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The EXPLORE study evaluated a behavioral intervention to prevent HIV infection among MSM. We examined depressive symptoms, utilization of mental health care, substance use and HIV risk taking behaviors in YMSM aged 16–25 years compared with their older counterparts. YMSM were more likely to report depressive symptoms (OR = 1.55) and less likely to report use of counseling (OR = 0.39) or medication (OR = 0.20) for psychiatric conditions. YMSM were more likely to report heavy alcohol and drug use. YMSM more often reported engaging in unprotected insertive (OR = 1.60) and receptive (OR = 2.07) anal intercourse with presumed HIV-uninfected partners, and unprotected receptive (OR = 1.72) anal intercourse with partners of unknown-HIV status. These findings suggest the need for more appropriate and accessible mental health care and substance use services for YMSM. Additionally, HIV prevention work with this population should provide comprehensive education about HIV testing and risk reduction counseling that focuses on communication about serostatus and safety in sexual situations.  相似文献   

This study sought to replicate and extend an investigation by Diaz et al. (1999) on determinants of HIV risk among Latino gay and bisexual men living in San Francisco who were predominantly English-speaking. Compared to the Diaz et al. study, the current study sample consisted of predominantly Spanish-speaking MSM, who resided outside of HIV/AIDS epicenters and whose countries of origin were primarily Central & South American. The relationships of unprotected anal sex and multiple sexual partners with demographic, developmental, behavioral, cultural and psychosocial variables were examined. Data were collected in a convenience sample of 250 participants (primarily immigrants from El Salvador) residing in Virginia. Most men in the sample had more than one sexual partner in the last 3 months (62%) and more than a third had unprotected anal sex with a casual partner in the same time period. Communication about HIV, sexual attraction, machismo, and experiences of discrimination based on homosexual behavior were predictive of HIV risk behaviors. The findings support an integrative approach to investigating HIV risk among Latino MSM. Implications for prevention programs are discussed.  相似文献   

In the United States, men who have sex with men (MSM) currently represent more than 50% of those living with HIV and over 70% of HIV+ men (CDC 2007, ). Male-to-male sexual contact has been identified as the predominant route of transmission among this sub-group, which underscores the need for research that targets risk factors associated with risky sex-related HIV acquisition. Along these lines, research has shown that one potentially important predictor variable for risky sex among MSM is alcohol use. The major aim of this paper is to review and integrate empirical evidence on the association of alcohol use and risky sex among MSM. A summary of the quantitative research is provided first, followed by a critique of the reviewed literature, a discussion of the consistency of the existing empirical evidence with predictions of current theories, and finally, recommendations for future research designed to evaluate alcohol-related sexual risk in MSM.  相似文献   

China’s HIV epidemic may be shifting towards predominantly sexual transmission and emerging data point to potential increases in HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men (MSM). There is particular need to assess the extent of risk behavior among MSM outside of China’s most cosmopolitan cities. We conducted a respondent-driven sampling survey (N = 428) to measure HIV seroprevalence and risk behavior among MSM in Jinan, China, the provincial capital of Shandong. HIV prevalence was 0.5% (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.1–1.0). Unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) in the last 6 months (reported by 61.4%) was associated with buying or selling sex to a man in the last 6 months, syphilis infection, multiple partners in the last month, low HIV knowledge and migrant status. No participant had previously tested for HIV. Risk for HIV transmission is widespread among MSM throughout China; basic prevention programs are urgently needed.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of 300 HIV-positive gay, bisexual or non-gay-identified men-who-have-sex-with-men was undertaken to consider patterns relating to HIV medication adherence. The purpose of our analyses was to consider the rate of adherence in relation to both age and executive functioning as assessed by the Trail Making Test A and B. Executive functioning was assessed at baseline and month 10. Our analytic sample consisted of 213 men who remained on the same protease inhibitor throughout the assessment timeframe. Adherence rates were relatively high with more than 50% of the sample maintaining a 95%+ adherence rate at both baseline and month 10. Analyses at baseline indicated executive functioning and age were related to rate of adherence. Analyses at month 10 indicated no significant relations. Findings support previous research and suggest that the status of executive functioning as well as age be given consideration when working with HIV-positive individuals.  相似文献   

We conducted a cross-sectional survey of MSM using a time-location-sampling design in San Francisco during 2007–2008. The investigation focused on the selection of sexual partners, partner preferences, perceptions of HIV risk, and social mixing with respect to race/ethnicity. The sample of 1,142 MSM was 56% White, 22% Latino, 14% Asian, and 9% Black and reported on 3,532 sexual partnerships. Black MSM had a significant, three-fold higher level of same race sexual partnering than would be expected by chance alone (i.e., in the absence of selective forces with respect to race among partners). Black MSM were reported as the least preferred as sexual partners, believed at higher risk for HIV, counted less often among friends, were considered hardest to meet, and perceived as less welcome at the common venues that cater to gay men in San Francisco by other MSM. Our findings support the hypothesis that the sexual networks of Black MSM, constrained by the preferences and attitudes of non-Blacks and the social environment, are pushed to be more highly interconnected than other groups with the potential consequence of more rapid spread of HIV and a higher sustained prevalence of infection. The racial disparity in HIV observed for more than a decade will not disappear until the challenges posed by a legacy of racism towards Blacks in the US are addressed.  相似文献   

Among young men who have sex with men (MSM) surveyed in six US cities, we evaluated the magnitude and correlates of perceived lifetime risk for acquiring HIV, and missed opportunities to increase risk perception by providers of health-care and HIV-testing services. Overall, approximately one quarter of young MSM perceived themselves at moderate/high risk for acquiring HIV. Adjusting for demographic, prior testing, and behavioral characteristics, moderate/high perceived risk had the strongest association with unrecognized HIV infection. However, half of the 267 young MSM with unrecognized infection perceived themselves at low lifetime risk for acquiring HIV, and many young MSM with low-risk perception reported considerable risk behaviors. Providers of health-care and HIV-testing services missed opportunities to assess risks and recommend testing for young MSM. To increase HIV testing, prevention providers should intensify efforts to assess, and to increase when needed, perceptions of lifetime risks for acquiring HIV among young MSM.  相似文献   

Substance use (i.e., use of recreational drugs and alcohol) has been associated with HIV-related sexual risk behavior in several studies involving gay men. One explanatory hypothesis proposes that substance use and sexual risk behavior are both a function of underlying personality traits. This paper examines sensation seeking and alcohol and drug use during sex as predictors of unprotected anal and oral sex and of a sexual risk index. The sample includes 117 predominantly gay-identified men (73 HIV+ and 44 HIV–) who participated in a 5-year natural history study of HIV disease in New York City. Repeated measures regression analyses tested predictor variables individually and in models including all predictor variables simultaneously. Alcohol use, drug use, and sensation seeking were each significantly associated with all sexual risk behavior variables when entered individually. When predictor variables were entered simultaneously in analyses involving unprotected receptive and insertive anal sex, sensation seeking remained a significant predictor, with substance use typically falling to marginal significance. However, significant associations between substance use and the other sexual risk behavior variables (oral sex and a risk index) are maintained even when controlling for sensation seeking. The results suggest that sensation seeking may partially account for the association between substance use and sexual risk behavior, but substantial independent associations also exist.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the (1) literature on substance use among men who have sex with men (MSM), (2) data that test whether connections between substance use and abuse and high-risk sexual behavior exist among MSM, and (3) ways that HIV interventions might address the effects of substance use on high-risk sexual behavior. We conclude that while alcohol use patterns are not substantially different between gay and heterosexual men, gay men do use more kinds of other drugs. Although there is considerable evidence to support the view that substance use patterns have declined among gay men since the mid-1980s, substance use should still be regarded as a health risk in this population. Although the associations between substance use and sexual risk-taking for HIV are complex, the inclusion of interventions to disentangle substance use and high-risk sexual practices may increase the efficacy of AIDS prevention efforts among gay men.  相似文献   

Five hundred gay and other men who have sex with men (G&MSM) from Buenos Aires, Argentina completed an assessment regarding substance use and sexual behavior. During the past 2 months, 78 % of participants consumed alcohol and 61 % drugs. Over 20 % of participants reporting alcohol, marijuana, cocaine sulfate, or tranquilizer use, did so daily. Heavy alcohol use was more likely among participants with greater mood reactivity (AOR = 1.64) and less likely among those who identified as gay (AOR = 0.38). Weekly drug use was less likely among older (AOR = 0.98), and gay-identified participants (AOR = 0.50), but more likely among participants with greater mood reactivity (AOR = 1.49). Drug use was correlated with unprotected anal and vaginal intercourse with men, women, and transvestites among non-gay identified participants (r = 0.22). Findings highlight the need to reduce substance use and sexual risk behavior in this population.  相似文献   

To learn more about risk behaviors among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Vietnam and their prevalence of HIV, we conducted a study among MSM in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) to determine HIV-1 prevalence and behaviors associated with infection. This consisted of formative (35 MSM) and cross-sectional (600 MSM) studies at 72 sites, including 75 transvestites, 55 bisexuals, 10 sex workers, and 460 other MSM. Only 5.3% cohabited with a wife/girlfriend, but 30% reported ever having sex with a female. Prevalence of HIV was 8%, ranging from 33% in sex workers to 7% among transvestites and other MSM. Injecting drugs, selling sex, being 20–40 years old, having less than 6 years of education, and having more than five male anal sex partners in the past month were associated with being HIV-infected. MSM are an HIV bridge group, and should be included in sentinel surveillance. Targeted interventions should be implemented.  相似文献   

HIV among men who have sex with men (MSM) with recent male–male sexual debut, such as within the past 5 years, may be a proxy for recent HIV infection. Using this definition, we explored factors associated with HIV infection in this group to understand the evolving HIV epidemic among MSM in Chongqing. We conducted a cross-sectional respondent-driven sampling survey among Chongqing MSM in 2011. Computer-assisted, self-administered questionnaires were used and blood specimens were collected for HIV and syphilis testing. Three hundred and ninety-one unique MSM were recruited of which 65.7 % (257) had their sexual debut with another man in the past 5 years. HIV prevalence among men with recent sexual debut was 18.7 % suggesting a possible HIV incidence of 3.7 %. Multivariable analysis among men with recent sexual debut suggests that lower education, having more than one male partner, and currently being infected with syphilis are associated with HIV among men with recent sexual debut. HIV prevalence is high among MSM with recent sexual debut in Chongqing, which may be a proxy a high incidence rate. HIV prevention efforts should focus on STD reduction among those MSM with lower educational attainment.  相似文献   

The American Men’s Internet Survey (AMIS) is conducted annually with 10,000 men age 15?+?who have sex with men (MSM). Modeling was used with 39,863 AMIS surveys from 4 cycles between December 2013 to February 2017 to identify temporal trends in sexual behavior, substance use, and testing behavior (within 12 months preceding interview) stratified by participants’ self-reported HIV status. HIV-negative/unknown status MSM had significant increases in condomless anal intercourse (CAI), marijuana use, use of other illicit substances, sexually transmitted infection (STI) diagnoses, and HIV or STI testing (testing only increased among MSM age 25?+). HIV-negative/unknown status MSM had significant decrease in CAI with an HIV-positive or unknown status partner. HIV-positive MSM had significant increases in CAI, methamphetamine use, and STI diagnoses/testing. Although encouraging, the few indicators of improvement in HIV/STI sexual health practices are not consistently seen across sub-groups of MSM and may be counteracted by growing proportions of MSM engaging in CAI and acquiring STIs.  相似文献   

We report on two waves of bio-behavioral surveillance of MSM in Jinan, Shandong Province, China. HIV prevalence rose from 0.05% in 2007 to 3.1% in 2008. Differences in the two waves of surveys were noted, particularly with respect to marital status, requiring stratified analysis. In multivariable analysis, unmarried, homosexually identified MSM who do not have female sex partners have a greater than sixfold greater chance of being infected with HIV compared to married, non-homosexually identified MSM who do have female partners. Carefully targeted and population-specific messages will be needed for homosexually identified and non-identified MSM in China.  相似文献   

Depression and methamphetamine use have been associated with increased sexual risk-taking among men who have sex with men (MSM). This study estimated associations between current major depressive episode and/or methamphetamine use disorder and engagement in condomless anal intercourse (CAI). From March 2014 thru January 2016, 286 methamphetamine-using MSM were enrolled into a RCT to reduce methamphetamine use and sexual risk-taking. Analyses revealed that current major depressive episode was associated with a 92% increase in the rate of engagement in CAI with casual male partners (IRR 1.92; 95% CI 1.12–3.31) and a 76% increase in the rate of engagement in CAI with anonymous male partners (IRR 1.76; 95% CI 1.00–3.09). Additionally, for each unit increase in diagnostic methamphetamine use disorder severity, rates of engagement in CAI with anonymous male partners increased by 44% (IRR 1.44; 95% CI 1.11–1.87) and rates of engagement in CAI with exchange male partners increased by 140% (IRR 2.40; 95% CI 1.39–4.13). Neither diagnosis was associated with CAI with main male partners. Depression and methamphetamine use influence sexual risk-taking in unique ways, and interventions working with MSM should assess participants for both depression and methamphetamine use, and may tailor intervention content based on diagnostic outcomes.  相似文献   

We examined the prevalence of sex with older male partner (SWOMP) and its association with condomless anal intercourse (CAI) with male partners and unrecognized HIV infection among young men who have sex with men (MSM) in Shanghai, China. The analytic sample included 243 MSM who were 18–45 years and HIV negative or of unknown HIV serostatus. Older male partner refers to male sex partner who was at least 10 years older than themselves. Overall, 99 (43.0%) and 50 (20.7%) reported having SWOMP in lifetime and in the last 3 months, respectively. Having any CAI with male partners in the last 3 months was independently associated with SWOMP and sex with stable male partners in the last 3 months. Unrecognized HIV infection was independently associated with being HSV-2 positive and having any CAI with male partners as well as SWOMP in last 3 months. Sex with stable male partner in the last 3 months was also marginally significantly associated with unrecognized infection (p?=?0.084). Older partner selection is common among young MSM in China. Prevention programs should incorporate education messages about the HIV risk associated with SWOMP. MSM should be informed that having condomless sex with stable partners may place them at HIV risk.  相似文献   

HIV testing and a behavioral survey were conducted with a cross-sectional sample of 324 men recruited at beerhalls in Harare, Zimbabwe, to examine the relationship among alcohol use, high-risk sexual behavior, and HIV infection among male beerhall patrons and to evaluate the feasibility of using beerhalls as venues for male-centered HIV prevention activities. Recent HIV seroconversions were identified using the less-sensitive enzyme immunoassay. HIV education activities were provided inside beerhalls and qualitative methods were used to assess the acceptability of conducting HIV prevention activities and research at beerhalls. The prevalence of HIV infection was 30%; the prevalence of recent seroconversion was 3.4%. Having sex while intoxicated in the previous 6 months was reported by 31% of men and was strongly associated with recent HIV seroconversion as well as unprotected sex with casual partners and paying for sex. Acceptability of prevention and research activities was high among beerhall patrons, managers, and owners. Beerhalls present an environment associated with high-risk sexual behavior and concomitantly high rates of HIV seroconversion. Beerhalls are appropriate and feasible venues for delivering HIV prevention programs targeted at men in many regions of sub-Saharan Africa and the world.  相似文献   

Adults aged 18 to 29 are at significant sexual risk for HIV infection. Substance use and violence are known to be associated with sexual risk in certain groups, but few studies have examined these relationships in the general population of young adults. No studies have tested whether the contributions of substance use and violence to sexual risk are independent, and few have looked at whether drug use associations with risk are specific to certain substances. Using structural modeling techniques, we examined data for 3,437 adults aged 23–24, testing for associations between three measures of sexual risk for HIV, various forms of substance use, victimization and partner violence. Alcohol use and victimization predicted high risk sex in independent samples of single and married/cohabiting adults. Marijuana use, problem drug use, and partner violence were inconsistently related to sexual risk across measures and subsamples. HIV-prevention interventions designed for young adults in the general population should target individuals who use alcohol frequently and who are victims of violence, and should address both factors, in addition to sexual risk behavior.  相似文献   

This paper describes an HIV prevention intervention designed in the US that was adapted and implemented in South Africa. Using an experimental design, 93 women who reported recent substance use and sex trading were randomly assigned to a modified Standard HIV intervention or to a Woman-Focused HIV prevention intervention. Eighty women completed the one-month follow-up interview. Participants reported high rates of sexual risk and violence at baseline. At follow-up, findings showed decreases in the proportion of women reporting unprotected sex and the daily use of alcohol and cocaine. Daily alcohol and cocaine use decreased more for women receiving the Woman-Focused intervention. Although violence continued to be a problem, at follow-up Woman-Focused participants reported being victimized less often than women receiving the Standard intervention. This study demonstrates the feasibility of implementing cross-cultural behavioral HIV prevention interventions, and supports the need for future studies of women's contextual issues and the effectiveness of targeted interventions.  相似文献   

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