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Visual-vestibular interaction in early infancy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The development of visual and vestibular control of smooth gaze adjustments was studied longitudinally in 3- to 18-week-old infants. Eye and head movements were measured with electro-oculography (EOG) and an optoelectronic system, respectively. The infant was placed in a chair providing full support to the trunk but allowing relatively free head movements. The chair was positioned at the center of a striped-patterned drum. The chair and the drum were oscillated sinusoidally, either individually or in synchrony at 0.25 Hz. When the drum oscillated around the infant (the optokinetic response condition, OKR), the gain of both smooth eye and head tracking components was low up to 6 weeks of age, after which the eye gain increased dramatically and the lag decreased. The most substantial increase in head gain was observed at 13-18 weeks of age. When only the chair was oscillated (visual VOR, VVOR), the compensatory eye gain was high at 3 weeks and the head contributed significantly to the compensation (vestibulocollic reflex, VCR). The head gain increased significantly at 13-18 weeks of age as in the OKR case. When the drum and the chair were oscillated synchronously (inhibition of VOR, VORINHIB), the compensatory eye gain was significantly lower than in the VVOR, indicating suppression of VOR. This effect was considerable at 3 weeks. However, VCR was not suppressed but comparable to the VVOR condition at all ages studied. In summary, we found that the vestibular control of smooth gaze adjustment functions earlier than the visual control. At 2 months, the visual control improves dramatically and at 3-4 months head participation increases considerably. The eye gain in the VORINHIB condition could be well predicted by vector addition of the eye position signals in the OKR and VVOR conditions.  相似文献   

Natural aging entails progressive deterioration in a variety of biological systems. This study focuses on visual and vestibular influences on human eye movements as a function of aging. Eye movements were recorded (search-coil technique) during visual, vestibular, and combined stimuli in subjects across a broad range of ages (18–89 years). Two types of visual following were assessed: smooth pursuit (SP) of a small discrete target, and optokinetic (OKR) following of a large-field striped image. The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) was studied during head rotation in darkness. Visualvestibular interactions were recorded during rotation in two ways: when the optokinetic scene was earth-fixed, resulting in visual enhancement of the VOR (VVOR), and when the visual image was head-fixed, allowing visual suppression of the VOR (VSVOR). Stimuli consisted of horizontal sinusoidal oscillations over the frequency range 0.025–4 Hz. Trials were analyzed to yield response gain (peak horizontal eye/stimulus velocities) and phase (asynchrony, in degrees, between eye and stimulus velocity signals). VOR gain in young subjects was greatest (near 0.9) at 2.5–4 Hz but declined steadily with decreasing frequency, while phase hovered near zero until 0.1 Hz and then developed a progressively increasing lead. Effects of advancing age were small, given the modest head velocities presented, and were most noticeable as an increase in phase lead and decline in gain at the lowest frequencies (0.1 Hz). The two forms of visual following and all conditions of visual-vestibular interactions displayed more prominent age-dependent changes. OKR and SP response characteristics (0.25–4 Hz) closely resembled each other. Gain was greatest at 0.25 Hz, while phase was near 0°. As frequency increased, gain declined while phase lag rose. However, both gain and phase lag tended to be slightly greater for OKR than for SP responses. Both SP and OKR response properties deteriorated progressively with increasing age, as witnessed by a progressive decline in gain and increase in phase lag, even at modest frequencies (e.g., 0.25–1.0 Hz). VVOR responses were generally closer to the ideal of 1.0 in gain and 0° in phase than either the VOR or visual following alone. A subtle but significant age-dependent decline in VVOR performance occurred at the lowest frequencies. VSVOR response characteristics were close to those of the VOR and VVOR at 4 Hz, where visual influences on eye movements are generally inconsequential. As frequency declined, visual suppression became more robust and gain dropped. The SP stimulus seemed surprisingly more effective than the OK scene in suppressing the VOR, but this effect is predicted by a linear model of visual-vestibular interactions. As age increased, visual influences on the VOR became progressively weaker, in concert with deterioration of visual following. The subjective sensation of circular vection (CV), a psychophysical measure of VVI, was assessed during optokinetic stimulation at 0.025 Hz. Interestingly, the likelihood and intensity of CV increased with aging, suggesting that visual inputs to the perception of self-motion are enhanced in the elderly. This may represent a form of visual compensation for age-dependent loss of vestibular self-rotation cues. In brief, the VOR, visual following, and their interactions display specific changes in response properties as a function of natural aging. The modifications may be interpreted as age-dependent deteriorations in the performance of systems underlying the control of human eye movements.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of deficient labyrinthine function on smooth visual tracking with the eyes and head were investigated in ten patients with bilateral peripheral vestibular disease. Ten normal subjects served as controls. In the patients active, combined eye-head tracking (EHT) was significantly better than smooth pursuit (SP) with the eyes alone with a target frequency of 1.0 Hz. Normal subjects pursued equally well with SP and with active EHT. The gain of compensatory eye movements during active head rotation in darkness was also measured. Compensatory eye movements in labyrinthine-deficient patients (attributable to residual vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR), cervico-ocular reflex (COR) and pre-programmed eye movements) were always less than in normal subjects. These data were used to examine current hypotheses that postulate central cancellation of the VOR (or compensatory eye movements) during EHT. A model that proposes summation of an internal smooth pursuit command and VOR/ compensatory eye movements accounted for the findings in normal subjects and labyrinthine-deficient patients. In seven labyrinthine-deficient patients and nine normal subjects, passive EHT was measured during en bloc rotation while they viewed a head-fixed target. With a target frequency of 1.0 Hz, both subjects and patients showed significantly better tracking during passive EHT than during SP. Normal subjects also showed superior tracking during passive EHT compared with active EHT. These findings support the notion that during passive EHT, parametric gain changes contribute to modulation of the VOR.  相似文献   

 During natural behaviour in a visual environment, smooth pursuit eye movements (SP) usually override the vestibular-ocular reflex (VOR) and the optokinetic reflex (OKR), which stem from head-in-space and scene-relative-to-eye motion, respectively. We investigated the interaction of SP, VOR, and OKR, which is not fully understood to date. Eye movements were recorded in two macaque monkeys while applying various combinations of smooth eye pursuit, vestibular and optokinetic stimuli (sinusoidal horizontal rotations of visual target, chair and optokinetic pattern, respectively, at 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, and 0.8 Hz, corresponding to peak stimulus velocities of 1.25–40°/s for a standard stimulus of ±8°). Slow eye responses were analysed in terms of gain and phase. During SP at mid-frequencies, the eyes were almost perfectly on target (gain 0.98 at 0.1 Hz), independently of a concurrent vestibular or optokinetic stimulus. Pursuit gain at lower frequencies, although being almost ideal (0.98 at 0.025 Hz with pursuit-only stimulation), became modified by the optokinetic input (gain increase above unity when optokinetic stimulus had the same direction as target, decrease with opposite direction). At higher stimulus frequencies, pursuit gain decreased (down to 0.69 at 0.8 Hz), and the pursuit response became modified by vestibular input (gain increase during functionally synergistic combinations, decrease in antagonistic combinations).Thus, the pursuit system in monkey dominates during SP-OKR-VOR interaction, but it does so effectively only in the mid-frequency range. The results can be described in the form of a simple dynamic model in which it is assumed that the three systems interact by linear summation. In the model SP and OKR dominate VOR in the low- to mid-frequency/velocity range, because they represent closed loop systems with high internal gain values (>>1) at these frequencies/velocities, whereas the VOR represents an open loop system with about unity-gain (up to very high frequencies). SP dominance over OKR is obtained by allowing an ’attentional/volitional’ mechanism to boost SP gain and a predictive mechanism to improve its dynamics. Received: 27 November 1998 / Accepted: 8 March 1999  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of visually mediated eye movements made before velocity-step horizontal head rotations in eleven normal human subjects. When subjects viewed a stationary target before and during head rotation, gaze velocity was initially perturbed by approximately 20% of head velocity; gaze velocity subsequently declined to zero within approximately 300 ms of the stimulus onset. We used a curve-fitting procedure to estimate the dynamic course of the gain throughout the compensatory response to head rotation. This analysis indicated that the median initial gain of compensatory eye movements (mainly because of the vestibulo-ocular reflex, VOR) was 0. 8 and subsequently increased to 1.0 after a median interval of 320 ms. When subjects attempted to fixate the remembered location of the target in darkness, the initial perturbation of gaze was similar to during fixation of a visible target (median initial VOR gain 0.8); however, the period during which the gain increased toward 1.0 was >10 times longer than that during visual fixation. When subjects performed horizontal smooth-pursuit eye movements that ended (i.e., 0 gaze velocity) just before the head rotation, the gaze velocity perturbation at the onset of head rotation was absent or small. The initial gain of the VOR had been significantly increased by the prior pursuit movements for all subjects (P < 0.05; mean increase of 11%). In four subjects, we determined that horizontal saccades and smooth tracking of a head-fixed target (VOR cancellation with eye stationary in the orbit) also increased the initial VOR gain (by a mean of 13%) during subsequent head rotations. However, after vertical saccades or smooth pursuit, the initial gaze perturbation caused by a horizontal head rotation was similar to that which occurred after fixation of a stationary target. We conclude that the initial gain of the VOR during a sudden horizontal head rotation is increased by prior horizontal, but not vertical, visually mediated gaze shifts. We postulate that this "priming" effect of a prior gaze shift on the gain of the VOR occurs at the level of the velocity inputs to the neural integrator subserving horizontal eye movements, where gaze-shifting commands and vestibular signals converge.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated horizontal smooth pursuit eye movements and hand movements in tracking tasks in order to find out whether hand movements influence eye movements and if so, in what ways. Externally controlled target movements were tracked either by the eyes alone or by the eyes and right hand together. Because a possible influence might depend on the stimulus, we used two classes of target movements: sinusoidal target movements (predictable target movements) and pseudo-random target movements (unpredictable target movements). Our data show that the eye movements contained only a few small saccades when sinusoidal target movements with frequencies higher than about 1 Hz were tracked by eyes and hand together. More and larger saccades were made when the same target movements were tracked by the eyes alone. The difference in smoothness of eye movements was highly significant between the two tracking conditions. Such a difference was not found during the tracking of a pseudorandom target motion. This suggests that the influence of hand movements is related to the predictability of the stimulus. In contrast to the gain of the smooth pursuit eye movements and the maximum of the cross-correlation function, the gain of the composite eye movements did not depend on the tracking condition. The delay of the eye movements with respect to the (sinusoidal) target movements also showed no dependence on the tracking condition. Visual feedback from the tracking hand was found not to play a role in the difference in eye movements for the two tracking conditions.  相似文献   

Eye- and head movements in freely moving rabbits.   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
1. Eye- and head movements were recorded in unrestrained, spontaneously behaving rabbits with a new technique, based upon phase detection of signals induced in implanted coils by a rotating magnetic field. 2. Movements of the eye in space were exclusively saccadic. In the intersaccadic intervals the eyes were stabilized in space, even during vigorous head movements. Most of this stability was maintained in darkness, except for the occurrence of slow drift. 3. Many saccades were initiated while the head was stationary. They were accompanied by a similar, but slower head rotation with approximately the same amplitude. The displacement of the eye in space was a pure step without appreciable under- or over-shoot. The deviation of the eye in the head was mostly transient. 4. Other saccades were started while the head was moving and were possibly fast phases of a vestibulo-ocular reflex. The time course of the eye movement in space was identical for all saccades, whether the head was moving prior to the saccade or not. Eye movements without any head movement were not observed. 5. Saccades were mostly large (average 20-6 +/- 12-4 degrees S.D.) and never smaller than 1 degree. The relations of maximal velocity and duration to amplitude were similar to those reported for man. 6. Visual pursuit of moving objects, when elicited, was only saccadic and never smooth. 7. It is concluded that the co-ordination and dynamics of the rabbit's head- and eye movements are similar to those of primates. In the absence of foveal specilization, the eye movements are restricted to a rather global redirection of the visual field, possibly in particular of the binocular area.  相似文献   

To investigate the possibility that rhythmic activity originating in the central nervous system may modulate human eye movements, anticipatory eye movements were generated by tracking an intermittently obscured sinusoidally moving target. Eight subjects tracked intermittently obscured sinusoids of three different frequencies and of two different amplitudes. Eye movements were recorded by an infra-red reflection technique. The eye velocity records were analysed in the frequency domain by power spectral estimates. During periods where the target was obscured, eye movements consisted of a staggered series of anticipatory saccades with intervening smooth anticipatory eye movements or relatively stationary periods. In sections where the intervening smooth components of anticipatory tracking were of high velocity (above 15 deg/s), a superimposed smooth tremulous oscillation at around 10 Hz was sometimes present. Coherence analysis showed that this 10 Hz range oscillation of smooth anticipatory movement was not derived from head tremor and that the same oscillation was present in both eyes. This oscillation was not generally observed during smooth tracking of pseudorandom waveforms. Investigation of anticipatory eye movements has revealed a 10-Hz range oscillation or "tremor" superimposed upon smooth movements that might in other circumstances be inhibited by direct visual feedback. This smooth eye movement oscillation is thought to originate from the central nervous system and may reflect a widespread frequency modulation of motor commands.  相似文献   

Visual tracking of moving targets requires the combination of smooth pursuit eye movements with catch-up saccades. In primates, catch-up saccades usually take place only during pursuit initiation because pursuit gain is close to unity. This contrasts with the lower and more variable gain of smooth pursuit in cats, where smooth eye movements are intermingled with catch-up saccades during steady-state pursuit. In this paper, we studied in detail the role of retinal slip in the prediction of target motion during smooth and saccadic pursuit in the cat. We found that the typical pattern of pursuit in the cat was a combination of smooth eye movements with saccades. During smooth pursuit initiation, there was a correlation between peak eye acceleration and target velocity. During pursuit maintenance, eye velocity oscillated at approximately 3 Hz around a steady-state value. The average gain of smooth pursuit was approximately 0.5. Trained cats were able to continue pursuing in the absence of a visible target, suggesting a role of the prediction of future target motion in this species. The analysis of catch-up saccades showed that the smooth-pursuit motor command is added to the saccadic command during catch-up saccades and that both position error and retinal slip are taken into account in their programming. The influence of retinal slip on catch-up saccades showed that prediction about future target motion is used in the programming of catch-up saccades. Altogether, these results suggest that pursuit systems in primates and cats are qualitatively similar, with a lower average gain in the cat and that prediction affects both saccades and smooth eye movements during pursuit.  相似文献   

The contribution of the flocculus region of the cerebellum to horizontal gaze pursuit was studied in squirrel monkeys. When the head was free to move, the monkeys pursued targets with a combination of smooth eye and head movements; with the majority of the gaze velocity produced by smooth tracking head movements. In the accompanying study we reported that the flocculus region was necessary for cancellation of the vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) evoked by passive whole body rotation. The question addressed in this study was whether the flocculus region of the cerebellum also plays a role in canceling the VOR produced by active head movements during gaze pursuit. The firing behavior of 121 Purkinje (Pk) cells that were sensitive to horizontal smooth pursuit eye movements was studied. The sample included 66 eye velocity Pk cells and 55 gaze velocity Pk cells. All of the cells remained sensitive to smooth pursuit eye movements during combined eye and head tracking. Eye velocity Pk cells were insensitive to smooth pursuit head movements. Gaze velocity Pk cells were nearly as sensitive to active smooth pursuit head movements as they were passive whole body rotation; but they were less than half as sensitive ( approximately 43%) to smooth pursuit head movements as they were to smooth pursuit eye movements. Considered as a whole, the Pk cells in the flocculus region of the cerebellar cortex were <20% as sensitive to smooth pursuit head movements as they were to smooth pursuit eye movements, which suggests that this region does not produce signals sufficient to cancel the VOR during smooth head tracking. The comparative effect of injections of muscimol into the flocculus region on smooth pursuit eye and head movements was studied in two monkeys. Muscimol inactivation of the flocculus region profoundly affected smooth pursuit eye movements but had little effect on smooth pursuit head movements or on smooth tracking of visual targets when the head was free to move. We conclude that the signals produced by flocculus region Pk cells are neither necessary nor sufficient to cancel the VOR during gaze pursuit.  相似文献   

Lid-eye coordination during vertical gaze changes in man and monkey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. To investigate the coordination between the upper lid and the eye during vertical gaze changes, the movements of the lid and the eye were measured by the electromagnetic search-coil technique in three humans and two monkeys. 2. In both man and monkey, there was a close correspondence between the metrics of the lid movement and those of the concomitant eye movement during vertical fixation, smooth pursuit, and saccades. 3. During steady fixation, the eye and lid assumed essentially equal average positions; however, in man the lid would often undergo small idiosyncratic movements of up to 5 degrees when the eye was completely stationary. 4. During sinusoidal smooth pursuit between 0.2 and 1.0 Hz, the gain and phase shift of eye and lid movements were remarkably similar. The smaller gain and larger phase lag for downward smooth pursuit eye movements was mirrored in a similar reduced gain and increased phase lag for downward lid movements. 5. The time course of vertical lid movements associated with saccades was generally a faithful replica of the time course of the concomitant saccade; the similarity was especially impressive when the details of the velocity profiles were compared. Consequently, lid movements associated with vertical eye saccades are called lid saccades. 6. On average, lid saccades start some 5 ms later than the concomitant eye saccades but reach peak velocity at about the same time as the eye saccade. Concurrent lid and eye saccades in the downward direction have similar amplitudes and velocities. Lid saccades in the upward direction are often smaller and slower than the concomitant eye saccades. The relation of peak velocity versus amplitude and of duration versus amplitude are similar for lid and eye saccades. 7. To investigate the neural signal responsible for lid saccades, isometric tension and EMG activity were recorded from the lids of the two authors. 8. The isometric tensions during upward lid saccades exceeded the tensions required to hold the lid in its final position.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We investigated the development of oculomotor activity in zebrafish embryos and larvae of ages 48-96 hrs postfertilization (hpf). The optokinetic response (OKR: smooth tracking movements evoked by a rotating striped drum) improved steadily after its onset at 73 hpf, and by 96 hpf had a achieved a gain (eye velocity/drum velocity) of 0.9, comparable to adult performance. Reset movements (the fast phase of optokinetic nystagmus) developed over 75–81 hpf. The vestibuloocular reflex (VOR: compensatory eye movements evoked by passive rotation of the head) developed over 74–81 hpf, and the associated reset movements, over 76–81 hpf. The VOR was qualitatively normal in dark-reared fish, which excludes an essential role for visual experience in its early development. Spontaneous saccadic movements (the fast shift of eye position) appeared between 81 and 96 hpf, and at 96 hpf had maximum velocities that were comparable to adults. These results are compared to, and found to be incompatible with, two earlier ideas of motor development: behavioral “differentiation” and “encephalization.” © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Dev Psychobiol 31: 267–276, 1997  相似文献   

1. Monkeys normally use a combination of smooth head and eye movements to keep the eyes pointed at a slowly moving object. The visual inputs from target motion evoke smooth pursuit eye movements, whereas the vestibular inputs from head motion evoke a vestibuloocular reflex (VOR). Our study asks how the eye movements of pursuit and the VOR interact. Is there a linear addition of independent commands for pursuit and the VOR? Or does the interaction of visual and vestibular stimuli cause momentary, "parametric" modulation of transmission through VOR pathways? 2. We probed for the state of the VOR and pursuit by presenting transient perturbations of target and/or head motion under different steady-state tracking conditions. Tracking conditions included fixation at straight-ahead gaze, in which both the head and the target were stationary; "times-zero (X0) tracking," in which the target and head moved in the same direction at the same speed; and "times-two (X2) tracking," in which the target and head moved in opposite directions at the same speed. 3. Comparison of the eye velocities evoked by changes in the direction of X0 versus X2 tracking revealed two components of the tracking response. The earliest component, which we attribute to the VOR, had a latency of 14 ms and a trajectory that did not depend on initial tracking conditions. The later component had a latency of 70 ms or less and a trajectory that did depend on tracking conditions. 4. To probe the latency of pursuit eye movements, we imposed perturbations of target velocity imposed during X0 and X2 tracking. The resulting changes in eye velocity had latencies of at least 100 ms. We conclude that the effects of initial tracking conditions on eye velocity at latencies of less than 70 ms cannot be caused by visual feedback through the smooth-pursuit system. Instead, there must be another mechanism for short-latency control over the VOR; we call this component of the response "short-latency tracking." 5. Perturbations of head velocity or head and target velocity during X0 and X2 tracking showed that short-latency tracking depended only on the tracking conditions at the time the perturbation was imposed. The VOR appeared to be suppressed when the initial conditions were X0 tracking. 6. The magnitude of short-latency tracking depended on the speed of initial head and target movement. During X0 tracking at 15 deg/s, short-latency tracking was modest. When the initial speed of head and target motion was 60 deg/s, the amplitude of short-latency tracking was quite large and its latency became as short as 36 ms.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Dynamic properties of horizontal vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) and optokinetic response (OKR) were studied in mice. The VOR was examined in the dark (VORD), in the light (VORL) and in the condition in which most of the visual field moves synchronously with the head motion (VORF). A mouse and/or a surrounding screen with vertical stripes was rotated sinusoidally, and the gain and phase of eye movements were measured in wide dynamic stimulation ranges. The working conditions of VOR and OKR were supplementary; OKR worked at low speeds of head turn and VOR at high speeds. Examination of VORL and VORF revealed non-linear interaction of VOR and OKR. The continuous sinusoidal head oscillation coupled with the in-phase or the out-of-phase oscillation of the surrounding screen, decreased or increased the VORD gain, and increased or decreased the VORD phase lead, respectively. Continuous oscillation of the surrounding screen increased the OKR gain and decreased the phase delay. These changes of VOR and OKR work to reduce the retinal slip. The present study provides fundamental information concerning the dynamic properties of VOR and OKR and the nature of their adaptive modifications in mice, which have been extensively used in genetic manipulation recently.  相似文献   

Saccades and pursuit: two outcomes of a single sensorimotor process   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Saccades and smooth pursuit eye movements are two different modes of oculomotor control. Saccades are primarily directed toward stationary targets whereas smooth pursuit is elicited to track moving targets. In recent years, behavioural and neurophysiological data demonstrated that both types of eye movements work in synergy for visual tracking. This suggests that saccades and pursuit are two outcomes of a single sensorimotor process that aims at orienting the visual axis.  相似文献   

Visual tracking of moving objects requires prediction to compensate for visual delays and minimize mismatches between eye and target position and velocity. In everyday life, objects often disappear behind an occluder, and prediction is required to align eye and target at reappearance. Earlier studies investigating eye motion during target blanking showed that eye velocity first decayed after disappearance but was sustained or often recovered in a predictive way. Furthermore, saccades were directed toward the unseen target trajectory and therefore appeared to correct for position errors resulting from eye velocity decay. To investigate the synergy between smooth and saccadic eye movements, this study used a target blanking paradigm where both position and velocity of the target at reappearance could vary independently but were presented repeatedly to facilitate prediction. We found that eye velocity at target reappearance was only influenced by expected target velocity, whereas saccades responded to the expected change of target position at reappearance. Moreover, subjects exhibited on-line adaptation, on a trial-by-trial basis, between smooth and saccadic components; i.e., saccades compensated for variability of smooth eye displacement during the blanking period such that gaze at target reappearance was independent of the level of smooth eye displacement. We suggest these results indicate that information arising from efference copies of saccadic and smooth pursuit systems are combined with the goal of adjusting eye position at target reappearance. Based on prior experimental evidence, we hypothesize that this spatial remapping is carried out through interactions between a number of identified neurophysiological structures.  相似文献   

During visual tracking of a moving stimulus, primates orient their visual axis by combining two very different types of eye movements, smooth pursuit and saccades. The purpose of this paper was to investigate quantitatively the catch-up saccades occurring during sustained pursuit. We used a ramp-step-ramp paradigm to evoke catch-up saccades during sustained pursuit. In general, catch-up saccades followed the unexpected steps in position and velocity of the target. We observed catch-up saccades in the same direction as the smooth eye movement (forward saccades) as well as in the opposite direction (reverse saccades). We made a comparison of the main sequences of forward saccades, reverse saccades, and control saccades made to stationary targets. They were all three significantly different from each other and were fully compatible with the hypothesis that the smooth pursuit component is added to the saccadic component during catch-up saccades. A multiple linear regression analysis was performed on the saccadic component to find the parameters determining the amplitude of catch-up saccades. We found that both position error and retinal slip are taken into account in catch-up saccade programming to predict the future trajectory of the moving target. We also demonstrated that the saccadic system needs a minimum period of approximately 90 ms for taking into account changes in target trajectory. Finally, we reported a saturation (above 15 degrees /s) in the contribution of retinal slip to the amplitude of catch-up saccades.  相似文献   

We studied the effects on smooth pursuit eye movements of ablation of the dorsal cerebellar vermis (lesions centered on lobules VI and VII) in three monkeys in which the cerebellar nuclei were spared. Following the lesion the latencies to pursuit initiation were unchanged. Monkeys showed a small decrease (up to 15%) in gain during triangular-wave tracking. More striking were changes in the dynamic properties of pursuit as determined in the open-loop period (the 1st 100 ms) of smooth tracking. Changes included a decrease in peak eye acceleration (e.g., in one monkey from approximately 650 degrees /s(2), prelesion to approximately 220-380 degrees /s(2), postlesion) and a decrease in the velocity at the end of the open-loop period [e.g., in another monkey from a gain (eye velocity/target velocity at 100 ms of tracking) of 0.93, prelesion to 0.53, postlesion]. In individual monkeys, the pattern of deficits in the open-loop period of pursuit was usually comparable to that of saccades, especially when comparing the changes in the acceleration of pursuit to the changes in the velocity of saccades. These findings support the hypothesis that saccades and the open-loop period of pursuit are controlled by the cerebellar vermis in an analogous way. Saccades could be generated by eye velocity commands to bring the eyes to a certain position and pursuit by eye acceleration commands to bring the eyes toward a certain velocity. On the other hand, changes in gain during triangular-wave tracking did not correlate with either the saccade or the open-loop pursuit deficits, implying different contributions of the oculomotor vermis to the open loop and to the sustained portions of pursuit tracking. Finally, in a pursuit adaptation paradigm (x0.5 or x2, calling for a halving or doubling of eye velocity, respectively) intact animals could adaptively adjust eye acceleration in the open-loop period. The main pattern of change was a decrease in peak acceleration for x0.5 training and an increase in the duration of peak acceleration for x2 training. Following the lesion in the oculomotor vermis, this adaptive capability was impaired. In conclusion, as for saccades, the oculomotor vermis plays a critical role both in the immediate on-line and in the short-term adaptive control of pursuit.  相似文献   

Role of eye movements in the retinal code for a size discrimination task   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concerted action of saccades and fixational eye movements are crucial for seeing stationary objects in the visual world. We studied how these eye movements contribute to retinal coding of visual information using the archer fish as a model system. We quantified the animal's ability to distinguish among objects of different sizes and measured its eye movements. We recorded from populations of retinal ganglion cells with a multielectrode array, while presenting visual stimuli matched to the behavioral task. We found that the beginning of fixation, namely the time immediately after the saccade, provided the most visual information about object size, with fixational eye movements, which consist of tremor and drift in the archer fish, yielding only a minor contribution. A simple decoder that combined information from 15 ganglion cells could account for the behavior. Our results support the view that saccades impose not just difficulties for the visual system, but also an opportunity for the retina to encode high quality "snapshots" of the environment.  相似文献   

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