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目的 了解广东省丰顺县2005,2006年地方性氟中毒(简称地氟病)防治措施及防治效果,为饮水型地氟病的防治和研究提供科学依据.方法 按照全国地方性氟中毒监测方案,选择丰顺县汤西镇湖陂,大寨,安全村作为监测点,调查改水设施使用情况,饮水含氟量,8-12周岁儿童尿氟及氟斑牙检出率.结果 2005,2006年共调查18个改水降氟设施,其中6个改水设施损坏并停止使用.湖陂,大寨,安全村2005年的饮水含氟量分别为2.10,1.22,0.15 mg/L,8-12周岁儿童氟斑牙检出率分别为54.23%(64/118),38.91%(79/203),9.10%(6/66),儿童尿氟中位数分别为0.95,0.90,1.05 mg/L,2006年饮水含氟量分别为2.01,1.57,0.21 mg/L:8-12周岁儿童氟斑牙检出率分别为26.47%(27/102),12.50%(23/184),6.15%(4/65),儿童尿氟中位数分别为0.97,0.61,0.59 mg/L.结论 丰顺县地氟病病区基本达到了地氟病病区控制标准.建议规范改水降氟设施工程的管理和使用.  相似文献   

山东省梁山县地方性氟中毒5年监测结果分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
目的 了解梁山县改水降氟措施的落实情况和监测点徐东村地方性氟中毒病情变化,观察采取防治措施产生的预防效果。方法 儿童氟斑牙检查采用Dean法,水、尿测定氟采用氟离子选择电极法,成人氟中毒的体征、症状及氟骨诊断标准依照卫生部地病司《地方性氟中毒防治手册》执行。结果 梁山县共落实改水降氟措施131个病区村(109处工程),占全部氟病村的60.9%,受益人口10余万人。已落实防治措施病村中正常运转的改水工程63处,含74个病村,占已改水病区村的56.5%。监测点东徐村8~12岁儿童氟斑牙患病率由1997年的68.9%降至2001年的32,2%,尿氟水平由1997年的1.31mg/L减低至2001年的1.06mg/L,成人氟骨症的患病率随改水时间的延长明显降低,且病变程度显著减轻。结论 改水降氟是控制饮水型地方性氟中毒切实可行的重要措施,改水设施的运行正常与否,是保证预防效果的关键。  相似文献   

目的 了解山东省梁山县和博兴县地方性氟中毒(简称地氟病)病情,为制订地氟病防治措施提供依据.方法 2007 - 2009年,在山东省梁山县、博兴县各抽取100处改水设施,调查使用情况及检测水氟;抽取10户居民,测定家中饮用水含氟量;检查全部监测点(每县3个村)8~12岁在校儿童的牙齿,计算氟斑牙检出率、氟斑牙指数.同时进行尿氟检测.结果 2007 - 2009年,梁山县儿童尿氟中位数分别为2.35、3.73、1.29mg/L,儿童氟斑牙检出率分别为72.73%(88/121)、78.08%(57/73)、70.64%(77/109),氟斑牙指数分别为1.43、1.76、1.34.博兴县尿氟中位数分别为4.50、6.71、5.64 mg/L,儿童氟斑牙检出率分别为95.93%(118/123)、99.06%(105/106)、94.41%(152/161),氟斑牙指数分别为2.23、2.54、2.09.结论 山东省梁山县的地氟病防治情况好于博兴县,改水降氟是控制饮水型地氟病的重要措施,在地氟病病区应进一步加大改水降氟工作力度.  相似文献   

目的 了解1992-2006年山东省地方性氟中毒防治措施落实进度和病情变化动态,为制订控制措施提供科学依据.方法 按照<全国地方性氟中毒监测方案>,选择桓台县(1992-1996年)和梁山县(1997-2006年)作为监测县,调查2个县改水情况和饮水含氟量;在桓台县选择李家村,染山县选择东徐村,调查居民饮水含氟量,8~12岁儿童氟斑牙患病情况、尿氟水平以及16岁以上成人临床与X线氟骨症患病情况.结果 1992年桓台县、2006年梁山县的改水降氟完成率分别为100.00%(304/304)、63.72%(137/215);1992-1996年桓台县正常使用工程的水氟超标(>1.0mg/L)率范围为5.00%(5/100)~17.14%(18/105),1997-2006年梁山县为18.97%(11/58)~45.61%(26/57).1992-1996年李家村居民饮用水水氟均<1.00 mg/L,1997-2006年东徐村居民饮用水水氟均<0.50 mg/L.李家村8~12岁儿童氟斑牙检出率由1992年的30.86%(25/81)降为1996年的10.13%(8/79,χ2=12.41,P<0.05),东徐村则由1997年的68.95%(151/219)降为2006年的0(0/38,χ2=222.04,P<0.01);李家村和东徐村儿童尿氟水平连续监测均低于1.40 mg/L.桓台县李家村16岁以上成人X线氟骨症阳性检出率由1992年的30.0%(15/50)降为1996年的13.95%(6/43,χ2=3.41,P>0.05),均为Ⅰ度病例;东徐村由1997年的64.58%(31/48)降至16.67%(4/24,χ2=14.71,P<0.01),且无Ⅲ度病例检出.结论 监测县改水降氟措施落实进度尚不平衡,梁山县进展比较缓慢;部分改水工程水氟超标;重点监测村居民饮用水水氟正常,氟中毒病情得到有效控制.今后应加大投入,加快改水进度并加强改水设施的管理与病情监测,最大限度降低氟中毒危害.  相似文献   

1991-2005年全国地方性氟中毒监测结果分析   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:14  
目的掌握全国地方性氟中毒(地氟病)防治措施落实进度和病情变化动态,为政府部门制定地氟病防治策略提供科学依据。方法数据来源于1991-2005年全国地氟病各年度监测数据,全部监测工作按国家地氟病重点监测方案执行。结果①饮水型地氟病病区降氟改水率增长34个百分点,但水氟≤1.0 mg/L改水降氟工程数量则减少了近5个百分点;②燃煤污染型地氟病病区改炉改灶完成率增长了28个百分点,到2005年改炉改灶完成率达到47.22%;降氟炉灶合格率增长了26个百分点,达到92.54%;③饮水氟≤1.0 mg/L的监测点数量呈下降趋势,与水氟≤1.0 mg/L的改水工程数量减少一致;④玉米氟≤1.5 mg/kg的监测点数量总体趋势表现为减少, >1.5 mg/kg的监测点数量总体趋势表现为增加;辣椒氟≤1.0和>1.0 mg/kg的监测点数量增减变化甚微,但92%以上监测点辣椒含氟量超标:⑤饮水型病区儿童氟斑牙检出率≤30%和>30%~60%的监测点数量增加,而>60%~80%和>80%的监测点数量减少;燃煤污染型病区儿童氟斑牙检出率≤30%的监测点数量增加,而>80%的监测点数量减少。结论①饮水型地氟病病区降氟改水率增加,但≤1.0 mg/L改水工程减少和水氟回升;②燃煤污染型地氟病病区改炉改灶完成率年度递增,降氟炉灶合格率达到90%以上;玉米和辣椒含氟量下降,但幅度不大;③无论饮水型地氟病还是燃煤型地氟病,其病情被控制的监测点数量均增加,重病区监测点数量则明显减少。  相似文献   

目的 汇总 1991— 1999年河北省饮水型地方性氟中毒 (以下简称地氟病 )重病区全国监测点廊坊固安县的监测结果 ,用于指导全省地氟病的防治。方法 按全国地方性氟中毒重点监测方案规定的方法和标准要求进行监测。结果 对监测点全县 77个改水点水氟动态及重点村的病情进行了分析 ,认为通过连续 9年的监测 ,从整体水平看监测点水氟含量、小学生氟斑牙患病率、氟骨症临床症状与体征检出率呈下降趋势 ,主要指标已降至非病区水平。结论 改水降氟是防治饮水型地氟病的有效措施 ,科学监测和加强管理是改水降氟措施防治地氟病发挥效益的重要保证。  相似文献   

吉林省地方性氟中毒全国重点监测结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查监测县及监测点防治措施落实情况及防治效果。方法按照“全国地方性氟中毒监测方案”,调查监测县防氟改水进度,100个防氟设施管理使用情况及水氟含量。用氟离子选择电极法检测监测点居民饮水氟含量和8~12岁儿童尿氟含量。采用Dean氏法调查监测点81~2岁儿童氟斑牙检出率。结果监测县改水率为82.9%。监测县100个防氟设施中,85%完好并可正常使用。但有11眼防氟井水氟含量超过1.0 mg/L。2个监测点饮水氟含量分别为0.49 mg/L和0.58 mg/L;8~12岁儿童尿氟含量分别为1.21 mg/L和1.17 mg/L,平均为1.23 mg/L;2个监测点8~12岁儿童氟斑牙患病率分别为34.04%和42.50%,平均为37.93%。结论监测县多数病区已改水,多数防氟设施管理使用良好。地方性氟中毒防治取得显著成绩。但仍存在一些问题,如防氟井管理、使用、维护不善等。今后应采取对策改善现况,从而促进地方性氟中毒的防治工作。  相似文献   

2005年和2006年全国饮水型地方性氟中毒重点监测报告   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
目的 掌握2005、2006年全国饮水型地方性氟中毒(简称地氟病)防治措施落实进度、防治效果及病情变化动态,为制订地氟病防治策略提供科学依据.方法 按<全国地方性氟中毒监测方案>规定的方法和要求,调查监测县(市)防治措施落实进度及改水降氟工程质量.在临测点采集居民户水样、8~12岁儿童尿样,水、尿氟测定采用离子选择电极法;检查8~12岁儿童牙齿,氟斑牙诊断采用Dean法.结果 ①2005年全国地氟病监测县平均改水率为71.78%(2462/3430),2006年新增改水村(屯)31个,平均改水率为72.68%(2493/3430),比2005年提高0.90%.②两年降氟改水工程报废率在10%左右,水氟超标率在30%左右.③约50%的监测点水氟超标,主要集中在1.0~2.0 mg/L,亦有50%以上监测点儿童尿氟几何均数超过正常值标准(1.4 mg/L).④儿童氟斑牙病情处于控制线标准(30%)以下的监测点还比较少,有部分监测点多年以来病情始终处于中、重病区水平.结论 两年来饮水型地氟病监测县改水率表现为增长,但幅度较小;改水工程报废和水氟超标现象普遍;大部分监测点儿童氟斑牙病情尚未达到控制标准.  相似文献   

广东省2002~2004年地方性氟中毒全国重点监测结果分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的了解丰顺县及监测点地方性氟中毒防治措施落实情况及防治效果。方法按照“全国地方性氟中毒监测方案”,调查丰顺县2002~2004年改水进度,18个改水设施管理使用情况及水氟含量。用氟离子选择电极法检测监测点居民饮水氟含量和8~12岁儿童尿氟。采用Dean氏法调查监测点8~12岁儿童氟斑牙患病率。结果丰顺县改水率为90.0%。受益率93.75%,18个改水设施中,83.3%可正常使用。有3个改水设施的水氟含量超过1.0mg/L。2004年3个监测点饮水氟含量分别为1.20、1.31和0.25mg/L;8~12岁儿童氟斑牙患病率分别为39.02%、36.10%和3.37%;儿童尿氟分别为1.31、1.50、0.96 mg/L。结论监测县改水防氟设施管理使用较好,病情得到控制,监测村儿童氟斑牙和尿氟维持在较低水平。但仍存在改水设施管理、使用维护不善的问题,要加强这方面工作。  相似文献   

目的 了解2005年山东省济宁市地方性氟中毒(简称地氟病)病区的水氟分布和改水降氟工程的现状.方法 在济宁市选择有地氟病的任城区、梁山县和嘉祥县进行饮用水氟筛查和改水降氟工程运行情况调查,采用氟离子选择性电极法测定水氟.结果 共筛查了671个村,饮水含氟量≤1.00 mg/L的村为170个(占25.34%),>1.00 mg/L的村为501个(占74.66%),水氟最高为11.33 mg/L.共检测改水降氟工程497处,其中报废工程161处(占32.39%),正常运行工程334处(占67.20%),间歇运行工程2处(占0.40%).正常和间歇运行的 336处改水降氟工程.饮水含氟量≤1.00 mg/L的工程为281处(占73.18%),>1.00 mg/L的工程为55处(占26.82%),最高为4.28mg/L.结论 济宁市地氟病防治形势仍然十分严峻,须尽快落实防治措施和加强改水降氟工程的监测和管理工作.  相似文献   

Our study examined the efficacy of four treatment modalities in controlling hemorrhage and achieving hemodynamic stabilization in hemorrhagic shock: intravenous fluid replacement (IV); military antishock trousers used concomitantly with fluids (MAST); balloon occlusion at the level of the diaphragm with concomitant fluid replacement (balloon); and a combination of MAST inflation, balloon occlusion, and fluid resuscitation (MAST and balloon). Twenty-eight mongrel dogs were anesthetized, and the spleen was exposed and completely crushed. The abdomen was closed, and treatment was initiated and continued for four hours or until the dog died. For all conditions the hematocrit dropped during the course of the experiment; balloon occlusion was effective at slowing this drop (P less than .0001), but MAST had no statistically significant effect. Animals with balloons bled more slowly into the abdominal cavity than did animals in the other two groups (P less than .0001). MAST also were effective at slowing the bleeding (P less than .05). Of the balloon and the MAST and balloon dogs, all except one survived the entire four hours; this difference between balloon and nonballoon dogs is significant (P = .002). MAST did not have a statistically significant effect on survival. Perfusion pressure (PP) declined during the course of the experiment, and the balloon was effective at slowing this decline (P less than .0001); none of the other comparisons was statistically significant.  相似文献   

A case of massive digoxin ingestion with multiple arrhythmias, consisting of high grade A-V block and ventricular ectopy not responsive to lidocaine, is described. The arrhythmias ceased following administration of digoxin-specific Fab fragments. The patient improved and was transferred to the psychiatric unit.  相似文献   

In a prospective, randomized clinical trial, 19 patients with an acute exacerbation of asthma were given a loading dose of aminophylline by the IV (n = 10) or oral route (n = 9) of administration following treatment with epinephrine. Plasma concentrations of theophylline were measured prior to giving the loading dose, and one, two, three, and 24 to 48 hours later. Therapeutic effectiveness was evaluated by analyzing spirometric measurements prior to giving the loading dose, and one, three, and 24 to 48 hours later. Side effects also were recorded. In the IV group, the mean peak plasma theophylline concentration was 15.1 micrograms/mL one hour after loading, and in the oral group the mean peak serum theophylline concentration was 14.2 micrograms/mL three hours after loading. There was no correlation between theophylline concentrations and normalized change in spirometric values. There was no significant difference in spirometric values between the IV and oral groups. Nausea was slightly more common in the IV group. We conclude that there is no therapeutic advantage to giving a loading dose of aminophylline by the IV route rather than orally in patients with mild-to-moderate exacerbation of asthma initially treated with epinephrine.  相似文献   

Among the various methods for collecting oil spills and oil products, including from the water surface, one of the most effective is the use of sorbents. In this work, three-component bio-based composite granular adsorbents were produced and studied for oil products’ pollution collection. A bio-based binder made of peat, devulcanised crumb rubber from used tyres, and part fly ash as cenospheres were used for absorbent production. The structure, surface morphology, porosity, mechanical properties, and sorption kinetics of the obtained samples were studied. Composite hydrophobicity and sorption capacity to oil products, such as diesel fuel (DF) and motor oil (MO), were determined. The obtained pellets are characterised by a sufficiently pronounced ability to absorb oil products such as DF. As the amount of CR in the granules increases, the diesel absorption capacity increases significantly. The case of 30-70-0 is almost three times higher than the granules from homogenised peat. The increase in q is due to two factors: the pronounced surface hydrophobicity of the samples (Θ = 152°) and a heterogeneous porous granule structure. The presence of the cenosphere in the biocomposite reduces its surface hydrophobicity while increasing the diesel absorption capacity. Relatively rapid realisation of the maximum saturation by the MO was noted. In common, the designed absorbent shows up to 0.7 g·g−1 sorption capacity for MO and up to 1.55 g·g−1 sorption capacity for diesel. A possible mechanism of DF absorption and the limiting stages of the process approximated for different kinetic models are discussed. The Weber–Morris diffusion model is used to primarily distinguish the limiting effect of the external and internal diffusion of the adsorbate on the absorption process.  相似文献   

Multiple myeloma (MM) is a malignant disease caused by clonal proliferation of plasma cells that result in monoclonal gammopathy and severe end organ damage. Despite the uniform clinical signs, the disease is very diverse in terms of the nature and sequence of the underlying molecular events. Multiple cellular processes are involved in helping the malignant cells to remain viable and maintain proliferative properties in the hypoxic microenvironment of the bone marrow. Specifically, the process of angiogenesis, triggered by the interactions between the malignant MM cells and the stroma cells around them, was found to be critical for MM progression. In this review we highlight the current understanding about the epigenetic regulation of the proliferation and apoptosis of MM cells and its dependency on angiogenesis in the bone marrow that is carried out by different microRNAs.  相似文献   

阿尔茨海默病及帕金森病是老年人最常见的两种神经退行性疾病,但其发病机制及治疗是研究的热点。随着高通量测序技术的进步及成本的下降,RNA-Seq也成为神经退行性疾病机制研究及生物标志物发现的有力手段。RNA-Seq相对于microarray具有高灵敏度、高准确性、高重复性以及噪声低等优势,在阿尔茨海默病及帕金森病研究中有较为广泛的应用,包括检测差异表达基因,可变剪接、新长链非编码RNA预测分析和miRNAs调控等,但是容易受病理复杂性及样本等因素影响。目前阿尔茨海默病及帕金森病转录组研究相比于癌症等还不够深入,在临床诊断及治疗应用还面临较大挑战。但是随着新技术及新方法的发展,RNA-Seq将进一步推动神经退行性相关疾病的研究和临床转化。  相似文献   

【摘要】 目的  回顾并总结巢湖市丝虫病的流行、控制,以及消除丝虫病的历程。 方法  统计分析1970~1989年在该市采取以消灭传染源、切断传播途径为主的防治策略,以及展开大规模防治的各个阶段。 结果  1989年,采用分层整群抽样调查方法调查,微丝蚴率下降至0.032%,以行政村为单位,微丝蚴率已控制在1.0%以下,达到卫生部规定的基本消灭丝虫病标准;1991年,经省级调查考核,认定全市已达到卫生部规定的基本消灭丝虫病标准。1996年,省级审评确认已达到卫生部颁布的消灭丝虫病标准。经过10年的监测和跟踪治疗,到2005年,全市丝虫病病原学监测未查见微丝蚴阳性者,解剖镜检人房内淡色库蚊1 348只,蚊体内均未查见人体幼丝虫。 结论  巢湖市达到了消除丝虫病的标准。  相似文献   

The role of the external and internal anal sphincters in the mechanism of anal continence is presented. The external sphincter induces continence by 1) preventing internal sphincter relaxation, what I have called the “voluntary inhibition action,” and 2) mechanical compression of the rectal neck and anal canal proper. The mechanism of both actions is described. The internal sphincter plays a significant role not only in involuntary, but also in voluntary, continence. The importance of this role in the correction of anal incontinence is clarified. “Stress defecation,” a condition which follows internal sphincter damage, is discussed. A “single loop continence” theory is presented, based on the fact that each of the three loops of the external sphincter has its own innervation, attachment, and direction of muscle bundles; each loop thus acts as a separate sphincter. The clinical application of this theory is presented.  相似文献   

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