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Polymorphic light eruption (PLE) is the most common photosensitivity disorder. Typically, PLE manifests in the spring or summer months as a recurrent pruritic papular and/or vesicular eruption occurring on photoexposed skin areas following sun exposure. The milia are caused by proliferative tendencies of the epithelium after injury. These may occur in areas of subepidermal bullous eruption. We report an original case of bullous PLE complicated by milia. Such association has not been reported previously.  相似文献   

Polymorphous light eruption (PMLE) is the most common photodermatosis and is characterized by the development of a pruritic skin eruption within a few hours to days after sun or artificial light exposure. The eruption usually takes up to two weeks to resolve in the absence of further ultraviolet radiation. PMLE has been reported as a side effect of ultraviolet A1 (UVA1) therapy but characteristics of the eruption, especially the duration until resolution after treatment, has not been described. A 37‐year‐old female developed an unusually persistent PMLE that lasted for 5 weeks after completion of UVA1 phototherapy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Diagnosis of polymorphic light eruption (PLE) is based on the patient's history, the morphology of the lesions and the results of phototesting. Skin lesions of PLE can be provoked by repetitive UVB or UVA irradiation. However, about 20% of the patients with PLE have negative phototests. As 24% of the patients with PLE go into remission, it was of interest to search for a link between the results of the phototests and the evolution of the photodermatosis. METHODS: Forty patients with PLE were recruited and repetitive phototests were performed. To ensure a good reproducibility of the phototests, one to three phototests were performed on each patient at different stages of the disease including the period when the PLE had gone into remission. RESULTS: Except for one patient, there was a good reproducibility of the repetitive polychromatic phototests: in each patient, the tests remained positive or negative throughout the disease. After long-term follow-up, two different subgroups were identified: 30 patients with active PLE and 10 patients in remission. There were no clinical differences between these two groups apart from the age of onset and the clinical lesions of the PLE. PLE began at an earlier age in the patients in remission and presented mainly with a plaque-type eruption. In total, 52.5% of the patients had at least one positive polychromatic phototest. Phototests were positive only in patients with active disease. All the patients in remission had negative phototests. CONCLUSIONS: Repetitive phototests could be a prognostic marker for PLE. Two subtypes of PLE were identified on the basis of phototest results: the benign form of PLE with negative phototests, which tends to go into remission, and the more severe and more chronic PLE, with positive phototests.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous studies have shown elevated titres of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) in 2.9-19% of patients with polymorphic light eruption (PLE). A diagnosis of lupus erythematosus (LE) was finally established in some of these ANA-positive patients. OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether the presence of ANA in patients with PLE merely represents an epiphenomenon or is associated with an increased risk of eventual progression to LE. METHODS: We identified 472 patients with PLE who had received prophylactic photo(chemo)therapy between 1986 and 2003 and were routinely tested for the presence of ANA. All ANA-positive (ANA titre of>or=1:80) patients were asked to attend for a follow-up examination comprising a medical history, complete skin inspection and a detailed laboratory analysis including ANA and antibodies against extractable nuclear antigens. RESULTS: Of all the patients, 55 (11.7%) were found to be ANA positive on one or several occasions, and three (0.6%) also had antibodies to SS-A/Ro. Thirty-nine (71%) of all ANA-positive patients including all Ro+ subjects were available for follow-up after a median follow-up period of 8 years (interquartile range 5-11.5). Twenty-five patients showed persistence of ANA positivity with a median titre of 1:160 (range 1:80-1:640), whereas in 14 patients ANA titres had returned to normal levels. None of the patients revealed additional clinical, histopathological or laboratory abnormalities suggestive of LE. CONCLUSIONS: After a median follow-up period of 8 years none of the ANA-positive patients developed LE. Our findings indicate that PLE is a benign disease without tendency to progress to LE.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Polymorphic light eruption (PLE) is a common photodermatosis of potential autoimmune origin, and an overlap with lupus erythematosus (LE) has been described. Plasmacytoid dendritic cell (PDC)-induced expression of interferon (IFN)-alpha has been found to be present in LE skin lesions and plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of LE by promoting autoimmunity. We therefore asked whether PDCs may also be involved in the pathogenesis of PLE and searched for those cells [which can be identified by their high levels of interleukin (IL)-3 receptor alpha chain (CD123), combined with other cell markers such as CD68] in skin lesions. METHODS: Paraffin-embedded biopsy specimens from a total of 27 patients with clinically and histologically confirmed PLE (nine women, mean age 32.7 years, age range 18-43), LE (seven women, four men, CCLE: n=4, SCLE: n=2, lupus tumidus: n=5, mean age 48.5 years, age range 41-65) or psoriasis (four women, three men, mean age 43.3 years, age range 19-54) (as control group) were analyzed by immunohistochemical CD68/CD123 double staining. Quantification of the immunohistochemical staining was performed by visual cell counting of CD68-/CD123+, CD68+/123-, and CD68+/CD123+ cells separately in the epidermis and dermis of the samples in at least 10 random fields per sample at x 400 microscopic magnification by two of the investigators in a blinded fashion. RESULTS: Microscopic examination of the immunohistochemically stained sections revealed that CD68+/CD123+ cells were present in most specimens obtained from LE [10/11 (91%)] and psoriasis [6/7 (86%)] patients but not at all in those obtained from PLE patients. Quantification and statistical analysis of the dermal infiltrate revealed that CD68+/CD123+ cells were present at a mean+/-SEM field density of 5.6+/-1.3 in LE, 1.6+/-0.6 in psoriasis but totally absent in PLE (P=0.0010 vs. LE, P=0.0135 vs. psoriasis by an unpaired Student's t-test). CONCLUSION: The results confirm the potential significance of PDCs in LE and psoriasis, however the absence of PDCs in PLE contradicts the hypothesis that these cells might play a role in the latter disease.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Provocation testing is frequently performed during investigation of patients with suspected polymorphic light eruption (PLE). Techniques are not standardized between centres. OBJECTIVES: We sought to evaluate the efficacy of different fluorescent ultraviolet (UV) radiation lamps for provocation testing in PLE. METHODS: We analysed results in 68 patients referred consecutively for phototesting in whom a diagnosis of PLE seemed likely based on clinical history. Patients' case notes were reviewed and responses recorded to provocation testing on forearm skin over three consecutive days using broadband UVA, narrowband and broadband UVB lamps. RESULTS: A positive papular response to broadband UVA exposure was seen in 38 patients [56%, estimated 95% population confidence interval (CI) 43-67.9]. Thirty-four patients (50%) had a positive papular response to narrowband UVB exposure (95% CI 37.6-62.4). The probability of a positive provocation test following irradiation with both lamps was 80.9% (95% CI 69.5-89.4). From April 1999, 34 patients also had provocation testing with broadband UVB. Although six patients (18%) had a positive papular response, they all showed a positive response to one or both of the other lamp types. CONCLUSIONS: Provocation testing with fluorescent UVA and UVB lamps is a cheap and readily available method that can be used as a diagnostic aid to investigate patients with suspected PLE. Using both broadband UVA and narrowband UVB lamps for testing increases the likelihood of confirming the diagnosis than if either lamp is used alone.  相似文献   

We report a 35-year-old caucasian female with a history of polymorphic light eruption (PLE) who, after the outbreak of pruritic papules following the first sun exposure of the year, developed target lesions in two different bouts, the first on sun-exposed skin and the second on sun-protected sites. A diagnosis of erythema multiforme (EM) developing as a result of PLE was made. As far as we were able to search in the literature, EM occurring in two bouts has not been described previously. We discuss the differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of polymorphic light eruption (PLE) has been linked to a lack of UV‐induced immune suppression. To determine the role of Langerhans cells (LC), mast cells and regulatory T cells, biopsies from PLE patients were taken from exposed sites in spring before and after photohardening with 311 nm or PUVA as well as again in summer. Skin sections were assessed for the presence of Langerin/CD1a+ LC and CD3+, CD4+, CD25+ or FoxP3+ T cells and mast cells. Photohardening transiently decreased the density of epidermal LC and significantly increased a low baseline mast cell density in the papillary dermis of PLE patients. Baseline T cell numbers in the skin were low, and there was no difference in PLE patients among any time point. This suggests that LC suppression together with recruitment of mast cells into photohardened skin may be a key cellular event underlying the mechanism by which phototherapy protects from PLE.  相似文献   

A failure to induce immune suppression after UV exposure has been implicated in the pathogenesis of polymorphic light eruption (PLE). This immunological resistance has been linked to an impaired neutrophil infiltration into the skin following UV exposure. Therapeutic photohardening can restore this abnormal neutrophil infiltration in PLE skin and is thought to be responsible for the prophylactic efficacy. The aim of this study was to elucidate the pathogenic mechanism of the described neutrophil deficiency in PLE. Peripheral blood neutrophil responses to the chemoattractants leukotriene B4 (LTB(4)) and formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanin (fMLP) were investigated in vitro. Samples from 10 patients with PLE before and after 6 weeks of photohardening therapy were assessed. Flow cytometry was used to measure the changes associated with neutrophil activation. We found a significantly reduced neutrophil responsiveness to LTB(4) and fMLP in PLE patients, which was restored to normal levels after phototherapy. Indeed, PLE neutrophil responsiveness to these two chemoattractants after (but not before) phototherapy was similar to that of age- and sex-matched healthy control subjects. This indicates that an abnormal chemotactic potential to neutrophils is a crucial factor in the pathogenesis of PLE. Normalization following photohardening may therefore account for the therapeutic efficacy by restoring UV-induced neutrophil skin infiltration. Our results reveal a completely novel pathogenic mechanism involved in PLE and offer unique targets for therapy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Ultraviolet (UV) B hardening has been widely used as a prophylactic treatment in patients with polymorphic light eruption (PLE). Recent investigations have shown that in patients with PLE Langerhans cells (LCs) and neutrophils display less migration from and to the epidermis after an intense UVB irradiation compared with controls. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effect of UVB hardening of patients with PLE on their cell migratory responses after intense UVB exposure. METHODS: Thirteen patients with PLE were recruited and UVB provocation testing was performed before entering the study. Among these patients, seven developed PLE rash upon UVB provocation ('UVB-P') and the other six did not respond ('UVB-NP'). Eleven age/sex-matched controls were included. Buttock skin of all included individuals was exposed to 6 minimal erythema doses (MED) of UVB (TL-12 lamps). Biopsies were taken after 24 h and 48 h, together with one control biopsy of unirradiated skin. Patients received total-body UVB hardening therapy consisting of 12 irradiations, on average rising from 10% to 140% of the initial MED in 6 weeks. Subsequently, MEDs were reassessed and biopsies were taken from newly irradiated (6 MED UVB) and unirradiated buttock skin. Skin sections were stained for the presence of LCs, macrophages and neutrophils. The cross-sectional area (in percentage) of positively stained cells within the epidermis was assessed from patients before and after hardening and compared with controls. RESULTS: Before therapy, epidermal LC depletion and neutrophil influx at 48 h after 6 MED were most significantly reduced in 'UVB-P' patients (P = 0.025 and P =0.006, respectively) when compared with controls. 'UVB-NP' patients did not differ significantly from controls. After therapy, there were no longer any significant differences in the cell numbers among these three groups. CONCLUSIONS: UVB hardening significantly improves UV-induced cell migratory responses in patients with PLE. UVB provokability of PLE appears to be most strongly linked to reduced UVB-induced trafficking of LCs and neutrophils, and 'UVB-P' patients show normalization of these responses after UVB hardening.  相似文献   

New research indicates that polymorphic light eruption (PLE) is an autoimmune disease against an ultraviolet radiation-induced cutaneous antigen. PLE may even confer some protection against skin cancer later in life. This new information demands a reassessment of the precise nature and nomenclature of PLE. Benign summer light eruption (BSLE) (lucite estivale bénigne) is the name used in continental Europe, and particularly France, to describe a clinically short-lived, itchy, papular eruption particularly affecting young women after several hours of sunbathing at the beginning of summer or on sunny vacations. Clinically more prolonged forms of solar eruption, starting early in spring and persisting for long periods, have been known in France as polymorphic light eruption (PLE) (lucite polymorphe) ('European PLE'). Investigative studies, however, now suggest that BSLE and some cases of 'European PLE' are part of the same spectrum. In the Anglo-Saxon literature, they are lumped together as PLE ('Anglo-Saxon PLE'). The other cases of 'European PLE', which do not fall within the compass of 'Anglo-Saxon PLE', are, in the Anglo-Saxon literature, classified as either actinic prurigo (AP) (a genetically determined, prolonged, excoriated form of Anglo-Saxon PLE), or chronic actinic dermatitis (CAD) (a sunlight-induced eczema precisely resembling allergic contact dermatitis, apparently to an ultraviolet radiation-induced antigen). It is therefore proposed that: i. the European term BSLE be dropped and that these patients be reclassified within the spectrum of (Anglo-Saxon) PLE, ii. the European use of the term PLE ('European PLE') be discontinued, iii. those previously diagnosed as having 'European PLE' be reclassified as (Anglo-Saxon) PLE, AP or CAD, as appropriate. The benefits of such a change in nomenclature would be twofold, firstly a uniformity of terminology and secondly, and more importantly, terminology would then correlate better with our recently improved understanding of the pathogenesis of these disorders.  相似文献   

Polymorphic light eruption is a common photosensitivity disorder of unknown aetiology, that usually presents in the spring or summer months as an intermittent non-scarring, itchy erythematous, papulo-vesicular eruption. We present two cases of haemorrhagic polymorphic light eruption, a rare variant of this condition of which there are no case reports in the literature.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The severity of polymorphic light eruption (PLE) is highly variable. The results of studies of the prevalence, pathogenesis, provocation and treatment of PLE may be highly dependent on the severity of disease in the patients studied. OBJECTIVES: To produce a simple, valid and reproducible method to assess the severity of PLE. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eighty patients were asked about the PLE they had experienced during the preceding 12 months, using a standardized interview comprising 16 questions. The answer to each question received a score. A PLE Severity Index (PLESI) was formulated, consisting of 10 questions, with a possible total score of 2-100. The internal consistency of the PLESI (the extent to which the responses to different questions correlated with each other) was assessed by reliability analysis, using Cronbach's method. Twenty patients were re-interviewed 7-27 days later to assess the repeatability of the PLESI. The ease of provocation of PLE by exposure at 24-h intervals to solar-simulated radiation was assessed on a five-point scale in nine of the 80 subjects (the EOPSSR score). RESULTS: The value of Cronbach's alpha for the PLESI was 0.77. The distribution of the PLESI was consistent with a normal distribution, with a mean value of 52.7 and standard deviation of 19.4. It had a coefficient of repeatability of 20.1. The PLESI was positively correlated with EOPSSR (rs =0.69, P = 0.039) and the number of years since onset of PLE (rs = 0.25, P = 0.03). There was no association between the PLESI and the duration of persistence of the eruption after ceasing sun exposure (rs = 0.12, P = 0.30), the development of tolerance as summer progressed (rs = -0.14, P = 0.39), gender (P = 0.50) or skin type (P = 0.87). CONCLUSIONS: This study has (i) validated the concept that a single score can reflect disease severity in PLE by showing that the principal characteristics of the condition, including, for example, the extent of anatomical distribution and the ease of provocation of the eruption, correlate with each other; (ii) formulated the PLESI, which is a simple, valid and reproducible way of assessing disease severity; we suggest it could be used worldwide to determine the severity of PLE among patients enrolled in future PLE research; (iii) shown that the ease with which the eruption is provoked by solar-simulated radiation correlates with the severity of the condition; and (iv) shown that the duration of persistence of the eruption after sun exposure does not correlate with the severity of the condition.  相似文献   

Polymorphic light eruption (PLE) is a highly prevalent photosensitivity disorder, estimated to affect 11-21% people in temperate countries. Typically, PLE appears as a recurrent pruritic eruption comprising papules and/or vesicles and/or plaques, which occurs on photo-exposed skin sites following sun exposure, and which heals without scarring. Commoner in females, the aetiology is uncertain, although there is evidence of an immune basis. We perform a review of the prophylaxis and treatment of this condition. While sun protection, corticosteroids and desensitization phototherapy are the mainstays of management, a range of anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory agents are reported.  相似文献   

Actinic prurigo (AP) and polymorphic light eruption (PLE) both belong to the group of idiopathic photodermatoses, but it remains controversial whether AP is a distinct photodermatosis or a variant of PLE. The aim of this study, by collecting data from 119 patients with features of these disorders, was to establish whether specific criteria could be used to distinguish AP from PLE prospectively. We found that presence of the eruption on both exposed and covered sites, its occurrence in winter, persistence of lesions beyond 4 weeks, mucosal and conjunctival involvement, excoriation and scarring of the skin were important features of AP which were not typical of PLE. On this basis, confident clinical diagnoses could be reached in 103 of 119 patients (87%), 57 with AP and 46 with PLE, supported by phototesting and negative lupus serology. HLA typing subsequently confirmed the strong association (90%) between AP and the DR4 allele, in particular with the rare subtype DRB1*0407 which was present in 60% of these patients. No HLA association was found in PLE. In the 16 remaining cases, however, clinical overlap meant that no definite diagnosis could be made; these patients were notionally described as having persistent PLE (PPLE). Demographic and HLA data in this group suggested that PPLE was perhaps most appropriately grouped with PLE. In addition to those patients who were difficult to classify, 35% of our typical AP patients also described clinical progression from PLE to AP, AP to PLE or coexistence of both AP and PLE. In conclusion, our study suggests that while AP and PLE are clinically distinct conditions in most cases, they may perhaps share a common pathophysiological basis. The AP phenotype may be determined by HLA and perhaps other factors in patients otherwise predisposed to PLE.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Polymorphic light eruption (PLE) is the most common so-called idiopathic photosensitivity disorder and affects up to 15% of the population in the U.K.; brief courses of systemic steroids have been tried and anecdotally have apparently been dramatically effective in the treatment of acute attacks. OBJECTIVES: To assess the efficacy and safety of a short course of moderate-dose oral prednisolone used from the earliest onset of the eruption in the treatment of PLE. METHODS: The study was double-blind placebo-controlled, all patients being given both prednisolone and placebo, but randomized to take either one or the other from the earliest sign of onset of rash; if within 48 h there was no improvement, they transferred to the other medication. Each participant also applied a broad-spectrum, highly protective sunscreen 2-hourly during sun exposure, continued his or her usual degree of exposure after any development of PLE, and kept a diary noting details of the eruption, amount of exposure, weather conditions and any adverse events. Statistical analysis was performed by means of the non-parametric log rank test based on Kaplan-Meier plots and bootstrapped confidence intervals (CIs) for the means, using the time in days for the itch and rash to clear as the end-points. RESULTS: Twenty-one patients entered the study but only 10 required medication. Eight who took prednisolone first and remained on it or transferred to it from placebo all improved, with the itch settling fully within a mean 2.8 days of starting the prednisolone and the rash clearing by 4.2. In the two who took placebo first and remained on it, the itch took a mean 5.4 days to settle and the rash a mean 7.8. No patient who started with prednisolone changed to placebo. Thus, the prednisolone as randomized was better than placebo at settling both the itch (mean 2. 6 days less, CI 0.7-4.0, P = 0.015) and rash (mean 3.6 days less, CI 0.6-6.1, P = 0.036); only one patient experienced mild adverse effects of transient gastrointestinal upset and depressed mood. CONCLUSIONS: The acute eruption of PLE is likely to respond rapidly to short courses of prednisolone therapy given from the earliest onset of the condition, and the treatment is safe.  相似文献   

We report the case of a young woman with a single history of benign summer light eruption (BSLE) who developed delayed onset annular lupus-like lesions triggered by a polychromatic phototest, 6 weeks after the irradiation. BSLE of French authors is an idiopathic photodermatosis that corresponds to the minor form of polymorphic light eruption (PLE) of Anglo-Saxon authors. This patient may develop a true lupus erythematosus in the future as indicated by this lupus-like phototriggering and in view of the high prevalence of PLE in lupus patients.  相似文献   

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