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无创伤修复技术治疗乳牙龋齿的临床效果评价 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
本文报告了应用无创伤修复技术治疗乳牙龋齿6个月后的临床观察结果。方法“选取没有牙髓问题的乳齿患儿、随机分为五组,应用两种充填材料和不同充填技术进行治疗。 相似文献
Based on the 4-year experience with the method of air-abrasion treatment on the stages of treatment and prevention of dental caries in the article provides data on the indications for its use, benefits and complications. 相似文献
Erkut S Eminkahyagil N Imirzalioglu P Tunga U 《The Journal of prosthetic dentistry》2004,92(6):465-583
This article describes a technique for fabricating a dowel and core for a tooth with an overflared root canal. The technique involves supporting a glass fiber-reinforced prefabricated dowel with chopped silanated glass fibers. 相似文献
This article presents a novel technique for replacing an anterior tooth. A new modification to the clinical technique of direct fabrication of a resin-bonded bridge was employed, in which the patient’s natural tooth was used as a pontic. Treatment with this modification led to overall improved aesthetics and reduced treatment cost. The natural tooth pontic was stabilized in the extraction socket with a resin-wire splint as a provisional restoration to maintain the gingival architecture while the permanent bridge was being constructed. 相似文献
W G Dickerson 《Quintessence international, dental digest》1991,22(12):935-938
A reconstruction technique is presented for endodontically treated teeth in which a minimally invasive procedure is desired. A resin-bonded, laboratory-fabricated, heat- and pressure-cured composite resin onlay was used to achieve tooth support as well as esthetic results. 相似文献
Premature tooth loss in children may consist of single or multiple, primary or permanent, and anterior or posterior units of the dentition. This tooth loss may be due to either trauma or caries and, in some cases, to congenital or genetic defects. With anterior tooth loss cases, there are several problems the dental practitioner must consider. These are space maintenance, masticatory function, speech and esthetic appearance. 相似文献
Canoglu E Akcan CA Baharoglu E Gungor HC Cehreli ZC 《Journal (Canadian Dental Association)》2008,74(8):723-726
Intrusive luxation of primary teeth carries a high risk of damage to underlying permanent tooth germs. Ectopic eruption of permanent incisors is an unusual outcome of traumatic injury to their predecessors. In this case report, we describe the multidisciplinary management of the consequences of a primary tooth intrusion that led to severe ectopic eruption of the permanent left central incisor in a horizontal position at the level of the labial sulcus. 相似文献
summary Defective bonds between resin teeth and denture base material remain a continuing source of failure. Findings from the limited number of studies on this topic are diminished by the numerous experimental approaches adopted. National and international standard specifications also adopt different methods of specimen preparation and physical straining. A critical appraisal of the various standards is carried out and a new procedure for determining the denture tooth to acrylic resin bond is described. A study using this technique found that physical modification and alginate contamination of the tooth had no significant effect on the bond strength. Ineffectual wax elimination was the main cause of failure. 相似文献