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The Academy of Medical Educators at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), was established in 2000 to (1) foster excellence in teaching, (2) support teachers of medicine, and (3) promote curricular innovation. A membership organization, it recognizes five categories of educational activity: direct teaching, curriculum development and assessment of learner performance, advising and mentoring, educational administration and leadership, and educational research. Excellent medical student teaching and outstanding accomplishment in one or more areas of educational activity qualify a teacher for membership. Candidates prepare a portfolio that is reviewed internally and by national experts in medical education. Currently 37 faculty members, 3% of the entire school of medicine faculty, belong to the academy. The academy's innovations funding program disburses one-year grants to support curricular development and comparisons of pedagogical approaches; through this mechanism, the academy has funded 20 projects at a total cost of $442,300. Three fourths of expended funds support faculty release time. Faculty development efforts include promotion of the use of an educator's portfolio and the establishment of a mentoring program for junior faculty members built around observation of teaching. The Academy of Medical Educators vigorously supports expanded scholarship in education; the academy-sponsored Education Day is an opportunity for educators to present their work locally. Recipients of innovations-funding program grants are expected to present their work in an appropriate national forum and are assisted in doing this through quarterly scholarship clinics. The Academy of Medical Educators has been well received at UCSF and is enhancing the status of medical education and teachers.  相似文献   

A Teaching Scholars Program (TSP) was established in 1998 in the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), School of Medicine with the mission of building knowledgeable and skilled educational leaders, teachers, and scholars. Conducted through the Office of Medical Education (OME), the TSP is a 10-month program that accepts 12 scholars per year. Financial support for the program, including salary support for co-directors and staff, is provided by the OME. Scholars' departments are required to provide release time for one afternoon per week for 10 months. The TSP provides participants with an intensive weekly seminar series, collaborative learning experiences, mentored projects, and a network of educational colleagues. The weekly seminars use an interactive format to address topics within seven targeted areas: (1) learning theory; (2) teaching methods; (3) curriculum development/evaluation; (4) assessment of learning; (5) leadership and organizational change; (6) career development; and (7) educational research. Since its inception, 76 scholars have graduated from or are currently enrolled in the TSP. The majority are clinicians at assistant professor rank, although four basic scientists, two medical students, and three OME staff members have also participated in the program. The TSP is highly valued by participants, and preliminary evaluation data suggest that the program has resulted in an increase in educational research, scholarly activities, and the number of skilled and knowledgeable faculty with major leadership roles in medical education at UCSF. Challenges facing the TSP include scholar release time, mentoring time, and follow-up contact to encourage TSP graduates' postgraduation productivity, continuing educational development, and support.  相似文献   

The Medical Education Scholars Program (MESP) at the University of Michigan Medical School was established in 1998 to develop educational leadership, improve teaching skills, and promote educational scholarship among medical school faculty. The Department of Medical Education designed and implemented the program. Eighty-one scholars have completed the MESP, with 15 more currently enrolled. While most scholars have been clinical faculty, some have been basic science faculty or from other allied health fields. The selection process emphasizes potential for contributing to the educational mission of the medical school. Each cohort is limited to two participants per department. The curriculum of the MESP is designed to provide an overview of a wide range of topics in education. It is divided into five broad domains: principles and theories of education, teaching methods, educational research methods, assessment and evaluation, and educational leadership. During the sessions, active learning of content is expected and encouraged. For instance, scholars share responsibility with the session presenters for planning and evaluating individual program sessions. To graduate, scholars are expected to attend the sessions regularly, and to make a final presentation of their project, which demonstrates near-completion or substantial progress toward that goal. Over its eight years, the MESP has evolved in response to environmental changes and ongoing evaluation of the program. Overall, the Medical Education Scholars Program has proven effective in developing faculty skills and educational leadership locally at the University of Michigan Medical School and nationally.  相似文献   

The Medical Education Scholars Program (MESP) at the University of Michigan Medical School is designed to develop leaders in medical education. The program's goals are to enable faculty to provide curriculum direction, improved teaching, educational research, and development, and institutional leadership at all levels of medical education. This one-year program uses a variety of educational methods and provides a broad curriculum in educational theory, assessment and evaluation, research design and methods, teaching-skills development, and educational leadership. Faculty are admitted on a competitive basis and one half-day per week of release time is funded as part of the program. Salient outcomes of the program (promotions, educational research and development, curriculum leadership, and educational scholarship) were measured in a pre- and post-program design in which each scholar acted as his or her own control. There were major increases in promotions and educational awards, new educational responsibilities, and new educational programs. A particularly important outcome was the emergence of educational scholarship in the professional portfolios of the program scholars in the form of peer-reviewed presentations and publications and educational grant funding. A cost-outcome analysis indicates that these multi-year outcomes were obtained from a one-time investment of approximately $21,000 per graduating scholar. This evaluation indicates that intensive faculty development programs can have measurable impacts on the careers of the participants and the institutional environment.  相似文献   

Medical schools are increasingly cognizant of their inability to critically evaluate faculty who support the core mission of education. To address this need, the Project on Scholarship was initiated by the Group on Educational Affairs (GEA) of the Association of American Medical Colleges. Building on and expanding previous definitions of scholarship and the associated criteria emerging in higher education, the project developed a set of "teacher as scholar" scenarios. These scenarios contained varied types of evidence for teaching scholarship and were discussed at the 1999 GEA regional meetings. Two major conclusions/recommendations emerged from these discussions: (1) the use of commonly accepted scholarship criteria (clear goals, appropriate methods, significant results, effective communication) provides a framework for identifying the types of evidence needed to document teaching scholarship, and (2) medical schools must create an infrastructure for promoting educational scholarship. This infrastructure must support the reliable and valid collection of evidence of educational scholarship and the continuous development of faculty as teaching scholars.  相似文献   

Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy has accumulated almost 20-year positive experience in the work of the faculty training research and educational staff. The functioning of such a faculty perfects the original elite system for training research and educational staff at the undergraduate stage of medical education. Search for and introduction of innovational technologies to the educational process to train a new generation of researchers for biomedical science and universities is constantly carried out. The system favors the providence of medical schools, scientific and practical medical institutions with qualified staff, as well as the integration of Russian education into the European system of medical education.  相似文献   

With growing pressures to consolidate and reorganize health care delivery systems, graduate medical education (GME) consortia can draw faculty from affiliated members to assemble educational programs. The authors report on consortium-based research education seminars of a quality that many residency programs would be unable to develop and support on their own. Drawing a diverse faculty from consortium members and area universities, the OHEP Center for Medical Education's annual Research Workshop Series focuses on the design of research projects; data analysis and hypothesis testing; and written and oral presentation of scientific research. Each spring, OHEP sponsors a research forum in which the best research projects from consortium members are presented by the resident-researchers, who compete for recognition and prize money. Further, of the 128 presentations made thus far at the annual OHEP Research Forum, 25% were subsequently published. The consortium's research education program has been well received by residents, is cost-effective, and is an integral component of the research curricula of many area residency programs. Including research training in GME provides residents an opportunity to become more competitive for fellowship, faculty, and leadership positions.  相似文献   

The Academy at Harvard Medical School, established in 2001, was formed at a critical moment for medical schools in this country. Several decades of enormous growth in the biomedical research and clinical care activities of medical school faculty have resulted in great societal benefit. The unintended consequence has been a decline in faculty time and reward for the educational mission that is unique to a medical school. The impact of this decline is particularly felt now because the explosive growth in the science and technology relevant to medical practice, coupled with dramatic changes in the health care delivery system, calls for new models for the education of the next generation of physicians. The mission of the academy is to renew and reinvigorate the educational mission of Harvard Medical School (HMS). By bringing together a select group of some of the school's most talented and dedicated faculty and providing direct support for their work related to education, the academy has created a unique mechanism for increasing the recognition of teaching contributions of both academy members and the teaching faculty at large, fostering educational innovation, and providing a forum for the exchange of ideas related to medical education that cross departmental and institutional lines. The authors describe the academy's membership criteria, structure, governance, activities, institutional impact, and plans for long-term evaluation, and indicate challenges the academy will face in the future.  相似文献   

At some medical schools broader definitions of scholarship have emerged along with corresponding changes in their academic reward systems. Such situations are not common, however. The definition of scholarship generally applied by medical schools is unnecessarily narrow and excludes areas of legitimate academic activity and productivity that are vital to the fulfillment of the school's educational mission. The authors maintain that creative teaching with effectiveness that is rigorously substantiated, educational leadership with results that are demonstrable and broadly felt, and educational methods that advance learners' knowledge are consistent with the traditional definition of scholarship. Faculty whose educational activities fulfill the criteria above are scholars and must be recognized by promotion. The authors specifically address scholarship in education, focusing on teaching and other learning-related activities rather than on educational research, which may be assessed and rewarded using the same forms of evidence as basic science or clinical research. They build on Boyer's work, which provides a vocabulary for discussing the assumptions and values that underlie the roles of faculty as academicians. Next, they apply Glassick et al.'s criteria for judging scholarly work to faculty members' educational activities to establish a basis for recognition and reward consistent with those given for other forms of scholarship. Finally, the authors outline the organizational infrastructure needed to support scholars in education.  相似文献   



A time-honored strategy for keeping up to date in medicine and improving critical appraisal skills is the Journal Club (JC). There are several reports of its use in medicine and allied health sciences but almost no reports of JC focused on medical education. The purpose of the study is to describe and evaluate an eight years’ experience with a medical education Journal Club (MEJC).


We started a monthly medical education JC in 2006 at UNAM Faculty of Medicine in Mexico City. Its goal is to provide faculty with continuing professional development in medical education. A discussion guide and a published paper were sent 2 weeks before sessions. We reviewed the themes and publication types of the papers used in the sessions, and in June-July 2014 administered a retrospective post-then-pre evaluation questionnaire to current participants that had been regular attendees to the JC for more than 2 years. The retrospective post-then-pre comparisons were analyzed with Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Effect sizes were calculated for the pre-post comparisons with Cohen’s r.


There have been 94 MEJC sessions until July 2014. Average attendance is 20 persons, a mix of clinicians, educators, psychologists and a sociologist. The articles were published in 32 different journals, and covered several medical education themes (curriculum, faculty development, educational research methodology, learning methods, assessment, residency education). 22 Attendees answered the evaluation instrument. The MEJC had a positive evaluation from good to excellent, and there was an improvement in self-reported competencies in medical education literature critical appraisal and behaviors related to the use of evidence in educational practice, with a median effect size higher than 0.5. The evaluation instrument had a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.96.


A periodic Medical Education Journal Club can improve critical appraisal of the literature, and be maintained long-term using evidence-based strategies. This activity is a useful adjunct to the scholarship of teaching.

The dual goals of the faculty Fellowship in Medical Education (MEF) program at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, established in 1992, are to prepare excellent teachers to serve as clerkship chairs, course chairs, or residency program directors while strengthening their dossiers for promotion based on a scholarly approach to curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation. Fellows are nominated from their departments and must demonstrate a strong interest in assuming educational leadership in their respective specialties. A total of eight fellows are accommodated each year based on interviews with the MEF faculty. The two-year program consists of two seminars and two projects focused on four objectives: to critique teaching and testing practices in medical education in light of current theories of learning; to develop and implement curricula that reflect these theories; to improve personal teaching skills through reflection and feedback; and to design and conduct an educational research or program evaluation study. An analysis of the curricula vitae of faculty members who have completed the fellowship suggest that this program continues to provide educational leaders for the school as originally intended. Of the 71 medical school faculty members who completed the MEF between 1993 and 2004 and have remained at the university, 43 (61%) have assumed new leadership roles in medical education. The evaluation data strongly suggest that the MEF has had a major role since its inception in creating a pool of faculty members with the confidence to manage the tasks of educational planning and implementation.  相似文献   

Since the late 1980s faculty and staff at the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) have actively sought to align their school's academic culture and promotional process with its mission of educational excellence and innovation. As one of the top 50 medical schools receiving NIH funds, MCW has well-established mechanisms to evaluate and recognize the scholarship of discovery. Understanding, evaluating, and recognizing the value of individuals engaged in the scholarship of teaching, however, required changes in individuals' beliefs and in the MCW's promotion processes and organizational infrastructure. Building on the successful introduction of the MCW's Educator's PortfolioCopyright, a tool for documenting educational scholarship, a multifaceted change strategy was implemented to influence underlying beliefs and values about clinician-educators. Retrospectively, this strategy was consistent with John Kotter's eight-step change model, which the authors apply as an organizing framework for this case report of educational evolution at the MCW. Through creating a guiding coalition, developing vision and strategy, generating short-term wins, and anchoring new approaches in the MCW's culture, the MCW has made substantive progress in recognizing and rewarding educational scholarship. Changing academic cultures to value education is itself an educational process, requiring persistence and the ability to teach others about educational scholarship and its associated criteria.  相似文献   

Despite its fundamental importance, the educational mission of most medical schools receives far less recognition and support than do the missions of research and patient care. This disparity is based, in part, on the predominance of discipline-based departments, which focus on the more sustainable enterprises of research and patient care. Where departmental teaching is emphasized, it tends to center on trainees directly associated with the department-leaving medical students unsupported. The authors argue that the ongoing erosion of the educational mission will never be reversed unless there are changes in the underlying structure of medical schools. Academies of medical educators are developing at a number of medical schools to advance the school-wide mission of education. The authors describe and compare key features of such organizations at eight medical schools, identified through an informal survey of the Society of Directors of Research in Medical Education, along with direct contacts with specific schools. Although these entities are relatively new, initial assessments suggest that they have already had a major impact on the recognition of teaching efforts by the faculty, fueled curricular reform, promoted educational scholarship, and garnered new resources to support teaching. The academy movement, as a structural approach to change, shows promise for reinvigorating the educational mission of academic medicine.  相似文献   

The Centre for Medical Humanities is based within the Royal Free and University College Medical School. With a student body of more than 2,000, this large United Kingdom medical school benefits from being a fully integrated component of University College London. With its strong humanities and science faculties, University College London was founded more than 175 years ago to make education available to wider social and religious groups. With this background, it is logistically and ideologically well suited to sustaining a medical humanities program. The Centre's aims are to raise awareness of the field of medical humanities, to develop resources for the academic and teaching communities, and to build a broad and well-grounded educational program supported by sound educational principles and innovative research. Since 1998, the Centre and its predecessor, the Medical Humanities Unit, which was established by a group of medical educators with a diverse range of interests in the arts and humanities, has built interdisciplinary links and collaborative relationships with individuals and institutions within the university and beyond, nationally and internationally. These links and relationships have provided invaluable contributions and stimulus to the Centre's activities. The undergraduate educational program described in this article includes core and optional teaching throughout the curriculum, and a 1-year intercalated Bachelor of Science in Medical Humanities degree. For postgraduates, the Centre offers the United Kingdom's first continuing professional development accredited 2-day course in medical humanities, and an annual residential retreat open only to graduates of the course.  相似文献   

Technological advances, especially the Internet and the World Wide Web, have drastically changed educational practices by reforming the concept of education and knowledge transmission at a distance. Professionals in all disciplines have begun using this advanced technology to expand the number of learning opportunities for intellectual growth and professional development. As a result, many universities and educational institutions now offer online higher degree programs to provide opportunities for nontraditional students who have difficulty attending scheduled, campus-based classes. In medicine, a need has been identified for advanced graduate studies in education to develop the next generation of medical educators and to train them in educational research methods to validate their educational efforts. This need was identified by both informal needs assessment at local, regional, and national faculty development meetings and more formal literature review and government survey. The faculty development team of Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (Department of Pediatrics, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine) collaborated with the College of Education to develop an online Master's Degree in Education for health care professionals. The program was designed to apply these advanced technologies in order to make the program flexible and accessible to health care professionals whose busy schedules preclude more traditional, in-class graduate programs. This article presents how this program evolved and the problems, challenges, and solutions associated with the development and implementation of the program.  相似文献   

Academic medicine and research universities have enjoyed a close relationship that has strengthened both, spawning an era of discovery and scholarship in medicine that has earned the U.S. academic medical enterprise a high level of public trust and a deserved leadership position in the world. However, changes in the financing of medical care and in the organization of health care delivery have dramatically affected the medical school-university partnership. The growing emphasis on delivery of clinical services and the concomitant decrease in time for tenured and clinician-educator faculty to teach and do scholarly work jeopardizes both the potential for continued discovery and the education of the next generation of medical scholars. The background of the medical school-university relationship and the factors leading to the development of clinician-educator faculty tracks are reviewed, and recent trends that impact faculty scholarship are discussed. Both tenure-track and clinician-educator medical faculty, as members of the broader university community, should expect from their university colleagues a continued demand for scholarship and educational activity that reflects the underlying philosophy of the parent university. As a corollary, the university, through its medical school, must provide these faculty the time and the financial support necessary to fulfill their academic mission. The size of the clinician-educator faculty should be determined by the academic needs of the medical school rather than by the service demands of its associated health care delivery system. To accomplish this, academic medical centers will have to develop cadres of associated or clinical faculty whose primary focus is on the practice of medicine.  相似文献   

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