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Stroke is an acute cerebrovascular disease caused by ruptured or blocked blood vessels.For the prevention of ischemic stroke,the coagulation state of blood and cerebrovascular protection should be considered.Our previous study has shown that salvianolic acid A(SAA),which is a water-soluble component from the root of Salvia Miltiorrhiza Bge,prevents thrombosis with a mild inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation.In this study we investigated the preventive effects of SAA on cerebrovascular endothelial injury caused by ischemia in vivo and oxygen-glucose deprivation(OGD)in vitro,and explored the underlying mechanisms.An autologous thrombus stroke model was established in SD rats by electrocoagulation.SAA(10 mg/kg)was orally administered twice a day for 5 days before the operation.The rats were sacrificed at 24 h after the operation.We showed that pretreatment with SAA significantly improved the neurological deficits,intracerebral hemorrhage,BBB disruption,and vascular endothelial dysfunction as compared with model group.In human brain microvascular endothelial cells(HBMECs),pretreatment with SAA(10μM)significantly inhibited OGD-induced cell viability reduction and degradation of tight junction proteins(ZO-1,occludin,claudin-5).Furthermore,we found that SAA inhibited the upregulation of Src signaling pathway in vivo and vitro and reversed the increased expression of matrix metalloproteinases(MMPs)after ischemic stroke.In conclusion,our results suggest that SAA protects cerebrovascular endothelial cells against ischemia and OGD injury via suppressing Src signaling pathway.These findings show that pretreatment with SAA is a potential therapeutic strategy for the prevention of ischemic stroke.  相似文献   

王刚 《现代医药卫生》2008,24(7):1029-1029
鼻出血是病理条件下人体最多见的出血[1],是耳鼻喉科最常见的急症,老年人常患高血压、动脉硬化及伴各个器官不同程度的功能衰退,而且多数患者恐惧死亡引起精神紧张,了解老年人生理及心理特点,提高防范,快速有效施治非常必要,现将我院2004年1月~2006年12月诊治的严重老年人鼻出血38例总结如下。  相似文献   

通过参考2007年1~11月医药行业统计数据,对全国医药行业经济运行情况进行了分析。结果显示,全国医药行业生产、销售保持快速增长,但产销率下降,出口增速减缓。虽然成本费用在提升,但经济效益出现了大幅度提升。  相似文献   

目的:评价在常温和0℃下存放的苯扎溴铵(新沽尔灭)的杀茵效果.方法:采用厂家3个批号的苯扎溴铵,分别于常温和0℃下存放24 h.稀释成1:50浓度后,将3种标准菌株置于其中,分别在作用5,10,15,30,60,120 min后取出药液,倾入培养基,置35℃培养箱培养48 h,观察菌株的存活情况.结果:经两种温度、不同时间的菌株培养结果观察,苯扎溴铵的杀菌效果一致,均能快速杀灭3种标准菌株.结论:苯扎溴铵消毒液保存在0℃下,不影响其杀菌效力,只要在保质期内,结冰的消毒液仍可使用,其性能稳定.  相似文献   

狂犬病诊治进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人类的狂犬病是一种中枢神经系统病毒感染性疾病,常由患狂犬病动物的唾液污染伤口而传染;一旦出现症状,病人基本上100%死亡,从狂犬病后康复的病例极为罕见,仅有3例报道。临床表现为特有的恐水怕风、咽肌痉挛、进行性瘫痪等。狂犬病在87个国家有流行,主要流行于东南亚、非洲及拉  相似文献   

和黄 《上海医药》2008,29(4):188-189
冠心病在社区中是老年人群最常见的慢性疾病之一,如何来采取行动,以减慢和抑制这一慢性病上升的趋势已成为当务之急. 由中国医师协会和上海和黄药业共同发起的"心希望工程",自2007年3月正式启动以来,已在北京、上海以及浙江、江苏、广东、辽宁、山东等地的大、中城市取得了良好的社会反响.  相似文献   

5月12日,四川省汶川地区发生强烈地震以后,作为国家战备药品储备基地、军队战备药材代储企业的上海市医药股份有限公司,在国家重大突发事件面前,表现出高度的社会责任感,迅速启动了药品应急供应绿色通道,截至5月13日下午4点,已经送出第一批急救药品887件,并向上海市红十字会捐赠急救药品(价值人民币87.48万元).  相似文献   

鞠冉 《首都医药》2008,15(7):48-48
乔治·海德姆有了中国名儿 乔治·海德姆1910年9月生于美国纽约州水牛城一个阿拉伯移民家庭,祖籍黎巴嫩.他的父亲是个工人.乔治·海德姆靠奖学金资助完成了学业.1933年,23岁的他毕业于瑞士日内瓦医科大学,并获博士学位.受时代的影响,他毕业后就来到中国,结识了宋庆龄等人,因此得以在1936年和斯诺一起来到陕北.  相似文献   

杰出的社会活动家、著名爱国人士、香港知名实业家、全国政协副主席霍英东先生于2006年10月28日在北京逝世,享年83岁.霍英东先生生前与癌症斗争了23年多,他的精神值得大家学习.霍英东先生是香港著名的大企业家,他热爱祖国,乐善好施,经常慷慨捐资救灾或为国家、社会、民众办好事和实事.  相似文献   

Midbrain dopaminergic(DA)neurons are governed by an endogenous cholinergic system,originated in the mesopontine nuclei.Nicotine hijacks nicotinic acetylcholine receptors(nAChRs)and interferes with physiological function of the cholinergic system.In this review,we describe the anatomical organization of the cholinergic system and the key nAChR subtypes mediating cholinergic regulation of DA transmission and nicotine reward and dependence,in an effort to identify potential targets for smoking intervention.Cholinergic modulation of midbrain DA systems relies on topographic organization of mesopontine cholinergic projections,and activation of nAChRs in midbrain DA neurons.Previous studies have revealed thatα4,α6,andβ2 subunit-containing nAChRs expressed in midbrain DA neurons and their terminals in the striatum regulatefirings of midbrain DA neurons and activity-dependent dopamine release in the striatum.These nAChRs undergo modification upon chronic nicotine exposure.Clinical investigation has demonstrated that partial agonists of these receptors elevate the success rate of smoking cessation relative to placebo.However,further investigations are required to refine the drug targets to mitigate unpleasant side-effects.  相似文献   

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