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Retinotopic organization of areas 18 and 19 in the cat.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The location and retinotopic organization of areas 18 and 19 in cat cortex were determined using electrophysiological mapping techniques. These two areas each contain a single representation of the visual hemifield and each has a distinctive cytoarchitecture. The visual hemifield representations in these two areas are nearly mirror images of each other. Compared to area 17, areas 18 and 19 have less cortical surface area, have a lower cortical magnification factor, contain less of the visual field and contain second order instead of first order transformations of the visual hemifield. An unusual asymmetry was found between the representations of the upper and lower visual quadrants not seen before in maps of other areas of cat or other species. A considerable amount of variability in the retinotopic organization of these two areas was found among cats.  相似文献   

The retinotopic organization of area 17 (striate cortex) in the cat.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The location and retinotopic organization of visual areas in the cat cortex were determined by systematically mapping visual cortex in over 100 cats. The positions of the receptive fields of single neurons or small clusters of neurons were related to the locations of the corresponding recording sites in the cortex to determine the representations of the visual field in these cortical areas. In this report, the first of a series, we describe the organization of area 17. A single representation of the cat's entire visual field corresponds closely to the cytoarchitectonically defined area 17. This area has the largest cortical surface area (380 mm2) and the highest cortical magnification factor (3.6 mm2/degree2 at area centralis) of all the cortical areas we have studied. There was perfect agreement between the borders of area 17 determined electrophysiologically and cytoarchitecturally. This area contains a first order transformation of the visual hemifield in which every adjacent point in the visual field is represented as an adjacent point in the cortex. Some variability exists among cats in the extent and retinotopic representation of the visual field in area 17.  相似文献   

Plasticity after central lesions may result in the reorganization of cortical representations of the sensory input. Visual cortex reorganization has been extensively studied after peripheral (retinal) lesions, but focal cortical lesions have received less attention. In this study, we investigated the organization of retinotopic and orientation preference maps at different time points after a focal ischemic lesion in the primary visual cortex (V1). We induced a focal photochemical lesion in V1 of kittens and assessed, through optical imaging of intrinsic signals, the functional cortical layout immediately afterwards and at 4, 13, 33, and 40 days after lesion. We analyzed histologic sections and evaluated temporal changes of functional maps. Histological analysis showed a clear lesion at all time points, which shrank over time. Imaging results showed that the retinotopic and orientation preference maps reorganize to some extent after the lesion. Near the lesion, the cortical retinotopic representation of one degree of visual space expands over time, while at the same time the area of some orientation domains also increases. These results show that different cortical representations can reorganize after a lesion process and suggest a mechanism through which filling-in of a cortical scotoma can occur in cortically damaged patients.  相似文献   

Comprised of at least five distinct nuclei, the pulvinar complex of primates includes two large visually driven nuclei; one in the dorsal (lateral) pulvinar and one in the ventral (inferior) pulvinar, that contain similar retinotopic representations of the contralateral visual hemifield. Both nuclei also appear to have similar connections with areas of visual cortex. Here we determined the cortical connections of these two nuclei in galagos, members of the stepsirrhine primate radiation, to see if the nuclei differed in ways that could support differences in function. Injections of different retrograde tracers in each nucleus produced similar patterns of labeled neurons, predominately in layer 6 of V1, V2, V3, MT, regions of temporal cortex, and other visual areas. More complete labeling of neurons with a modified rabies virus identified these neurons as pyramidal cells with apical dendrites extending into superficial cortical layers. Importantly, the distributions of cortical neurons projecting to each of the two nuclei were highly overlapping, but formed separate populations. Sparse populations of double-labeled neurons were found in both V1 and V2 but were very low in number (<0.1%). Finally, the labeled cortical neurons were predominately in layer 6, and layer 5 neurons were labeled only in extrastriate areas. Terminations of pulvinar projections to area 17 was largely in superficial cortical layers, especially layer 1.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Despite mapping tools for central visual field, delineation of peripheral visual field representations in the human cortex has remained a challenge. Access to large visual field and differentiation of retinotopic areas with robust mapping procedures and automated analysis are beneficial in basic research and could accelerate development of clinical applications. METHODS: We constructed a simple optical near view system for wide visual field stimulation, and examined the topology of retinotopic areas. We used multifocal (mf) design, which enables analysis with general linear model and standard fMRI softwares and is easily automated. RESULTS: Our stimulation method enabled individual mapping of visual field up to 50 degrees of eccentricity and showed that retinotopic visual areas extended through posterior cerebrum. In addition, we located a separate peripheral upper visual field representation in parieto-occipital (PO) sulcus. CONCLUSIONS: These functional results are in line with earlier histological data, and support recent findings on human V6, a retinotopic area in the medial PO sulcus with an apparent emphasis on peripheral visual field. SIGNIFICANCE: Our projection system and mf-design together enable efficient and robust retinotopic mapping of wide visual field, which can at low cost be adapted to any clinical environment with visual back-projection system.  相似文献   

fMRI Measures of perceptual filling-in in the human visual cortex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Filling-in refers to the tendency of stabilized retinal stimuli to fade and become replaced by their background. This phenomenon is a good example of central brain mechanisms that can selectively add or delete information to/from the retinal input. Importantly, such cortical mechanisms may overlap with those that are used more generally in visual perception. In order to identify cortical areas that contribute to perceptual filling-in, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to image activity in the visual cortex while subjects experienced filling-in. Nine subjects viewed an achromatic disc with slightly higher luminance than the background and indicated the presence or absence of filling-in by a keypress. The disc was placed in either the upper or lower left quadrant. Similar high-contrast stimuli were used to map out the retinotopic representation of the disc. Unexpectedly, the lower-field high-contrast stimulus produced more parietal cortex activation than the upper-field condition, indicating preferential representation of the lower field by attentional control mechanisms. During perceptual filling-in, we observed significant contralateral reductions in activation in lower-tier retinotopic areas V1 and V2. In contrast, increased activation was consistently observed in visual areas V3A and V4v, higher-level cortex in the intraparietal sulcus, posterior superior temporal sulcus, and the ventral occipital-temporal region, as well as the pulvinar. The filling-in activation pattern was remarkably similar for both the upper- and lower-field conditions. Behaviorally, filling-in was reported to be easier for the lower visual field, and filling-in periods were longer for the lower than the upper quadrant. We suggest this behavioral asymmetry may be partially due to the preferential parietal representation of the lower field. The results lead us to propose that perceptual filling-in recruits high-level control mechanisms to reconcile competing percepts, and alters the normal image-related signals at the first stages of cortical processing. Moreover, the overall pattern of activation during filling-in resembles that seen in other studies of perceptually bistable stimuli, including binocular rivalry, indicating common control mechanisms.  相似文献   

The extent of changes in glucose metabolism resulting from ipsilateral and contralateral eye activity in the posterior cortex of the hooded rat was demonstrated by means of the C-14 2-deoxyglucose autoradiographic technique. By stimulating one eye with square wave gratings and eliminating efferent activation from the other by means of enucleation or intraocular TTX injection, differences between ipsilaterally and contralaterally based visual activity in the two hemispheres were maximized. Carbon-14 levels in layer IV of autoradiographs of coronal sections were measured and combined across sections to form right and left matrices of posterior cortex metabolic activity. A difference matrix, formed by subtracting the metabolic activity matrix of cortex contralateral to the stimulated eye from the ipsilateral "depressed" matrix, emphasized those parts of the visual cortex that received monocular visual input. The demarcation of striate cortex by means of cholinesterase stain and the examination of autoradiographs from sections cut tangential to the cortical surface aided in the interpretation of the difference matrices. In striate cortex, differences were maximal in the medial monocular portion, and the lateral or binocular portion was shown to be divided metabolically into a far lateral contralaterally dominant strip along the cortical representation of the vertical meridian, and a more medial region of patches of more or less contralaterally dominant binocular input. Lateral peristriate differences were less than those of striate cortex, and regions of greater and lesser monocular input could be distinguished. We did not detect differences between the two hemispheres in either anterior or medial peristriate areas, thus indicating either completely binocular input (which seems unlikely given the retinotopic organization of these regions), or a greater dependence than in the lateral peristriate on inputs that were not affected by the visual manipulations.  相似文献   

To delineate the fidelity of the functional cortical organization in humans with amblyopia, we undertook an investigation into how spatial information is mapped across the visual cortex in amblyopic observers. We assessed whether the boundaries of the visual areas controlled by the amblyopic and fellow fixing eye are in the same position, the fidelity of the retinotopic map within different cortical areas and the average receptive field size in different visual areas. The functional organization of the visual cortex was reconstructed using a fMRI phase-encoded retinotopic mapping analysis. This method sequentially stimulates each point in the visual field along the axes of a polar-coordinate system, thereby reconstructing the representation of the visual field on the cortex. We found that the cortical areas were very similar in normals and amblyopes, with only small differences in boundary positions of different visual areas between fixing and fellow amblyopic eye activation. Within these corresponding visual areas, we did find anomalies in retinotopy in some but not all amblyopes that were not simply a consequence of the poorer functional responses and affected central and peripheral field regions. Only a small increase in the average (or collective) receptive field size was found for full-field representation in amblyopes and none at all for central field representation. The former may simply be a consequence of the poorer functional responses.  相似文献   

By enhancing neural activity in respective retinotopic cortical representations attention increases the efficiency with which visual information at a selected location is processed. Behavioral data also suggest that information from the vicinity of the attended region is actively suppressed. In search for a physiological correlate of this 'spotlight's penumbra' we assessed neural responses in retinotopic representations of an attended location and of locations at different distances to it. Relative to passive viewing we found suppressed striate activity for the nearby but not for the far locations. This attention-driven center-surround distribution of neural activity may enhance the contrast between attended and non-attended objects. We relate the different behavior of extrastriate areas to their lower spatial resolution, i.e. larger receptive fields.  相似文献   

Processing capabilities for many low-level visual features are experientially malleable, aiding sighted organisms in adapting to dynamic environments. Explicit instructions to attend a specific visual field location influence retinotopic visuocortical activity, amplifying responses to stimuli appearing at cued spatial positions. It remains undetermined both how such prioritization affects surrounding nonprioritized locations, and if a given retinotopic spatial position can attain enhanced cortical representation through experience rather than instruction. The current report examined visuocortical response changes as human observers (N = 51, 19 male) learned, through differential classical conditioning, to associate specific screen locations with aversive outcomes. Using dense-array EEG and pupillometry, we tested the preregistered hypotheses of either sharpening or generalization around an aversively associated location following a single conditioning session. Competing hypotheses tested whether mean response changes would take the form of a Gaussian (generalization) or difference-of-Gaussian (sharpening) distribution over spatial positions, peaking at the viewing location paired with a noxious noise. Occipital 15 Hz steady-state visual evoked potential responses were selectively heightened when viewing aversively paired locations and displayed a nonlinear, difference-of-Gaussian profile across neighboring locations, consistent with suppressive surround modulation of nonprioritized positions. Measures of alpha-band (8–12 Hz) activity were differentially altered in anterior versus posterior locations, while pupil diameter exhibited selectively heightened responses to noise-paired locations but did not evince differences across the nonpaired locations. These results indicate that visuocortical spatial representations are sharpened in response to location-specific aversive conditioning, while top-down influences indexed by alpha-power reduction exhibit posterior generalization and anterior sharpening.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT It is increasingly recognized that early visual cortex is not a static processor of physical features, but is instead constantly shaped by perceptual experience. It remains unclear, however, to what extent the cortical representation of many fundamental features, including visual field location, is malleable by experience. Using EEG and an aversive classical conditioning paradigm, we observed sharpening of visuocortical responses to stimuli appearing at aversively associated locations along with location-selective facilitation of response systems indexed by pupil diameter and EEG alpha power. These findings highlight the experience-dependent flexibility of retinotopic spatial representations in visual cortex, opening avenues toward novel treatment targets in disorders of attention and spatial cognition.  相似文献   

By using multiple-unit recording techniques, we explored the visual responsiveness of regions of cortex in and around the area described by others as the cat's "frontal eye fields" (Schlag J, Schlag-Rey M [1970] Brain Res 22:1-13; Guitton D, Mandl G [1978] Brain Res 149:295-312; Pigarev IN [1984] Neirofiziologiia 16:761-766). Our exploration included most of the cat's motor areas (subdivisions of areas 4 and 6) as well as prefrontal and prelimbic regions. Visual responses were routinely obtained from portions of each of the areas we explored, including prefrontal and prelimbic cortex. The qualitative characteristics of visual responses appeared to vary with cytoarchitectonic area. With few exceptions, receptive fields in these areas were large (most exceeding 2,500 deg2) and included the area centralis. Such large fields and inclusion of central vision at nearly all sites precluded retinotopic organization and prevented delineating distinct visual field representations. The most reliable and robust visual activity was observed on the ventral bank of the cruciate sulcus in area 6aalpha. The regions reported to correspond to the "frontal eye fields" did not exhibit any unique visual properties that distinguished them from surrounding areas. The widespread distribution of visually driven activity we observed is consistent with the known pattern of both cortical and subcortical inputs to this broad region of cortex. The observation of visually responsive activity across broad regions of cortex that is nominally motor is consistent with recent studies involving awake animals.  相似文献   

Patterns of thalamocortical connections were related to architectonically defined subdivisions of the pulvinar complex and the dorsolateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) in tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri). Tree shrews are of special interest because they are considered close relatives of primates, and they have a highly developed visual system. Several distinguishable tracers were injected within and across cortical visual areas in individual tree shrews in order to reveal retinotopic patterns and cortical targets of subdivisions of the pulvinar. The results indicate that each of the three architectonic regions of the pulvinar has a distinctive pattern of cortical connections and that one of these divisions is further divided into two regions with different patterns of connections. Two of the pulvinar nuclei have similar retinotopic patterns of projections to caudal visual cortex. The large central nucleus of the pulvinar (Pc) projects to the first and second visual areas, V1 and V2, and an adjoining temporal dorsal area (TD) in retinotopic patterns indicating that the upper visual quadrant is represented dorsal to the lower quadrant in Pc. The smaller ventral nucleus (Pv) which stains darkly for the Cat-301 antigen, projects to these same cortical areas, with a retinotopic pattern. Pv also projects to a temporal anterior area, TA. The dorsal nucleus (Pd), which densely expresses AChE, projects to posterior and ventral areas of temporal extrastriate cortex, areas TP and TPI. A posterior nucleus, Pp, projects to anterior areas TAL and TI, of the temporal lobe, as well as TPI. Injections in different cortical areas as much as 6 mm apart labeled overlapping zones in Pp and double-labeled some cells. These results indicate that the visual pulvinar of tree shrews contains at least four functionally distinct subdivisions, or nuclei. In addition, the cortical injections revealed that the LGN projects topographically and densely to V1 and that a significant number of LGN neurons project to V2 and TD.  相似文献   

We have mapped out the ectosylvian visual area (EVA) of the cat in a series of single- and multiunit recording studies. EVA occupies 10-20 mm2 of cortex at the posterior end of the horizontal limb of the anterior ectosylvian sulcus. EVA borders on somatosensory cortex anteriorly, auditory cortex posteriorly, and nonresponsive cortex laterally. EVA exhibits limited retinotopic organization, as indicated by the fact that receptive fields shift gradually with tangential travel of the microelectrode through cortex. However, a point-to-point representation of the complete visual hemifield is not present. We have characterized the afferent and efferent connections of EVA by placing retrograde and anterograde tracer deposits in EVA and in other cortical visual areas. The strongest transcortical fiber projection to EVA arises in the lateral suprasylvian visual areas. Area 20, the granular insula, and perirhinal cortex provide additional sparse afferents. The projection from lateral suprasylvian cortex to EVA arises predominantly in layer 3 and terminates in layer 4. EVA projects reciprocally to all cortical areas from which it receives input. The projection from EVA to the lateral suprasylvian areas arises predominantly in layers 5 and 6 and terminates in layer 1. EVA is linked reciprocally to a thalamic zone encompassing the lateromedial-suprageniculate complex and the adjacent medial subdivision of the latero-posterior nucleus. We conclude that EVA is an exclusively visual area confined to the anterior ectosylvian sulcus and bounded by nonvisual cortex. EVA is distinguished from other visual areas by its physical isolation from those areas, by its lack of consistent global retinotopic organization, and by its placement at the end of a chain of areas through which information flows outward from the primary visual cortex.  相似文献   

The successful integration of visual and auditory stimuli requires information about whether visual and auditory signals originate from corresponding places in the external world. Here we report crossmodal effects of spatially congruent and incongruent audio-visual (AV) stimulation. Visual and auditory stimuli were presented from one of four horizontal locations in external space. Seven healthy human subjects had to assess the spatial fit of a visual stimulus (i.e. a gray-scaled picture of a cartoon dog) and a simultaneously presented auditory stimulus (i.e. a barking sound). Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) revealed two distinct networks of cortical regions that processed preferentially either spatially congruent or spatially incongruent AV stimuli. Whereas earlier visual areas responded preferentially to incongruent AV stimulation, higher visual areas of the temporal and parietal cortex (left inferior temporal gyrus [ITG], right posterior superior temporal gyrus/sulcus [pSTG/STS], left intra-parietal sulcus [IPS]) and frontal regions (left pre-central gyrus [PreCG], left dorsolateral pre-frontal cortex [DLPFC]) responded preferentially to congruent AV stimulation. A position-resolved analysis revealed three robust cortical representations for each of the four visual stimulus locations in retinotopic visual regions corresponding to the representation of the horizontal meridian in area V1 and at the dorsal and ventral borders between areas V2 and V3. While these regions of interest (ROIs) did not show any significant effect of spatial congruency, we found subregions within ROIs in the right hemisphere that showed an incongruency effect (i.e. an increased fMRI signal during spatially incongruent compared to congruent AV stimulation). We interpret this finding as a correlate of spatially distributed recurrent feedback during mismatch processing: whenever a spatial mismatch is detected in multisensory regions (such as the IPS), processing resources are re-directed to low-level visual areas.  相似文献   

Cone photoreceptors are less sensitive to light and the duration of their photoresponse is shorter than that of rods. In salamander rods and cones, we identified 3 components in membrane currents activated by bright flashes of light: an early receptor current (ERC) resulting from charge displacement within visual pigments, a saturation photocurrent generated by the closure of the cGMP-sensitive channels, and a putative Na-Ca exchanger current. The time courses of both the ERC and the onset of the saturation photocurrent were similar in rods and cones. The putative Na-Ca exchanger current, on the other hand, is 4- to 8-fold faster in cones. The onset of the saturation photocurrent consisted of a delay followed by a fast relaxation with an exponential time course. In both photoreceptor types the delay and the time course of the fast relaxation are dependent on light intensity and reach a limiting value when about 1% of the photopigment is bleached. The limiting value of the delay, about 8 msec, and of the relaxation time constant, about 2 msec, are nearly identical in rods and cones. The near identity of these parameters implies that at least 2 kinetic steps in the activation response of rods and cones are quantitatively similar. These findings suggest that the functional differences between rods and cones may arise from disparities in the processes that restore the components of the phototransduction cascade to their dark level and not from differences in the activation processes.  相似文献   

Pathways from a variety of structures to the largest of the cat's suprasylvian visual areas, the Clare-Bishop area, were found to patchy. These inputs arose from the lateral geniculate complex, from area 18, from area 19, and, as noted by Montero (Brain Behav. Evol. 18:194-218, '81), from area 17. The Clare-Bishop area was previously delineated on the basis of its uniform pattern of connections with cortex and thalamus (Sherk: J. Comp. Neurol. 247:1-31, '86) and found to incorporate pieces of several retinotopically defined areas (Tusa, Palmer, Rosenquist: Cortical Sensory Organization. Vol 2. Multiple Visual Areas. Clifton, NJ: Humana Press, pp. 1-31, '81). However, since individual patches did not correspond to particular retinotopically defined areas, other explanations of afferent patchiness were sought. An obvious question is whether the patches originating from different sources are systematically related to each other. Two hypotheses were considered. First, different inputs--for example, from the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and from area 17--might terminate in intermingled but mutually exclusive zones in the Clare-Bishop area. Second, multiple patches of input might reflect duplicate representations of the corresponding visual field segment in the Clare-Bishop area. Both hypotheses were tested by injecting the lateral geniculate complex and either area 17 or area 19 with different anterograde tracers. In each case the two injections involved regions of the visual field that coincided to some degree, ranging from near-total overlap to almost complete exclusion. The first hypothesis predicted that the different labels in the Clare-Bishop area would never be found to overlap, while the second hypothesis predicted that when injections were closely matched retinotopically, there would be extensive overlap between patches. The results supported the second hypothesis: the better the retinotopic match between injections, the greater the overlap found between labeled geniculate and cortical input in the Clare-Bishop area. However, the multiplicity of patches seen in some experiments, and the close spacing between some patches, suggested that an additional, nonretinotopic mechanism also contributes to patchiness in the projections to the Clare-Bishop area.  相似文献   

The primary visual cortex (V1) has been the target of stimulation in a number of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) studies. In this study, we estimated the actual sites of stimulation by modeling the cortical location of the TMS-induced electric field when participants reported visual phosphenes or scotomas. First, individual retinotopic areas were identified by multifocal functional magnetic resonance imaging (mffMRI). Second, during the TMS stimulation, the cortical stimulation sites were derived from electric field modeling. When an external anatomical landmark for V1 was used (2 cm above inion), the cortical stimulation landed in various functional areas in different individuals, the dorsal V2 being the most affected area at the group level. When V1 was specifically targeted based on the individual mffMRI data, V1 could be selectively stimulated in half of the participants. In the rest, the selective stimulation of V1 was obstructed by the intermediate position of the dorsal V2. We conclude that the selective stimulation of V1 is possible only if V1 happens to be favorably located in the individual anatomy. Selective and successful targeting of TMS pulses to V1 requires MRI-navigated stimulation, selection of participants and coil positions based on detailed retinotopic maps of individual functional anatomy, and computational modeling of the TMS-induced electric field distribution in the visual cortex. It remains to be resolved whether even more selective stimulation of V1 could be achieved by adjusting the coil orientation according to sulcal orientation of the target site.  相似文献   

Higher visual areas in the occipitotemporal cortex contain discrete regions for face processing, but it remains unclear if V1 is modulated by top‐down influences during face discrimination, and if this is widespread throughout V1 or localized to retinotopic regions processing task‐relevant facial features. Employing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we mapped the cortical representation of two feature locations that modulate higher visual areas during categorical judgements – the eyes and mouth. Subjects were presented with happy and fearful faces, and we measured the fMRI signal of V1 regions processing the eyes and mouth whilst subjects engaged in gender and expression categorization tasks. In a univariate analysis, we used a region‐of‐interest‐based general linear model approach to reveal changes in activation within these regions as a function of task. We then trained a linear pattern classifier to classify facial expression or gender on the basis of V1 data from ‘eye’ and ‘mouth’ regions, and from the remaining non‐diagnostic V1 region. Using multivariate techniques, we show that V1 activity discriminates face categories both in local ‘diagnostic’ and widespread ‘non‐diagnostic’ cortical subregions. This indicates that V1 might receive the processed outcome of complex facial feature analysis from other cortical (i.e. fusiform face area, occipital face area) or subcortical areas (amygdala).  相似文献   

Although the ability to recognize faces and objects from a variety of viewpoints is crucial to our everyday behavior, the underlying cortical mechanisms are not well understood. Recently, neurons in a face-selective region of the monkey temporal cortex were reported to be selective for mirror-symmetric viewing angles of faces as they were rotated in depth (Freiwald and Tsao, 2010). This property has been suggested to constitute a key computational step in achieving full view-invariance. Here, we measured functional magnetic resonance imaging activity in nine observers as they viewed upright or inverted faces presented at five different angles (-60, -30, 0, 30, and 60°). Using multivariate pattern analysis, we show that sensitivity to viewpoint mirror symmetry is widespread in the human visual system. The effect was observed in a large band of higher order visual areas, including the occipital face area, fusiform face area, lateral occipital cortex, mid fusiform, parahippocampal place area, and extending superiorly to encompass dorsal regions V3A/B and the posterior intraparietal sulcus. In contrast, early retinotopic regions V1-hV4 failed to exhibit sensitivity to viewpoint symmetry, as their responses could be largely explained by a computational model of low-level visual similarity. Our findings suggest that selectivity for mirror-symmetric viewing angles may constitute an intermediate-level processing step shared across multiple higher order areas of the ventral and dorsal streams, setting the stage for complete viewpoint-invariant representations at subsequent levels of visual processing.  相似文献   

Neuronal activity plays an important role in the development and structural–functional maintenance of the brain as well as in its life‐long plastic response to changes in sensory stimulation. We characterized the impact of unilateral 15° laser lesions in the temporal lower visual field of the retina, on visually driven neuronal activity in the afferent visual pathway of adult mice using in situ hybridization for the activity reporter gene zif268. In the first days post‐lesion, we detected a discrete zone of reduced zif268 expression in the contralateral hemisphere, spanning the border between the monocular segment of the primary visual cortex (V1) with extrastriate visual area V2M. We could not detect a clear lesion projection zone (LPZ) in areas lateral to V1 whereas medial to V2M, agranular and granular retrosplenial cortex showed decreased zif268 levels over their full extent. All affected areas displayed a return to normal zif268 levels, and this was faster in higher order visual areas than in V1. The lesion did, however, induce a permanent LPZ in the retinorecipient layers of the superior colliculus. We identified a retinotopy‐based intrinsic capacity of adult mouse visual cortex to recover from restricted vision loss, with recovery speed reflecting the areal cortical magnification factor. Our observations predict incomplete visual field representations for areas lateral to V1 vs. lack of retinotopic organization for areas medial to V2M. The validation of this mouse model paves the way for future interrogations of cortical region‐ and cell‐type‐specific contributions to functional recovery, up to microcircuit level.  相似文献   

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