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The in vitro characterization of cholinergic receptors in dispersed rat parotid acinar cells was accomplished through investigations of the net transmembrane fluxes of K in response to exposure of the cells to selected cholinergic agonists and antagonists. Interaction of acetylcholine bromide (ACh) and carbamylcholine (carbachol) with the cholinergic receptors resulted in rapid net efflux of K from the cells. This cellular response was demonstrable in concentrations of carbachol as low as 10(-8) M. With gradual increase in the concentrations of the agonist an increase in the K efflux was observed up to 10(-5) M. At higher concentrations of this cholinergic agonist no further increases in the net K efflux were observed. The response of the cells to cholinergic agonists was inhibited by atropine but not by the adrenergic antagonists phentolamine or propranolol, suggesting cholinergic agonist-antagonist interactions at the receptor site. The dispersed rat parotid acinar cells appear to have functionally intact cholinergic receptors and could be used as valuable experimental tools for the study of receptor physiology and pharmacology as well as of other aspects of secretory function at the cellular level.  相似文献   

The in vitro characterization of adrenergic receptors in isolated rat parotid acinar cells was accomplished through investigations of the transmembrane influxes of K and of the secretion of amylase in response to interactions of the cells with selected agonists and antagonists. Interaction of epinephrine (EPI) at concentrations of 10(-3)-10(-9) M with the alpha-adrenergic receptors resulted in rapid efflux of K from the cells. This effect was inhibited by phentolamine but not by propranolol or atropine. The process of secretion of amylase by these cells involved the activation of the beta-adrenergic receptors by the adrenergic agonists DL-isoproterenol (IPR) and EPI at similar to above concentrations. The interaction of these agonists with the beta receptors was inhibited by propranolol but not by phentolamine or atropine. Dibutyryl clclic AMP stimulated secretion of amylase at concentrations of 10(-8) M. A progressive increase in the secretory response of the cells was observed with increases in the dibutyryl cyclic AMP concentrations up to 10(-5) M. This effect was not inhibited by propranolol. This study demonstrates that dispersed rat parotid acinar cells have functionally intact adrenergic receptors and could be used as experimental tools for the studies of receptor physiology and pharmacology as well as other aspects of secretion at the cellular level.  相似文献   

The aim was to study the subcellular localization of the Menkes protein (MNK; ATP7A) in the rat parotid acinar cell. MNK protein is a copper transporting P-type ATPase whose absence or dysfunction causes a fatal neurodegenerative disorder, MNK disease. Rat parotid glands were fixed and low-temperature embedded in Lowicryl K4M resin, and ultrathin sections were prepared for immunocytochemical analysis. Immunolocalization of MNK was demonstrated mainly over the trans Golgi network (TGN) area. Immature and mature secretory granules were also labelled, indicating that MNK protein could be involved here in copper secretion from acinar cells into saliva, consistent with a proposed cariostatic role for copper.  相似文献   

Proliferation and phenotypic preservation of rat parotid acinar cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The purpose of this study is to develop an initial step in salivary gland tissue engineering through proliferation and phenotypic preservation of rat parotid acinar cells in vitro. By using the explant outgrowth technique and M199 medium with the addition of sialic acid, acinar cells not only survived for more than 30 days in the absence of basement membrane substrates but also proliferated to yield cells with acinar phenotypic expression. Furthermore, we tested whether chitosan can be used as a synthetic extracellular matrix to culture salivary acinar cells. Chitosan is a deacetylated product of chitin, which is a plentiful polysaccharide found in nature and is safe for the human body, but little is known about the utility of chitosan in culturing salivary acinar cells. It was found that coating fibronectin on chitosan membrane improved the attachment of acinar cells in the initial stage. However, the poor attachment of acinar cells on pure chitosan membrane did not affect cell growth after longer culture times, indicating that chitosan is potentially useful as a tissue-engineering scaffold of the salivary gland. These in vitro results are encouraging because such a culture system may serve as an artificial salivary gland for future use in the treatment of patients with salivary hypofunction.  相似文献   

The present electron microscopic cytochemical investigation was undertaken to characterize the alterations in the Golgi apparatus and GERL of rat parotid acinar cells during ethionine intoxication and recovery. Although the Golgi apparatus and GERL were reduced in size, and some broadening of the Golgi saccules occurred as the result of ethionine treatment, the relative localization of thiamine pyrophosphatase (TPPase) activity in the Golgi saccules, and acid phosphatase activity (AcPase) in GERL, remained unchanged. Shortly after ethionine treatment was stopped, a dramatic redistribution of enzyme activities was noted. Within the first 24 hours of recovery, the Golgi apparatus began to enlarge, and the content of secretory granules increased. By day 3 of recovery, cisternae morphologically identifiable as GERL and forming secretory granules possessed TPPase activity, while AcPase activity was virtually undetectable. After seven days of recovery, the Golgi apparatus and GERL appeared both morphologically and cytochemically normal. The enzyme modulation observed during recovery may be correlated with increased secretory granule production. Furthermore, the presence of TPPase activity in GERL and forming secretory granules lends support to the suggestion that GERL may be derived from the trans Golgi saccule.  相似文献   

The formation and fate of cytoplasmic crystalloids in rat parotid acinar cells were investigated during ethionine intoxication and recovery. By day 3 of ethionine treatment, acinar cells had numerous autophagic vacuoles containing recognizable secretory granules and fragments of rough endoplasmic reticulum. By day 5, immature crystalloids were present in many of the autophagic vacuoles, and as the crystalloids matured, a 7-nm periodicity became apparent. Crystalloids were never observed in the Golgi saccules or in any other organelle associated with secretory granule formation. When ethionine treatment was stopped, the acinar cells rapidly returned to their normal morphology. The majority of the crystalloids and autophagic vacuoles were lost from the cells during the first two to three days of recovery. At this time annulate lamellae were present intracellularly, and macrophages, many contaning crystalloids, were associated with the basal surface of the acinar cells. These results indicate that the cytoplasmic crystalloids are formed in autophagic vacuoles, and do not represent an abnormal secretory product. Additionally, during recovery crystalloids may be removed from the acinar cells by interaction with macrophages. The sequence of autophagic vacuole formation, development of crystalloids, macrophage infiltration and phagocytosis of acinar cell debris appears to be a non-specific response of the rat parotid gland to cellular injury occurring in a variety of experimental and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment is to examine the proliferative process of rat acinar cells after parotid duct ligation and reopening. Two experimental groups were observed. The first group was killed from 0 to 14 days after the duct ligation. In the second group, the duct was clipped for 14 days, and it was reopened. Following a period of from 2 to 28 days after removal of the clip, the glands were removed to perform a histological analysis, including hematoxylin-eosin (HE), immunofluorescent staining using HAM8 antibody, which recognizes connexin 32, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In the experimental gland from the 1st group at 6 days after ligation (I-6D), the acinar cells disappeared. In the tissue from the 2nd group 8 days after reopening (II-8D), newly formed acinar cells were found again. Lobular structure of the parotid glands recovered in the II-21D. HAM8 signals were observed between normal acinar cells, while they declined in the tissue from I-1D, and they were not observed in the I-2D. HAM8 signals were first observed in the II-25D and then subsequently returned to normal levels in the II-28D. These results suggest that the intercellular communication and functional recovery was not complete 25 days after reopening of the duct.In conclusion, the recovery of the acinar structure was recognized during an extended period of duct ligation, however, a time lag between the morphological and functional recovery was found to exist.  相似文献   

Membrane potential measurement in parotid acinar cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. Intracellular recording of membrane potential was made from acinar cells of the isolated mouse parotid gland superfused with physiological salt solutions.2. The mean acinar resting membrane potential was - 68.5 mV during superfusion with Krebs-Henseleit solution. Shift of the superfusion solution to one containing ACh or adrenaline (10(-5)M) always caused a transient hyperpolarization (about 10-15 mV).3. The membrane potential was mainly dependent on the extracellular K concentration ([K](o)). Increasing [K](o) tenfold decreased the membrane potential by 50 mV. This depolarization was not mediated by ACh release from depolarized nerve endings, since it was seen in the presence of atropine (1.4 x 10(-6)M) and not caused by the accompanying reduction in [Na](o) to 40 mM caused only a small depolarization (less than 10 mV).4. When the superfusion solution was shifted, during intracellular recording, from a normal Krebs-Henseleit solution ([K] = 4.7 mM) to a K-free solution, a hyperpolarization of about 8 mV was measured. Reintroduction of the normal K-containing solution after a longer period of K deprivation (30-70 min) resulted in a short-lasting pronounced hyperpolarization (about 20 mV) which could be blocked by Strophanthin-G (10(-3)M).5. In contrast to previous reports, the present findings indicate that the membrane potential of salivary acinar cells is similar, with respect to magnitude and K-dependence, to that of cells of more thoroughly investigated tissues, such as muscle and nerve, and that the membrane Na-K pump is electrogenic, at least when the cells have been loaded with Na.  相似文献   

Changes in the secretory acinar cells of the rat parotid gland during aging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The secretory acinar cells of parotid glands from rats of varying ages have been examined by electron microscopy to determine what age-related changes occur in these cells. The most prominent change noted in these cells is the progressive increase in the amount of lipofuscin granules with age. Lipofuscin granules are membrane-bound structures consisting of lipids, other subcomponents, and a matrix. In addition, these cells contain lipid droplets that are not associated with any other components and tend to accumulate at the base of the cells in older rats. Also, many acinar cells in the glands of old rats contain altered secretory granules which appear to be in the process of degeneration. The accumulation of lipid and degenerating secretory granules appears to be related to the reduced level of cellular secretory activity in the glands of older rats. It is possible that these two types of inclusions contribute to the formation of lipofuscin granules. Lipofuscin and degenerating secretory granules are associated with acid phosphatase, which is demonstrated cytochemically, indicating that these granules are lysosomal structures.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) are present in lymphoid organs and also in many non-lymphoid tissues. In this study, DC in the steady state peritoneal cavity of rats were identified morphologically and functionally. Approximately 1% of the peritoneal cells are DC. On cytocentrifuge preparations these cells had the same characteristics as lymph node and spleen DC: they had an irregular outline, all were strongly MHC class II positive and had acid phosphatase activity in a spot in a juxtanuclear position. Also ultrastructurally, peritoneal DC were similar to DC isolated from lymph node and spleen. Enrichment of peritoneal DC, using overnight culture and a Nycodenz gradient, resulted in a highly purified DC fraction. Functionally, peritoneal DC appeared to be very potent antigen-presenting cells, far more potent than peritoneal macrophages, which had an inhibitory rather than an accessory function.  相似文献   

Synaptotagmin is a Ca2+ sensing protein, which triggers a fusion of synaptic vesicles in neuronal transmission. Little is known regarding the expression of Ca2+-dependent synaptotagmin isoforms and their contribution to the release of secretory vesicles in mouse and rat parotid acinar cells. We investigated a type of Ca2+-dependent synaptotagmin and Ca2+ signaling in both rat and mouse parotid acinar cells using RT-PCR, microfluorometry, and amylase assay. Mouse parotid acinar cells exhibited much more sensitive amylase release in response to muscarinic stimulation than did rat parotid acinar cells. However, transient [Ca2+]i increases and Ca2+ influx in response to muscarinic stimulation in both cells were identical, suggesting that the expression or activity of the Ca2+ sensing proteins is different. Seven Ca2+-dependent synaptotagmins, from 1 to 7, were expressed in the mouse parotid acinar cells. However, in the rat parotid acinar cells, only synaptotagmins 1, 3, 4 and 7 were expressed. These results indicate that the expression of Ca2+-dependent synaptotagmins may contribute to the release of secretory vesicles in parotid acinar cells.  相似文献   

Fine structure of acinar cells of human parotid gland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In rat parotid acinar cells, maximal 1-adrenergic receptor stimulation (10–5 M epinephrine +10–5 M propranolol) leads to a rapid (<10 s), 4–5-fold elevation in cytosolic Ca2+ ( 800 nM at peak) which decreases to 50% of peak Ca2+ by 3–4 min. Similarly, cells preloaded with36Cl show a rapid (<10 s) 35–50% loss of36Cl which returns to 80% of resting values in 3–4 min. Both responses are dependent on epinephrine, with half-maximal effects achieved at 2×10–7 M and 2×10–6 M agonist for Cl and Ca2+, respectively. In the presence of low extracellular Ca2+ (i.e. with EGTA), the initial rapid changes in cellular Ca2+ and Cl are unaltered. However, cellular Ca2+ and Cl levels return to basal values sooner than when extracellular Ca2+ is present (within 2 and 3 min, respectively). Maximal epinephrine-induced Ca2+ and Cl responses are unaffected by the 2-adrenergic antagonist, yohimbine, are completely blocked by the 1-adrenergic antagonist, SZL-49, and are similar to ion fluxes induced by maximal muscarinic-cholinergic receptor stimulation (10–5 M carbachol). The data suggest that a close association exists between mobilization of intracellular Ca2+ and Cl content in rat parotid acinar cells after 1-adrenocetor stimulation.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the analysis of the nucleolar morphology and distribution of the nucleolar component (i.e. fibrils and granules) in normal and isoproterenol-treated parotid acinar cells of mice. Normally nucleoli present both components intermingled, but at 2 h treatment a considerable decrease of the fibrillar area is detected by a silver staining method. Normal nucleolar characteristics are recovered after eight hours treatment. In hypertrophic cells nucleolar size is considerably increased, but the ratio total nucleolar area/fibrillar area is similar to control cells as shown by a stereometrical computerized analysis. Rounded nucleolar bodies occur in these nuclei which do not seem to be dependent on the modifications induced by the drug.  相似文献   

The activity of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in rat parotid acinar cells was measured using a newly synthesized fluorescent NO indicator DAF-2/DA. Our results show that NO production is most effectively stimulated by activation of the beta-adrenergic receptor, and to a minor extent by substance P (SP). NO activates the production of cGMP, an intracellular messenger that has been shown to release Ca2+ from ryanodine-sensitive intracellular stores. We found that cGMP is also able to release Ca2+ from ryanodine-insensitive intracellular stores. Our data show that a rise in the cGMP concentration induces inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate [Ins(1,4,5)P3] synthesis and Ca2+ release from intracellular stores.  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton serves as a signal modulator for Ca2+ and cAMP-regulated cell functions including the secretion of ions and granule contents. The interaction between Ca2+ and cAMP signaling systems potentiates amylase secretion and suppresses Cl- secretion in the parotid glands. In this study, we investigated the role of the cytoskeleton in the modulation of Cl- and amylase secretion from rat parotid acinar cells upon activation of each intracellular signaling system and their interaction. Cytochalasin D markedly inhibited the Ca2+-activated outwardly rectifying Cl- current at positive membrane potentials and carbachol (CCh)-induced Cl- currents in the whole-cell configuration at -80 mV, whereas colchicine enhanced Cl- currents. Cytochalasin D, but not colchicine, markedly inhibited CCh-induced Cl- secretion. Synergistic actions of CCh and forskolin on Cl- and amylase secretion were observed even in the presence of cytochalasin D. These results suggest that the synergistic effects of Ca2+ and cAMP signaling systems on amylase and Cl- secretion do not require actin filament integrity but that secretion by the two signals themselves does require actin filament integrity.  相似文献   

In acinar cells freshly dispersed from rat parotid glands, the effects of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) on membrane currents were studied using the whole-cell clamp method. When membrane currents were recorded with command pulses to 0 mV, applied at 2-s intervals from a holding potential of –70 mV, NH4Cl (5–20 mM) transiently decreased outward currents and then slowly increased both outward and inward currents. After reaching a peak in about 40–50 s, both outward and inward currents gradually decreased in the presence of NH4Cl and, on its wash-out, the currents returned to the control level. Butyrate (5–20 mM) had little effect on the resting membrane currents, but markedly inhibited the response to NH4Cl. Tetraethylammonium (5 mM) strongly reduced both the resting and NH4Cl-induced outward currents, whereas it slightly potentiated the NH4Cl-induced inward current without affecting the membrane current at the holding potential. Without ATP in the patch pipettes, carbachol-induced membrane currents were relatively resistant to Ca2+ removal from the external medium, but NH4Cl-induced currents were quickly abolished in the absence of Ca2+. We conclude that intracellular alkalinization with NH4Cl increases Ca2+ influx and activates Ca2+-dependent outward K+ and inward Cl currents.  相似文献   

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