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患者女,48岁。因尿毒症行同种异体肾移植术,术后前4d实验室检杏及尿量正常,术后第5d尿量减少,超声检查发现。肾内血流稀疏、阻力指数(RI)为1,疑肾动脉栓塞或狭窄。行侈植肾探查术.术中发现:自身髂内动脉搏动良好,供肾动脉半充盟且无明显搏动.呈青紫色.扪之有血栓;取出血栓后移植。肾充盈。  相似文献   

目的应用超声造影技术探讨存在副肾动脉是否影响肾脏的局部血流灌注。 方法回顾性分析2019年9月至2021年12月在北京医院行肾动脉超声造影检出存在副肾动脉的31例患者(共33个肾脏)的超声影像资料,并分析肾脏不同部位(上极、中部、下极)的肾皮质血流灌注。获得时间-强度曲线(TIC)和相关参数,包括峰值强度(PE)、流入相曲线下面积(WiAUC)、上升时间(RT)、局部平均过渡时间(mTTl)、达峰时间(TTP)、流入相斜率(WiR)、流入相灌注指数(WiPI)、流出相曲线下面积(WoAUC)、流入相和流出相曲线下面积(WiWoAUC)、下降时间(FT)、流出相斜率(WoR),比较肾脏不同部位以上各项灌注相关参数以及主肾动脉和副肾动脉的血流动力学参数是否存在差异,评估存在副肾动脉肾脏不同部位的血流灌注情况。 结果副肾动脉较主肾动脉管径细,差异具有统计学意义[(3.2±0.7)mm vs(4.6±0.7)mm,P<0.001],两者的血流动力学指标收缩期峰值流速(PSV)、阻力指数(RI)和加速时间(AT)差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05)。在上极、中部和下极肾皮质血流灌注参数的比较中,上极WiWoAUC略高于中极(P=0.041),其他参数差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05)。 结论副肾动脉的存在对肾脏局部的血流灌注影响不大,但仍需更多研究结果证实。  相似文献   

目的 研究超声造影诊断闭合性肾外伤肾动脉闭塞的价值.方法 健康新西兰兔10只,雌雄各半.采用SMS型撞击器自肾外侧向肾门处撞击,建立闭合性肾外伤动物模型.撞击前及撞击后10 min内,分别依次完成灰阶超声、彩色多普勒(CDFI)和超声造影(CEUS)检查.撞击后3h,采用剖腹探查和病理检查进行验证.结果 6只兔肾主动脉发生闭塞,4只段动脉发生闭塞.灰阶超声见肾包膜下可见不同程度的积液,肾实质局部回声增强.CDFI显示6只伤肾血流灌注完全消失,另4只仅见部分肾的血流灌注信息.CEUS显示6只肾全期均无增强,4只呈较大范围的楔形无增强,小部分呈高增强.以上结果经剖腹探查和病理检查证实.结论 CEUS显示整个肾实质无增强是肾主动脉闭塞的重要指标,肾实质呈较大范围的楔形无增强是段动脉闭塞的重要特征.  相似文献   

目的探讨超声造影对不同类型肾肿瘤的鉴别诊断价值。方法对49个肾肿瘤进行超声造影检查,首先由2名医生独立观察肿瘤的造影表现,包括造影剂进入时间、达峰时间、峰值强度、退出时间、灌注均匀度及有无假包膜等,对各类肿瘤的差异进行比较;其次应用QontraXt软件定量测量肿瘤的峰值强度(P)及达峰时间(TP),借助“肿瘤的相对增强百分数”(△P%)及“肿瘤与皮质的达峰时间差”(△ATP)两指标定量分析并比较各类肿瘤的差异;最后评价超声造影对肾肿瘤的诊断价值。结果27个肾透明细胞癌的造影特征与4个低度恶性肾癌、6个肾盂尿路上皮癌、12个血管平滑肌脂肪瘤有显著差异(P〈0.05),主要体现在峰值强度、达峰时间、增强均匀度及灌注起始时间等四个指标上,定量分析中透明细胞癌的AP%显著高于其他4类肿瘤(P〈0.05);以“快速达峰+高峰值强度”为诊断透明细胞癌的主要标准,辅以“不均匀增强”、“早期进入”为参考标准,诊断准确性达94%。结论超声造影对肾透明细胞癌有较高的鉴别诊断价值。  相似文献   

彩色多普勒超声诊断急性肾梗死3例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
患者1,男。48岁,因反复左腰部疼痛10d入院。查体:左肾区明显叩击痛,查尿常规见红细胞。超声检查:双肾大小形态正常,包膜光滑,皮髓质之间分界清楚,中心集合系统未见分散。彩色多普勒血流屁像(CDFI)示右肾血流充盈良好,直达被膜下;左肾下极充盈尚可。中上极实质回声略低,未测及明显血流信号(图1),双侧输尿管未见明显扩张。  相似文献   

患者男,70岁。因中上腹剧烈疼痛,恶心呕吐,呼吸困难1周入院。入院时查体血压测不清,双侧颈静脉怒张,心界扩大,肝区压痛,双下肢浮肿。心电图结果:心房纤颤,QRS低电压,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、AVF导联T波倒置,V3R—V6R呈QR型;血清学检查LDH 207 IU/L,CPK 33 IU/L。超声检查结果:右心室明显扩大,游离壁中间段到心尖段明显变薄并向外突出,运动消失。腔内探及大小7.0cm×6.0cm的中等回声团,  相似文献   

1病例简介患者男,39岁。因"心慌、胸闷3d"于2011年5月31日入院。3d来患者常在活动后出现心慌、胸闷,休息后可缓解,曾有夜间憋醒现象。患者既往无冠心病、高血压和糖尿病病史,无手术外伤史,无房颤、心脏瓣膜病史。入院查体:体温36.5℃,心率90次/min,血压130/90mm Hg(1mm Hg=0.133kPa)。双肺未闻干、湿罗音,心脏各瓣膜听诊区未闻及杂音。左上腹轻压痛,无反跳痛,移动性浊音阴性,肝脾肋下未及,双下肢无水肿。辅助检查:心脏彩超(外院)示右室内径稍大。入院后心电图示窦性心动过速。X线胸片未见明显  相似文献   

患者男 ,48岁 ,肾移植术后 1年半 ,因尿量减少 ,血肌苷增高3月余就诊。查体 :移植肾大小正常 ,中等硬度 ,无触痛 ,表面未触及明显结节。超声检查 :移植肾大小正常 ,内部回声不均质 ,中上极可见不规则回声减低区 ,范围 3 .1cm× 2 .1cm ,移植肾内血流信号普遍减少 ,分布较稀疏 ,以中上极回声减低区为著 ,该处仅测及 2支静脉血流束 ,未测及动脉频谱 (图 1) ;移植肾其余区域内测得大叶间动脉最大血流速度 14 .8cm/s ,阻力指数0 .77,小叶间动脉最大血流速度 10 .4cm /s ,阻力指数 0 .75。超声诊断 :①移植肾慢性排异反应 ;②移植肾中上极回声减…  相似文献   

肾错构瘤的超声造影模式分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
目的通过对肾错构瘤超声造影模式分析来探讨超声造影在肾错构瘤的诊断及鉴别诊断中的价值。方法选用新型造影剂SonoVue对12例肾错构瘤进行超声造影和动态观察。结果造影结果表明肾错构瘤造影增强方式为“快进慢出”和“慢进慢出”;灌注方式多数以周边先增强,向中央充填呈均匀高增强;消退方式为瘤体周边开始缓慢消退,持续时间较长。结论肾错构瘤的造影模式与其病理分类有一定的相关性,超声造影能进一步明确肾肿瘤的性质。  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDAcute renal artery thrombosis is a relatively rare disease. Early diagnosis and emergent treatment can prevent the loss of renal function and the development of hypertension.CASE SUMMARYWe report a patient with acute renal artery thrombosis who presented to our hospital with acute-onset right flank pain and was treated by percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy using the Rotarex device. After 2 mo, right kidney function had recovered slightly.CONCLUSIONRenal artery thrombosis may lead to loss of renal function and the development of hypertension. Rotarex mechanical thrombectomy may be a viable treatment option for rapid recanalization of the renal artery in patients with renal artery thrombosis.  相似文献   

A case of acute renal infarction due to Behçet's disease is described. Selective renal arteriography revealed multiple microaneurysms of both kidneys and arterial obstruction distal to an aneurysm in the left kidney. Bilateral microaneurysms were no longer seen on the follow-up angiogram 5 years later. Behçet's disease should be considered in the differential diagnosis of acute renal infarction in young adults.  相似文献   

CT增强诊断肾梗死4例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肾梗死缺乏特异性症状,常见症状为腹部或肋胁部疼痛、低热、恶心、呕吐等.发病时患者多急诊就诊,而急诊CT平扫易于漏诊[1].本文利用CT增强扫描诊断4例肾梗死,报道如下.  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDArterial thrombosis is a serious and rare complication of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). Herein, we describe a case of OHSS complicated by common carotid artery thrombosis and malignant middle cerebral artery infarction after egg retrieval and before embryo transfer. CASE SUMMARYA 32-year-old female with a family history of thrombosis who was undergoing in vitro fertilization due to unexplained infertility, was admitted due to abdominal distension for 3 d and coma for 2 h. She received egg retrieval 7 d ago and embryo transfer had not yet been performed. Blood biochemical analysis showed estrogen of 15781 pmol/L. Gynecological examination showed palpable masses on both sides of the adnexal areas. Ultrasound observed enlarged ovaries and abdominal ascites. Imaging examination of the head and neck revealed fresh malignant middle cerebral artery infarction in the left side of brain and internal carotid artery as well as occlusion in the left carotid artery, internal carotid artery, and middle cerebral artery. The patient was finally diagnosed with severe OHSS, complicated by common carotid artery thrombosis and malignant middle cerebral artery infarction. Liquid replacement, anticoagulation, vascular endothelium protection, brain protection and decompressive craniectomy were carried out. Rehabilitation training was then performed for 6 mo. At present, she has poor speaking ability and decreased muscle strength on the right side. CONCLUSIONThere is a risk of thrombosis during any period of OHSS. During in vitro assisted reproduction, for cases with a family history of thrombosis, hyperlipidemia and other high-risk factors, serum lipid levels should be controlled as soon as possible to improve metabolic dysfunction. When thrombosis occurs, timely and effective treatment should be performed to improve the prognosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDAcute stent thrombosis (AST) is a serious complication of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). The causes of AST include the use of stents of inappropriate diameters, multiple overlapping stents, or excessively long stents; incomplete stent expansion; poor stent adhesion; incomplete coverage of dissection; formation of thrombosis or intramural hematomas; vascular injury secondary to intraoperative mechanical manipulation; insufficient dose administration of postoperative antiplatelet medications; and resistance to antiplatelet drugs. Cases of AST secondary to coronary artery spasms are rare, with only a few reports in the literature.CASE SUMMARYA 55-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with a chief complaint of back pain for 2 d. He was diagnosed with coronary heart disease and acute myocardial infarction (AMI) based on electrocardiography results and creatinine kinase myocardial band, troponin I, and troponin T levels. A 2.5 mm × 33.0 mm drug-eluting stent was inserted into the occluded portion of the right coronary artery. Aspirin, clopidogrel, and atorvastatin were started. Six days later, the patient developed AST after taking a bath in the morning. Repeat coronary angiography showed occlusion of the proximal stent, and intravascular ultrasound showed severe coronary artery spasms. The patient’s AST was thought to be caused by coronary artery spasms and treated with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Postoperatively, he was administered diltiazem to inhibit coronary artery spasms and prevent future episodes of AST. He survived and reported no discomfort at the 2-mo follow-up after the operation and initiation of drug treatment. CONCLUSIONCoronary spasms can cause both AMI and AST. For patients who exhibit coronary spasms during PCI, diltiazem administration could reduce spasms and prevent future AST.  相似文献   

右冠状动脉瘘并发心肌梗死1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者男,61岁.2年前患心肌梗死.心电图:广泛性前壁陈旧性心肌梗死.彩超检查:左室、左房轻度增大,左室前壁及前间隔室壁回声增强,左室前间隔及前壁中间段至心尖段运动消失,收缩期增厚率减低,收缩功能减低EF 39%.在大动脉短轴切面可观察到右冠状动脉破入右心房,彩色多普勒血流显示右冠状动脉内鲜亮的红色血流信号,瘘口处可见红色五彩血流从右冠状动脉至右心房(图1),瘘口内径2 mm,频谱多普勒显示双期连续高速射流,最高流速2 m/s(图2),右室压力45 mmHg.超声诊断:右冠状动脉瘘入右心房;缺血性心脏病(陈旧性心肌梗死)、左室收缩功能减低,肺动脉高压(轻度).  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDIn trauma patients, bleeding is an immediate major concern. At the same time, there are few cases of acute vascular occlusion after blunt trauma, and it is unclear what assessment and diagnosis should be considered for these cases. Herein, we describe a patient diagnosed with antiphospholipid syndrome after a hypercoagulable workup for acute renal and splenic vascular occlusion due to blunt trauma.CASE SUMMARYA 20-year-old man was admitted to the emergency department with abdominal pain after hitting a tree while riding a sled 10 h ago. He had no medical history. Radiological investigations revealed occlusion of the left renal artery with global infarction of the left kidney and occlusion of branches of the splenic artery with infarction of the central portion of the spleen. Attempted revascularization of the left renal artery occlusion through percutaneous transluminal angioplasty failed due to difficulty in passing the wire through the total occlusion. Considering the presence of acute multivascular occlusions in a young man with low cardiovascular risk, additional laboratory tests were performed to evaluate hypercoagulability. The results suggested a high possibility of antiphospholipid syndrome. Treatment with a subcutaneous injection of enoxaparin was started and changed to oral warfarin after two weeks. The diagnosis was confirmed, and he continued to visit the rheumatology outpatient clinic while taking warfarin.CONCLUSIONA hypercoagulable workup can be considered in trauma patients with acute multivascular occlusion, especially in young patients with low cardiovascular risk.  相似文献   

目的 探讨自发性冠状动脉夹层的临床特点,以期提高对该病的诊治与认识。方法 回顾性分析1例青年女性自发性冠状动脉夹层导致急性心肌梗死患者的临床资料,并以“自发性冠状动脉夹层”、“急性心肌梗死”以及“青年女性”等关键词,通过检索中国知网、PubMed及万方数据库,筛选公开发表的相关中英文文献,以分析自发性冠状动脉夹层的临床特点。结果 本例为青年女性,35岁,因间断胸痛就诊,心电图检查提示I、aVL及V2-V5导联ST段抬高,肌钙蛋白T升高(>2 000 ng/L),冠状动脉造影结果示左主干(LM)自开口可见夹层,延伸至左前降支(LAD)远段及回旋支(LCX)中段,管腔全程受压,近段血管部分不能显影,经血管内超声(intravenous ultrasound, IVUS)指导下行经皮冠状动脉介入(percutaneous coronary intervention, PCI)治疗,随访1个月并复查冠状动脉造影(coronary angiography, CAG)患者治疗效果良好。结论 自发性冠状动脉夹层是导致急性冠脉综合征的罕见病因,其疾病特点及治疗方法与冠状动脉粥样硬化不同,诊断具有...  相似文献   

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