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8个月男婴患淋病1例报告潍坊市人民医院(261041)刘锡范,张凤美患儿男,8个月,因发热、尿道口红肿并有脓性分泌物溢出而就诊。尿常规:尿蛋白++、RBC+、WBC+++。尿道口取脓性分泌物直接涂片革兰氏染色,见白细胞内有大小均匀的G-双球菌。行分泌...  相似文献   

环丙沙星致过敏性紫癜一例陈耀,兰品英患者,男性,42岁。1995年4月以脓尿、尿痛4天就诊,无发热及腰痛,有不洁性交史,既往有磺胺药过敏史。龟头脓性分泌物涂片见细胞内革兰氏阴性双球菌。诊断为急性淋病,单用环丙沙星(广州白云山制药厂生产,批号94090...  相似文献   

家庭内同患两种性病分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王月珍 《中国艾滋病性病》2003,9(4):207-207,214
某地一家庭 4人 (2男 2女 ,其中 <1 3岁儿童 2人 ) ,经确诊淋病和霉菌病患者 3例 ,其中女性 2例(儿童 1例 ) ,男性 1例。现将情况报告分析如下。1 病人情况  2 0 0 2年 5月 6日 ,女童因尿频、尿急、尿痛及阴道分泌物较多就诊。患儿母亲代诉 ,1周前感觉外阴、阴道痛痒不适。体检 :患儿外阴及阴道口均红肿 ,有大量灰黄色脓性分泌物 ,余未见异常。实验室检查 :(1 )分泌物涂片革兰氏染色镜检 :发现有霉菌并在细胞内找到革兰氏阴性双球菌。 (2 )分泌物培养 :采集分泌物后 ,立即涂于 37℃预温的血液琼脂平板 (加 5mg/ml多粘菌素 ,抑制杂菌生长 )…  相似文献   

婴儿淋菌性眼结膜炎沈阳市第七医院(110003)于桂兰,高凤云,马红旗患者女,出生30天,10天来眼结膜充血,有脓性分泌物,啼哭时溢出眼外,1993年9月来我院眼科就诊、经涂片检查,细胞内外均杏到革兰氏阴性双球菌,细菌培养生长淋病双球菌,临床诊断为淋...  相似文献   

目的评价内镜及病理检查在溃疡性结肠炎和克罗恩病鉴别诊断中的价值.方法回顾性分析161例溃疡性结肠炎和89例克罗恩病的临床资料,对其病变分布、内镜结果及病理检查进行了分析.结果克罗恩病好发于末段回肠、右半结肠及上消化道,而溃疡性结肠炎好发于直肠.克罗恩病的病理特征有非干酪样肉芽肿、裂隙样溃疡、淋巴细胞聚集、全层炎;溃疡性结肠炎的病理学特征有弥漫性或灶性黏膜炎症、隐窝脓肿、黏膜糜烂及溃疡.结论内镜结合病理检查在溃疡性结肠炎和克罗恩病鉴别诊断中起到决定性作用,尤其手术标本的病理检查对CD诊断价值较大.  相似文献   

《热带病与寄生虫学》2000年第29卷第1期发表了“29例妊娠期合并淋病报道”,文中“该29例患者全部经病原学确诊,方法为取宫颈管分泌物作革兰氏染色涂片镜检,均见到革兰氏阴性双球菌”。原文作者仅据此确诊29例妊娠期妇女合并淋病,我们认为不妥。性传播疾病(Sexually transruitted disease)病原体培养与鉴定现状不容乐观,妇科病人淋病的诊断误诊率尤高。现就革兰阴性双球菌检验诊断淋病问题结合文献复习探讨如下。  相似文献   

内镜在胃肠道移植物抗宿主病诊断中的价值   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨内镜在异基因骨髓移植术后发生胃肠道移植物抗宿主病中的诊断价值,为临床治疗提供指导。方法5例异基因骨髓移植术后患者出现胃肠道症状,怀疑存在胃肠道移植物抗宿主病,及时给予胃镜和(或)肠镜检查,同时,在胃窦、直乙状结肠及病灶明显处行组织病理学检查。结果胃肠道移植物抗宿主病的临床表现主要有厌食、恶心、呕吐、水泻、腹痛等,少数患者可有消化道出血。内镜下胃黏膜呈水肿、充血、红斑及糜烂坏死。肠镜下结肠黏膜表现为弥漫性、连续性的水肿、充血和糜烂,可有浅表溃疡形成。组织学检查可见特征性的隐窝上皮细胞凋亡、缺失和淋巴细胞浸润。其病理变化可呈弥漫性或局灶性。结论内镜结合组织病理学检查可诊断异基因骨髓移植患者的胃肠道移植物抗宿主病。  相似文献   

目的 回顾性探讨昆明市近10年来溃疡性结肠炎(UC)住院患者内镜表现.方法 选取昆明市1998年1月~2009年3月期间7家大型综合医院379例住院的炎症性肠病患者作为调查对象,诊断均符合2007年中华医学会消化病学分会的UC诊治标准,分析UC患者内镜下表现.结果 有98.2%的病例接受结肠镜检查,其诊断符合率为88.4%.100%为活动期,其中轻度38.3%,中度42.2%,重度19.5%.分型如下:直肠型者13.2%,直肠和乙状结肠型26.9%,左半结肠型34.9%,右半结肠型3.2%,全结肠型21.7%.内镜下表现病变呈弥漫性分布90.50%,充血水肿86.20%,糜烂或溃疡76.90%,活动性出血60%,脓性分泌物25%,假性息肉18%.结论 昆明市UC患者的病期以中度为主,病变范围以左半结肠型和直肠和乙状结肠型为主,以弥漫性分布、充血水肿、糜烂或溃疡为主要表现.  相似文献   

1监测对象某劳教所吸食毒品的劳教人员,每季度末对新入所劳教人员进行STD、HIV监测。2监测方法淋病以尿道口内分泌物涂片作革兰氏染色镜检,查到白细胞内G-双球菌为阳性;尖锐湿疣以典型临床表现为诊断依据;梅毒血清学试验及HIV抗体检测,抽静脉血5.0m...  相似文献   

我们对青岛某区336名中小型旅馆、饭店从业人员进行了性病查体。调查冶游史,注意阴部有无皮损和病变。检验:男性尿道分泌物涂片、革兰氏染色检菌。女性宫颈分泌物培养及涂片、革兰氏染色检菌,男女均进行RPR梅毒血清学检验。 结果:查出各种性病19例,其中淋病9例、  相似文献   

缺血性结肠炎与溃疡性结肠炎的临床鉴别诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
背景:缺血性结肠炎(IC)与溃疡性结肠炎(UC,左半结肠型)在临床和内镜表现上有一定相似之处,对于临床表现不典型者,初步诊断颇具难度。目的:分析IC与UC的临i床鉴别诊断要点。方法:收集武汉大学中南医院2008年1月~2009年12月确诊为IC或UC左半结肠炎的住院患者,对其病史资料进行回顾性分析。结果:21例IC和25例UC患者纳入研究。IC患者以老年女性居多,病程相对较短,常伴有高血压和糖尿病,最突出的临床表现为突发腹痛后24 h内出现便血,贫血少见;UC患者的主要临床表现为黏液血便伴腹痛,贫血常见。IC病变多仅累及单一肠段,直肠受累少见,溃疡小而表浅,病理学表现为慢性炎,隐窝炎罕见;UC病变多起源于直肠,呈连续性,溃疡弥漫,病理学表现为慢性炎伴多种炎性细胞浸润,隐窝炎、隐窝脓肿常见。结论:根据性别、年龄、病程以及临床、实验室、内镜和病理检查结果进行综合分析,有助于IC与U C的鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

目的探讨菌阴肺结核临床特点和相关诊断方法。方法对2004年6月—2006年2月间诊断初治菌阴肺结核412例进行总结分析,对其临床表现、X线特征等动态观察,治疗前及治疗2、5、6个月末各查痰涂片3张,治疗前痰菌培养1次,同时进行结合抗体及PPD检测。结果菌阴肺结核临床症状以咳嗽咳痰、乏力、盗汗为主,但症状轻微,另11.4%无任何症状在体检时发现。常规剂量全程抗结核治疗后,临床症状改善及X线吸收好转率达到98.3%。结论菌阴肺结核临床症状轻微,X线胸片是诊断菌阴肺结核重要手段之一。结合相关实验室检查并排除其他疾病而综合判定,6个月方案对菌阴病人是可取的,91.5%病例病灶有较明显吸收。  相似文献   

412例初治菌阴肺结核临床分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨菌阴肺结核临床特点和相关诊断方法。方法对2004年6月-2006年2月间诊断初治菌阴肺结核412例进行总结分析,对其临床表现、X线特征等动态观察,治疗前及治疗2、5、6个月末各查痰涂片3张,治疗前痰菌培养1次,同时进行结合抗体及PPD检测。结果菌阴肺结核临床症状以咳嗽咳痰、乏力、盗汗为主,但症状轻微,另11.4%无任何症状在体检时发现。常规剂量全程抗结核治疗后,临床症状改善及X线吸收好转率达到98.3%。结论菌阴肺结核临床症状轻微,X线胸片是诊断菌阴肺结核重要手段之一。结合相关实验室检查并排除其他疾病而综合判定,6个月方案对菌阴病人是可取的,91.5%病例病灶有较明显吸收。  相似文献   

Campylobacter pylori gastritis in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Campylobacter pylori has been associated with gastritis, duodenitis, and duodenal ulceration in the immunocompetent individual. It has been described within the superficial mucus layer, in interepithelial junctions, and occasionally in the microcanaliculi of epithelial cells, but never in the lamina propria. We describe a case of invasive C. pylori in a patient with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and discuss its clinical presentation and histopathological findings.  相似文献   



Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome (SRUS) is a rare disorder that has a wide spectrum of clinical presentation and variable endoscopic findings. To further characterize the clinical and pathological features, a retrospective, hospital-based clinicopathological study was conducted.

Materials and Methods:

All cases of SRUS diagnosed at Farwania Hospital, Kuwait, between 2002 and 2007 were retrieved from the computerized filing system. The histological slides were reviewed by two authors to confirm the diagnosis. Immunohistochemical stain for smooth muscle actin (SMA) was performed. The clinical files were reviewed for clinical features and endoscopic findings.


Thirteen cases were identified: 8 males and 5 females. The age range was 15–85. Rectal bleeding, constipation, and abdominal pain were the most common presenting symptoms and were seen, either alone or in various combinations, in 12 of the 13 cases. Rectal ulceration was the most common endoscopic finding, being seen in 9 of the 13 cases; 3 of these cases had multiple ulcerations. Two patients had rectal polyps, with one of them having multiple polyps. The histological examination revealed surface serration, fibromuscular obliteration of the lamina propria, and crypts'' distortion in all the cases. Seven of the cases had diamond crypts. Ectatic mucosal vessels were a common finding. Positivity for SMA in the lamina propria was seen in all examined cases.


SRUS is a rare disorder and only 13 cases were diagnosed in Farwania hospital over a 6-year period. The clinical presentation of our patients was variable. The presence of polyps and multiple ulcerations on endoscopy is further evidence that SRUS is a misnomer. Surface serration, fibromuscular obliteration, and crypts'' distortion are the most characteristic features. The presence of diamond crypts is an additional diagnostic feature.  相似文献   

Background/aims: The effect of kefir on peptic ulcer disease was evaluated in an experimental model, with non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, together with the determination of gastric mucus secretion by quantitative digital histochemistry. Materials and Methods: The experimental group included 28 male albino Wistar rats. After a diet with standard rat bait for 7 days, 14 rats were fed with kefir for 7 days while the others were kept on the same diet. At the 14th day, indomethacin was injected to 7 of the rats fed on kefir and to 7 of the rats on standard rat bait. All the rats were sacrificed after 4 hours. Gastric erosion and ulceration were scored histopathologically. Mucosal mucus was quantified by image analysis, and periodic acid-Schiff stained area percentage was determined. Results: Erosion and ulceration were identified only in cases that received indomethacin. In the cases on kefir, erosion was identified in 6 cases (86%) and ulceration in 1 case. Rats fed on standard diet had erosion in 4 cases (57%) and ulceration in 3 (43%), but the difference was statistically insignificant (Mann-Whitney test, p=0.25). The stained area percentage for gastric mucus was not different between the four groups (Kruskal-Wallis test, p=0.313). Conclusions: These findings suggest that kefir does not change gastric mucus secretion. Although statistically insignificant, as there were more cases with ulceration in cases on the rat diet, kefir might have a beneficial effect on peptic ulcer disease induced by non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug. This requires further evaluation in larger series.  相似文献   

We report two cases of acute proctocolitis caused by rectal application of caustic products of domestic use. One 61-yr-old woman applied an ammonia solution enema; the other patient, a 63-yr-old woman, accidentally applied an enema containing lye. Both patients presented with intense anal pain, but the first patient also had abdominal pain with guarding, hematochezia, and leucocytosis. An acute proctocolitis was found at sigmoidoscopy in both patients. Only conservative and symptomatic measures were prescribed in both cases, and a clinical and endoscopic recovery was seen. In spite of persistent fibrosis in the lamina propria, no signs of stenosis were found.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bleeding due to radiation proctocolitis is a frequent and severe complication of radiotherapy in cancers of the pelvis. AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of endoscopic treatment with Nd:YAG laser in this condition. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A series of 9 patients with radiation-induced damage in the rectum and sigma were treated with endoscopic Nd:YAG laser until significant bleeding stopped and endoscopic features of proctocolitis improved. They received a median of 3 laser treatments (range 1-10) over a maximum time period of 11 months. RESULTS: In 4 cases, bleeding ceased and, in 4, it was reduced to occasional spotting. In the remaining patient, laser therapy led to only a transient improvement, but did not modify the requirement of blood transfusion. In the 5 patients also suffering from urgency, incontinence and/or rectal mucoid discharge, the laser therapy course also relieved these symptoms. No significant treatment-related complications were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Endoscopic Nd: YAG laser is a useful and safe treatment for patients with bleeding due to radiation proctocolitis.  相似文献   

目的 评估上消化道H.heilmannii感染的临床表现、内镜诊断、病理特征,探讨该菌在上消化道疾病中的致病特点,并与Hpylori相关性胃炎相比较.方法 收集并分析2005至2007年间3107例胃镜受检者的临床资料、内镜表现及病理活检标本.结果 共检出25例H.heilmannii感染,1060例H.pylori感染,3例混合感染.H.heilmannii感染患者中,20例有不同程度的上消化道症状,主要为上腹胀痛、恶心、食欲下降,5例无明显自觉症状;患者内镜下均有慢性胃炎的表现,其中单纯慢性浅表性胃炎7例,伴糜烂3例,萎缩肠化4例,十二指肠球炎2例,胆汁反流、溃疡、息肉各1例;尿素酶试验强阳性3例,阳性3例,弱阳性7例,阴性12例.组织学上,H.heilmannii散在或聚集于胃小凹、腺腔内或上皮表面的黏液层内,1 例标本中可见H.heilmannii侵入壁细胞内.所有H.heilmannii感染者均可见散在的淋巴细胞、浆细胞浸润,12例见中性粒细胞浸润,4例见腺体萎缩和肠化,6例见淋巴滤泡形成.炎症程度总体上较H.pylori感染轻,H.heilmannii相关胃炎中螺杆菌密度、淋巴细胞浸润和中性粒细胞活性程度低于H.pylori相关性胃炎组(P<0.05).结论 H.heilmannii感染主要引起慢性胃炎,其炎症程度轻于H.pylori相关性胃炎.  相似文献   

目的:探讨特发性肠系膜静脉硬化性结肠炎(IMP)患者的临床、影像学和内镜特征。方法:纳入2010年1月至2020年12月温州医科大学附属衢州医院(衢州市人民医院)收治的14例IMP患者。所有患者均行腹部X线、增强计算机断层扫描(CT)和内镜检查;3例行气钡灌肠造影检查,11例行内镜活体组织检查(以下简称活检)。14例I...  相似文献   

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