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目的探讨生物素葡聚糖胺(BDA)神经示踪剂在大鼠皮质脊髓束通路的神经示踪实验研究。方法采用成年的SD大鼠,用牙科钻开颅形成两个约为3mm直径的圆形骨窗,用微量注射器将15%的BDA缓慢注射入左侧运动感觉皮质区,每个骨窗选择3点3层注射,注射总量108μl。存活14d后,取出脑和脊髓组织在低温冰箱中保存,冰冻切片后用荧光显微镜观察BDA被轴突摄取后运输的情况。结果在大脑感觉运动皮质层注射BDA后,在注射大脑半球以及皮质脊髓束通路的中脑、桥脑、延脑和脊髓颈膨大处均可见荧光显影,放大200倍时能清楚看到轴突结构及郎氏结。结论BDA具有生物性稳定、转运距离远等优点,含自发荧光的BDA实验方法简单,为大鼠皮质脊髓束通路的形态学研究提供了可靠的技术平台。  相似文献   

实验旨在运用生物素标记葡聚糖胺神经束路示踪标记神经干细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤后皮质脊髓束的再生和神经的重新支配状况,结果表明神经干细胞移植治疗胸10脊髓横断损伤大鼠运动功能评分在横断损伤3周后逐渐升高。治疗后12周有部分生物素标记葡聚糖胺阳性标记的皮质脊髓束再生通过脊髓横断损伤部位,电镜检查发现再生的生物素标记葡聚糖胺阳性标记的神经终末与损伤远端神经元形成新的突触联系。说明生物素标记葡聚糖胺神经束路示踪能有效提供脊髓损伤后神经恢复的解剖形态学依据。  相似文献   

目的探讨生物素葡聚糖胺(BDA)神经示踪技术及脊髓半横断损伤模型在大鼠脊髓损伤修复的实验研究中应用。方法采用成年Sprague-Dawley大鼠,分为脊髓致伤组(n=10)和致伤对照组(n=10)。致伤组动物在相当于T7椎板水平横行剪断脊髓的后2/3;对照组动物术中仅切除椎板,不切断脊髓。术后第15d,右侧开颅,用10?A示踪剂注入右侧的感觉运动区皮质内。2周后取出大脑和脊髓组织,采用自由漂乳法行BDA染色显影。术后实验动物功能测评采用BBB运动功能评分,所得数据采用Student'st-test进行统计学原理。结果(1)脊髓损伤组动物双后肢瘫痪,BBB运动功能评分明显低于损伤对照组,统计学比较差异十分显著(P<0.01);(2)BDA顺行示踪显示大脑皮层BDA注射区内见大脑皮层的锥体细胞及其发出的轴突呈阳性染色,BDA阳性染色的皮质脊髓束神经纤维在同侧中脑、桥脑及延髓的腹侧面行走,在锥体交叉后皮质脊髓束主要在对侧脊髓白质的后索中行走。在致伤组动物中,位于脊髓白质后索中的皮质脊髓束纤维在脊髓损伤处终止;对照组皮质脊髓束BDA染色可一直延伸至L1水平。结论大鼠半脊髓切断结合应用BDA顺行示踪技术可以对脊髓损伤后的神经修复状况进行可靠的形态学评判,是研究脊髓损伤后中枢神经纤维再生修复较为理想的动物模型  相似文献   

BDA皮质脊髓束神经顺行示踪在大鼠脊髓损伤模型中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的本研究采用生物素标记葡聚糖(Biotin Dextran Amine,BDA)顺行示踪技术来观察大鼠皮质脊髓束(CST)在中枢神经系统中的走行及脊髓损伤后的表现特征。方法20只雌性成年Sprague-Dawley大鼠,分为脊髓损伤组(n=10)和损伤对照组(n=10)。在相当于T7椎板水平用做好标记的显微剪刀剪断脊髓的后2/3。对照组动物术中仅咬除棘突、椎板,不切断脊髓。术后第15 d,所有动物通过立体定向开颅,将10%BDA溶液注入右侧的感觉运动区皮质内。BDA注射2周后,取出大脑和脊髓组织,采用自由漂浮法行BDA染色显影。实验动物于脊髓损伤术前、术后3d、1周、2周、4周采用Basso、Beatlie、Bresnahan(BBB)评分法测量运动功能,所得数据采用两组均数比较t检验进行统计学处理。结果1.脊髓损伤组动物双后肢瘫痪,BBB运动功能评分明显低于损伤对照组,统计学比较差异十分显著(P<0.01);2.BDA顺行示踪显示大脑皮层BDA注射区内见大脑皮层的锥体细胞及其发出的轴突呈阳性染色,BDA阳性染色的皮质脊髓束神经纤维在中脑、桥脑及延髓的腹侧面行走,但在锥体交叉后皮质脊髓束主要(约99%)在对侧脊髓白质的后索中行走。在致伤组动物中,位于脊髓白质后索中的皮质脊髓束纤维在脊髓损伤处终止;在对照组皮质脊髓束纤维染色可一直延伸至L1水平。结论BDA顺行神经  相似文献   

缺血性脑卒中是危害人类健康的常见疾病之一,具有高致死率和高致残率.近年来其发病率逐年上升,且有年轻化趋势.缺血性脑卒中急性发作后遗留的肢体运动功能障碍严重影响患者的生活质量,并且还影响患者其他功能的康复,给社会和家庭带来沉重负担.近年来的研究表明,皮质脊髓束作为大脑支配肢体随意运动的关键通路,其在脑卒中后继发的病理变化及重塑,可能在神经功能的恢复中占有重要地位,这就为缺血性脑卒中的恢复期及后遗症期治疗提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

目的以OCSP分型为基础,结合影像学和DSA表现探讨缺血性卒中OCSP分型、神经影像学改变、血管改变之间的关系。方法回顾性分析227例经DSA证实存在血管狭窄患者的临床资料,据患者主要症状和体征、MRI、CT、DSA的结果进行OCSP分型、影像学分型、及血管病变部位分型。分析OCSP分型与神经影像学及脑血管改变之间的关系。结果 OCSP各型所占的比例依次为:(1)部分前循环梗死型(PACI)占47%;后循环梗死型(POCI)占31%;完全前循环梗死型(TACI)占13%;腔隙性梗死型LACI占9%。(2)OCSP分型中前循环梗死型(TACI+PACI)、腔隙性梗死型(LACI)、后循环梗死型(PCI)与影像学分型中皮质梗死和低灌流区梗死(CO+LFI)、皮质下小梗死(SSI)、后循环病变部位梗死(PCI)的一致率分别为77.97%、79.30%、79.30%。(3)OCSP分型中前循环型(TACI+PACI)和后循环型(POCI)与前循环血管狭窄(ICA+MCA)和后循环血管狭窄(VA+BA)一致率分别为78.41%、71.84%。结论 OCSP分型与神经影像学改变分型和血管改变分型的一致性较好。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The corticospinal tract is the core structure of cerebral control of extremity movement and plasticity, which are prerequisites for movement rehabilitation after brain injury. The measurement and assessment of plasticity changes within the corticospinal tract has become one of the key goals in this field. OBJECTIVE: To explore the effects of biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) as a neural tracer in the rat corticospinal tract and the possibilities of assessing plasticity within the corticospinal tract. DESIGN: An observational experiment. SETTING: Department of Acupuncture of Chinese Medical College, Chongqing Medical University, Department of Neurology, the Second Affiliated Hospital, Chongqing Medical University. MATERIALS: Eighteen male adult Sprague Dawley (SD) rats of clean grade, weighing 200-250 g, were provided by the experimental animal center of Chongqing Medical University. The animal procedures in this study were in accordance with the animal ethics standards. BDA was provided by Vector Laboratories Company (USA, catalogue Sp- 1140; serial number R0721 ). METHODS. This experiment was performed in the Laboratory of Chongqing Medical University between September and December 2006. Adult SD rats were used in the experiment and 15% BDA was injected slowly with a mini-syringe through two round (3 mm diameter) holes into the left sensory and motor cortex. The center of one hole was located 3 mm anterior from the anterior fontanel and 1.5 mm left of the midline; the second hole was located 1.5 mm posterior from the anterior fontanel and 4 mm left of the midline. Three injections were made at each hole at three different levels: 1.4, 1.2, and 1 mm ventral from the surface of the flat skull. After 14 days, the brains and spinal cords were removed and frozen. Sections were cut on a cryostat and BDA transportation absorbed by axons was observed under a fluorescence microscope. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Axonal absorption and transportation of BDA was observed under fluorescence  相似文献   

In this study, biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) was microinjected into the left cortical motor area of the canine brain. Fluorescence microscopy results showed that a large amount of BDA-labeled pyramidal cells were visible in the left cortical motor area after injection. In the left medulla oblongata, the BDA-labeled corticospinal tract was evenly distributed, with green fluorescence that had a clear boundary with the surrounding tissue. The BDA-positive corticospinal tract entered into the right lateral funiculus of the spinal cord and descended into the posterior part of the right lateral funiculus, close to the posterior horn, from cervical to sacral segments. There was a small amount of green fluorescence in the sacral segment. The distribution of BDA labeling in the canine central nervous system was consistent with the course of the corticospinal tract. Fluorescence labeling for BDA gradually diminished with time after injection. Our findings indicate that the BDA anterograde tracing technique can be used to visualize the localization and trajectory of the corticospinal tract in the canine central nervous system.  相似文献   

Rats received a midthoracic spinal cord "overhemisection" including right hemicord and left dorsal funiculus at birth (neonatal operates, N = 15) or 21 days of age (weanling operates, N = 14). In a second experiment neonatal (N = 6), 6-day (N = 3), and 12-day (N = 7) rats sustained a right sensorimotor cortex (SmI) ablation to destroy the left corticospinal tract (CST) at the same time as the spinal injury (double lesion operates). Later (3-12 months) injections of 3H-proline and autoradiography were used to label the left or right CST. The results of the first experiment showed that most right CST axons failed to grow around the spinal lesion in neonatal operates (N = 9). There was an increase in the density of label, mainly to CST projection areas, in a 1-mm zone rostral to the lesion. However, left CST axons bypassed the lesion by growing through the intact tissue in neonatal operates (N = 6). These displaced axons were consistently located within the dorsal portion of the lateral funiculus (dLF) and remained within that location caudal to the lesion, an area normally containing only a few CST axons. In spite of this abnormal position, these axons terminated bilaterally throughout the remainder of the cord in normal CST sites. In weanling operates, CST axons severed by the lesion did not regenerate around the lesion site. An increased density of label over the few spared axons within the left dLF and in CST projection zones immediately caudal to the lesion site suggested axonal sprouting by these axons. The results of the second experiment showed that the lack of growth of right CST axons around this injury in neonatal operates was, at least partially, due to an interaction with left CST axons. In neonatal double lesion operates, right CST axons grew around the spinal injury for a varying distance within the left dLF and distributed bilaterally to normal CST sites. The number of right CST axons bypassing the lesion was related to the configuration of the lesion site. A smaller number of right CST axons bypassed the lesion in 6-day double lesion operates and most terminated within 2-3 mm of the lesion site. Right CST axons failed to grow around this injury in 12-day double lesion operates.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In rodents, the main contingent of corticospinal tract (CST) axons descends in the ventral part of the dorsal column. There is, however, a contingent of CST axons that descends in the dorsolateral column (the "dorsolateral corticospinal tract," or DLCST). Here, we define some of the features of the DLCST by tracing CST projections following injections of biotinylated dextran amine into the sensorimotor cortex, assessing the distribution of DLCST axons and terminal arborizations in intact mice and in mice in which the main contingent of CST axons in the dorsal column had been transected. Axons of the DLCST diverge from the main tract at the pyramidal decussation, gather in fascicles in the dorsolateral gray matter below the spinomedullary junction, and project in a gradual trajectory laterally toward the dorsolateral column over the first few cervical segments. DLCST axons then project along the dorsolateral column to sacral levels, giving rise to collaterals that project into the gray matter. Labeled DLCST axons were most abundant in cervical segments, where they were often collected in fascicles, and progressively decreased in number in more caudal segments. Tracing of DLCST axons in mice with selective lesions of the dorsal column revealed that DLCST axons arborize extensively throughout the dorsal and ventral horns and that the overall territory that the DLCST axons invade is similar to the territory innervated by the CST axons in the main tract. Some DLCST axon arbors with varicosities are seen near large neurons in the ventral horn (presumed motoneurons). Substantial numbers of DLCST axons project across the midline to the gray matter on the contralateral side. Thus, the DLCST provides an alternate route for CST input to caudal segments, which is of particular relevance for studies of CST distribution and function following partial spinal cord injuries.  相似文献   

Following central nervous system injury, axonal sprouts form distal to the injury site and extend into the denervated area, reconstructing neural circuits through neural plasticity. How to facilitate this plasticity has become the key to the success of central nervous system repair. It remains controversial whether fine motor skill training contributes to the recovery of neurological function after spinal cord injury. Therefore, we established a rat model of unilateral corticospinal tract injury using a pyramidal tract cutting method. Horizontal ladder crawling and food ball grasping training procedures were conducted 2 weeks before injury and 3 days after injury. The neurological function of rat forelimbs was assessed at 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 weeks after injury. Axon growth was observed with biotinylated dextran amine anterograde tracing in the healthy corticospinal tract of the denervated area at different time periods. Our results demonstrate that compared with untrained rats, functional recovery was better in the forelimbs and forepaws of trained rats. The number of axons and the expression of growth associated protein 43 were increased at the injury site 3 weeks after corticospinal tract injury. These findings confirm that fine motor skill training promotes central nervous system plasticity in spinal cord injury rats.  相似文献   

The corticospinal projection is considered to influence fine motor function through nearly exclusively contralateral projections from the cortex in primates. However, unilateral lesions to this system in various species are frequently followed by significant functional improvement, raising the possibility that bilateral projections of this pathway may exist or emerge after injury. To examine the detailed anatomy and projections of the corticospinal motor neurons in rhesus monkeys (n = 4), we injected the high-resolution anterograde tracer biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) into 126 sites centered about the right lower extremity (LE) primary motor cortex. Projection and termination patterns were quantified at lumbar levels L1, L4, and L7 and mapped by using serial-section reconstructions. Notably, a mean of 10.1 +/- 0.6% (+/- SEM) of corticospinal tract (CST) axons descended in the lateral CST ipsilateral to the cortical BDA injection, and 87.9 +/- 1.0% of total CST axons projected in the contralateral lateral CST. The ipsilateral ventral CST contained only 1.0 +/- 0% of all projecting CST axons, whereas the contralateral ventral CST contained 0.3 +/- 0.2% of all axons. In addition, a minor dorsal column CST projection was identified. Measurement of BDA-labeled terminals in the spinal cord gray matter revealed that 11.2 +/- 2.2% of CST axons terminated ipsilateral to the side of cortical injection, and the remainder terminated contralaterally. As previously reported, most CST axons terminated in spinal cord laminae V-VIII, as well as the laterodorsal motoneuronal group of lamina IX (which innervates distal extremity muscles). Notably, many CST axons crossed the spinal cord midline (mean 19.9 +/- 4.9 axons per 40-microm-thick section). Detailed single-axon reconstructions revealed that most ipsilaterally projecting lateral CST axons terminated in ipsilateral gray matter. Notably, we found that the bouton-like swellings of many ipsilateral CST axons descending in the dorsolateral tract were located within Rexed's lamina IX, in close proximity to motoneuronal somata. Thus, bilateral projections of corticospinal axons originating from a single motor cortex could contribute to bilateral control of spinal motor neurons and to the highly evolved degree of fine motor control in primates. Furthermore, bilateral CST projections from a single motor cortex could represent a potential source of plasticity after injury, as well as a target of therapeutic effort in neural regeneration strategies.  相似文献   

As most spinal cord injuries(SCIs) are incomplete,an important target for promoting neural repair and recovery of lost motor function is to promote the connections of spared descending spinal pathways with spinal motor circuits.Among the pathways,the corticospinal tract(CST) is most associated with skilled voluntary functions in humans and many animals.CST loss,whether at its origin in the motor cortex or in the white matter tracts subcortically and in the spinal cord,leads to movement impairments and paralysis.To restore motor function after injury will require repair of the damaged CST.In this review,I discuss how knowledge of activity-dependent development of the CST—which establishes connectional specificity through axon pruning,axon outgrowth,and synaptic competition among CST terminals—informed a novel activity-based therapy for promoting sprouting of spared CST axons after injur in mature animals.This therapy,which comprises motor cortex electrical stimulation with and without concurrent trans-spinal direct current stimulation,leads to an increase in the gray matter axon length of spared CST axons in the rat spinal cord and,after a pyramidal tract lesion,restoration of skilled locomotor movements.I discuss how this approach is now being applied to a C4 contusion rat model.  相似文献   

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