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The aim of the present study was to further investigate the contribution of primary muscle spindle feedback to proprioception and higher brain functions, such as movement trajectory recognition. For this purpose, complex illusory movements were evoked in subjects by applying patterns of muscle tendon vibration mimicking the natural Ia afferent pattern. Ia afferent messages were previously recorded using microneurographic method from the six main muscle groups acting on the ankle joint during imposed “writing like” movements. The mean Ia afferent pattern was calculated for each muscle group and used as a template to pilot each vibrator. Eleven different vibratory patterns were applied to ten volunteers. Subjects were asked both to copy the perceived illusory movements by hand on a digitizing tablet and to recognize and name the corresponding graphic symbol. The results show that the Ia afferent feedback of a given movement evokes the illusion of the same movement when it is applied to the subject via the appropriate pattern of muscle tendon vibration. The geometry and the kinematic parameters of the imposed and illusory movements are very similar and the so-called “two-thirds power law” is present in the reproduction of the vibration-induced illusory movements. Vibrations within the “natural” frequency range of Ia fibres firing (around 30 Hz) produce clear illusions of movements in all the tested subjects. In addition, increasing the mean frequency of the vibration patterns resulted in a linear increase in the size of the illusory movements. Lastly, the subjects were able to recognize and name the symbols evoked by the vibration-induced primary muscle spindle afferent patterns in 83% of the trials. These findings suggest that the “proprioceptive signature” of a given movement is associated with the corresponding “perceptual signature”. The neural mechanisms possibly underlying the sensory to perceptual transformation are discussed in the general framework of “the neuronal population vector model”.  相似文献   

 In humans, vibration applied to muscle tendons evokes illusory sensations of movement that are usually associated with an excitatory tonic response in muscles antagonistic to those vibrated (antagonist vibratory response or AVR). The aim of the present study was to investigate the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying such a motor response. For that purpose, we analyzed the relationships between the parameters of the tendon vibration (anatomical site and frequency) and those of the illusory movement perceived (direction and velocity), as well as the temporal, spatial, and quantitative characteristics of the corresponding AVRs (i.e., surface EMG, motor unit firing rates and activation latencies). Analogies were supposed between the characteristics of AVRs and voluntary contractions. The parameters of the AVR were thus compared with those of a voluntary contraction with similar temporal and mechanical characteristics, involving the same muscle groups as those activated by vibration. Wrist flexor muscles were vibrated either separately or simultaneously with wrist extensor muscles at frequencies between 30 and 80 Hz. The illusory movement sensations were quantified through contralateral hand-tracking movements. Electromyographic activity from the extensor carpi radialis muscles was recorded with surface and intramuscular microelectrodes. The results showed that vibration of the wrist flexor muscle group induced both a kinesthetic illusion of wrist extension and a motor response in the extensor carpi radialis muscles. Combined vibration of the two antagonistic muscle groups at the same frequency evoked neither kinesthetic illusion nor motor activity. In addition, vibrating the same two antagonistic muscle groups at different frequencies induced both a kinesthetic illusion and a motor response in the muscle vibrated at the lowest frequency. The surface EMG amplitude of the extensor carpi radialis as well as the motor unit activation latency and discharge frequency were clearly correlated to the parameters of the illusory movement evoked by the vibration. Indeed, the faster the illusory sensation of movement, the greater the surface EMG in these muscles during the AVRs and the sooner and the more intense the activation of the motor units of the wrist extensor muscles. Moreover, comparison of the AVR with voluntary contraction showed that all parameters were highly similar. Mainly slow motor units were recruited during the AVR and during its voluntary reproduction. That the AVR is observed only when a kinesthetic illusion is evoked, together with the similarities between voluntary contractions and AVRs, suggests that this vibration-induced motor response may result from a perceptual-to-motor transformation of proprioceptive information, rather than from spinal reflex mechanisms. Received: 21 July 1997 / Accepted: 11 August 1998  相似文献   

We addressed the fundamental questions of which variables underlie the control of arm movement and how they are stored in motor memory, reproduced and modified in the process of adaptation to changing load conditions. Such variables are defined differently in two major theories of motor control (internal models and threshold control). To resolve the controversy, these theories were tested (experiment 1) based on their ability to explain why active movement away from a stable posture is not opposed by stabilizing mechanisms (the posture–movement problem). The internal model theory suggests that the system counteracts the opposing forces by increasing the muscle activity in proportion to the distance from the initial posture (position-dependent EMG control). In contrast, threshold control fully excludes these opposing forces by shifting muscle activation thresholds and thus resetting the stabilizing mechanisms to a new posture. Subjects were sitting, holding the vertical handle of a double-joint manipulandum with their right hand and were facing a computer screen on which the handle and target to be reached were displayed. In response to an auditory signal, subjects quickly moved the handle from an initial position to one of two (frontal and sagittal) targets. No load was applied during the movement but in separate trials, a brief perturbation was applied to the handle by torque motors controlling the manipulandum. Perturbations were applied prior to or 3 s after movement offset, in the latter case in one of eight directions. The EMG activity of the majority of the seven recorded muscles was at zero level before movement onset and returned to zero level after movement offset. Those muscles that remained active before or after the movement could be made silent whereas previously silent muscles could be activated after a small passive displacement (several millimeters) elicited by perturbations in appropriate directions. Results showed that the activation thresholds of motoneurons of arm muscles were reset from the initial to a final position and that EMG activity was not position-dependent. These results were inconsistent with the internal model theory but confirmed the threshold control theory. Then the ability of threshold control theory to explain rapid movement adaptation to a position-dependent load was investigated (experiment 2 and 3). Subjects produced fast movement to the frontal target with and without a position-dependent load applied to the handle. Trials were organized in blocks alternating between the load and no-load condition (20 blocks in total, with randomly chosen number of five to ten trials in each). Subjects were instructed “do not correct” in experiment 2 and “correct” movement errors during the trial in experiment 3. Five threshold arm configurations underlying the movement production and adaptation were identified. When instructed “do not correct”, movement precision was fully restored on average after two trials. No significant improvement was observed as the experiment progressed despite the fact that the same load condition was repeated after one block of trials. Thus, in each block, the adaptation was made anew, implying that subjects relied on short-term memory and could not recall the threshold arm configurations they specified to accurately reach the same target in the same load condition in previous blocks. When instructed to “correct” within each trial, precision was restored faster, on average after one trial. Major aspects of the production and adaptation of arm movement (including the kinematics, movement errors, instruction-dependent behavior, and absence of position-related EMG activity) are explained in terms of threshold control.  相似文献   

We analyzed the cutaneous encoding of two-dimensional movements by investigating the coding of movement velocity for differently oriented straight-line movements and the coding of complex trajectories describing cursive letters. The cutaneous feedback was then compared with that of the underlying muscle afferents previously recorded during the same “writing-like” movements. The unitary activity of 43 type II cutaneous afferents was recorded in the common peroneal nerve in healthy subjects during imposed ankle movements. These movements consisted first of ramp-and-hold movements imposed at two different and close velocities in seven directions and secondly of “writing-like” movements. In both cases, the responses were analyzed using the neuronal population vector model. The results show that movement velocity encoding depended on the direction of the ongoing movement. Discriminating between two velocities therefore involved processing the activity of afferent populations located in the various skin areas surrounding the moving joint, as shown by the statistically significant difference observed in the amplitude of the sum vectors. Secondly, “writing-like” movements induced cutaneous neuronal patterns of activity, which were reproducible and specific to each trajectory. Lastly, the “cutaneous neuronal trajectories,” built by adding the sum vectors tip-to-tail, nearly matched both the movement trajectories and the “muscle neuronal trajectories,” built from previously recorded muscle afferents. It was concluded that type II cutaneous and the underlying muscle afferents show similar encoding properties of two-dimensional movement parameters. This similarity is discussed in relation to a central gating process that would for instance increase the gain of cutaneous inputs when muscle information is altered by the fusimotor drive.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to determine if real and illusory shifts in target position at movement initiation affect the same online corrective processes. Adult participants completed rapid goal-directed movements toward the vertex of a target “T” located at the midline, 25 cm distal to a small home position. At movement initiation, the target either stayed the same, shifted its real position, its illusory position or both. The real perturbation involved a 2.5 mm shift either toward or away from the body. For the illusory perturbation, the horizontal portion of the “T” changed to inward or outward Müller–Lyer wings. Both the real and the illusory perturbation affected movement outcome. The two manipulations began to have their impact at peak velocity. Because both perturbations affected mid to late trajectory control and because their effects were not independent, we concluded that real and illusory target shifts impact late visual motor control associated with a comparison between the position of the limb and the perceived position of the target.
Lawrence E. M. GriersonEmail:

This study in humans tested the hypothesis that nociceptive muscle afferent input facilitates the occurrence of muscle cramps. In 13 healthy adults, muscle cramps were experimentally induced in the foot by stimulating the tibialis posterior nerve at the ankle with 2-s bursts of stimuli separated by 30 s, with stimulation frequency increasing by 2-Hz increments from 10 Hz until the cramp appeared. The minimum stimulation frequency that induced the cramp was defined “cramp frequency threshold”. In 2 days, elicitation of the cramp was performed in the two-feet with and without (baseline condition) injection of hypertonic (painful condition) or isotonic (control condition) saline into the deep midportion of the flexor hallucis brevis muscle, from where surface EMG signals were recorded. The cramp frequency threshold was lower for the painful condition with respect to its baseline (mean ± SE, hypertonic saline: 25.7 ± 2.1 Hz, corresponding baseline: 31.2 ± 2.8 Hz; P < 0.01) while there was no difference between the threshold with isotonic injection with respect to baseline. EMG average rectified value and power spectral frequency were higher during the cramp than immediately before the stimulation that elicited the cramp (pre-cramp: 13.9 ± 1.6 μV and 75.4 ± 3.8 Hz, respectively; post-cramp: 19.9 ± 3.2 μV and 101.6 ± 6.0 Hz; P < 0.05). The results suggest that nociceptive muscle afferent activity induced by injection of hypertonic saline facilitates the generation of electrically elicited muscle cramps.  相似文献   

Summary The characteristics of vibration-induced illusory joint movements were studied in healthy human subjects. Unseen by the subject, constant frequency vibration trains applied to the distal tendon of the Triceps or Biceps induced an almost constant velocity illusory movement of the elbow whose direction corresponded to that of a joint rotation stretching the vibrated muscle. Vibration trains of the same duration and frequency applied alternatively to the Biceps and Triceps evoked alternating flexion-extension illusory movements.During successive application of vibration trains at frequencies from 10 to 120 Hz, the perceived velocity of the illusory movements increased progressively from 10 to 70–80 Hz, then decreased from 80 to 120 Hz. The maximal perceived velocity was three times higher during alternating vibration of the Biceps and Triceps than during single muscle stimulation.Unit activity from 15 muscle spindle primary endings and five secondary endings located in Tibialis anterior and Extensor digitorum longus muscles were recorded using microneurography in order to study their responses to tendon vibration and passive and active movements of the ankle.Primary endings were all activated by low amplitude tendon vibration (0.2–0.5 mm) previously used to induce illusory movements of the elbow. The discharge of some was phase-locked with the vibration cycle up to 120 Hz, while others responded one-to-one to the vibration cycle up to 30–50 Hz, then fired in a sub-harmonic manner at higher frequencies. Secondary endings were much less sensitive to low amplitude tendon vibration.Primary and secondary ending responses to ramp and sinusoïdal movements of the ankle joint were compared. During the movement, the primary ending discharge frequency was almost constant, while the secondary ending activity progressively increased. During ankle movements the primary ending discharge appeared mainly related to velocity, while some secondary activities seemed related to both movement velocity and joint angle position.Muscle spindle sensory ending responses to active and passive ankle movements stretching the receptor-bearing muscle (plantar flexion) were qualitatively and quantitatively similar. During passive reverse movements (dorsiflexion) most of the sensory endings stopped firing when their muscle shortened. Active muscle shortening (isotonic contraction) modulated differently the muscle spindle sensory ending discharge, which could stop completely, decrease or some times increase during active ankle dorsiflexion. During isometric contraction most of the muscle spindle sensory endings were activated.The characteristics of the vibration-induced illusory movements and the muscle spindle responses to tendon vibration and to active and passive joint movements strengthened the possibility of the contribution of primary endings to kinaesthesia, as suggested by several previous works. Moreover, the present results led us to attribute to proprioception in the muscle stretched during joint movement a predominant, but not exclusive, role in this kind of perception.  相似文献   

We investigated whether human attentional processes influence the activity of intracortical inhibitory and excitatory circuits—short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI), long-interval intracortical inhibition (LICI), and the intracortical facilitation (ICF)—elicited by paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in healthy subjects. In eight healthy subjects we tested SICI, LICI and ICF under different attention-demanding conditions: “relaxed”, “target hand” and “non-target hand”. To compare the effects of attentional levels on SICI, LICI and ICF with those produced on the MEPs elicited by repetitive TMS (rTMS), in the same subjects we also delivered supra-threshold 5-Hz rTMS under the same three experimental conditions. To disclose whether attentional processes act selectively on circuits engaged by TMS delivered at 5 Hz frequency and at an interstimulus interval (ISI) of 200 ms, we also investigated the effects of different attention levels on paired-pulse TMS delivered at the 200 ms ISI and on the MEP size during 1-Hz rTMS. Attentional levels had no influence on SICI, ICF and LICI activated by paired-pulse TMS, but increased the MEP facilitation elicited by 5-Hz rTMS. Varying the attention level left the findings from 1-Hz rTMS unchanged. The finding that attention leaves the activity of intracortical inhibitory and excitatory circuits elicited by paired-pulse TMS unchanged but influences the MEP facilitation elicited by 5-Hz rTMS suggests that attention operates only when the stimulation entrains neural circuits made up of a large number of cortical cells with plasticity properties.  相似文献   

A distributed cortical network enables the lateralization of intended unimanual movements, i.e., the transformation from a default mirror movement to a unimanual movement. Little is known about the exact functional organization of this “non-mirror transformation” network. Involvement of the right dorsal premotor cortex (dPMC) was suggested because its virtual lesion by high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) increased the excitability of the left primary motor cortex (M1) during unilateral isometric contraction of a left hand muscle (Cincotta et al., Neurosci Lett 367: 189–93, 2004). However, no behavioural effects were observed in that experimental protocol. Here we tested behaviourally twelve healthy volunteers to find out whether focal disruption of the right dPMC by “off-line” One Hz rTMS (900 pulses, 115% of resting motor threshold) enhances “physiological” mirroring.This was measured by an established protocol (Mayston et al., Ann Neurol 45: 583–94, 1999) that quantifies the mirror increase in the electromyographic (EMG) level in the isometrically contracting abductor pollicis brevis (APB) muscle of one hand during brief phasic contractions performed with the APB of the other hand. Mirroring in the right APB significantly increased after real rTMS of the right dPMC. In contrast, no change in mirroring was seen with sham rTMS of the right dPMC, real rTMS of the right M1, or real rTMS of the left dPMC. These findings strongly support the hypothesis that the right dPMC is part of the non-mirror transformation cortical network.  相似文献   

We used magnetoencephalography (MEG) in 10 healthy human subjects to study cortical responses to tactile stimuli applied to the fingertips of digits 2–5 of the right hand. Each stimulus lasted 50 ms and was produced by air-driven elastic membranes. Four-hundred stimuli were delivered on each finger in three temporal patterns (conditions). In the “Discrete” condition, stimuli were applied to each finger repetitively with an interstimulus interval (ISI) of 1–2 s. In the “Continuous” condition, stimuli were applied to the fingers sequentially as four-stimulus trains with zero ISI and 1–2 s intervening between trains. Finally, in the “Gap” condition, stimuli were applied as in the Continuous condition but with an ISI of 50 ms. A sensation of tactile motion across fingers (digit 2 → digit 5) was reported by all subjects in the Continuous and Gap conditions. Cortical responses were extracted as single equivalent current dipoles over a period of 1 s following stimulus onset. In all three conditions, initial responses in left primary somatosensory cortex (SI) were observed ~20 to 50 ms after stimulus onset and were followed by additional left SI responses and bilateral responses in the secondary somatosensory cortex (SII). In addition, in the Continuous and Gap conditions, there was an activation of the precentral gyrus, the temporal aspects of which depended on the temporal relation of the administered stimuli, as follows. An ISI of 0 ms led to activation of the precentral gyrus shortly after the second stimulation, whereas an ISI of 50 ms led to activation of the precentral gyrus after the third stimulation. The current findings support results from previous studies on temporal activity patterns in SI and SII, verify the participation of the precentral gyrus during tactile motion perception and, in addition, reveal aspects of integration of sequential sensory stimulations over nonadjacent areas as well as temporal activity patterns in the postcentral and precentral gyri.  相似文献   

Data from previous human and primate studies on saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements suggest that there are shared internal inputs (for example, perception, attention, expectation, and memory) for the initiation of the two types of movements. Additional reports examining the effect of preparation time on movement responses have shown that when ample time is allowed subjects usually generate long-latency “reactive” responses. When the time allowed to prepare a movement is short, however, subjects respond with reduced latency and often anticipate the stimulus (“predictive” response). Based on these findings, we believe that the shared internal inputs at early stages of movement preparation may result in saccade and pursuit eye movements demonstrating the same dependence on preparation time despite acting through different neural pathways further downstream. Previously we demonstrated a behavioral “phase transition” when normal subjects tracked alternating targets with saccades. When preparation time was long (low-frequency pacing) subjects made reactive saccades (latency ~180 ms). As preparation time monotonically decreased (pacing frequency increased), there was an abrupt transition to a predictive response (latency <100 ms). In the present study we show that a similar transition exists in smooth pursuit tracking and that the point of transition between the two behaviors is the same for both systems. In other words, the same behavior (reactive versus predictive) is selected when pursuit and saccade tracking are tested under the same time constraints. This provides further evidence that the two types of movements are different motor outcomes of a common decision process.  相似文献   

Voluntary arm movements are preceded by dynamical and electromyographical (EMG) phenomena in “postural segments” (i.e. body segments not directly involved in the voluntary movement) called “anticipatory postural adjustments” (APA). The present study examined how the central nervous system organizes APA under fatigued state of postural musculature elicited by series of high-level isometric contractions (HIC), i.e. corresponding to 60% of maximal voluntary contraction. Subjects (N = 14) purposely performed series of bilateral-forward reach task (BFR) under unipodal stance (dominant and non-dominant) before (“no fatigue” condition, NF) and after (“fatigue” condition, F) a procedure designed to obtain major fatigue in hamstrings. Centre-of-gravity acceleration, centre-of-pressure displacement, and electrical activity of trunk and leg muscles were recorded and quantified within a time-window typical of APA. Results showed that there was no significant effect of fatigue on the level of muscle excitation and APA onset in any of the postural muscles recorded. Similarly, no change in APA onset could be detected from the biomechanical traces. In contrast, results showed that the amplitude of anticipatory centre-of-pressure displacement and centre-of-gravity acceleration reached lower value in F than in NF. Similar results were obtained whether dominant or non-dominant leg was considered. The changes in biomechanical APA features could not be ascribed to a different focal movement performance (maximal BFR velocity and acceleration) between F and NF. These results suggest that, when fatigue is induced by HIC, the capacity of the central nervous system to adapt APA programming to the fatigued state of the postural muscle system might be altered.  相似文献   

Conclusions 1. The As of extrabrain origin caused by “winking,” “eye movement,” and “swallowing” are manifested significantly in the frequency range Δf=0.5−20 Hz at various points of the surface of a person's head and in the overwhelming majority of cases exceed the BBA level severalfold. In this case the times of occurrence of the AS at various points of the head surface differ insignificantly, and the form of the AS has a qualitatively identical character. 2. The AS caused by “winking” and “eye movements” consist of positive and negative components. The average duration of these components =0.46 sec with standard deviation στ=0.084 sec. 3. The AS caused by “swallowing” in the frequency range 0.5–20 Hz has a “two-humped” character and an average duration =1.62 sec with στ=0.27 sec. In the frequency range 20–500 Hz the corresponding AS are manifested by an increase of general bioelectricactivity, in which case τAS=1.65 sec, στ=0.2 sec. The data obtained on the form of the AS and their duration make it possible to develop the structure of a quasi-optimal channel of their detection, in particular, with the use of postdetector optimization with respect to the duration of the AS. Such noise-immune channels can be realized for detecting each of the types of AS and the given set of AS. In this case worsening of the noise immunity of the channel detecting several types of AS compared with the corresponding ones for each of the types may prove to be negligible. Institute of Superhard Materials, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Meditsinskaya Tekhnika, No. 6, pp. 15–18, November–December, 1984.  相似文献   

Online corrections can produce illusory bias during closed-loop pointing   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This experiment examined whether the impact of pictorial illusions during the execution of goal-directed reaching movements is attributable to ocular motor signaling. We analyzed eye and hand movements directed toward both the vertex of the Müller–Lyer (ML) figure in a closed-loop procedure. Participants pointed to the right vertex of a visual stimulus in two conditions: a control condition wherein the figure (in-ML, neutral, out-ML) presented at response planning remained unchanged throughout the movement, and an experimental condition wherein a neutral figure presented at response planning was perturbed to an illusory figure (in-ML, out-ML) at movement onset. Consistent with previous work from our group (Heath et al. in Exp Brain Res 158:378–384, 2004; Heath et al. in J Mot Behav 37:179–185, 2005b), action-bias present in both conditions; thus illusory bias was introduced into during online control. Although primary saccades were influenced by illusory configurations (control conditions; see Binsted and Elliott in Hum Mov Sci 18:103–117, 1999a), illusory bias developed within the secondary “corrective” saccades during experimental trials (i.e., following a veridical primary saccade). These results support the position that a unitary spatial representation underlies both action and perception and this representation is common to both the manual and oculomotor systems.  相似文献   

The increase of the push on the ground with increasing running speed improves the “elastic” rebound of the body by privileging the role of tendons relative to muscle within muscle-tendon units.  相似文献   

Functional MRI (fMRI) combined with the paired-stimuli paradigms (referred as dynamic fMRI) was used to study the “illusory double-flash” effect on brain activity in the human visual cortex. Three experiments were designed. The first two experiments aimed to examine the cross-modal neural interaction between the visual and auditory sensory systems caused by the illusory double-flash effect using combined auditory (beep sound) and visual (light flash) stimuli. The fMRI signal in the visual cortex was significantly increased in response to the illusory double flashes compared to the physical single flash when the inter-stimuli delay between the auditory and visual stimuli was 25 ms. This increase disappeared when the delay was prolonged to ~300 ms. These results reveal that the illusory double-flash effect can significantly affect the brain activity in the visual cortex, and the degree of this effect is dynamically sensitive to the inter-stimuli delay. The third experiment was to address the spatial differentiation of brain activation in the visual cortex in response to the illusory double-flash stimulation. It was found that the illusory double-flash effect in the human visual cortex is much stronger in the periphery than the fovea. This finding suggests that the periphery may be involved in high-level brain processing beyond the retinotopic visual perception. The behavioral measures conducted in this study indicate an excellent correlation between the fMRI results and behavioral performance. Finally, this work demonstrates a unique merit of fMRI for providing both temporal and spatial information regarding cross-modal neural interaction between different sensory systems.  相似文献   

When a participant moves a hand-held target in complete darkness after an afterimage of that target has been obtained, an illusory increase (with movements away from the participant) or decrease (with movements towards the participant) in the apparent size of the afterimage is reported (the Taylor illusion, reported first in Taylor, J Exp Psychol 29: 1941). Unlike typical Emmert’s Law demonstrations, the Taylor illusion shows that a motor-related signal can be used to specify distance for the computation of real size. A study by Carey and Allan (Exp Brain Res 110: 1996) found that the Taylor illusion did not occur in a condition where an afterimage of one hand was obtained while the other hand performed a movement away from the participant from directly behind the first. It was proposed that, for the illusion to manifest itself, proprioceptive and visual information must be in strict “register” when the afterimage is obtained. To evaluate this hypothesis, 14 participants performed “towards” and “away” movements after obtaining afterimages of hand-held cards. Participants wore either plain lenses or prism lenses during the trials, the latter of which displaced visual stimuli 10° to the left. No significant difference was found between the two lens conditions in terms of the effect on the perception of the Taylor illusion. It was concluded that the illusory size distortions may depend on register of visual and proprioceptive position in terms of depth, rather than in the picture plane. Several suggestions for future studies of the Taylor illusion are proposed, and limitations of size judgements of afterimages are outlined.  相似文献   

The contraction of the extra-ocular muscles, during the execution of saccades, produces a strong electric potential in the EEG called the saccadic spike potential (SP). At the frequency spectrum, this SP manifests as a broadband response with most of its power at the gamma-band frequencies. Saccadic activity is known to follow a time-pattern of repression (at around 50–150 ms post stimulus) which is followed by a large increase in saccadic rate at around 200–300 ms post stimulus. Due to this temporal pattern relative to the stimulus, and to the appearance of a SP at each saccade, this increase in saccadic rate shows up after averaging as an increase in gamma-band activity at the time-range of 200–300 ms. Thus, the broadband-transient “induced gamma-band response” frequently reported in the EEG literature, is in fact a “gamma-imposter”, due to ocular myographic activity, and not to neural activity. Previous findings regarding the scalp EEG broadband-transient induced gamma-band response, relating it to neural synchronization and to various cognitive functions should be reevaluated considering the systematic contamination by ocular activity. This article is one of five on the “Special Topic: Discussing Gamma” in issue 22(1) of Brain Topography.  相似文献   

A major question in neuroscience concerns how widely separated brain regions coordinate their activity to produce unitary cognitive states or motor actions. To investigate this question, we employed multisite, multielectrode recording in rats to study how olfactory and motor circuits are coupled prior to the execution of an olfactory-driven, GO/NO-GO variant of a skilled, rapidly executed (∼350–600 ms) reaching task. During task performance, we recorded multi-single units and local field potentials (LFPs) simultaneously from the rats’ olfactory cortex (specifically, the posterior piriform cortex) and from cortical and subcortical motor sites (the caudal forepaw M1, and the magnocellular red nucleus, respectively). Analyses on multi-single units across areas revealed an increase in beta-frequency spiking (12–30 Hz) during a ∼100 ms window surrounding the Final Sniff of the GO cue before lifting the arm (the “Sniff-GO window”) that was seldom seen when animals sniffed the NO-GO cue. Also during the Sniff-GO window, LFPs displayed a striking increase in beta, low-gamma, and high-gamma energy (12–30, 30–50, and 50–100 Hz, respectively), and oscillations in the high gamma band appeared to be coherent across the recorded sites. These results indicate that transient, multispectral coherence across cortical and subcortical brain sites is part of the coordination process prior to sensory-guided movement initiation. Raymond Hermer-Vazquez, Linda Hermer-Vazquez these two authors contributed equally.  相似文献   

Performing repetitive manual tasks can lead to muscle fatigue, which may induce changes in motor coordination, movement stability, and kinematic variability. In particular, movements performed at or above shoulder height have been associated with increased shoulder injury risk. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of repetitive motion-induced muscle fatigue on posture and on the variability and stability of upper extremity movements. Ten healthy subjects performed a repetitive task similar to sawing continuously until volitional exhaustion. This task was synchronized with a metronome to control movement timing. Subjects performed the sawing task at shoulder (“High”) and sternum height (“Low”) on two different days. Joint angles and muscle activity were recorded continuously. Local and orbital stability of joint angles, kinematic variability (within subject standard deviations), and peak joint angles were calculated for five bins of data spaced evenly across each trial. Subjects fatigued more quickly when movements were performed at the High height. They also altered their kinematic patterns significantly in response to muscle fatigue. These changes were more pronounced when the task was performed at the High height. Subjects also exhibited increased kinematic variability of their movements post-fatigue. Increases in variability and altered coordination did not lead to greater instability, however. Shoulder movements were more locally stable when the task was performed at the High height. Conversely, shoulder and elbow movements were more orbitally unstable for the High condition. Thus, people adapt their movement strategies in multi-joint redundant tasks and maintain stability in doing so.  相似文献   

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