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The IPCS Human Relevance Framework was evaluated for a DNA-reactive (genotoxic) carcinogen, 4-aminobiphenyl, based on a wealth of data in animals and humans. The mode of action involves metabolic activation by N-hydroxylation, followed by N-esterification leading to the formation of a reactive electrophile, which binds covalently to DNA, principally to deoxyguanosine, leading to an increased rate of DNA mutations and ultimately to the development of cancer. In humans and dogs, the urinary bladder urothelium is the target organ, whereas in mice it is the bladder and liver; in other species, other tissues can be involved. Differences in organ specificity are thought to be due to differences in metabolic activation versus inactivation. Based on qualitative and quantitative considerations, the mode of action is possible in humans. Other biological processes, such as toxicity and regenerative proliferation, can significantly influence the dose response of 4-aminobiphenyl-induced tumors. Based on the IPCS Human Relevance Framework, 4-aminobiphenyl would be predicted to be a carcinogen in humans, and this is corroborated by extensive epidemiologic evidence. The IPCA Human Relevance Framework is useful in evaluating DNA-reactive carcinogens.  相似文献   

Thiazopyr increases the incidence of male rat thyroid follicular-cell tumors; however, it is not carcinogenic in mice. Thiazopyr is not genotoxic. Thiazopyr exerts its carcinogenic effect on the rat thyroid gland secondary to enhanced metabolism of thyroxin leading to hormone imbalance. The relevance of these rat tumors to human health was assessed by using the 2006 IPCS Human Relevance Framework. The postulated rodent tumor mode of action was tested against the Bradford Hill criteria and was found to satisfy the conditions of dose and temporal concordance, biological plausibility, coherence, strength, consistency, and specificity that fits with a well-established mode of action for thyroid follicular-cell tumors. Although the postulated mode of action could theoretically operate in humans, marked quantitative differences in the inherent susceptibility for neoplasia to thyroid hormone imbalance in rats allows for the conclusion that thiazopyr does not pose a carcinogenic hazard to humans.  相似文献   

The use of structured frameworks can be invaluable in promoting harmonization in the assessment of chemical risk. IPCS has therefore updated and extended its mode of action (MOA) framework for cancer to address the issue of human relevance of a carcinogenic response observed in an experimental study. The first stage is to determine whether it is possible to establish an MOA. This comprises a series of key events along the causal pathway to cancer, identified using a weight-of-evidence approach based on the Bradford Hill criteria. The key events are then compared first qualitatively and then quantitatively between the experimental animals and humans. Finally, a clear statement of confidence, analysis, and implications is produced. The IPCS human relevance framework for cancer provides an analytical tool to enable the transparent evaluation of the data, identification of key data gaps, and structured presentation of information that would be of value in the further risk assessment of the compound, even if relevancy cannot be excluded. This might include data on the shape of the dose-response curve, identification of any thresholds and recognition of potentially susceptible subgroups, for example, the basis of genetic or life-stage differences.  相似文献   

Structured frameworks are extremely useful in promoting transparent, harmonized approaches to the risk assessment of chemicals. One area where this has been particularly successful is in the analysis of modes of action (MOAs) for chemical carcinogens in experimental animals and their relevance to humans. The International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) recently published an updated version of its MOA framework in animals to address human relevance (cancer human relevance framework, or HRF). This work has now been extended to noncancer effects, with the eventual objective of harmonizing framework approaches to both cancer and noncancer endpoints. As in the cancer HRF, the first step is to determine whether the weight of evidence based on experimental observations is sufficient to establish a hypothesized MOA. This comprises a series of key events causally related to the toxic effect, identified using an approach based on the Bradford Hill criteria. These events are then compared qualitatively and, next, quantitatively between experimental animals and humans. The output of the analysis is a clear statement of conclusions, together with the confidence, analysis, and implications of the findings. This framework provides a means of ensuring a transparent evaluation of the data, identification of key data gaps and of information that would be of value in the further risk assessment of the compound, such as on dose-response relationships, and recognition of potentially susceptible subgroups, for example, based on life-stage considerations.  相似文献   

Formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde cause toxicity to the nasal epithelium of rats and mice upon inhalation. In addition, formaldehyde above certain concentrations induces dose-related increases in nasal tumors in rats and mice, but glutaraldehyde does not. Using the 2006 IPCS human framework for the analysis of cancer mode of action (MOA), an MOA for formaldehyde was formulated and its relevance was tested against the properties of the noncarcinogenic glutaraldehyde. These compounds produce similar patterns of response in histopathology and in genotoxicity tests (although formaldehyde has been much more extensively tested studied). The MOA is based on the induction of sustained cytotoxicity and reparative cell proliferation induced by formaldehyde at concentrations that also induce nasal tumors upon long-term exposure. Data on dose dependency and temporal relationships of key events are consistent with this MOA. While a genotoxic MOA can never be ruled out for a compound that is clearly genotoxic, at least in vitro, the nongenotoxic properties fundamental to the proposed MOA can explain the neoplastic response in the nose and may be more informative than genotoxicity in risk assessment. It is not yet fully explained why glutaraldehyde remains noncarcinogenic upon inhalation, but its greater inherent toxicity may be a key factor. The dual aldehyde functions in glutaraldehyde are likely to produce damage resulting in fewer kinetic possibilities (particularly for proteins involved in differentiation control) and lower potential for repair (nucleic acids) than would be the case for formaldehyde. While there have been few studies of possible glutaraldehyde-associated cancer, the evidence that formaldehyde is a human carcinogen is strong for nasopharyngeal cancers, although less so for sinonasal cancers. This apparent discrepancy could be due in part to the classification of human nasal tumors with tumors of the sinuses, which would receive much less exposure to inhaled formaldehyde. Evaluation of the human relevance of the proposed MOA of formaldehyde in rodents is restricted by human data limitations, although the key events are plausible. It is clear that the human relevance of the formaldehyde MOA in rodents cannot be excluded on either kinetic or dynamic grounds.  相似文献   

Thiazopyr increases the incidence of male rat thyroid follicular-cell tumors; however, it is not carcinogenic in mice. Thiazopyr is not genotoxic. Thiazopyr exerts its carcinogenic effect on the rat thyroid gland secondary to enhanced metabolism of thyroxin leading to hormone imbalance. The relevance of these rat tumors to human health was assessed by using the 2006 IPCS Human Relevance Framework. The postulated rodent tumor mode of action was tested against the Bradford Hill criteria and was found to satisfy the conditions of dose and temporal concordance, biological plausibility, coherence, strength, consistency, and specificity that fits with a well-established mode of action for thyroid follicular-cell tumors. Although the postulated mode of action could theoretically operate in humans, marked quantitative differences in the inherent susceptibility for neoplasia to thyroid hormone imbalance in rats allows for the conclusion that thiazopyr does not pose a carcinogenic hazard to humans.  相似文献   

The International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) is leading an activity to harmonize approaches to cancer risk assessment as a part of its larger project on the Harmonization of Approaches to the Assessment of Risk from Exposure to Chemicals. Through a series of workshops and the evaluation of case studies, a number of key components of risk assessments relating to harmonization were identified: transparency, terminology, weight of evidence, flexibility, and accessibility/communication. A major impediment to harmonization identified in the consideration of weight of evidence was the evaluation of mode of action. To address this need, a conceptual framework was developed, based on the general principles involved in considering the chemical induction of a specific tumor in animals. This is based partly on the Bradford Hill criteria for causality as modified by Faustman et al. (1997) for developmental toxicity. The framework is described in this paper followed by a worked example. It is recognized that the framework addresses only one stage in the overall characterization of hazard to humans of chemical carcinogens. Another important but separate step is the assessment of relevance to humans. This is a priority area for future work in this project.  相似文献   

The IPCS Human Relevance Framework was evaluated for a DNA-reactive (genotoxic) carcinogen, 4-aminobiphenyl, based on a wealth of data in animals and humans. The mode of action involves metabolic activation by N-hydroxylation, followed by N-esterification leading to the formation of a reactive electrophile, which binds covalently to DNA, principally to deoxyguanosine, leading to an increased rate of DNA mutations and ultimately to the development of cancer. In humans and dogs, the urinary bladder urothelium is the target organ, whereas in mice it is the bladder and liver; in other species, other tissues can be involved. Differences in organ specificity are thought to be due to differences in metabolic activation versus inactivation. Based on qualitative and quantitative considerations, the mode of action is possible in humans. Other biological processes, such as toxicity and regenerative proliferation, can significantly influence the dose response of 4-aminobiphenyl-induced tumors. Based on the IPCS Human Relevance Framework, 4-aminobiphenyl would be predicted to be a carcinogen in humans, and this is corroborated by extensive epidemiologic evidence. The IPCA Human Relevance Framework is useful in evaluating DNA-reactive carcinogens.  相似文献   

The herbicide acetochlor, and its analogue alachlor, have similar toxicological properties, the most significant being the induction of nasal adenomas in rats in 2-year feeding studies. Previous investigations have proposed a mode of action involving metabolism to a quinone-imine, the formation of protein adducts, cell death, and compensatory hyperplasia leading to the observed adenomas. Comparisons between rats and humans of the metabolic cascade leading to the quinone-imine indicate that these chemicals do not pose a threat to humans. Further investigations with acetochlor, presented here, have revealed an additional activation pathway in which a sulfoxide metabolite of acetochlor plays a key role. The sulfoxide was found to be the major plasma metabolite in rats dosed with acetochlor. Whole-body autoradiography studies established that this metabolite selectively accumulates and persists in the olfactory epithelium of rats. Radiolabeling of the sulfoxide molecule in the phenyl ring and in the sulfoxide side-chain demonstrated that the metabolite accumulating in nasal tissues retains the sulfoxide side-chain. The formation of a quinone-imine from the sulfoxide was facilitated by hydroxylation of the phenyl ring by a cytochrome P450 isoenzyme which was specific to the nasal epithelium in the rat. This metabolic conversion could not be detected in 33 fresh human nasal tissue samples, supporting the earlier view that the acetochlor-induced rat nasal tumors do not represent a hazard for humans.  相似文献   

Structured frameworks are extremely useful in promoting transparent, harmonized approaches to the risk assessment of chemicals. One area where this has been particularly successful is in the analysis of modes of action (MOAs) for chemical carcinogens in experimental animals and their relevance to humans. The International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) recently published an updated version of its MOA framework in animals to address human relevance (cancer human relevance framework, or HRF). This work has now been extended to noncancer effects, with the eventual objective of harmonizing framework approaches to both cancer and noncancer endpoints. As in the cancer HRF, the first step is to determine whether the weight of evidence based on experimental observations is sufficient to establish a hypothesized MOA. This comprises a series of key events causally related to the toxic effect, identified using an approach based on the Bradford Hill criteria. These events are then compared qualitatively and, next, quantitatively between experimental animals and humans. The output of the analysis is a clear statement of conclusions, together with the confidence, analysis, and implications of the findings. This framework provides a means of ensuring a transparent evaluation of the data, identification of key data gaps and of information that would be of value in the further risk assessment of the compound, such as on dose–response relationships, and recognition of potentially susceptible subgroups, for example, based on life-stage considerations.  相似文献   

The use of structured frameworks can be invaluable in promoting harmonization in the assessment of chemical risk. IPCS has therefore updated and extended its mode of action (MOA) framework for cancer to address the issue of human relevance of a carcinogenic response observed in an experimental study. The first stage is to determine whether it is possible to establish an MOA. This comprises a series of key events along the causal pathway to cancer, identified using a weight-of-evidence approach based on the Bradford Hill criteria. The key events are then compared first qualitatively and then quantitatively between the experimental animals and humans. Finally, a clear statement of confidence, analysis, and implications is produced. The IPCS human relevance framework for cancer provides an analytical tool to enable the transparent evaluation of the data, identification of key data gaps, and structured presentation of information that would be of value in the further risk assessment of the compound, even if relevancy cannot be excluded. This might include data on the shape of the dose-response curve, identification of any thresholds and recognition of potentially susceptible subgroups, for example, the basis of genetic or life-stage differences.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to examine the possible occurrence of sensory irritation and subjective symptoms in human volunteers exposed to formaldehyde concentrations relevant to the workplace. The set up of the study included formaldehyde exposures with and without peaks, the presence and absence of a masking agent, and evaluation of the influence of personality factors. METHODS: Testing was conducted in 21 healthy volunteers (11 males and 10 females) over a 10-week period using a repeated measures design. Each subject was exposed for 4h to each of the 10 exposure conditions on 10 consecutive working days. The 2-week exposure sequences were randomized, and the exposure to formaldehyde and the effect measurements were conducted in a double-blind fashion. During 4 of the 10 exposure sessions, 12-16 ppm ethyl acetate (EA) was used as a 'masking agent' for formaldehyde exposure. Measurements consisted of conjunctival redness, blinking frequency, nasal flow and resistance, pulmonary function, and reaction times. Also subjective ratings of discomfort as well as the influence of personality factors on the subjective scoring were examined. These were carried out pre-, during and/or post-exposure, and were used to evaluate the possible irritating effects of formaldehyde at these concentrations. RESULTS: The results indicated no significant treatment effects on nasal flow and resistance, pulmonary function, and reaction times. Blinking frequency and conjunctival redness, ranging from slight to moderate, were significantly increased by short-term peak exposures of 1.0 ppm that occurred at a baseline exposure of 0.5 ppm formaldehyde. Results of the subjective ratings indicated eye and olfactory symptoms at concentrations as low as 0.3 ppm. Nasal irritation was reported at concentration levels of 0.5 ppm plus peaks of 1.0 ppm as well as at levels of 0.3 and 0.5 ppm with co-exposure to EA. However, exposure to EA only was also perceived as irritating. In addition, volunteers who rated their personality as 'anxious' tended to report complaints at a higher intensity. When 'negative affectivity' was used as covariate, the level of 0.3 ppm was no longer an effect level but 0.5 ppm with peaks of 1.0 ppm was. Increased symptom scores were reversed 16 h after the end of the exposures. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present study indicated eye irritation as the most sensitive parameter. Minimal objective eye irritation was observed at a level of 0.5 ppm with peaks of 1 ppm. The subjective complaints of ocular and nasal irritation noted at lower levels were not paralleled by objective measurements of eye and nasal irritation and were strongly influenced by personality factors and smell. It was concluded that the no-observed-effect level for subjective and objective eye irritation due to formaldehyde exposure was 0.5 ppm in case of a constant exposure level and 0.3 ppm with peaks of 0.6 ppm in case of short-term peak exposures.  相似文献   

To understand the relationship between Muslim religious attitudes and the growing/consumption of cannabis, we surveyed 251 residents and conducted interviews in Northern Morocco. The local population is Ghomarian, an ethnic group of Berber heritage that experienced socioeconomic marginalization. Cannabis is grown throughout the region, despite Islamic legal code (shari’a) that makes cannabis, like any substances that alter consciousness, illicit (haram). The survey aimed to gather (a) the perceptions of the local population toward the cultivation of cannabis and its consumption and (b) their attitudes and intention to abandon or to continue this activity despite its unlawful aspect under Islamic legislation (Shari’a). Qualitative interviews provide additional understanding of the rationales of people in the region about cannabis cultivation in the context of religion. The investigation revealed the complexity of how religious beliefs, socioeconomic marginalization, and immoral/illegal economic practices overlap and coexist in Ghomara Region (or in Northern Morocco).  相似文献   

It has been known for decades that mutagenicity plays an important role in the activity of most carcinogens. This mutagenicity can result from direct damage to DNA through a chemical being DNA reactive or from indirect effects, such as through the production of oxygen radicals that then react with DNA. This article presents a set of key events whereby DNA reactivity initiates the process of carcinogenicity that leads to the subsequent mutation induction and enhanced cell proliferation that ultimately results in tumor development. This set of key events for DNA-reactive chemicals was applied to two case studies (aflatoxin B1 and dichloromethane) with the aim of assessing the utility of the Human Relevance Framework (HRF) for this class of chemicals. The conclusions were that the HRF was a viable approach for the use of mechanistic data for DNA-reactive chemicals obtained from both laboratory animals and human cells in vivo and in vitro for predicting human carcinogenicity. In the case of aflatoxin B1, the HRF could be used to predict that carcinogenicity in humans was a likely outcome. In contrast, the HRF predicted that the human carcinogenic potential of dichloromethane was at best less likely than in rodents; this conclusion was supported by the available epidemiological data.  相似文献   

Species-specific lung tumors in the mouse are induced by a number of chemicals. The underlying cause appears to be a high metabolic activity of mouse lung, due to relatively high abundance of Clara cells in mice compared with humans and the mouse-specific cytochrome P450 isoform 2f2 in the Clara cells. The chemicals are activated to reactive intermediates, leading to local cytotoxicity or mitogenicity resulting in increased cell proliferation and tumors. Rats have lower metabolic activity than mice (already below the threshold needed to cause lung tumors upon lifetime exposure) and activity in humans is lower than in rats. The carcinogenic risk for human lung is low for this mode of action (MOA). Fluensulfone has shown an increased incidence of lung adenomas in mice, but not in rats, at high doses. Fluensulfone is not genotoxic. MOA studies were conducted investigating key events of the postulated MOA. Fluensulfone is extensively metabolized by mouse lung microsomes, whereas no metabolic activity is seen with human lung microsomes. Cyp 2f2 is a major contributor in fluensulfone's metabolism and Cyp 2e1 is not involved. Furthermore, administration of fluensulfone to mice led to an early increase in Clara cell proliferation. The International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) MOA and human relevance framework was used to evaluate the collective data on fluensulfone. We concluded that fluensulfone leads to species-specific mouse lung tumors and that these tumors are likely not relevant to human hazard or risk.  相似文献   

Arsenic in drinking water, a mixture of arsenite and arsenate, is associated with increased skin and other cancers in Asia and Latin America, but not the United States. Arsenite alone in drinking water does not cause skin cancers in experimental animals; therefore, it is not a complete carcinogen in skin. We recently showed that low concentrations of arsenite enhanced the tumorigenicity of solar UV irradiation in hairless mice, suggesting arsenic cocarcinogenesis with sunlight in skin cancer and perhaps with different carcinogenic partners for lung and bladder tumors. Cocarcinogenic mechanisms could include blocking DNA repair, stimulating angiogenesis, altering DNA methylation patterns, dysregulating cell cycle control, induction of aneuploidy and blocking apoptosis. Arsenicals are documented clastogens but not strong mutagens, with weak mutagenic activity reported at highly toxic concentrations of inorganic arsenic. Previously, we showed that arsenite, but not monomethylarsonous acid (MMA[III]), induced delayed mutagenesis in HOS cells. Here, we report new data on the mutagenicity of the trivalent methylated arsenic metabolites MMA(III) and dimethylarsinous acid [DMA(III)] at the gpt locus in Chinese hamster G12 cells. Both methylated arsenicals seemed mutagenic with apparent sublinear dose responses. However, significant mutagenesis occurred only at highly toxic concentrations of MMA(III). Most mutants induced by MMA(III) and DMA(III) exhibited transgene deletions. Some non-deletion mutants exhibited altered DNA methylation. A critical discussion of cell survival leads us to conclude that clastogenesis occurs primarily at highly cytotoxic arsenic concentrations, casting further doubt as to whether a genotoxic mode of action (MOA) for arsenicals is supportable.  相似文献   

A range of substituted N-alkylisatins were synthesized and their cytotoxicity evaluated against several cancer cell lines in vitro. SAR studies indicated that the introduction of an aromatic ring with a one or three carbon atom linker at N1 enhanced the activity from that of the allyl, 2'-methoxyethyl, and 3'-methylbutyl N-substituted isatins. Furthermore, electron-withdrawing groups substituted at the meta or para position of the ring were favored over the ortho orientation. Of the 24 compounds screened, nine displayed sub-micromolar IC50 values and in general demonstrated greater selectivity toward leukemia and lymphoma cell lines over any of the carcinoma cell lines tested. 5,7-Dibromo-N-(p-methylbenzyl)isatin (6) was the most active compound, inhibiting the metabolic activity of both U937 and Jurkat cancer cell lines at 0.49 muM. Various N-alkylisatins were also found to dramatically alter lymphocyte morphology, destabilize microtubules, inhibit tubulin polymerization, induce G2/M cell cycle arrest, and activate the effector caspase-3 and -7.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to validate a battery of cytotoxicity assays performed in a multiplex format to screen pharmaceutical compounds at an early stage of drug development. Two experiments were performed on HepG2 cells and the parameters were measured in 96-well plates. Biological and technical triplicates were performed to evaluate the reproducibility of the assay. In the first experiment, HepG2 cells were exposed to tamoxifen, staurosporine, phenobarbital and triton X-100 for 2 and 24 h. The following nine cytotoxicity parameters were analyzed, cell viability, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), adenosine triphosphate (ATP), caspase-3/7, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and alpha-glutathione-S-transferase (α-GST). In the second experiment, HepG2 cells were exposed to doxorubicin, t-butyl hydroperoxide, ferrous sulfate and sulfamoxole for 2 and 24 h. Based on the results of the first experiment, six cytotoxicity parameters were selected for further evaluation (cell viability, ATP, LDH, caspase, AST and GLDH). ALT (activity always below detection limit), ALP (no response to drug treatment) and α-GST (too labor intensive and not possible to multiplex) were eliminated. The analysis of the data revealed that the reproducibility of the assays was accurate according to principal component analysis. Our data also clearly indicated that the potential of this battery of selected assays measured in a multiplex format not only made it possible to rank and select the most promising drug candidates based on their cytotoxic potential, but also to gather information that may help to understand some of the toxic events occurring in the cells.  相似文献   

Objective The present study was carried out to test bioequivalence between two different desmopressin nasal spray preparations. Due to the high variability of plasma pharmacokinetics of intranasally administered peptides like desmopressin, appropriate study designs are required to assess bioequivalence. Therefore, a single-dose, replicate study design was used to evaluate bioequivalence of two desmopressin nasal sprays.Subjects and methods Thirty-two healthy male volunteers were enrolled in the study and were randomly assigned to receive the test- and reference drug on two occasions in a 4-period 2-sequence crossover study design. Subjects received a single dose of 20 µg (10 µg per nostril) of desmopressin-acetate per study day separated by wash-out periods of at least 1 week. Desmopressin blood concentrations were measured serially over a 14-h period using a validated radioimmunoassay method. Statistical analysis was initially performed using a complicated mixed-analysis model testing for individual bioequivalence according to recommendations by the Food and Drug Administration. This approach, however, failed to converge with all defined main PK parameters and, thus, a traditional mixed analysis of variance analysis based on population averages was definitely used for testing bioequivalence between study drugs. The procedure of selecting an appropriate statistical analysis for a replicate study design was predefined in the study protocol.Results The 90% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated for the area under the time–concentration curve (AUC), maximum concentration (Cmax) and the time to reach Cmax (tmax) of test/reference drug ratios for a bioequivalence range from 0.80–1.25. The mean test/reference drug ratios were completely within the 90% CIs with values of 1.041 (CI: 0.892–1.216), 1.021 (CI: 0.913–1.140) and 1.068 (CI: 0.914–1.249) for AUC0–14 h, Cmax and tmax, respectively.Conclusion The rate and the extent of intranasal desmopressin absorption are identical for both study preparations. Thus, the desmopressin test preparation met all equivalence criteria and thereby was proven bioequivalent with a marketed reference nasal desmopressin spray.Further details on authors can be obtained at  相似文献   

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