufacturing and the armed forces were prominent. The long latency of occupational hearing loss makes surveillance difficult, but consistent patterns in occupational risk suggest targets for preventive efforts.  相似文献   

Consultant rheumatologists participate in surveillance of work-related musculoskeletal conditions under the Musculoskeletal Occupational Surveillance Scheme (MOSS), which has been in operation since 1997. During the first 3 years of the scheme, an estimated total of 8070 cases and 8442 diagnoses were obtained, an average of slightly less than 2700 estimated cases each year. Disorders of the upper limb accounted for approximately 66% (5502) of the total, with hand/wrist/arm conditions (3693 cases) comprising the majority of these. Conditions of the lumbar spine and trunk (13% of cases), the cervical spine (12%) and the shoulder (12%) were also frequently reported. Pain with ill-defined pathology was reported in 35% of cases with hand and forearm disorders. Overall, 82% of cases were related to repetitive rather than single injury. The largest numbers of cases were seen in workers in craft occupations (1659) and in clerical and secretarial workers (1524). High rates of musculoskeletal conditions, particularly of upper limb disorders, are notable in mining. In most occupations, and overall, women were at greater risk than men.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lack of knowledge about the occurrence of work-related health problems in the general population makes it difficult to estimate the potential for their prevention in the workplace. AIMS: To examine the prevalence of self-reported work-related health problems among adult citizens of Oslo, Norway. METHODS: The study was part of the Oslo Health Study 2000-2001, in which all individuals in certain age cohorts were invited to a comprehensive health screening. All 30-, 40- and 45-year old subjects who attended the screening were asked if they had experienced any of 11 common health problems in the past month, and whether they considered these to be work-related. Of the 26,074 invitees in these age cohorts, 8,594 (33%) answered the questionnaire. RESULTS: Nearly 60% of subjects reported one or more work-related health problems, most commonly reported were pain in the neck/shoulders (38%) and low back pain (23%). Neck/shoulder pain was most frequently attributed to working conditions, by 74% of subjects with this problem; followed by arm pain (72%), fatigue (51%) and low back pain (50%). Work-related fractions for eczema and asthma symptoms were 23 and 18%, respectively. There were marked gender differences, but small age differences. CONCLUSIONS: A substantial proportion of common health problems in the Oslo population were attributed to working conditions. This implies a large preventive potential and call for increased preventive efforts targeted at known risk factors in the workplace.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Work-related stress (WRS) is the leading cause of occupational ill-health in the education sector in the UK. Headship is believed to be a stressful role although there is little current research into stress in head teachers. Changes in the education sector since the late 1980s have meant that the findings of many existing studies are outdated. AIM: To investigate prevalence and causes of self-reported, WRS in head teachers in West Sussex, UK. METHODS: A cross-sectional study using postal questionnaire in a population of 290 head teachers and principals. The measuring instrument was a short stress evaluation tool (ASSET) plus additional questions derived from previous studies. Stress cases were defined as respondents who felt their work was 'very or extremely stressful'. RESULTS: Prevalence of self-reported, WRS was 43%. Using ASSET scoring, work overload and work-life imbalance were the key stressors. Females were significantly more stressed than males for a number of stressors including overload and control. Although there was some evidence that primary head teachers fared worse than their secondary counterparts, once the confounding effects of gender were included, there were few significant differences. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of self-reported stress in head teachers in West Sussex is significantly increased compared to recent studies of workers in the UK. The recurring theme in existing studies of workload as a main stressor is confirmed in the findings of this study. Gender and type of school does affect outcome and female head teachers have more reported stressors than their male colleagues.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The extensive Dutch occupational health care system of the past decade has not led to the desired outcomes, namely, a decrease of work absenteeism and the associated costs. AIM: To assess the differences between in-house and external occupational health care services in the process quality of occupational health care provided. METHODS: In total, 26 interviews were conducted with chief executive officers of occupational health services (OHS). The responses and other relevant policy documents were analysed and described. A key component of this process was to compare differences between in-house and external services. RESULTS: Notable differences in quality were found to exist between in-house and external occupational health care systems, with the in-house occupational health care services offering the highest process quality. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that the effectiveness of OHS is mainly dependent on their structure (in-house versus external) and on economic factors (profit driven versus not for profit).  相似文献   

Construction workers are exposed to considerable hazards carryinga health risk, e.g., dusts, fumes, noise and manual handling,yet there is often poor occupational health service provisionparticularly for subcontracted labourers. This paper presentsseven case studies from large. engineering construction organizations.concerning current practice in occupational health management.The results supported the fact that data and records regardinghealth-related absence were limited and inconsistent, and thatlittle existed in terms of medicals and health surveillance,particularly in the case of subcontracted workers. The maindifficulties envisaged were reported to be the sizeable costsinvolved; the temporary and mobile work force; demonstratingcost-benefits to top management and a lack of interest amongstworkers, perhaps exacerbated by the threat of lost livelihood.Managers also admitted limited health expertise and knowledgeof the wider role health professionals could play in healthmanagement. Training and further research in this area are indicated.  相似文献   

16 Armoured Field Ambulance provided primary and secondary medicalcare to British troops in Bosnia from April to October 1996.Patients presenting at both levels were reviewed and categorizedinto occupational illness, non-occupational disease and non-occupationalinjury. The results show that occupational illness was a smallbut significant component of primary care (8%) with non-occupationalinjury accounting for < 1%. In secondary care, the more seriousnature of the occupational disease seen is shown in that itaccounted for 38% of all admissions and 44% of the 149 patientswho had to be evacuated from theatre for further treatment. Non-occupational injury represented 8% of admissions and 13%of evacuations.  相似文献   

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