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Speech processing in auditory cortex and beyond is a remarkable yet poorly understood faculty of the listening brain. Here we show that stop consonants, as the most transient constituents of speech, are sufficient to involve speech perception circuits in the human superior temporal cortex. Left anterolateral superior temporal cortex showed a stronger response in blood oxygenation level-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to intelligible consonantal bursts compared with incomprehensible control sounds matched for spectrotemporal complexity. Simultaneously, the left posterior superior temporal plane (including planum temporale [PT]) exhibited a noncategorical responsivity to complex stimulus acoustics across all trials, showing no preference for intelligible speech sounds. Multistage hierarchical processing of speech sounds is thus revealed with fMRI, providing evidence for a role of the PT in the fundamental stages of the acoustic analysis of complex sounds, including speech.  相似文献   

The localization of low-frequency sounds mainly relies on the processing of microsecond temporal disparities between the ears, since low frequencies produce little or no interaural energy differences. The overall auditory cortical response to low-frequency sounds is largely symmetrical between the two hemispheres, even when the sounds are lateralized. However, the effects of unilateral lesions in the superior temporal cortex suggest that the spatial information mediated by lateralized sounds is distributed asymmetrically across the hemispheres. This paper describes a functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment, which shows that the interaural temporal processing of lateralized sounds produces an enhanced response in the contralateral planum temporale (PT). The response is stronger and extends further into adjacent regions of the inferior parietal lobe (IPL) when the sound is moving than when it is stationary. This suggests that the interaural temporal information mediated by lateralized sounds is projected along a posterior pathway comprising the PT and IPL of the respective contralateral hemisphere. The differential responses to moving sounds further revealed that the left hemisphere responded predominantly to sound movement within the right hemifield, whereas the right hemisphere responded to sound movement in both hemifields. This rightward asymmetry parallels the asymmetry associated with the allocation of visuo-spatial attention and may underlie unilateral auditory neglect phenomena.  相似文献   

Although anatomical, histochemical and electrophysiological findings in both animals and humans have suggested a parallel and serial mode of auditory processing, precise activation timings of each cortical area are not well known, especially in humans. We investigated the timing of arrival of signals to multiple cortical areas using magnetoencephalography in humans. Following click stimuli applied to the left ear, activations were found in six cortical areas in the right hemisphere: the posteromedial part of Heschl's gyrus (HG) corresponding to the primary auditory cortex (PAC), the anterolateral part of the HG region on or posterior to the transverse sulcus, the posterior parietal cortex (PPC), posterior and anterior parts of the superior temporal gyrus (STG), and the planum temporale (PT). The mean onset latencies of each cortical activity were 17.1, 21.2, 25.3, 26.2, 30.9 and 47.6 ms respectively. These results suggested a serial model of auditory processing along the medio-lateral axis of the supratemporal plane and, in addition, implied the existence of several parallel streams running postero-superiorly (from the PAC to the belt region and then to the posterior STG, PPC or PT) and anteriorly (PAC-belt-anterior STG).  相似文献   

Detecting changes in an ever-changing environment is highly advantageous, and this ability may be critical for survival. In the present study, we investigated the neural substrates of change detection in the context of a visual working memory task. Subjects maintained a sample visual stimulus in short-term memory for 6 s, and were asked to indicate whether a subsequent, test stimulus matched or did not match the original sample. To study change detection largely uncontaminated by attentional state, we compared correct change and correct no-change trials at test. Our results revealed that correctly detecting a change was associated with activation of a network comprising parietal and frontal brain regions, as well as activation of the pulvinar, cerebellum, and inferior temporal gyrus. Moreover, incorrectly reporting a change when none occurred led to a very similar pattern of activations. Finally, few regions were differentially activated by trials in which a change occurred but subjects failed to detect it (change blindness). Thus, brain activation was correlated with a subject's report of a change, instead of correlated with the physical change per se. We propose that frontal and parietal regions, possibly assisted by the cerebellum and the pulvinar, might be involved in controlling the deployment of attention to the location of a change, thereby allowing further processing of the visual stimulus. Visual processing areas, such as the inferior temporal gyrus, may be the recipients of top-down feedback from fronto-parietal regions that control the reactive deployment of attention, and thus exhibit increased activation when a change is reported (irrespective of whether it occurred or not). Whereas reporting that a change occurred, be it correctly or incorrectly, was associated with strong activation in fronto-parietal sites, change blindness appears to involve very limited territories.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) using blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) contrasts is a common method for studying sensory or cognitive brain functions. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of the intravenous anaesthetic propofol on auditory-induced brain activation using BOLD contrast fMRI. METHODS: In eight neurosurgical patients, musical stimuli were presented binaurally in a block design. Imaging was performed under five conditions: no propofol (or wakefulness) and propofol plasma target concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 microg ml(-1). RESULTS: During wakefulness we found activations in the superior temporal gyrus (STG) corresponding to the primary and secondary auditory cortex as well as in regions of higher functions of auditory information processing. The BOLD response decreased with increasing concentrations of propofol but remained partially preserved in areas of basic auditory processing in the STG during propofol 2.0 microg ml(-1). CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest a dose-dependent impairment of central processing of auditory information after propofol administration. These results are consistent with electrophysiological findings measuring neuronal activity directly, thus suggesting a dose-dependent impairment of central processing of auditory information after propofol administration. However, propofol did not totally blunt primary cortical responses to acoustic stimulation, indicating that patients may process auditory information under general anaesthesia.  相似文献   

Understanding the neural representation of semantic concepts is at the core of understanding human knowledge and experience. Competing cognitive theories suggest that these neural representations are based on either a unitary semantic code or on multiple semantic codes. We contrasted these theories using event-related fMRI in a semantic priming study. Pairs of words were presented that were either semantically related or unrelated and were either high or low imageable. The unitary view predicts that there should be little or no difference between neural activity evoked by high and low imageable words when presented in a related context, but large differences in neural activity when there is an unrelated context. In contrast to this view, we provide evidence for functionally and anatomically separable effects of context and imageability in human cortex, suggesting that semantic knowledge consists of multiple representational codes.  相似文献   

In speech perception, extraction of meaning from complex streams of sounds is surprisingly fast and efficient. By tracking the neural time course of syllable processing with magnetoencephalography we show that this continuous construction of meaning-based representations is aided by both top-down (context-based) expectations and bottom-up (acoustic-phonetic) cues in the speech signal. Syllables elicited a sustained response at 200-600 ms (N400m) which became most similar to that evoked by words when the expectation for meaningful speech was increased by presenting the syllables among words and sentences or using sentence-initial syllables. This word-like cortical processing of meaningless syllables emerged at the build-up of the N400m response, 200-300 ms after speech onset, during the transition from perceptual to lexical-semantic analysis. These findings show that the efficiency of meaning-based analysis of speech is subserved by a cortical system finely tuned to lexically relevant acoustic-phonetic and contextual cues.  相似文献   

Prediction error--a mismatch between expected and actual outcome--is critical to associative accounts of inferential learning. However, it has proven difficult to explore the effects of prediction error using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while excluding the confounding effects of stimulus novelty and incorrect responses. In this event-related fMRI study we used a three-stage experiment generating preventative- and super-learning conditions. In both cases, it was possible to generate prediction error within a causal associative learning experiment while subtracting the effects of novelty and error. We show that right lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) activation is sensitive to the magnitude of prediction error. Furthermore, super-learning activation in this region of PFC correlates, across subjects, with the amount learned. We thus provide direct evidence for a brain correlate of the surprise-dependent mechanisms proposed by associative accounts of causal learning. We show that activity in right lateral PFC is sensitive to the magnitude, though not the direction, of the prediction error. Furthermore, its activity is not directly explicable in terms of novelty or response errors and appears directly related to the learning that arises out of prediction error.  相似文献   

The processing of various attributes of verbs is crucial for sentence comprehension. Verb attributes include the number of complements the verb selects, the number of different syntactic phrase types (subcategorization options), and the number of different thematic roles (thematic options). Two functional magnetic resonance imaging experiments investigated the cerebral location and pattern of activation of these attributes. Experiment 1 tested the effect of number of complements. Experiment 2 tested the number of options of subcategorization and of thematic frames. A group of mismatch verbs with different number of options for subcategorization and thematic frames was included to distinguish between the effects of these attributes. Fourteen Hebrew speakers performed a semantic decision task on auditorily presented sentences. Parametric analysis revealed graded activations in the left superior temporal gyrus and the left inferior frontal gyrus in correlation with the number of options. By contrast, the areas that correlated with the number of complements, the right precuneus and the right cingulate, were not conventionally linguistic. This suggests that processing the number of options is more specifically linguistic than processing the number of complements. The mismatch verbs showed a pattern of activation similar to that of the subcategorization group but unlike that of the thematic frames group. By implication, and contrary to claims by some linguists, subcategorization seems indispensable in verb processing.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that temporal response patterns in primary auditory cortex are potentially relevant for voice onset time (VOT) encoding in two related experiments. The first experiment investigates whether temporal responses reflecting VOT are modulated in a way that can account for boundary shifts that occur with changes in first formant (F1) frequency, and by extension, consonant place of articulation. Evoked potentials recorded from Heschl's gyrus in a patient undergoing epilepsy surgery evaluation are examined. Representation of VOT varies in a manner that reflects the spectral composition of the syllables and the underlying tonotopic organization. Activity patterns averaged across extended regions of Heschl's gyrus parallel changes in the subject's perceptual boundaries. The second experiment investigates whether the physiological boundary for detecting the sequence of two acoustic elements parallels the psychoacoustic result of approximately 20 ms. Population responses evoked by two-tone complexes with variable tone onset times (TOTs) in primary auditory cortex of the monkey are examined. Onset responses evoked by both the first and second tones are detected at a TOT separation as short as 20 ms. Overall, parallels between perceptual and physiological results support the relevance of a population-based temporal processing mechanism for VOT encoding.  相似文献   

Several studies have identified a supramodal network critical to the reorienting of attention toward stimuli at novel locations and which involves the right temporoparietal junction and the inferior frontal areas. The present functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)\magnetoencephalography (MEG) study investigates: 1) the cerebral circuit underlying attentional reorienting to spatially varying sound locations; 2) the circuit related to the regular change of sound location in the same hemifield, the change of sound location across hemifields, or sounds presented randomly at different locations on the azimuth plane; 3) functional temporal dynamics of the observed cortical areas exploiting the complementary characteristics of the fMRI and MEG paradigms. fMRI results suggest 3 distinct roles: the supratemporal plane appears modulated by variations of sound location; the inferior parietal lobule is modulated by the cross-meridian effect; and the inferior frontal cortex is engaged by the inhibition of a motor response. MEG data help to elucidate the temporal dynamics of this network by providing high-resolution time series with which to measure latency of neural activation manipulated by the reorienting of attention.  相似文献   

The bispectral index (BIS) and the auditory evoked potential (AEP) index as calculated by the new A-line monitor were measured during hypnosis with propofol, which included an episode of wakefulness. Both indices followed a similar pattern during sedation, with values decreasing with sedation and increasing when awake. Baseline AEP values varied between 60 and 98, and BIS values were between 96 and 98. The AEP-index value was at all times 10-20 points lower than the BIS-index. The transition to loss of response occurred at a mean AEP value of 46 and BIS value of 58. The transition to just responding following a period of unconsciousness occurred at a mean AEP value of 46 and BIS 65. Both monitoring techniques, however, displayed large interindividual variations making it impossible to discriminate in real time between subtle changes of clinical state. The new neurophysiological monitors A-line AEP and BIS are interesting tools for creating a better understanding of the anaesthetic effects of drugs; however, further refinements are required before their relative roles can be fully established in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

Passive viewing of biological motion engages extensive regions of the posterior temporal-occipital cortex in humans, particularly within and nearby the superior temporal sulcus (STS). Relatively little is known about the functional specificity of this area. Some recent studies have emphasized the perceived intentionality of the motion as a potential organizing principle, while others have suggested the existence of a somatotopy based upon the limb perceived in motion. Here we conducted an event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment to compare activity elicited by movement of the eyes, mouth or hand. Each motion evoked robust activation in the right posterior temporal-occipital cortex. While there was substantial overlap of the activation maps in this region, the spatial distribution of hemodynamic response amplitudes differentiated the movements. Mouth movements elicited activity along the mid-posterior STS while eye movements elicited activity in more superior and posterior portions of the right posterior STS region. Hand movements activated more inferior and posterior portions of the STS region within the posterior continuing branch of the STS. Hand-evoked activity also extended into the inferior temporal, middle occipital and lingual gyri. This topography may, in part, reflect the role of particular body motions in different functional activities.  相似文献   

Previous reports suggest that the internal organization of semantic memory is in terms of different "types of knowledge," including "sensory" (information about perceptual features), "action" (motor-based knowledge of object utilization), and "functional" (abstract properties, as function and context of use). Consistent with this view, a specific loss of action knowledge, with preserved functional knowledge, has been recently observed in patients with left frontoparietal lesions. The opposite pattern (impaired functional knowledge with preserved action knowledge) was reported in association with anterior inferotemporal lesions. In the present study, the cerebral representation of action and functional knowledge was investigated using event-related analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging data. Fifteen subjects were presented with pictures showing pairs of manipulable objects and asked whether the objects within each pair were used with the same manipulation pattern ("action knowledge" condition) or in the same context ("functional knowledge" condition). Direct comparisons showed action knowledge, relative to functional knowledge, to activate a left frontoparietal network, comprising the intraparietal sulcus, the inferior parietal lobule, and the dorsal premotor cortex. The reverse comparison yielded activations in the retrosplenial and the lateral anterior inferotemporal cortex. These results confirm and extend previous neuropsychological data and support the hypothesis of the existence of different types of information processing in the internal organization of semantic memory.  相似文献   

Rodent somatosensory cortex contains an isomorphic map of the mystacial whiskers in which each whisker is represented by neuronal populations, or barrels, that are separated from each other by intervening septa. Separate afferent pathways convey somatosensory information to the barrels and septa that represent the input stages for 2 partially segregated circuits that extend throughout the other layers of barrel cortex. Whereas the barrel-related circuits process spatiotemporal information generated by whisker contact with external objects, the septa-related circuits encode the frequency and other kinetic features of active whisker movements. The projection patterns from barrel cortex indicate that information processed by the septa-related circuits is used both separately and in combination with information from the barrel-related circuits to mediate specific functions. According to this theory, outputs from the septal processing stream modulate the brain regions that regulate whisking behavior, whereas both processing streams cooperate with each other to identify external stimuli encountered by passive or active whisker movements. This theoretical view prompts several testable hypotheses about the coordination of neuronal activity during whisking behavior. Foremost among these, motor brain regions that control whisker movements are more strongly coordinated with the septa-related circuits than with the barrel-related circuits.  相似文献   

Foot‐and‐mouth disease (FMD), due to infection with serotype O virus, occurred in wild boar and within eleven outbreaks in domestic livestock in the south‐east of Bulgaria, Thrace region, in 2011. Hence, the issue of the potential for the spread and maintenance of FMD virus (FMDV) infection in a population of wild ungulates became important. This assessment focused on the spread and maintenance of FMDV infection within a hypothetical wild boar and deer population in an environment, which is characterized by a climate transitional between Mediterranean and continental and variable wildlife population densities. The assessment was based on three aspects: (i) a systematic review of the literature focusing on experimental infection studies to identify the parameters describing the duration of FMDV infection in deer and wild boar, as well as observational studies assessing the occurrence of FMDV infection in wild deer and wild boar populations, (ii) prevalence survey data of wild boar and deer in Bulgaria and Turkey and (iii) an epidemiological model, simulating the host‐to‐host spread of FMDV infections. It is concluded, based on all three aspects, that the wildlife population in Thrace, and so wildlife populations in similar ecological settings, are probably not able to maintain FMD in the long term in the absence of FMDV infection in the domestic host population. However, limited spread of FMDV infection in time and space in the wildlife populations can occur. If there is a continued cross‐over of FMDV between domestic and wildlife populations or a higher population density, virus circulation may be prolonged.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess possible central side-effects of sildenafil (Viagra) on attention and memory functions. Sildenafil and placebo were administered in young male subjects in a double-blind balanced cross-over design. Behavioral patterns and event-related brain potentials (ERP) were recorded in a spatial auditory attention and a visual word recognition task. While behavioral patterns did not reveal any overt effects of sildenafil, auditory ERPs were indicative of an enhanced ability to focus attention (amplitude enhancement of Nd-effect) and to select relevant target stimuli in the sildenafil condition (P3 component). In the memory task, CNS-effects of sildenafil were evident in a reduction of a negativity in the 150–250 ms range. No overt effects on behavior were observed. Nevertheless, the data reveal CNS-effects of sildenafil necessitating further studies.  相似文献   

ObjectivesPropofol-based total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) has been used successfully for liver transplantation (LT) in recent years. However, there are few discourses in the literature which focus on the merits and weakness in perioperative management, biochemical changes, and postoperative recovery between TIVA and desflurane anesthesia (DES).MethodsWe retrospectively compared the circumstances of liver transplantation recipients who had the surgery carried out under propofol-based TIVA or DES in the period from September 2007 to August 2010. Preoperative characteristics, date of intraoperative management, hemodynamic profiles, concentration of anesthetics, biochemical changes, and circumstances of postoperative recovery were retrieved from the hospital database for analysis.ResultsWe included 111 patients who received the surgery under either TIVA (n = 66) or DES (n = 45). Patient demographics, baseline laboratory data, operation time, and fluid management did not differ between the two groups. In comparison with the DES group, fewer patients had to be administered norepinephrine (21.2% vs. 42.2%; p = 0.020) in the TIVA group; moreover, the total dosage of norepinephrine was lower (0.003 ± 0.005 mg vs. 0.006 ± 0.008 mg; p = 0.012) in the TIVA group during liver reperfusion phase. Blood lactate level was higher in the DES group than in the TIVA group after the anhepatic phase. TIVA patients woke up faster than those in the DES group (54.0 ± 33.4 minutes vs. 95.0 ± 78.3 minutes; p = 0.034).ConclusionOur results suggest that propofol-based TIVA may provide better hemodynamics and microcirculation during the anhepatic phase in liver transplantation.  相似文献   

Serotonin is involved in psychiatric disorders exhibiting abnormal prefrontal cortex (PFC) function (e.g. major depression, schizophrenia). We examined the effect of the stimulation of the dorsal and median raphe nuclei (DR and MnR, respectively) on the activity of PFC neurons. Electrical stimulation of DR/MnR inhibited 66% (115/173) of pyramidal neurons in the medial PFC (mPFC). The rest of the cases exhibited orthodromic excitations, either pure (13%) or preceded by short-latency inhibitions (20%). Excited neurons had a lower pre-stimulus firing rate than those inhibited. Excitations evoked by MnR stimulation had a shorter latency than those evoked by DR stimulation. WAY-100635 [a 5-hydroxytryptamine1A (5-HT1A) antagonist] and the selective gamma aminobutyric acidA (GABAA) antagonist picrotoxinin partially antagonized DR/MnR-evoked inhibitions, suggesting the involvement of 5-HT1A- and GABAA-mediated components. The presence of a direct DR/MnR-mPFC GABAergic component is suggested by the short latency of evoked inhibitions (9 +/- 1 ms), faster than those evoked in the secondary motor area (20 +/- 3 ms), and that of antidromic spikes evoked by DR/MnR stimulation in mPFC pyramidal neurons (15 +/- 1 ms). Stimulation of the DR/MnR with paired pulses enhanced the duration of inhibitions and turned some excitations into inhibitions. Thus, the DR/MnR control the activity of mPFC pyramidal neurons in vivo in a complex manner, involving 5-HT-mediated excitations and GABA- and 5-HT-mediated inhibitions.  相似文献   

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