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近年来英国将卫生服务与社会服务体系进行整合,各地在对整合型保健进行探索与试点过程中产生了一些典型做法,并取得了较为明显的成效。本文主要通过现场观察与深度访谈的定性研究方法,以英国牛津郡对整合型保健服务的探索为典型案例,对其精神卫生服务保健方案以及社区急诊多学科团队的服务方式进行了分析。研究认为英国整合型保健将初级卫生保健和社区卫生服务作为卫生体系的核心,与其他社会服务进行整合,其多学科服务团队、整合型的服务路径、个性化服务方案、强调病人参与和自主等做法为我国医改过程中卫生服务体系的改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目的:分析北京市医药分开和医耗联动综合改革对不同级别医疗机构体现医务人员技术劳务价值收入部分的影响。方法:利用参与北京市医药分开和医耗联动综合改革363家公立医疗机构2016年1月—2019年12月的监测数据,采用描述性分析结合多重间断时间序列模型,对改革前后不同级别医疗机构技术劳务收入及其占比的变化情况进行分析。结果:医药分开综合改革实施后,三级医院、二级医院、一级医院及社区的技术劳务收入较改革前分别增长了105.4%、119.7%和318.3%,其占比分别增长了5.91、6.44和5.87个百分点;医耗联动综合改革实施后,三级医院、二级医院、一级医院及社区技术劳务收入较改革前分别增长了26.2%、18.3%和11.6%,其占比分别增长了2.31、2.03和0.84个百分点。结论:北京市两项公立医院综合改革的实施有效促进了各级别医疗机构技术劳务收入的增长,医疗费用结构得到优化。建议进一步建立科学合理的医疗服务价格定价及动态调整机制,加强对基层医疗机构的重视,健全医疗服务行为监管体系。  相似文献   

Switzerland has a mixed public and private healthcare system. All citizens are enrolled in compulsory basic health insurance. A 1996 law allows people to choose among different sickness funds and managed care plans. The federal government is empowered to act on important health issues, but the 26 cantons have prime responsibility in health care and social welfare. They have their own laws on health care, hygiene, hospitals, and social welfare. These laws are not harmonized. The system is complex, with a mix of public (mainly hospitals) and private (mainly doctors' offices) providers. The health services are decentralized. Ambulatory care was traditionally provided in doctors' offices, but the last decade has seen the development of centers for day surgery, group practices, and managed care plans. Decisions on placement, location, and extension of services are decentralized. The payment system is very complex. Current trends include global budgets, cost analyses, and prices related to patient categories. However, coverage policy is developed centrally and includes both traditionally established services and new technologies. New technologies are added to the list only after evaluation by the Federal Coverage Committee. The coverage process integrates health technology assessment (HTA). Coverage can be granted in stages, including limited coverage and temporary coverage. Technologies and coverage can be reevaluated on the basis of registries or assessment information. The structure of the Swiss healthcare system does not lend itself to the establishment of a national HTA program. However, recent moves include the development of a coordinating mechanism for HTA in Switzerland.  相似文献   

Neoliberal reforms lead to deep changes in healthcare systems around the world, on account of their emphasis on free market rather than the right to health. People with disabilities can be particularly disadvantaged by such reforms, due to their increased healthcare needs and lower socioeconomic status. In this article, we analyse the impacts of neoliberal reforms on access to healthcare for disabled people. This article is based on a critical analytical review of the literature and on two case studies, Chile and Greece. Chile was among the first countries to introduce neoliberal reforms in the health sector, which led to health inequalities and stratification of healthcare services. Greece is one of the most recent examples of countries that have carried out extensive changes in healthcare, which have resulted in a deterioration of the quality of healthcare services. Through a review of the policies performed in these two countries, we propose that the pathways that affect access to healthcare for disabled people include: a) Policies directly or indirectly targeting healthcare, affecting the entire population, including disabled people; and b) Policies affecting socioeconomic determinants, directly or indirectly targeting disabled people, and indirectly impacting access to healthcare. The power differentials produced through neoliberal policies that focus on economic rather than human rights indicators, can lead to a category of disempowered people, whose health needs are subordinated to the markets. The effects of this range from catastrophic out-of-pocket payments to compromised access to healthcare. Neoliberal reforms can be seen as a form of structural violence, disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable parts of the population – such as people with disabilities – and curtailing access to basic rights, such as healthcare.  相似文献   

我国公立医院的功能运行状况与改革进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过多年的发展,我国公立医院的服务能力逐步提高,服务功能不断完善,提供了大量的门诊、住院及疑难杂症和危重症诊治服务,承担公共卫生服务、应对突发公共卫生事件、医学教育和科研、对口支援贫困地区基层卫生机构等具有社会功能性质的任务。但我国公立医院在运行中也出现一些问题,如应有的功能和责任履行不到位,布局、规模和结构不尽合理,职工收入与经济效益挂钩,负债经营现象普遍等。为促进我国公立医院良性发展,近年来进行了一系列改革探索,并取得了部分进展,主要包括:1)决策权的变革,主要体现在扩大人员聘用自主权和薪酬分配自主权;2)筹资领域实行融资改革;3)市场环境方面,进行支付方式的改革和对医院支持系统进行社会化改革;4)治理模式改革方面,政府通过任命医院领导团队实施管制;实施新型治理模式的改革,如建立医院管理中心和医院管理理事会,实施“管办分开”等;建立医院集团、推进功能整合等治理模式。  相似文献   

医保支付制度改革已经成为医改的重要内容,而推行总额预付制是主要的改革方式。本文以北京市4家总额预付试点医院的数据为例,重点从医疗服务量、次均医药费用、总费用、医疗费用结构、平均住院日、医保病人自付比例6个方面的变化分析实施总额预付制后的效果和影响,为进一步完善总额预付制提供参考。  相似文献   

Many governments are trying to invent new types of 'internal' healthcare market that will expose health services to competitive pressures to innovate, contain costs, raise service quality, and respond better to consumer demands; but not expose them to 'market failures' which prejudice universal access to 'basic' health services. Policy debates in this area are muddled and constricted by a failure to differentiate the variants of internal market that are available. This article outlines a taxonomy of the main types of internal market: primary doctor purchasing; managed competition; competitive bidding; social insurance; and compulsory private insurance. It notes their main structural characteristics and differences. Although internal market reforms have been intended to support the commercialization of healthcare, the idea of designing new types of economic structure to avoid market failure in healthcare has wider and more radical implications than most policy-makers intend.  相似文献   

The economic and fiscal crisis of 2008 has erupted into the debate on the sustainability of health systems; some countries, such as Spain, have implemented strong policies of fiscal consolidation and austerity. The institutional framework and governance model of the national health system (NHS) after its devolution to regions in 2002 had significant weaknesses, which were not apparent in the rapid growth stage but which have been clearly visible since 2010. In this article, we describe the changes in government regulation from the national and NHS perspective: both general changes (clearly prompted by the economic authorities), and those more specifically addressed to healthcare. The Royal Decree-Law 16/2012 represents the centerpiece of austerity policies in healthcare but also implies a rupture with existing political consensus and a return to social security models. Our characterization of austerity in healthcare explores impacts on savings, services, and on the healthcare model itself, although the available information only allows some indications. The conclusions highlight the need to change the path of linear, rapid and radical budget cuts, providing a time-frame for implementing key reforms in terms of internal sustainability; to do so, it is appropriate to restore political and institutional consensus, to emphasize «clinical management» and divestment of inappropriate services (approach to the medical profession and its role as micro-manager), and to create frameworks of good governance and organizational innovations that support these structural reforms.  相似文献   

为应对老龄化和医疗卫生服务体系碎片化等挑战,许多国家和地区开展了不同内容和形式的医疗卫生服务体系整合改革,内容上主要包括服务提供、治理机制、组织管理和筹资支付等方面,形式上可分为水平和垂直整合、虚拟和实体整合等模式。新医改以来,我国一些地方,尤其是公立医院改革试点城市,在医疗卫生服务体系整合方面进行了改革实践。这些做法各有特点,主要有政府主导是目前整合的主要改革动因;以技术为纽带的虚拟整合简便易行,形式灵活;委托管理或联合体式的整合涉及资产的管理,一体化程度较高;联合兼并式的实体整合具有更强的资源配置能力。但目前我国医疗卫生服务体系整合还存在诸多障碍,如政府分级管理体制、公立医院单体扩张需求、公立医院与基层医疗卫生服务机构衔接、患者自由流动意愿与医保自由就医政策等。应对的主要策略有,注重发挥政府行政调控与市场机制结合的双重作用,因地制宜、循序渐进推动整合,通过改革支付制度等多种方式建立激励机制,有赖于公立医院改革的进一步深化等。  相似文献   

Governments all over the world are getting increasingly concerned about their ability to meet their social obligations in the health sector. In this paper, we discuss the design and development of a management information system (MIS) to plan and monitor the delivery of healthcare services in government hospitals in India. Our MIS design is based on an understanding of the working of several municipal, district, and state government hospitals. In order to understand the magnitude and complexity of various issues faced by the government hospitals, we analyze the working of three large tertiary care hospitals administered by the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation. The hospital managers are very concerned about the lack of hospital infrastructure and resources to provide a satisfactory level of service. Equally concerned are the government administrators who have limited financial resources to offer healthcare services at subsidized rates. A comprehensive hospital MIS is thus necessary to plan and monitor the delivery of hospital services efficiently and effectively.  相似文献   

Although health care reforms have been implemented in both developed and developing countries since the 1980s, there has been little discussion of the historical, social and political contexts in which such reforms have taken place. Health care reforms in developing countries, for instance, have been an integral component of structural adjustment policies, yet scant attention has been paid to these connections nor to their implications. The basic assumptions behind the reforms, and in particular, the ideological underpinnings of health care reorganization, need to be taken into account when considering long-term strategies and policies to provide health services in developing countries.  相似文献   

论新形势下医院门急诊的地位与作用   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
随着我国卫生体制改革的不断深入和社区卫生保健服务的深入开展,医院门急诊功能与地位受到挑战。从目前我国国情来看,医院门急诊工作仍占有举足轻重的位置。它应转换职能,加强院前急救、重症监护、群体保健,拓宽服务,扩大经济收入渠道,主要适应社区卫生保健服务改革的发展。  相似文献   

In 1993, responding to a $5.7 billion deficit among the country's third-party payers, the German parliament imposed mandatory global budgets for physician, hospital, dental, and pharmaceutical services. Although Germany had been able to maintain health spending at a lower rate than the United States, an excessive supply of health resources was beginning to drive prices higher. During the three years the global budgets are in place, German third-party payers (the "sickness funds") and providers will implement several fundamental reforms. These include: Reducing excessive supply of specialists Constraining the acquisition and utilization of expensive medical technologies Reducing the annual number of physician visits per person Reducing average hospital length of stay Integrating community- and hospital-based physician services Reducing payroll deductions for mandated benefits The 1993 reforms also impose a budgetary cap at the 1991 expenditure level for drugs prescribed by community-based physicians. In addition, the reforms call for the implementation of community-rated premiums and stipulate that Germans be able to select their sickness fund each year. Although the reforms make important changes, they leave the basic German healthcare system intact. It is difficult to imagine, moreover, that any of the reforms being implemented will in the foreseeable future place any major element of the health system in serious financial peril; in fact, they will help preserve the system.  相似文献   

The Belgian healthcare system has a Bismarck-type compulsory health insurance, covering almost the entire population, combined with private provision of care. Providers are public health services, independent pharmacists, independent ambulatory care professionals, and hospitals and geriatric care facilities. Healthcare responsibilities are shared between the national Ministries of Public Health and Social Affairs, and the Dutch-, French-, and German-speaking Community Ministries of Health. The national ministries are responsible for sickness and disability insurance, financing, determination of accreditation criteria for hospitals and heavy medical care units, and construction of new hospitals. The six sickness and disability insurance funds are responsible for reimbursing health service benefits and paying disability benefits. The system's strength is that care is highly accessible and responsive to patients. However, the healthcare system's size remained relatively uncontrolled until recently, there is an excess supply of certain types of care, and there is a large number of small hospitals. The national government created a legal framework to modernize the insurance system to control budgetary deficits. Measures for reducing healthcare expenditures include regulating healthcare supply, healthcare evaluation, medical practice organization, and hospital budgets. The need to control healthcare facilities and quality of care in hospitals led to formal procedures for opening hospitals, acquiring expensive medical equipment, and developing highly specialized services. Reforms in payment and regulation are being considered. Health technology assessment (HTA) has played little part in the reforms so far. Belgium has no formal national program for HTA. The future of HTA in Belgium depends on a changing perception by providers and policy makers that health care needs a stronger scientific base.  相似文献   

少子老龄化是我国学术界和政策制定者共同关注的问题,少子老龄化带来的健康需求、疾病谱的变化以及代际失衡问题,对医疗保险筹资和服务提供模式提出了新的要求和挑战。20世纪90年代以来,日本面临少子老龄化和经济低迷的双重挑战,一直在进行卫生服务提供和社会保障制度改革,本文将系统梳理日本医疗保障应对老龄化的改革历程,根据世界卫生组织的卫生系统框架和协同理论,从政府治理、多层次保障、筹资与支付、基金预算与卫生资源、整合型服务等方面总结日本医疗保障和卫生体系的变革给我国带来的启示,为我国完善卫生服务和医疗保障体系,走向健康老龄化提供参考。  相似文献   

The Danish healthcare services are mainly provided by public sector institutions. The system is highly decentralized. The state has little direct influence on the provision of healthcare services. State influence is exercised through legislation and budget allocations. The main task of the state is to initiate, coordinate, and advise. Counties, which run the hospitals, also decide on the placement of services. The hospital sector is controlled within the framework of legislation and global budgets. General practitioners occupy a central position in the Danish healthcare sector, acting as gatekeepers to the rest of the system. The system works well, and its structure has resulted in steady costs of health care for a long period. There is no regulatory mechanism in the Danish health services requiring use of health technology assessment (HTA) as a basis for policy decisions, planning, or administrative procedures. However, since the late 1970s a number of comprehensive assessments of health technology have formed the basis for national health policy decisions. In 1997, after years of public criticism of the quality of hospital care and health technologies, and on the basis of a previously developed national HTA strategy, a national institute for HTA (DIHTA) was established. There seems to be a growing awareness of evidence-based healthcare among health professionals and a general acceptance of health economic analyses as a basis for health policy decision making. This progress is coupled with growing regional HTA activity in the health services. HTA seems to have a bright future in Denmark.  相似文献   

In Ireland long waits for public hospital services are a feature of the healthcare system, with limited evidence that waits for private hospital services (delivered in both public and private hospitals) are shorter. In 2008, in an attempt to ensure more equitable access to hospital-based services, a ‘common waiting list’ for all patients within public hospitals was proposed. The aim of this paper is to analyse waiting times in Ireland for hospital services for patients with and without private health insurance (PHI) and to examine whether the 2008 reform reduced the differential in waiting. The analysis used data from the 2007 and 2010 health module of the Quarterly National Household survey (QNHS). The impact of insurance status on waiting times was analysed for the period before and after the reforms. A higher proportion of those without PHI were waiting more than three months for hospital services relative to those with PHI. There was no evidence that the 2008 reforms reduced the differential. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the proposals were not fully implemented, although expansion of capacity for private patients’ treatment in private hospitals is a possible confounding factor.  相似文献   

积极探索医疗改革的新思路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了近年来医疗机构运行出现的新特点,即《中共中央,国务院关于卫生改革与发展的决定》实施后,大医院在国家重点扶持和技术优势的作用下,困难有所缓解;农村基层卫生机构由于国家投入的重点倾斜,合作医疗制度的重建和乡村两级卫生机构一体化的推行,困难也开始减轻,唯独处在中间层次的医院和一些企业医院的困难没有改善。  相似文献   

The Canadians have been impressive in delivering universal healthcare access and high-quality care. Operating under global budgets set by provincial governments, Canadian hospitals have prudently managed available resources to meet community needs. A weakness of this single-payer system, however, is its inability to effectively coordinate and integrate services delivered by hospitals, physicians, and other providers. As the U.S. health system faces stringent cost containment with President Bill Clinton's proposal, significant savings are expected of U.S. hospitals. New alliances constrained by global budgets might require healthcare services managers to operate under a disparate set of assumptions and incentives. Before making such a transition, we can learn from the experiences of our Canadian colleagues. The challenges for both nations in the remaining years of this century will be drawn primarily from the effective macromanagement controls of the Canadian system and the lessons being learned from the U.S. managed care networks. This will occur as each nation strives to provide a more effective, less costly, integrated delivery of healthcare services.  相似文献   

Health and social services have been subjected to many changes over the past decade. Legislative reforms in the National Health Service (NHS), the implementation of policies for care in the community, and the transfer of funding for social care have given Local Authorities the lead role in the assessment of need and development of a mixed economy of care. The challenge for the organization and management of health social work is how to adjust to the change, whilst ensuring that increased choices are made available to users. It raises questions as to whether the reforms will provide a real opportunity for innovation or lead to a different form of rationing of services—a ‘top-down’, imposed, technocratic solution to reducing public spending. This paper presents the findings of an exploratory research study which considers the effect of organizational change on the provision of hospital-based social-work services to adults with health and social care needs in four Local Authorities in England. Local Authorities have responded differently; some have integrated care management within a social-work perspective; others have moved towards employing care managers who need not be qualified social workers. Change is proceeding slowly, not surprisingly, for none has been wholeheartedly enthusiastic. This paper examines the limited evidence on how social-work managers and practitioners are meeting the changes imposed upon them. Managers are more optimistic and see the changes as challenging, offering opportunities for acquiring new knowledge and different skills; workers are more pessimistic, fearing that preventive, professional practice will be eroded, disempowering users. Both are in agreement that the process has been stressful and that the practice of social work in hospitals has changed.  相似文献   

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