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NGF receptor-expressing cells located in the basal forebrain have recently been shown to contain estrogen (E) receptors (Toran-Allerand and MacLusky. 1989. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 15: 954). In the present study, we have examined the effects of E-treatment on p75NGFR and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) expression by neurons in the medial septum (MS) and the vertical (VDB) and horizontal (HDB) limbs of the diagonal band of Broca using immunocytochemical and in situ hybridization techniques. First, since E-treatment has been shown to affect neuronal survival and to stimulate synaptic reorganization and growth within various regions of the brain, we hypothesized that E-treatment might attenuate the loss of p75NGFR immunoreactivity (IR) which occurs in the MS and VDB following transection of the fimbria/fornix. Contrary to our hypothesis, E-treatment did not attenuate the effects of fimbria/fornix transection. In fact, E-treatment alone produced a significant decrease in the number of p75NGFR-IR cells detected in the MS. Subsequent experiments confirmed that chronic E-treatment produces a down-regulation of both p75NGFR-IR and p75NGFR mRNA in the MS and VDB. In the MS, estrogen appeared to affect a subpopulation of p75NGFR-expressing neurons which were also affected by fimbria/fornix transection since the effects of these two treatments were not additive. In addition, effects of E-treatment on p75NGFR-IR were sex-specific (observed in females but not in males) and were reversible in the MS after 2 weeks, but not after 4 weeks (allowing 2 weeks recovery), of E-treatment. A time-course analysis revealed that effects of E-treatment on p75NGFR-IR were not observed until after 16 days (MS) or 30 days (VDB) of E-treatment and were preceded by a significant and transient increase in ChAT expression in both the MS and VDB. The data are consistent with the possibility that continuous, long-term exposure to gonadal steroids may contribute to a loss of p75NGFR-expressing neurons with age. In addition, the data suggest that p75NGFR expression may play a role in regulating the functioning of specific basal forebrain cholinergic neurons. Different mechanisms by which E-treatment might influence ChAT and p75NGFR expression in brain are discussed.  相似文献   

Chronic extracellular recordings were obtained from cells of the medial septum and diagonal band of Broca in rats performing a simple behavioural task. The cells were found to display a variety of bursting patterns phase-locked to hippocampal theta rhythm to a greater or lesser degree. Among phase-locked cells, no systematic distribution in preferential phase could be found, and these cells were shown to maintain their preferential phase for extended periods. Cells were classified into those which showed signs of a broadening of the repolarization phase of their action potential (‘inflected’: putative cholinergic) and those without (‘non-inflected’: putative GABAergic). Non-inflected cells tended to fire rhythmic bursts while inflected cells mostly fired in an irregular fashion, although still significantly phase-locked to hippocampal theta. In neither population did the phase-locked cells show any coherent distribution of their preferential phase. Sixty-five per cent of the rhythmically bursting cells showed a significant correlation between the interburst frequency and the animal’s running speed. Five cells displayed rhythmic activity only when the rat ran in a specific direction. These results have implications for models of septohippocampal function and the effects of variable septal rhythmicity on the production of hippocampal theta rhythm.  相似文献   

The potential of a neural stem cell line to acquire cholinergic characteristics was studied in transplants injected into the septum/diagonal band nuclei of young adult rats and mice. The stem cells integrated within the nuclei and survived for up to 9 months. Three methods were used to identify the grafted cells and to show differentiation into astrocytes and neurons. Enhanced survival of the stem cells occurred in the host brain with a previous lesion of the fimbria-fornix pathway. Differentiated cells acquired neuronal-like features including the expression of neurofilament subunits. In lesioned hosts, subpopulations of the grafted cells acquired a cholinergic neuronal phenotype and expressed choline acetyltransferase and the p75 neurotrophin receptor. Cells that developed into astrocytes were often associated with blood vessels and expressed glial fibrillary acidic protein. The results further exemplify the potential of stem cell lines and the property of site-specific differentiation when this line is transplanted to the cholinergic system of the adult brain.  相似文献   

Oestrogen is known to influence pyramidal cell spine synapse plasticity in the CA1 subfield of the hippocampus. Apart from direct oestrogen action on the hippocampus, oestrogen effects mediated by subcortical structures are known to be important. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the medial septum diagonal band of Broca (MSDB) takes part in mediating oestrogen effects to the hippocampus. Special attention was given to the role of cholinergic MSDB neurons that project to the hippocampus, as a rather large population of them contains oestrogen receptors and, consequently, may be sensitive to oestrogen signals. Adult female rats were ovariectomized. Oestradiol- and cholesterol-filled cannulae (control) were implanted into the MSDB. To selectively eliminate the cholinergic population of MSDB neurons of oestrogen-treated animals, a group of rats was injected with 192 IgG-saporin (SAP) into the lateral ventricle 1 week before the cannula implant. Immunostaining with anti-choline acetyltransferase and parvalbumin (PA) showed that cholinergic but not PA-containing GABAergic neurons were substantially reduced in the MSDB of SAP rats. Comparative electron microscopic unbiased stereological analysis on the spine synapse density of CA1 area pyramidal cells was performed between all animal groups. Rats that received oestradiol-filled cannulae showed a higher (30%) spine synapse density than control animals. Oestrogen-treated rats that had received SAP treatment showed no significant difference to controls. Thus, this observation indicates that septo-hippocampal cholinergic neurons are involved in mediating oestrogen effects to the hippocampus. The relevance of this observation to mnemonic functions and Alzheimer's disease is discussed.  相似文献   

The physiological and pharmacological actions of serotonin (5-HT) on neurons in the medial septum and diagonal band of Broca (MSDB) were examined using extracellular and intracellular recording techniques in an in vitro rat brain-slice preparation. In addition to previously described inhibitory effects, novel excitatory actions of 5-HT on GABA-type cells were observed. In intracellular recordings with KCl-containing electrodes, bath-applied 5-HT induced a bicuculline and tetrodotoxin-sensitive increase in the number of reverse IPSPs in both cholinergic- and noncholinergic-type neurons (presumably GABAergic). In brain slices where all structures neighboring the MSDB, including the lateral septum, had been excised, a similar increase in 5-HT-induced IPSPs occurred, indicating that 5-HT-induced IPSPs in both cholinergic- and noncholinergic-type neurons originate from GABAergic neurons within the MSDB itself. Accordingly, GABA-type neurons in the MSDB were found to be directly excited by 5-HT. MDL 100,907, a selective 5-HT2A antagonist, blocked 5-HT-induced excitations in a majority of neurons (58%). ICS 205-930, a 5-HT3/5-HT4 antagonist, or mianserin, a nonselective 5-HT antagonist, blocked most MDL-resistant responses, indicating a role for multiple 5-HT receptor subtypes. This study also provides the first electrophysiological evidence for synaptic interactions between 5-HT-activated GABAergic neurons and cholinergic neurons and amongst GABAergic neurons in the MSDB. The implications of the findings vis-à-vis intraseptal circuitry and septohippocampal circuitry are discussed. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The postnatal development of the release of acetylcholine (ACh) and of presynaptic, release-inhibiting muscarinic autoreceptors was studied in the lateral septum (LS), the medial septum (MS) and the diagonal band of Broca (DB) of the rat brain. To this end, slices (350 micrometer thick) containing these brain regions from rats of various postnatal ages (postnatal day 3 [P3] to P16, and adult) were pre-incubated with [3H]choline and stimulated twice (S1, S2: 360 pulses, 3 Hz) during superfusion with physiological buffer containing hemicholinium-3 (10 microM). In addition, the activity of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT, in crude homogenates) was determined as a marker for the development of cholinergic functions. At any postnatal age, the electrically-evoked overflow of tritium from slices pre-incubated with [3H]choline was highest in the DB, followed by the MS whereas in slices containing the LS, it was only small. In all septal regions, the evoked [3H]overflow was Ca2+-dependent and tetrodotoxin-sensitive at P3. It increased with postnatal age and reached about 60% of the corresponding adult levels at P16. Presence of the muscarinic agonist oxotremorine (1 microM) during S2 significantly inhibited the evoked overflow of tritium beginning from P5: no significant effect was detected at P3. The ACh esterase inhibitor physostigmine (1 microM) exhibited significant inhibitory effects from P13 onwards, whereas the muscarinic antagonist atropine (1 microM) did not change the evoked ACh release. The activity of ChAT, as measured for these septal regions at various postnatal ages, correlated well with the [3H]overflow induced by electrical stimulation. In conclusion, (1) electrically-evoked release of ACh was measured for the first time in three septal subregions; (2) the postnatal development of the presynaptic cholinergic functions: ChAT activity, ACh release and muscarinic autoreceptors occurs almost synchronously in these regions of the septal complex and parallels that in the hippocampal formation; (3) as in the hippocampus, the postnatal development of autoreceptors was delayed with respect to the exocytotic release of ACh.  相似文献   

Neurons of the medial septum and vertical limb of the diagonal band of Broca project topographically to the hippocampus through the fornix and fimbria, the supracallosal stria and via a ventral route through the amygdala. Injection of the fluorescent dyes Fluoro-Gold or Diamidino yellow into the fimbria-fornix retrogradely labeled neurons in the medial septum and in the ventromedial portion of the vertical limb of the diagonal band. Injection of True blue into the vicinity of the supracallosal stria labeled only neurons in the dorsalateral portion of the diagonal band. No double labeled neurons were observed. These results indicate that (1) neurons of the medial septum and the ventromedial diagonal band project to (or towards) the hippocampus via the fornix and fimbria, (2) neurons in the dorsolateral portion of diagonal project via the supracallosal stria, and (3) neurons of the medial septum and diagonal band do not send collaterals via both routes. The differential projection of the two groups of neurons may explain the differences in degenerative changes in the two nuclei after damage to their axons.  相似文献   

Degeneration of axotomized GABAergic septohippocampal neurones has been shown to be enhanced in ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF)-deficient mice following fimbria-fornix transection (FFT), indicating a neuroprotective function of endogenous CNTF. Paradoxically, however, the cholinergic population of septohippocampal neurones was more resistant to axotomy in these mutants. As leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) has been identified as a potential neuroprotective factor for the cholinergic medial septum (MS) neurones, FFT-induced responses were compared in CNTF(-/-), LIF(-/-) and CNTF/LIF double knockout mice. In CNTF(-/-) mice, FFT-induced cholinergic degeneration was confirmed to be attenuated as compared with wildtype mice. The expression of both LIF and LIF receptor beta was increased in the MS providing a possible explanation for the enhanced neuronal resistance to FFT in these animals. However, ablation of the LIF gene also produced paradoxical effects; following FFT in LIF(-/-) mice no loss of GABAergic or cholinergic MS neurones was detectable during the first postlesional week, suggesting that other efficient neuroprotective mechanisms are activated in these animals. In fact, enhanced activation of astrocytes, a source of neurotrophic proteins, was indicated by increased up-regulation of glial fibrillary acidic protein and vimentin expression. In addition, mRNA levels for neurotrophin signalling components (e.g. nerve growth factor, p75(NTR)) were differentially regulated. The positive effect on axotomized cholinergic neurones seen in CNTF(-/-) and LIF(-/-) mice as well as the increased up-regulation of astrogliose markers was abolished in CNTF/LIF double knockout animals. Our results indicate that endogenous CNTF and LIF are involved in the regulation of neuronal survival following central nervous system lesion and are integrated into a network of neurotrophic signals that mutually influence their expression and function.  相似文献   

Many neurons in the medial septal nucleus lose their transmitter-associated enzyme staining following axotomy in the proximal fimbria-fornix (FF), but it is not clear if these neurons have died or persist in a shrunken and subfunctional state. To investigate this further, septal neurons projecting through the FF were labelled with the fluorescent dye, True blue, by retrograde transport from multiple bilateral injection sites in the hippocampus. True blue-labelled neurons and cholinergic neurons immunohistochemically stained for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) were then quantitatively compared in neighbouring sections through the medial septum 28 days after complete unilateral transections of the proximal FF. The number of True blue and ChAT positive cells ipsilateral to the FF lesion showed significant (P less than 0.001) declines of 51.4% and 71.1%, respectively, relative to the unlesioned side. Cell loss was considerably more severe among large neurons, such that 78.0% and 92.7% of True blue and ChAT labelled cells larger than the normal mean, but only 40.1% and 68.0% of True blue and ChAT labelled cells smaller than the normal mean size were lost. This indicates either that larger neurons were more prone to cell loss, or that some (but not all) large neurons persisted in a shrunken form. Histograms showed no increase in cell number in any of the smaller size categories and a substantial decrease in most cases, indicating that shrinkage alone could not account for the loss of all large neurons. Since True blue can remain present in brainstem cholinergic neurons surviving for over 365 days after axotomy, loss of True blue suggests breakdown of membrane integrity and cell death.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The present study examined whether ganglioside treatments would affect an enzyme marker (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; G6PDH) of neural metabolism in an established model system (the hippocamposeptal projection) of deafferentation and sprouting. Rats were subjected to unilateral transections of the fimbria-fornix (FF) in order to (1) interrupt the hippocamposeptal projection, (2) deafferent the lateral septal nucleus (LSN) ipsilaterally, and (3) induce sprouting by the contralateral FF. In untreated rats which were killed at 2-4 days postlesion, histochemical staining for G6PDH was reduced by 35-40% in the deafferented LSN relative to the contralateral side. However, at 6-8 days (i.e., when sprouting begins), staining intensity returned toward contralateral values (i.e., recovered). This pattern of changes in G6PDH staining was not observed in the caudate nucleus adjacent to the LSN. In ganglioside-treated rats which were killed at 4 days, there was a significantly smaller reduction of G6PDH staining in the deafferented LSN (23%; P = .05). This effect was not observed in the LSN of treated rats killed at 2 days, nor in the caudate nucleus at either time point. The present data indicate that (1) FF transection results in a reduction and subsequent recovery of G6PDH staining in the deafferented LSN; and (2) ganglioside treatments may accelerate the onset of the recovery of G6PDH activity. We suggest that gangliosides' effect on G6PDH reflects an acute enhancement of biosynthetic events in deafferented neurons.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that the ventral medial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) and hippocampus (Hipp) are critical for extinction memory. Basal forebrain (BF) cholinergic input to the vmPFC and Hipp is critical for neural function in these substrates, which suggests BF cholinergic neurons may be critical for extinction memory. In order to test this hypothesis, we applied cholinergic lesions to different regions of the BF and observed the effects these lesions had on extinction memory. Complete BF cholinergic lesions induced contextual fear memory generalization, and this generalized fear was resistant to extinction. Animals with complete BF cholinergic lesions could not acquire cued fear extinction. Restricted cholinergic lesions in the medial septum and vertical diagonal bands of Broca (MS/vDBB) mimicked the effects that BF cholinergic lesions had on contextual fear memory generalization and acquisition of fear extinction. Cholinergic lesions in the horizontal diagonal band of Broca and nucleus basalis (hDBB/NBM) induced a small deficit in extinction of generalized contextual fear memory with no accompanying deficits in cued fear extinction. The results of this study reveal that MS/vDBB cholinergic neurons are critical for inhibition and extinction of generalized contextual fear memory, and via this process, may be critical for acquisition of cued fear extinction. Further studies delineating neural circuits and mechanisms through which MS/vDBB cholinergic neurons facilitate these emotional memory processes are needed. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We have performed unilateral transection of the medial forebrain bundle (MFB) and studied BDNF mRNA and trkB mRNA levels at different postlesion times in the nigrostriatal system by means of in situ hybridization. BDNF mRNA levels were transiently induced in the substantia nigra pars compacta at 1 day postaxotomy. The disposition of BDNF mRNA expressing cells at this postlesion time in substantia nigra mimicked that of the dopaminergic neurons expressing the mRNA for the dopamine transporter. TrkB mRNA levels remained unaltered in the ventral mesencephalon at the different postlesion times examined-1 to 14 days. In contrast, trkB mRNA levels were significantly induced in the striatum at the longer postlesion time examined-14 days-when all neurodegenerative events are completed. It is becoming apparent that nigral BDNF mRNA levels are anterogradely transported to its target tissue in striatum. However, following axotomy, the lesion site represents a second potential target for BDNF action. Consequently, we also analyzed the pattern of mRNA expression for BDNF and trkB at the lesion site where dopaminergic axons are disconnected. There, we found notable inductions of both BDNF mRNA and trkB mRNA levels at 4 days postaxotomy. BDNF mRNA expressing cells were confined at the site of axotomy, which coincided precisely to that showing induction of trkB mRNA. Altogether, our results anticipate promising trophic roles of BNDF in the injured nigrostriatal system.  相似文献   

The synthesis of nerve growth factor (NGF) by the hippocampus raises the possibility that NGF may play a role in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPAA). Subchronic cold stress has been shown to activate the HPAA in a mild noninvasive manner, to stimulate serum glucocorticoid levels, and to perturb NGF binding in hippocampus and basal forebrain. One or repeated episodes of cold stress increased NGF mRNA levels in the hippocampus and p75NGFR mRNA levels in the basal forebrain. These changes were not due to elevated serum glucocorticoid levels since treatment with exogenous corticosterone had no effect on NGF and p75NGFR mRNA levels. Adrenalectomy did not prevent the stress induced increases in NGF and p75NGFR mRNA. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The cholinergic basal forebrain is divided into four subregions (Ch1–4), and cholinergic neuronal loss in the nucleus basalis of Meynert (Ch4) has been correlated with cognitive impairments in both Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). However, the Ch1–2 regions, which provide the major cholinergic innervation to the hippocampus, have not been investigated in DLB. The purpose of this study was to reveal the cholinergic neuronal changes in the medial septum (Ch1) and the nucleus of the vertical limb of the diagonal band (Ch2) of DLB brains. Using choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunohistochemistry, we showed that the number of ChAT-immunoreactive neurons in DLB brains was significantly lower than the numbers in AD and non-demented (control) brains. No significant difference in the number of ChAT-immunoreactive neurons was found between the AD and control brains. Moreover, the size of the ChAT-immunoreactive neurons was significantly smaller in the AD and DLB brains than in the control brains. These results show that cholinergic neurons of the Ch1-2 regions are more severely affected in DLB than in AD. Our DLB cases did not fulfill the neuropathologic criteria for definite AD. Furthermore, some Lewy bodies were observed in the Ch1-2 regions. Thus, cholinergic neuronal loss in the Ch1-2 regions might be specific to the pathology of DLB. Taking the distribution of cholinergic fibers in the hippocampus into consideration, this study suggests a possibility that hippocampal cholinergic projection is involved in Lewy-related neurites in the CA2–3 regions, the origin of which remains unclear.  相似文献   

Chang Q  Gold PE 《Hippocampus》2004,14(2):170-179
To lesion the cholinergic input to the hippocampus, rats received injections of 192 IgG-saporin into the medial septum/vertical limb of the diagonal band (MS/VDB). The lesions produced near-total loss of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-positive neurons in the MS/VDB. The loss was accompanied, however, by only partial decreases (to 40% of control levels) in acetylcholine (ACh) release in the hippocampus. Moreover, ACh release in the hippocampus increased when lesioned and control rats were tested on a spontaneous alternation task, indicating that there was significant residual cholinergic function in the hippocampus. The lesions were sufficient to impair spontaneous alternation scores. However, this impairment could be reversed by either systemic or intra-hippocampal injections of the indirect cholinergic agonist, physostigmine, providing additional evidence of residual and effective cholinergic functions in the hippocampus of lesioned rats. Moreover, systemic injections of physostigmine at doses that produced mild tremors in control rats led to more severe tremors in the lesioned rats, suggesting upregulation of cholinergic mechanisms after saporin lesions, likely in brain areas other than the hippocampus. Thus, these findings provide evidence for decreases in cholinergic input to the hippocampus accompanied by deficits on a spontaneous alternation tasks. The findings also provide evidence for considerable residual cholinergic input to the hippocampus after saporin lesions of the MS/VDB. Together, the results suggest that 192 IgG-saporin lesions of the MS/VDB, using methods often employed, do not fully remove septohippocampal cholinergic input to the hippocampus but are nonetheless sufficient to produce impairments on a task impaired by hippocampal lesions.  相似文献   

Results of previous studies suggested that incertohypothalamic dopamine (IHDA) neurons located in the medial zona incerta (MZI) project to the central nucleus of the amygdala (cAMY), horizontal diagonal band of Broca (HDB), and paraventricular nucleus (PVN). The overall goal of the present study was to determine the relative contribution of IHDA neurons to the DA innervation of these brain regions. A combined fluorescent and in situ hybridization histochemical procedure was employed to localize the retrograde tracer fluoro-gold (FG) in cells expressing tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) mRNA in the MZI following its iontophoretic injection into either the cAMY, HDB or PVN. For comparison, the numbers of dual labeled FG/TH mRNA neurons in the midbrain were also determined. One week after unilateral injection of FG into the cAMY, cells containing FG+TH mRNA were found in the ipsilateral MZI, substantia nigra zona compacta (SNC) and ventral tegmental area (VTA). The total numbers of cells labeled with FG varied with the size of the injection site, but the ratio of dual labeling in the MZI to that of the SNC–VTA remained constant across animals at approximately 1:6. FG injections into the HDB resulted in a ratio of dual labeled cells in the ipsilateral MZI and VTA of approximately 1:2, but no dual labeled cells were found in the SNC. Dual labeled cells were only found in the ipsilateral MZI in animals receiving FG injections in the PVN. Thus, DA terminals in the PVN originate exclusively from IHDA neurons in the MZI, whereas these neurons provide only a portion of the DA innervation of the cAMY and HDB. The similar distribution of dual labeled cells in the MZI following FG injections into the cAMY, HDB and PVN suggests that perikarya of IHDA neurons projecting to these regions are not organized into distinct groups.  相似文献   

Systemic administration of pilocarpine, which results in status epilepticus followed by recurrent seizures in rats, is a widely used experimental model of chronic limbic epilepsy. Marked structural alterations have been documented in pilocarpine-induced epilepsy, and these include cell loss in the hippocampus and other brain areas, and sprouting of mossy and cholinergic fibers in the hippocampus. Evidence is accumulating that neurotrophins and neurotrophin receptors are involved in the cascade of these events. Two and 4 months after pilocarpine-induced epilepsy, neurons containing the 75-kDa low affinity neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) were investigated with immunohistochemistry in the medial septal and diagonal band nuclei. No significant differences in the distribution and number of immunoreactive neurons were found in the epileptic rats compared to control saline-treated animals. However, in the epileptic animals, a significant decrease in the perikaryal size of p75NTR-immunoreactive neurons of the septal/diagonal band region was found by 60 days, and such atrophic changes were more marked in the diagonal band nuclei by 120 days. These findings indicate that the p75NTR-containing cell bodies, which include the neurons projecting to the hippocampal formation and are cholinergic in the normal brain, survive after months of spontaneous recurrent seizures, during which, therefore, a supply of p75NTR to target regions is maintained in the chronic epileptic brain. However, the present data point out that these p75NTR-containing neurons undergo a significant shrinkage in pilocarpine-induced chronic epilepsy, thus indicating that they are involved in the brain pathology of temporal lobe epilepsy.  相似文献   

The function of nucleus basalis (NB) and medial septal-vertical diagonal band of Broca (MS-VDBB) in a place navigation task requiring reference memory was investigated. Two subclasses of nucleus basalis ibotenic acid-lesioned rats could be identified: a group having both extensive non-specific subcortical damage and severely impaired learning behavior, and a less impaired group with correspondingly less subcortical damage. The depletion of cortical cholinergic enzymes was slightly higher in the group of NB-lesioned rats with extensive subcortical lesions than in the group with smaller lesioned areas. In the hippocampus of both of these NB-lesioned groups, cholinergic innervation remained unchanged. Ibotenic acid lesioning restricted to the MS-VDBB depleted hippocampal cholinergic innervation, but not the innervation of the frontal cortex, and also led to impaired learning behavior. Of all the lesioned rats, the most impaired were the NB-lesioned rats with large non-specific subcortical lesion.  相似文献   

Studies utilizing fluorescent histochemical techniques first revealed that A13 dopaminergic (DA) perikarya located in medial zona incerta (MZI) project to various regions within the hypothalamus; accordingly, these DA neurons were designated the ‘incertohypothalamic’ DA neuronal system. More recently, it has been shown that the anterograde neuronal tract tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin, after injection into MZI, is identified in nerve terminals outside of the hypothalamus: for example, in horizontal limb of the diagonal band of Broca (HDB) and central nucleus of the amygdala (cAMY). The purpose of the present study was to determine, using neurochemical techniques, if A13 DA neurons project to the HDB and cAMY. Concentrations of dopamine and one of its metabolites 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) were determined in HDB and cAMY following: (1) electrical stimulation of MZI, (2) electrolytic lesion or knife ablation of MZI, and (3) administration of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHBA) into MZI. For comparison, similar measurements were made in nucleus accumbens (N. Acc.), a terminal region of A10 DA neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA). Electrical stimulation of MZI increased DOPAC concentrations in HDB and cAMY, whereas electrolytic or ablative lesions of MZI decreased dopamine concentrations in both of these regions. By contrast, neither stimulation nor lesion of MZI had any effect on DOPAC or dopamine concentrations in N. Acc. Intracerebral injection of GHBA into MZI increased dopamine concentrations in MZI and HDB, but not in cAMY or N. Acc. Intracerebral administration of GHBA into VTA increased dopamine concentrations in HDB and N. Acc., but not in MZI or cAMY. These results suggest that A13 DA neurons project to HDB and cAMY but not to N. Acc., and HDB receives projections from both A10 and A13 DA neurons.  相似文献   

In the present study, we have investigated the developmental expression of the transmitter-synthesizing enzymes choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) in rat medial septal neurons by using in situ hybridization histochemistry. In addition, we have employed immunostaining for ChAT and the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin, known to be contained in septohippocampal GABAergic neurons. A large number of GAD67 mRNA-expressing neurons were already observed in the septal complex on embryonic day (E) 17, the earliest time point studied. During later developmental stages, there was mainly an increase in the intensity of labeling. Neurons expressing ChAT mRNA were first recognized at E 20, and their number slowly increased during postnatal development of the septal region. The adult pattern of ChAT mRNA-expressing neurons was observed around postnatal day (P) 16. By using a monoclonal ChAT antibody, the first immunoreactive cells were not seen before P 8. Similarly, the first weakly parvalbumin-immunoreactive neurons were seen in the septal complex by the end of the 1st postnatal week. These results indicate that in situ hybridization histochemistry may be an adequate method to monitor the different development of transmitter biosynthesis in cholinergic and GABAergic septal neurons. Moreover, the late onset of ChAT mRNA expression would be compatible with a role of target-derived factors for the differentiation of the cholinergic phenotype. © 1996 John Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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